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Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344 on 1 October 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on May 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
EULAR definition of difficult-­to-­treat
rheumatoid arthritis
György Nagy ‍ ‍,1,2 Nadia MT Roodenrijs ‍ ‍,3 Paco MJ Welsing,3
Melinda Kedves ‍ ‍,4 Attila Hamar,5 Marlies C van der Goes,3,6 Alison Kent,7
Margot Bakkers,8 Etienne Blaas,3 Ladislav Senolt,9 Zoltan Szekanecz ‍ ‍,5
Ernest Choy,10 Maxime Dougados,11 Johannes WG Jacobs ‍ ‍,3 Rinie Geenen,12
Hans WJ Bijlsma,3 Angela Zink,13 Daniel Aletaha ‍ ‍,14 Leonard Schoneveld,15
Piet van Riel,16 Loriane Gutermann,17 Yeliz Prior,18 Elena Nikiphorou ‍ ‍,19
Gianfranco Ferraccioli ‍ ‍,20 Georg Schett ‍ ‍,21 Kimme L Hyrich,22,23
Ulf Mueller-­Ladner,24 Maya H Buch ‍ ‍,22,23,25 Iain B McInnes,26
Désirée van der Heijde ‍ ‍,27 Jacob M van Laar3

Handling editor David S ABSTRACT direct the management of rheumatoid arthritis

Pisetsky Background Despite treatment according to the (RA). The treat-­to-­target (T2T) strategy advises an
►► Additional material is
current management recommendations, a significant agreed disease activity target, remission or at least
published online only. To view, proportion of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) low disease activity, that can in turn inform respon-
please visit the journal online remain symptomatic. These patients can be considered to sive treatment escalation.1–3 However, a number of
(http://d​ x.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​ have ’difficult-­to-­treat RA’. However, uniform terminology patients remain symptomatic despite recommended
and an appropriate definition are lacking. treatment changes reflecting the complex interplay
For numbered affiliations see Objective The Task Force in charge of the of disease and wider patient and clinical factors
end of article. “Development of EULAR recommendations for the that leads to the increasingly recognised term of
comprehensive management of difficult-­to-­treat ‘difficult-­to-­treat RA’.4–7
Correspondence to rheumatoid arthritis” aims to create recommendations A recent international survey of rheumatologists
Professor György Nagy, for this underserved patient group. Herein, we present highlighted the perceived management problems
Department of Rheumatology,
the definition of difficult-­to-­treat RA, as the first step. and features in this patient category; the results of
Semmelweis University,
Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja Methods The Steering Committee drafted a definition which confirmed the unmet need of this subpopu-
7., 1023, Hungary; with suggested terminology based on an international lation of RA patients.8 The survey indicated that in
n​ agy.​gyorgy2@m​ ed.​ survey among rheumatologists. This was discussed and addition to new drugs, new management approaches
semmelweis-u​ niv.​hu amended by the Task Force, including rheumatologists, are also needed for the optimal treatment of these
DvdH and JMvL contributed nurses, health professionals and patients, at a face-­to-­ patients. Consequently, a EULAR Task Force was
equally. face meeting until sufficient agreement was reached established to derive comprehensive recommenda-
(assessed through voting). tions addressing unmet needs in the management of
DvdH and JMvL are joint senior Results The following three criteria were agreed by difficult-­to-­treat (D2T) RA. Uniform terminology
all Task Force members as mandatory elements of the and a clear definition for this patient group are
Received 15 March 2020 definition of difficult-­to-­treat RA: (1) Treatment according lacking. In the current literature, different terms are
Revised 27 June 2020 to European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) used to describe this subpopulation of RA patients,
Accepted 6 August 2020 recommendation and failure of ≥2 biological disease-­ for example, severe, refractory, resistant to multiple
Published Online First modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)/targeted drugs or treatments, established and difficult-­ to-­
1 October 2020
synthetic DMARDs (with different mechanisms of action) treat.4–7 As an initial step in the development of
after failing conventional synthetic DMARD therapy the management recommendations for D2T RA,
(unless contraindicated); (2) presence of at least one of terminology and a definition of this complicated
the following: at least moderate disease activity; signs RA patient group was established by the Task Force,
and/or symptoms suggestive of active disease; inability guided by the results of the survey.8
to taper glucocorticoid treatment; rapid radiographic
progression; RA symptoms that are causing a reduction
in quality of life; and (3) the management of signs METHODS
and/or symptoms is perceived as problematic by the Steering committee and task force
rheumatologist and/or the patient. The Steering Committee of the Task Force included
© Author(s) (or their a convenor (GN), co-­convenor (JMvL), two meth-
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use Conclusions The proposed EULAR definition for
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No difficult-­to-­treat RA can be used in clinical practice, odologists (PMJW and DvdH) a rheumatology
commercial re-­use. See rights clinical trials and can form a basis for future research. postdoctoral fellow (MJHdH) and three fellows
and permissions. Published (NMTR, MK and AH). The Task Force comprises
by BMJ. 32 individuals (including the Steering Committee
To cite: Nagy G, members) of which 25 members were present at the
Roodenrijs NMT, Welsing PMJ, INTRODUCTION first Task Force meeting, which took place in August
et al. Ann Rheum Dis European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2018. Among the Task Force members, there were
2021;80:31–35. recommendations provide valuable guidance to 26 rheumatologists (including two EMerging EUlar
Nagy G, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2021;80:31–35. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344    31

Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344 on 1 October 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on May 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Network (EMEUNET) representatives), two patient partners, to include the following criteria in the definition: (1) treat-
one health professional, one psychologist, one pharmacist and ment failure history; (2) characterisation of active/symptomatic
one occupational therapist. All rheumatologists are experienced disease; and (3) clinical perception. All three criteria need to be
in the treatment of RA, the majority with significant experi- present to confirm the state of D2T RA.
ence in clinical trials and a proportion in outcomes research.
Numerous Task Force members have a leading role in organ-
Criterion #1: treatment failure history
ising and evaluating patient registries. All Task Force members
In the survey, 48% of the respondents selected ‘≥2 conventional
declared their potential conflicts of interest before the start of
synthetic disease-­modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDs)
the project.
AND ≥2 biological (b)DMARDs or targeted synthetic (ts)
DMARDs with different mode of action’ for the number and type
Survey of antirheumatic drugs that should have failed before a patient
An online survey was conducted among rheumatologists to iden- can be considered to have D2T RA. The Steering Committee
tify characteristics of D2T RA; the survey was distributed by initially proposed to include treatment duration in the definition
email via the authors’ networks and by EMEUNET. The survey ‘Treatment according to the current standard of care/EULAR
consisted of nine questions, including two general questions recommendations for ≥1 year’. This was chosen so that D2T RA
‘Where do you work? How many RA patients do you treat?’, patients are in phase III of the current RA management recom-
and four multiple-­choice and three open questions regarding mendations, in which no recommendation is given other than to
the definition of D2T RA. Four hundred and ten respondents switch to another b/tsDMARD.1 However, inclusion of a certain
from 33 countries completed the survey between July 2017 and time period in the definition was not supported by all Task Force
March 2018, 96% of the respondents were European.8 members (primarily in order to provide flexibility) and the Task
Force voted against referral to a treatment duration period for
Development of terminology and definition for D2T RA the definition of D2T RA (19/21 agreed, 2 abstained).
The Steering Committee created the first draft of the definition All Task Force members agreed to include the number of
based on the results of the survey and on a scoping literature DMARDs previously failed in the definition and to create the
search that was performed to explore different definitions that definition consistent with the current EULAR RA management
currently have been used (by NMTR, MJHdH and PMJW, see, recommendations. ‘Failure of at least two b/tsDMARDs with
online supplemental material 1). The results of the survey, the different mode of action’ was selected by the majority of the
proposed terminology and the draft definition were presented respondents of the survey.8 Although according to the current
to the Task Force at the first Task Force meeting. The definition EULAR recommendations1 no prioritisation for switching mech-
was divided into three parts: treatment failure history, charac- anism of action versus cycling is stated, it was decided that before
terisation of active/symptomatic disease and clinical perception. being classified as D2T RA, a patient should at least have failed
two b/tsDMARDs with different mechanisms of action. Conse-
Agreement process quently, it was decided to select this cut-­off by the Task Force.
After the presentation of the draft terminology and definition, With this cut-­off, patients had to have completed phase III of
the general concepts were discussed and amended. Thereafter, the recommendations at least once (ie, they may also have been
the detailed wording was discussed and amended until consensus treated with multiple bDMARDs of a single class (eg, several
was reached. A voting process was conducted for each item tumour necrosis factor inhibitors) and also have failed another
of the terminology and definition. In case no consensus was b/tsDMARD). Finally, all members agreed to select the following
reached among the present Task Force members, the preferred proposal: ‘Treatment according to EULAR recommendation
version was selected by voting. Twenty-­one Task Force members and failure of ≥2 b/tsDMARDs with different mechanisms of
were present during this discussion and voting process. After the action after failing csDMARD therapy (unless contraindicated)’
meeting, two versions of the definition were distributed among (21/21 agreed). This also indicates that if csDMARD treatment
all Task Force members to select the final version. is contraindicated, failure of ≥2 b/tsDMARDs with different
mechanisms of action is sufficient.
RESULTS Socioeconomic factors may limit the access to expensive
Terminology DMARDS (eg, in low income countries), therefore (with the
At the first Task Force meeting, based on a scoping literature agreement of all Task Force members) we have added to the first
search and the suggestions of the Task Force members a variety criterion: ‘unless restricted by access to treatment due to socio-
of potential terms to describe this patient population were economic factors’.
presented, including severe, refractory, multidrug/treatment
resistant and complex RA. None of these terms was deemed to Criterion #2: characterisation of active/symptomatic disease
cover the wide range of possible clinical scenarios which may Fifty per cent of the respondents of the international survey
be relevant for this patient population. Since ‘difficult-­to-­treat’ selected ‘disease activity score assessing 28 joints using eryth-
is a widely accepted term in several fields including pulmon- rocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-­ ESR)>3.2 OR presence of
ology, psychiatry and cardiology9–11 this terminology was finally signs suggestive of active inflammatory disease activity with a
proposed by the Steering Committee and unanimously endorsed DAS28-­ESR≤3.2’ as a characteristic of D2T RA. Additionally,
by the Task Force (21/21 agreed by voting). 95% of the respondents of the international survey suggested to
include the inability to taper glucocorticoids (GCs) in the criteria
Definition of D2T.8 Therefore, the Steering Committee proposed the
Thereafter, we sought to create a definition of D2T RA based following characterisation of active/symptomatic disease: ‘Pres-
on the results of the previously mentioned international survey8 ence of active disease defined as ≥1 of: (1) DAS28-­ESR>3.2;
and expert opinions. The Task Force agreed that both articular (2) Presence of signs suggestive of active RA; and/or (3) Inability
and extra-­articular components should be considered and agreed to taper oral glucocorticoids (below 7.5 mg/day prednisone or
32 Nagy G, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2021;80:31–35. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344

Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344 on 1 October 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on May 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
equivalent)’. At the Task Force meeting, it was decided to include
not only DAS28, which was the only composite disease activity
Box 1 EULAR definition of difficult-­to-­treat RA
measure offered in the survey, but to rather use a more generic
1. Treatment according to European League Against
definition: ‘at least moderate disease activity (according to vali-
Rheumatism recommendation and failure of ≥2 b/tsDMARDs
dated composite measures including joint counts, for example,
(with different mechanisms of action)* after failing csDMARD
DAS28-­ESR>3.2 or clinical disease activity index (CDAI)>10)’
therapy (unless contraindicated).†
(21/21 agreed). In addition to clinical signs and symptoms, it
2. Signs suggestive of active/progressive disease, defined as ≥1
was agreed that this clarification should also include imaging and
biochemical markers suggestive of active disease.
a. At least moderate disease activity (according to validated
Furthermore, all Task Force members agreed that not only
composite measures including joint counts, for example,
patients with joint-­related problems should qualify to be defined
DAS28-­ESR>3.2 or CDAI>10).
as being D2T. Extra-­articular manifestations, such as vasculitis,
b. Signs (including acute phase reactants and imaging) and/
pericarditis, scleritis or glomerulonephritis may complicate the
or symptoms suggestive of active disease (joint related or
management of RA, and were therefore decided to be included
in the definition. This resulted in the following wording: ‘Signs
c. Inability to taper glucocorticoid treatment (below 7.5 mg/
(including acute phase reactants and imaging) and/or symp-
day prednisone or equivalent).
toms suggestive of active disease (joint related or other)’ (21/21
d. Rapid radiographic progression (with or without signs of
active disease).‡
In the survey, 43% of the respondents selected to include
e. Well-­controlled disease according to above standards, but
‘unable to taper glucocorticoids below 5 mg prednisone or
still having RA symptoms that are causing a reduction in
equivalent daily’ and 46% selected ‘unable to taper glucocorti-
quality of life.
coids below 10 mg prednisone or equivalent daily’ (in addition,
3. The management of signs and/or symptoms is perceived as
another 6% chose to include inability to taper GCs, although
problematic by the rheumatologist and/or the patient.
with a different, unspecified dose).8 At the Task Force meeting,
it was decided to include the following definition as a compro- All three criteria need to be present in D2T RA.
mise: ‘Inability to taper oral glucocorticoids (below 7.5 mg/day b, biological; CDAI, clinical disease activity index; cs, conventional
prednisone or equivalent)’. The Task Force voted to keep this synthetic; DAS28-­ESR, disease activity score assessing 28 joints
item in the definition (19/21 agreed). using erythrocyte sedimentation rate; DMARD, disease-­modifying
antirheumatic drug; mg, milligram; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; ts, targeted
During the Task Force meeting, additional possible signs of
active disease were explicitly suggested for inclusion in the defi- *Unless restricted by access to treatment due to socioeconomic factors.
nition. First, the Task Force agreed to include rapid radiographic †If csDMARD treatment is contraindicated, failure of ≥2 b/tsDMARDs
progression in the definition as a possible feature of D2T RA, as with different mechanisms of action is sufficient.
this might be occasionally observed even in case of clinically inac- ‡Rapid radiographic progression: change in van der Heijde-­modified
tive disease. The following was proposed: ‘Rapid radiographic Sharp score ≥5 points at 1 year.16
progression (with or without signs of active disease)’ (21/21
agreed). Second, non-­inflammatory disease was considered, since
these complaints, for example, concomitant fibromyalgia, might
mimic inflammatory activity. Non-­ inflammatory disease may problematic by the rheumatologist and/or the patient’. There
lead to several aforementioned characteristics of active/symp- were some concerns that this criterion might be too subjective,
tomatic disease. Furthermore, non-­inflammatory disease might especially for research. However, the focus of the recommen-
also lead to other clinically important complaints. Therefore, to dations should be on the clinical implications, which supports
ensure that patients with non-­inflammatory complaints could be to include this criterion. All Task Force members agreed unani-
classified as having difficult-­to-­treat RA, it was suggested and mously on this (21/21 agreed).
unanimously agreed to add ‘Well-­controlled disease according to
above standards, but still having RA symptoms that are causing a Order
reduction in quality of life’ (21/21 agreed). Most Task Force members agreed to start the definition with the
The Task Force discussed whether to add fatigue to the defi- treatment failure history criterion instead of the characterisation
nition, as this is one of the most common problems.12 13 Since of active/symptomatic disease. However, the group noted that
fatigue can diminish quality of life, it was suggested to be already starting with signs of active disease might be better focussed on
included in the definition. In accordance with the survey (58% the patients’ needs. Therefore, with the agreement of all Task
of respondents suggested not to include fatigue),8 all Task Force Force members, it was decided to vote on the order of the two
members agreed to leave out the explicit mentioning of fatigue criteria, by which all Task Force members supported the first
from the definition of D2T RA (21/21 agreed). version of the definition (agreed 31/31 (AH, who joined the Task
Force later, did not vote), box 1).

Criterion #3: clinical perception DISCUSSION

As a final criterion, the Steering Committee suggested to include The treatment of the heterogeneous patient population that
‘The disease is perceived as problematic by the rheumatologist comprises D2T RA is often a clinical challenge for which prac-
and/or the patient’. This suggests that only clinical scenarios tical management recommendations are needed. Several factors
which are judged as problematic (eg, apparently ineffective may complicate the management of these patients. Such factors
treatment) are referred to as D2T RA. Since the definition is include persistent inflammatory activity due to resistance of
only applicable to patients in which a management problem disease to DMARDs, limited drug options due to adverse drug
is present, it was agreed to adapt the definition accordingly: reactions and/or comorbidities that preclude the use of DMARDs
‘The management of signs and/or symptoms is perceived as or treatment non-­adherence. On the other hand, concomitant
Nagy G, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2021;80:31–35. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344 33

Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344 on 1 October 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on May 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
syndromes or diseases, such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and a large group of experts based on a survey involving >400
psychosocial factors associated with poor coping, can result in rheumatologists. A further complicating factor might be that,
non-­inflammatory symptoms (eg, pain) that can mimic inflam- as also apparent from the definition, this patient group is
matory activity and therewith contribute to D2T RA. Currently, rather heterogeneous and hence difficult to capture in one
D2T RA EULAR management recommendations are under devel- definition.
opment, aiming to cover all inflammatory and non-­inflammatory In conclusion, the principal goal of RA management is to
factors underlying D2T RA. These will include both pharmaco- achieve sustained remission or at least low disease activity
logical and non-­pharmacological treatment options and will be following steps of the current EULAR recommendations.1 A
complementary to the existing RA recommendations.1–3 As an new management approach is necessary for D2T RA patients,
essential initial step in the development of recommendations for in which this treatment goal is not achieved. Hopefully, the
D2T RA, the Task Force provided terminology and a definition definition presented here will provide a robust and consis-
of D2T RA. tent identification of patients with D2T RA. In addition, this
The term ‘difficult-­to-­treat’ was selected because it was deemed definition can provide a platform to define a group of similar
to best capture the possible clinical scenarios. A definition of patients for research. Further work is underway to provide
D2T RA, consisting of three criteria was agreed on by consensus detailed recommendations for the management of D2T RA.
by a multidisciplinary group of experts including patient repre-
sentatives: (1) treatment failure history; (2) characterisation of Author affiliations
active/symptomatic disease; and (3) clinical perception. These Department of Rheumatology, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Semmelweis
elements were selected based on the results of the survey. University, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Genetics, Cell and Immunobiology, Semmelweis University,
The second criterion has five subelements, reflecting all Budapest, Hungary
potential clinically meaningful indicators of active/symptomatic 3
Department of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology, University Medical Center
disease. In this definition, in accordance with recent recommen- Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
dations, the term ‘moderate disease activity according to vali- Department of Rheumatology, Bács-­Kiskun County Hospital, Kecskemét, Hungary
Department of Rheumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen,
dated composite measures including joint counts’ was used.1 3
Debrecen, Hungary
However, these indices might not always include the affected 6
Department of Rheumatology, Meander Medical Center, Amersfoort, the
joints (eg, feet) or other signs of disease activity.14 The ‘Signs Netherlands
(including acute phase reactants and imaging) and/or symp- Salisbury Foundation Trust NHS Hospital, Wiltshire, UK
toms suggestive of active disease (joint related or other)’ item EULAR Standing Committee of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE),
Zurich, Switzerland
covers all potentially affected joints, as well as extra-­articular 9
Department of Rheumatology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and
manifestations. Institute of Rheumatology, Prague, Czech Republic
The acceptable GC dose for chronic use remains a matter of 10
CREATE Centre, Section of Rheumatology, School of Medicine, Division of Infection
discussion, although there is a significant group of RA patients and Immunity, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
that is treated with GCs long-­term. Current EULAR RA recom- Université de Paris Department of Rheumatology - Hôpital Cochin. Assistance
Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris INSERM (U1153): Clinical epidemiology and
mendations suggest to consider using GCs, when initiating or biostatistics, PRES Sorbonne Paris-­Cité, Paris, France
changing csDMARDs, but GCs should be tapered as rapidly as 12
Department of Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
clinically feasible.1 The EULAR Task Force in charge of evalu- 13
Epidemiology Unit, German Rheumatism Research Centre, and Rheumatology,
ating the risk of long-­term GC therapy suggested that the risk Charité, University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
of harm is generally low at long-­term doses of ≤5 mg predni- Department of Internal Medicine III, Division of Rheumatology, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
sone equivalent per day.15 In the currently proposed definition of 15
Department of Rheumatology, Bravis Hospital, Roosendaal, the Netherlands
D2T RA, in accordance with the result of the survey,8 ‘Inability 16
Department of Rheumatic Diseases, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
to taper glucocorticoid treatment (below 7.5 mg/day prednisone Nijmegen, the Netherlands
or equivalent)’ is listed as a criterion. We realise that lower GC Department of Pharmacy, Paris Descartes University, Hôpital Cochin, Assistance
Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France
doses were suggested by other EULAR Task Forces, on the other 18
School of Health and Society, Centre for Health Sciences Research, University of
hand, we believe that less stringent criteria will be more realistic Salford, Salford, UK
to define the D2T patients, as inability to follow these criteria 19
Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, King’s College London, London, UK
can indicate a management problem. 21
School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy
The Task Force felt that not only patients fulfilling criterion 1 Department of Internal Medicine 3, Rheumatology and Immunology, Friedrich-­
Alexander University of Erlangen-­Nuremberg and Universitatsklinikum Erlangen,
and 3 with inflammatory activity should be able to be classified as Erlangen, Germany
having D2T RA, but also those patients with non-­inflammatory 22
NIHR Manchester Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, Central Manchester
complaints. Coexisting non-­ inflammatory conditions may NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK
lead to a high clinical burden. These may mimic inflammatory Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of
activity by hampering proper grading of disease activity and Biology, Medicine & Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Justus-­Liebig University
‘falsely’ elevating disease activity scores through rather subjec- Giessen, Kerckhoff Clinic Bad Nauheim, Bad Nauheim, Germany
tive measures.5 Additionally, these symptoms (such as fatigue or 25
Leeds Institute of Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Leeds,
pain) could reduce quality of life. Therefore, the second crite- Leeds, UK
rion ‘Signs suggestive of active/progressive disease’ was deemed Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
to cover the wide variety of patients with inflammatory activity UK
Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the
and/or non-­inflammatory complaints. Netherlands
There are some limitations of this work. The definition
Twitter Yeliz Prior @YelizPrior and Elena Nikiphorou @ElenaNikiUK
of D2T RA needs to be validated. Rheumatologists’ and
patients’ acceptance can, as a first step, be used as a sign of Acknowledgements The Task Force is grateful for the support of EULAR and
for the outstanding assistance of the EULAR Secretariat, especially Patrizia Jud.
face validity. Furthermore, not all aspects of D2T RA may The Task Force acknowledges the contribution of Maria J H de Hair, rheumatology
have been adequately captured by the currently proposed postdoctoral fellow who left the Task Force due to her new position in the pharma
definition, although the criteria mentioned are agreed on by industry.

34 Nagy G, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2021;80:31–35. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344


Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217344 on 1 October 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on May 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Contributors GN wrote the first draft of the manuscript, with the help from 2 Singh JA, Saag KG, Bridges SL, et al. 2015 American College of rheumatology
DvdH, NMTR, PMJW, IBM and JMvL. All authors participated in the work of the Task guideline for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol
Force and provided coauthor contribution to the manuscript. All authors read and 2016;68:1–26.
approved the final manuscript. 3 Smolen JS, Breedveld FC, Burmester GR, et al. Treating rheumatoid arthritis to target:
Funding This study was funded by European League Against Rheumatism. 2014 update of the recommendations of an international Task force. Ann Rheum Dis
Competing interests All participants provided declaration of interest, the 4 Kearsley-­Fleet L, Davies R, De Cock D, et al. Biologic refractory disease in rheumatoid
individual declarations are attached as online supplemental file 2. arthritis: results from the British Society for rheumatology biologics register for
Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were involved in the rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2018;77:1405–12.
design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research. Refer to the 5 de Hair MJH, Jacobs JWG, Schoneveld JLM, et al. Difficult-­To-T­ reat rheumatoid
Methods section for further details. arthritis: an area of unmet clinical need. Rheumatology 2018;57:1135–44.
6 Bécède M, Alasti F, Gessl I, et al. Risk profiling for a refractory course of rheumatoid
Patient consent for publication Not required.
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Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 7 Buch MH. Defining refractory rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2018;77:966–9.
Data availability statement All data relevant to the study are included in the 8 Roodenrijs NMT, de Hair MJH, van der Goes MC, et al. Characteristics of difficult-­
article or uploaded as online supplemental file 1. to-­treat rheumatoid arthritis: results of an international survey. Ann Rheum Dis
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the 9 Robinson DS, Campbell DA, Durham SR, et al. Systematic assessment of difficult-­to-­
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which treat asthma. Eur Respir J 2003;22:478–83.
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György Nagy http://o​ rcid.​org/​0000-​0003-1​ 198-​3228
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