Python Interdisciplinary Approach - Grade 11th Chapter

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Python Interdisciplinary

Approach - Programming
Data Types & Conditionals


PURPOSE: Data Science and Analysis


Computer & Robotics Instructor at Afghan Turk Maarif Mazar-E-Sharif Boys High School
A data type is a set of values and a set of operations defined on those values. Many data types are built
into the Python language. In this section, we consider Python's built-in data types int (for
integers), float (for floating-point numbers), str (for sequences of characters) and bool (for true-false


To talk about data types, we need to introduce some terminology. To do so, we start with the following
code fragment:
a = 1234
b = 99
c = a + b

This code creates three objects, each of type int, using the literals 1234 and 99 and the expression a +
b, and binds variables a, b, and c to those objects using assignment statements. The end result is that
variable c is bound to an object of type int whose value is 1333.


All data values in a Python program are represented by objects and relationships among objects. An
object is an in-computer-memory representation of a value from a particular data type. Each object is
characterized by its identity, type, and value.
• The identity uniquely identifies an object. You should think of it as the location in the computer's
memory (or memory address) where the object is stored.
• The type of an object completely specifies its behavior — the set of values it might represent and
the set of operations that can be performed on it.
• The value of an object is the data-type value that it represents.

Each object stores one value; for example, an object of type int can store the value 1234 or the
value 99 or the value 1333. Different objects may store the same value. For example, one object of
type str might store the value 'hello', and another object of type str also might store the same
value 'hello'. We can apply to an object any of the operations defined by its type (and only those
operations). For example, we can multiply two int objects but not two str objects.

Object references.

An object reference is nothing more than a concrete representation of the object's identity (the memory
address where the object is stored). Python programs use object references either to access the object's
value or to manipulate the object references themselves.

A literal is a Python-code representation of a data-type value. It creates an object with the specified


An operator is a Python-code representation of a data-type operation. For example, Python

uses + and * to represent addition and multiplication for integers and floating-point numbers; Python
uses and, or, and not to represent boolean operations; and so forth.


An identifier is a Python-code representation of a name. Each identifier is a sequence of letters, digits,

and underscores, the first of which is not a digit. The following keywords are reserved and you cannot use
them as identifiers:
False class finally is return
None continue for lambda try
True def from nonlocal while
and del global not with
as elif if or yield
assert else import pass
break except in raise


A variable is a name for an object reference. We use variables to keep track of

changing values as a computation unfolds. We use diagrams like the one at
right to show the binding of a variable to an object.


An expression is a combination of literals, variables, and operators that Python

evaluates to produce an object. Each operand can be any expression, perhaps
within parentheses. For example, we can compose expressions like 4 * (x -
3) or 5 * x - 6 and Python will understand what we mean.

Operator precedence.

An expression is shorthand for a sequence of operations. Python's precedence rules specify the order in
which the operations should be applied. For arithmetic operations, multiplication and division are
performed before addition and subtraction, so that a - b * c and a - (b * c) represent the same
sequence of operations. When arithmetic operators have the same precedence, they are left associative,
which means that a - b - c and (a - b) - c represent the same sequence of operations. You can use
parentheses to override the rules, so you can write a - (b - c) if that is what you want. For full details
see Appendix A: Operator Precedence in Python.

Assignment statements.

An assignment statement is a directive to Python to bind the variable on the left side of the = operator to
the object produced by evaluating the expression on the right side. For example, when we write c = a +
b, we are expressing this action: "associate the variable c with the sum of the values associated with the
variables a and b."
Informal trace.

An effective way to keep track of the values associated with variables is

to use a table like the one at right, with one line giving the values after
each statement has been executed. Such a table is called a trace.

Object-level trace.

For a more complete understanding, we sometimes keep track of objects and references in traces. The
object-level trace at right illustrates the full effect of our three assignment
• The statement a = 1234 creates an int object whose value is 1234;
it then binds the variable a to this new int object.
• The statement b = 99 creates an int object whose value is 99; it
then binds the variable b to this new int object.
• The statement c = a + b creates the int object whose value
is 1333 as the sum of the value of the int object bound to a and the
value of the int object bound to b; it then binds the variable c to the
new int object.


The str data type represents strings, for use in text processing.

The value of a str object is a sequence of characters. You can specify

a str literal by enclosing a sequence of characters in matching single
quotes. You can concatenate two strings using the operator +. As an
example, computes a table of values of the ruler function that
describes the relative lengths of the marks on a ruler.

Converting numbers to strings for output.

Python provides the built-in function str() to convert numbers to strings. Our most frequent use of the
string concatenation operator is to chain together the results of a computation for output
with stdio.write() and stdio.writeln(), often in conjunction with the str() function, as in this
stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' + ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(a+b))

If a and b are int objects whose values are 1234 and 99, respectively, then that statement writes the line
of output 1234 + 99 = 1333.
Converting strings to numbers for input.

Python also provides built-in functions to convert strings (such as the ones we type as command-line
arguments) to numeric objects. We use the Python built-in functions int() and float() for this purpose.
If the user types 1234 as the first command-line argument, then the code int(sys.argv[1]) evaluates to
the int object whose value is 1234.


The int data type represents integers or natural numbers.

Python includes operators for common arithmetic operations on integers, including + for addition, - for
subtraction, * for multiplication, // for floored division, % for remainder, and ** for exponentiation. All of
these operators are defined just as in grade school (keeping in mind that the floored division operator
results in an integer). Program illustrates basic operations for manipulating int objects.
Division in Python 2.

In Python 3, the / operator has the same behavior as the floating-point division operator when both its operands
are integers. In Python 2, the / operator has the same behavior as the floored division operator // when both its
operands are integers. For example, 17 / 2 evaluates to 8.5 in Python 3 and to 8 in Python 2. For compatibility
among Python versions, we do not use the / operator with two int operands in this booksite.

Floating-Point Numbers

The float data type is for representing floating-point numbers, for use in scientific and commercial

Python includes operators for common arithmetic operations on floats, including + for addition, - for
subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division, and ** for exponentiation. Program illustrates the
basic operations for manipulating float objects. Program shows the use of float objects in
computing the two roots of a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula.
We use floating-point numbers to represent real numbers, but they are decidedly not the same as real
numbers! There are infinitely many real numbers, but we can represent only a finite number of floating-
point numbers in any digital computer. For example, 5.0/2.0 evaluates to 2.5 but 5.0/3.0 evaluates
to 1.6666666666666667. Typically, floating-point numbers have 15–17 decimal digits of precision.
Note the use of the math.sqrt() function in the program. The standard math module
defines trigonometric functions, logarithm/exponential functions, and other common mathematical
functions. To use the math module, place the statement import math near the beginning of the program
and then call functions using syntax such as math.sqrt(x).


The bool data type has just two values: True and False.

The apparent simplicity is deceiving — booleans lie at the foundation of computer science. The most
important operators defined for booleans are the logical ooperators: and, or, and not:
• a and b is True if both operands are True, and False if either is False.
• a or b is False if both operands are False, and True if either is True.
• not a is True if a is False, and False if a is True.

We can formally specify the definition of each operation using truth tables:


The comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= are defined for both integers and floats, and evaluate to
a boolean result.

The program shows the use of boolean expressions and comparison operations to compute
whether a given year is a leap year. Section 1.3 of this booksite describes more common uses of the
comparison operators.
Functions and APIs

As we have seen, many programming

tasks involve using functions. We
distinguish three kinds of functions: built-in
functions (such as int(), float(),
and str()) that you can use directly in any
Python program, standard functions (such
as math.sqrt()) that are defined in a
Python standard module and are available
in any program that imports the module,
and booksite functions (such
as stdio.write() and stdio.writeln())
that are defined in this booksite modules
and available for you to use after you have
made them available to Python and
imported them. We describe some more
useful functions in this section. In later
chapters, you will learn not just how to use
other functions, but how to define and use
your own functions.
For convenience, we summarize the
functions that you need to know how to use
in tables like the one shown on the right.
Such a table is known as an application
programming interface (API). The table
below shows some typical function calls.

Type Conversion

We often find ourselves converting data

from one type to another using one of the
following approaches.

Explicit type conversion.

Call functions such

as int(), float(), str(), and round().
Implicit type conversion (from integer to float).

You can use an integer where a float is expected, because Python automatically converts integers to
floats when appropriate. For example, 10/4.0 evaluates to 2.5 because 4.0 is a float and both operands
need to be of the same type; thus, 10 is converted to a float and then the result of dividing two floats is a
float. This kind of conversion is called automatic promotion or coercion.

Interactive Python

If you issue the command python (that is, the word python stand-alone, with no following file name) in
your terminal window, Python identifies itself and writes a >>> prompt. At that point you can type a Python
statement and Python will execute it. Or, you can type a Python expression and Python will evaluate it
and write the resulting value. Or, you can type help() to get access to Python's extensive interactive
documentation. This is a convenient way to test new constructs and access documentation.
We use the term flow of control to refer to the sequence of statements that are executed in a program. All
of the programs that we have examined to this point have a simple flow of control: the statements are
executed one after the other in the order given. Most programs have a more complicated structure where
statements may or may not be executed depending on certain conditions (conditionals), or where groups
of statements are executed multiple times (loops).

if Statements

Most computations require different actions for different inputs. Program uses an if-
else statement to write the results of a coin flip. The table below summarizes some typical situations
where you might need to use an if or if-else statement.

Note that in Python indentation is meaningful. For example, consider these two code fragments:
if x >= 0: if x >= 0:
stdio.write('not ') stdio.write('not ')
stdio.writeln('negative') stdio.writeln('negative')

If x is greater than or equal to 0, then both fragments write 'not negative'. If x is less than 0, then the code
on the left writes 'negative' but the code on the right writes nothing at all.

while Statements

Many computations are inherently repetitive. The while statement enables us to perform a group of
statements many times. This enables us to express lengthy computations without composing lots of code.
The program writes "Hello, World" ten times. The program accepts a
command-line argument n and writes all of the powers of 2 less than or equal to n.
Incidentally, in Python we can abbreviate an assignment statement of the form i = i + 1 with the
shorthand notation i += 1. The same notation works for other binary operators, including -, *, and /. For
example, most programmers would use power *= 2 instead of power = 2 * power in

for Statements
Many loops follow the same basic scheme: initialize an index variable to some value and then use
a while loop to test an exit condition involving the index variable, using the last statement in
the while loop to modify the index variable. Python's for statement is a direct way to express such loops.
For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent to the corresponding lines of code
for i in range(4, 11):
stdio.writeln(str(i) + 'th Hello')

If range() has only one argument, then the start value of the range value defaults to 0. For example, the
following for loop is an improvement over the while loop in
power = 1
for i in range(n+1):
stdio.writeln(str(i) + ' ' + str(power))
power *= 2
The table below summarizes some typical situations where you might need to use
a while or for statement.


We can nest if, while, or for statements within other if, while, or for statements. As an
example, has a for loop whose nested statements are a for loop (whose nested
statement is an if statement) and a stdio.writeln() statement.
As a second example of nesting, consider a tax preparation program that contains this code:
if income < 0.0:
rate = 0.00
if income < 8925:
rate = 0.10
if income < 36250:
rate = 0.15
if income < 87850:
rate = 0.25
Python allows an if statement to contain elif ("else if") clauses. Using elif clauses yields this more
compact code:
if income < 0: rate = 0.00
elif income < 8925: rate = 0.10
elif income < 36250: rate = 0.15
elif income < 87850: rate = 0.23
elif income < 183250: rate = 0.28
elif income < 398350: rate = 0.33
elif income < 400000: rate = 0.35
else: rate = 0.396


The ability to program with conditionals and loops immediately opens up the world of computation to us.

Finite sum.

The computational paradigm used by is one that you will use
frequently. It uses two variables — one as an index that controls a loop and the
other to accumulate a computational result. The program uses the
same paradigm to evaluate the finite sum Hn = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n. These
numbers are known as the harmonic numbers.

Computing the square root.

How is the math.sqrt() function implemented? The program illustrates

one technique. It uses a special case of a general computational technique that
was developed by Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson and is widely known
as Newton's method. To compute the square root of a positive number t, start
with the estimate t = c. If t is equal to c / t, then t is equal to the square root of c,
so the computation is complete. If not, refine the estimate by replacing t with the
average of t and c / t. Each time we perform this update, we get closer to the desired answer.

Number conversion.

The program writes the binary (base 2) representation of the decimal number typed as the
command line argument. It is based on decomposing the number into a sum of powers of two. For
example, the binary representation of 106 is 1101010, which is the same as saying that 106 = 64 + 32 + 8
+ 2, or in binary, 1101010 = 1000000 + 100000 + 1000 + 10. To compute the binary representation of n,
we consider the powers of 2 less than or equal to n in decreasing order to determine which belong in the
binary decomposition (and therefore correspond to a 1 bit in the binary representation).

Monte Carlo simulation.

Our next example is representative of a widely used class of programs,

where we use computers to simulate what might happen in the real world,
so that we can make informed decisions in all kinds of complicated
situations. Suppose a gambler makes a series of fair $1 bets, starting with
$50, and continue to play until she either goes broke or has $250. What
are the chances that she will go home with $250, and how many bets
might she expect to make before winning or losing?
Program is a simulation that can help answer these questions.
It accepts three command-line arguments, the initial stake ($50), the goal amount ($250), and the number
of times we want to simulate the game.


A prime is an integer greater than 1 whose only positive divisors are 1 and itself. The prime factorization
of an integer is the multiset of primes whose product is the integer. For example, 3757208 =
2*2*2*7*13*13*397. The program computes the prime factorization of any given positive
integer. We can stop looking for factors when factor*factor is greater than n because if an
integer n has a factor, it has one less than or equal to the square root of n.

Loop and a Half

Suppose we want a loop that repeatedly does the following: execute some sequence of statements, exit
the loop if some loop-termination condition is satisfied, and execute some other sequence of statements.
That is, we want to position the loop-control condition in the middle of the loop, not at the beginning. This
is known as a loop and a half because you must go partway through the loop before reaching the loop-
termination test. Python provides the break statement for this purpose. When Python executes
a break statement, it immediately exits the (innermost) loop.
For example, consider the problem of generating a point that is randomly
distributed in the unit disk. Since we always want to generate at least one
point, we compose a while loop whose loop-continuation condition is always
satisfied, generate the random point (x, y) in the 2-by-2 square, and use
a break statement to terminate the loop if (x, y) is in the unit disk.
while True:
x = -1.0 + 2.0*random.random()
y = -1.0 + 2.0*random.random()
if x*x + y*y <= 1.0:

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