Nursing Administration Book كتاب الادارة في التمريض 1
Nursing Administration Book كتاب الادارة في التمريض 1
Nursing Administration Book كتاب الادارة في التمريض 1
Prepared by:
Nursing Administration department
Faculty of Nursing
Suez Canal University
Second Term
Nursing Administration Book
Nursing Administration Book
No. Topics Page No.
1 Introduction to administration 4
2 Planning 10
3 Organizing 23
5 Staffing 43
6 Scheduling 50
7 Directing 57
8 Controlling 67
9 Leadership 73
10 Quality 81
Nursing Administration Book
Introduction to administration
Out lines:
1- Definition of administration.
2- Definition of management.
3- Management process.
4- Principles of management.
5- Management levels
Nursing Administration Book
Definition of administration:
It is a process to directing or organizing an agency or organizational agency
department to achieve the organizational objective.
A manager whose position is located in the next to top layer of organizational
-It is an art and science of achieving objectives through others.
-It is the process undertaken by one or more persons to coordinate the activity
of other persons to achieve results
-It is the process of getting things done through the efforts of others people
this often involves the allocation, control of money and physical resources.
*Management Process
-Old Fasion
-New Fasion
(Old Fashion): posd c or b
P→Planning O→Organizing
S→Staffing &scheduling D→Directing
C→Controlling R→Recording & Reporting
Nursing Administration Book
Is a process of determining what should be done accomplished & how it
should be realized.
Is a method for accomplishment of objectives or goals.
Is a process of arranging physical facilities, equipment and personnel
to achieve goals and objectives.
Is a process of identifying the work and classifying activities, assignment
of responsibilities, delegate authority.
Is a process of determining and assigning the right personnel to the right job.
Is a process of balancing the quantity of staff available with the quantity and
mix of staff needed by the organization.
It's function is recruitment/ interviewing/ orientation/ scheduling and staff
Is the initiation and maintenance of action toward the desired objectives.
The usual function in this phase are motivation/ supervision/ delegation/
staff development/ communication and managing conflict.
Is the measuring and correction of the performance to make sure that
organizational objectives and plans devised to accomplished.
It's function is performance appraisal/ quality control and legal control.
Nursing Administration Book
They are administrative tools to classify and prevent duplication
of information for communication/care planning/ legal documentation/
research / education and auditing.
Is a document form which includes conclusions, finding based on facts.
Is orally or written reports.
Is numerical expression of expected income and planned expenditures
for an organization for expected period of time.
(New Fashion)
The management process:
Planning → Organizing
↑ ↓
Controlling Directing
Principles of Management:
(1) Division of labor (2) authority
(3) Unity of command (4) Unity of direction
(5) Remuneration of personnel (6) Centralization
(7) Hierarchy of authority (8) Order
(9) Equity (10) Stability of Staff
(11) Initiative (12) Spirit of group
(13) Discipline (14) Subordinate of individual interest
Nursing Administration Book
r ma
Middle management
Operating employees
Held by persons who carry the responsibility for the overall operation
of the organization as director of nursing service
Nursing Administration Book
Held by persons who direct the operation of one unit within a department
as head nurse
Nursing Administration Book
❖Definition of Planning .
❖Characteristics of good plan.
❖Importance of Planning.
❖Steps of Planning.
❖ Elements of Planning.
❖ Types of Planning.
❖ Planning Hierarchy.
❖ Application of planning by:
1-Staff nurse
2-Head nurse
Nursing Administration Book
Planning is the first step of the management process that allows the
organization to deal with current situation and forecast the future.
Definition of planning:
Importance of planning
Steps of planning:
2. Formulation of objectives/goals.
3. Assessment of current organization capabilities-In terms of
4. Designing alternative course of action and selection.
7. Evaluation.
(1) Goals/ Objectives
- Are essential to planning because they outline the future conditions that the
planner considers satisfactory.
(2) Actions
Types of Planning
A- According to usage:
- Policies, philosophy, strategy, and procedure are examples of plans that are
developed to be employed repeatedly when the need arises.
2. Intermediate plan:
- Cover from 1-3 years. Tactile or functional plans are used by (Middle
Level Manager) as Supervisor to demonstrate the top management's
strategy to be carried out.
- Cover from 1 day to 1 year. It is concerned with the efficient, day to day
use of resources allocated to the unit and directed towards the fulfillment
of unit objectives.
Planning hierarchy
There are many types of planning in most organizations; these plans form
a hierarchy, with the plans at the top influencing all the plans
1. Vision statement:
- Example:
Mercy hospital is a tertiary care facility that provides comprehensive,
holistic care to all state residents who seek treatment. The purpose of
Mercy hospital is to combine high quality, holistic health care with the
provision of learning opportunities for students in medicine, nursing and
allied health sciences.
3. Philosophy statement:
- Philosophy flow from the mission statement and delineates the set of
values and beliefs that guide all actions in the organization.
- It is the basic foundation that directs all further planning toward that
- Example:
The board of directors, medical and nursing staff, and administrators of
Mercy hospital believe that human beings are unique. Each patient is
considered a unique individual with unique needs. Identifying outcomes
and goals, prescribing strategy options, and selecting an optimal strategy
will be negotiated by the patient, physician and health care team.
Goals: -It is can be defined as the desired results toward which effort is
- It is the aim of philosophy.
- Goals much like philosophies change with time and require periodic
reevaluation and prioritization.
- Types of goals:
- Strategic goal: are goals set by and for top management of the
organization. They focus on broad general issues.
- Tactical goals: are set by and for middle managers. Their focus is on how
to operationalize actions necessary to achieve strategic goals.
- Operational goals: are set by and for lower level managers. Their
concern is with shorter term issues associated with the tactical goals.
- Example:
All RNs will be proficient in the administration of intravenous therapy.
4. Objectives:
- They are similar to goals in that they motivate people to a specific end
are explicit, measurable, observable and attainable.
- Example:
Procedural statements regarding how to request vacation or holiday time
on specific unit.
7. Rules:
-Rules and regulations are that define specific action or non action.
- Generally included as a part of policy and procedure statements.
- Rules describe situations that allow only one choice of action.
- Rules are fairy inflexible.
- Existing rules, however, should be enforced to keep morale from breaking
down and to allow organizational structure.
Policies produced at a middle-level position in an organization, often
known as departmental policies. They are guidelines that exclusively
apply to certain departments, such as I.C.U. nursing protocols.
A policy that specifies when an activity must be completed, such as
taking the temperature of all patients every day at 6 a.m.
A standard:
Is a descriptive professional expression of intended or agreed-upon level
of performance that must be visible, achievable, and quantifiable.
A budget:
Is a numerical depiction of an organization's projected income and
planned expenditures for a specific time period.
Are specified quantifiable factors that show whether or not a standard has
been reached and to what extent it has been satisfied.
Application of planning:
Drawn the nursing care plan based on patients' current needs.
Develop time framework (Time Log) for her daily activities
Determine the equipment needed to accomplish designed plan.
Determine equipment needed for the emergency.
Determine the time needed to accomplish her special duties.
Update designed plan and re plan for the new patient's problem
-Develop time frame for her daily activity for nursing round,
-Participation in medical round, conference, committees.
-Design assignment sheet to distribute work to nursing staff
-Check nursing care plan for professional nurse
-Design nursing care plan for nonprofessional nurse
-Determine number of staff nurse needed to deliver care.
-Determine equipment needed for the unit
-Determine equipment needed for the emergency
-Assess quantity and quality of equipment, supplies in the unit.
-Determine sterilization and housekeeping.
-Assess nursing care given to patient in her unit.
-Review patient's charts daily.
-Develop the philosophy , objectives , standard , policies for the nursing care
of patients , nursing services.
-Develop nursing standard, job description, policies and procedure for nursing
-Draw the roster (time schedule) for nursing supervisor in hospitals
-Determine the number of staff nurses needed to provide nursing care in all the
-Determine time she needs for the overall daily activities to accomplish her
managerial duties as walking round, conference, committees and meeting.
-Plan for educational program for staff development.
-Draw up the disaster plan to maintain safety.
-Determine supplies and equipment's needed for work.
-Participate in determine budget needed
for nursing department.
Introduction of organizing
Definition organizing
Importance of organizing
Principles of organizing
Elements of organizing
Organizational structure
Organizational chart
Once manager have set goals and developed workable plan, the next
management function is to organize people and the other resources necessary to
carry out the plan
Importance of organizing
1. Encourage specialization
Principles of organizing
1. Unity of commands:
Each subordinate should have one superior only.
2. Chain of command (Scalar principle):
- It is the clear line of authority from the top to the bottom of an
- All members of the firms should know to whom they report and who, if
anyone, report to them.
-The fewer the employees supervised, the smaller or narrower the span of
-In a flat organization, there are few levels with wide spans of
2. Similarity of tasks being supervised (the more similar the tasks, the
wider the potential span)
4. Division of labor:
- With division of labor, employees have specialized jobs.
5. Coordination:
- Coordination techniques:
1. The managerial hierarchy: Placing one manager in charge of
interdependent departments or units.
6. Delegation:
- It is the process by which mangers assign apportion of their total workload
to others.
8. Flexibility:
- The organization should adopt built-in devices for any change, expansion,
2. The nature of decision being made (the costlier and the riskier the
decisions, the more pressure there is to centralize)
3. The ability of lower manager (if the lower manager do not have the
abilities to make high quality decision, there is likely to be a high level of
1. Designing the job:
Job specialization
- It is the degree to which the overall task of the organization is broken down and
divided into smallercomponent part.
- Benefits of specialization:
1. Workers performing small, simple task will become very proficient at task.
- Limitation of specialization:
1. Workers may become bored and dissatisfied.
2. There is no challenge or stimulation.
3. Absenteeism rises and the quality of the work may suffer.
- Alternatives to specialization:
- To counter the problems associated with specialization, managers have
sought other approaches to job design.
1. Job rotation is an alternative to job specialization that involves systemically
moving employees from one job to another.
- Jobs that are amenable to rotation tend to be relatively standard and routine.
- It is most often used today as a training device to improve workers skills and
2. Job enlargement
- It was developed to increase the total number of tasks the workers perform.
- As a result, all workers perform a wide variety of tasks, which reduces the level
of job dissatisfaction.
3. Job enrichment
- It is increasing the degree of the responsibility a worker has over his or her job.
- For example:
1. Encouraging workers to develop new skills.
2. Allowing the workers to decide how to do the work and how to respond to
unexpected situations.
- The idea behind the job enrichment is that increasing workers responsibility
increases their involvement in their jobs and thus increases their interest in the
quality of the service they provide.
2. Task identity: The extent to which the worker does a complete or identifiable
position of the total job
5. Feedback: The extent to which the worker knows how well the job is being
- The higher the job rates on those dimensions, the more employees will
experience various psychological states.
- The process of grouping jobs is called departmentalization.
- Common bases of departmentalization: Functional, location, customer
Functional departmentalization
2. Employees may begin to concentrate too narrowly on their own units and lose
4. Distributing authorities:
Two specific issues that managers must address when distributing authority are
delegation and decentralization.
5. Coordinating activities
Organizational structures
- The arrangement of position in the organization into work unit or
departments and the interrelationships among these units or departments.
- Technology:
- The more complicated the technology, the more need to flexible structure
to enhance managers' ability to respond to unexpected situations.
- Human resources:
- The more likely skilled organization's workforce and the greater the number
of employee, the more likely an organization is to use a flexible, decentralized
- Progress through which the organizations evolve as they grow and mature.
- As an organization passes from one stage to the next, it becomes bigger and
more decentralized.
- Importance of organizational structure:
- It facilitates execution of their mission, goals, reporting lines and communication
within the organization.
- It reveals information about size of the nursing services department.
Is traditional system.
-The approvals and orders in this kind of structure come from top to bottom
Line position: A position in the direct chain of command that is responsible for
the achievement of the organization's goals.
Staff position: A position intended to provide expertise, advice and support for
line position.
Line and staff structure combines the line structure where information and
approvals come from top to bottom, with staff departments for support and
Functional structure
- Staff officer are no purely advisory, but have some command authority over
line employee for certain function.
Ad Hoc structure
Creates flexibility among workers than dose line structure.
Decreased strength in the chain of command.
Matrix structure
For example the director of the maternal child care could report both to a vice
president for maternal and woman's services (product manager) and the vice
president for nursing services (function manager).
Provide flexibility.
Organizational chart
To place these boxes in the chart, review relationship between different departments
Reveal to manager and new employee how they fit into the organization.
Show formal lines of communication.
Types :-
(Vertical Chart)
-It shows high-level management at the top with formal lines of authority
down the hierarchy
(Horizontal Chart)
-It shows high level management at the left with lower position to the right.
(Circular chart)
-It shows high level management in the center with successive
position in circles.
-It shows the outward flow of formal authority from high level management
Definitions of staffing
Steps of staffing.
Objectives of staffing in nursing
Factors influencing staffing.
Types of Staffing.
Component of staffing.
Patient care delivery system
Formula for computing the number of staff needed in the In- patient
areas of hospital
The staffing phase of the management process includes ascertaining that there are
adequate numbers of personnel available to meet daily unit needs and organizational goals.
Definitions of staffing
- It is the manpower planning to have the right person in the right place.
- It is the activities required to insure that an adequate number and mix of health care
team member are available to meet patient need and provide safe quality care.
Recruitment steps
3. Predicting the number of personnel in each job category that will be needed to
meet the anticipated service demands.
4. Obtaining, budgeted positions for the number in each job category needed to
service for the expected types and number of client.
10. Assigning responsibilities for client services to available personnel.
Establish a balance between the nursing staff available with the manpower
required, according to the number of patients and their care needs.
Improve staff morale, job satisfaction and quality care with decrease in
turnover and vacancies.
2. The hospital:
The physical setup of the hospital like placement of nursing units in one building
or over a wide geographical area , the size of these units, number of private rooms,
location of supportive services.
carried out.
4. Administrative policies:
Types of Staffing
2. Supplementary staffing:
It is needed when demands for patient care excess the capability of the basic
staff. It includes:
This is a common method of borrowing staff from units that have the most to help
those who have too little number of staff.
Group of nurses who are permanent workers but do not belong to any special
unit. They are used to fill patient care activities while absence among the unit
staff increase.
-It is filled with fixed staff who receives extra pay for being on call whether
or not they are called.
Components of Staffing
1-Staffing plan
Indicate scheme mathematically derived to indicate how many people of what
classification must be hired in order to deliver staffing pattern.
2-Staffing patterns:
Is a plan for how many persons of what job classification should be on duty per each
unit per shift, per day
1) Each unit will continue to admit the same type of patients (similar acuity) in
the same period of time determined for staffing pattern.
2) Patient needs can be averaged- out per unit on a daily basis, and can be
converted into the number of required nursing hours.
3) The converted number of nursing hours will remain relatively constant from
day to day.
service, and the maintenance of standard of care.
The nurse classify the patient in the category that most closely describes the care
received. This style is a quick check guide. But many administrators have moved
away from this subjective style of PCS.
Is acuity table divides descriptions of care routines into activity categories
Formula for computing the number of staff needed in the In-patient areas of
= No of patient in each category × Average of nursing hours needed per day
- Total actual working hours per year = 273 × 8 (average working hours daily) =
2184 hour
- But nurse don't work 365 day, she work only 273
- Total holidays days by all staff = No of holidays per year × No of full time staff
Definitions of scheduling.
Principles of scheduling.
Definitions of scheduling
It is a planning pattern of on_ off duties hours for employees in a particular unit
for a given period of time.
3- One day apart must be planned between days off of the HN and the
6- Slight overlapping time should be kept between shifts to provide chance for
shift report.
11- Percentage of on duty staff in inpatient department in Morning:
Evening: Night should be 45%: 37%: 18% (approximately).
1- Centralized scheduling:
Most of the staffing decisions are made by a central office or staffing center.
One individual frequently performs staffing functions for all nursing
- Limited flexibility for the workers as it is as unable to easily account for the
worker's interests or special needs.
2. Decentralized scheduling:
- Nurse managers are given authority and assume responsibility to staff their
own units.
Staffing is easier and less complicated when done for a small area instead
of the whole agency.
Each manager learns the responsibility and challenges of scheduling staff.
- Disadvantages:
Computerized scheduling:
All data necessary for time planning are fed to the computer and a program for
scheduling is designed based on the fed data. The computerized scheduling is
more effective than the other types.
Eight-Hours shift:
• It is a traditional pattern.
• The shifts are usually 7AM to 3.30 PM, 3 PM to 11.30 PM, and 11 PM
to 7.30 AM.
Ten-Hour shift:
• It also may be a 10-hour-day, 7-day work week (one works for 7 days
and then has 7 days off).
Twelve-Hour shift:
- Nurses find they have more time to relax and enjoy their days off.
• Nurses complain that their social lives suffer on the days they work.
Permanent shift:
Cyclic scheduling:
Basic time patterns for certain number of weeks is established and then
repeated in cyclic.
It allows personnel to know schedule in advance.
It decreases floating.
It is rigid.
Block scheduling:
- Means that the work schedule for a unit is planned in a “block” of week,
i.e. days to be worked by staff are blocked together.
Meaning of directing
Definition of directing
Important of directing
Function of directing
Directing implies moving into action. It involves issuing orders & instruction&
taking steps to get them carried out property.
It initiates Action
It Integrates employees efforts
It is the means of motivation
It facilitates to implement changes
It creates balance in the organization.
delegation. motivation.
staff development.
communication & understanding
It is day-to-day relationship between a manger and his subordinates, and it
is commonly used to cover the training, direction, motivation,
coordination ,maintenance of disciples.
Purpose of Supervision
Components of Supervision:-
3-helping 4-correcting
5-encourageing 6-inspecting
Helps create a social, psychological, physical atmosphere.
Categories of Supervision:-
-In which the nurse has ability to provide direction through various means
of written, verbal and electronic communication
-May occur in home health setting and long term care facilities.
Technique of Supervision:-
Short informal conferences
Formal conferences
Techniques of observation
-It refers to no specific regular time for holding these conferences. The
head nurses go around the ward while nurses are in action. She can raise
question about the condition of patient and work.
- Provide an opportunity to impact information about patient care
- In which staff members make decision about how they will work together.
-Discuss patient need
-Define solutions to patient care problems
- Summarized nursing measures that are used for all who care for patient
- These management techniques promote communication among staff
- Involve them in learning more about patient care through planning and
evaluating patient care.
Definition of Delegation:-
10- Assesse results, accept the fact that subordinates will perform
delegated tasks
Definition of Motivation:-
Feed Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction
Importance of Motivation:-
Types of Motivation: -
Positive Motivation
2-Non Financial
Motivating Factors: -
1- Health status:-
Continual motivation require physical and psycho motor energy
2- Self-concepts:-
A person's perception of his / her capabilities influences that person's
motivational capacity
3- Organization:-
Adequate staff members, sufficient equipment and available supplies affect
4- Opportunities available:-
When the opportunities to learn and grow in the work situation is lacking,
motivation is stifled
5- Leadership style:-
Using leadership style appropriate to specific situations and staff members
' experience levels is appositive motivator.
6- Peer relationship:-
(6) Give subordinate recognition
(7) Create a trustful
Staff Development
-is a planned learning experience within and outside the agency in order to
help a person perform more effectively
-It is a complex, dynamic process that involves a sender and a receiver, and
1. Definitions of controlling
2. Importance of controlling
3. Controlling process
4. Elements of controlling
5. Techniques of controlling
Control is the process by which managers assure that resources ( human &
physical) are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the
accomplishment of the organizational objectives.
Purpose of Controlling
The characteristic or condition of the operating system which is to be
-The characteristic can be the output of the system during any stage of
processing or it may be a condition that is the result of the system.
The second element
The sensor:
Is a means for measuring the characteristic or condition.
The third element:
The comparator:
- Determines the need for correction by comparing what is occurring with
what has been planned.
- Some deviation from plan is usual and expected, but when variations are
beyond those considered acceptable, corrective action is required.
The fourth element:
The activator
Is the corrective action taken to return the system to expected output
Process of Controlling:
Measuring Actual Performance:
The supervisor collects data and measures the activities of nursing
management, compares standards with actual care.
Comparing results with objectives and standard:
Types of Control
Direct Supervision and Observation:
Financial Statements:
- It means that, any sale below this point will cause losses and any sale
above this point will earn profits.
- Objectives for individuals are jointly fixed by
the superior and the subordinate.
- Periodic evaluation and regular feedback to evaluate individual
Management Audit:
- Self-Control means self-directed control.
-A person is given freedom to set his own targets, evaluate his own
performance and take corrective measures as and when required.
Introduction of leadership:
Definition of leadership:
Definition of Manager:
Do things right
Keeps firm, close control over followers by keeping close of policies and
procedures given to followers. These leader emphasis on the professional
relationship, direct supervision
Useful when employee is less experience and leader more skillful.
Less commitment.
2. Democratic
The leader shares the decision-making with subordinate to promote the
interests of them and practice social equality. This style of leader makes
discussion, argument, sharing of ideas and encouragement of people to feel
good about their involvement.
Increase creations.
Lack of efficiency when there is lack of maturity and skills.
Time consuming.
Ineffective in emergency.
Increase autonomy .
4. Transformational
A transformational leader is not limited by their follower's perception.
Their main objective is to work to change, or transform their followers'
needs, and redirect their thinking. There are three identified characteristics
of a these leader:
Charismatic leadership- have a broad knowledge of field, self-
promoting, high energy level, and willing to take risk and stimulate
their followers to think independently
Individualized consideration
Intellectual stimulation
5. Transactional
The transactional leaders focus on motivating followers through a system
of rewards and punishments. There are two factors which form the basis
for this system;
Contingent Reward Provides rewards, (materialistic or
psychological), for effort and recognizes good performance.
Management-by-Exception allows the leader to maintain the status
quo. The leader intervenes when subordinates do not meet
acceptable performance levels and initiates corrective action to
improve performance. Management by exception helps reduce the
His / her values
Extent of power
Degree of maturity
Three aspects of quality
Dimensions of quality.
Perception of quality by the health care triad
The importance of quality.
Deming’s 14 points of quality
Brown 2001
- Freedom from deficiencies and product features (fitness for use)
Juran in 1989
- The goal of the quality control team is to identify products or services that
do not meet standards of quality.
2. Quality assurance:
- It does not respect existing standards
- It is continually demanding new ones.
Three aspects of quality
Dimensions of quality Appropriateness:
- The degree to which the care/intervention is relevant to the patient’s
clinical needs, given the current state of knowledge.
- It is concerned with doing the right things in accordance with the purpose.
1. Access to service:
- The degree to which appropriate care/ intervention is obtainable to meet
the patient’s need.
2. Competency:
- The degree to which practitioner adheres to professional standards of care
and practice.
3. Continuity:
- It means that the client receive the complete range of health services that
he or she needs, without interruption, cessation, or unnecessary repetition
of diagnosis and treatment.
4. Effectiveness:
- The degree to which care is provided in correct manner to achieve the
desired outcome.
- It is the relation between outcomes and the resources used to deliver care.
- It is concerned with the delivery of a maximum number of units‖ of health
care for a given unit of health resources.
8. Safety:
- The degree to which the organization environment is free from hazard.
- It is concerned with minimizing risks of adverse outcome for both patient
and provider as a result of healthcare intervention.
9. Timelines:
The degree to which needed care and services are
provided to the patient at the most beneficial or necessary time.
10. Prevention/Early Detection:
The degree to which interventions, including the identification of risk
factors, promote health and prevent disease.
The importance of quality
Business success may simply be the extent to which your organization can
produce a higher-quality product or service than its competitors are able to
do at a competitive price.
Deming's 14 points
4. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for anyone
item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.
5. Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production,
and service.
6. Institute training on the job.
11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the work force and numerical goals for
12. Remove barriers that stifle pride in workmanship: Poor management,
inadequate instructions and faulty equipment get in the way of continuous
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for
14. Put everyone to work to accomplish the transformation.
Envisioning a Healthier Future, Caroline D. Bergeron, Mary E. Northridge ,Am J
Public Health. 2015 April; 105(4): 612. Published online 2015 April. doi:
10.2105/AJPH.2015.302609 PMCID: PMC4358207