Principles of MarketingM-MODULE-15
Principles of MarketingM-MODULE-15
Principles of MarketingM-MODULE-15
Principles of Marketing
Module 15
ABM – Principles of Marketing
Grade 11/12: Module 15
First Edition, 2021
Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module maybe reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.
Management Team:
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four
sharpening the axe”. Abraham Lincoln knew that preparation is everything. Whether
you’re chopping down a tree or figuring out how to write a marketing plan, the steps
you take ahead of time are crucial to your marketing success.
This module will provide you with necessary information and understanding
on the elements or parts of the marketing plan and its importance in the business.
After going through this module, you are expected to attain the following
Learning Competency:
• Integrate the marketing concepts and techniques learned by preparing a
marketing plan. (ABM_PM11-IIg-j-24)
• Present a mini-marketing plan, orally and in writing. (ABM_PM11-IIg-j-25)
1. Define marketing plan.
2. Understand fundamental marketing concepts, techniques, theories and
principles in area of marketing.
3. Apply the knowledge, concepts and techniques learned in preparing a
marketing plan.
4. Distinguish the different elements that make up the marketing plan.
5. Evaluate appropriate marketing strategies, practices and theories that
inform and guide organizations to ensure sustainability.
6. Design a detailed marketing plan by combining various marketing
concepts and strategies.
Before going on, check how much you know about this topic.
Answer the Pre-test on the next page.
Activity 1: PRE-TEST
Directions: Let us check your knowledge to our topic. Kindly arrange the
following words. These are the terms you commonly encounter when you
make a marketing plan. Examples/definitions of these items are given on the
right column.
Enjoy Reading…
Marketing Plan
• It is the blueprint of how the marketing strategy is going to be implemented.
• It is much more tactical in its nature.
• Clarifies the key marketing elements of a business and maps out directions,
objectives and activities for the business and its employees.
• It is one of the most important business tools for any company to utilize.
A. Economic
• Latest economic data is projected. Make sure only relevant data are
used. Economic factors should be concisely stated and the
accompanied figures and projections acquired should also be indicated.
• An example of how to state a relevant economic factor would be:
Inflation rate as of the end of 2017 is 3.2%, and is expected to
3.7% in 2019.
B. Politico-legal
• The political macro-environment is assessed. Unless there is obvious
political instability, there is no need to project the political
environment. An exception would be a national election, which may
cause the economic and business climate to change dramatically.
C. Socio-cultural
• Identify relevant socio-cultural factors that may affect the manner of
how the selected brand will be marketed.
D. Demographic
• Based on the target market, cite current and relevant figures that may
affect the marketability of the product. Therefore, if the target market
is “female residents of Metro Manila between the ages of 18 and 25,
who are career-oriented,” determining the population of Metro Manila,
the gender mix of the population, and the distribution of the population
by age are all relevant to your brand’s marketability.
E. Technological
• Depending on the industry, identify relevant technological
developments that may favorably or unfavorably affect the chosen
brand. This may include, for example, a new production process which
the company can adopt to reduce manufacturing costs or an innovative
type of packaging, the patent of which may be owned by one of the
F. Natural
• A thorough analysis of the natural macro-environment is undertaken
in this section: pollution, global warming and “acts of God”, among
others. There is no need to project this into the marketing plan’s
implementation phase, however, because these issues are not volatile
over the short-term period.
V. Micro-environmental Analysis
• The six Micro-environmental factors are assessed and evaluated because the
Micro-environment is not expected to change dramatically over the short-
term. It is largely unnecessary to project the situation to the following year.
The only aspect which may situationally require projection is the competitive
A. The company
• The company is evaluated in terms of its organizational ability to
implement marketing strategies. The relationship among functional
areas must be evaluated to determine if there are bottlenecks in
decision-making and if other functional departments are supportive of
the marketing.
B. Suppliers
• The relationship between the company and its suppliers is assessed.
This is specially for suppliers involved in the supply of raw materials
vital to product manufacturing. Any opportunities to improve the
company’s supply chain should also be investigated with the objective
of reducing product cost and increasing value to customers.
C. Marketing intermediaries
• The company’s distribution network is illustrated and explained in this
section. The choice of distribution type is reviewed and possible
improvements in intermediary relationships is determined.
D. Customers
• In this section of the marketing plan, identification of the geographic,
demographic and psychographic profile of the brand’s typical customer
is expected. The buying behavior should be explained and understood,
e.g. why they buy, where they buy, how frequently they buy and how
they use your product.
E. Competition
• This is where the brand competitors and the companies that
manufacture them are identified. If necessary, draw a perceptual map
to identify the closest competitors. Identify also the relative positions of
the different competing brands (including your own) in terms of market
F. Publics
• Evaluate the company’s relationship with its publics: corporate
stockholders, the community, financial institutions, media, the
government and society as a whole. This can prevent any future need
for the company to engage in public relations and publicity.
A. Product/Service Strategy
• It should be fully explained. Indicate any innovations you plan to
implement in your product or service, e.g. a change in packaging or
label, supplements to your service offering, etc. Identify the value
proposition or unique selling proposition of the product/service.
1. Target Market
➢ Describe in detail the target market of the product/service. Use as
many or as few segmentation variables as necessary to outline the
target market’s geographic, demographic and psychographic profile.
Quantify the size of the target market. If you plan to expand,
contract or totally change your brand’s present target market,
indicate the changes and justify it convincingly.
2. Brand Positioning
➢ State the current positioning of the brand/service. Remember that
the positioning of your proposed product/service must be unique,
beneficial and credible and must revolve around a product/service
attribute that is relevant to the target market.
B. Pricing Strategy
• Based on the marketing objectives formulated, decide on a general
pricing strategy for the brand. It is possible to implement several pricing
strategies for a brand during an operating year.
• For example, a brand may have a general strategy of going-rate pricing
but implement promotional pricing during the last quarter of the year.
C. Distribution Strategy
• Review the brand’s current distribution strategy to determine if it still
applicable for the marketing plan’s implementation period. When
adjustments or modifications are required, give recommendations as to
how the selected brand can be distributed more efficiently.
D. Advertising and Promotion Strategy
• Provide details of the media and promotional plan, including locations
for advertising placements, their frequency and approximate costs.
Also, indicate the mechanics of the trade and consumer promotions, if
any their corresponding costs. Select media carefully, giving
consideration on cost effectiveness.
X. Tactical Implementation
• Develop tactics for each strategy. Some strategies may only require as little as
two tactical plans, while others may need to be supported by five or more
tactics. There is no precise number of tactics per strategy. There should be as
many tactics as necessary to contribute to successful strategy
• An example of this is provided below:
Table 1
Marketing Strategy: Market Development
Table 2
Marketing Budget, 2019
Activity 2
Directions: Read and understand each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the
statement is true or FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the
space provided.
Activity 3
Directions: Read and understand each question carefully. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.
1. Discuss the most difficult part of creating the marketing plan for you.
2. Discuss what part of the marketing plan excited you the most or gave you a chance
to exercise your creativity.
Criteria Excellent 4 Good 3 Fair 2 Poor 1
Clarity of All the thoughts Most of the Some thoughts The thought can’t
thoughts were very clear. thoughts were were clear. be understood.
Reasoning The stand was The stand is The stand is not The stand is
well reasoned out. somewhat so reasonable. completely
reasonable. unreasonable.
At this Point, you are now ready to combine and integrate all the
knowledge and learning you have acquired on the basic Principles of
Question Answer
1. Objectives
What are the specific goals of your
business this year?
2. Your Product/Service
What product or service do you offer?
3. Customers
Who buys (or should buy) your product?
What do they need it for?
4. Competitors
Who are your top competitors and what
are their strengths?
5. Positioning
Given your competition, what makes
your business great and unique to
6. Pricing
How will you price your product?
8. Promotion
How will people find out about you and
your product?
9. Budget
How much money do you have to
promote the product?
• Real C. So & Oscar G. Torres (2016). Principles of Marketing (pp. 101-110). Quezon City,
Philippines. Vibal Group, Inc.
• A.B. Ilano (2016). Principles of Marketing (pp. 351-327). Manila, Philippines. Rex Book Store,
Answer Key