Finex Profile - An Introduction
Finex Profile - An Introduction
Finex Profile - An Introduction
We are one of the fast-growing boutique consulting firm in India
that provides a nurturing home to businesses.
A Firm founded by the seasoned professionals having experience
of working with various Big 4 and other top consulting practices.
1 People
Our object is to provide end-to-end services using our practical
insights for the real life problems.
trained Our experts have experience providing services to clients as small
2 resources
as a start-up to Fortune 1000 companies.
Business Risk
And Process
3 Approach
Our clients have made us popular in providing specialised
services in a comprehensive manner with little involvement of the
Global client’s team.
Our end to end solutions ensures that we are taking care of the
complete assignment and we believe to provide services
4 considering overall business requirements.
5 Technology
Our dedicated staff and single point of contact ensures satisfied
Custom based
“Enhance value of our clients
and our people, through
integrity, respect and passion
for excellence and to build
“To be the partner for the
success in the new
Obtaining an
understanding of
business Presentation and
Evaluation, understanding Reporting
and selection of best
suitable methodology
Pre-settled rate contracts with the investors for Prepare financial statements for the fund, confident
providing compliance support, due diligence advisory that they conform with the latest accounting guidance.
and tax reporting to investees.
Providing shared CFO outsourcing or virtual CFO Providing multi-jurisdiction filing and reporting services in
services to the investors which help navigate compliance with RBI, SEBI and Tax Authorities with
accounting complexities with ease freeing up dynamic estimates and allocation modelling.
time to focus more on What Matters.
clients 7+ Locations
& growing 125K+ Hours
Finex cares about the success of clients, preserve the integrity of our industry,
committed to prosperous integration and create a new benchmark of quality.
Strong track record of
Ability to scale as your We have experience in
delivering value and
business needs evolve. relevant industry.
exceptional service.
Commitment to
investment in our Our team will deliver a quality service and
provide the experience to address your needs.
Abhishek is a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and holds graduate degree from University of
Abhishek has over 6 years of experience in handling Tax and Regulatory matters with EY, Deloitte and BDO.
He has extensive experience dealing with various cross border issues including International Taxation,
Transfer Pricing, and Exchange Regulations.
Abhishek is actively involved with various MNC’s and startups right from incorporation to raising rounds of
• Overseeing the compliance and finance operations of various MNC’s and startups.
Professional Associations
- Institute of Chartered • Handling tax related activities of Multinational clients which includes day-to-day advisory with respect to
Accountants of India withholding tax, filing of various forms and finalizing the income tax and withholding tax computations.
- Institute of Company
Secretaries of India • Advising clients on various international tax issues such as exposure to permanent establishment, place of
- ISACA effective management, advisory with respect to cross border transactions, etc.
• Handling Transfer Pricing compliance as well advisory of the Multinational Groups including preparation
of transfer pricing reports as well as group transfer pricing study.
Areas of Expertise
- Tax & Regulatory • Assisting clients in various regulatory and secretarial compliances which includes filing of various forms
- Deal advisory & valuation with MCA/ RBI such as FLA return, FC-GPR, etc.
- Audit & assurance
- Risk Advisory • Assisting clients in handling litigation and representation before tax authorities for assessments and
Raj Abhishek is a Chartered Accountant and graduate in commerce from Agra University.
He has spent more than 4 years working with BDO India LLP, K.G Somani & Co., KGS Advisors LLP as head of
Tax & Regulatory department, including his internship from T.R. Chadha & Co. working in special audits
department dealing in forensic audits and due diligence.
Has diverse experience in independently dealing of complex tax issues, suggesting tax optimization strategies,
as well as liaising with Revenue and other regulatory authorities. He has been actively involved in preparation
of Accountant’s Report, transfer pricing documentation, strategic transfer pricing planning advice relating to
international transactions and submissions before the tax authorities.
Professional Associations • Handling core domestic, transfer pricing and international tax advisory, litigation and compliance related
- Institute of Chartered matters.
Accountants of India
• Conducting due diligence of various companies in India and Ethiopia and opining on the acquisitions,
Areas of Expertise takeovers and complex tax matters.
- Direct, Indirect and
International taxation • Handling audits on behalf of banks conducting concurrent audits and lender financial audits and also being
- Due diligence and appointed as specialized monitoring agencies by consortiums or lead banks.
transaction advisory
- Cross border • Handling day-to-day tax related activities of Multinational clients which includes day-to-day advisory with
transaction advisory respect to withholding tax, filing of various forms and finalizing the income tax and withholding tax
- Startup funding advisory computations.
- Inbound Investment
advisory • Assisting clients in their day to day compliance manual and advising on their financing activities to help
streamline their financial management.
Abhishek is a Chartered Accountant and a qualified US CPA.
He started his career with Deloitte in 2010 with internship in IFRS and Audit & Assurance team. During
internship and post qualification (over 5 years), he has worked on wide range of assignments, ranging from
IND-AS audits and IGAAP audits for Indian Companies to US GAAP assignments.
He is a Business Management graduate from Bangalore university and a post graduate diploma holder in
Business Administration from Symbiosis (CDL), Pune and is currently pursuing LLB.
Professional Memberships • IGAAP Audit & Assurance assignment for the following industries: automobile ancillary, media and
- Institute of Chartered marketing, service, etc.
Accountants of India
- American Institute of • US GAAP assignment on Level 3 valuation of assets for a major real estate investment fund
Certified Professional
Accountants • Tax Audits for solar power sector, automobile ancillary industry, advertising, etc.
Areas of Expertise • Internal Financial Control Audit for clients ranging across various industries
- Audit & Assurance
- Internal Controls • Ind AS conversion assignment for a major e-commerce giant
- Ind AS / US GAAP
- Corporate Training • Certification work for Solar power companies
• Trainings on topics ranging from Ind AS, US GAAP, Internal Controls, Auditing techniques, etc.
Vipul is a Chartered Accountant and a commerce graduate from Delhi University.
He has spent more than 5 years working with T.R. Chadha & Co, K.G Somani & Co., KGS Advisors LLP as
head of Transaction Advisory division, including his internship from T.R. Chadha & Co. working with
departments dealing in valuations and due diligence.
He is versatile with a rich and varied experience of more than five years in field of auditing, accountancy,
Vipul Garg finance including due diligence, critical scrutiny & compilation of financial data.
Professional Memberships
- Institute of Chartered He has wide experience in valuations, mergers & acquisitions, financial & business analysis and auditing
Accountants of India across various industries. Expertise in valuations and financial modelling and due diligence.
Areas of Expertise
His experience includes varied engagements encompassing the varied domain expertise including Valuations
- Valuation
- Financial Modeling for different purposes, due diligence review, tech-economic viability studies, lenders' financial and
- Due Diligence engineering studies, mergers & acquisitions and other allied consulting engagements.
- Auditing & Assurance
Saurav is a Chartered Accountant, a bachelor of commerce and has over 4 years of professional
experience in Transfer Pricing, International Taxation related matters. He has experience of working with
Deloitte, BDO and Vaish Associates Advocates.
He has extensive experience of dealing with various cross border issues including Transfer Pricing,
domestic litigations and advisory to clients including various multinationals and listed clients. His forte
includes assisting the clients in transfer pricing compliance, representation before the tax authorities,
helping the clients in filing Advance pricing agreements and advising clients on group transfer pricing
Saurav Aggarwal
Gaurav is a Chartered Accountant, a bachelor of commerce and has over 4 years of professional
experience in Statutory Audits and indirect taxes. He possess experience working with leading accounting
firms of the country.
He remained instrumental in implementation of GST and auditing various multinational clients. Gaurav has
in depth experience of dealing with various indirect tax issues including customs and foreign trade policy.
He is popular amongst his clients for providing practical advise on real business challenges. He has
Gaurav Aggarwal experience handling routine indirect tax compliances and has been actively involved in litigations.
Mr. Varun is a specialist Consulting Chartered Engineer having 15+ years of rich experience in Technical
Varun Sharma studies, Viability assessments, assets valuation and related technical opinions. Rich experience in
development, manufacture, erection and commissioning of Industrial Equipment as per
customers’/consultants’ design.
Professional Memberships
Some of his select engagements include:-
- Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Board of India • Elected as valuer by chief commissioner of income tax Delhi on January 2015.
- Fellow Member at • Empanelled in almost all Nationalised Banks.
Institution of Valuers
- Institution of Engineers • Liquidation Valuation for Abhijeet MADC Nagpur Energy Pvt Ltd.
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of GPI Textiles Pvt Ltd.
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Multiwal Duplex Private Limited.
Areas of Expertise
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of NS Paper Limited
- Industrial Equipment • Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Brg Iron & Steel Co. Private Limited
- TEV Studies • Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Rabirun Vinimay Pvt. Ltd
- Financial Due Diligence
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Multiwal Pulp & Paper Private Limited.
- Valuations
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Maxx Mobile Communication Limited
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Bharat Nre Coke Limited
• Fair & Liquidation Valuation of Indosolar Limited
• Techno Economic Study of RRB Energy Private Limited
• Techno Economic Study of Ballarpur Industries Limited (Sewa Unit).
Mr. Sunil Goel was associated with M/s Century Pulp & Paper (a unit of Century Textiles & Industries Ltd.,
Sunil Goel a B K Birla Group of Company) at Works Office in Lalkua, Nainital (Uttarakhand) as Manager (Accounts &
Areas of Expertise Finance). Currently he is a partner at Finex Advisors.
- Accounts & Audit Some of his select engagements include:-
- Internal Controls • Finished project accounting for the Paper Plant [PM 4th-waste paper as raw material] worth Rs. 400
- Assurance crores.
- Corporate Training • Completed project accounting for the Tissue Paper Plant [PMV] of Rs.175 crores, Fiberline & Recovery
Boiler of Rs. 600 crores and Board Plant Project of Rs. 1500 crores.
• Only person in Accounts and finance department to be awarded by the management for diligently and
accurately approving the vendor invoices.
Kamlesh Kumawat
Areas of Expertise Kamlesh is a Chartered Accountant, a bachelor of commerce and has over 5 years of professional
- Accounts & Audit experience in accounts and audit related matters. He has extensive experience of dealing with various
accounts and audit related queries across multiple sectors. His forte includes assisting the clients in
- Assurance compliance and assurance related queries as well as dealing the year end audits and complying with
- Compliance various company, state and labor laws.
Pooja is a Chartered Accountant having over 15 years of professional experience in Direct & Indirect Tax,
Pooja Mittal
Transfer Pricing, Goods & Services Tax, International Taxation, FEMA & other regulations, Business
Areas of Expertise Planning Strategy and Treasury Management.
- Direct, Indirect and
International taxation She in past has been associated with FIITJEE Ltd, Dharampal Satyapal Ltd and Wipro Ltd.
- Due diligence and
transaction advisory
Deepanshu Tyagi Deepanshu is a specialist consulting engineer having 5+ year of rich experience in Technical Studies,
Viability Assessments, Asset Valuations, Land & Building valuations, Plant & Machinery Valuation and
Professional Associations:-
- B.E. (Mechanical) (ITS related technical opinions.
Engineering College UPTU)
- AMIE- Associate Member of the
He has also been involved in monitoring the operator and checking the quality of the material at different
Institute of Engineers
- LIE- Licentiate in Institution of level of production and preparation of the inspection report.
Ayushman is a Chartered Engineer, a bachelor of technology and has over 5 years of professional
Ayushman Chauhan
Professional Associations:- He has been engaged in majorly Technical Studies, Viability Assessments, Asset Valuations, Land &
- AMIE- Associate Member of the Building valuations, Plant & Machinery Valuation and related technical opinions.
Institute of Engineers
Abhishek Goel
Raj Abhishek Sharma
Rajak Beri
Note: This publication has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms and should be seen as broad guidance only.
The publication cannot be relied upon to cover specific situations and you should not act, or refrain from acting, upon the information
contained therein without obtaining specific professional advice. Please contact Finex to discuss these matters in the context of your +91-9717712094 / +971509215570
particular circumstances. Our firm in India, their partners and/or directors, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability or
duty of care for any loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone in reliance on the information in this publication or for any
decision based on it. |
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