2024 Ug FPT Dr.s.a Unit III
2024 Ug FPT Dr.s.a Unit III
2024 Ug FPT Dr.s.a Unit III
3.0 Dairy chemistry may be defined as that branch of dairy science which deals
with the chemistry of milk and milk products.
3.1 Milk The secretion of the mammary glands of mammals, its primarily for
new born.
• Milk of some animals, cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep,
• Used for human consumption, also in the form of dairy products.
• Processed dairy products such as cream, butter, fermented milk products
like dahi & yogurt, ice cream, cheese etc.
3.1.1 Composition of milk? Table:3.1 Composition of Milk
• It is a complex biological fluid in
• Proteins & a portion of salts are
present as colloidal dispersion
• Fat- & fat-soluble vitamins as oil-in-
water emulsion
• Lactose, water soluble vitamins and a
portion of salts in true solution.
• Mineral substances - K, Na, Ca, Mg,
The chemical composition of milk largely
determines its nutritional value; the extent to
which microorganisms can grow in it; its
flavor; and the chemical reactions that can occur in milk. The latter include
reactions that cause off-flavours.
Fat globules
Milk is an oil-in-water emulsion.
But the fat globules are more complicated than emulsion droplets. In particular,
the surface layer or membrane of the fat globule is not an adsorption layer of
one single substance but consists of many components; its structure is
Milk minus fat globules is called milk plasma, i.e., the liquid in which the fat
globules float.
Casein micelles
It consists of water, protein, and salts. The protein is casein. Casein is present as
a caseinate, which means that it binds cations, primarily calcium and
magnesium. The other salts in the micelles occur as a calcium phosphate,
varying somewhat in composition and also containing a small amount of citrate.
This is often called colloidal phosphate. The whole may be called calcium-
caseinate/calcium-phosphate complex.
Milk serum, i.e., the liquid in which the micelles are dispersed, is milk minus
fat globules and casein micelles.
Serum proteins are largely present in milk in molecular form or as very small
aggregates. Lipoprotein particles, sometimes called milk microsomes, vary in
quantity and shape.
Cells, i.e., leukocytes, are always present in milk and contain all cytoplasmic
components such as enzymes. They are rich in catalase.
• Milk as a Solution
Milk is a dilute aqueous solution
The pH of milk is about 6.7 at room temperature.
The viscosity is low, about twice that of water
The water activity is high, about 0.995.
Milk density is 1029 kg⋅m-3 at 20°C; it varies especially with fat content.
• Milk as a Dispersion.
The fat globules can be concentrated in a simple way by creaming, occurs due
to gravity or more efficiently is induced by centrifugation. Likewise, casein
micelles can be concentrated and separated from milk, for instance, by
membrane filtration. Casein also aggregates and forms a gel when the pH of the
milk is lowered to about 4.6. Moreover, water can be removed from milk by
• Flavor
The flavor of fresh milk is fairly bland. The lactose produces some sweetness
and the salts some saltiness. Several small molecules present in very small
quantities also contribute to flavor. The fat globules are responsible for the
creaminess of whole milk.
• Nutritional value.
Milk is a complete food for the young calf, and contains virtually all nutrients,
provide good nutrition to humans.
Freshly drawn milk varies in composition, structure, and properties. The fat
globules vary in size and, to some extent, in composition, and the same applies
to casein micelles.
The main factors responsible for natural variation in milk are the
• Genetic factors
• Illness of the cow
• Feed
Biochemical changes
Occur because milk contains active enzymes.
Examples are lipase, causes lipolysis;
Proteinases, cause proteolysis;
Phosphatases, cause hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters.
Microbial changes
Often the most conspicuous:
The best-known effect is production of lactic acid from lactose, causing an
obvious decrease in pH. Numerous other changes, such as lipolysis and
proteolysis, may result from microbial growth.
3.3 Milk Processing
Milk is a raw material in the manufacture of several food products. These
products are predominantly made in dairy factories (or dairies, for short). Their
mode of operation is dominated by the properties of the raw material. Some
typical characteristics of the dairy industry are as follows:
1. Milk is a liquid, and it is homogeneous (or it can readily be made
homogeneous). This implies that transport and storage are relatively simple and
it greatly facilitates the application of continuous processes.
2. Milk properties vary according to source, season, and storage conditions, and
during keeping. This may imply that processes have to be adapted to the
variation in properties.
3. Milk is highly perishable and the same is true of many intermediates between
raw milk and the final product. This requires strict control of hygiene and
storage conditions.
4. Raw milk may contain pathogenic bacteria, and some of these can thrive in
milk. This also requires strict control of hygiene and the application of
stabilization processes.
5. Generally, raw milk is delivered to the dairy throughout the year, but in
varying quantities.
6. Milk contains several components, and it can be separated in fractions in
various ways, e.g., in cream and skim milk, in powder and water, or in curd and
7. Relatively small amounts of raw material (besides milk) are needed for the
manufacture of most milk products, but consumption of water and energy may
be high.
8. One and the same unit operation can often be applied in the manufacture of a
range of products. This includes heat treatment, cooling, cream separation, and
3.4 Pasteurization of milk
Pasteurization is a process which consists of heating milk to certain temperature
for a definite time to ensure destruction of pathogenic bacteria and enzymes.
At present, pasteurization is considered as an essential feature in the
manufacturing of processed milk and milk products such as butter, ice cream,
cheese, etc.
Pasteurization of milk destroys about 99 percent of all bacteria, yeasts and
moulds. It also inactivates some of the natural enzymes like lipase and improves
the keeping quality of milk.
There are three methods used to pasteurize milk:
• Holding Method (Batch type): Milk is heated to 62.80C temperature and
holding it for 30 minutes.
• High Temperature Short Time method (HTST): Milk is heated to
71.70C temperature for 15 seconds. This method does not impart cooked
• UltraHigh Temperature Method (UHT): Milk is heated to 137.80C
temperature or more for 1 to 2 seconds. This method does not impart
cooked flavor. This helps in storing milk for long period, retaining its
palatability and protecting it from getting spoil.
Homogenization, the process of breaking down fat globules into tiny particles in
milk so that they stay integrated rather than separating as cream. This is
achieved by passing warm milk or cream through a small aperture under high
pressure and velocity. Milk fat globules are formed to 1 to 20 micron in
diameter. It decreases the size of fat globules and increase their number with
surface area. Homogenized milk has a creamier thick consistency, bland flavour
and whiter appearance.
In the manufacturing of ice-cream, homogenization reduces the chances of
separation of fat globules resulting in a smoother texture of the finished product
as shown in fig. 1.1.
powder, butter milk powder, ice cream mix and malted milk powder. Milk
powder can be reconstituted in fluid milk.
Separation, usually by means of a flow-through centrifuge called a cream
separator, yields skim milk and cream.
The skim milk has a very low fat content, 0.05 to 0.08%.
Milk skimmed after gravity creaming has a much higher fat content.
Unless stated otherwise, the term skim milk will refer to centrifugally separated
By mixing skim milk and cream, milk may be standardized to a desired fat
Ice cream
Defined as a frozen dairy product made by suitable blending and processing of
cream and other milk products, together with sugar and flavor, with or without
stabilizer or color, and with the incorporation of air during the freezing process.
Classification of ice-cream
Chemical composition
Table Chemical Composition of ice cream (%)
• The product can be kept without refrigeration and has a long shelf life.
• After dilution, flavor and nutritive value of the product are not greatly
different from that of fresh milk.
Heating for 20 min at a temperature below 100oC or using UHT treatment
Inactivating enzymes
Killing microorganisms (including bacterial
Enhancing the heat stability of evaporated milk
Using evaporation/ reverse osmosis (rarely done).
Dry matter content must be standardized based on mass density or refractive
index determination.
A higher concentration of dry matter content will lead to a lower yield and a
poorer heat stability.
To prevent creaming and coalescence.
It should not be too intensive because the heat stability becomes to low.
Using a stabilizing salt (such as Na2HPO4). The addition of salt means
adjusting the pH of evaporated milk, due to the lessen pH to 6.1 – 6.2 after
preheating and evaporation steps. The stabilizing salt is added as an aqueous
The common packaging used for evaporated milk is can.
Can tin plate of the cans is coated (provided with a protective layer of a suitable
polymer) to prevent iron and tin from dissolving into the product.
To kill all bacteria spores.
At 121oC for 4 -7 minutes
The most heat-resistant spores are those from Bacillus stearothermophilus, B.
subtilis, C. botulinum and C. perfringens are also absent.
UHT sterilization kills bacterial spores more effectively than in-bottle
Sweetened condensed milk.
Milk that is concentrated by evaporation, to which sucrose is added to form an
almost saturated sugar solution.
The high sugar concentration is primarily responsible for the keeping quality of
the product and for its fairly long shelf life.
Table Composition of
Condensed milk
Killing pathogens and potential spoilage microorganisms
Inactivate milk lipase, but not bacterial lipases.
UHT heating at about 130 – 140oC is commonly applied.
Creaming is often not a major problem, and therefore homogenization is not
always done.
Sugar addition
Sugar can be simply added to the original milk & the sugar is pasteurized along
with the milk may cause extensive Maillard reactions during heating &
evaporation. Alternatively, a concentrated sugar solution is added at the end of
the evaporation.
It is done by evaporation at high temperature (up to 80 oC).
A higher viscosity of the final cooled product.
The low water content of SCM implies a high viscosity and boiling point.
Cooling of condensed milk is essential to control the texture of condensed milk.
Sweetened condensed milk is a highly concentrated solution of lactose and
sucrose. The quantity of sugar which milk can carry in solution varies according
to the temperature of milk. As the condensed milk is cooled, lactose which is
less soluble than sugar crystallizes out and if the lactose crystals are small
enough these crystals will not be detected but if they are too large, they will
impart sandy texture to condensed milk
Crystallization of lactose is usually assisted by the addition of fine powder of
lactose or small quantity of condensed milk from previous batch in which the
lactose crystals are in minute form. Seeding refers to the introduction of lactose
in a very fine powder form during cooling process to provide nucleic for
crystallization. Lactose for seeding purpose is 375-500 gm per 1000 kg of initial
milk taken or 0.1 to 0.3 percent of condensed milk
Cooling and packaging
After seeding and forced crystallization, further cooling of the product is
continued slowly to 24-25°C for about an hour or longer when the product is
ready for packaging. The packed condensed milk is then stored until further use.
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