Ewm Interview Q A Xhznso
Ewm Interview Q A Xhznso
Ewm Interview Q A Xhznso
SAP EWM is an Extended Warehouse Management of SAP AG’s Supply Chain Management room of
solutions. An integrated software platform is provided by the Extended Warehouse Management
Product for flexible, automated aid for processing goods movements and inventory management in
the warehouse.
In EWM the physical location of the storage area is represented by the storage bins wherein the
products are stored in Warehouse. Storage Bins are at the lowest stage of organization structure and
you have to mention its exact place when you keep an object in a Warehouse.
3) Enlist different warehouse process types available in the SAP EWM system?
The different types of warehouse process in SAP EWM system are given below:
• Stock Removal.
• Putaway.
• Internal Movement.
• Physical inventory.
• Goods receipt posting.
• Cross Line putaway.
• Goods issue posting.
Rf In SAP EWM stands for Radiofrequency mobile data entry that allows real-time communication
between EWM system and warehouse employees.
To connect to the SAP system, the Rf framework supports both GUI and browser-based devices.
Screen templates can be created and merged with a so-called display profile. The presentation device
is assigned to the display profile.
5) What is the pick pack and pass of goods in the EWM system?
This helps with the activities like picking of goods, then packing them and transporting them in a
warehouse. Also, they can be used in the RF environment and works with the same process as it
works in the standard RF process. This process of picking, packing, and transportation of goods
continues to move from one activity area to another till it reaches the destination point in the system.
6) Describe Value-added services in Warehouses Management.
The product processing to be done in Warehouse are defined by Value-added services and it
constitutes activities like labeling, assembling, packing, etc.
Expected good receipts are used to create inbound deliveries. In EWM, machine creating goods
receipts without an inbound is also possible.
• This happens in the EWM machine only. You could still execute an anticipated goods receipt if your
ERP is down in EWM.
• In production order an expected goods receipt is totally based on statistics so it could be used as a
preview of goods receipts.
• This system calls for Notification Expected goods Receipt and Expected items receipts as the two files
to use in EWM gadget.
The Warehouse number is the highest unit in a Warehouse and a storage bin is the smallest unit.
The storage location is determined when the system creates the outbound delivery and copies it into
the delivery item. The storage location that is entered in the item is entered the outbound delivery.
10) What do you mean by storage control and what are its kinds?
The product actions are decided by storage control in a warehouse. It is used for stocking removal
systems and executing put away in the warehouse.
• Layout oriented
• Process-oriented
11) How can I add a system later in case the system ID of my production system is
You will be required to create a new data set in your development system in case you want to add
another system (test or production). In step 'Use Cases' in the implementation Tool for System
Connection the user needs to select the 'Maintain the system Landscape'. The data will be proposed
by the system for a current client. The data is not required to be changed. A system connection can
be added to the new system.
The systems which have already been maintained can also be added, as per your wish, but it is not
mandatory. The system tool for warehouse connection can be again started and a new data set can
be subsequently created which contains one more logical system. In case you have already changed
the settings for the standard warehouse you need to select 'Implement your own warehouse' in step
‘Use case’.
In the warehouse, the work center is used as the storage type and it also acts as a unit to perform
packing, deconsolidation and weighing activities. It performs certain roles like- pick a point or pick
point identification. It also helps in the quality check.
• System Driven: Here the sequence of the warehouse orders, is all dependent on the sort of sequence.
And this assigned sequence can be configured and later the system itself drives the option and arrange
the sequence for joining the activity areas.
• User-Driven: Here the sequence is maintained manually. This also means that it can also be done by
the material flow system (MFS).
14) What do you understand by the denial scenario in the outbound delivery system?
When the warehouse task cannot meet the quantity as much as it is requested then the outbound
delivery request system is configured in such a way that it can raise a pick denial. And in case of
stock discrepancy which is picked by the employee, another stock is not available and if available it is
available in a small quantity in the warehouse as per the outbound delivery, then also we can
configure the system.
15) How do we check the various menu structure of the extended warehouse
management system?
To check the various menu structure of the extended warehouse management system first, we need
to login to the SCM system and then we need to navigate to extended warehouse management mode
in the SAP menu.
To manage basic functions in the warehouse management we need to use the various transactions:
16) What should be kept in mind, while working with serial numbers in EWM?
In EWM if the product you are using requires a serial number, then the quantity role SN (number of
serial numbers) should be activated. Elsewhen you are adjusting the delivery quantity, errors may take
place. An item type that is ideal for products can be utilized with serial number requirement which is
meant for all products.
Once your client is set up in a manner that you have to record customizing changes then a
customizing request for the data itself is required and during activation for customizing. In the first
screen of the guided activity, you need to enter the transport request for the data set. For customizing
it, you would be prompted by the system to enter the transport request and before the activation, it
gets generated. You can here make use of the same transport request. A workbench request has to
be entered on the activation screen for these settings once the cross-client settings are created by
the implementation tool.
18) While the system displays confirmation, why the delivery does not always get
In the overview of the goods movement, the delivery numbers in Transaction C014 can be displayed.
This is, however, possible only if the goods movements for these deliveries have not been posted by
the EVM system yet. It is suggested that you may use transaction VL06 (Delivery Monitor) if you wish
to display any additional information.
19) To create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a warehouse number,
what are the Transactions available?
LT01 & LT10 are two transactions are available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks
within a warehouse number:
Outbound delivery plant defined in Customer material information master record, outbound
delivery plant defined in ship-to party master record, outbound delivery plant defined in material
2. What happens when no storage location for picking is specified in the ordered
a) The system determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it
into the delivery item.
b) The storage location entered in the ordered item is used in the outbound delivery
3. What is the goods movement status of the outbound delivery after a goods
issue has been cancelled?
4. You must always specify a batch before goods are issued. What is the solution
if the delivery quantities of an item are to be taken from different batches?
a) In Warehouse Management
b) manually in the batch split screen of the delivery item
c) Using automatic batch determination when creating the outbound delivery
5. What is the requirement for the Purchase order items that are included when
the inbound delivery is created?
Interim storage area The interim storage area plays a special role and can be generally be recognized
at first glance in the standard system by their key (which starts with a 9). These storage areas form a
sort of bridge to Inventory Management. Good receipt area and goods issue area are typical
examples of interim storage areas.
7. Where can we find the exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the
Storage bins In Warehouse Management, Storage bins are master data created either from the
application menu or in Customizing. Based on this master data, the stock overview in Warehouse
Management shows the exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the warehouse.
8. Some kinds of material; for example, certain fluids are not suited to interim
storage in a goods receipt area. They are taken directly to the destination
storage bin when they arrive (for example, in a road tanker). In this case, the
receipt of the goods posting in the Inventory Management should not trigger
the creation of transfer requirement. How can we set this?
a) Transaction LT0G
b) You can return an entire delivery quantity to storage
c) You can return the quantity from individual transfer order items
10. What are the transactions available to create a transfer order for moving
partial stocks within a warehouse number?
a) LT01
b) LT10
Two transactions are available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a
warehouse number:
1. Create Transfer Order without Source Object (transaction code LT01)
2. Create Transfer Order from Stock List (transaction code LT10)
Q-1) In case the system ID of my production system is unknown then how can
I add a system later?
In case you want to add another system (test or production), the you will be required to
create a new data set in your development system. The user needs to select the
'Maintain the system landscape' in step 'Use Cases' in the Implementation Tool for
System Connection. The system will then propose the data for the current client. You are
not required to change those data. You can then add a system connection for the new
system. You may also add all other systems which have already been maintained, incase
you wish to, but it is not a mandate.
You can start the system tool for warehouse connection again and subsequently create a
new data set which contains one more logical system. You will be required to select
'Implement your own warehouse' in step 'Use case', in case you have already changed
the settings for the standard warehouse.
When your client has been set up in such a manner for recording customizing changes,
then you require a customizing request for the data set itself and for the customizing
that, during activation, the implementation tool creates. You will be required to enter the
transport request for the data set in the first screen of the guided activity. The system
prompts you to enter the transport request for the customizing it then it generates
before the activation. The same transport request can be utilized.
You would need to enter a workbench request for these settings on the activation
screen, once the implementation tool creates cross-client settings.
Q-3) Do I have to assign the business characteristic INV to the SCU of the plant
I want to use and then assign it to EWM?
In case you plan to assign multiple plants to an EWM warehouse number, the following
alternatives are available for you:
The can utilize the SCU of a plant as the central SCU for the warehouse number. In this
case, the user can proceed as described in the integration guide.
The user can create an SCU for the warehouse number manually in EWM. For doing so,
in the application menu, select the extended Warehouse Management > Master Data >
Maintain Supply Chain Unit (transaction /SCMB/SCUMAIN). User enters a location type
(for instance, 1008 warehouse) and choose 'Create'. Enters a description along with the
address data. On the 'Business Characteristics' tab, create an entry with the
characteristic 'INV'. Save the SCU.
Note: that you must always create the SCU hierarchy for this SCU. The user assigns the
warehouse number to this SCU in a subsequent step of the integration guide.
Q-4) Why does the system does not always display the delivery, when
displaying the confirmation?
The delivery numbers in transaction CO14 in the overview of the goods movements can
be displayed. However, this is only possible only if the EWM system has not posted any
goods movements for these deliveries yet. In case you want to display additional
information for the deliveries, the it suggested that you use transaction VL06 (Delivery
Q-5) The system issues error message /SPE/MAN 022 ("Postreading of BOM is
not permitted; PRM exists for order &1"), when I try to postread the master
data? How can I still continue to postread the master data inspite of all this ?
The user can use transaction SM30 to set message /SPE/MAN 022 as a warning in the
table T160M. IMPORTANT: This should only be done if you can ensure that the
connected EWM is informed that the existing PMR is not valid. This update is performed
automatically by the system.
For instance, the system could release the order immediately after post reading the
master data and subsequently trigger the WM staging. In this aspect, the EWM receives
all the present information related to this order.
As per Release 5.1, SAP Customizing lists a report for verifying the consistency of the
document/item types from a technical and a business view. This report is made available
under "Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Delivery
Processing -> Check of Customizing for Delivery Processing
Q-7) What all should be kept in mind, when working with serial numbers?
If you are using products with serial number requirement, then the quantity role SN
(number of serial numbers) are required to be active. Else the errors may take place
when you are adjusting the delivery quantity. You can also utilize an Item type which is
ideal for products with serial number requirement meant for all products.
Q1) Explain about SAP (EWM) Extended Warehouse Management?
Ans: SAP EWM is utilized to effectively oversee stock in Warehouse and for supporting the
handling of products development. It permits organizations to control their Warehouse
inbound and outbound cycles and development of products in Warehouse.
The primary cycle in a Warehouse is approaching the active materials, merchandise receipt
and products issue, satisfying client requests, and dispersion of products. At the point
when an organization doesn't store any products, at that point, there is no need for the
Warehouse board to oversee merchandise.
The inbound cycle includes the capacity of products in the distribution centre, and their
area and Outbound cycle has to get the merchandise. At whatever point material is put
away in a distribution center, it is put away in a canister, and you can locate its present
Q2) Explain how SAP EWM is different from SAP warehouse management?
Ans: SAP Extended Warehouse Management and Warehouse Management System are
chunks of the SAP supply chain. But SAP EWM provides advanced and more robust
features to handle the activities of the warehouse.
SAP EWM has advanced features including RF framework, put away, warehouse structure,
picking and many more robust features to handle the functions of the warehouse.
In SAP EWM, you can create new components like labour management, resources, work
centres, and activity areas which were not included in SAP WM. And also, SAP EWM
supplies more vigorous solutions to handle the warehouse functions in a firm.
Q3) List out the key features of SAP Warehouse Management?
• Utilizing SAP EWM, you can control stockroom exercises picking, posting and
overseeing stockpiling receptacle and significant receipts.
• You can set caution for-changed information before merchandise receipt from EWM
to the ERP framework, inversion or remedy of the receipt of the products to the ERP
framework and an inbound conveyance split from EWM to the ERP framework.
• You can perform deconsolidation of dealing with units containing various items
before set aside across multiple capacity segments.
• You can decide capacity ideas utilizing opening for items and advance the game
plan of the merchandise distribution centre consequently.
• It permits you to perform executable tasks like workloads, consisting of warehouse
tasks warehouse employees should act as part of warehouse management actions.
• It permits you to oversee track vehicles and transportation units from yard
registration to yard checkout, including developments' errands inside the yard.
• SAP EWM additionally incorporates capacity and treatment of unsafe substances
and their transportation as per guidelines from SAP Environmental Health and Safety
• In SAP EWM, you can likewise design work times and assets all the more
successfully. Subsequently, you can make your Warehouse proficient by overseeing
distinct advantages of the executives' assignments viably.
• In SAP EWM, you can utilize the Warehouse cockpit that permits you to show
distribution centre key figures graphically and to assess or screen exercises using
characterized diagram types.
• You can use cross-docking that permits you to perform transportation of dealing
with units across various circulation places or stockrooms till they arrive at a definite
area in the Warehouse.
Ans: Following are the two different deployment options of SAP EWM:
• SAP SCM: SAP EWM is countered as a distinct application and shares the same SCM
application server. To improve the SAP EWM application performance, you can use
the SCM environment.
• SAP ERP: SAP EWM is interspersed with ERP to retrieve the master data &
transactions to utilize the features of ERP including slotting, availability check which
integrates with the CRM.
Q5) Explain about the storage bin in EWM?
Ans: In EWM, storage bins depict the physical location of storehouse space where the
products are reserved in the warehouse. Storage bins are the most despicable level of the
organization structure, and you need to mention the exact location of the product when
you are storing it in the warehouse.
SAP EWM Technical Interview Question
Ans: Following are the various warehouse process types that are available in the SAP SWM
• Stock Removal
• Putaway
• Internal Movement
• Goods receipt posting
• Goods issue posting
• Physical inventory
• Cross Line putaway
Ans: In SAP EWM system, RF means Radio Frequency Mobile Data Entry which permits the
real-time utterance between EWM system and warehouse employees. The RF framework
supports GUI and browser-based devices which are associated with the SAP system.
Q9) List out various RF framework warehouse functionalities that are available in SAP EWM?
Ans: Following are the various RF framework warehouse functionalities that are available
• Loading
• Unloading
• Deconsolidation
• Put away
• Picking
• Packing
• Replenishment
• Physical inventory
Q10) List out various function keys that are available in RF Framework?
Ans: In RF framework, there are multiple functions which can be triggered through the
function keys, few of them are mentioned below:
Q11) What are the lowest unit and highest unit in the warehouse structure?
Ans: In the warehouse structure, the lowest unit is a storage bin, and the highest unit is a
warehouse number.
Ans: Storage control is used to regulate the component movements in the warehouse,
and also it is used to execute the stock removal process and put away in the warehouse.
• Process Oriented
• Layout Oriented
Ans: A work centre is a warehouse which is assigned to a physical unit and storage type to
perform deconsolidation and packing. And these storage types are assigned to the work
center role to identify the pick point of the warehouse.
Q15) Where do you utilize the Work Centers in Warehouse processes?
Ans: Following are the few work centres that are used in warehouse processes:
• Packing
• Deconsolidation
• Counting
• Quality check
Q16) Explain how you can create a work centre for packing in the SAP EWM system?
Ans: The following information is needed to create a work centre for packing:
• Work centre
• Storage type
• Inbound section
• Outbound section
Ans: Following are the different types of warehouse processes in SAP EWM system:
• Stock Removal
• Putaway
• Internal Movement
• Goods receipt posting
• Goods issue posting
• Physical inventory
• Cross Line putaway
Ans: Value Added Services characterizes product handling to be acted in a warehouse and
incorporates activities such as assembling, packing, labelling, etc.
• Order Header
• VAS activities to be performed
• Items
• Auxiliary products (Packing material, labels, oil, etc.)
Q20) How do you perform direct goods issues in SAP EWM system?
Ans: In the EWM system, the goods issue process starts with the outbound delivery
request. At that point, when an outbound conveyance record is made, this cycle begins in
the ERP framework. For things that are significant in EWM, conveyance report is recreated
in SAP EWM framework.
Ans: Stock Removal strategy is a process of establishing storage bins for more than one
product. And also you can customize the stock removal strategy rules for SCM in the
Extended Warehouse management system.
Q22) What is meant by pick, pack and pass goods in the EWM system?
Ans: This is used for packing, transporting, picking and managing the goods in the activity
areas of the warehouse. In the pack, pass, and determine goods are moved from the
activity area to activity area, i.e. it arrives till it reaches the destination point in the
warehouse system.
Q23) Differentiate the difference between system controlled and user-controlled pick, pack and
pass of goods?
• System-Driven: For the System driven choice, the grouping of the warehouse
orders is determined according to assigned sorted sequences in the configuration
settings to join the activity areas.
• User-Driven: For the User-driven, the sequence is physically decided during the
execution, which implies it should be done in the material stream framework (MFS).
Q26) What do you mean by the outbound delivery system's denial scenario?
Ans: Once the warehouse challenge is unable to meet the amount requested, the
outbound distribution request system was designed to issue a pick denial. In the event of
a stock discrepancy that is picked by the employee, another stock is not available, and if
available, it is available in a limited quantity in the warehouse as per the outbound
delivery, we can also configure the system.
Q27) What do you mean by serial numbers in EWM?
Ans: If the product you're using requires a serial number, the quantity role SN (number of
serial numbers) in EWM should be enabled. Otherwise, errors may occur when adjusting
the delivery quantity. A product-specific item type can be used with a serial number
requirement that applies to all products.
Q28) Why is it necessary to submit more than one transportation request at times?
Ans: Once your client is configured in such a way that you must record customising
changes, a customising request for the data itself, as well as during activation for
customising, is required. You must enter the transport request for the data set on the first
screen of the guided activity. To customise it, the system will prompt you to enter the
transport request, which will be generated before activation. Users could use the same
transport request here. Once the cross-client settings are formed by the assistance
provided, a workbench request must be decided to enter on the initiation screen for these
Q29) Why isn't the delivery always displayed when the system displays
Ans: The delivery numbers in Transaction C014 can be seen in the goods movement
overview. This is only possible if the EVM system has not yet posted the goods movements
for these deliveries. If you want to display any additional information, it is recommended
that you use transaction VL06 (Delivery Monitor).
Q30) What Transactions are available to create a transfer order for moving partial
stocks within a warehouse number?
Ans: There are two transactions available to create a transfer order for moving partial
stocks within a warehouse number: LT01 and LT10.
Create a Transfer Order without using a Source Object (transaction code LT01)
Make a Transfer Order from a Stock List (transaction code LT10)
Q1.What is SAP WM?
The SAP Warehouse Management system (WM) provides flexible, automated support in processing all goods
movements and in managing stocks in your warehouse complex.
An instruction to move materials from a source storage bin to a destination storage bin in a warehouse
complex at a specified time.
Storage binsIn Warehouse Management, Storage bins are master data created either from the application
menu or in Customizing. Based on this master data, the stock overview in Warehouse Management shows the
exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the warehouse.
Q4.What are the transactions available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a
warehouse number?
• LT01
• LT10
Two transactions are available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a warehouse
Q5.What is the requirement for the Purchase order items that are included when the inbound delivery
is created?
Q6.What happens when no storage location for picking is specified in the order item?
The system determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it into the
delivery item. The storage location entered in the order item is used in the outbound delivery
Q7.What is Transfer Order?
A request to transfer of materials at a particular time from source storage bin to Destination storage bin in
same warehouse complex.
Stock Types :
• Unrestricted
• Blocked
• Rack
• Open
• Shelf
• Damage.
T-code LX23
Storage unit is a container in which a material stored or transported where as Handling unit the combination
of material and Packaging material.
Second TO has to be created at delivery level to move the stock from intermediate storage type to Goods issue
(delivery) area for loading the stock into vehicle.
Q14.Where Do You Configure The Strategies For Put Away And Picking?
SPRO->Logistics Execution->Warehouse Management ->Strategies ->Define Put away Strategies and Logistics
Execution->Warehouse Management ->Strategies ->Define Stock Removal Strategies.
Warehouse structure contains a Warehouse number, Storage types, Storage sections, storage bins and finally
Q16.Can A Single Warehouse Could Be Configured For More Than One Company Code?
Q17.Tell Me The Different Picking And Put Away Strategies Defined For Xyz Client For Different Storage
For Rack, Open and shelf storage types the picking strategy is FIFO. Put way strategy for Rack, Open, Shelf,
CRD and Fixed Bin is Next empty bin, Open storage, open storage, open storage and fixed bin respectively.
Q18.Can You Tell Me What All Documents Get Created During Gr Entry In Wm Process?
Control to confirm TO for Put away and Picking can be configured at Warehouse, Storage types and Movement
types levels.
Each and every storage type and storage section contains a row of storage spaces which are known as storage
bins in WMS. The coordinates of the storage bins can tell us the position in the warehouse where goods are
Q21.Define Quant?
Quant is the stock of any material with similiar features in one storage bin. Different batches of a material are
managed by system into various different quants. Quant quantity can be increased by an addition to existing
stock. The quants can only be created or deleted via goods movements.
A storage unit is a logical group of single or multiple amount of material like pallet or a container which can be
managed within a warehouse as a unit that belongs together. Storage unit (SU) management in the
Warehouse Management (WM) allow us to optimize warehouse capacity and control material flow with the
help of storage units within the warehouse.
In the Warehouse Management system (WMS), there are two types of goods movements:
TR is an instruction to move materials from a source storage bin to a destination storage bin in a warehouse
complex at a specified time, but a TO is the confirmation to move the material.
Q30.What are different Movement Types?
• 101 – GR Receipts
• 102 – GR PO reverse
• 601 – GI delivery
• 602 – Cancel GI delivery
• 651 – Sales return
• 909 – GR Amendment Excess
Q32.What Is The Goods Movement Status Of The Outbound Delivery After A Goods Issue Has Been
Q33.The Outbound Delivery Plant For Each Item Is Defined In The Order. The System Can Automatically
Determine The Outbound Delivery Plant. Identity The Highest Priority Outbound Delivery Plant In
Descending Priority Order?
Outbound delivery plant defined in Customer material information master record, outbound delivery plant
defined in ship-to party master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in material master.
when ever u do the GR system will generates one Quant number based on the combination of Material, Batch,
and Bin.
Q35.Is Storage Unit Activation Mandatory?
A posting change generally refers to a bookkeeping change – a change in information – about a particular
material. For most posting changes, such as changing a batch number or releasing blocked stock, the goods
themselves remain in the same physical location.
Reasons for Making Posting Changes Posting changes are made for several reasons.
These include:
Yes, it is in the Purchase Order. One of the primary ERP modules developed by SAP, SAP SD helps manage
shipping, billing, selling, and transportation of products and services of an organization. This module is
basically used to store customer and product data of an organization. SAP SD is important as it is responsible
for managing customer relationships starting from raising a quotation to the sales order to the billing of a
product or service. Also, when integrated with other SAP modules, SAP SD becomes a really handy module
when it comes to managing sales and distribution holistically.
Q40. Define Sales Area, Distribution Channel, and Division in SAP SD.
• Sales Area: An entity which is required to process an order, sales area is comprised of a distribution
channel, a sales organization, and a division.
• Distribution Channel: This channel contains information about which products and services are
distributed by an organization to its end users.
• Division: A division is basically an organization structure that represents product and service lines in a
Sales organization appears at the highest level and is mostly used for distributing goods and services. It is
advised to keep the number of sales organizations as minimum because that way the process of reporting can
be streamlined.
Q42. Can you integrate SAP MM with SAP SD? Cite an example.
Yes, SAP MM (Material Management) module is integrated with SAP SD.If a sales order is to be created in SAP
SD, it is necessary to copy the details of items from SAP MM. Availability check of items, pricing, creation of
inbound and outbound delivery of goods, shipping details, loading point, etc. are also managed from data
which is ingested from Material Management.
Q43.What are the link points of SAP SD with other SAP modules?
Q44. Define Partner Function in SAP SD. What are the different types of Partner Functions?
Partner functions allow users to identify which partners perform what actions to a connected customer. These
functions give a detailed account of people with whom business processes are carried out. There are several
partner functions based on partner types.
• Partner Type
• Partner Function
• Entry from System
• Master Record
• Customer
• Sold to party
• Ship to party
• Bill to party
• Payer
• Customer number
• Customer Master Record
• Vendor
• Forwarding agent
• Vendor number
• Vendor Master Record
• Human Resources
• Employee responsible
• Sales personnel
• Personnel number
• Personnel Master Record
• Contact Person
• Contact person
• Contact partner number
• Created in Customer Master Record
Q45.Define Sales Activity. What are the different Sales Activities that can be performed in SAP SD?
Sales activities are those tasks that salespeople undertake to improve sales. All sales activities can be classified
into two types:
• Pre-sales Activities: These activities, which include inquiry and quotation, occur before a product is
sold to customers.
• Post-sales Activities: These activities, which include support and relationship management, occur
after a product is sold to customers.
• Sales order processing pertains to functions that are related to the complete sales pipeline of an
organization or business. These functions include:
• Checking the availability of products to be purchased
• Finding incomplete data and the status of the sales transaction
• Calculating pricing and taxes
• Scheduling deliveries and printing purchase documents
Inquiries from customers consist of one or more items that contain the quantity of products in the
order.Quantity is divided into business lines, and they further contain various sales parameters. Items are
combined in a hierarchy, and therefore it becomes possible to differentiate between batches. All valid
conditions on items are mentioned in item conditions. These conditions can be valid for the entire sales order.
T-codes for creating, editing, or displaying existing sales orders are given below:
Q49. How many tabs are showing Customers master initial screen?
Master Data refers to the characteristics of an object whereas transaction data refers to all the transactions
that are carried out using the object. Any data which does not change so frequently in master data like
configuration settings like company data, personal area etc. Any data which keeps changing so often in
transactional data, like employee data.ekday /
Q51. A is your client; B is your clients customer. B need X material, but X material is now out of stock,
then you can solve this problem?
In this case, we are using third party process. This process uses a purchase order (Which is sent to you by
vendor). Also, invoice verification is used further along the process to check that the invoices you send to your
customer are the same material and quantity as that which the vendor sent to the customer (But obviously
shipped directly to your customer).
One or more.
One or More.
SAP have provided a lot of reports in each module. However, if the standard reports do not meet the business
requirement, we can develop our own reports. ABAP custom reports are called z reports because any program
developed have to start with Z.
Q56. Who is creating Company Code?
FICO Consultant.
In Pricing Procedures 16 steps are needed to maintain. These are Step, Counter, Condition Type, Description,
From, To, Manually, Mandatory, Statistically, Print, Sub
Total, Requirement, Alternative Condition Type, Alternative condition base value, Account Key, Accruals Key.
Q59. Can you explain the organisational structure used in sales and distribution?
• Sales Organisation
• Distribution Channel
• Division
• Sales Office
• Sales Group
Q60. Explain the process of creating a scheduling agreement.
For creating schedule management, you need to follow the steps below:
• Logistics
• Material Management
• Purchasing
• Outline Agreement
• Schedule Agreement
• Create
• Vendor.
Q61. Can you point out how many types of sales document exist?
There are three distinct types of sales documents which are as under:
Q62. Can you explain the five features which can be used to control the sale document type?
The features you can use to control a sale document type are listed below:
• Partner
• Delivery
• Text
• Pricing
• Taxes
• Output
Q63. Can you explain the primary purpose for maintaining the master data?
The main purpose of master data is for maintaining total customer data and records such as order, delivery,
and billing along with customer payments. Master data is essential for ensuring the entire process goes well.
For instance, its not possible to create a sales order without information such as customer master data,
material master data, and condition master data.
Q64. Can you list out some of the various partner functions a customer master record can be used to
A customer master record can be used to serve the following four functions:
• Sold to party
• Ship to party
• Payer
• Bill to party
Q65. Can you describe what a Proforma Invoice is and list out its various types?
A proforma invoice is a reference document which is used for import and export negotiations.
Intercompany customers are those customers who represent the sales customers of the same client but have
been assigned different company codes.
Q67. Can you point out the T-Codes which are used for SD and MM Integration and for SD and FICO
For SD and MM Integration, the T-code used is OBYC while in the case of SD and FICO Integration, the T-Code
used is VKOA.
Q68. Can you explain the differences between rush order and cash sales?
In the case of rush orders, delivery of the order will be done on the same day while billing will be done on a
later date whereas, in the case of cash sales, both billing, as well as delivery or order, will be carried out on the
same day itself.
Q69.What is the use of SAP FI in SAP Sales and Distribution?
In case of standard sales order, you create an outbound goods delivery to the customer. Here movement 601
takes place. This movement is configured in MM and movement of goods hit some G/L account in FI.
Q.1- What is Extended Warehouse Management System?
SAP EWM is used efficiently manage inventory in Warehouse and for supporting processing of goods
movement. It allows company to control their warehouse inbound and outbound processes and movements of
goods in warehouse.
The main processes in warehouse are
1) Incoming and outgoing of materials/goods.
2) Goods Receipt and Goods Issue
3) Fulfill customer orders
4) Distribution of goods
Q.2- What is Extended Warehouse Management System is different from SAP Warehouse
Management System?
SAP EWM is a part of Supply Chain Management like warehouse management system but provides more
robust and advance feature to manage key activity in warehouse.
SAP EWM is similar to WM but it provide more features like picking, put-away and RF Framework,
Warehouse Structure and more flexible options to manage warehouse functions.
In EWM you can create new elements like
· Activity area
· Resources
· Labor Management
· Work Centers
Which was not available WM
It is also a part of SCM and support all the processes with in logistics and supply chain.
Q.3- What are the Key features Warehouse Management?
1) Using EWM you can control warehouse activities- picking, posting, and managing storage bin and goods
2) You can set alert for change data before goods receipt from EWM to the ERP system. reversal or correction
of the Goods Receipt from EWM to the ERP system and an inbound delivery split from EWM to the ERP
3) You can perform deconsolidation of handling unit contain different products before put-away in different
storage sections.
4) You can determine storage concepts using slotting for products and optimize arrangement of goods
warehouse automatically.
5) Its allows you to perform executable task like work packages, consisting of warehouse tasks warehouse
employees should perform as part of warehouse management activities.
6) It allows you to manage track vehicle and Transportation Units, from yard check-in to yard-check out,
including movement’s tasks within the yard.
7) SAP EWM also includes storage of and handling of hazardous substances and their transportation in
accordance with regulations from SAP Environmental Health & Safety EHS.
8) In SAP EWM you can also plan labor times and resources more effectively and hence you can make your
warehouse efficient by managing key resource management tasks effectively.
9) In SAP EWM you can use EWM cockpit that allows you to display warehouse key figures graphically and to
evaluate or monitor activities using defined chart types.
10) You can use cross docking that allows you to perform transportation of handling units across different
distribution centers or warehouses till they reach final location in warehouse.
Q.4- What are the different deployment options in EWM?
· SAP EWM can be considered as deployed in ERP server or you can also consider it as an application in SCM
· SAP EWM is integrated with ERP to access transaction and master data and use of features like slotting,
availability check also requires integration with CRM.
· SAP EWM is considered as separate application and share the same server with SCM applications. You can
also run SAP EWM in its own SCM environment which is suitable to get improved performance.
EWM Deployment options
· SAP EWM on SCM Server
· SAP EWM as Standalone
Q.5- How SAP ERP System communicates with EWM or CM with APO ?
SAP ERP and EWM are closely integrated with each other for transfer of transaction and master data. There are
two different ways of communication.
Login to SCM system and navigate to EWM node in SAP Menu. You can use various transactions to manage
basic functions of Warehouse Management.
Warehouse Monitor
Maintain Inbound Delivery
Maintain Outbound Delivery
RF Environment
Creating Storage Bin
Confirm Warehouse Task
Warehouse Product Maintenance
· Warehouse Number
· Storage Type
· Storage Section
· Storage Bin
· Quant
Q.8- What is Storage Bin?
Storage Bins represents the physical location of storage space where the products are stored in Warehouse.
They are at lowest level of organization structure and when you store an item in a Warehouse you need to
mention its exact location.
Q.9- What is the use of Activity Areas in Storage Bin?
Storage Bins are further categorized in activity area, It includes activities like picking, put-away or a physical
inventory. As per activity, you can assign same storage bin to multiple activity area.
Q.10- What is Quant?
The Quantity of goods in storage bin is represented by Quant. The quant is used for managing inventory in
storage bin.
Q.11- How you can create Storage Bin?
T-code: /SCWM/LS01
Q.12- What are the Structural Elements in hierarchical structure?
· Warehouse Number
· Storage Type
· Storage Section
· Storage Bin
· Activity Area
Q.13- What is the highest unit and smallest unit in a Warehouse Structure?
The highest unit in a Warehouse is Warehouse Number and smallest unit is a storage bin.
Q.14- What is a storage section? Provide example of Storage Section?
This is part of storage type and represents a group of bins with same characteristics. Commonly used storage
sections are fast moving and slow moving items etc.
A Work center in warehouse is assign to a storage type and a physical unit to perform packing, deconsolidation
or weighing activities. Storage type assigned to work center has a role of work center, pick point, or pick point
identification. You can also configure more than one work center in a storage type.
Q.16- Where do you use Work Centers in Warehouse Processes?
· Packing
· Deconsolidation
· Counting
· Quality Check
Q.17- How can you create a work center for packing in SAP EWM system?
To create a work center for packing, need following information
· Warehouse
· Storage type
· Inbound Section
· Outbound Section
To define a work center, navigate to Extended Warehouse Managementè Master Dataè Work Centerè Define
Work Center
Q.18- What are different Warehouse Process Type in SAP EWM System?
The different warehouse process categories that are pre defined in EWM system.
· Stock Removal
· Put-away
· Internal Movement
· Goods Receipt Posting
· Goods Issue Posting
· Physical Inventory
· Cross Line put-away
Q.19- What are value added services in Warehouse Management?
Value added service define the product processing to be performed in a warehouse and includes activities like
packing, labeling, assembling etc.
Q.20- How do you inform employees about the work that they have to do as a part of delivery
and packing specifications?
VAS order inform warehouse employees about the work that they have to do as a part of delivery and packing
Q.21-What are the different components of VAS order?
A Value Added Services Order consists of the following components
· Order header
· VAS Activities to be performed
· Items
· Auxiliary products ( Packing materials, labels, oil etc)
Q.22- Where do you manage packaging specification?
Go to SAP Easy Accessè EWMè Master Dataè Packing Specificationè Maintain Packaging Specification
Q.23- How do you perform direct Goods issue in SAP EWM System?
The goods issue process in EWM starts with outbound delivery request. When an outbound delivery document
is created, this process starts in ERP system. For items that are relevant in EWM, delivery document is
replicated in SAP EWM system.
Stock Removal Strategy is method of determining storage bin for one or more products to be picked. You can
customize stock removal rule definition table in customizing for SCM EWM.
Q.25-What do you understand by Denial Scenario in Outbound Delivery?
When an outbound delivery request is created, EWM system doesn’t create a warehouse task or task is created
with partial quantity, this is called as denial scenario.
Q.26-When do you use Denial Scenario in Outbound delivery in EWM system?
When a warehouse task can’t meet the quantity requested in inbound delivery in out bound delivery request,
system can be configured to raise a pick denial.
In case of stock discrepancy picked by an employee, smaller quantity as per outbound delivery and no other
stock is available in warehouse, you can set the system to execute a pick denial.
Q.27- What is Storage Control?
Storage control is used to determine product movements in warehouse. It is used to execute put-away or stock
removal process in warehouse.
Q.28- What are different types of storage control?
· Layout Oriented Storage Control
· Process Oriented Storage Control
Q.29- In combined storage control which one is executed first?
In SAP EWM, process oriented storage control is executed first and layout oriented storage control is executed
to check if put-away step is possible in warehouse layout view and also adjust the put-away or stock removal as
per layout view.
Q.30-When no storage no storage location is specified for picking in Order item, what
System determines the storage location when it creates outbound delivery and copies it to delivery item.
Q.31-In EWM where do you find exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the warehouse?
Storage Bins
Q.32- What are the transactions available to create a transfer order for moving partial stock
with in a warehouse?
· LT01
· LT02
Q.33- What is the goods movement status of the outbound delivery after a goods issue has
been cancelled?
Not yet started
Q.34- What is pick, pack and pass of goods in EWM system?
This is used to manage picking, packing and transportation of goods in activity areas in warehouse. This can be
used in RF environment commonly and process flow is same as for standard RF process. In pick pack and pass
goods are moved from activity area till its arrives at destination point.
Q.35- What is difference between system controlled and user controlled?
You need a warehouse creation rule that supports the top warehouse order creation for the pick, pack and pass
process. The creation categories are.
For the system-driven option, the sequence of the warehouse orders in the top of warehouse order is determined
according to the sort sequence of the assigned in the configuration settings for joining the activity areas.
For the user driven option, the sequence is manually determined during the execution, which means it can also
be done by material flow system (MFS).
Q.36- What is replenishment in SAP EWM?
Replenishment is defined as movement of goods from warehouse to shipping locations. In SAP EWM, you can
use predefined techniques for replenishment of storage bins. There are different replenishment control fields
defined at storage type level or storage bin level. The data for control fields can be entered manually in system
or you can use slotting process to define these fields.
Q.37- What are common controlled field in replenishment?
Below are the common controlled fields in replenishment
· Minimum stocked quantity
· Maximum stocked quantity
· Replenishment quantity
Q.35- What are Planned Replenishment and Order Replenishment?
Planned Replenishment
Planned replenishment can be performed either interactively or in the background. The system calculates the
replenishment in accordance with the defined minimum quantity and maximum quantity. Replenishment control
is triggered when stock goes less than minimum quantity.
Order Related Replenishment
Order related replenishment is performed when stock figure is less than required quantity. The system rounds
up the replenishment quantity to a multiple of minimum replenishment quantity. The maximum quantity can be
exceeded and order related replenishment can be performed in background or interactively.
Q.36- What is automatic and direct replenishment?
Automatic Replenishment
The system starts automatic replenishment when a warehouse task confirmed. Replenishment is calculated as
per maximum and minimum activity.
Direct Replenishment
Direct replenishment is started during a pick denial and is only possible for fix bin scenario. The system
calculates replenishment as per minimum and maximum quantity.
Direct replenishment is performed by picket and it assumes zero storage bin quantity.
Q.37- Why do you use physical inventory in SAP EWM?
To perform financial accounting and tax regulations, you may need to perform accurate inventory to get the
value of an inventory in warehouse. Physical inventory process deals with counting with counting physical
inventory of a warehouse and to get counting results.
Physical inventory can be used by management by to count inventory so that product can be stocked or
Q.38- What are the different types of Physical inventory?
· Periodic
· Continuous
· Cycle Counting
Q.39- What is ad-hoc Physical Inventory?
Ad-hoc physical inventory is type of continuous physical inventory and it can be executed anytime during the
fiscal year, an ad hoc physical inventory may become necessary.
Q.40- What is slotting process in EWM? What are different parameters used in Slotting?
What are different parameters used in Slotting?
Slotting is a process in EWM to define most suitable put-away parameters- storage type, section etc. Slotting
places the good in a warehouse in the manner that provides most optimal storage and picking of goods.
There are different parameters that are used in slotting process.
· Storage requirement data
· Product data
· Packing Data
· Demand Forecast
Q.41- What is direct and indirect labor?
Direct Labor
This includes time to perform warehouse activities like picking, packing, put-away, etc.
Indirect Labor
This includes extra activities to manage warehouse like Sweeping, cleaning, house keeping etc.
Q.42- What is expected Goods Receipt?
Expected goods receipts are used to create inbound deliveries. You can also create goods receipt in EWM
system without inbound delivery.
Advantages of Using Goods Receipt
· This process occurs in EWM system only.
· If your ERP system is down, you can still execute expected goods receipt in EWM.
· Expected Goods Receipt is based on data in production order so it can be used as preview of goods receipt
· This process required two documents to be used in EWM system
o Notification Expected Goods Receipt
o Expected Goods Receipt
Q.43- What is Cross Docking in SAP EWM system? Why do we use cross docking?
Cross docking allows you to reduce the costs of goods transportation in warehouse and shorten the time needed
for delivery. Cross docking only creates one movement GR ZONE to GI ZONE and can only be used if stock
for removal is not determined by First in First Out.
Q.44- What the different types of cross docking available in SAP system?
· Transport cross docking
· Merchandise Distribution
· Push Deployment
· Pick from Goods Receipt
· Opportunistic Cross Docking
Q.45- What is the use of RF framework in EWM system? What are the functions that can be
performed using RF framework?
In SAP EWM, RF is stands for radio frequency mobile data entry that allows real time communication between
warehouse employees and EWM system.
RF Frame work supports both browser based and GUI devices to connect to SAP system, You can create screen
templates and merge them to a so called display profile. This display profile is assigned to the presentation
device. This display profile is assigned to the presentation device,
RF Framework in SAP EWM system provides all warehouse functionalities
· Loading
· Unloading
· Deconsolidation
· Put-away
· Picking
· Packing
· Replenishment
· Physical Inventory
[ TOP & MOST ASKED ] SAP EWM Interview Questions and Answers
SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) is used to efficiently manage inventory in the
Warehouse and for supporting processing of goods movement. It allows the company to control their
Warehouse inbound and outbound processes and movement of goods in the Warehouse.
SAP EWM is part of SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) and supports inventory management
and movement of goods in warehouses. The multi-client warehouse management solution was
designed for large distribution centers with complex and highly automated processes.
The “best of breed” warehouse solutions score well in high throughput, standalone, automated,
specialist operations, where high performance is critical. In contrast, SAP EWM scores well where there
is a need for a high level of integration between the warehouse, production, quality control and
In SAP ERP, a warehouse number is used to represent the physical warehouse where all the material is
stored. A Warehouse number is a 3 or 4 character field in Warehouse management or EWM
6. Explain SAP Extended Warehouse Management EWM?
SAP EWM is used to efficiently manage inventory in Warehouse and for supporting processing of goods
movement. It allows companies to control their Warehouse inbound and outbound processes and
movement of goods in Warehouse.
7. What is the difference between System Controlled and User Controlled Pick, pack and pass of goods?
Using SAP EWM, you can control warehouse activities- picking, posting and managing storage bins and
good receipts.
You can set alert for- changed data before goods receipt from EWM to the ERP system, reversal or
correction of the goods receipt from EWM to the ERP system and an inbound delivery split from EWM
to the ERP system.
SAP EWM can be considered as deployed in ERP server or you can also consider it as an application in
Supply chain Management landscape. SAP EWM is integrated with ERP to access transaction and
master data and use of features like slotting, availability check also requires integration with CRM.
10. Describe an overview of SAP EWM?
SAP ERP and EWM are closely integrated with each other for transfer of transaction and master data.
There are two different ways of communication.
Core interface is one of the common methods for communication between SAP SCM system and SAP
Advanced Planning and Optimization APO. Master data maintained in ERP systems like customer,
material and vendor which are available in ERP systems are transferred to EWM systems using Core
Interface CIF communication.
Storage bins represent the physical location of storage space where the products are stored in
Warehouse. They are at the lowest level of organization structure and when you store an item in a
Warehouse you need to mention its exact location.
13. What is Planned Replenishment and Order Replenishment?
Storage bins are further categorized in the activity area. It includes activities like picking, putting away
or a physical inventory. As per activity, you can assign the same storage bin to multiple activity areas.
As it currently stands, basic embedded EWM functionality is available to anyone with an SAP S/4HANA
license, with advanced features available via an additional license. Clients may choose embedded EWM
for a host of reasons. For small- to midsize customers, the basic functionality may be enough for their
The quantity of goods in the storage bin is represented by Quant. The quant is used for managing
inventory in storage bins.
• Warehouse Number
• Storage Type
• Storage Section
• Storage bin
• Activity Area
EWM implementation
21. What is the highest unit and smallest unit in a Warehouse structure?
The highest unit in a Warehouse is Warehouse number and smallest unit is a storage bin.
22. What is a storage section? Provide examples of storage section?
This is part of the storage type and represents a group of bins with the same characteristics.
Commonly used storage sections are fast moving or slow moving items, etc.
A work center in Warehouse is assigned to a storage type and a physical unit to perform packing,
deconsolidation or weighing activities. Storage type assigned to the work center has a role of work
center, pick point or pick point and identification. You can also configure more than a work center in a
storage type.
• Packing
• Deconsolidation
• Counting
• Quality check
26. How can you create a work center for packing in the SAP EWM system?
• Warehouse
• Storage Type
• Inbound Section
• Outbound Section
27. What is Direct and Indirect labor?
There are different Warehouse process categories that are predefined in EWM system −
• Stock Removal
• Putaway
• Internal Movement
• Goods receipt posting
• Goods issue posting
• Physical inventory
• Cross Line putaway
Value Added Services define the product processing to be performed in a warehouse and includes
activities like packing, labeling, assembling, etc.
VAS order informs warehouse employees about the work that they have to do as part of delivery and
packing specifications.
• Order Header
• VAS activities to be performed
• Items
• Auxiliary products (Packing material, labels, oil, etc.)
Go to SAP Easy access → EWM → Master Data → Packaging Specification → Maintain Packaging
34. How do you perform direct Goods Issue in SAP EWM system?
The goods issue process in extended warehouse management starts with outbound delivery requests.
When an outbound delivery document is created, this process starts in the ERP system. For items that
are relevant in EWM, delivery documents are replicated in the SAP EWM system.
Stock removal strategy is a method of determining storage bins for one or more products to be picked.
You can customize the stock removal rule definition table in customizing for SCM extended warehouse
LT01 LT10
Create Transfer Order without Source Object Create Transfer Order from Stock List
(transaction code LT01) (transaction code LT10)
38. What do you understand about the Denial Scenario in the Outbound Delivery system?
When an outbound delivery request is created, the EWM system doesn’t create a warehouse task or
task is created with a partial quantity, this is called Denial scenario.
39. When do you use the Denial scenario in outbound delivery in the EWM system?
When a warehouse task can’t meet the quantity requested in an outbound delivery request, the system
can be configured to raise a pick denial. In case of stock discrepancy picked by an employee, smaller
quantity as per outbound delivery and no other stock is available in the warehouse, you can set the
system to execute a pick denial.
40. Describe the architecture of decentral extended warehouse management EWP?
Architecture of
decentral extended
41. What is Storage Control?
Storage control is used to determine product movements in a warehouse. It is used to execute put
away or stock removal processes in warehouses.
• Layout Oriented
• Process Oriented
In SAP Extended warehouse management, process oriented storage control is executed first and layout
storage control is executed to check if put away step is possible in warehouse layout view and also
adjust the put away or stock removal as per layout view.
44. When no storage location is specified for picking in Order Items, what happens?
System determines the storage location when it creates outbound delivery and copies it to the delivery
45. What is the SAP EWM material flow system?
The material flow system (MFS) enables you to connect up an automatic warehouse to SAP Extended
Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) without the need for an additional warehouse control unit. The
SAP EWM system then holds back tasks for the PLC as soon as these limits are exceeded.
46. In EWM, Where do you find the exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the warehouse?
Storage bins
47. What are the deployment options for EWM with SAP S/4HANA?
Clients can choose between two deployment options broadly. They can select either an embedded
EWM solution or a decentralized EWM. With the 1610 release, SAP EWM was offered as an embedded
application component
48. What are the transactions available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a
• LT01
• LT10
49. What is the goods movement status of the outbound delivery after a goods issue has been
After the goods issue has been canceled, the goods movement status of the outbound delivery is reset
to “Not yet started”. This allows you to further process the outbound delivery as usual. The delivery
requirements are also recreated.
50. Explain the architecture of SAP EWM release road map?
EWM generates warehouse orders for each activity area. When EWM generates warehouse tasks, it
considers the activity area and copies attributes from this activity area, such as the deconsolidation
SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) combines maximum functionality with profound
process support for all kinds of warehousing.
53. What is the pick pack and pass of goods in the EWM system?
This is used to manage picking, packing and transportation of goods in activity areas in warehouses.
This can be used in RF environments commonly and process flow is the same as for standard RF
processes. In pick, pack and pass goods are moved from activity area to activity area till it arrives at the
destination point in the system.
54. What is the difference between System Controlled and User Controlled Pick, pack and pass of
System-driven −
For the system-driven option, the sequence of the warehouse orders in the top warehouse order is
determined according to the sort sequence assigned in the configuration settings for joining the
activity areas.
User-driven −
For the user-driven option, the sequence is manually determined during the execution, which means it
can also be done by the material flow system (MFS).
For this activity, SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) splits the warehouse order into
two: one from storage bin A to identification point I, and a second from identification point I to storage
bin B. You can move your goods using a pick point during picking.
Replenishment is defined as movement of goods from warehouse to shipment locations. In SAP EWM,
you can use predefined techniques for replenishment of storage bins. There are different
replenishment control fields defined at storage type level or storage bin level. The data for control
fields can be entered manually in the system or you can use a slotting process to define these fields.
Outbound process is used to ship ordered goods to customers. This process starts with the creation of
a sales order and an outbound delivery. The outbound delivery is replicated to the Embedded EWM
system, where an outbound delivery order is created.
SAP EWM Direct Outbound Delivery is the document that is triggered directly in the warehouse for
urgent or direct customer orders.
The Outbound Delivery Order (ODO) is created automatically from the outbound delivery request. This
is a document containing all the data required for triggering and monitoring the complete outbound
delivery process. From the ODO, the Outbound Delivery is created.
62. Why do you use Physical inventory in SAP EWM?
To perform financial accounting and tax regulations, you may need to perform accurate inventory to
get the value of an inventory in the warehouse. Physical inventory process deals with counting physical
inventory of a warehouse and to get counting results.
Physical inventory can be used by management to count inventory so that products can be stocked or
63. What are the 5 IT Considerations When Selecting a Mobile Solution for SAP Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM)?
• Periodic
• Continuous
• Cycle Counting
Ad-hoc physical inventory is a type of continuous physical inventory and It can be executed anytime
during the fiscal year, an ad hoc physical inventory may become necessary.
68. What is the Slotting process in EWM? What are different parameters used in Slotting?
Slotting is a process in EWM to define most suitable putaway parameters- storage type, section, etc.
Slotting places the goods in a warehouse in the manner that provides the most optimal storage and
picking of goods.
The warehouse request is a document that enables the processing of warehouse activities for a
specific product. The warehouse activities for a product include the following: Picking. Putaway. Stock
transfer (within warehouse)
Expected good receipts are used to create inbound deliveries. You can also create goods receipts in the
EWM system without an inbound delivery.
72. What is Cross docking in SAP EWM system? Why do we use Cross docking?
Cross Docking allows you to reduce the costs of goods transportation in the warehouse and shorten
the time needed for delivery. Cross docking only creates one movement GR Zone to GI Zone and can
only be used if stock for removal is not determined by First in first out.
In SAP EWM, RF stands for radio frequency mobile data entry that allows real time communication
between warehouse employees and the EWM system.
RF framework supports both browser based and GUI devices to connect to the SAP system. You can
create screen templates and merge them to a so-called display profile. This display profile is assigned
to the presentation device.
Any warehouse using a legacy PLC system can set up the SAP MFS in a manner that all its .Adapt
telegram traffic between SAP EWM and PLCs /
SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) – For demanding warehouse processes. SAP Extended
Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) forms part of SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) and
provides end-to-end support for supply chain processes.
77. Is SAP EWM part of Hana?
SAP EWM is the NEW functionality that SAP provides for the management of inventory in different
specific locations inside the new release S/4 HANA. Although not needed in all organizations, it is a
module every logistics consultant or practitioner should know about.
SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) is used to efficiently manage inventory in the
Warehouse and for supporting processing of goods movement. It allows the company to control their
Warehouse inbound and outbound processes and movement of goods in the Warehouse.
79. Is SAP EWM part of ECC?
While SAP WM was the WMS core part of the ECC Suite, EWM was perceived as a specialized product
tailored towards higher volume warehouses requiring more advanced processes – a perception that
was also fed by the more complex decentral architecture requiring EWM to run independently and
interfacing with the ECC backend
80. Explain the Data transfer between HANA and embedded EWM?
SAP Warehouse Management (WM) is an important SAP module that provides warehouse
management functionality. This module provides tools & processes to maintain inventory at optimum
SAP EWM is part of SAP AG’s Supply Chain Management Suite of solutions. The Extended Warehouse
Management product is an integrated software platform for flexible, automated support for
processing goods movements and for managing inventory in the warehouse.
83. What is SAP warehouse Number?
In SAP ERP, a warehouse number is used to represent the physical warehouse where all the material is
stored. … Warehouse numbers are created in the ERP system and to activate it, you use a combination
of plant and storage location assigned to this plant with the respective warehouse number.
The SAP warehouse management system is ERP software that integrates all the functions of a
warehouse and streamlines them making it easier and more effective to run the facility and ensure
that you’re able to stay on top of everything and ensure that everything is in its rightful place.
An activity area is a logical grouping of storage bins (belonging to a single or multiple storage types) for
the purpose of putaway, picking, inventory or replenishment. For example, a warehouse could pick
outbound orders using a “U” pick path and a “S” or “Z” pick path for stock putaway and replenishment.
As a SAP beginner, you need a basic understanding of business processes, SAP acronyms and project
concepts. … The SAP Alliance business program included a mandatory ERP course. Before fumbling
through SAP transactions, we were given a framework of common business processes.
The SAP EWM application provides several warehousing solutions for put away, picking, packing,
internal movement within the warehouse, etc. These are very useful in managing a high volume of
goods movements in and out of the warehouse.
Bin sorting is for the purpose to define your physical sequence of activities – e.g. how you pick (which
bin first, 2nd, 3rd, etc) – it will use the sequence number to define it. Sorting will not change any
storage bin name.
92. What is SAP in simple words?
SAP means “Systems Applications and Products in data processing”. … The SAP Software portfolio
offers end to end solutions and covers most of its clients’ business requirements whether it is a
financial, operational, human resources or e-commerce concern.
This is the user-specific point of entry into the SAP system. … The user menu contains only those items
that you need to perform your daily tasks, such as transactions, reports, and Web addresses.
Fiori is a streamlined application, delivering a role-based user experience that can be personalized
across all lines of business, tasks and devices. It uses tiles to encapsulate standard tasks like viewing
sales orders or approving timesheets.