M3.1 Publication Ethics
M3.1 Publication Ethics
M3.1 Publication Ethics
Ø POP may be advocated on the grounds that a good track record in publications
brings attention to the authors and their institutions, which can facilitate continued
funding and the progress of the authors themselves.
Ø The POP culture has led to a relentless quest for publications – the sole objective
being CV building rather than the advancement of human knowledge.
Ø One perceived benefit of the POP model is that some pressure to produce research
is necessary to motivate academics early in their careers to focus on research
advancement and learn to balance research activity with other responsibilities.
What is Authorship?
ØAuthorship is a privilege and not a right.
ØResponsible and ethical authorship requires that the
work be trustworthy, truthful and fair.
ØTruthfulness means that false claims are not present,
including the claim of authorship.
Ø False claims must be distinguished from errors or
inaccuracies, which occur in up to 20% of
Ø Trustworthy means that the authors have attempted to
eliminate bias in analyzing the truthful information
presented to the readers.
Ø Fairness is the public disclosure of the affiliations of
those who participated in the study and its preparation.
Ø It is important that all authors agree on the
truthfulness, trustworthiness and fairness of the
manuscript before submission for publication.
Authors should be ethical, accountable and independent
Ø Ethics, derived from the Greek word ‘ethikos’ are a set of principles for right
conduct in a particular field.
Ø They carry a greater significance in the field of medical research and
publication as these are directly related to the suffering humanity.
Ø In recent times, there has been a gradual neglect towards the ethical
principles guiding a scientific research paper writing, and its publication.
Ø The misconduct in behavior may be intentional or may arise due to
Ø It not only affects other authors, reviewers, and editors, but also the common
Ø As a research author, it’s absolutely essential to abreast oneself with these
ethical principles and avoid any scientific misconduct.
Why publication ethics?
• Significant evolution of scholarly landscape
• Advances in publishing technology Ethical
Promoting the journal Set publication standards Using search engines & social
Acquisitions editing Arrange for copyright permissions Assign projects & monitor
Check content for accuracy Conference presentations Contributes new ideas
eLearning Sample
Modules (10) Letters
Journal checklist
Study design and ethical approval
Ø Laboratory and clinical research should be driven by protocol; pilot
studies should have a written rationale.
Ø Research protocols should seek to answer specific questions,
rather than just collection of data.
Ø Protocols must be carefully agreed by all contributors and
collaborators, including, if appropriate, the participants.
Ø The final protocol should form part of the research record.
Ø Early agreement on the precise roles of the contributors and
collaborators, and on matters of authorship and publication, is
Study design and ethical approval
Ø Statistical issues should be considered early in study design,
including power calculations, to ensure there are neither too
few nor too many participants.
Ø Formal and documented ethical approval from an
appropriately constituted research ethics committee is
required for all studies involving people, medical records, and
anonymised human tissues.
Ø Use of human tissues in research should conform to the
highest ethical standards, such as those recommended by
the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
Ø Fully informed consent should always be sought. It may not always be
possible, however, and in such circumstances, an appropriately constituted
research ethics committee should decide if this is ethically acceptable.
Ø When participants are unable to give fully informed consent, research should
follow international guidelines, such as those of the Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS).
Ø Animal experiments require full compliance with local, national, ethical, and
regulatory principles, and local licensing arrangements. International
standards vary.
Ø Formal supervision, usually the responsibility of the principal investigator,
should be provided for all research projects: this must include quality control,
and the frequent review and long term retention (may be up to 15 years) of
all records and primary outputs.
Data should be appropriately analysed, but
inappropriate analysis does not necessarily
Data analysis amount to misconduct. Fabrication and
falsification of data do constitute misconduct
Ø All sources and methods used to obtain and analyse data, including any electronic
pre-processing, should be fully disclosed; detailed explanations should be provided
for any exclusions.
Ø Methods of analysis must be explained in detail, and referenced, if they are not in
common use.
Ø The post hoc analysis of subgroups is acceptable, as long as this is disclosed.
Failure to disclose that the analysis was post hoc is unacceptable.
Ø The discussion section of a paper should mention any issues of bias which have
been considered, and explain how they have been dealt with in the design and
interpretation of the study.
Authorship disputes
• Disputes over authorship sometimes arise. Such disputes
can delay research, hinder publication and damage
relationships between collaborators.
Public duty versus private interest: Do I or the research sponsor have personal or
financial interests that may conflict or be perceived to conflict with the interests and
welfare of the general public?
Presence of mind: What consequences will I face if I ignore or do not disclose a conflict
of interest? Can I give a reasonable answer if editors, reviewers, or readers question
my or my research sponsor's involvement?
Why authors must disclose conflicts of interest ?
Ø Almost all scientific and non-technical journals require authors to disclose potential or
actual conflicts of interest related to their study. Some journals, like Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA), require authors to submit signed financial
disclosure statements. Other journals, like BMC Cancer, insist in their guidelines that
a separate section on conflict of interest be included in the manuscript and that any
details be provided in the covering letter.
Ø When declaring conflicts of interest, researchers are expected to provide detailed
information about relevant financial interests; grants, financial support, and funding
received from industry, and other intellectual benefits like filed or pending patents that
represent future financial gains. Researchers are also required to specify the role of
the funding organization or sponsor in the study design and conduct; data collection,
analysis, and interpretation; and manuscript drafting, review, and final approval.
Ø It is very important to inform journals about conflicts of interest. Journals may not
always publicly disclose conflicts of interest at the time of publishing the paper.
However, it any one questions the study or raises doubt that a conflict of interest
exists, the journal will publish the authors' conflict of interest disclosure and
mention that the authors had already informed the journal; this makes the
authors' conduct seem less suspicious.
Ø However, if the authors had not informed the journal and it is discovered that
conflicts of interest did indeed exist, the consequences can be serious, including
retraction of the paper and investigation by the authors affiliated institutes.
When the potential for bias is disclosed, readers are aware of the situation
and will judge the research on its merits. On the other hand, failure to
disclose relevant financial/intellectual interests violates the public's trust, and
if such information is revealed subsequently, the credibility of the
researchers and the journal that publishes the work may be seriously
Peer review
• Peer reviewers are external experts chosen by editors
to provide written opinions, with the aim of improving
the study.
• Working methods vary from journal to journal, but
some use open procedures in which the name of the
reviewer is disclosed, together with the full or “edited”
Ø It is ethically important that all listed authors qualify
for authorship and that all authors who do qualify be
listed. Equally important is that people who do not
qualify should not be listed as authors.
Ø The securing of funding, data collection, enrolling
patients, general group supervision or leadership of a
department does not alone qualify one for authorship.
Ø An alternative to authorship is acknowledgment of
contributors. Some journals will only allow up to six authors
with the remaining listed as contributors.
Ø If the experts raise serious questions about the research, then editors
should notify the employers.
The foundation approved the application in early 1994, and in March the
following year, 22 participants from 13 countries met in Bellagio to consider
the following:
• What are the common purposes of medical journal editors
and the set of skills editors need to achieve these purposes?
• What day-to-day obstacles and challenges do medical
editors encounter in trying to achieve their goals?
• Is there a need for global organization of medical journal
§ How can medical journal editors create a global electronic
communication network to discuss goals and needs and
share information, ideas, and solutions?
• How can medical journal editors use their position to promote high-quality
medical science, medical practice, and health in their regions and throughout
the world?
§ After considering the goals of biomedical journals, the group outlined the
challenges globally facing biomedical journal editors, peer-reviewed biomedical
journals, and scientific publishing.
Ø Editors should keep themselves informed of this research and adapt their
recommendations as it evolves.
Journals should publish guidance about what constitutes authorship.
While there is no universally agreed definition of authorship,
contributors should be made aware of the guidelines developed by
the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Ø All authors are responsible for the quality, accuracy, and ethics of the work, but one
author must be identified who will reply if questions arise or more information is needed,
and who will take responsibility for the work as a whole. This description of author
contributions should be printed with the article.
Ø The authors are responsible for creating all components of the manuscript. If writers
are provided by the sponsoring or funding institution or corporation to draft or revise the
article, the name of the writer and their sponsoring organization must be provided..
Ø Their names and contributions will be provided with the acknowledgments.
Journals should discourage "honorary" authorship and should also try to
ensure that all those who qualify as authors are listed
Ø All authors must take responsibility in writing for the accuracy of the
manuscript, and one author must be the guarantor and take responsibility
for the work as a whole.
Ø A growing trend among journals is to also require that for reports containing
original data, at least one author (eg, the principal investigator) should
indicate that she or he had full access to all the data in the study and takes
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
Ø This helps assure that authors, and not funding sources, have final say
over the analysis and reporting of their results.
Peer Review
Ø Peer review is fundamental to the scientific publication process and
the dissemination of sound science.
Ø Peer reviewers are experts chosen by editors to provide written
assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of written research,
with the aim of improving the reporting of research and identifying the
most appropriate and highest quality material for the journal.
Ø Regular reviewers selected for the journal should be required to meet
minimum standards (as determined and promulgated by each
journal) regarding their background in original research, publication
of articles, formal training, and previous critical appraisal of
Ø Peer reviewers should be experts in the scientific topic
addressed in the articles they review, and should be
selected for their objectivity and scientific knowledge.
Ø The reviewer should comment accurately and constructively upon the quality of the
author's interpretation of the data, including acknowledgment of its limitations.
Ø Redundant publication occurs when multiple papers, without full cross reference
in the text, share the same data, or results.
Ø Because medical research findings are of increasing interest to the lay media,
journalists attend scientific meetings at which preliminary research findings are
presented, which can lead to their premature publication in the mass media.
Ø The intent and effect of plagiarism is to mislead the reader as to the contributions
of the plagiarizer. This applies whether the ideas or words are taken from abstracts,
research grant applications, Institutional Review Board applications, or
unpublished or published manuscripts in any publication format (print or electronic).
Ø The backbone of managing conflicts of interest is full written disclosure; without it,
nothing else is possible.
Ø Currently, authors may not reveal all of their competing interests and even if they
do, journals too often do not publish them so there is plenty of room for
Ø Even so, disclosure alone is an imperfect remedy; editors still must determine
whether a conflict has sufficient potential to impair an individual’s objectivity such
that the article should not be published.
Ø Even more work may be needed on reviewers’ and editors competing
interests, given their critical role as gatekeepers for the medical literature.
Ø No statement will solve the conflict of interest problem, nor will it ever be
solved altogether.
Ø OASPA applies rigorous criteria and in-depth review to all members who
must then continue to exemplify high standards to remain part of OASPA.
Develop and disseminate solutions that advance open access and ensure a diverse, vibrant,
and healthy open access community, through:
Leadership and Development –create awareness of the benefits of OA publishing and
highlight policies that enhance and support OA publications.
Collaboration and Convening –convene community stakeholders to share experiences,
discuss problems and identify opportunities in the advancement of open access.
Setting Standards –promote best practice and ethical standards in open access, applying
rigorous criteria and in-depth review to membership and actively collaborating on important
standard-raising scholarly communication initiatives.
Promoting Innovation –contribute to the development and dissemination of the innovative
approaches to scholarly publishing and the related opportunities that OA content allows.
Supporting the OA Ecosystem –promote the development of diverse systems, business
models and policies that support OA publishing and encourage a vibrant and competitive marke
for pure OA publishing in the longer term.
Publication ethics and related editorial policies
Purity of Data
Ø Wherever any kind of experimental or data-driven work is involved, it is essential to
present the results correctly and honestly. One must carefully avoid all unacceptable
forms of data manipulation, for example adding or subtracting data points at will,
editing images to produce a false result, creating images artificially and presenting
them as data or using the same figure or table to describe different experiments.
The conclusions claimed in a research paper must follow honestly from the data
Ø It is understood that data often has to be processed. Details of
acceptable/unacceptable processing can be quite complex and will vary from
subject to subject. The relevant norms in the given area should be applied in each
Ø Data fraud should be considered as a very serious offence as it harms the image of
the entire community and country. Deliberate falsification of data should attract
stringent punishment.
Ø The list of authors in research papers, reviews, books, monographs or
policy documents should not be manipulated to give undue credit to those
who have not contributed (``honorary authorship’’), or deny credit to those
who have contributed sufficiently.
Ø In recent years there has been a rise in so-called ``predatory journals’’
which publish papers with minimal or no review, typically for a fee. It is
unethical to publish in journals of this nature. However, it is essential to
distinguish predatory journals from legitimate open-access journals which
may also charge a publication fee.
Ø When plagiarism is detected, it must be corrected by immediately
publishing a retraction or revision. Deliberate and/or serious forms of
plagiarism should entail strict punishment.
Safety and Environment
Ø Academic work must not pose a risk or danger to people or
the environment.
Ø Guidelines and regulations concerning safety must be
formulated and carefully followed. This is especially
important for handling, storing and disposing of radioactive,
toxic or dangerous materials. Clearances and
permits/licenses, if required, must be obtained.
Ø Wherever relevant, due attention must be given to industrial
safety, sustainable development, sharing of intellectual
property rights, environmental loading and related issues.
Bias and discrimination
Ø There must be no direct or indirect bias or discrimination against any individual
based on the ethnicities, genders, religions, castes, tribes, socioeconomic strata,
affiliations, backgrounds and sexual orientations
Ø The nation should aim for the full and equal participation of women in all
academic activities. It is everyone’s responsibility to support a genderneutral and
supportive environment to achieve this goal.
UGC Guidelines
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Ø CSIR known for its cutting edge R&D knowledge base in diverse S&T
areas, is a contemporary R&D organization.
Ø CSIR has a dynamic network of 37 national laboratories, 39 outreach
centres, 1 Innovation Complex, and three units with a pan-India presence.
Ø CSIR covers a wide spectrum CSIR covers a wide spectrum of science
and technology – from oceanography, geophysics, chemicals, drugs,
genomics, biotechnology and nanotechnology to mining, aeronautics,
instrumentation, environmental engineering and information technology
CSIR Guidelines - 2019
CSIR Guidelines: In a Nutshell
CSIR Guidelines - 2019
CSIR Guidelines – 2019- Punishments
Scientific Investigation Board (SIB)
Source: CSIR
Publishing ethics
General guidelines for handling allegations:
§ Authorship complaints
§ Plagiarism complaints Elsevier ’s AI author policy
§ Multiple, duplicate, concurrent states that authors are
publication/simultaneous submission allowed to use generative AI
§ Research results misappropriation and AI-assisted technologies
§ Allegations of research errors, falsification & in the writing process before
fabrication submission, but only to
§ Allegations of image duplication or improve the language and
manipulation readability of their paper and
§ Research standards violations with the appropriate
§ Undisclosed conflicts of interest disclosure,
§ Reviewer bias or competitive harmful acts by
IEEE Xplore is the flagship digital platform for discovery and access to
scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners.
Publishing Ethics
Authorship and Contributorship
IEEE considers individuals who meet all of the following criteria to be authors:
• Made a significant intellectual contribution to the theoretical development, system or
experimental design, prototype development, and/or the analysis and interpretation of
data associated with the work contained in the article.
• Contributed to drafting the article or reviewing and/or revising it for intellectual content.
• Approved the final version of the article as accepted for publication, including
Plagiarism and Redundant Publication
When submitting your article for publication to IEEE, it should:
• Contain original research that has not been published before.
• Not be submitted to any other publication while you await a peer review
Complaints and Appeals
• Allegations of misconduct are handled as described in the
Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Manual,
section 8.2.4.
• During the handling of the complaint, the identity of the persons
involved and the scope of the inquiry are kept confidential to the
extent practicable.
Human and Animal Research Disclosure
Authors of articles reporting on research involving human subjects or animals must
advise the Editor upon article submission whether or not an approval was obtained
from a relevant Review Board (or equivalent local/regional review). If such an approval
was obtained, the original source and reference must be provided to the Editor at
submission and appear in the article itself.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors who submit to this publication are required to disclose any potential sources of
conflict of interest in their submission. Conflict resolution procedures are outlined in the
PSPB Manual
Data Sharing and Reproducibility
The IEEE promotes the sharing of data and code to help with scientific
reproducibility. To make it convenient to share data and code of an article, IEEE
offers author tools such as IEEE Data Port and Code Ocean.
Ethical Oversight
See the IEEE Principles of Ethical Publishing section in the Introduction of the PSPB
Manual to find the journal policies on ethical oversight.