Washing Section

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Garment washing

Garments washing is a new technology which is change the outlook, appearance, comfortability and
design of garments.

 Types of garments washing process:

1. Dry process or mechanical process;
2. Wet process or chemical process;

 Flow chart of garment washing process:

Actual process flow chart for garments washing are mentioned in the following-

Garments receive from the sewing department

Garments sent to the dry process (If there’s any dry process)

Hand scrapping



Garments sent to the wet process

Garments loading into the washing machine

Washing (Maintaining wash reference)



Garments sent to the dry process (If there’s needed any more dry process)

P.P spray (If the process needed)

P.P sprayed garments sent to the wet process

P.P sprayed garments loading into the washing machine

Washing (Completing rest of the wet process)



Garments sent to the dry process (If there’s needed any more dry process)

3D (If needed)


Quality check (Q.C)

Send to the finishing department.

 Dry Process:

Dry process is a mechanical process which is used to make aesthetic look of the garments by
abrasion or using chemical.

 Flow chart of Dry process:

Whisker Scrapping Tagging P.P Spray Destroy/Tearing 3D

1.Whisker process:
Whisker is nothing but the worn out line/impression generated by natural wearing on
hip/thigh area.
2.Hand Scrapping:
Hand scrapping is a step which is being done in rigid form of garments to get used look.

Tagging is a process which is being done by tagging m/c with the help of plastic or nylon tag
pins in rigid garments to get very heavy contract.
4.P.P Spray:
PP spray is the activator of spraying pp on denim garments to achieve local abraded area to
appear whiter than back ground indigo color shade.

Destroy is the process which is damage the warp yarn in a local area but constant the weft
yarn of the garment.

6.3D Crinkling:
Crinkling is the activity of making 3D effect on jeans to give a natural crinkled appearance.
Dry process faults:

Poor Hand Sanding

Because of improper hand sanding, more or less hand sanding than the actual


Again treat the process in proper way.

Poor Grinding

Because of improper grinding, more or less grinding than the requirement.


Again treat the process in proper way.

Poor Sand Blasting

Improper sandblasting, more or less sandblasting than the requirement.


Again treat the process in proper way.

High Abrasion Effect

Much abrasion effect than the requirement.


Again treat the process in proper way.

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