Swiss Cheese M

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Switzerland imports more True / False

cheese than it exports 1) The article says many countries are famous
for producing cheese. T / F
13th July 2023 2) Switzerland's milk market was closed to other
countries until the 2010s. T / F
Only a handful of
countries are famous 3) Swiss milk is generally cheaper than the milk
for producing cheese. from other countries. T / F
Switzerland is one of
4) Swiss cheese makers can only make enough
them. However, for
cheese for Swiss people. T / F
the first time,
Switzerland is 5) Restaurants around the world may have to
importing more cheese switch from Swiss cheeses. T / F
than it exports. The
6) Swiss people are actually eating less cheese.
reason is that in the
1990s, Switzerland
opened up its milk 7) A Swiss dairy farmer was sad at the
market. This meant other countries could sell milk disappearance of farms. T / F
in Switzerland. The result is that Swiss farmers
8) The dairy farmer said cheese was important in
have had difficulty competing with the cheaper,
Swiss life. T / F
imported milk. Many Swiss dairy farmers have
given up because they can no longer make a profit.
This has led to a decrease in the quantity of cheese Synonym Match
made in Switzerland. A spokesperson for the Swiss (The words in bold are from the news article.)
Dairy Association said the country can now only
produce enough cheese for its own population. 1. producing a. amount
Swiss cheese like Gruyere and Emmental are 2. difficulty b. component
well known for their high quality. Restaurants
3. given up c. citizens
worldwide add these cheeses to their menus.
However, eateries and supermarkets around the 4. quantity d. famous
world may have to replace Swiss cheeses with
5. population e. vanishing
those from England, France or Venezuela. Even
though Switzerland is not exporting as much 6. well known f. trouble
cheese, the Swiss are still big cheese eaters. They
7. ever g. consumed
are actually eating more cheese than ever. The
Swiss Info website said Swiss people ate an 8. ate h. making
average of 22.9 kg per person last year. Dairy
9. disappearing i. before
farmer Lina Fischer was sad to see so many farms
disappearing. She said: "From fondues to fried 10. part j. quit
cheese balls, cheese is a big part of life in
Switzerland. We need our farms, and cheese."
Discussion – Student A
Sources: / /
a) What do you think about what you read?

Writing b) What different kinds of cheese are there?

Swiss cheese is the best in the world. Discuss. c) What dishes containing cheese do you like?
d) How healthy is cheese?
Chat e) Are you a big cheese eater?
Talk about these words from the article.
f) What do you think of fondues and fried
a handful / cheese / the first time / exports / the cheese balls?
1990s / milk / difficulty / profit /
Swiss / restaurants / supermarkets / cheese eaters g) What food do you really need?
/ average / fondues / farms h) What questions would you like to ask Swiss
cheese makers?

LOTS MORE at COPYRIGHT Sean Banville 2023

BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below

Phrase Match
1. Only a handful a. up its milk market
2 Switzerland opened b. of 22.9 kg per person
3. Many Swiss dairy farmers c. for its own population
4. they can no longer make d. of life in Switzerland
5. produce enough cheese e. cheese eaters
6. Switzerland is not exporting f. of countries
7. the Swiss are still big g. have given up
8. eating more cheese than h. as much cheese
9. Swiss people ate an average i. a profit
10. cheese is a big part j. ever

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think of cheese? Role A – Cheese
b) What can we do with cheese? You think cheese is the best dairy product. Tell
the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
c) Which country makes the best cheese?
wrong with their products. Also, tell the others
d) What are your country's biggest exports? which is the worst of these (and why): milk,
butter or yoghurt.
e) What would life as a farmer be like?
Role B – Milk
f) How important is cheese in your country?
You think milk is the best dairy product. Tell the
g) Is melted or non-melted cheese best? others three reasons why. Tell them what is
h) What advice do you have for Switzerland's wrong with their products. Also, tell the others
dairy farmers? which is the worst of these (and why): cheese,
butter or yoghurt.
Role C – Butter
Spelling You think butter is the best dairy product. Tell
1. Only a adnhful of countries the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
wrong with their products. Also, tell the others
2. they can no longer make a rofpit which is the worst of these (and why): milk,
3. This has led to a rcdeesae cheese or yoghurt.
Role D – Yoghurt
4. the unqitaty of cheese made in Switzerland
You think yoghurt is the best dairy product. Tell
5. A soksprepseon for the Swiss Dairy the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
Association wrong with their products. Also, tell the others
which is the worst of these (and why): milk,
6. enough cheese for its own lpuaoitpon butter or cheese.
7. well known for their high aqiluty

8. eplrcae Swiss cheeses

Speaking – Dairy products
Rank these with your partner. Put the best dairy products
9. Switzerland is not xoetrping as much cheese at the top. Change partners often and share your rankings.
10. the Swiss are still big cheese aeetrs • Cream • Cheese
• Condensed milk • Milk
11. an vreaage of 22.9 kg per person
• Custard • Yoghurt
12. sad to see so many farms spiapearidng • Ice cream • Butter

Answers – Synonym Match Answers – True False

1. h 2. f 3. j 4. a 5. c 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 T
6. d 7. i 8. g 9. e 10. b Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

LOTS MORE at COPYRIGHT Sean Banville 2023

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