a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Atoms-in-molecules (AIM) topology is prone to wrong/ambiguous bond assignments (lacking bond crit-
Received 28 January 2016 ical points) in areas of low electron densities (ED), e.g. for hydrogen–hydrogen contacts, and flat density
In final form 18 March 2016 gradients, e.g. for metal–ring contacts (hapticities), both in experimental and computed ED. Within this
Available online 24 March 2016
study, two ED-derived bonding indicators are applied to a set of zincocene related compounds: non-
covalent interactions (NCI) surfaces are combined with electron localizability indicator (ELI-D) surfaces
and compared to density overlap regions indicator (DORI) surfaces. Both methods (NCI/ELI-D, DORI)
result in spatial deconvolution of covalent and non-covalent interactions and unravel weak interactions
not observed in the AIM topology.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0009-2614/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Mebs / Chemical Physics Letters 651 (2016) 172–177 173
[18–20]. As a result, a Zn Cp* contact is formed for Zn CCp* dis- provided by the authors of reference [21]. For compounds 2, 5,
tances below 2.32 Å. Another important aspect of the cited work 6, and 8, ELI-D grids of identical size and orientation were gener-
is that not the H(1)· · ·H(2) distances but the absolute and relative ated with DGRID [27] for graphical superposition of NCI and ELI-D.
C(1) H(1)· · ·H(2) C(2) angles (CHHC ) are the major determinants The NCI and ELI-D cube files were fused by the in-house software
for the formation of a H· · ·H saddle point (sp) in the considered programmed by Dr. Christian Hübschle. For topological
fields; ELI-D, ED, and VF: for an averaged CHHC being larger than analysis of the ELI-D, additional grids with 0.05 bohr step size were
ca. 97◦ a H· · ·H ELI-D sp is formed. If the value exceeds ca. 110◦ an generated. Topological electron localization function (ELF) [28,29]
additional ED bcp appears. Only at very large angles of ca. 125◦ an analysis of hydrogen bonds is well established [30]. However, since
additional VF sp is observed. Although exceptions from these trends the localization values are related to the uniform electron gas of the
could be explained by the effect of several weak contacts to the ED very same compound, ELF results are not comparable between dif-
of one single H atom, the question remains how to reliably estimate ferent molecules. This disadvantage was overcome by introduction
the number and kind of weak intra- and inter-ligand contacts. of ELI-D, which was used here. All figures are displayed with MolIso
The recently introduced non-covalent interactions (NCI) index [31].
[15], which is based on an analysis of the reduced electron den-
sity gradient, s(r) = [1/2(32 )1/3 ]||/4/3 , promises to fill the gap
between AIM and ELI-D topology. In contrast to AIM, which uncov- 3. Results and discussion
ers covalent as well as non-covalent bonding, NCI solely unravels
(extended) areas in space where non-covalent interactions take Figure 1 displays ELI-D(1.3)/NCI(0.5) iso-surface representations
place, which is in accordance with the non-directional charac- for the relaxed gas-phase molecular structures of ZnEtCp* (2),
ter of these interactions. It thus greatly complements the ELI-D ZnCp*2 (5), ZnCp*Cp*2N (6) and Zn(Cp*2N )2 (8). As anticipated,
approach, since iso-surface representations of the latter are closely (polar) covalent C H, C C, C N, and CEt Zn bonding is well rep-
related to covalent/directional bonding. Moreover, by mapping the resented by the ELI-D approach. The description of Zn Cp*(2/3N)
ED multiplied by the sign of the second eigenvalue of the Hessian bonding, however, is not trivial, as Zn CCp*(2/3N) basins are formed
(sign(2 )) on iso-surfaces of s(r), different contact types including for Zn C distances closer than ca. 2.3 Å. Additionally, the formerly
steric/repulsive (2 > 0), Van-der-Waals like (2 ≈ 0), and attractive bisynaptic V2 (C,C) basins (C C bonds) of the free Cp*(2/3N) ligands
(2 < 0) can be distinguished, which is not possible within the AIM are in parts transformed into trisynaptic V3 (C,Zn,C) basins [18,20].
framework. Within ELI-D, non-covalent H· · ·H contacts result in flattened pro-
The recently introduced density overlap regions indicator tonated monosynaptic valence basins (V1 (C,H); in other words: H
(DORI) [21] is another scalar field, which like NCI is derived from atoms), best visible in the corresponding localization domain rep-
the ED and its derivatives: (r) = (((r)/(r))2 )2 /((r)/(r))6 . resentations [19]. Moreover, H· · ·H saddle points are observed in
Since (r) becomes infinite at bonding regions a transformation the ELI-D for averaged CHHC values larger than ca. 97◦ [19,20],
(r) = (r)/(1 + (r)) is applied to obtain values between zero and see red dots in Figure 1. The dark blue NCI surfaces in Figure 1
one. It does not probe electron localization but geometrical fea- cover areas in space complementary to the ELI-D localization
tures of the ED in terms of deviations from single-exponentiality. domains indicating spatial deconvolution of covalent and non-
Free atoms and molecules have exponential ED tails where DORI covalent bonding aspects; a topic of recent publications [21,32,33].
vanishes. DORI uncovers regions in space where the ED of adja- Notably, this separation is not only observed between molecules
cent atoms overlap, causing a local perturbation in the total ED. The or ligands but also within polarized covalent interactions: The fun-
magnitude of the ED does not matter as deviations are measured on nel (5 ) or horse-shoe (<5 ) shaped NCI surfaces surrounding the
the scale given by the local wavevector. Accordingly, DORI simul- Zn Cp*(2/3N) interaction axes indicate non-covalent contributions,
taneously uncovers regions of covalent as well as strong and weak even more so for the dative Zn N bonds for which prominent disk-
non-covalent interactions. Non-interacting lone pairs are, however, shaped NCI areas are observed ‘connecting’ the Zn core with the N
not visible within DORI. Like NCI, DORI may be color-coded with atoms lone pair (LP) localization domain, resulting in the following
sign(2 ) in order to distinguish weak attractive from non-bonding arrangement: N(core)–N(LPELI-D )–NCI area–Zn(core). Extended but
and repulsive atom–atom contacts. flat NCI surfaces are observed for the inter-ligand H· · · contacts in
Our previous systematic DFT-study on zincocene related com- 6 and 8, while H· · ·H contacts are characterized by quite localized
pounds [20] included all possible variations with ethyl (Et), Cp*, NCI areas.
and Cp*2/3N (C5 Me4 (CH2 )2/3 NMe2 ) ligands resulting in the fol- Close inspection of NCI surfaces and ELI-D topology unravels
lowing Zn-complexes: ZnEt2 (1), ZnEtCp* (2) [22], ZnEtCp*2N (3) that for most H· · ·H NCI areas a corresponding ELI-D sp is observed.
[10], ZnEtCp*3N (4) [11], ZnCp*2 (5) [8], ZnCp*Cp*2N (6) [10,11], ELI-D topology thus equally well represents ‘simple’ covalent bond-
ZnCp*Cp*3N (7) [11], Zn(Cp*2N )2 (8) [10], Zn(Cp*2N Cp*3N ) (9, both ing (such as C C, C H, by 3,−3 critical points; attractors) and
ligands are bidentate) [11], Zn(Cp*2N Cp*3N ) (10, Cp*2N is monoden- non-covalent bonding (by 3,−1 critical points; ELI-D sp). As pre-
tate), Zn(Cp*2N Cp*3N ) (11, Cp*3N is monodentate), and Zn(Cp*3N )2 viously observed, NCI as well as ELI-D suggest that conventional
(12, one Cp*3N ligand is monodentate) [11]. Within the present AIM topology is too restrictive in the assignment of weak non-
study, hapticities as well as hydrogen–hydrogen interactions are covalent contacts [16,19,20]. All intra- and inter-ligand H· · ·H ELI-D
investigated in terms of NCI surface analysis supported by sur- sp are characterized by low ELI-D values (Y = 0.4–0.6) and highly
face and topological ELI-D analysis. The results are compared to positive Laplacians (2 (Y) = 36–57 eÅ−5 ). The ratios of the potential
the DORI analysis. over kinetic energy density are below 1 (|V|/G = 0.6–0.8) resulting
in positive total energy densities (H = 0.002–0.004 a.u.) for the ELI-
2. Theoretical calculations D. With few exceptions, the ellipticities at the H· · ·H ELI-D sp are
low as well (ε < 1). Within AIM topology similar relations (low ED
For all 12 compounds the gas-phase molecular structures had value, positive Laplacian and total energy density) are related to
been optimized at the BP86/TZVP [23,24] level of theory with non-covalent/ionic bonding in the ED.
gaussian 09 [25] in the previous study [20]. In the present study, Considering the hapticities, the number of ELI-D attractors
the resulting wavefunction (wfn) files were utilized for a subse- (black dots in Figures 1 and 2) is lower than expected for highly
quent NCI analysis applying NCIplot (grid step size = 0.1 bohr) [26]. delocalized Zn Cp* contacts (3-5 ), compare compounds 2 and 5
DORI was extracted from a modified NCIplot version, which was and discussion in reference [20]. Here, the number of ‘proto-basins’
174 S. Mebs / Chemical Physics Letters 651 (2016) 172–177
Figure 1. Spatial deconvolution of covalent and non-covalent atom–atom interactions for 2, 5, 6, and 8 by graphical superposition of ELI-D (Y = 1.3) and NCI (s = 0.5) iso-
surfaces. NCI is given as dark blue surface, ELI-D colors change according to basin size; from light blue (small) to light green (large). For clarity, hydrogen atoms are given in
transparent mode. ELI-D attractors are given as black dots, saddle points as red dots. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
as visible in the localization domain representations are a more of electron–electron repulsion. As anticipated, repulsion is also
reliable estimate of the hapticity. observed at the centers of the Cp*2/3N rings [15].
Figure 2 displays again the NCI areas of compounds 2, 5, 6, and All intra- and inter-ligand H· · ·H contacts are green colored and
8, but now sign(2 ) is mapped on the surfaces, which facilitates thus fall into the regime of Van-der-Waals interactions. The lack
discrimination of repulsive (2 > 0), attractive (2 < 0), and non- of inter-ligand NCI surfaces uncover areas of increased structural
bonding (2 ≈ 0) forces. The corresponding results for compounds flexibility, compare for example compounds 2 and 8. As the former
1, 3, 4, 7, and 9–12 are collected in Figure S1 in the supporting may show free rotation of the ethyl group in the gas-phase, hardly
information. The 2 distribution unravels additional attractive any ligand–ligand reorientation seems possible for the latter. The
(blue) non-covalent forces for the polarized covalent Zn C bonds. increasing number and size of inter-ligand NCI areas in the order of
Interestingly, for 3-5 -type of bonding (compounds 2 and 5) the increasing ligand sizes (2 < 5 < 6 < 8) is of course related to increased
blue areas are ring-shaped at the inner part of the NCI-funnel steric crowding, resulting in increased AIM valence densities [20]
(pointing at the Zn atom) but separated into five localized areas as well as increasingly red colored Zn C contact areas.
at the outer part (pointing at the five C atoms of the Cp* rings). The corresponding DORI surfaces are compiled in Figure 3. The
For reduced hapticities the corresponding NCI area becomes much corresponding results for compounds 1, 3, 4, 7, and 9–12 are
thinner, increasingly horse-shoe shaped, and also the inner parts collected in Figure S2. Apparently, there are strong similarities
now show localized blue areas pointing along the Zn C axes. As between the NCI/ELI-D and the DORI spatial separation of covalent
expected, non-covalent Zn CCp*2/3N bonding aspects become less and non-covalent interactions, although the latter are seemingly
important with increasingly localized/directional Zn C bonding. more pronounced in the DORI scheme for the common iso-surface
Like for the Zn C bonds, the attractive disk- or ring-shaped NCI values s(r) = 0.5, (r) = 0.9 (the choice of the iso-value is of course
areas of the dative Zn N bonds are surrounded by red areas arbitrary). Like for NCI, Zn C single bonds are characterized by a
S. Mebs / Chemical Physics Letters 651 (2016) 172–177 175
Figure 2. Iso-surface representations of the non-covalent interactions (NCI) index for compounds 2, 5, 6, and 8. sign(2 ) is mapped onto the reduced density gradient
iso-surface (s(r) = 0.5). Blue surface parts refer to attractive forces, red to repulsive forces. Green indicates non-bonding interactions. ELI-D attractors are given as black dots,
saddle points as red dots. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
disk-shaped DORI surface, whereas 5-1 -type of hapticities exhibit Increasing (decreasing) the NCI (DORI) iso-values leads to the
funnel to horse-shoe shaped surfaces. Extended regions of weak formation of a molecular surface, which shows similarities to
inter-ligand contacts become visible, which are becoming domi- conventional electron density iso-surfaces (e.g. the 0.001 a.u. ED
nant in the steric crowded compound 8, see Figure 3d. The increased surface). In contrast to such ED surfaces, adjacent ligands as well as
crowding in 8 is reflected in the pronounced coloring of the inter- different chemical groups within one ligand (e.g. adjacent methyl
ligand surface. Both for NCI and DORI large and flat interaction areas groups in the Cp* ligands) are separated by surface areas (green)
are typically related to weak contacts, whereas stronger contacts which may be interpreted as possible areas of non-covalent inter-
show more localized surface areas. Like NCI/ELI-D, DORI confirms actions.
that AIM bond topology is not able to detect all weak contacts. In In real-space, bond formation becomes first observable in terms
contrast to the NCI/ELI-D approach it is not always straightforward of small changes in the gradient of the electron density, which is
to identify the nature of polarized or dative contacts, such as Zn Cp exploited by tools like NCI and DORI, and in the topology of local-
and Zn N, within the DORI scheme – if they are basically covalent or ization functions like ELF and ELI-D. Subsequently, bond critical
non-covalent in nature (for NCI/ELI-D both bonding aspects are sep- points are observed in the electron density and in the virial field,
arately visible). However, DORI is much easier accessible compared which makes the atom–atom contacts also ‘visible’ within the AIM
to the NCI/ELI-D approach and solely relies on the ED, which make approach. Especially for complex modes of bonding only the com-
this real-space bonding indicator (RSBI) appealing both for compu- bination of different RSBI, including topological approaches (AIM,
tational as well as experimental analysis of all types of atom–atom ELF, ELI-D) as well as surface-based approaches (NCI, DORI, aspher-
interactions. ical stockholder fragments (ASF) [18], Hirshfeld surfaces (HS)
Notably, NCI and DORI also show similar behavior against vari- [34,35]) renders more or less unambiguous determination of intra-
ation of the iso-values, but in an inverse manner, see Figure S3. and inter-molecular contact numbers, strengths, and characters
176 S. Mebs / Chemical Physics Letters 651 (2016) 172–177
Figure 3. Iso-surface representations of the density overlap regions indicator (DORI; (r) = 0.9) for compounds 2, 5, 6, and 8. sign(2 ) is mapped onto the surface.
possible. Since both NCI and DORI are based on the electron density thus simultaneously providing a picture of covalent as well as non-
and its gradients it would be of great benefit if DORI would be imple- covalent interactions. Both approaches give reliable estimates of
mented in software used to extract experimental high-resolution the hapticities and unravel weak H· · ·H contacts not observed in
XRD electron densities, such as XD2006 [36]. For NCI first applica- AIM.
tions to experimental electron densities are published [37–40]. A
recent NMR/DFT analysis on conformational isomers of an amino Acknowledgements
acid building block included AIM, ELF, NCI, and DORI [41].
Piotr de Silva and Clemence Corminboeuf are acknowledged for
4. Conclusion providing the modified NCIplot code, Christian Hübschle for sup-
port with addfaze and MolIso, Jens Beckmann and Julian Henn for
Covalent as well as non-covalent atom–atom interactions are helpful discussions.
manifesting themselves in a gradual way, affecting first the gradient
of the electron density, which apparently contradicts the exclu- Appendix A. Supplementary data
sive use of a topological approach relying on the (non-)existence
of stationary points in the underlying electron density. NCI and Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
DORI are easily computed real-space bonding indicators derived the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2016.03.046.
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