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Submitted to



in partial fulfillment of regulations

for award of the degree of






APRIL 2015

This is to certify that the dissertation named “EFFECT OF



work performed by Dr.T.S.Nandhini, post graduate student, Department of

Anaesthesiology, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Chennai-78, under my

guidance and supervision in fulfillment of regulations of The Tamilnadu Dr.

M.G.R Medical University for the award of M.D. Degree during the academic year



Dr. K.Radhika, M.D., Prof. Dr. Kamalini Sridharan

Associate Professor, M.D., D.A,

Department of Anaesthesiology, Professor and Head,

ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR Department of Anaesthesiology,

Chennai -78 ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR

Chennai -78

This is to certify that this dissertation titled “EFFECT OF



Dr.T.S.Nandhini, appearing for M.D Degree Branch – X ANAESTHSIOLOGY

examination in April 2015 is a bonafide record of work done by her under my

direct guidance and supervision in partial fulfillment of the regulations of

Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai. I forward this to the

Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai Tamilnadu, India.

M.S,M.Ch(SGE), M.A.M.S.,
F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., F.M.M.C
ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR
K.K.Nagar, Chennai-78


PLACE: K.K. Nagar


I solemnly declare that this dissertation entitled “EFFECT OF



conducted by me at ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Chennai, under the

guidance and supervision of Prof.Dr.KAMALINI SRIDHARAN, M.D., and

Dr.K.RADHIKA, M.D., Department of Anesthesiology, ESIC Medical College &

PGIMSR, Chennai. This dissertation is submitted to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R.

Medical University, Chennai in partial fulfillment of the University regulations

for the award of the degree of M.D. Branch X (Anesthesiology).


Place:Chennai (Dr.T.S.Nandhini)

It is my immense pleasure to thank everybody who contributed in

compilation of this study.

I convey my sincere regards to my guide Dr. K.RADHIKA, M.D., for her

scholarly guidance, dynamic interest, clinical acumen and constructive criticism.
Her considerable time and effort enabled me to give this study its final shape.

I acknowledge my heartfelt gratitude to my co-guide

Prof.KAMALINI SRIDHARAN, M.D., D.A., who provided invaluable
suggestions, patience, guidance, inspiration and encouragement to help me
perform better.

I would also like thank Dr.T.K.RENUKA DEVI, M.D.,DGO., HOD of the

Department of obstetrics and gynecology, who had permitted to do the study on

their patients.

I am grateful in every possible way to the Specialists, Medical Officers,

Senior Residents and the postgraduates of the Department of Anesthesiology for

helping me to conduct the study in the theatre.

Many thanks in particular to the statistician Dr.ARUNA PATIL, Ph.D., for

her guidance regarding the sample size and data analysis.

Iam thankful to the institutional ethical committee for their guidance and

approval for the study.

I also thank the theatre personnel for their help. I would like to thank all the

patients for their participation and cooperation.

I am thankful to my parents for their blessings for their unconditional love,

support and time.

Dr. T.S.Nandhini
Sl.No. Title

1. Introduction 1

2. Aim of the study 6

3. Objectives 7

4. Review of Literature 8

5. Pharmacology of Dexmedetomidine 21

6. Pharmacology of Bupivacaine 44

7. Anatomy of Spinal Anesthesia 52

8 Physiology of Spinal Anesthesia 55

9. Materials & Methods 67

10. Results & Analysis 77

11. Discussion 95

12. Conclusion 104

13. Bibliography

14. Annexure

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine

on prolongation of spinal anesthesia.


Study population comprised of 100 patients scheduled for abdominal/vaginal

hysterectomy under spinal anesthesia. 100 adult patients classified as ASA 1 or 2

were studied. Patients were randomly assigned to one of the two groups

In Group-D patients received hyperbaric intrathecal bupivacaine anesthesia

3.5ml 0.5% (17.5 mg) and intravenous Dexmedetomidine 0.5micro grams/Kg

in10 ml normal saline over 10 minutes after initiation of spinal block.

In Group C patients received hyperbaric bupivacaine anaesthesia 3.5 ml 0.5%

(17.5mg) and intravenous normal saline 10 ml over 10 minutes.


The time for the motor block to become B0 was 243±17.0 minutes in the

study group and in the control group it was 211.2±16.7 minutes The total time

for sensory level to reach S1 was 255±8.6in the study group while it was

210.8±33,1 in the control group. The time for two dermatome regression from the
maximal level was 125.2±17.5minutes in the study group and 94.6±18.9 in the

control group. This proved the significant prolongation of motor block, sensory

block, sensory block to regress from the maximal level in the study group with a p

value of 0.001***.


Dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.5 microgram/kg given as single intravenous

dose to patients who underwent abdominal/vaginal hysterectomy under spinal

anesthesia significantly prolonged the duration of sensory and motor blockade and

also caused arousable sedation.


Spinal anesthesia is a well known technique of regional anesthesia and is

always considered as a safe option to general anesthesia when the surgical site

is located to the lower extremities, perineum or lower abdomen[1]. Spinal

anesthesia produces intense sensory, motor and sympathetic blockade with

significantly lesser concentration of local anesthetics when compared to other

modes of regional anesthesia. Although the operating site is anesthetized and the

patient cannot appreciate pain, he or she remains awake during the whole

procedure which contributes to mental stress ranging from mild to severe

depending on the patient’s mentality.

Spinal anesthesia has many advantages like low cost, reduced risk of

aspiration even in patients who are considered to be full stomach and reduced

blood loss. There is relaxation of abdominal muscles and this facilitates surgical

approach. The main limitation of spinal anesthesia is that it is limited in duration.

The patient’s anxiety adds to the technical difficulties.

Usually spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine lasts for 2 to 2.5

hours.[2]. To extend the duration of spinal anesthesia adjuvants like opiods,

epinephrine and neostigmine are added to local anesthetics and instilled into the
subarachnoid space. These added substances have their own advantages and


Sedation in adequate dose during neuraxial block alleviates the anxiety of

the patient[3]. When the patient is relaxed ,the surgeon finds it easy to operate[4].

Under sedation ,patients should be able to respond to command and maintain a

patent airway with minimal oxygen supplementation.

Two commonly used drugs for sedation are propofol and midazolam.

Intravenous propofol in the dose of 0.2to 0.3 mg/kg is used for sedation. This

produces a rapid decline in the level of consciousness. With a continuous

infusion of propofol both the cardiovascular and respiratory function are

depressed to a considerable extent. The newer water soluble benzodiazepine,

midazolam given in the dose of 0.03mg/kg has a quick onset of action. But,

recovery is slow.

In day to day practice although we use midazolam and propofol for sedating

patients, they are vulnerable to cause significant reduction in blood pressure and

respiratory function. This effect can sometimes be deleterious to the patient. Hence

there has been always a search for the ideal sedative which can be used to relieve

The newer drug Dexmedetomidine is a more specific alpha 2 adrenoreceptor

agonist. It causes analgesia, sedation and sympatholysis. Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) approved the use of dexmedetomidine in 1999 for short-

term sedation and analgesia (<24 hours) in the intensive care unit. It is becoming

very popular because it maintains hemodynamic stability and does not cause

significant respiratory depression.

2-adrenergic receptor ( 2-AR) agonists have been used in varied clinical

situations because of their actions which include sedation, analgesia, anxiolysis,

perioperative sympatholysis, cardiovascular stabilizing effects, reduced anesthetic

requirements, and preservation of respiratory function.

Many studies are available in the literature which prove the efficacy of

clonidine ,a first generation alpha2 agonist to prolong spinal anesthesia whether

administered by intravenous or intrathecal route.[2][5] Clonidine is also known to

decrease the anesthetic requirements in general anesthesia[6] .

Dexmedetomidine being a second generation alpha2 agonist is more specific

for alpha2 receptors. Dexmedetomidine acts on the locusceruleus area of brain

stem which is concerned with modulation of sleep and respiratory control. This

results in sedation without respiratory depression.

Dexmedetomidine has all the properties of an ideal sedative. There is a

hypothesis that by its actions in the substantia gelatinosa in the spinal cord (spinal

action)and locus ceruleus in the brain (supra spinal action) dexmedetomidine can

prolong spinal anesthesia. This is the basis of its antinociceptive action.[7]Studies

have been conducted to prove that dexmedetomidine when given intravenously or

intrathecally prolongs the duration of spinal anesthesia.

In this study we investigated the effect of a single intravenous dose of

dexmedetomidine on hyperbaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesia. In addition to

prolonging the duration of spinal anesthesia, dexmedetomidine causes a decrease

in stress response, heart rate and blood pressure by lowering secretion of

catecholamines. This can be of great value in the perioperative period during

which most of the vulnerable hemodynamic variations occur due to stress.


The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a single dose of

0.5micrograms/kg of dexmedetomidine administered intravenously over 10

minutes after initiation of neuraxial block, on prolonging duration of sensory

and motor block in hyperbaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesia. Proper approval

from the Institutional ethical board was obtained and the study was conducted

over a period of six months.



Total duration of both sensory and motor blockade after hyperbaric

bupivacaine anesthesia was studied.


Grade of sedation

Aantaa , Kanto J, Kallio A et al[11] had done a study in patients undergoing

minor gynecologic surgery . Nineteen women who had been posted for

dilatation and curettage of the uterus were given dexmedetomidine in the dose of

0.5 micrograms/kg fifteen minutes before induction and another set of 20 patients

received saline in the same frame. Anesthetic induction was given with

thiopental. The maintenance of anesthesia was with N2O/O2 (70/30%) and with

incremental doses of thiopentone sodium . In their study they had observed that

“The total amount of thiopental required to maintain patient in a good plane of

anesthesia for performing the procedure was reduced by approximately 30%, in

the group that had received dexmedetomidine”. They had observed that the

recovery from anesthesia was much better with dexmedetomidine as measured by

the visual analogue scale. They measured the concentration of norepinephrine and

found a 56%reduction in concentration of nor epinephrine because of the

sympatholysis caused by dexmedetomidine. They had observed moderate

decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure after dexmedetomidine

administration. The authors concluded that “Premedication with dexmedetomidine

decreased thiopental anesthetic requirements and also improved the recovery from

anesthesia with no serious hemodynamic compromise”.

Khaled Taha[12] had done a study in 60 patients evaluating analgesic

,sedative and hemodynamic effects of Dexmedetomidine following major

abdominal surgeries. It was a randomized ,double blinded comparative study with

morphine. All surgeries were under general anesthesia. Twenty minutes before

surgery random allocation of groups was done. One group received

dexmedetomidine as intravenous infusion 4 microgram/kg/hr for 15 minutes and a

maintenance dose for 3 hours at the rate of 0.4 microgram/kg/hour. Another group

received a single dose of morphine 0.07mg/kg. All patient received patient

controlled analgesia with morphine. They concluded that “There was significant

decrease in the total PCA morphine in the dexmedetomidine group”. The author

had emphasized that cardiovascular effects of dexmedetomidine could be

beneficial in patients with ischemic or non ischemic heart disease. The authors

had concluded that “The cardiovascular protective profile and the lack of

respiratory depression makes dexmedetomidine a suitable drug for post operative

analgesia after major abdominal surgeries”.

Kanazi GE, Aouad MT, Jabbour-Khoury SI et al, did a prospective,

double-blinded study on 60 patients posted for transurethral resection of prostate

or bladder tumor under spinal anesthesia. Patients were allocated to three groups

randomly. Patients in Group 1 were given hyperbaric bupivacaine 12 mg.

Patients in group 2 were given 12 mg of bupivacaine supplemented with

dexmedetomidine 3 microgram . Patients in group 3 were given 12 mg of

bupivacaine supplemented with clonidine 30 microgram. .The onset time for peak

sensory and motor levels, and the sensory and motor block regression time were

recorded.. The authors concluded that “Dexmedetomidine (3 microgram) or

clonidine (30 microgram), when added to intrathecal bupivacaine, produces a

similar prolongation in the duration of the motor and sensory block with preserved

hemodynamic stability and lack of sedation”.

Murat Teikin, kati I,Yakup et al[13] had done a double-blind, prospective

study in 60 patients classified as American Society of Anesthesiologists grade I to

II who were posted for lower abdominal, anorectal, lower extremity surgery

under spinal anesthesia. Patients were assigned to 1 of 2 groups. All patients

received prilocaine 2% for spinal anesthesia. After 10 minutes patients in group 1

received a loading dose of dexmedetomidine 1 g/kg IV, followed by a

maintenance dose of 0.4 g/kg / h for 50 minutes; group 2 (control) received the

same amount of physiologic saline in the same time schedule. Hemodynamic

parameters were also assessed. They concluded that “Intravenous

dexmedetomidine significantly prolonged the duration of spinal anesthesia and

provided a significantly higher level of sedation compared to placebo and was

well tolerated by all patients.”

Menon DV, Wang Z, Fadel PJ, Arbique D, [14] et al, had done a study to

determine whether cocaine's sympathomimetic actions could be reversed by

dexmedetomidine which is a alpha2 agonist. They had conducted a study in 22

healthy cocaine-naïve humans. Intranasal cocaine [2 mg/k g] was given to all the

subjects ,and then they were divided into two groups. One group received

intravenous dexmedetomidine and the other group received intravenous saline. The

parameters studied were sympathetic neuronal activity (SNA)measured by

microneurography, skin vascular resistance as measured by laser doppler

velocitometry ,heart rate and mean arterial pressure. They had observed that in the

group that received dexmedetomidine there was no increase in sympathetic

neuronal activity ,skin vascular resistance heart rate blood pressure.

Dexmedetomidine abolished these increases, whereas intravenous saline was

without effect. The authors had concluded that “Dexmedetomidine was effective

in blocking sympathomimetic actions of cocaine”.

Al-Mustafa MM, Badran IZ, Abu-Ali HM, et al,[10] did a study in 48 patients

who underwent transurethral resection of prostate, trans urethral resection of

bladder tumor under spinal anesthesia. In that study they had randomly allocated

patients into 2 equal groups after spinal isobaric bupivacaine 12.5mg. One group

received intravenously a loading dose of dexmedetomidine 1 microgram/kg over

10 minutes and a maintenance of 0.5 micrograms /kg/hour. Another group

received normal saline in the same frame. The regression time to reach S1 sensory
level, Bromage scale 0, hemodynamic changes during surgery and level of

sedation were studied. In their study they had concluded that “Dexmedetomidine

given by intravenous administration prolonged the sensory and motor blocks of

bupivacaine spinal anesthesia with good sedation effect and hemodynamic

stability”. They had assessed motor level using Bromage scale, sedation using

Ramsay sedation scale and time for regression to S1 dermatome.

Kaya FN, Yavascaoglu B, Turker G et al had done a study to compare

intravenous dexmedetomidine with midazolam and placebo on spinal block

duration, analgesia, and sedation in patients undergoing transurethral resection of

the prostate. In this double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial, 75 American

Society of Anesthesiologists' I and II patients were divided into 3 groups .One

group received dexmedetomidine 0.5 microgram / kg, Second group received

midazolam 0.05 mg / kg and the third group received saline intravenously before

spinal anesthesia. All patients received bupivacaine 0.5% 15 mg intrathecally. In

their study they had observed that the duration of motor block was similar in all

groups. Dexmedetomidine also increased the time to first request for postoperative

analgesia (P < 0.01 ) and decreased analgesic requirements. The maximum

Ramsay sedation score was greater in the dexmedetomidine and midazolam groups

than in the saline group (P < 0.001). They had concluded that “Intravenous

dexmedetomidine, but not midazolam, prolonged spinal bupivacaine anesthesia”.

Ok HG, Baek SH, Baik SW, Kim HK et al, had done a study to

determine the optimal dose of dexmedetomidine that can be given for sedation

during spinal anesthesia. In their study they had emphasized on the need of

sedation in patients under spinal anesthesia. They had selected one hundred and

twenty eight patients, aged 20-70 years who underwent surgery under spinal

anesthesia. After spinal anesthesia was initiated with hyperbaric bupivacaine (13

mg), dexmedetomidine (1 µg/kg)as loading dose intravenously was administered

over 10 min for all the patients .After that patients were divided into 3 groups and

followed by the maintenance infusion which differed in each group. Group A

comprising of 33 patients received normal saline, Group B comprising of 35

patients received dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.2 µg/kg/hr, and Group C with

39 patients received dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.4 µg/kg/hr. Heart rate,

blood pressure, and the bispectral index score (BIS) were monitored and noted

during the operation. In the recovery room, modified aldrete score (MAS) was

measured. They had concluded that “The loading dose (1 µg/kg/10 min) of

dexmedetomidine was sufficient for sedation for surgery of less than 60 min done

under spinal anesthesia. This should be followed by a maintenance dose of

dexmedetomidine (0.2 µg/kg/hr) for surgeries which last for 90 min”.

Annamalai A, Singh S, Singh A, Mahrous DE et al, had done a study in

ninety ASA1 or 2 patients posted for surgeries below umbilicus under spinal

anesthesia. Patients had been double blind randomized in to three groups. One
group received normal saline 10 ml over 10 minutes before spinal anesthesia.

Second group received dexmedetomidine 1 microgram/kg through intravenous

route 10 minutes before spinal anesthesia. Third group received dexmedetomidine

1 microgram/kg via intravenous route 10 minutes after spinal anesthesia. All the

patients had been advised to take tablet alprozolam 0.25mg and tab ranitidine

150 mg on the previous night and on the day of surgery. They concluded that

dexmedetomidine through intravenous route prolonged spinal “sensory blockade

in both the groups irrespective of the timing whether it was given before or after

spinal anesthesia. The onset of post operative pain was delayed in the group which

received dexmedetomidine”. The authors further concluded that “The patients in

the dexmedetomidine group needed lesser doses of post operative analgesic than

the other group”.

Jia Song, Woong-Mo Kim et al,[17] had done a study in 45 ASA1 or 2

patients who underwent surgery under spinal anesthesia. In that study they had

given dexmedetomidine in three different doses to evaluate the hemodynamic

changes and their main aim was to get the optimal dose of dexmedetomidine. All

patients were given a loading dose of dexmedetomidine 1 microgram/kg. Then the

patients were divided randomly into one of the 3 groups for maintenance dose.

One group received dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.25 microgram/kg/hr, second

group received dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.5 microgram/kg /hr and the third

group received dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.75microgram/kg/hr .They had

clearly stated that patients were able to remain calm after sedation with

dexmedetomidine. They had stressed on the need of adequate sedation if the

advantages of spinal anesthesia are to be fully appreciated. In their conclusion Jia

song et al had stated about the incidence of hypotension as the dose increased.

They had emphasized on the fact that “To minimize the risk of hemodynamic

instability a maintenance dose of 0.25micrograms/Kg/h r may be most


SS Harsoor, D Devika Rani, Bhavana et al[18] did a study to determine the

effects of intravenous dexmedetomidine on sensory, motor, haemodynamic

parameters and sedation after spinal anesthesia. 50 patients posted for infra

umblical and lower limb surgeries under neuraxial blockade were selected and

divided into 2 groups. Group D received dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.5

mcg/kg intravenously bolus over 10 min prior to spinal , followed by an infusion

of dexmedetomidine 0.5 mcg/kg/h for the duration of the surgery. Group C

received similar volume of normal saline infusion. They concluded that

“Administration of intravenous dexmedetomidine during spinal anesthesia

hastened the onset of sensory block and prolonged the duration of sensory and

motor block with satisfactory arousable sedation”.

Abdallah FW1, Abrishami A, Brull et al, had evaluated whether

intravenous dexmedetomidine can prolong the duration of sensory block

associated with spinal anesthesia. The parameters assessed by the authors were

duration of sensory and motor block, onset time for sensory and motor block,

postoperative pain scores, time to first analgesic request, total analgesic

requirement and side effects. A total of 364 patients were analyzed from 7

randomized controlled trials. The authors had concluded that “When intravenous

dexmedetomidine accompanied spinal anesthesia, sensory block duration was

prolonged by about 34% , motor block duration was prolonged by about 17%, and

time to first analgesic request was increased by 53% with a significant p value”.

They had stated that there was increased incidence of bradycardia in

dexmedetomidine group. They had concluded that “Intravenous dexmedetomidine

prolonged the duration of sensory block, motor block, and time to first analgesic

request associated with spinal anesthesia.”

Seung Hwan Jung et al[20] had done a study in sixty adult patients who

were scheduled for lower extremity surgery under spinal anesthesia. Patients were

randomly allocated to one of three groups and administered hyperbaric intrathecal

bupivacaine 12 mg. After 5 minutes of spinal anesthesia, patients in groups 1

were administered normal saline 10 ml intravenously, patients in group 2 were

given intravenous dexmedetomidine 0.25 microgram/kg, and the third group

received dexmedetomidine i.v 0.5 microgram/kg over 10-minutesThey

concluded that “The single-dose intravenous dexmedetomidine 0.25–0.5 g/kg,

administered 5 min after intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine, improved the

duration of spinal anesthesia without significant side effects”. They stated that this

effect on spinal anesthesia could be seen even when dexmedetomidine is

administered several minutes after spinal anesthesia.

Reddy VS, Nawaz Ahmed Shaik and Venkatsiva Janga[21] had compared

the efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine with clonidine and placebo on

spinal blockade duration, analgesic effect post operatively and sedation in patients

undergoing surgery under bupivacaine neuraxial block. 75 patients of the ASA I

or II, scheduled for orthopedic lower limb surgery under spinal anesthesia, were

randomly divided into three groups each group consisting of 25 patients. Group 1

received dexmedetomidine 0.5 microgram/kg/hr, group 2 received clonidine 1.0

microgram/kg/hr and placebo group 3 received 10 ml of normal saline

intravenously before subarachnoid anesthesia with 15 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric

bupivacaine They concluded that “Premedication with intravenous

dexmedetomidine was better than clonidine for intraoperative sedation and

postoperative analgesia during spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine”.

Dinesh CN, Sai Tej NA, Yatish B et al, had done a study to evaluate

the effects caused by intravenous dexmedetomidine on spinal anesthesia with

0.5% of hyperbaric bupivacaine. One hundred patient posted for elective surgeries

under spinal anesthesia were randomized into two groups of 50 each. After

subarachnoid block with 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 3 ml, patients in

dexmedetomidine group were given a loading dose of dexmedetomidine 1

microgram/kg of intravenously over 10 min followed by a drip in the dose of 0.5

microgram/kg/hour as maintenance till the end of surgery, whereas patients in

control group received an equivalent quantity of normal saline. In their study they

concluded that “Intravenous dexmedetomidine prolonged the duration of sensory

and motor block of hyperbaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesia”. The authors had

observed that the occurrence of bradycardia was higher when intravenous

dexmedetomidine was used in bupivacaine spinal anesthesia.

Park SH, Shin YD, Yu HJ, Bae JH, et al[23] had compared the effects caused

by two different doses of intravenous dexmedetomidine in elderly patients during

spinal anesthesia. They had selected 45 elderly patients ( 60 years) classified as

ASA1 or II who were posted for transurethral resection of the prostate or

transurethral resection of the bladder tumor and the patients were divided

randomly into three treatment groups. The group 1 received dexmedetomidine in

the dose of 0.5 µg/kg while the second group received dexmedetomidine 1 µg/kg

intravenous injection over 10 min before anesthetic induction. The Control group

received normal saline. Comparison was done regarding the maximum sensory

block level, extension of anesthesia, degree of motor block, sedation level and

complications. They had concluded that “There was not much of difference in the

groups on achieving the maximum level of sensory block and motor block. But the

total time of sensory block was significantly longer in group which received
dexmedetomidine 1microgram/kg than in the control group”. There was significant

increase in bradycardia in the patients who received dexmedetomidine. No

complications such as hypotension, nausea, tremor, and hypoxia was reported by

them .

Dexmedetomidine is the dextrorotatory S-enantiomer of medetomidine,

which is widely used in veterinary practice[24].

Chemically, Dexmedetomidine is (S)-4-[1-(2,3-dimethylphenyl) ethyl]-3H-


CHEMICAL FORMULA is C13H16N2[11][12]

Structure of dexmedetomidine

Clonidine, the first generation alpha 2 agonist has been in use for many

years. It is used as an antihypertensive by oral route. When given intrathecally, it

prolongs the duration of spinal anesthesia[2]. Intravenously it decreases anesthetic

requirements. Dexmedetomidine is a newer drug in the same group and has many

advantages when compared to clonidine.

Differences between clonidine and dexmedetomidine[25][26]

It was first synthesized in 1960s Dexmedetomidine was first
produced in 1980s
Started to use clinically as Approved for clinical use as
antihypertensive in 1966. analgesic and sedative in 1999.
Alpha2;Alpha1 receptor binding Alpha2;Alpha1 receptor binding
ratio is 220:1. ratio is 1620:1
Acts as a partial agonist at alpha Acts as a full agonist at alpha
receptor. receptor.
Octanol /buffer partial coefficient Octanol /buffer partial coefficient
is 0.8. is 2.8.It is 3.5 fold more lipophilic
than clonidine.
Plasma half life is 9-11.5 hours. Plasma half life is 2-2.25 hours.
It is 50% bound to proteins. It is 94%bound to proteins.
Elimination half life is 8 hours. Elimination half life is 2 hours.
Distribution half life >10 minutes. Distribution half life is 5 minutes.
It has been proved that there is It has been proved that there is
50% reduction in MAC of 90% reduction in MAC of
inhalational agents when clonidine inhalational agents when
is used. dexmedetomidine is used.

Schematic representation of alpha2


The prime sympathetic neurotransmitter nor adrenaline and the most

important adrenal medullary hormone adrenaline mediate their central and

peripheral actions through a special type of receptors called adrenergic receptors.

Adrenergic receptors are abundantly present in nearly all peripheral tissues

and in the neurons of the central nervous system. [27] There are three types of

adrenergic receptors. They are alpha1,alpha2,and beta receptors. These

adrenergic receptors are one among cell surface receptors that arbitrate their

actions through guanine nucleotide binding proteins [G-Proteins][26].

Alpha2 receptors are again subdivided into 3 subtypes

alpha2A,alpha2B,alpha2C[28].They have individual patterns of tissue distribution in

the two types of nervous system.

ALPHA 2A are found in Locus ceruleus of brain,

nor adrenergic cell body regions,

spleen, pancreas,

kidney, blood vessels, urethra,


ALPHA2B are found in Kidney, placenta, liver smooth

muscle of blood vessel ,thalamus

ALPHA2C are found in Central nervous system

There are two mechanisms of action of alpha2 receptor agonists. When the

alpha2 receptor is activated, calcium entry into the nerve terminal is decreased and

this action is responsible for the inhibitory effect on catecholamine

secretion[24][29]. N-type voltage-gated calcium channels are directly involved in

this particular action. G0 proteins mediate this action.

Alpha2 receptor stimulation also inhibits the enzyme adenylate cyclase.

Adenylate cyclase is the key enzyme which is responsible for the production of

3,5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate . The net result is decreased availability of 3

5 cyclic AMP, which is a second messenger.

Specific cyclic AMP-dependent kinases alter the phosphorylation status of

target proteins. Due to decreased levels of 3,5,cyclic AMP , major alterations

occur in the ion channel activity[26]. This results in hyperpolarization of the cell

membrane. Thus neuronal firing is suppressed to a great extent. Activation of G1-

protein gated potassium channels on the cell surface causes hyperpolarization of

membrane which in turn decrease the firing rate of excitable cells in the central

nervous system.

Activation of the 2adrenoceptor present in the presynaptic regions leads to

the reduction in the release of neurotransmitter nor epinephrine. Because of the

decreased concentration of the prime neurotransmitter, cell signals are not

propagated. This leads to decreased sympathetic activity and reduction in blood

pressure and heart rate.

Dexmedetomidine, a single drug can produce all these effects and thus

avoiding much complicated multiple drug therapy. In multiple drug therapy many
drugs belonging to different classes are usually given to produce all these

beneficial effects.

Till date ,there is no clear mention of the mechanism by which alpha 2

agonist cause analgesia. Most likely postulated mechanisms include supraspinal

action in the locus ceruleus and spinal action in the substantia gelatinosa that

modulate the transmission of nociceptive signals in the central nervous system [29].

Drugs may perform action at any of these sites resulting in analgesia.

By the result of all these actions neither the nerve can fire nor it can

propagate signal to the neighboring cells. Ultimately, this results in analgesia by

central, spinal and peripheral mechanisms. The net result is a considerable

reduction in the stimulation and propagation of nervous signals.

Action in the brain stem

Alpha2 receptors are present in highest densities in the locus ceruleus[12]

the chief noradrenergic nucleus in the brain . The locus ceruleus is one of the

important centers which control vigilance. The hypnotic and sedative effects of

alpha2 adrenergic receptor is due to the action on the locus ceruleus [26] [29].

The locus ceruleus is also the place of origin for the descending

medullospinal noradrenergic pathway , which is mainly involved in nociceptive

transmission. This may be the reason for the anti nociceptive action of


The ratios of 2 1 activity is 1620:1 for dexmedetomidine and 220:1 for

clonidine. Therefore dexmedetomidine is a more suitable sedative and analgesic

agent than clonidine.

Spinal action of dexmedetomidine

Besides actions in the locus ceruleus of the brain stem, dexmedetomidine

causes direct stimulation of alpha2 receptors in the spinal cord. The alpha2

receptors are found in abundance in the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn

of the spinal cord .On stimulation , these receptors inhibit the firing of neurons

accountable for nociception perceived by A type and C type fibers [10][24][25][29].

Release of substance P is also inhibited. This spinal mechanism is responsible for

dexmedetomidine action when used epidurally and when administered as an

intravenous drug .

Dexmedetomidine causes sedation which resembles physiological sleep

without causing respiratory depression.

Diagram Showing Physiological Response To Alpha2 Receptor Stimulation

Type of receptor Physiological functions and responses of

alpha receptors

Alpha 2A Presynaptic inhibition of neurotransmitter

Sedation and anaesthesia
Bradycardia and hypotension
Regulation of blood glucose and insulin
Inhibition of epileptic seizures
Decrease in intraocular pressure.
Inhibition of gastrointestinal motility

Alpha2B Vascular smooth muscle contraction

Placental angiogenesis
Alpha2C Presynaptic inhibition of catecholamine
Modulation of motor behavior, vascular
smooth muscle contraction, Controlled
balance of dopamine and serotonin release in
the brain.

Pharmacokinetics of Dexmedetomidine


Dexmedetomidine is not orally active. The conventional route of

administration of dexmedetomidine is intravenous route. Dexmedetomidine shows

good bioavailability when administered via other routes such as intranasal,

intramuscular, buccal, sublingual, intragastric, neuraxial, regional,


In elimination phase the half life is 2-3 hours. The steady state volume of

distribution is 118 liters.

Protein binding

Dexmedetomidine is 94%protein bound. Hepatic impairment slightly

decreases the fraction bound to plasma proteins. In vitro studies conclude that

dexmedetomidine does not displace phenytoin, warfarin, propanolol, theophyline,

digoxin from plasma proteins. Pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine does not

change with age, sex or in patients with renal failure[26].


DEX undergoes (> 95%) biotransformation in liver into inactive

metabolites. Direct N-glucuronidation is the main pathway of metabolism and

glucuronides are the important circulatory and urinary metabolites of

dexmedetomidine[24]. Hydroxylation and oxidation are the minor pathways. It is a

must to decrease the dose of dexmedetomidine in patients with hepatic failure,

because the half life is prolonged in hepatic failure . The half life of

dexmedetomidine is 7.5 hours in hepatic failure whereas the elimination half-life

in healthy patients is approximately 2 hours.

In clinical doses ,dexomedetomidine acts as a decongestant and as an

antisialagogue. It also has antishivering and antiemetic effects. Added benefits of

dexmedetomidine include less respiratory depression when compared to other

drugs with additional benefits of cardioprotection, neuroprotection and


Adverse Effects

The commonly seen side effects of dexmedetomidine are bradycardia,

hypotension and dry mouth. Both bradycardia and hypotension respond promptly

to anticholinergics and vasopressors respectively.

Transient hypertension is seen when given in large doses( due to peripheral

alpha2 B receptor stimulation). Other reported side effects include nausea,

vomiting, atrial fibrillation, pyrexia, chills, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema,

atelectasis, hyperglycemia, hypocalcaemia, acidosis. After administration for more

than 24 hours as an infusion , sensitization and up regulation of receptors occur.

After abrupt discontinuation, a withdrawal syndrome of nervousness, agitation,

severe headaches, and emergency hypertensive crisis can occur[26].

Dexmedetomidine is contraindicated in patients with advanced heart block

and ventricular dysfunction. FDA has classified it as a category C risk in

pregnancy. Hence the drug should be used with caution in pregnancy.

respiratory & cardiovascular system;

Activation of alpha 2 receptors leads to dose dependent reduction in

catecholamine level (up to 89%)[26].Due to inhibition of sympathetic medullary

vasomotor center, bradycardia and hypotension occur.

In the respiratory centre alpha2 receptors do not have any active role and

so, dexmedetomidine (up to 8 nanogram/ml), has minimal effects on the

respiratory system[24]. Hence, dexmedetomidine does not cause respiratory


Dexmedetomidine does not have any direct action on the myocardium[26].

After administering it rapidly in a larger dose (>1 microgram/kg), a biphasic

response on BP is seen. There is an initial short hypertensive phase mediated by

peripheral alpha2B adrenergic receptor stimulation. Subsequent hypotension is

mediated by presynaptic 2A adrenergic receptors. The direct action on the

peripheral vascular smooth muscle causing usually lasts for 10 minutes.

Dexmedetomidine causes dose dependent decrease in the vasoconstriction

and shivering thresholds.

The postulated neuro protective action of dexmedetomidine

Dexmedetomidine reduces cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic

requirement of oxygen . There are many studies which suggest that

neuroprotective action is achieved by reducing the levels of circulating and brain

catecholamines[26]. Thus it causes balancing of the ratio between cerebral oxygen

supplies and demand . It reduces excitation levels, and improves the perfusion in

the ischemic penumbra[26]. It reduces glutamate levels responsible for brain cell

injury. This suggests the application of dexmedetomidine in head injury patients to

enhance cerebral perfusion.

The postulated renoprotective action of dexmedetomidine

Its renoprotective effects include inhibition of renin release, increased

glomerular filtration, and increased secretion of sodium and water in the kidney.

These actions are probably mediated through peripheral alpha2 receptors.

Antagonism of actions by Atipamezole

After continous infusion is stopped, dexmedetomidine has a rapid and

predictable offset of action. Though not orally active, Atipamezole[30](antisedan) is

considered to be an effective antagonist for reversing psychomotor disturbance

and vigilance caused by dexmedetomidine. Both dexmedetomidine and

Atipamezole show linear pharmacokinetics . The elimination half-lives of the

two drugs is approximately 2 hours. This is a clear benefit while considering the
promising clinical applications for long term use of dexmedetomidine in intensive

care unit.Any adverse effect can be countered by Atipamezole.

Clinical actions of dexmedetomidine

Centrally mediated actions of dexmedetomidine

Bradycardia and hypotension

Sedation, anxiolysis ,hypnosis


Peripherally mediated actions of dexmedetomidine

Decrease of GI secretions, salivary secretion and decreased gastro

intestinal peristaltic movement.

Contraction of smooth muscle including blood vessels .

Renin release is reduced by the inhibition of rennin angiotensin system.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is increased. Sodium excretion and water

excretion is enhanced. All these effects contribute to the diuretic effect of


Significant reduction in intra-ocular pressure

Decreased release of insulin from the pancreas .

Reduced platelet aggregation

Shivering threshold is decreased approximately by 2ºC.

Clinical Applications of dexmedetomidine

Peri-operative uses of dexmedetomidine

1.Attenuation of intubation response

Dexmedetomidine decreases stress response to tracheal

intubation/extubation when given in the dose of 1 microgram /kg with lesser doses

not being effective. It has analgesic sparing effect which lasts up to 24 hour[31].

2.As an adjuvant to GA

Dexmedetomidine boosts the anesthetic effects of all anesthetic agents

despite the method of administration (intravenous, volatile or regional block). It

has minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) reducing and opioid sparing

properties, which results in decreased use of inhalation anesthetics and


The reduction in myocardial oxygen demand and rate pressure product

reduce myocardial ischemia and infarction which is very beneficial for cardiac

patients. When used in obstructive sleep apnoea and in morbidly obese patients, it

does not cause any cardio-respiratory depression and helps in faster,

neuromuscular recovery[34]. In literature search, case reports are available stating

the use of dexmedetomidine as an anesthetic adjuvant intraoperatively in

reducing episodes of abrupt hypertension that occurs during manipulation of the

tumor in surgery for pheochromocytoma .

3.As an agent for producing Controlled hypotension

In the literature there are many studies which say that dexmedetomidine is

equally potent as remifentanil and esmolol in controlled hypotension application.

The parameters studied were intraoperative bleeding, preoperative hemodynamics,

lactate levels[24].

4.As an adjuvant to regional anesthesia

Researchers are doing intense search to find an ideal adjuvant to regional

anesthesia . The alpha 2 adrenergic agonists, in particular dexmedetomidine has

both analgesic and sedative actions. 3 g DEX and 30 g clonidine are equipotent

intrathecally. The addition of 5 g of intrathecal dexmedetomidine prolonged the

post-operative analgesic effect of ropivacaine by 8 hours[25].

5.As an adjuvant in peripheral nerve block

Dexmedetomidine (in the dose of 0.5 microgram/kg)when added to

bupivacaine in nerve blocks prolongs the duration of sensory block, and decreases

tourniquet pain.
6. The role of dexmedetomidine in Cardiac anesthesia-

In American Heart Association (AHA) guideline 2002 2-adrenoceptor

agonist has been mentioned as a grade IIb agent . They are particularly of use in

situations when –blockers are contraindicated. In the human physiology

hemodynamic, sympathetic activity and renal function are closely interrelated.

Dexmedetomidine induced sympatholysis might attenuate harmful hemodynamic

events responsible for deterioration of renal function in patients undergoing

elective CABG with extracorporeal circulation[24].

7. The role of dexmedetomidine in Neuroanesthesia-

Anesthesia for awake craniotomy which needs cooperation of patients

presents a challenge to the anesthesiologist. Common side effects associated with

conventionally used neuroleptanalgesia are drowsiness, respiratory depression,

agitation and intra operative seizure. Using dexmedetomidine we can achieve a

level of sedation and analgesia to complete the neuropsychiatric testing for

electrocorticography ,for the mapping of the cortical language area, for bone flap

removal, and to perform an awake tumor resection [35].

8. The role of dexmedetomidine in monitored anesthesia care

Dexmedetomidine is an ideal agent for many procedures like fiberoptic

bronchoscopy, ophthalmic procedures ,head and neck procedures, ,vascular

surgeries and dental procedures. Dexmedetomidine provides better patient

satisfaction, less respiratory depression and less opiod requirements. Intraocular

pressure is decreased by dexmedetomidine which is an added advantage in

ophthalmic procedures. Intravenous dexmedetomidine in the dose of

0.6microgram/kg prevented the rise of intraocular pressure after suxamethonium.

9.As Post operative analgesic

Its wide safety margins and respiratory function preservation allows

continued use of dexmedetomidine in extubated patients. It decreases the

incidence of nausea and vomiting postoperatively. Dexmedetomidine when added

to morphine in patient controlled analgesia has been proved to increase post

operative analgesia .

10. The role of dexmedetomidine in Intensive care unit

Sedation plays an important role in intensive care. The sleep induced by

dexmedetomidine mimics normal sleep and this is an advantage during weaning

from mechanical ventilation.

Reduced stay in intensive care unit, decreased duration of ventilation,

haemodynamic stability and reduced agitation are the proven advantages of

dexmedetomidine. Dexmedetomidine need not be stopped and the sedation can be

maintained following tracheal extubation[36, 37]

. Dexmedetomidine is an

alternative in patients developing tolerance to opiods.


11.The role of dexmedetomidine in pediatrics

We can avoid unnecessary needle pricks and reduce the dose of opiods by

using dexmedetomidine through noninvasive routes (intranasal,

buccal). The pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine in infants and children is

more or less similar to that in adults. In pediatrics the main upcoming role of

dexmedetomidine is to prevent emergence delirium [36][37]. In children, it is used

in various applications including procedural-sedation, sedation for mechanical

ventilation, for preventing emergence delirium. Dexmedetomidine via intravenous

route or intramuscular route has been used to sedate children for procedures

without stimulation like MRI and CT scan. In children the dose required for bolus

is 2to3 microgram/kg and for infusion is 2 g/kg/hour. The combination of

dexmedetomidine and ketamine makes pharmacologic sense as the two

medications have the potential to balance the hemodynamic and adverse effects

which make both a very effective combination. Khaled Al Zaben et al had

reported the use of dexmedetomidine (5-10 g /kg/h) as the main anesthetic ,

supplemented by incremental propofol dose (100 g/kg/min)for three children

with tracheomalacia [24].

12.The role of dexmedetomidine in Obstetric anesthesia

In view of its high lipophilic nature ,dexmedetomidine is retained in the

placental tissue and this results in less foetal transfer and a reduced incidence of

fetal bradycardia. Continuous intravenous dexmedetomidine infusion is being

used as an adjuvant to opioids in labour analgesia[24]. Dexmedetomidine has an

antinociceptive effect to visceral pain. Dexmedetomidine also provides

hemodynamic stability, anxiolysis. Dexmedtomidine causes stimulation of uterine

contraction which is a beneficial effect in parturient mothers.

Caution about loading dose

Most of the adverse events associated with use of dexmedetomidine occur

during or briefly after loading of the drug. Multiple studies have demonstrated that

by omitting or reducing the loading dose, adverse effects can be

reduced. Although, avoiding the loading dose may prevent erratic hemodynamic

effects ,it may cause delay in onset of action and time to reach steady state.

Basic pharmacology of bupivacaine;

Molecular Formula: C18H28N2O

Average mass: 288.427704 Da

Chemical name;


Chemical structure;
Bupivacaine is a long acting spinal anesthetic .Other long acting local

anesthetics are tetracaine and levo bupivacaine.

Amide type-Bupivacaine and Levo bupivacaine.

Onset time-5to 10 minutes.

Total duration of spinal block-90-120 minutes.


All local anesthetics block sodium channels and block entry of sodium into

the cells thereby preventing depolarization. So the nerve cannot get depolarized

and the signal is not propagated. In spinal anesthesia we commonly use hyperbaric


BARICITY OF THE SOLUTION; Baricity determines the spread of local

anesthetic in the spinal space and is equal to the density of the local anesthetic

divided by the density of the CSF at 370 c.

The density of cerebrospinal fluid is less than 1.0069. In spinal anesthetics baricity

is mentioned in comparison to that of cerebrospinal fluid.

When the solution of the drug has a density lesser than cerebrospinal fluid ,it

is called hypobaric bupivacaine. Hypobaric bupivacaine is produced when we boil

bupivacaine to 370c. These solutions tend to spread upwards against gravity. It is

of use particularly in fracture hip when the patient has to lie in a lateral position

with the operating site positioned above.


Isobaric solution of tetracaine is produced by adding nymphanoid crystals to

cerebrospinal fluid. Isobaric bupivacaine is also available. The height of the block

is dependent on the total milligram of the drug instilled in to the subarachnoid

space. Isobaric bupivacaine is available in the concentration of 0.5% and 0.75%.


Hyperbaric bupivacaine is available in the concentration of 0.5% and 0.75%

in dextrose 8.25%. It is widely used. The height of block is more dependant on the

position of the patient after the block.


Make the patient sit. The local anesthetic gets concentrated in the sacral


More concentrated in the thoraco lumbar region.


Dense block on the dependant side.


Potency of the spinal anesthetic is related to the lipid solubility.

The total duration of action of the anesthetic is more related to the

protein binding.

The onset of action is related to the availability of the drug in the base


Lipid solubility determines the potency of the anesthetics. Low lipid

soluble medications need to be given in higher concentrations of local anesthesia

to obtain the expected nerve blockade. High lipid solubility can elicit anesthesia

at low concentrations. Protein binding determines the duration of action of the

anesthetic. Higher proportions of protein binding results in longer duration of


pKa of a solution

The pKa of a local anesthetic is defined as the pH at which ionized and

nonionized forms are present in equal concentrations in solution. pKa of

bupivacaine is 8.1.This is important because the nonionized easily diffuses across

the lipophilic nerve sheath and acts on the sodium channels in the nerve

membrane. The onset of action is more dependant on the amount of the medication

available in the base form. All local anesthetics obey the rule that “If the pKa is

lower , the onset of action is faster”.

The fate of local anesthetics in the Subarachnoid Space

Pharmacokinetics of local anesthetic consist of uptake and elimination of

the drug. Four factors play a role in the uptake of local anesthetics from the

cerebrospinal fluid into neuronal tissue.

The factors are

(1) concentration of the dug in cerebrospinal fluid,

(2) surface area of neurons present in CSF,

(3) lipid content of neurons,

(4) vascularity of the nervous tissue.

The uptake of local anesthetic is most dense at the site of highest

concentration in the CSF and is decreased proportionately upwards and

downwards from this point.

Local anesthetics in the subarachnoid space are taken up both by the nerve

roots and the spinal cord. If the surface area of the nerve root is high , the the

uptake of local anesthetic is greater.

There are two postulated mechanisms for the uptake of local anesthetics in

the spinal cord.

The first method is by simple diffusion from the CSF to the pia mater and

thence into the spinal cord, which is comparatively a slow process. Only the

superficial layer of the spinal cord is affected by diffusion of local anesthetics.

The second method of uptake of the drug is by extension into the Virchow–

Robin spaces , which are the layers of pia mater that surround the vasculature that

penetrate the central nervous system. The spaces of Virchow–Robin are inter

connected with the neuronal clefts which surround nerve cell bodies in the spinal

cord and penetrate through to the deeper areas of the spinal cord.

The intensity of anesthetic effect depends on the

1.Diameter of the nerve fibers

2.Myelination of the nerve fibers.

3.conduction velocity

Order of affection of fibres in spinal anesthesia

1.Sympathetic neurons




6.Tone of skeletal muscles

Spread of local anesthetic in the subarachnoid space depends upon

1. Attributed to the properties of the drug

Baricity of the drug

Dose given

Volume of the entire solution

Specific gravity of the solution

2.Patient characteristics

Position of the patient during and after injection

Height of the patient which alters anatomy of the spinal column.

Decrease in CSF volume which plays a major part when there is increased

intra abdominal pressure due to increased weight, pregnancy, etc.


Injection site and the direction of the bevel of the needle.


Five ligaments hold the spinal column together.

They are;

1.supraspinous ligaments connect the apices of spinous processes

2.Inter spinous ligaments connect the spinous processes.

3.Ligamentum flavum connect the lamina above and below.

4.Anterior longitudinal ligament connect the vertebral bodies.

5.Posterior longitudinal ligament connect the vertebral bodies.

Important dermatomal levels

The tenth thoracic (T10) dermatome -Umbilicus.

The sixth thoracic (T6) dermatome -Xiphoid.

The fourth thoracic (T4) dermatome- Nipples

Dermatomal levels needed for various surgeries

Procedure Dermatomal Level

For Upper abdominal surgery T4

Intestinal, gynecologic, urologic T6


Transurethral resection of the T1O


Vaginal delivery of a fetus, and T10

hip surgery

Lower leg surgery L1

Foot and ankle surgery L2

Perineal and anal surgery S2 to S5 (saddle block)

Absolute contraindications to spinal anesthesia:

When there is Patient refusal

Presence of Sepsis at the site

Severe Hypovolemia


Indeterminate neurologic disease

Increased intracranial pressure

Relative contraindications

Infection distant from the site of injection

Duration of surgery is not known.


Cardiovascular changes after spinal anesthesia

Spinal anesthesia causes sympathectomy. So major hemodynamic changes

occur during spinal anesthesia. Sympathetic flow is thoraco lumbar flow. The

height of the block determines the extent of blockade of sympathetic system. So

hypotension and bradycardia, the important effects of sympathetic blockade are

common after spinal anesthesia.

Hypotension is caused due to both arteriolar dilatation and veno dilatation.

Veno dilatation is more than arteriolar dilatation. Pre load to the heart mainly

depends on the position of the patient after spinal anesthesia. Veins above the heart

cause increase in venous return whereas veins below the heart cause pooling of


Bradycardia occurs due to sympathetic blockade of cardio accelerator fibers.

Bradycardia is exaggerated in young people and in patients and in patients who are

on betablockers for a long time.

Risk factors for causing exaggerated hypotensive response after spinal


1.Volme contracted state(Hypovolemia)

2.History of Hypertension
3.High Level of sensory block

4. Age more than 40 years

5.Obesity,elevated BMI

6.Combination of general and spinal anesthesia

7.Addition of adjuvants like phenylephrine to the local anesthetic

8.History of Chronic alcohol consumption

Decreased venous return can be treated by

Crystalloid infusion

Trendelenburg position

Combined alpha and beta adrenergic agonist like ephedrine.

Excessive crystalloid infusion can result in cardiac failure and pulmonary

edema. It may necessitate catheterization of bladder also.

Head down position should be restricted to 200 down. Inclination more than

this can decrease cerebral perfusion due to increased pressure in the internal

jugular vein.

The Bezold Jarisch reflex

This is a cardio inhibitory reflex. It may occur after central neuraxial

Classical triad consists of



Cardio vascular collapse.

Bezold Jarisch reflex is not a vaso vagal reflex.

Changes in respiratory system after spinal anesthesia

Pulmonary function is not altered much after spinal anesthesia. Lung

volumes, dead space, arterial blood gas, minute ventilation and shunt fraction do

not change to a great extent after spinal anesthesia. The main effect seen is

paralysis of intercostal and abdominal muscles which result in decrease in peak

expiratory flow.

Patients with obstructive pulmonary disease who depend on accessory

muscles for effective ventilation can show a reduction in respiratory function

after spinal anesthesia.

Patients with normal respiratory function may experience dysnoea

sometimes. If they are able to vocalize properly ,there will not be any respiratory


Minimal oxygen supplementation is a must in spinal anesthesia.

Changes in gastrointestinal system after spinal anesthesia

Gastro intestinal system receives sympathetic fibres from T6 toL2.

Due to unopposed vagal activity ,the following changes occur

Relaxation of sphincters

2.Increase in secretions.

3.contraction of bowel

These changes usually lead to nausea. So, atropine is more beneficial in combating

nausea after spinal anesthesia.

Changes in hepatobiliary system after spinal anesthesia

Hepatic blood flow is predominantly related to arterial blood flow. Spinal

anesthesia decreases venous return. Pre load is decreased. Hence arterial pressure

and cardiac output get reduced. As arterial blood supply is decreased, total blood

flow to the liver decreases after spinal anesthesia. Hepatic blood flow

predominantly depends on the mean arterial pressure. If mean arterial pressure

(MAP) is maintained , hepatic blood flow is maintained.

Patients with liver diseases should be carefully monitored and mean arterial

pressure should be maintained with in normal limits. In patients with liver disease

either regional or general anesthesia can be given, as long as the MAP is kept close

to baseline.

Autoregulation of blood flow to the kidney is well maintained above a mean

arterial pressure of 50 mm Hg.Renal blood flow is decreased when the mean

arterial pressure becomes lower than 50 mm Hg.


1.Spinal tray

a.sponge holding forceps

b.sterile gauzes


d.sterile drapes

2.Spinal Needle

Spinal needle consists of a needle and a close fitting removable stylet.

Different types available are;

a. Quinke’s needle

b. Sprotte’s needle Pencil point needles

c. Whitaker’s needle
Needles are available in gauges of 29,27,25,23.


Proper positioning is essential for technical ease and a resultant successful

block. A trained technician should be present to keep the patient in optimal


The different positions are

1.Lateral decubitus position.

2.Sitting position.

3.Prone position in rectal, perineal and lumbar surgeries if the patient needs to

be in that position during surgery.

Patient In Sitting Posture

Technique of lumbar puncture

Appropriate monitors must be connected.

Airway and resuscitation equipments are kept available.

Oxygen supplementation for all patients.

Skin is cleaned with sterile cleaning solution

The area is draped with a sterile central hole towel.

A small wheal of local anesthetic,2% lignocaine is injected at the site of


The various approaches are;

1. Midline approach.

2. Paramedian approach

3. Taylor’s approach.


1. Iliac crests are palpated .The line between the two iliac crests intersects

L4 vertebra or L4-L5 space.

2. Palpate the interspace and the spinal needle is inserted.

3. The spinal needle passes through the following structures;


b.Subcutaneous tissue

c.Supraspinous ligament

d.Inter spinous ligament.

e.Ligamentum flavum.

f.Epidural space.


h.Arachnoid mater

2.Paramedian or lateral approach

Two methods are available

First method is
The needle is inserted 1 cm lateral to the spinous process.

First structure to be felt is usually ligamentum flavum.

Then the needle is directed towards the midline.

Second method is

The needle is inserted 1 cm lateral and inferior to the interspace.

Lamina is encountered.

Walk through the lamina and enter the sub arachnoid space


A paramedian approach in which the needle is directed toward the L5-S1


L5-S1 interspace is the largest space and can be tried if other methods fail.

It can be done in any position namely lateral decubitus, sitting or prone.

The needle is inserted at a point 1 cm medial and inferior to the posterior

superior iliac spine, then angled cephalad 45–55 degrees.

The needle is directed medially to reach the midline at the L5 spinous

process. The first significant resistance is the ligamentum flavum, and then the

dura mater is punctured.


Complications of spinal anesthesia

A.Local anesthetic induced neurotoxicity and neurological injury.

B.Cardio vascular instability.

C.High blockade.

D.Post dural puncture headache.

E.Transient neurological symptoms more common with lidocaine.

F.Permanent neurological injury.

1. Cauda equina syndrome.

2. Arachnoiditis.
3. Meningitis
4. Spinal hematoma formation.

Factors to be followed to reduce neurological complications

Absolute sterility.
Assurance of normal coagulation parmeters.

Lowest efficient dose of the drug.

Complete neurological examination before spinal anesthesia.

Use of preservative free solution.



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of small single dose

intravenous dexmedetomidine administration on prolonging duration of

hyperbaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesia. Institutional ethical board committee

approval was obtained before the commencement of the study.

Sample size calculation

This study was a prospective randomized controlled study. Study population

comprised of 100 adult patients classified as ASA 1 or 2 who were scheduled for

total abdominal hysterectomy or vaginal hysterectomy under spinal anaesthesia.


1) ASA grade I-II

2) Age < 60 years

3)Patients who were posted for Total abdominal Hysterectomy and vaginal

hysterectomy under spinal anesthesia.


1) Patients on sedatives/opioids/antidepressants in the week prior to

2) Patients with morbid obesity.

3) Patients with diabetes and renal disease.

4) Pre-operative baseline heart rate equal to or less than 60/min

5) Pre-operative baseline systolic blood pressure equal to or less than 90

mm Hg.

All patients were examined on the day prior to surgery and pre anesthetic

evaluation chart was checked. Special consideration was given to elicit

hypertension, breathlessness, pain, cough, wheezing ,previous anesthesia and drug

sensitivity. The patient’s weight, height was measured. The nutritional status,

airway assessment, spine examination were also done on the previous day.

A detailed examination of all systems was done. Pre operative routine

investigations such as hematocrit ,renal function tests, complete blood count, blood

grouping, platelet count, chest radiography, electrocardiography were checked


All patients were informed about the procedure and written consent was

taken. All patients were kept nil per oral for 10 hours and were given

premedication with tablet alprazolam 0.5 milligram, tablet. ranitidine 150

milligrams and tablet metaclopramide 10 milligram on the night before surgery.

After putting the patient on operating table electrocardiography, peripheral

saturation of oxygen (SpO2) and non-invasive blood pressure monitor and all the

basal parameters were recorded. An IV access with 18 gauge cannula and all

patients were preloaded with Ringer lactate solution 10 ml/kg body weight.

Patients were randomly allocated to one of the two groups by slips in box


Patient was put in lateral decubitus position.Lumbar puncture was

performed at L3-L4 level with Quincke type 25 gauge spinal needle and injection

hyperbaric bupivacaine 17.5 mg was given intrathecally over 30 seconds. If there

was technical difficulty at L3- L4 level ,one more try was given at L2-L3 level

with Quinckes needle25 gauge. If found un successful those patients were

excluded from the study.

In group D patients received hyperbaric intrathecal bupivacaine anesthesia

3.5ml 0.5% (17.5 mg) and intravenous Dexmedetomidine 0.5mcg/Kg in10 ml

normal saline over 10 minutes.

In group C patients received Hyperbaric bupivacaine anaesthesia 3.5 ml

0.5% (17.5mg) and intravenous normal saline 10 ml over 10 minutes.

Vitals were recorded [Heart rate, Non invasive blood pressure monitoring,

pulseoximetry, Respiratory rate] every 5 min till the end of surgery and then every

5 min in post anaesthesia care unit.


Hypotension was defined as systolic BP of less than 90 mm Hg or 25%

lesser than the baseline value and was treated with 6 mg of Inj. Mephenteramine


Bradycardia was defined as heart rate <50/min and was treated Inj.

Atropine 0.6 mg.


Sensory blockade was checked with an alcohol swab in mid axillary line .

Sensory blockade was assessed after 5 minutes and there after maximum level of

blockade was noted . After this point surgery was started. Vitals monitored

through out the procedure. At the end of surgery, sensory level was noted. Two

dermatome regression time from the maximal level and regression to level S1was

noted every 20 min post operatively. Time of spinal injection was taken as 0.


Motor level was assessed using Modified Bromage scale[38] at 5th minute and

every 20 min after the end of surgery.

1. BROMAGE0-Able to move hip, knee, ankle.

2. BROMAGE1-Unable to move hip ,but is able to move knee and ankle.

3. BROMAGE2-Unable to move hip and knee but is able to move the ankle.

4. BROMAGE3-Unable to move hip, Knee and ankle.


Sedation was assessed by Ramsay sedation scale[39] at the 5th minute. Again

sedation was assessed at the end of the surgery. Level of sedation was evaluated

every 20 minutes post operatively for 4 hours.

Ramsay Level of sedation scale.

1. Awake and anxious, agitated, or restless
2. Awake, cooperative, accepting ventilation, oriented, tranquil
3. Awake; responds only to commands
4. Asleep; brisk response to light glabellar tap or loud noise
5. Asleep; sluggish response to light glabellar tap or loud noise
stimulus but does not respond to painful stimulus
6. Asleep; no response to light glabellar tap or loud noise
Patient Posted For Abdominal/Vaginal Hysterctomy Under

Spinal Anesthesia Selected According To Inclusion Criteria

Informed Consent Obtained

Patient Shifted Inside Operation Theatre

WHO Check List Carried Out

Group Alloted By Slips Of Paper In A Box Technique

Pulsoximetry,ECG Leads, NIBP Connected And Vitals

Checked And Recorded

Preloaded With Ringers Lactatate 10ml/Kg

Spinal Block Performed In The Lateral Decubitus


Patient was placed in lateral decubitus position, Quinkes 25 gauge

needle was inserted . Sub arachnoid block performed by giving

0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 3.5 ml(17.5 mg) given over 30 seconds.

After Spinal Anesthesia Patient Was Put Back To

Supine Position

group D Group C
(dexmedetomidine group ( control group
Selected randomly)
received intravenous
dexmedetomidine Iv normal saline given over 10 minutes
o.5 microgram per kg
given in 10 min

At the 5 th minute sensory block level checked with alcohol swab,motor

block level according to Modified Bromage scale,sedation score as per

Ramsay sedation score and noted in the master chart.

Surgery started vitals monitored continously

If heart rate fell below 50 inj. Atropine0.6 mg was given. If blood

pressure fell below 90/60 inj Mephenteramine 6 Mg Was given.

At The End Of Surgery Sensory Level, Grade Of Motor

Block , Sedation Score Noted

After this sensory level, grade of motor block , sedation score

checked every 20 minutes for 260 minutes. Continous

monitoring of vitals carried on till 260th minute.


100 patients were enrolled in the study ,50 patients were randomly allocated

into the study group and 50 patients to the Control group. All 100 patients

successfully completed the protocol and they were included in the analysis of data.

The demographic data of the patients in the two groups were studied and the

analysis revealed no significant difference in both the groups. In the demographic

data the continuous variables studied were age, body mass index.


Group Statistics
groupcode Number Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
study group 50 48.24 4.792 0.678
control group 50 48.78 4.82 0.682
study group 50 53.64 2.905 0.411
control group 50 53.2 2.399 0.339

study group 50 151.54 3.215 0.455

control group 50 151.38 3.09 0.437

study group 50 23.39 1.67 0.24

control group 50 23.24 1.41 0.20

From this graph as the line joining the means of both groups is a straight

line it is clearly evident that both the groups were similar in all the

characteristics like age, height, weight, BMI. As the study was conducted in

abdominal hysterectomy and vaginal hysterectomy only, the type of surgery and

the sex of the patients were not taken for comparison.


Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Dif erence
F P value t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Dif erence Std. Error Dif erence Lower Upper
Equal variances
Age 0.001 0.977 (NS) -0.562 98 0.576(NS) -0.54 0.961 -2.448 1.368
Equal variances
wt 0.809 0.371 0.826 98 0.411(NS) 0.44 0.533 -0.617 1.497
Equal variances
Height 0.258 0.612 0.254 98 0.8(NS) 0.16 0.631 -1.091 1.411
Equal variances
BMI 0.294 0.589 0.482 98 0.631(NS) 0.1487867 0.308793 -0.4640029 0.7615764

Demographic variables like age, weight, height and BMI were compared

using Levene’s test for equality of variances and independent sample T test The

p value was found not to be significant.


PRE OP 86.44 84

MEAN HR at 5 min 74.14 75.9

MEAN HR at 20 mi 58.64 107

MEAN HR 40min 59.78 72.7

MEAN HR60 min 59.32 70.3

MEAN HR 80min 59.4 75.3

MEAN HR100min 60.6 69.8

MEAN HR120min 57.42 70.68

MEAN HR140min 63.22 77.06

MEAN HR 160min 62.86 74.36

MEAN HR 180min 66.2 70.87

MEAN HR 200min 63.54 77.01

MEAN HR 220min 70.56 82.01

MEAN HR 240min 73.8 85.19

MEAN HR 260min 72.9 78.2












It is clearly evident that the mean heart rate pre operatively and 5 minutes

after spinal anesthesia was almost similar inboth the groups. But after this both

intra operatively and post operatively patients in the study group had significantly

lower heart rate than in the control group.

Mean arterial pressure Study Control group


MEAN MAPat 5 min 90.29 76.6

MEANMAP at 20 min 82.92 84.4

MEAN MAPat 40 min 72.46 86.4

MEANMAPat 60 min 72.74 94.2

MEANMAP at 80 min 72.7 90.6

MEANMAPat 100 min 73.03 82.87

MEANMAPat 120 min 72.9 83.82

MEANMAPat 140 min 73.07 82.14

MEANMAPat 160 min 73.14 85.45

MEANMAPat 180 min 73.24 80.26

MEANMAPat 200 min 72.86 80.19

MEANMAPat 220 min 72.95 84.31

MEANMAP at 240 min 73.07 84.4

MEANMAPat 260 min 73.24 83.03





This graph clearly depicts that the mean arterial pressure was comparatively

low in the study group which received dexmedetomidine than in the control group.

Levene's Test t-test for

for Equality of Equality of
Variances Means

Sig. (2- Mean

F P value t df
tailed) Difference
MEANMAP variances 3.01 0.086 -32.98 98 0.0001*** -17.9047619
MEANHR 11.41 0.001 -15.79 98 0.0001*** -13.3528571
Levene's Test t-test for
for Equality of Equality of
Variances Means

Sig. (2- Mean

F P value t df
tailed) Difference
MEANMAP variances 19.8 -0.084 1.387 98 0.0001*** -8.8009523
MEANHR 28.2 -0.169 18.57 98 0.0001*** -4.2490475

Both groups were compared in terms of mean arterial pressure and mean

heart rate by independent sample test and Levene’s test for equality of variances

and the p value was found to be highly significant.




In the dexmedetomidine a total of 10 patients recived atropine while only 2

patients in the control group received atropine.


Percentage Study group Control group

Number of Percentage Number
patients of
Bromage 3 50 100% 50 100%

At the 5th minute ,before the onset of surgery motor level was checked. All

the patients in both the groups were not able to move the hip and showed Bromage

grade 3. It is clear from this graph that there was no change in achieving the

maximal level in both the groups. Although the onset of motor block was not

compared in our study ,we could not make out any significant difference in both

the groups in the onset of sensory and motor blockade.


It is evident from the graph that both in the study and control groups the

maximal level of block was the same.


Motor Dexmedetomidine Control group

block group

At 160 Number Percentage Number Percentage

minutes of of

patients patients

B1 0 0% 8 16%

B2 7 14% 37 74%

B3 43 86% 5 10%

After 160 minutes of spinal anesthesia ,in the study group 43 out of 50

patients were not able to move the hip, knee and ankle .But in the control group,37

out of 50 patients were able to move only the ankle while 8 out of 50 were able to

move knee and ankle. Only 5 patients (10%) had Bromage 3 while 43 patients

(86%) in the study group had Bromage 3.


Motor block was assessed using modified Bromage scale . This bar diagram

clearly depicts the significant difference in the motor block in both the groups.

sensory level at 160 min STUDY GROUP CONTROL GROUP

T10 0 0% 17 34%
T12 0 0% 28 56%
T6 24 48% 0 0%
T8 26 52% 5 10%


Sensory block assessed at 160 minutes showed a level of T6 in 48% andT8

in 52% of the patients in the study group . In the control group it was T10 IN 34%

and T12 in 56% of the patient .Only 10% of thr patients in the control group

showed a level of T8.


Group Statistics
PARAMETER Std. Std. Error
groups NUMBER Mean
Deviation Mean

50 243.6 17.0 2.4
BROMAGE O CONTROL GROUP 50 211.2 16.7 2.4

The time for the motor block to become B0 was 243±17.0 minutes in

the study group and in the control group it was 211.2±16.7 minutes. This

showed a significant prolongation of motor block in the dexmedetomidine group

with a p value of 0.001***.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% CI of the
Equal variances F test t test Mean Std. Error
p value p value Lower Upper
assumed value value Difference Difference


BLOCK TO BECOME 0.223 0.638 9.605 0.001*** 32.4 3.373 25.706 39.094

PARAMETER Group Statistics

groups NUMBER Mean Std. Std.
Deviation Error
LEVEL TO CONTROL GROUP 50 210.8 33.1 4.7

The total time for sensory level to reach S1 was 255±8.6in the study group

while it was 210.8±33,1 in the control group. This also proved significant

prolongation in the study group with a p value of 0.001***.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% CI of the
Equal variances F test t test Mean Std. Error
p value p value Lower Upper
assumed value value Difference Difference


7.281 0.008 9.172 0.001*** 44.4 4.841 34.793 54.007


Group Statistics
PARAMETER Std. Std. Error
groups NUMBER Mean
Deviation Mean

TIME FOR 50 125.2 17.5 2.5

The time for two dermatome regression from the maximal level was

125.2±17.5minutes in the study group and 94.6±18.9 in the control group. This

proved the significant prolongation of sensory block to regress from the maximal

level in the study group with a p value of 0.001 ***.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% CI of the
F test t test Mean Std. Error
Equal variances assumed p value p value Lower Upper
value value Difference Difference


1.062 0.305 8.403 0.001*** 30.6 3.642 23.373 37.827

At 140 minutes the patients who received dexmedetomidine remained

calm and sedated with Ramsay sedation grade of 3 or 2.


Sedation Numberof Percentage Number of Percentage

140 min patients patients

R1 0 0.00% 45 90.00%

R2 12 24.00% 5 10.00%

R3 38 76.00% 0 0.00%



There has always been immense research to improve the effects of spinal

anesthesia by changing drug regimens and technical methods. Usually adjuvants

are added to hyperbaric bupivacaine and instilled intrathecally to prolong the

anesthetic effects. These adjuvants act perineurally or at different sites in the

spinal cord and exert their antinociceptive action. They prolong anesthesia and

decrease pain in the post operative period.

In the past clonidine, alpha 2 agonist has been used in oral, intrathecal,

intravenous routes to prolong spinal anesthesia. The previous studies have proved

that clonidine 30 micrograms is equivalent to dexmedetomidine 3 micrograms

intrathecally. The proven advantages of dexmedetomidine are minimal

depression of respiration cardioprotection, renoprotection and neuroprotection.

This prospective randomized controlled study conducted in 100 patients

who underwent abdominal/vaginal hysterectomy under spinal anesthesia

demonstrated that dexmedetomidine given in the dose of 0.5 microgram/kg

prolonged the sensory and motor block significantly.

Both the groups were comparable in demographic parameters like age,

weight, height and BMI. The mean age of all the patients in the dexmedetomidine

group was 48.24±4.7.The mean age of the patients in the control group was

48.78±4.82. The mean body mass index for all the patients in dexmedetomidine
group was 23.39±1.67.The mean body mass index for all the patients in the control

group was 23.24±1.41. They were compared using independent sample test and

Levene’s test for equality of variances and the p value was found not significant.

At the 80th minute the average mean arterial pressure in the

dexmedetomidine group was around 72 whereas in the control group it was around

90 . The mean heart rate of all the patients after 40 minutes of spinal

anesthesia was 72 in the control group whereas in the dexmedetomidine group

it was 58.Statistical analysis was done for mean arterial pressure and mean heart

rate and the p value was found to be highly significant. This has proved the fact

that dexmedetomidine has got a definite role in hypotensive anesthesia.

In our study the number of patients who received atropine was more than

in the control group because of bradycardia caused by dexmedetomidine induced

sympatholysis. In the dexmedetomidine group 10 out of 50 patients needed

atropine whereas in the control group only 2 patients needed atropine. This

bradycardia promptly responded to Inj. Atropine 0.6mg intravenously. During our

study there was no other adverse effect of dexmedetomidine observed in the study

group. This may be due to the fact that we had used only moderate dose of

dexmedetomidine as a single intravenous injection given slowly over 10 minutes.

At the fifth minute of spinal anesthesia ,grade of motor level and sensory

level was checked. All the patients in both the groups were not able to move the
hip and showed Bromage 3. All the patients in both the groups had a sensory level

of T4.This showed that there was no difference in achieving the maximum motor

and sensory level in both the groups.

At the 160th minute of spinal anesthesia grade of motor level was Bromage 3

in 43 patients in the dexmedetomidine group(86%). But in the control group only

5 patients(10%) had Bromage grade 3.This demonstrated that there was a

prolongation of motor block in the dexmedetomidine group.

At the 160th minute of spinal anesthesia,24 patients(48%) had a sensory

level of T6 in the dexmedetomidine group. But in the control group no patient had

a sensory level of T6.In the control group,17 patients (34%) had a sensory level of

T10. This was the maximum level seen at 160th minute in the control group.

The time for the motor block to become Bromage grade 0 was

243±17.0 minutes in the dexmedetomidine group and in the control group it

was 211.2±16.7 minutes. This on statistical analysis by independent sample test

and t test for equality of means showed a significant prolongation of motor block

in the dexmedetomidine group with a p value of 0.001***.

Al Mustafa et al. in their study in 48 patients had demonstrated similar

prolongation 199 ± 42.8 min vs. 138.4 ± 31.3 min (P < 0.05). They had given

isobaric bupivacaine 12.5 mg for spinal block In our study the total duration of

motor block was more in both the control and study groups when compared to Al
mustafa et al . This may be due to the fact that we had given hyperbaric

bupivacaine 17.5 mg.

Dinesh et al had done a similar study in 100 patients with 15 mg of

hyperbaric bupivacaine and they had given dexmedetomidine 1 microgram/kg as

a loading dose and 0.5 microgram/kg/hour as maintenance dose. They

demonstrated the regression time to reach the modified Bromage scale 0 was

significantly prolonged in the dexmedetomidine group (220.7 ± 16.5 min)

compared to the control group (131.6 ± 10.5 min).

In our study, the total time for sensory level to reach S1 was 255±17.5in the

study group while it was 210.8±33.1 in the control group. Dinesh et al had

demonstrated that the total duration of sensory blockade was significantly

prolonged in the dexmedetomidine group (269.8 ± 20.7 min) whereas it was 169

minutes in the control group (169.2 ± 12.1) . We had got the almost similar to

the results seen in other studies. Al Mustafa et al., whose study formed the basis

of our dissertation had 261.5 ± 34.8 min in the study group vs. 165.2 ± 31.5 min

in the control group (P < 0.05. Dexmedetomidine group had higher level of

sensory block compared to the control group in our study, similar to the study

results of Kaya et al.

In our study the time for two dermatome regression from the maximal level

was 125.2±17.5minutes in the study group and 94.6±18.9 in the control group.
This proved the significant prolongation of sensory block to regress from the

maximal level in the dexmedetomidine group with a p value of 0.001***. This

showed the prolongation of sensory block by intravenous dexmedetomidine.

Dinesh et al had given 15 mg of hyperbaric bupivacaine . They had given

dexmedetomidine 1 microgram/kg as a loading dose and 0.5 microgram/kg/hour as

maintenance dose. They demonstrated that the mean time for two-dermatomal

regression of sensory block was significantly prolonged in the group that received

dexmedetomidine (137.4 ± 10.9 min) compared to the other group (102.8 ± 14.8).

Sudhesh,K.Harsoor in the article dexmedetomidine a wonder drug has

clearly mentioned about the transient hypertensive response when

dexmedetomidine is given in the dose of 1-4 microgram/kg. Jia Song et al in the

article titled dexmedetomidine for sedation in patients undergoing surgery under

regional anesthesia has clearly mentioned that as the dose increased the incidence

of hypotension also increased. In their study they had given a loading dose of 1

microgram/kg and they had advised that maintenance dose 0.25

microgram/kg/hour may be most appropriate if severe bradycardia and

hypotension have to be avoided. Dexmedetomidine is given intravenously in doses

ranging from 0.1 to 1 g/kg/h but higher doses is usually associated with a

significant incidence of bradycardia and hypotension. Aantaa et al., had concluded

that “The optimal dose of dexmedetomidine for single dose intravenous

premedication in minor surgery has wide safety margins in the range of 0.33 to
0.67 g/kg”. Hence we selected a dose of 0.5 g/kg in our study. While deciding

on the dose of single intravenous dose of dexmedetomidine these articles were

given utmost importance.

We decided on the dose 0.5microgram/kg to be given slowly over 10

minutes so as to avoid side effects and to get the desirable therapeutic effect.

When given intravenously the half life of dexmedetomidine is 2-3 hours. All the

patients were closely monitored for 5 hours. This is a great advantage of

dexmedetomidine over clonidine whose half life is 6-10 hours.

In our study no patient had transient hypertension . The transient

hypertensive response due to peripheral alpha2 receptor stimulation occurs when

dexmedetomidine is given in the dose more than 1 microgram/kg.

Post operatively when the sensory level touched T12-L1 most of our

patients complained of pain with some discomfort. Rescue analgesic Inj.

Paracetamol 1gram intravenously was administered to those patients who


It is a common practice to sedate patients with midazolam who are under

spinal anesthesia. Kaya etal in their article had compared midazolam and

dexmedetomidine and had clearly explained about the superiority of

dexmedetomidine over midazolam.

Intraoperatively the patients in the study group showed significantly high

sedation scores than in the control group. In their study’ Kaya et al had reported

about the paradoxical reactions of midazolam when given in high doses.

Dexmedetomidine is unique in causing arousable sedation. All patients who

received dexmedetomidine had good sedation score through out the intra

operative period ( Ramsay sedation score R3-R2)compared to the control group .

At 140 minute 76% of the patients in dexmedetomidine group remained sedated

with the grading of Ramsay 3.

We had assessed sedation level at the 5th minute and then at the end of

surgery. The average duration of the surgery was around 130 minutes. The peak

action of dexmedetomidine is around 10-20 minutes. We could see the patients

sleeping well when the surgery was going on. Some patients snored but there was

no incidence of desaturation.

All patients in the study and control group were given oxygen at the rate

of 2 liters/minute through ventimask. This clearly demonstrated the nature of

dexmedetomidine in causing arousable sedation without respiratory depression.

As dexmedetomidine do not affect synthesis ,storage or metabolism of

catecholamines its actions can be easily reversed by vasopressors or

anticholinergics. The availability of antagonist Atipamezole with similar

distribution and elimination characteristics is a great advantage for

dexmedetomidine over other anesthetic agents. Atipamezole is of particular use in

reversing the sedative effects of dexmedetomidine. In our study bradycardia

caused by dexmedetomidine promptly responded to anticholinergics.


Dexmedetomidine in the dose of 0.5 microgram/kg given as single

intravenous dose to patients who underwent abdominal/vaginal hysterectomy

under spinal anesthesia significantly prolonged the duration of sensory and motor

blockade. There was also significant prolongation of the time for the two segment

dermatome regression in the dexmedetomidine group compared to the control

group. All these effects were achieved without causing deep level of sedation and

with minimal hemodynamic side effects.

68 BANUMATHY 43 57 154 24.0344 1 22163896 145/90 102 NS 82 124 73 B3 T4 R1 100 70 100/70 89 123/84 73 112/76 71
69 NEELA 44 56 154 23.6128 1 12410869 134/86 99 NS 70 119 68 B3 T4 R1 109 78 126/76 80 120/76 78 112/56 67
70 SUGANTHI 55 55 150 24.4444 1 14411811 144/74 98 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg78 132 67 B3 T4 R4 98 68 100/67 60 98/72 60 M6 111/77 50
71 MUNIYAMMAL43 50 149 22.5215 1 2288096 110/80 87 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg80 140 92 B3 T4 R4 99 67 128/88 68 100/78 56 90/56 58
72 PAPPATHY 56 54 154 22.7694 1 16972056 144/74 86 NS 65 98 78 M6 B3 T4 R1 90 78 90/78 70 M6 100/68 67 100/76 70
73 JAYAMALADEVI46 50 150 22.2222 1 43808024 158/84 69 NS 76 109 87 B3 T4 R1 92 68 98/78 67 110/67 76 98/87 78
74 SASIKALA 47 56 143 27.3852 2 20743083 150/100 78 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg57 108 60 M6 B3 T4 R3 100 89 100/89 56 A0.6 100/80 50 A0.6 100/78 56
75 RAMANI 40 50 154 21.0828 1 15619413 136/84 87 NS 78 110 78 B3 T4 R1 109 78 109/78 69 98/68 76 M6 100/70 78
76 JAYALAKSHMI 42 55 152 23.8054 1 21413547 146/80 87 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg67 129 70 B3 T4 R4 100 78 100/78 50 A0.6 98/78 54 A0.6 90/50 62
77 GOMATHI 44 50 148 22.8269 1 15931401 130/92 78 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg65 109 58 B3 T4 R4 122 90 98/78 58 90/78 67 M6 98/78 58
78 ARPUDAM 47 53 149 23.8728 2 16541215 160/80 79 NS 67 110 65 B3 T4 R1 123 89 100/87 78 110/89 77 112/78 66
79 CHINNAPONNU46 54 149 24.3232 1 124/88 76 NS 78 98 65 M6 B3 T4 R1 124 87 100/70 56 100/78 62 110/78 61
80 LILLY 45 55 150 24.4444 1 136/78 77 NS 90 140 87 B3 T4 R3 100 60 116/76 60 106/68 66 99/86 78
81 KAVITHA 46 56 151 24.5603 1 17746051 132/68 79 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg80 140 92 B3 T4 R4 99 67 128/88 68 100/78 56 90/56 58
82 KUMARI 46 49 148 22.3703 2 21716914 134/69 78 NS 65 98 78 M6 B3 T4 R1 90 78 90/78 70 M6 100/68 67 100/76 70
83 KASTHURI 50 56 150 24.8889 1 21155291 120/80 76 NS 76 109 87 B3 T4 R1 92 68 98/78 67 110/67 76 98/87 78
84 CHANDRA 51 52 152 22.5069 1 11818766 134/67 75 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg57 108 60 M6 B3 T4 R3 100 89 100/89 56 A0.6 100/80 50 A0.6 100/78 56
85 RAJALAKSHMI 52 53 154 22.3478 1 13871711 122/78 74 NS 78 110 78 B3 T4 R1 109 78 109/78 69 98/68 76 M6 100/70 78
86 AMUL 54 53 155 22.0604 1 16830219 120/78 65 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg67 129 70 B3 T4 R4 100 78 100/78 50 A0.6 98/78 54 A0.6 90/50 62
87 VIJAYAKSHMI 55 54 156 22.1893 1 20030759 144/89 66 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg65 109 58 B3 T4 R4 122 90 98/78 58 90/78 67 M6 98/78 58
88 SHANTHI 56 57 153 24.3496 1 21488650 140/80 68 NS 67 110 65 B3 T4 R1 123 89 100/87 78 110/89 77 112/78 66
89 JOTHI 54 56 154 23.6128 1 20513236 136/84 90 NS 78 98 65 M6 B3 T4 R1 124 87 100/70 56 100/78 62 110/78 61
90 GIRIJA 51 55 150 24.4444 1 20816437 136/84 89 NS 90 140 87 B3 T4 R3 100 60 116/76 60 106/68 66 99/86 78
91 CHANDRA 46 56 151 24.5603 1 21925194 146/80 88 NS 78 98 65 M6 B3 T4 R1 123 89 100/70 89 100/78 76 110/78 61
92 MAYA 46 49 148 22.3703 2 14004768 130/92 102 NS 78 122 87 B3 T4 R1 124 87 119/89 98 119/87 77 100/67 76
93 SIVASANKARI 50 56 150 24.8889 1 15067666 134/86 99 NS 82 124 73 B3 T4 R1 100 70 100/70 89 123/84 73 112/76 71
94 MALA 51 52 152 22.5069 1 22500301 144/74 98 NS 70 119 68 B3 T4 R1 109 78 126/76 80 120/76 78 112/56 67
95 MINI 52 53 154 22.3478 1 22180993 122/68 87 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg78 132 67 B3 T4 R4 98 68 100/67 60 98/72 60 M6 111/77 50
96 KALAVATHY 54 53 155 22.0604 1 20859793 122/78 74 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg80 140 92 B3 T4 R4 99 67 128/88 68 100/78 56 90/56 58
55 54 156 22.1893 1 10331987 120/78 65 NS 65 98 78 M6 B3 T4 R1 90 78 90/78 70 M6 100/68 67 100/76 70
98 GEETHA 56 57 153 24.3496 1 14292770 144/89 66 NS 76 109 87 B3 T4 R1 92 68 98/78 67 110/67 76 98/87 78
99 CHIMRA 54 56 154 23.6128 1 13335215 140/80 68 DEX 0.5 mcg/Kg57 108 60 M6 B3 T4 R3 100 89 100/89 56 A0.6 100/80 50 A0.6 100/78 56
100 SAGAYAMARY 51 52 152 22.5069 1 16754259 136/84 90 NS 78 110 78 B3 T4 R1 109 78 109/78 69 98/68 76 M6 100/70 78
60MIN 80 MIN 100 MIN 120 MIN 140 MIN 160 MIN
110/87 87 122/78 70 132/86 79 B3 T8 R1 110/70 88 B2 T10 R1 112/67 78 B2 T10 R1
M6 110/78 88 112/89 68 110/65 65 B2 T8 R1 128/87 87 B2 T10 R1 112/87 87 B2 T12 R1
A0.6 100/68 60 100/68 60 B3 T4 R3 122/78 50 A0.6 B3 T4 R3 130/80 60 B3 T6 R3 110/78 60 B3 T6 R2
M6 89/56 52 M6 110/78 62 B3 T4 R3 112/67 58 B3 T6 R3 100/78 62 B3 T6 R3 122/82 66 B2 T8 R2
111/87 67 12O/80 70 B3 T6 R1 113/59 67 B3 T8 R1 110/88 77 B3 T10 R1 138/78 78 B2 T12 R1
100/789 78 108/78 68 B3 T4 R1 100/76 77 B3 T8 R1 132/86 77 B3 T10 R1 123/68 79 B2 T12 R1
A0.6 112/67 56 128/86 60 B3 T4 R4 98/78 65 B3 T4 R3 110/65 62 B3 T6 R3 147/98 67 B3 T6 R3
113/78 65 106/68 68 B3 T4 R1 102/70 78 B3 T8 R1 122/78 75 B2 T10 R1 120/80 76 B2 T12 R1
M6 114/69 60 100/76 65 B3 T6 R4 100/70 56 B3 T6 R4 112/67 57 B3 T6 R3 12O/78 50 A0.6 B3 T6 R3
112/56 59 98/67 59 B3 T6 R4 102/76 58 B3 T4 R3 113/59 58 B3 T6 R3 112/80 58 B3 T8 R3
122/78 87 110/87 77 B3 T6 R1 104/67 77 B3 T8 R1 100/76 69 B2 T10 R1 110/78 67 B2 T12 R1
100/76 67 110/80 56 B3 T6 R1 122/78 54 B2 T8 R1 109/78 57 B2 T8 R1 132/87 60 B2 T10 R1
93/58 69 M6 100/68 68 99/70 50 A0.6 B3 T6 R3 100/68 77 B3 T8 R2 110/76 62 B3 T8 R1
M6 89/56 52 M6 110/78 62 B3 T4 R3 112/67 58 B3 T6 R3 100/78 62 B3 T6 R3 122/82 66 B2 T8 R2
111/87 67 12O/80 70 B3 T6 R1 113/59 67 B3 T8 R1 110/88 77 B3 T10 R1 138/78 78 B2 T12 R1
100/789 78 108/78 68 B3 T4 R1 100/76 77 B3 T8 R1 132/86 77 B3 T10 R1 123/68 79 B2 T12 R1
A0.6 112/67 56 128/86 60 B3 T4 R4 98/78 65 B3 T4 R3 110/65 62 B3 T6 R3 147/98 67 B3 T6 R3
113/78 65 106/68 68 B3 T4 R1 102/70 78 B3 T8 R1 122/78 75 B2 T10 R1 120/80 76 B2 T12 R1
M6 114/69 60 100/76 65 B3 T6 R4 100/70 56 B3 T6 R4 112/67 57 B3 T6 R3 12O/78 50 A0.6 B3 T6 R3
112/56 59 98/67 59 B3 T6 R4 102/76 58 B3 T4 R3 113/59 58 B3 T6 R3 112/80 58 B3 T8 R3
122/78 87 110/87 77 B3 T6 R1 104/67 77 B3 T8 R1 100/76 69 B2 T10 R1 110/78 67 B2 T12 R1
100/76 67 110/80 56 B3 T6 R1 122/78 54 B2 T8 R1 109/78 57 B2 T8 R1 132/87 60 B2 T10 R1
93/58 69 M6 100/68 68 99/70 50 A0.6 B3 T6 R3 100/68 77 B3 T8 R2 110/76 62 B3 T8 R1
100/76 67 110/80 76 B3 T6 R1 122/78 78 B2 T8 R1 109/78 81 B2 T10 R1 132/87 71 B2 T10 R1
98/67 78 122/90 78 124/78 80 B2 T8 R1 112/87 80 B2 T10 R1 120/80 77 B1 T10 R1
110/87 87 122/78 70 132/86 79 B3 T8 R1 110/70 88 B2 T10 R1 112/67 78 B2 T10 R1
M6 110/78 88 112/89 68 110/65 65 B2 T8 R1 128/87 87 B2 T10 R1 112/87 87 B2 T12 R1
A0.6 100/68 60 100/68 60 B3 T4 R3 122/78 50 A0.6 B3 T4 R3 130/80 60 B3 T6 R3 110/78 60 B3 T6 R2
M6 89/56 52 M6 110/78 62 B3 T4 R3 112/67 58 B3 T6 R3 100/78 62 B3 T6 R3 122/82 66 B2 T8 R2
111/87 67 12O/80 70 B3 T6 R1 113/59 67 B3 T8 R1 110/88 77 B3 T10 R1 138/78 78 B2 T12 R1
100/789 78 108/78 68 B3 T4 R1 100/76 77 B3 T8 R1 132/86 77 B3 T10 R1 123/68 79 B2 T12 R1
A0.6 112/67 56 128/86 60 B3 T4 R4 98/78 65 B3 T4 R3 110/65 62 B3 T6 R3 147/98 67 B3 T6 R3
113/78 65 106/68 68 B3 T4 R1 102/70 78 B3 T8 R1 122/78 75 B2 T10 R1 120/80 76 B2 T12 R1
180 MIN 200 MIN 220 MIN 240 MIN 260 MIN 280 MIN
110/78 77 B2 L2 R1 136/84 71 B1 S2 R1 122/78 89 B0 S2 R1 135/87 80 B0 S2 R1 138/89 87 B0 S2 R1
100/67 78 B1 L2 R1 146/80 75 B0 S2 R1 124/78 87 B0 S2 R1 143/87 85 B0 S2 R1 122/78 89 B0 S2 R1
98/76 77 A0.6 B3 T8 R2 130/92 56 B2 T10 R2 136/84 98 B1 L3 R1 136/86 71 B0 S2 R1 124/78 78 B0 S2 R1
132/84 61 A0.6 B2 T10 R2 130/76 60 B1 T10 R1 134/72 77 B0 L3 R1 145/78 92 B0 S2 R1 136/84 78 B0 S2 R1
132/80 53 B1 L2 R1 128/67 77 B0 S2 R1 132/80 78 B0 L3 R1 128/89 80 B0 S2 R1 132/76 80 B0 S2 R1
109/78 56 B1 L2 R1` 147/98 89 B0 S2 R1 132/80 70 B0 S1 R1 130/80 82 B0 S2 R1 132/76 89 B0 S2 R1
112/87 65 B3 T8 R3 120/80 66 B2 T10 R2 109/78 67 B2 T12 R2 140/88 69 B1 T12 R2 138/89 69 B0 S2 R1
110/70 76 B1 L2 R1 12O/78 76 B0 L4 R1 112/87 80 B0 S2 R1 145/95 98 B0 S2 R1 122/78 78 B0 S2 R1
128/87 63 B2 T8 R3 112/80 67 B2 T10 R3 110/70 62 B2 T12 R3 132/76 65 B1 T12 R2 124/78 77 B0 S2 R1
130/80 51 A0.6 B2 T8 R3 100/60 62 B2 T10 R2 128/87 62 B2 T12 R2 138/89 70 B1 L2 R2 136/84 71 B0 S2 R1
100/78 76 B1 L2 R1 98/67 89 B0 L4 R1 130/80 89 B0 S1 R1 122/78 89 B0 S2 R1 146/80 53 B0 S2 R1
12O/78 65 B2 T12 R1 122/78 66 B1 L2 R1 132/76 68 B1 S1 R1 134/87 69 BO S2 R1 145/95 56 B0 S2 R1
124/78 67 B2 T8 R1 112/76 67 B1 T10 R1 123/89 77 B0 L1 R1 132/76 76 B0 L3 R1 144/86 56 B0 S2 R1
132/84 61 A0.6 B2 T10 R2 130/76 60 B1 T10 R1 134/72 77 B0 L3 R1 145/78 92 B0 S2 R1 136/84 78 B0 S2 R1
132/80 53 B1 L2 R1 128/67 77 B0 S2 R1 132/80 78 B0 L3 R1 128/89 80 B0 S2 R1 132/76 80 B0 S2 R1
109/78 56 B1 L2 R1` 147/98 89 B0 S2 R1 132/80 70 B0 S1 R1 130/80 82 B0 S2 R1 132/76 89 B0 S2 R1
112/87 65 B3 T8 R3 120/80 66 B2 T10 R2 109/78 67 B2 T12 R2 140/88 69 B1 T12 R2 138/89 69 B0 S2 R1
110/70 76 B1 L2 R1 12O/78 76 B0 L4 R1 112/87 80 B0 S2 R1 145/95 98 B0 S2 R1 122/78 78 B0 S2 R1
128/87 63 B2 T8 R3 112/80 67 B2 T10 R3 110/70 62 B2 T12 R3 132/76 65 B1 T12 R2 124/78 77 B0 S2 R1
130/80 51 A0.6 B2 T8 R3 100/60 62 B2 T10 R2 128/87 62 B2 T12 R2 138/89 70 B1 L2 R2 136/84 71 B0 S2 R1
100/78 76 B1 L2 R1 98/67 89 B0 L4 R1 130/80 89 B0 S1 R1 122/78 89 B0 S2 R1 146/80 53 B0 S2 R1
12O/78 65 B2 T12 R1 122/78 66 B1 L2 R1 132/76 68 B1 S1 R1 134/87 69 BO S2 R1 145/95 56 B0 S2 R1
124/78 67 B2 T8 R1 112/76 67 B1 T10 R1 123/89 77 B0 L1 R1 132/76 76 B0 L3 R1 144/86 56 B0 S2 R1
12O/78 76 B2 L2 R1 122/78 78 B1 S1 R1 132/76 98 B1 S2 R1 134/87 88 BO S2 R1 145/95 90 B0 S2 R1
112/80 78 B1 L2 R1 124/78 77 B0 S2 R1 138/89 87 B0 S2 R1 134/78 98 B0 S2 R1 132/76 98 B0 S2 R1
110/78 77 B2 L2 R1 136/84 71 B1 S2 R1 122/78 89 B0 S2 R1 135/87 80 B0 S2 R1 138/89 87 B0 S2 R1
100/67 78 B1 L2 R1 146/80 75 B0 S2 R1 124/78 87 B0 S2 R1 143/87 85 B0 S2 R1 122/78 89 B0 S2 R1
98/76 77 A0.6 B3 T8 R2 130/92 56 B2 T10 R2 136/84 98 B1 L3 R1 136/86 71 B0 S2 R1 124/78 78 B0 S2 R1
132/84 61 A0.6 B2 T10 R2 130/76 60 B1 T10 R1 134/72 77 B0 L3 R1 145/78 92 B0 S2 R1 136/84 78 B0 S2 R1
132/80 53 B1 L2 R1 128/67 77 B0 S2 R1 132/80 78 B0 L3 R1 128/89 80 B0 S2 R1 132/76 80 B0 S2 R1
109/78 56 B1 L2 R1` 147/98 89 B0 S2 R1 132/80 70 B0 S1 R1 130/80 82 B0 S2 R1 132/76 89 B0 S2 R1
112/87 65 B3 T8 R3 120/80 66 B2 T10 R2 109/78 67 B2 T12 R2 140/88 69 B1 T12 R2 138/89 69 B0 S2 R1
110/70 76 B1 L2 R1 12O/78 76 B0 L4 R1 112/87 80 B0 S2 R1 145/95 98 B0 S2 R1 122/78 78 B0 S2 R1
280 MIN 300 MIN

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Study title
Effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine on prolonging spinal anesthesia, a randomized
controlled study

Study centre : ESI – PGIMSR, K.K.NAGAR, CHENNAI -78

Participant name : Age: Sex:

I confirm that I have understood the purpose of procedure for the above study . I have the
opportunity to ask the question and all my questions and doubts have been answered to my

I have been explained about the pitfall in the procedure. I have been explained about the
safety, advantage and disadvantage of the technique. I understand that my participation in the study
is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at anytime without giving any reason.

I understand that investigator, regulatory authorities and the ethics committee will not need
my permission to look at my health records both in respect to current study and any further research
that may be conducted in relation to it, even if I withdraw from the study . I understand that my
identity will not be revealed in any information released to third parties or published , unless as
required under the law . I agree not to restrict the use of any data or results that arise from the study.

I understand that that I will receive drugs intravenously to prolong spinal anesthesia. I will
receive Inj. Dexmedetomidine ,intravenously . I have been explained that the anesthetic technique is
a standard and approved technique. I have been explained that the drug will cause sleep and a
reduction in heart rate. This may help in future research in the field of anesthesia. I consent to
undergo this procedure

Insurance No:

Date: Signature / thumb impression of

B´ÄUPõÚ J¨¦uÀ £iÁ®

Name of the patient:


Sex Wt:

Insurance No: OT:

Diagnosis: Duration of Procedure:

Surgeon: Anaesthetist


ASA Grade Remarks:


BP Pulse Resp. SpO2 Temp ECG Xray

rate rate




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