PATH FIT Group 4
PATH FIT Group 4
PATH FIT Group 4
Cabrera, Oscar P.
Dela Cruz, Adriel I.
Garciano, Maria Flor D.
Montefalcon, Nica A.
Oliva, Joana P.
Perez, Elroi John C.
Pormalejo, Sajedh S.
Teraza, Ferlyn Joyce G.
Tomoric, Vernadine Joyce D.
Tupaz, Coleen A.
Urcia, Cyrene Angeline M.
Static stretching requires you to move a muscle as far as it can go
without feeling any pain, then hold that position for 20 to 45
seconds. You should repeat static stretches two to three times
each. This is a very effective way to increase flexibility.
Benefits :
A chest stretch is a type of exercise or stretch that
targets the muscles in your chest and shoulders. It
helps to improve flexibility in the chest and
shoulders, relieve tension, and promote proper
How to Perform :
BICEPS 1. Stand straight and clasp your hands
STRETCH behind your back.
2. Straighten your arms and rotate your
hands, so that the palms face downward.
3. Raise your arms slowly and hold the
stretch for 10 to 20 seconds.
Benefits :
Stretching your biceps after an upper
body workout routine can enhance muscle
strength, flexibility, and range of motion,
while reducing soreness and tension in
your chest and shoulders.
How to Perform :
UPPER BACK 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width
STRETCH apart. Clasp your hands together with the thumbs
pointing down.
2. Straighten your arms and round your shoulders
as you reach forward.
3. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds.
Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
To stretch properly, keep your back straight,
shoulders relaxed, and breathe deeply. Avoid
leaning forward or bouncing, and stop if you
experience any pain or discomfort.
Benefits :
The upper back stretch is an effective exercise to
improve posture, reduce stiffness and tension.
Adding back stretches to your daily routine,
especially if you spend long hours in front of a
computer, can help ease back pain and prevent
How to Perform :
SHOULDER 1. Relax your shoulders.
STRETCH 2. Raise one arm to shoulder height, and reach it
across your chest.
3. Pull the arm slightly toward you with your other
arm. This will help you get a gentle stretch. Hold for
about 6 seconds.
4. Repeat 2 to 4 times.
Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
To stretch your shoulders, breathe slowly, relax the
body, and move smoothly without bouncing or
holding your breath. Exhale as you deepen the
stretch and inhale as you release it.
Benefits :
The shoulder stretch is a useful exercise for
reducing stress and tension, increasing circulation,
and maintaining flexibility in the shoulder joint and
muscles. Regular stretching can help alleviate pain
and fatigue caused by stress and strain on the
How to Perform :
SHOULDER 1. Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
AND TRICEPS apart, knees slightly bent.
2. Place both hands above your head and then slide
STRETCH both your hands down the middle of your spine.
3. You should feel the stretch in the shoulders and the
Benefits :
The shoulder and triceps stretch enhances flexibility
and range of motion, preventing muscle soreness and
tightness after an upper body workout routine that
involves pushing or pressing movements. Stretching
is crucial for maintaining muscle tone and health.
How to Perform :
SIDE 1. Stand up tall with your feet shoulder-width
BENDS apart, hold a dumbbell with both hands, and
raise your arms up and above your head.
2. Bend your torso to the right, as far as it feels
comfortable, and pause.
3. Return to the initial position and bend to the
left side.
4. Keep alternating sides until the set is
Sets And Reps :
Start with 2 or 3, 30 second to 1 minute sets.
Benefits :
Sitting down for long periods of time
How to Perform : can contribute, not only to back pain
1. Lie face down on your mat with your and injuries but also to the shortening
legs straight and your arms in a push up of the ab muscles. The ab stretch can
position. fix this problem since it helps to
2. Straighten your arms slowly as you lift increase flexibility, improves the tone
your torso. of your muscles, and relieves muscle
3. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. tension.
Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
Keep your leg straight and, as you
exhale, pull your thigh toward your
torso, until you feel the stretch in your
hamstrings. Breathe slowly and deeply
and focus on releasing all tension and
stress from your muscles.
Benefits :
The hamstrings consist of three
muscles that run down the back of
each of your thighs. These muscles
How to Perform : are primarily responsible for the
1. Lie on your back and lift your left leg. flexion of the knee joint and the
2. Gently pull your thigh toward your chest extension of the thigh. Stretching your
until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. hamstrings after exercising keeps
3. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds them flexible and strong and is crucial
then repeat with the right leg and deepen for improving your athletic ability and
the stretch gently and continuously. prevent potential injuries.
Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
Keep both feet facing forward and
push the rear heel down into the
floor. Keep your back knee
straight and drop your hips down
and forward. As you exhale, ease
further into the stretch without
forcing it.
Benefits :
The calf muscle is actually a group
How to Perform : of muscles that sit on the back of
1. Stand holding onto a wall with your arms the lower leg. These muscles are
extended and your toes pointing forward. responsible for pulling the heel up,
2. Extend your right leg back, keeping your allowing forward movement, and
right foot flat on the floor. for stabilizing your ankles and feet.
3. Lean forward and slowly bend your left knee Stretching your calves can really
until you feel the stretch in your back calf. help reduce strains and improve
4. Hold the stretch and repeat on the left leg. flexibility and stability.
HIP AND THIGH Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
While doing the hip and thigh stretch
STRETCH keep your back in a neutral position
and face forward. Breathe in through
your nose and, as you breathe out
through your mouth, try to deepen the
stretch. Don’t let your front knee go
past your toes and only go as far as it
feels comfortable to you.
Benefits :
The hip flexor is a group of several
muscles that allow you to bend at the
How to Perform : waist and lift your knees. Since we
1. Kneel on your right leg and bend your spend a lot of time sitting down, those
left leg in front of you at a 90-degree muscles are often tight and may even
angle. be shortened. Stretching your hip
2. Shift your weight forward until you feel flexors properly and regularly keeps
a stretch in your hip. your hips and lower back strong,
3. Switch legs and repeat the stretch. flexible, and well-aligned.
How to Perform :
1. Stand with your feet in a wide stance and with your toes pointing out to the sides.
2. Squat to the right, going as low as it feels comfortable.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side.
Benefits :
The groin inner thigh stretch improves the hips’ range of motion, strengthens the
core, and sculpts the legs and glutes. This exercise also helps to build muscle
endurance and increases your flexibility and mobility.
GROIN INNER THIGH Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
Keep your back straight, your
STRETCH shoulders back and your core tight.
Breathe slowly and avoid bouncing or
forcing the stretch. As you breathe
out, drive your knees down gently and
deepen the stretch.
Benefits :
The adductor stretch helps to open up
the hips and thighs and improves
flexibility. This stretch targets the
groin area, loosening and lengthening
How to Perform : the inner thigh muscles (adductors).
1. Sit down on the floor and bring both The adductors are often neglected in
feet together. workouts but they play a key role in
2. With the help of your arms, drive your your stability and balance. Doing
knees down into the floor. exercises that target these muscles
3. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds can be very beneficial to your posture
and then slowly release. and mobility.
Proper Form and Breathing Pattern :
STRETCH Bring your hands to the sides of your
shoulders or you can use your hands
to support your head and remove all
the pressure from your neck. Engage
your core muscles, keep your chin up
and breathe out as you lift your torso