Exercises: PAM and FSK
Exercises: PAM and FSK
Exercises: PAM and FSK
18.11.1 In exercise 8.7.1 we introduced the games of doublets. What relationships
exist between this game and the decoding of convolutional codes?
18.11.2 Each of the convolutions that make up a convolutional code can be identified
by its impulse response, called the generator sequence in coding theory. What
is the duration of the impulse response if the shift register is of length K?
The constraint length is defined to be the number of output bits that are
influenced by an input bit. What is the constraint length if the shift register
length is K, and each time instant Ic bits are shifted in and n are output?
18.11.3 Which seven-tuples of bits never appear as outputs of the simple convolu-
tional code given in the text?
18.11.4 Repeat the last exercise of the previous section for convolutional codes. You
need to replace the first program with cencode and the third with cdecode.
Use the Viterbi algorithm.
18.11.5 The convolutional code yzn = xn + x,,+1,~2~+1 = x, + x,+2 is even simpler
than the simple code we discussed in the text, but is not to be used. To find
out why, draw the trellis diagram for this code. Show that this code suffers
from catastrophic error propagation, that is, misinterpreted bits can lead to
the decoder making an unlimited number of errors. (Hint: Assume that all
zeros are transmitted and that the decoder enters state 3.)
c- 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
Figure 18.17: NRZ signals and DC. In (A) we see a straight NRZ signal. For each 1 bit
there is a positive voltage, while there is no voltage for a 0 bit. In (B) we see what happens
to this NRZ signal when DC is blocked. The positive voltages tend to decay, wiping out
the information in long runs of 1 bits. In (C) we see an attempt at removing DC from the
NRZ signal. For each 1 there is a positive voltage, while for each 0 bit there is a negative
NRZ has a major problem. Unless all the input bits happen to be zero,
the NRZ signal will have a nonzero DC component. This is not desirable
for an information transmission system. We want the transmitter to supply
information to the receiver, not DC power! To ensure that DC power is not
inadvertently transferred many channels block DC altogether. The telephone
system supplies DC power for the telephone-set operation on the same pair
of wires used by the signal, so low frequencies cannot be made available for
the signal’s use. This restriction is enforced by filtering out all frequencies
less than 200 Hz from the audio. Attempts at sending our simple NRZ
signal through a channel that blocks DC will result in the signal decaying
exponentially with time, as in Figure 18.17.B. We see that single 1 bits can
be correctly interpreted, but long runs of 1s disappear.
A simple correction that eliminates the major part of the DC is to send
a signal value of + 3 for every one bit, and - % for every zero bit, as in
Figure 18.17.C. However, there is no guarantee that the input bit stream
will be precisely balanced, with the same number of ones and zeros. Even
if this is true for long time averages, for short times there is still some DC
(either positive or negative), and so the bits still decay.
Encoding methods discussed in Section 18.6 such as RZ or Manchester
coding completely remove DC, but at the price of doubling the bandwidth;
this is a price Shannon doesn’t want us to pay. A better DC removing method
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
Figure 18.18: Simple digital communications signals. In (A) we seeon-off keying (OOK),
in (B) frequency shift keying (FSK), and in (C) phase shift keying (PSK).
than to simply look for energy at the carrier frequency, probably by using a
band-pass filter of some sort, and judge whether it has passed a threshold
value. Passing merits a 1 bit, lower energy is taken as a 0. If noise appears in
the area of the frequency of interest, an intended 0 will be wrongly classified
as a 1, and negative noise values summing with the signal of interest can
cause a 1 to masquerade as a 0.
In order to ameliorate this problem noise should be explicitly taken into
account, and this could be done in two nonexclusive ways. The first is based
on the supposition that the noise is white and therefore its energy is the
same over all frequencies. We can thus require that the energy at the output
of a matched band-pass filter be much larger than the energy at nearby
frequencies. The second way is based on the assumption that the noise is
stationary and therefore its energy does not vary in time. We can thus
monitor the energy when the signal is not active or sending zeros, and require
that it pass a threshold set higher than this background energy. Such a
threshold is often called a Noise Riding Threshold (NRT).
While these mechanisms make our decision-making process more robust
they are not immune to error. Impulse noise spikes still thwart NRTs and
narrow-band noise overcomes a threshold based on nearby frequencies. In
addition, we have added the possibility of new error types (e.g., when the
noise fluctuates at adjacent frequencies a perfectly good 1 can be discarded).
While the effects of noise can never be entirely overcome, OOK does not give
us very much to work with in our efforts to combat it.
Perhaps the simplest method to combat noise at adjacent frequencies is
to replace OOK with Frequency Shift Keying (FSK). Here we transmit a
sinusoid of frequency fo when a 0 bit is intended and a sinusoid of frequency
fl when we wish to send a 1 bit (see Figure 18.18.B). One can build an
FSK demodulator by using two band-pass (matched) filters, one centered
at fe and the other at f 1. Such a demodulator can be more robust in noise
since two energies are taken into account. One decision method would be to
output a 0 when threshold is exceeded at fo but not fr and a 1 when the
reverse occurs. When neither energy is significant we conclude that there is
no signal, and if both thresholds are surpassed we conclude that there must
be some noise or interference. When such a demodulator does output a 0
or 1 it is the result of two independent decisions, and we are thus twice as
confident. An alternative to FSK is Phase Shift Keying (PSK), depicted
in Figure 18.18.C. Here we employ a single frequency that can take on two
different phases; a demodulator can operate by comparing the received signal
with that of a sinusoid of constant phase. At first this seems no better than
OOK, but we will see that PSK is a highly effective method.
There are several ways of understanding why FSK is better than OOK.
Our first interpretation consisted of treating FSK as OOK with ‘frequency
diversity’ (i.e., two independent OOK signals carrying the same information
but at different frequencies). Such diversity increases the robustness with
which we can retrieve information at a given SNR. This is as useful since
we can increase channel capacity by attacking either the bandwidth or the
noise constraints.
A second interpretation has to do with the orthogonality of sinusoids of
different frequencies. An alternative to the dual band-pass filter FSK de-
modulator multiplies the received signal by sinusoids of frequencies fo or fr
and integrates the output over time. Since this is essentially downmixing
and low-pass filtering, this demodulator is actually a specific implementa-
tion of the dual band-pass filters, but we can give it a new interpretation.
From equation (A.34) we know that sinusoids of different frequencies are
orthogonal, so multiplication by one of the sinusoids and integrating leads
to a positive indication if and only if this frequency is being transmitted.
This exploitation of sinusoid orthogonality is a new feature relative to OOK.
Were the component signals in FSK truly orthogonal then FSK would
be the answer to all our wishes. The problem is that sinusoids are only
18.12. PAM AND FSK 703
11 10 01 01 11 00 00 10
Figure 18.19: A four level PAM signal. Here the same information bits are transmitted
as in the previous figures, but twice as many bits are sent in the same amount of time.
orthogonal when integrated over all time. When only a short time duration
AT is available, the uncertainty theorem puts a constraint on the accuracy
of recognizing the difference between the two frequencies Af.
For example, the telephone channel is less than 4 KHz wide, and so a rather
large separation would be Af x 2 KHz. This implies that telephone line
FSK information transfer rates will not exceed around 300 b/s.
Of course the uncertainty theorem only directly limits the rate at which
we can change between different frequencies. By using a repertoire of more
than two frequencies we can increase the information transfer rate. Using
four possible frequencies fo, fr , fi, or f3 we simultaneously transmit two
bits of information at each time instant, doubling the information rate. This
technique is not limited to FSK; simple NRZ can be extended to multilevel
PAM by sending one of four different voltages, as in Figure 18.19. The
signal sent at each time period is usually called a symbol or baud (after
Emile Baudot), and the bit rate is double the symbol rate or baud rate. If
we use symbols that can take on 2m possible values, the data rate in bits per
second is m times the baud rate. Of course increasing the data rate in this
way has its drawbacks. The demodulator becomes more complex, having to
distinguish between many different levels. More significantly, if we compare
two signals with the same transmission power, the one with more levels
has these levels closer together. So we cannot increase the number of levels
without incurring a higher probability of misdetection in noise. The eventual
limit is when the level spacing is of the order of the noise intensity. This is
the way Shannon limits the capacity of multilevel PAM and multifrequency
FSK signals.
18.12.1 A differential encoder encodes a 1 bit as a change in the signal and a 0 bit as
no change. Show how to transmit differential NRZ, FSK and PSK. For which
of these three is the differential coding most useful? How does one make
a decoder that reconstructs the original bit stream from the differentially
encoded one? How is the ambiguity broken? What signal causes an output
of all Is? All OS?
18.12.2 If an FSK modulator employs two completely independent oscillators sr(t) =
A sin(2rrfit) and sz(t) = Asin(2nfit) then at the instant of switching the
signal will generally be discontinuous. Continuous Phase FSK (CPFSK)
changes frequency without phase jumps. Why is CPFSK better than non-
continuous phase FSK? Write a routine that inputs a bit stream and outputs
a CPFSK signal.
18.12.3 Program a multifrequency FSK modulator on a computer with an audio
output or speaker. How high can the symbol rate be before your ear can no
longer distinguish the individual tones?
18.12.4 The fundamental limitation on the FSK symbol rate is due to the time-
frequency uncertainty relation. There is no fundamental time-value uncer-
tainty relationship, so what is the source of the limitation on PAM symbol
18.12.5 Figure 18.19 uses the natural encoding of the numbers from 0 to 2. The PAM
signal called 2BlQ (used in ISDN and HDSL) uses the following mapping:
-3 -+ 00, -1 --+ 01, +l + 11, +3 + 10. What is the advantage of this 2BlQ
encoding, which is a special case of a Gray code? How can this be extended
to eight-level PAM? 2m-level PAM?
18.12.6 In the text we didn’t mention Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK). Draw a signal
with four-level ASK. Why isn’t this signal popular?
18.13 PSK
FSK demodulation is based on the orthogonality of the signals representing
the bit 0 and the bit 1; unfortunately, we have seen that this orthogonal-
ity breaks down as we try to increase the information transfer rate. Over
telephone lines FSK can be readily used for rates of 300-1200 b/s, but
becomes increasing problematic thereafter. In the previous section we men-
tioned PSK; here we will present it in more detail and show why it can carry
information at higher rates. PSK is commonly used for 1200-2400 b/s over
telephone lines.
18.13. PSK 705
so(t> = sin(27& t)
Sl (t) = sin(2nf,t + ?J)
where fc is the carrier frequency. We suggest using these two signals as our
information carriers, transmitting se when a 0 bit is to sent, and si for a
1 bit. We call this signal BPSK for Binary PSK. There are basically two
methods of demodulating PSK signals. Coherent demodulators maintain a
local oscillator of frequency fc and compare the frequency of incoming signals
to this clock. Incoherent demodulators do not maintain a precise internal
clock, but look for jumps in the incoming signal’s instantaneous phase.
Both BPSK demodulators are more complex than those we have seen so
far. Are BPSK’s advantages worth the extra complexity? Yes, since unlike
FSK, where the two basic signals become orthogonal only after a relatively
long time has elapsed, SOand si are already orthogonal over a half cycle. So
we can transmit one of the signals SOor sr for as little as one-half of a cycle
of the carrier, and still discriminate which was transmitted. This is a major
step forward.
Is this the best discrimination available? The coherent demodulator mul-
tiplies the incoming signal by sin(27rf, t) and so after filtering out the com-
ponent at twice fc its output is either 0 or 5. We can increase the phase
difference by using the two signals
so(t> = sin(27r&t - 5)
Sl (t> = sin(27rf, t + 5)
and the difference between the output signals is now maximal. It is not hard
to see that sr = -se, so using a sinusoid and its inverse results in the best
discrimination. Plotting multiple traces of the demodulator output results
in an eye pattern, such as that of Figure 10.8. Using a phase difference of 7r
opens the eye as much as is possible.
We can now go to a multiphase signal in order to get more bits per
symbol. QPSK uses four different phases
so(t> = sin(2nf, t)
Sl w = sin(27rf,t + 5)
4 w = sin(2nf, t+ 7r)
S3 w = sin(27rht + 3;)
Figure 18.20: I-Q plot for a QPSK signal with noise. We see that the effect of additive
channel noise is to replace the true constellation points with clouds centered at the original
points. Although with this noise level we could still make accurate decisions, were we to
add four more points to make 8PSK the clouds would touch and reception errors would
be inevitable.
detected are not exactly those transmitted. We see that the four points on
the unit circle have been transformed into four small ‘clouds’ centered on the
original points. In order to recover the original information we have to decide
to which true constellation point each received point should be associated.
The decision is performed by a slicer and will be discussed in Section 18.18.
How much noise can be tolerated before the decisions become faulty? From
the figure it is obvious that if the radius of the noise cloud is less than half
the Euclidean distance between the constellation points, then most of the
decisions will be correct.
18.13.1 What is the Euclidean distance between constellation points of an nPSK
signal? Why can’t we increase the distance between the constellation points
by simply placing them on a larger circle?
18.13.2 Simulate a baseband nPSK signal and find its empirical spectrum. Vary n.
Do you see any change? Vary tb. What happens now?
18.13.3 In exercise 18.12.5 we saw how to use a Gray code for multilevel PAM. What
is the difference between a Gray code for PAM and one for nPSK? How is
this related to the Hamiltonian cycles of Section 12.1?
18.13.4 We saw that resetting of the clock rotates the nPSK constellation. How can
we ever be sure that we are properly interpreting the data?
18.13.5 Write programs that implement a QPSK modulator and demodulator. Try
adding noise to the signal. What happens if the demodulator carrier frequency
is slightly wrong? What if the baud rate is inaccurate?
Figure 18.21: PSD of digital communications signals. In (A) we see the autocorrelation
of a NRZ signal carrying white random data. In (B) is depicted the PSD of this signal,
a sine squared with its first null at the baud frequency. In (C) we present the PSD of a
OOK signal with the same data.
18.14. MODEM SPECTRA 709
obvious that a PAM signal with n levels can be thought of as the sum of n
NRZ signals. From the linearity of the FT we can conclude that multilevel
PAM has exactly the same spectrum as NRZ. In particular, the bandwidth
of PAM is independent of the number of levels, but of course more levels
with the same energy effects the noise sensitivity. Of course we have been
comparing signals with the same baud rate; when we compare PAM signals
with the same bit rate, the signal with more bits per symbol has a lower
baud rate and hence a lower bandwidth.
What about an OOK signal? We don’t have to recompute autocorre-
lations since we know that OOK is simply NRZ upmixed by the carrier.
Accordingly, we immediately conclude that its PSD is that depicted in Fig-
ure 18.2X, centered on the carrier frequency and taking up double the
bandwidth of the NRZ signal. This spectrum is shared by the multilevel
ASK signal as well. In fact, it is a quite general result that only the carrier
frequency and baud rate affect the spectrum.
Why should the bandwidth have doubled for the same baud rate? This
result hints that there is another degree of freedom that we are not ex-
ploiting, but that would not change the PSD. This degree of freedom is the
phase; by simultaneously modulating both the amplitude and the phase we
can double the bit rate without increasing the bandwidth. We will return to
this idea in Section 18.17.
18.14.1 In our derivation of the PSD for the NRZ signal we didn’t dwell on the DC.
What is the difference between the spectra of the NRZ and DC-removed NRZ
18.14.2 Derive the PSD of BPSK from that of DC-removed NRZ. Compare this
spectrum with that of OOK.
18.14.3 Summing n independent NRZ signals does not result in a nPAM signal with
equally probable levels. Why does this not affect the conclusion regarding
the PAM spectrum?
18.14.4 Compare the PSDs for BPSK, QPSK, and 8PSK with the same information
transfer rate.
18.14.5 Create random data NRZ and BPSK signals and compute their periodogram
using the FFT. Now use 01010101input (‘alternations’). How is the spectrum
qualitatively different? Starting from the deterministic input of alternations
add progresively more randomness. How does the spectrum change?
i i i t Y I t ‘; 3 i,
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
- 18.22: The effect of improper baud rate recovery. In this example the demodulator
clock runs slightly faster than the modulator’s, so that bit insertions result. On occasion
a symbol clock may fall directly on a transition, causingindefinite decisions.
One could significantly improve this algorithm with little effort. It’s bet-
ter to base the output decision on several successive sn, so some filtering
or median filtering should be performed. If the signal has some residual DC
(that may be time varying) it should be removed immediately after input
of the signal. Also, the linear interpolation between sn and s+i can be im-
proved. However, all such algorithms rapidly deteriorate in performance with
SNR degradation. Noise pulses can look like transitions or alternatively hide
true transitions, and even when a transition is properly identified its correct
location becomes obscure. What we really need is a method that exploits
the entire signal, not just those few signal values that straddle a transition;
exploiting the entire signal in order to derive a frequency requires spectral
analysis or narrow band-pass filtering.
Were the data to alternate like 01010101, the transmitted signal would
be a square wave, and its Fourier series would consist of a basic sinusoid at
half the baud rate, and all odd harmonics thereof. Even in severe noise this
harmonic structure would be easily discernible and by band-pass filtering
a sinusoid related to the desired clock could be recovered. A more direct
method would be to differentiate the signal (accenting the transitions), and
to take the absolute value (removing the direction of the transition) thus
creating a pulse train whose spectrum has a strong line at precisely the
baud rate. Of course the differentiation operation is very sensitive to noise
but the baud line will be strong enough to stand out.
When the NRZ data is random the differentiation and absolute value
operations produce a train of pulses similar to that of the alternations, but
with many of the pulses missing. The basic frequency of this signal is still
the baud rate, but the baud line in the spectrum is not as strong, However,
as long as there are enough transitions the baud rate can still be determined.
Using a PLL is helpful, since it is designed to lock onto approximately known
frequencies in noisy signals.
If there are long stretches of constant zeros or ones in the data the baud
spectral line will tend to disappear, and no amount of filtering will be able to
bring it back. We mentioned previously that by using a bit scrambler we can
eliminate long runs of 1 bits. The most popular scrambler in use is the two-
tap self-synchronizing LFSR scrambler, depicted in Figure 18.23.A. Why
is this scrambler called self-synchronizing? Contrast it with the alternative
method of running the LFSR locked upon itself (see Section 5.4) to create
an LFSR sequence, and xoring the data with this sequence. That method
also increases the number of alternations in sections where there are long
Figure 18.23: Two-tap scrambler and descrambler. In (A) we see the LFSR-based scram-
bler. The output is composed of the xor of the input bit with two previous input bits.
The length of the shift register equals the delay of the oldest bit required. In (B) we see
the descrambler. Note that there is no feedback and hence bit errors do not propagate
without limit.
that these signal points are precisely the nth roots of unity, and so raising
them to the nth power gives one. The usual convention is rotated by 45”
with respect to this, (i.e., all the signal points are multiplied by &a). Hence
in the usual convention all the signal points raised to the nth power still
return the same value, only now that value is e’y . Thus for BPSK squaring
the signal points at 45” and 225” gives i and for QPSK raising any of the
points 45”, 135”) 225’, 315” to the fourth power gives -1. The important fact
is that raising any of the constellation points to the n th power returns the
same value.
Now the signal in the time domain is sin(wt + &) , where the & are the
n possible signal phases. It is clear from the result of the previous paragraph
that raising the signal to the nth power on a sample-by-sample basis will
wipe out the & dependence; and so the nth root of this will be a simple
sine of constant phase at the carrier frequency.
18.15.1 Assume that a signal contains no runs of single bits, but only runs of two,
three and longer. Can the baud rate be recovered? Suggest a method.
18.15.2 Generate a PSK signal with random data, limit its bandwidth by FIR low-
pass filtering, and perform amplitude demodulation. Do you see the AM
dips? Now filter the AM using a narrow IIR filter centered at the nominal
baud rate. Empirically determine the delay between the zero crossings of the
sinusoidal output of this filter and the center of the symbols. Does this system
give accurate baud rate recovery?
18.15.3 Can baud or carrier recovery be performed on signals attaining the Shannon
18.15.4 In systems with very high baud rate there can be a problem in providing the
timing on a second pair of wires. What is this problem and how can it be
18.16 Equalization
We discussed adaptive modem equalizers in Section 10.3. The problem with
standard (linear) equalizers for telephone modems is that near the band
edges (under 400 Hz or above 3600 Hz) there can be 10 to 20 dB of attenu-
ation. In DSL modems the higher frequency ranges can be attenuated by 50
from feedforward
channel equalizer
. feedback
Figure 18.24: Decision feedback equalizer. The DFE consists of two FIR filters, one in
the feedforward path and one in the feedback path. The slicer becomes an integral part
of the equalizer.
18.16.1 Taking the IS1 to be weak and from precisely one previous symbol, show that
each constellation point splits into a small cluster of points that resembles the
entire constellation. What happens if the IS1 is from two previous symbols?
What happens when the IS1 is large and its duration long?
18.16.2 Simulate a QPSK signal traversing a noisy channel sharply attenuated at its
edges. Compare the optimal linear equalizer with the optimal DFE.
18.16.3 An inverse filter at the modulator may cause the transmitted signal to reach
values much larger than originally intended. The Tomlinson equalizer over-
comes this by a modulo operation, and a compensating operation at the
demodulator. Explain how this can be accomplished.
18.17 QAM
In Section 18.14 we saw that the bandwidth of an nPSK signal is not n
dependent. Accordingly, we can achieve higher information transfer rates in
a given bandwidth simply by increasing n. The problem is that for larger n
the constellation points are closer together. Since channel noise causes the
received signal phase to deviate from that transmitted, as depicted in the
constellation plot of Figure 18.20, there is a limit on how close we can place
constellation points. This is how the channel capacity theorem limits capac-
ity for PSK signals. Were there to be no noise we could achieve arbitrarily
large transfer rates by using large n; were there no bandwidth limitation we
could use BPSK and arbitrarily large baud rates.
Looking closely at the constellation plot of Figure 18.20 we can see a way
out. The additive channel noise expands the constellation points into circular
clouds in the I-Q plane, and our decision making is optimized by maximizing
the Euclidean distance between constellation points. One way this can be
done is by placing constellation points as shown in Figure 18.25. Here the
symbols differ in both phase and amplitude. This type of signal (being simul-
taneously PSK and ASK), is sometimes called names like APSK, but more
usually goes under the name Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).
Understanding the meaning of QAM requires thinking of the I and Q com-
ponents as two independent PAM signals ‘in quadrature’. This is indeed
another way of building a QAM signal; rather than altering the amplitude
and phase of a single carrier, we can independently amplitude modulate a
sine and its corresponding cosine and add the results.
18.17. QAM 717
Figure 18.25: Two-ring constellation and signal. From either representation it can be
seen that the symbols differ in both amplitude and phase. The two-ring signal allows pre-
cisely two different amplitudes. The phases are chosen to maximize the minimum distance
between constellation points.
Let’s calculate how much we gained by using QAM. The minimum dis-
tance between points in the 8PSK constellation is 2 sin (3) x 0.765. The two-
ring constellation consists of the symbols (1, l), (-1, l), (-1, -l), (1, -l),
(3, o>, (0,3), (-TO), and (0, -3) and so its minimum distance is 2. However,
this is not a fair comparison since the average energy of the two-ring con-
stellation is higher than that of 8PSK. We can always increase the minimum
distance by increasing the energy; were we to put the 8PSK on a circle of
radius 4 the minimum distance would be 4 0.765 > 3! The proper way to
distance between points for a constellation with given energy. The problem
is thus purely a geometric one, and some of the solutions presently in use
are shown in Figure 18.26.
It has become conventional to use square constellations with odd inte-
ger coordinates. For example, the 16QAM constellation consists of symbols
(-3,3), (-1,3), . . . (1, -3), (3, -3). What is the energy of this constellation?
It has four points with energy (zH)~ + (&1)2 = 2, eight with (zH)~ +
(9 = 10, and four with (~t3)~ + (&3)2 = 18, so that the average is
(4.2 + 8.10 + 4.18)/16 = 10. Since the unnormalized minimum distance is
2, the normalized minimum distance is 2/m M 0.632. This is lower than
that of the previous constellations, but each symbol here contains 4 bits of
information, one bit more than that of the eight-point constellations.
We will see in the next section that it is easiest to build slicers for square
constellations, but rectangular constellations have a drawback. The corners
have high energy, and may even be illegal in channels with maximum power
restrictions. The optimum constellation boundary would be a circle, and this
is closely approximated by the V.34 constellation. The cross-shaped constel-
lations are a compromise whereby the worst offenders are removed, the slicer
remains relatively simple, and the number of points in the constellation re-
mains a power of two.
18.17.1 Why are cross constellations used for odd numbers of bits per symbol and
square-shaped constellations for even numbers?
1817.2 Write a program to compute the average energy and normalized minimum
distance for all the constellations in Figure 18.26.
1817.3 Can you write a program that outputs the points in the V.34 constellation?
(Hint: There are 1664 odd-integer-coordinate points bounded by a circle.)
18.17.4 Show that PAM constellations with m bits have average energy E = $(4m-l)
and hence require about four times (6 dB) more energy to add a bit. Repeat
the calculation for square QAM constellations.
18.17.5 Square QAM constellations suffer from the same 90’ ambiguity as nPSK.
Show how differential encoding can be combined with 16QAM.
18.17.6 Some people have suggested using hexagonal constellations. What are these
and why have they been suggested?
18.17.7 Prove that by squaring a QAM signal one can recover the baud rate. Prove
that taking the fourth power of a QAM signal enables carrier recovery. Show
that the rounder the constellation the harder it is to recover the carrier.
18.17. QAM 719
.I. .. ...
V.29 7200 bps Al&. 3 bit
. . . .
. t .
f-hip “II-
l-iQALl V.29 9600 bps
V.34 33600 bps
Figure 18.26: Some popular QAM constellations. The BPSK and QPSK constellations
are used by the simplest modems (e.g., V22bis telephone-grade modem at 2400 b/s). The
second row all have three bits per symbol, and the third row all four bits per symbol. The
fourth row contains the constellations used by the V.32bis standard modem, with 5, 6,
and 7 bits per symbol. The V.34 1664-point constellation has been magnified for clarity.
Figure 18.27: Input to the slicer. The input represents three seconds of received two-
dimensional points from a V.32bis modem operating at 14.4 Kb/s. The constellation is
readily recognizable to the eye, but the slicer’s decisions are not always clear cut.
18.18. QAM SLICERS 721
Figure 18.28: Operation of slicer for 8PSK. In (A) we see that the eight Voronoy regions
are pie-slice in shape, being only phase dependent. In (B) only the phase of the same
constellation is depicted, and we see that the slicer has been reduced to a quantizer.
tional smearing dominates. However, we’ll assume that the clouds are cir-
cularly symmetric, as would be the case if the major contribution is from
additive channel noise. Under this assumption the optimal operation of the
slicer is to choose the constellation point that is closest to the received point.
So a straightforward slicer algorithm loops on all the N constellation points
and selects that constellation point with minimal distance to the received
point. This algorithm thus requires N computations of Euclidean distance
(sum of squares) and comparisons. Were the constellation points to be ran-
domly chosen this complexity would perhaps be warranted, but for the types
of constellation actually used in practice (see Figure 18.26) much more ef-
fective algorithms are available.
The principle behind all efficient slicers is exploit ation of Voronoy region
symmetries. Given an ar bitrary collection of points, the Voronoy region as-
sociated with the n th point is the set of all points closer to it than any
of the other points; the collection of all the Voronoy regions tessellate the
plane. For the nPSK modem, having all its constellation points on the unit
circle, it is not hard to see that the Voronoy zones are ‘pie-slice’ in shape
(see Figure 18.28.A). The optimal slicer will slice up space into these pie
slices and determine into which slice a received point falls. In particular we
needn’t consider the amplitude of the received point, and the optimal deci-
sion involves only its phase (as was assumed when we originally discussed the
nPSK demodulator). When depicted in one-dimensional (phase-only) space
(see Figure 18.28.B) the decision regions are even simpler. Neglecting the
wrapping around of the phase at the edges, the slicing is reduced to simple
inequalities. By correctly choosing the scale*and offset, the slicing can even
be reduced to simple quantizing!
Figure 18.29: The Voronoy regions for square QAM constellations are square. To show
this we investigate the immediate vicinity of an arbitrary symbol point, and connect this
point with all neighboring symbols (the gray lines). We cut these lines with perpendicular
bisectors (the dark lines) in order to separate points closer to the center symbol from those
closer to the neighboring symbol. We shade in gray the area containing all points closest
to the center symbol.
The slicer for nPSK was so simple that it could be reduced to a single
quantization operation; but the more complex constellations are inherently
two-dimensional. Many non-PSK constellations are based on square arrange-
ments of symbol points, the Voronoy regions for which are themselves square,
as can be seen from Figure 18.29. Square Voronoy regions are only slightly
more complex to manipulate than their one-dimensional counterpart, evenly
spaced points on the line. By properly choosing the scale and offsets the de-
cision algorithm is reduced to independent quantizing along both axes. Of
course some points quantize to grid points that are outside the constellation,
and in such cases we need to project the decision back toward a constella-
tion point. For cross-shaped constellations a slight generalization of this
algorithm is required; for example, in Figure 18.27 we observe a point in the
lower-left corner and another in the upper right that have to be specially
We have succeeded in simplifying the slicer from the straightforward
algorithm that required N distance computations and comparisons to one
or two quantizations and some auxiliary comparisons. These simplifications
depend on the geometric structure of the constellation. Indeed the efficiency
of the slicer is often taken as one of the major design considerations when
choosing the constellation.
18.18.1 Write a routine that efficiently implements a slicer for square 16QAM. Be
careful about how you handle inputs that quantize to grid points outside the
constellation. Are divisions required?
18.18.2 Write a routine that efficiently implements a slicer for the cross-shaped 128-
point constellation used in V.32bis. Inputs that quantize to grid points in the
corners should only require a single additional comparison.
18.18.3 What are the Voronoy regions for the 16-point V29 constellation?
18.18.4 What are. . .
the Voronoy regions for a hexagonal constellation such as the 12
. . . ? How can a slicer be efficiently implemented here?
point ‘.....
0.10 0.92 0.05 0.49 1.02 0.94 0.08 0.04 c- input signal
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 c- demodulated bits
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 c- corrected bits
A o B oo c ooo
Figure 18.30: Set partitioning for the simplest TCM system. In step (A) the eight points
are partitioned into two QPSK subconstellations, named 0 and 1. In step (B) each of
the QPSK subconstellations is partitioned into two BPSK subsubconstellations, the 0
subconstellation into 00 and 01, and the 1 subconstellation into 10 and 11. In (C) the
subsubconstellation points themselves are labeled.
C cbmOOO
A =
Figure 18.31: The modulator for the simplest TCM system. One of the input bits is
passed directly to the 8PSK modulator, and the other is encoded by a trivial rate l/2
convolutional code. The ‘state’ is the previous bit and the outputs are the present bit and
the state.
Figure 18.32: The trellis table and diagram for the simplest TCM system. The table
gives the output and new state given the present state and the input bits. The diagram
depicts a single time step. Between each state and each new state there are two parallel
transitions, labeled BA/cba.
Figure 18.33: The minimal error event for uncoded QPSK. The symbol s was transmit-
ted but the symbol -s + -n was received. The noise vector is of length fi and hence of
energy 2.
Without error we would stay in state zero all the time and receive only
the 0 constellation point. Since we are in state zero there is no way we
could receive an odd-numbered constellation point, so an error must result
in receiving one of the points 2, 4, or 6, with 2 and 6 being the closest. Both
2 and 6 correspond to the same noise energy as in the QPSK case, but also
switch the state to one, so that the next constellation point received will
be odd numbered. The odd numbered points of minimal distance from the
true point of zero are 1 and 7, both with distance about 0.765 and energy
0.5858. Thereafter the state reverts to 0 and the proper constellation point
may be received again. So the combined noise energy of the two errors that
make up this error event is about 2.5858. If the constellation point labeled
4 is mistakenly received the state does not change, but this corresponds to
noise of energy 22 = 4. So the minimal noise energy is 2.5858 as compared
with 2 for the uncoded case. This corresponds to an improvement of a little
over 1.1 dB.
By using more complex ECCs we can get more significant gains. For
example, the four-state code of Figure 18.34 is described in Figure 18.35.
It is not hard to see that the minimal energy error event occurs when we
substitute the constellation point 001 for 000, taking the parallel transition
and remaining in state 0. The energy of this event is 22 = 4 rather than
2 for a coding gain of 3 dB. By using even more complex ECCs we can
achieve further coding gains, although the returns on such computational
investment decrease.
The first standard modem to use TCM was the CCITT V.32 modem at
9600 b/s. In order to make TCM practical, the trellis code must be made
011 G 8PSK
101 110
Figure 18.34: The modulator for a four-state 8PSK TCM system. One of the input bits
is passed directly to the 8PSK modulator, and the other is encoded by a two state l/2
convolutional code. The ‘state’ consists of the previous two bits and the outputs are formed
by binary additions (xor) of the present bit and the state bits.
I oiooj I 2iloj I silloj 1 2iioj I
Figure 18.35: The trellis table and diagram for the four-state 8PSK TCM system. Once
again there are two parallel transitions between each two states, labeled by BA/cba.
18.19.1 The simplest TCM described in the text uses the replicating convolutional
code with a particular phase, outputting at a given time the present input
bit and the previous one. What would happen if we output the present bit
twice instead?
18.19.2 Calculate the noise energies for the different possible error events for the
four-state 8PSK TCM system and show that the minimal event is indeed
that mentioned in the text.
18.19.3 Devise a set partition for the 16 QAM constellation. To do this first partition
the 16 points into two subconstellations of 8 points each, with each subcon-
stellation having maximal minimal distance. What is this distance and how
does it relate to the original minimal distance? Now continue recursively until
each point is labeled by four bits. By how much does the minimal distance
increase each time?
18.19.4 Why does TCM simplify (or even eliminate the need for) the slicer?
The next major breakthrough was the 1971 introduction by Co&x and
the 1976 standardization of V.29. This modem achieved a half-duplex rate of
up to 9.6 Kb/s by using an unusual 16-point QAM constellation with carrier
1700 Hz and baud rate 2400. Another innovative aspect of this modem was
its adaptive equalizer. This modem is still popular as the 9600 fax, where
half-duplex operation is acceptable.
Surprisingly, more than two decades after Shannon had predicted much
higher rates, technology appeared to stop at 9.6 Kb/s. Popular wisdom be-
lieved Shannon’s predictions to be overoptimistic, and efforts were devoted
to implementational issues. Then in 1982, Ungerboeck published his paper
revealing that an eight-state TCM code could provide a further 3.6 dB of
gain, and the race toward higher rates was on again. The next step should
have been to double the 9.6 Kb/s to 19.2 Kb/s, but that leap wasn’t achieved.
At first the V.33 modem achieved 14.4 Kb/s full-duplex on a four-wire line,
and its two-wire half-duplex version (V.17) is the standard 14.4 fax used to-
day. Next, with the introduction of DSP echo cancelling techniques, V.32bis
achieved that same rate for full-duplex on two wires. All of these modems
use fc = 1800 Hz, fb = 2400 Hz and a 12%point cross-shaped constellation.
Since one of the seven bits is used for the coding, the remaining six bits times
2400 baud result in 14.4 Kb/s. These modems also provide 64-point square
and 32-point cross constellations for 12 Kb/s and 9.6 Kb/s respectively.
V.32bis had attained 14.4 Kb/s, so the next major challenge, dubbed
V.fast, was to attempt to double this rate (i.e., to attain 288Kb/s). For
several years different technologies and signal processing techniques were
tried, until finally in 1994 the V.34 standard was born. V.34 was a quantum
leap in signal processing sophistication, and we will only be able to mention
its basic principles here. Due to the complexity of the signal processing, most
V.34 modems are implemented using DSP processors, rather than special-
purpose DSP hardware.
The original ITU-T V.34 specification supported all data rates from 2.4
Kb/s to 28.8 Kb/ s in increments of 2.4 Kb/s, and an updated version added
two new rates of 31.2 and 33.6 Kb/s as well. Two V.34 modems negotiate
between them and connect at the highest of these data rates that the channel
can reliably provide.
We have already seen in Figure 18.26 the constellation used by V.34 for
33.6 Kb/s operation. For lower rates subconstellations of this one are used.
This constellation is by far the most dense we have seen.
Recall from equation (18.20) that the information transfer rate in any
given channel is maximized by matching the PSD to the channel charac-
teristics. One of the problems with the modems up to V.32bis is that they
baud rate (Hz) low carrier (Hz) high carrier (Hz) maximum data rate (Kb/s)
2400 1600 1800 21.6
2743* 1646 1829 26.4
2800* 1680 1867 26.4
3000 1800 2000 28.8
3200 1829 1920 31.2
3429* 1959 - 33.6
Table 18.3: The basic parameters for V.34. The baud rates marked with an asterisk
are optional. Each baud rate, except the highest, can work with two possible carrier
have a single predefined carrier and single baud rate, and hence their PSD is
predetermined. The PSD of V.32bis stretches from 2400 - 1800 = 600 Hz to
2400 + 1800 = 3000 Hz irrespective of the channel characteristics. V.34 pro-
vides six possible baud rates (three mandatory and three optional) as well as
nine carrier frequencies. A V.34 modem starts by probing the channel with a
probe signal that creates the distinctive ‘bong’ noise you hear when trying to
connect with a V.34 modem. This probe signal (see exercise 2.6.4) consists
of a comb of sinusoids spaced 150 Hz apart from 150 Hz to 3750, except that
the 900, 1200, 1800 and 2400 Hz tones have been removed. Using the probe
signal the receiving modem can determine the frequency-dependent SNR,
decide on the maximum data rate that can be supported with reasonably
low bit error rate, and inform the transmitting modem which carrier and
baud rate best match the channel. The possible baud rate and carriers are
given in Table 18.3.
The second half of the channel capacity theorem specifies how the signal
that maximizes information transfer rate should look. It should appear as
white noise other than the water-pouring filtering. The suboptimality of
V.32bis can be easily ascertained by observing its spectrum. With V.34
techniques were added to whiten the modem’s spectrum.
Looking at Figure 18.3 we note that the data rate is not always an
integer multiple of the baud rate (i.e., there is a noninteger number of bits
per symbol). For example, the 33.6 Kb/s maximum bit rate requires 8.4 bits
per symbol at 3429 baud. This feat is accomplished using a shell mapper.
In ordinary QAM the constellation points are used with equal proba-
bility, so that the received (imperfectly equalized) I-Q plot is homogeneous
inside a disk. A noise signal would have its I-Q plot distribution decrease as
a Gaussian function of the radius. We can imitate this behavior by divid-
ing the constellation into concentric circles called shells, and, based on the
data to be transmitted, first choose a shell and then the point within the
shell. By using an algorithm that prefers interior shells we can transmit the
constellation with a more Gaussian distribution.
V.34 also uses more powerful TCM codes than the Wei code used in V.32.
The standard specifies three codes, a 16-state code (also invented by Wei)
with 4.2 dB gain, a 32-state code with 4.5 dB gain and a 64-state code with
4.7 dB gain. All three of these codes are four-dimensional, meaning that they
are based on four-dimensional symbols built up from two consecutive two-
dimensional ones. Why should we want to group two transmitted symbols
into a more complex one? The reason has to do with the geometry of n-
dimensional space. Note that in one-dimensional space we can only place two
points at unity distance from a given point, while in two-dimensional space
there can be four such, and in n-dimensional space, 2n nearest neighbors.
Thus for a given amount of energy, we can place more constellation points
and thus carry more information, in higher-dimensional space. Of course the
four-dimensional symbols are actually transmitted as two two-dimensional
ones, but not every combination of consecutive two-dimensional symbols is
In order to widen the usable bandwidth V.34 uses a more powerful equal-
ization technique. Although DFE is capable of attaining close to the Shannon
capacity, it has several drawbacks, the most important being that it is hard
to combine with TCM. For V.34 a Tomlinson type equalizer was chosen
instead. During the initialization a DFE is trained and the feedback coef-
ficients sent to the modulator, where they are used as a ‘precoder’. Taking
the decision element out of the receive data path now makes integration
of the equalizer with the TCM possible. A new mechanism called flexible
preceding was invented to specifically integrate the precoder with the rest
of the V.34 engine.
The logarithmic encoding used in the digital telephone system (p-law
or A-law) compresses the outer constellation points, making decisions diffi-
cult. V.34 has an option called ‘nonlinear encoding’ or ‘warping’ designed
to combat these distortions. When enabled, the constellation is distorted,
increasing the distance between outer constellation points, at the expense of
decreasing that of more interior points.
The extremely sophisticated signal processing of the V.34 standard took
years to develop and several years more to agree upon in standards com-
mittees. Yet, paradoxically, although for all intents and purposes V.34 at
last approached the Shannon limit, it reigned supreme for only about a
year. The next step, the step that would once again double the transmission
speed from 28K to 56K, was just around the corner.
18.20.1 Plot the PSDs of V.22bis, V.32, and the various modes of V.34 and compare
spectral utilization.
18.20.2 Obtain diagrams of th.e initialization phases of V.32bis and V.34. Can you
explain what happens at each stage?
lower levels are more probable than the higher ones; when digital data is
sent all levels are equally probable, resulting in a higher average power,
There is another problem with this attempt at transmitting 64 Kb/s. In
some parts of the world not all 8 bits are available. Every now and then
the least significant bit is ‘robbed’ for other uses. This does not degrade
voice quality very much, but would be most undesirable for data. In order
to reduce the average power we can use shell mapping, and because of this,
together with overcoming the robbed-bit phenomenon, we should not expect
more than 7 bits 8000 times a second, for a grand total of 56 Kb/s.
What would happen if someone at the CO were to send us digital data at
56 Kb/s with an appropriate shell mapping? Would we be able to distinguish
between these closely spaced levels? There would be ISI, but that could be
overcome by an equalizer. We would need an echo canceller to remove our
own transmission, but that too is well-known theory. It turns out that if we
send digital levels directly on the pair of wires going to the other modem,
then it is possible to recover the original levels. The data source need not
sit physically in the telephone office, as long as its connection to that office
is completely digital.
This is how the V.90 56 Kb/s modem works. A V.34 modem is used in
the upstream direction, that is, from the consumer to the service provider.
In the downstream direction a shell-mapped digital signal of up to 56 Kb/s
is sent. This asymmetry is acceptable for many applications (e.g., for In-
ternet browsing where the downstream often consumes ten times the data
rate as the upstream). In a newer version dubbed V.92 even the upsteam
transmission tries to overcome the last mile and jump onto the digital link.
V.90 exceeds Shannon by exploiting the fact that the telephone system
is no longer a 4 KHz analog channel, and thus the maximum possible rate is
the 64 Kb/s used by the telephone system itself. Getting even higher than
64 Kb/s requires an even more radical departure from our model of the
telephone system.
We have mentioned that the telephone network remains analog only in
the ‘last mile’ to the subscriber, more formally called the ‘subscriber line’.
Now if we look at the frequency response of such subscriber lines, we find
behaviors such as those of Figure 18.36. Although there is strong attenuation
at high frequencies, the bandwidth is definitely higher than 4 KHz.
The 4 KHz restriction is actually enforced by filters at the telephone
office, in order to enable multiplexing of multiple telephone conversations
on a single carrier. There is nothing inherent in the subscriber line that
recognizes this bandwidth restriction. So if we can place our modem before
the filters and are allowed to use the subscriber line as a general-purpose
Figure 18.36: The attenuation for unshielded twisted-pair lines. Depicted is the line
attenuation in dB for one kilometer of standard telephone-grade 24.gauge (upper curve)
and 26-gauge (lower curve) unshielded cable. For two kilometers of cable the attenuation
in dB is doubled.
cable, the so-called Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) modems can reach much
higher capacities. Of course we may desire to continue to use the same
subscriber line for our regular phone conversations, in which case a ‘splitter’
is placed at the end of the line. A splitter is simply a low-pass filter that
passes the low frequencies to the phone, and a high-pass filter that delivers
the high frequencies to the DSL modem.
The longer the subscriber’s cable, the higher the attenuation and thus
the lower the capacity. Long lengths can support G.lite or ADSL rates,
short lengths VDSL rates. The maximum capacity can be estimated using
water-pouring calculations. The strong difference in attenuation between low
frequencies and higher ones can be compensated for by an equalizer.
The DSL environment is more complex than we have described so far. In
addition to the attenuation there is the acute problem of crosstalk. At high
frequencies a significant portion of the signal energy leaks between adjacent
cables, causing one DSL modem to interfere with another. The interferer
may be located close by, as in the case of a bank of DSL modems at the
telephone office, or remotely located but transmitting to a co-located DSL
demodulator. The former case is called NEXT (Near End XTalk) and the
latter FEXT (Far End XTalk). In addition, signals such as AM broadcast
transmissions can be picked up by the subscriber line and cause narrow
bands of frequencies to be unusable. DSL modems must be able to cope
with all these types of interference.
Multicarrier modems were proposed, but not accepted, for Vfast. A mul-
ticarrier scheme called Discrete MultiTone (DMT) has become the recog-
nized standard for G.lite and ADSL. These modems transmit a large number
of independent equally spaced carriers, each with an nPSK or QAM constel-
lation, and all with the same baud rate. This baud rate is very low compared
to the bit rate, and so each carrier has a narrow bandwidth. These narrow
bandwidth transmissions remind us of those used in the proof of the second
half of Shannon’s capacity theorem, and indeed the multicarrier approach is
successful partly due to its ability to approach the water-pouring limit. Fur-
thermore, we can assume that the channel attenuation and phase delay are
approximately constant over the narrow bandwidth of these transmissions,
hence equalization in the normal sense is not required. All that is needed
is a single gain to compensate for the attenuation at the carrier frequency,
and a single phase rotation to bring the constellation to the proper angle.
This Frequency EQualizer (FEQ) can be performed by a single complex
multiplication per carrier. The coefficient can be found as in exercise 6.148
The narrow bandwidth and slow baud rate make the IS1 less important;
however, if the carriers are close together we would expect InterChannel
Interference (ICI) to become a problem. ICI is removed in DMT by choos-
ing the intercarrier spacing to be precisely the baud rate. In this fashion
each carrier sits on the zeros of its neighbor’s sines, and the ICI is negligi-
ble. Multicarrier signals with this spacing are called Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals, since the carriers are spaced to be
How do we demodulate DMT signals? The straightforward method would
be to use a bank of band-pass filters to separate the carriers, and then
downmix each to zero and slice. However, it is obvious that this bank of
filters and downmixers can be performed in parallel by using a single FFT
algorithm, making the DMT demodulator computationally efficient. Indeed,
the modulator can work the same way; after dividing the bit stream into
groups, we create complex constellation points for each of the constellations,
and then perform a single iFFT to create the signal to be transmitted!
18.21.1 What is the SNR needed to achieve 56 Kb/s using every other PCM level
and assuming 3.8 KHz of bandwidth and that the consumer’s modem has a
16-bit linear A/D? Is this reasonable? Why is it harder to transmit 56 Kb/s
18.21.2 Why is the POTS splitter implemented using passive analog filters rather
than digital filters?
18.21.3 A DMT modem still has some IS1 from previous symbols. This IS1 is removed
by using a cyclic prefix. Explain. The overhead of a long cyclic prefix can be
reduced by using a Time EQualizer, which is a filter whose sole purpose is to
decrease the length of the channel impulse response. What is the connection
between the TEQ, FE&, and a regular equalizer?
18.21.4 DMT modems suffer from high Peak to Average Ratio (PAR). Explain why.
Why is this an undesirable feature? What can be done to lower the PAR?
Bibliographical Notes
The general theory and practice of digital communications systems is covered in
many texts [242, 951, and modems in particular are the subject of [144, 1991. [262]
covers real-time DSP programming (using a floating point processor) for communi-
cations, including AM, FM, SSB, PAM, QAM, and echo cancellation for full-duplex
Harry Nyquist published in 1928 a precursor to information theory [183]. Shan-
non’s separation theorems appear in [237], which later appeared as a book. The
first part of the channel capacity theorem first appears in [238], an article that very
much deserves reading even today. The water-pouring criterion is due to Gallager,
and appears in his book [67].
A good modern textbook on information theory is [46], while error correcting
codes are covered in many books, e.g., [194]. This latter is an updated version of
one of the first texts on the subject. A fascinating mathematically oriented book
on topics relevant to error correcting codes is [42]. Reed and Solomon published
their code in [218]. Viterbi presented his algorithm for decoding convolution codes
in [265], but the classic overview is [63].
A dated, but still useful, reference on constellation design is [119]. Multidimen-
sional constellations are covered in [70].
Timing recovery is reviewed in [64] and a suggested original article is [76].
TCM was first presented by Ungerboeck in [263], and Wei [270] discovered how
to make it rotationally invariant, leading to the trellis code used in V.32. For TCM
in multidimensional constellations consult [271].
Since standard texts go only as far as V.32, it is worthwhile consulting the V.34
review in [117]. Tomlinson and flexible preceding is explained in [118].
The classic, but dated, reference for multicarrier modulation is [18].
Readers interested in a nontechnical introduction to DSL modems should con-
sult [82], while in-depth coverage is provided in [217, 36, 2511.