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1 author:
Sandhya Singh
Punjab Agricultural University
All content following this page was uploaded by Sandhya Singh on 20 March 2018.
Sandhya Singh
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Purpose of review: This article summarises the main findings of a recent literature review on the application of cold storage, con-
trolled atmosphere (CA) storage and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) techniques during storage, handling, distribution and
retail sale in order to maintain postharvest quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Findings: Postharvest handling and processing technology is required to maintain quality and reduce postharvest losses. Several stud-
ies have already been carried out in this area. The information has been divided into different sections such as use of cold chain and
application of modern storage and packaging technologies like CA storage and MAP.
Directions for future research: Improvements in the MAP technique should be further studied. The improvement of emerging tech-
niques such as alternative gas mixtures, as well as antimicrobial or super atmospheric oxygen seems to be promising. The development
of appropriate modelling simulations to predict quality changes would be a significant advance. Edible films for use in MAP systems
are an active area of research. However, as with other MAP methods, they can create a very low O2 environment. Antimicrobial com-
pounds that can be incorporated into the coating need to be investigated.
Abbreviations Introduction
ACC 1-Aminocyclopropane - 1- carboxylic Acid The market for agricultural products, including fresh pro-
CA Controlled Atmosphere duce and processed foods, has shown strong growth due to
MAP Modified Atmosphere Packaging consumer belief that environmentally friendly products are
RH Relative Humidity better and healthier. Maintaining food safety and quality of
products is very important until the products are consumed.
Correspondence to: Sandhya Singh, Asstt. Prof. (Agril. Postharvest handling and processing technology is required
Engg.), 9- Shere Punjab Extension, Near Barewal Road, Ludhi- to maintain quality, reduce loss, and utilise culls of agricul-
ana- 141012, Punjab (INDIA). Tel: + 91 9463354523; email: tural products. Postharvest handling for products is mainly focused on reduced chemical use, package disposal, and
reuse and waste management. Concern about pesticide resi-
due was highest at the time of the controversy over the use
Stewart Postharvest Review 2011, 1:5 of growth regulators. Over time, confidence in the safety of
Published online 01 March 2011 produce and belief in the health-enhancing value of produce
doi: 10.2212/spr.2011.1.5 increased due to concerted educational efforts by the pro-
duce industry and health professionals. Some chemicals can
be used to enhance food safety or increase the shelf-life of
agricultural products, and are considered environment-
friendly. Chemicals used as sanitisers and additives are
sometimes essential for securing safety of the food products.
Postharvest losses are estimated to range from 10 to 35% • Aging due to ripening, softening, and textural and
(fruits, 10 to 25%; vegetables, 15 to 35%) per year despite colour changes
the use of modern storage facilities. A considerable amount • Undesirable metabolic changes and respiratory heat
of fresh fruits and vegetables are sometimes detached due to production
typhoons or slightly damaged by pests. Processing technolo- • Moisture loss and wilting
gies to utilise these crops is required to reduce environmental • Spoilage due to invasion by bacteria, fungi and
contamination as well as increase farmers’ income. Careful yeasts
harvesting and handling to minimise injury is recommended
and harvesters are encouraged to discard poor quality fruits One of the most important functions of refrigeration is to
and vegetables in the field. The reduction of losses in perish- control the crop’s respiration rate. Respiration generates heat
able products due to postharvest decay and damage has be- as sugars, fats and proteins in the cells of the crop are oxi-
come a major objective of agricultural businesses. The em- dised. The loss of these stored food reserves through respira-
phasis of postharvest technology has been changing in recent tion means decreased food value, loss of flavour, loss of sale-
years. Food safety has emerged as a key element in decay able weight and more rapid deterioration. The respiration rate
control programs. Continued failure to effectively control of a product strongly determines its transit and postharvest
certain postharvest diseases and the need for more environ- life. The higher the storage temperature, the higher the respi-
mentally-friendly crop control materials is driving a new ap- ration rate will be [3]. For refrigeration to be effective in
proach to disease control. Factors affecting food safety are postponing deterioration, it is important that the temperature
harvesting, sorting, pre-cooling, packaging, storage and in cold storage rooms be kept as constant as possible. Expo-
transportation. sure to alternating cold and warm temperatures may result in
moisture accumulation on the surface of produce (sweating),
The fresh-cut produce industry has been growing rapidly in which may hasten decay. Storage rooms should be well insu-
the past decade in response to an increased consumer demand lated and adequately refrigerated, and should allow for air
for fresh and convenient food. Fresh-cut produce is conven- circulation to prevent variation.
ient and fresh because it is already washed, cut, packaged and
distributed at low temperature. However, fresh-cuts are gen- On farm cooling facilities are a valuable asset for any produce
erally much more perishable than intact produce because they operation. A grower who can cool and store produce has
have been subjected to severe physical stress, such as peel- greater market flexibility because the need to market immedi-
ing, cutting, slicing and shredding. ately after harvest is eliminated. The field heat of a freshly
harvested crop is usually high, and should be removed as
Quality cannot be improved after harvest, only maintained. quickly as possible before shipping, processing or storage.
Therefore, it is important to harvest fruits and vegetables at Therefore, pre-cooling is the first step in good temperature
the proper stage and size and at peak quality. Produce that management. Rapid pre-cooling to the product’s lowest safe
has been stressed by too much or too little water, high rates temperature is most critical for crops with inherently high
of nitrogen, or mechanical injury (scrapes, bruises, abrasions) respiration rates. These include artichokes, Brussels sprouts,
are particularly susceptible to postharvest diseases. Broccoli green onions, snap beans, broccoli, mushrooms, peas and
heads are susceptible to postharvest rot caused by the bacteria sweet corn. Crops with low respiration rates include nuts, ap-
Erwinia if nitrogen is applied as foliar feed – a grower should ples, grapes, garlic, onions, potatoes and sweet potatoes [3].
feed the soil, not the leaves. Beets and radishes are suscepti-
ble to soil-borne diseases when the soil temperature reaches Preventing moisture loss
80oF; symptoms are black spots on these root crops [1]. Let- While temperature is the primary concern in the storage of
tuce harvested during a period of rain does not ship well and fruits and vegetables, relative humidity is also important. The
product losses are increased [2]. Other than the production relative humidity of the storage unit directly influences water
practices and management practices during harvesting, there loss in produce. Water loss means degraded quality, saleable
are many other techniques that can be used to reduce posthar- weight loss and reduced profit. Most fruit and vegetable
vest losses. Cooling is the simplest and most powerful tech- crops retain better quality at high relative humidity (80–95
nique for minimising respiration and deterioration. Another %), but at this humidity, disease growth is encouraged. The
way to minimise deterioration is to remove the ethylene gas; cool temperatures in storage rooms help to reduce disease
its accumulation can be minimised and controlled by ensur- growth, but sanitation and other preventative methods are
ing adequate ventilation. The application of modern storage also required.
and packing technologies and the use of cold chain are also
important in reducing postharvest losses. Sanitation
Sanitation is of great concern to produce handlers, not only to
Cold storage protect produce against postharvest disease, but also to pro-
Temperature is the single most important factor in maintain- tect consumers from food-borne illnesses. E. coli 0157:H7,
ing quality after harvest. Refrigerated storage retards the fol- Salmonella, Chryptosporidium, Hepatitis and Cyclospera are
lowing elements of deterioration in perishable crops: among the disease-causing organisms that have been trans-
Singh / Stewart Postharvest Review 2011, 1:5
ferred via fresh fruits and vegetables [2, 4]. Use of a disinfec- ment to maintenance of optimum ranges of temperature and
tant in wash water can help to prevent both postharvest dis- relative humidity (RH) for each commodity in preserving
ease and food borne illnesses. quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout
postharvest handling. Exposure of fresh horticultural crops to
Chlorine in the form of a sodium hypochlorite solution or as low O2 and/or elevated CO2 atmospheres within the range
a dry, powdered calcium hypochlorite can be used in hydro- tolerated by each commodity reduces their respiration and
cooling or wash water as a disinfectant. For the majority of ethylene production rates; however, outside this range respi-
vegetables, chlorine in wash water should be maintained in ration and ethylene production rates can be stimulated, indi-
the range of 75–150 ppm. Ozonation is another technology cating a stress response. This stress can contribute to inci-
that can be used to sanitise produce. It is a thousand times dence of physiological disorders and increased susceptibility
more effective than chlorine. Ozone not only kills whatever to decay.
food borne pathogens might be present, it also destroys mi-
crobes responsible for spoilage. Hydrogen peroxide can also The shift from aerobic to anaerobic respiration depends on
be used as a disinfectant. Concentrations of 0.5% or less are fruit maturity and ripeness stage (gas diffusion characteris-
effective for inhibiting development of postharvest decay tics), temperature and duration of exposure to stress-inducing
caused by a number of fungi. concentrations of O2 and/or CO2. Up to a point, fruits and
vegetables are able to recover from the detrimental effects of
Therefore, proper postharvest cooling reduces respiratory low O2 and/or high CO2 stresses (fermentative metabolism)
activity and degradation by enzymes. It reduces internal wa- and resume normal respiratory metabolism upon transfer to
ter loss and wilting, and slows or inhibits the growth of de- air. Post-climacteric fruits are less tolerant and have lower
cay-producing micro-organisms. It also reduces the produc- capacity for recovery following exposure to reduced O2
tion of the natural ripening agent, ethylene, and provides and/or elevated CO2 levels than pre-climacteric fruits. The
marketing flexibility by allowing the grower to sell produce speed and extent of recovery depend upon duration and levels
at the most appropriate time. of stresses, and underlying, metabolically-driven cellular
Cold chain
A cold chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain. An Elevated-CO2 atmospheres inhibit activity of 1-
unbroken cold chain is an uninterrupted series of storage and aminocylopropane -1 - carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (key
distribution activities which maintain a given temperature regulatory site of ethylene biosynthesis), while ACC oxidase
range. It is used to help extend and ensure the shelf-life of activity is stimulated at low CO2 and inhibited at high CO2
products such as fresh agricultural produce, processed foods, concentrations and/or low O2 levels. Ethylene action is inhib-
photographic film, chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. The ited by elevated CO2 atmospheres. Optimum atmospheric
facilities in a cold chain are composed of pre coolers, packing compositions retard chlorophyll loss (green colour), biosyn-
houses and cold storage rooms and trucks for transport. Pre thesis of carotenoids (yellow and orange colours) and antho-
coolers are used to remove field heat rapidly right after har- cyanins (red and blue colours), and biosynthesis and oxida-
vest to acquire desired conditions. Packing houses are essen- tion of phenolic compounds (brown colour). Controlled at-
tial for preparing the vegetables prior to releasing it to the mospheres slow down the activity of cell-wall degrading en-
market and involves operations such as trimming and clean- zymes involved in softening and enzymes involved in lignifi-
ing, sorting defective products, among others. Cold storage cation leading to toughening of vegetables. Low O2 and/or
maintains the required storage temperature of vegetables for high CO2 atmospheres influence flavour by reducing loss of
a high quality produce. Refrigerated trucks/container vans acidity, starch to sugar conversion, sugar inter-conversions,
collect the fresh produce from the cooler room/packing and biosynthesis of flavour volatiles. When produce is kept
houses and transport them. in an optimum atmosphere, retention of ascorbic acid and
other vitamins results in better nutritional quality. N2 is an
The cold chain system requires involvement of the players inert component of CA. Replacing N2 with argon or helium
from the handling, storage and transport of the perishable may increase diffusivity of O2, CO2 and C2H4, but they have
products. These include farmers, packers and workers and no direct effect on plant tissues and are more expensive than
staff. Drivers, wholesalers and distribution centres, retailers, N2 as a CA component.
and the consumers compose the transport service. The com-
plete cold chain system is shown in Figure 1. Super-atmospheric levels of O2 up to about 80% may acceler-
ate ethylene-induced degreening of non-climacteric com-
Controlled atmosphere storage modities and ripening of climacteric fruits, respiration and
Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage involves altering and ethylene production rates, and incidence of some physiologi-
maintaining an atmospheric composition that is different cal disorders (such as scald on apples and russet spotting on
from air composition (about 78% N2, 21% O2 and 0.03% lettuce). At levels above 80% O2 some commodities and
CO2). Generally O2 below 8% and CO2 above 1% are used. postharvest pathogens suffer from O2 toxicity. Use of super-
Atmospheric modification should be considered as a supple- atmospheric O2 levels in CA will likely be limited to situa-
Singh / Stewart Postharvest Review 2011, 1:5
- Cleaning
Preparation for market - Sorting, sizing
- Quality grading
- Handling equipment
- Handling practice
Packing - Consumer size package
- Shipping containers
- Precooling - Bulk containers
- Fumigation Transportation
Specific requirements
for each commodity
(temperature, air circu-
lation, RH%, atm. Storage
modification, special
treatments, etc)
- Transportation
Distribution by rail,
- Equipment and services
highway, sea or air
- Unloading
- Handling practices
Warehousing - Refrigeration requirements
- Consumer packaging
- Unloading & reception
- Refrigeration requirements Distributed to retail stores
- Repackaging
- Delivery to retail stores
- Unloading and reception
- Protective facilities
- Refrigeration, storage
Retail market - Customer handling
tions in which they reduce the negative effects of fungistatic, of botrytis rot on strawberries, cherries, and other
elevated CO2 atmospheres on commodities that are sensitive perishables
to CO2-injury. • Low O2 (< 1%) and/or elevated CO2 (40 to 60%)
can be a useful tool for insect control in some fresh
Benefits of CA: and dried fruits, flowers, and vegetables; and dried
• Retardation of senescence (including ripening) and nuts and grains
associated biochemical and physiological changes,
ie, slowing down rates of respiration, ethylene pro- Detrimental effects of CA:
duction, softening, and compositional changes • Initiation of certain physiological disorders such as
• Reduction of sensitivity to ethylene action at O2 internal browning in apples and pears, brown stain
levels < 8% and/or CO2 levels > 1% of lettuce and chilling injury of some commodities.
• Alleviation of certain physiological disorders such • Irregular ripening of fruits, such as banana, mango,
as chilling injury of avocado and some storage dis- pear and tomato, can result from exposure to O2
orders, including scald, of apples levels below 2% and/or CO2 levels above 5% for > 1
• CA can have a direct or indirect effect on posthar- month
vest pathogens (bacteria and fungi) and conse- • Development of off-flavours and off-odours at very
quently decay incidence and severity. For example, low O2 concentrations (as a result of anaerobic res-
CO2 at 10 to 15% significantly inhibits development
Singh / Stewart Postharvest Review 2011, 1:5
Figure 2: The risk/benefit associated with using modified atmosphere bles age less quickly when the level of oxygen in the atmos-
packaging. phere surrounding them is reduced. This is because the re-
duced oxygen slows down the respiration and metabolic rate
of the products and therefore slows down the natural aging
Maximum benefit and maximum process. Raising the level of carbon dioxide to levels of 2%
risk of spoilage
or more can also be beneficial. Elevated CO2 levels can re-
Life expectancy (days)
• Improved presentation-clear view of product and all Work has already been reported on packaging of vegetable
round visibility crops using high water vapour permeable films [25]. Success-
• Hygienic stackable pack, sealed and free from prod- ful applications of MAP on vegetables include broccoli flo-
uct drip and odour rets [26–28], cauliflower florets [29], carrots, baby carrots,
• Little or no need for chemical preservatives peeled garlic, mushrooms [30, 31]. Work on other vegetables
• Reduction in production and storage costs due to bet- has also been reported like onions [32], sweet corn [33] and
ter utilisation of labour, space and equipment snow pea pods [34].
Disadvantages of MAP: One of the major benefits of MAP is the prevention or retar-
• Capital cost of gas packaging machinery dation of fruit senescence (ripening) and associated bio-
• Cost of gases and packaging materials chemical and physiological changes. Temperature is the most
effective environmental factor in the prevention of fruit rip-
• Cost of analytical equipment to ensure that correct
ening. Successful applications include Royal Gala apples,
gas mixtures are being used
Granny Smith apples, lemons (whole, peeled and sliced), and
• Increased pack volume which will adversely affect
oranges (whole, peeled and sliced). A lot of work has also
been reported on the effect of MAP on the other fruits like
• Potential growth of food-borne pathogens due to tem- pear [35, 36], banana [37, 38], peach [39, 40], strawberry
perature abuse by retailers and consumers [41], grape [42, 43] and litchi [44, 45].
• Benefits of MAP are lost once the pack is opened or
Deterioration of fruits and vegetables during storage depends
largely on temperature. One way to slow down this change
Gases used in MAP
and increase the length of time fruits and vegetables can be
The basic concept of the MAP of fresh foods is the replace-
stored, is by lowering the temperature to an appropriate level.
ment of the air surrounding the food in the package with a
It must be remembered that if the temperature is too low the
mixture of atmospheric gases different in proportion from
produce will be damaged and also that as soon as the produce
that of air. There are three types of gas mixtures used in MAP
leaves the cold store, deterioration starts again and often at a
[13]: inert blanketing (N2); semi-reactive blanketing (CO2/N2
faster rate. MAP is emerging as a highly useful packaging
or O2/CO2/N2) and fully-reactive blanketing (CO2 or CO2/
technique for maintaining food quality by altering the atmos-
O2). Used alone or in combination, these gases are commonly
pheric conditions within the package. Consideration should be
used to balance safe shelf-life extension with optimal or-
given to the factor most limiting to the delivery of a product to
ganoleptic properties of the food. Noble or 'inert' gases such
the consumer and the packaging strategy developed accord-
as argon are in commercial use for products such as coffee
ingly. Reduction of water loss by packaging has a marked
and snack products; however, literature on their application
influence on storability. Elevated humidity prevents desicca-
and benefits is limited. Experimental use of carbon monoxide
tion, but can also enhance decay. Package modelling can im-
(CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) has also been reported.
prove understanding of how package, plant and environmental
factors interact and can be useful in package design.
Packaging materials
Singh / Stewart Postharvest Review 2011, 1:5
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postharvest treatments on quality and glucosinolate content in broccoli All rights reserved.