03a Character and String Processing

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Character and String

CSX3002/ITX2001 Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming
CS4402 Selected Topic in Object-Oriented Concepts
IT2371 Object-Oriented Programming
Character Fundamentals (1)

 Characters are internally represented as 16-bit Unicode (integers).

 Each value represent a unique symbol (ASCII standard)
 ‘A’ has ASCII value of 65; ‘Z’ has ASCII value of 90
 ‘a’ has ASCII value of 97; ‘z’ has ASCII value of 122
 ‘0’ has ASCII value of 48; ‘9’ has ASCII value of 57
 There are many other symbols (‘+’, ‘-’, ‘!’, ‘\n’, ‘\t’, etc.)
 Some are unprintable control characters (‘\0’ (null), ‘\a’
(DEL), 12 (FF) ...
 Character constants are written with single quotes
 (‘A’, ‘$’, etc)

Character Fundamentals (2)

 Since characters are internally 16-bit integers:

 int num = ‘7’ – ‘0’;
 What is the value of num?
 char symbol = 65;
 What is the value of symbol?
 char symbol = ‘a’ + 10;
 What is the value of symbol?

Character-Handling Library

 java.lang.Character - library of Java character type

 Methods to perform tests and manipulations on characters
 Pass character as argument (most methods)

Character Handling Methods (1)

 Character-related methods
 static boolean isDigit(char ch)
 static boolean isLetter(char ch)
 static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char ch)
 static boolean isLowerCase(char ch)
 static boolean isUpperCase(char ch)
 static boolean isWhitespace(char ch)
 static char toLowerCase(char ch)
 static char toUpperCase(char ch)
 and more…

Character-Handling Methods (2)

 Upcoming example
◦ isLowerCase
 Returns true if lowercase letter (a-z)
◦ isUpperCase
 Returns true if uppercase letter (A-Z)
◦ toLowerCase
 If passed uppercase letter, returns lowercase letter
 A to a
 Otherwise, returns original argument
◦ toUpperCase
 As above, but turns lowercase letter to uppercase
 a to A

Example 1

 CharacterProcessing1.java
According to Character.isDigit:
8 is a digit
# is not a digit

According to Character.isLetter:
A is a letter
b is a letter
& is not a letter
4 is not a letter

According to
A is a letter or a digit
8 is a letter or a digit
# is not a letter or a digit
Fundamental of Strings in Java (1)

 String
 Collection of characters
 Can include anything that can be a character
 Letters
 Digits
 Special symbols

 String literal (string constants)

 Enclosed in double quotes, for example:
 "I like Java"
Fundamental of Strings in Java

 The String class represents character strings.

 All string literals in Java programs are implemented as
instances of this class.
 For instance, "abc“
 Strings are constant.
 Their values cannot be changed after they are created.
 String buffers support mutable strings. (later)
String Declaration and

 String str = "abc";

 char data[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
 String str = new String(data);
 String str = new String("abc");
String-Handling Library

 We can manually manipulate strings as we know how strings in

Java is internally represented.
 Alternatively, we can take advantage of standard functions
that come with the language.
 String handling library java.lang.String provides functions
◦ Manipulate string data
◦ Compare strings
◦ Split string
String Methods

Method Description
length() Returns the length of this string
charAt(int index) Returns the char value at the
specified index.
isEmpty() Returns true if length() = 0
String Manipulating Methods

Method Description
concat(String s) Concatenates the specified string to the
end of this string.
startsWith(String prefix) Tests if this string starts with the specified
endsWith(String suffix) Tests if this string ends with the specified
contains(CharSeq seq) Returns true if and only if this string contains
the specified sequence of char values.
substring(int beginIndex) Returns a new string that is a substring of this
substring(int beginIndex, Returns a new string that is a substring of this
int endIndex) string.
String Manipulating Methods

Method Description
replace(char oldChar, Returns a new string resulting from
char newChar) replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this
string with newChar.
trim() Returns a copy of the string, with leading
and trailing whitespace omitted.
String Comparison Methods

Method Description
compareTo(String str) Zero - equal lexicographically
Positive – greater than the parameter
Negative – less than the parameter
compareToIgnoreCase(String str) Similar to compareTo() but the cases
of all characters are ignored.
== Checks if the two strings are the same
equals(Object anObject) Checks if the contents are the same.

What about the

operator == ?

 StringProcessing.java

 Breaking a string into substring depending on the given

regular expression and place them into array of string.

Method Description
public String[] split(String regex) splits the string around matches of the
given regular expression.
public String[] split(String regex, int limit) splits the string around matches of the
given regular expression. Limit is used for
controlling the number of times the
pattern is applied and affecting the
length of the resulting array

 StringSplittingExample.java

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