Fuel Oil Composition
Fuel Oil Composition
Fuel Oil Composition
Fuel Systems
In recent years the quality of the fuel available to the marine industry has deteriorated. This has led not
only to problems with the combustion but also to problems, with the storage of the fuel. To minimize the
effects from some of these problems careful consideration should be given to the design of the overall fuel
system, and this should include the bunkering system.
Modern residual fuels tend to have a high viscosity and may also have a high pour point, so it is important
that, upon the completion of the bunkering process, it is checked that the fuel has drained freely into the
bunker tanks.
If the vessel is loading bunkers in cold climates, it may be necessary to include insulation on the exposed
bunker lines. An indication of a fuel with a high pour point may be a high loading temperature. Here the
supplier is trying to ensure that the fuel is easily pumped on board. If a waxy fuel is suspected then a pour
point test should be carried out.
Due to the problems associated with incompatibility, fuels from different sources should not be mixed.
The importance of segregation of fuels from different sources cannot be overstated and should be
practised, wherever possible, by transferring remaining fuel into smaller tanks prior to bunkering in order
that the total quantity of fuel loaded can be received into empty tanks.
Even if a vessel is equipped with adequate storage to ensure segregation, mixing may occur in the settling
and service tanks when fuels are changed over. If compatibility problems are suspected then fuel
changeovers should be accomplished by running down the settling tank before pumping in the next,
possibly incompatible, fuel.
With the introduction of the new emission regulations and the requirements for vessels to operate on
'LSF', fuel suppliers are using more blending techniques to comply with the regulations and for this reason
the risk of incompatibility will only increase. Fuels supplied to a ship must be treated before use. In fact,
comment has been made that this is one of very few products that are purchased but are not 'fit for
purpose' and must have additional treatment by the purchaser before they can be used.
Technically, bunker fuel is any grade of fuel that is used by the ship but the term 'main bunker fuel' has
come to mean the fuel used for powering the main engine. The term comes from the days when the ships
were powered by coal, and this was loaded into a 'bunker'. Main engine fuel must be supplied to a
specification that is set out in the ISO standard 8217. The two latest revisions from 2005 and 2010 are the
most important.
The standard sets out the specification for the fuel characteristics including viscosity, density, flash point,
pour point, sulfur, carbon residue, water and ash. The new (IS08217:2010) specification addresses some
of the residual fuel quality problems that have been experienced by the industry, with the inclusion of acid
number limits as well as a limit on hydrogen sulfide. The distillate grades have had the inclusion of
oxidation stability and a lubricity requirement introduced and the residual marine fuels have a calculated
carbon aromaticity index added as an indicator of ignition delay. There is also a limit on sodium content as
well as stricter limits for ash and vanadium and there has been a significant reduction in limits for
aluminum and silicon, which are also known as cat fines.
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However, the new specification fuel does come at a price and DNV Petroleum Services (DNVPS) reported
in 2011 that there was a resistance to using the new IS08217:2010 fuel specification. Some of this was due
to charter party agreements but another reason was problems with availability of products meeting the
new specification; however, according to the DNVPS survey, only 10% of the total respondents said they
would not eventually switch to IS08217:2010.
The knock-on effect from taking on 'off spec' fuel was that filters started clogging due to sludge, sticking
or seized fuel pumps and even piston ring breakages have been attributed to the quality of the fuel. When
this does happen there is always a cost involved. It is the job of the engineering officers to ensure they
have evidence to support any claim on insurance, or against a third party, that the shipowner might wish
to make.
There are some basic precautions that the ship's staff must take during the bunkering stage. These include:
• Communication
o The engineering officers must make sure that the rest of the ship's company know at which
port bunkering is likely to be taking place.
o Engineering officers must work with other relevant officers and crew during the actual
operation so that they can all keep a watch on the process while carrying out their own tasks
such as loading cargo or taking on stores and spare gear.
o Communication between the ship and the bunkering vehicle (barge or road tanker) is vital to
completing a safe operation.
o Efficient lines of internal ship communication are also extremely important.
• Resources
o The bunker station — which is the point where the vessel's fixed pipework is connected to the
flexible bunkering hose usually provided by the bunker suppliers — should be ‘manned' at all
times during the operation.
o The engine-room valve operating station or valve chest should be manned at all times and the
officer stationed here should be in constant communication with the officer at the bunker
o Adequate 'drip trays' should be placed under the final flange where the ship's pipework meets
the flexible bunkering pipe.
o Appropriate 'oil spill' dispersant and absorbent material should be placed close to the
bunkering station.
o Any water-freeing holes in the ship's bulwark around the site of the bunker station should be
temporally blocked so that if there was a spill the oil would be retained on board where it can
be cleaned up without incurring a financial penalty.
• Other actions
o The Chief Engineer should check and agree the order quantity and quality with the manager
in charge of the bunker barge or tanker.
o Samples should be taken, ideally at the Start and at the end of the operation but random
samples could also be taken during the bunkering process.
o The quantity being delivered needs to be checked— the traditional way has been to check the
bunker fuel in the ship's tanks before and after delivery of the fuel. Alternatively, an engineer
could go to the bunker barge or road tanker and check the quantities there before and after
delivery (see below for the more modern approach).
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o The Chief Engineer needs to record where the bunkers from that load are stored and that the
records are understood by all the ship's senior management team.
o The Chief Engineer needs to update his/her standing orders so that the engineers know the
sequence for drawing the fuel during the next voyage.
MARPOL Annex VI gives minimum values for the emissions from the flue of ships that come under the
jurisdiction of countries that are signatories to IMO. Regulation 18 States that fuel of the correct standard
should be available, However, it also recognizes that there will be bunker ports in countries that are not
party to the MARPOL agreement. When purchasing fuel from such ports, IMO recommend that ship
managers have a clause inserted in their agreement detailing the specification of the fuel, ideally to meet
the IMO requirements. A Bunker Receipt Note with specific contents must be issued for each delivery,
together with a sample that is fully representative of the fuel delivered. These must be retained, not
necessarily on board, for three years in the case of the documentation and at least 12 months in the case
of the fuel sample, in case they are required as proof of compliance. Furthermore, the regulation gives
steps that must be taken in the event of non-compliance.
Flag States issue guidance for ship operators about the requirements for meeting the MARPOL Annex VI
regulations. Classification societies also issue assistance to their members about the necessary steps to
comply with good practice.
The temperature of the stored fuel must be monitored to ensure that it does not fall to near its pour point.
This is important, especially when fuel is stored in double bottoms, since it is not uncommon for fuels to
have a pour point of 25°C and approaching that point the fuel becomes unpumpable, which can happen
when the vessel is in climates that can be considered temperate. The heating capacity of the fuel system,
including the tank heating, trace heating and main system heating, should be able to deal with the viscosity
of any fuel the vessel is likely to encounter. Tank heating must be able to maintain temperatures above the
maximum likely pour point.
Keeping the flash point of a fuel within specification is a legal requirement. The flash point is the
temperature at which any vapour that is given off will ignite when an external flame is applied. This is
usually quoted as the temperature measured under standardized conditions. The fuel's flash point is
defined, and kept within tolerance, to minimize fire risk during normal storage and handling. The minimum
flash point for fuel in the machinery space of a merchant ship is governed by international legislation and
set at the value of 60°C. For fuels used for emergency purposes, external to the machinery space the flash
point must still be greater than 43°C. However, even when residual fuels are at a temperature below their
measured flash point they are still capable of producing light hydrocarbons and could still be flammable.
The normal maximum storage temperature of a fuel is 10°C below the flash point, unless special
arrangements are made.
Storage-tank heating as well as settling- and service-tank heating should maximize the separation of water
and solid matter from the fuel and still be able to maintain the correct post-purification temperature. This
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is important given the requirement for fuel to be stored at 10°C below the flash point, which could be
60°C. However, the purification and clarification temperatures of high-viscosity fuels may be substantially
higher than this; 10°C, for example. To comply with this regulation a post-purifier fuel cooler may be
required to return the fuel to below its flash-point-related value, as it is returned back to the storage tank.
If a fuel storage temperature is allowed to drop close to its pour point at any stage during the storage, then
wax can start to form, which may not readily be absorbed into the fuel again when the temperature is
raised. The wax forms a sludge, which can block filters and the small passages in the fuel injection
When operating with high-viscosity fuels it may be necessary to employ high rates of heat transfer during
fuel heating. This could lead to thermal cracking of the fuel, resulting in carbon deposits on the heating
surfaces causing reduced heating capacity. To maintain optimum heat transfer and heating steam
consumption there should be a facility to enable the oil side of the heater to be cleaned periodically by
circulating with a proprietary carbon remover. A typical fuel system is shown in Figure 1.
Many fuel-related problems will not arise if an effective 'on-board fuel management policy' is adopted and
followed through closely by each of the crew who serve on board. To recap, such a policy would include
the following:
1. Representative samples of fuel, in addition to the supplier's sample, taken at loading. These should
be sealed, clearly labelled and retained on board for three months after the fuel has been
2. Segregation of fuels from different sources by loading into empty tanks. This may involve the
transfer of remaining fuels into smaller tanks prior to loading.
3. Draining bunker lines at the completion of loading. Closing all bunker valves when this is
4. Maintaining storage temperatures at least 5°C above the pour point and 10°C below the flash
5. Sending a representative fuel sample for analysis and taking the appropriate action upon receipt
of the results.
6. Fitting a certified mass flow meter to accurately measure the quantity of bunkers delivered free
of contamination.
7. Draining water from tanks at regular intervals.
8. Monitoring fuel consumption against fuel remaining on board. This should be achieved by daily
measurement of all fuel tanks; on older ships, dipping the fuel tanks will probably provide the
most accurate results. However, on a vessel fitted with accurate depth gauges the remote readings
will provide the data required.
9. Regular checks of the fuel purification plant to see if excess water or solid impurities are being
removed by the purifiers.
10. Temperature and viscosity control of the fuel from the storage tanks to the point of use by the
machinery is very important. If the fuel temperature drops close to its pour point, the fuel filters
could become clogged.
11. If the bunker tanks are filled to the very top and the temperature is slightly low, then as the
temperature rises so will the volume. It will not take much for the fuel to rise up the vent pipe and
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cover the vessel with fuel, which could spill into the water, causing the vessel to be fined or the
Master and Chief Engineer arrested.
1. Low flashpoint: Regulations require a flash point above 60°C. If the flash point is found to be below
this level then the owners and classification society should be informed. A lower flash point fuel
will render the vessel 'out of class'. The addition of a higher flash point fuel will not raise the flash
point of the original stock. To avoid the generation of a flammable vapour, heating temperatures
should be regulated carefully.
2. High sulfur: Sulphur is present in crude oil and the specific amount depends on the original source
of crude oil used and the type of refining process. During combustion, sulfur is converted into
sulfur oxides, which become corrosive upon contact with water and if left unchecked will damage
engine pistons and cylinder liners. The acids produced must be neutralized by the cylinder
lubricant and marine engine lubricants are especially developed with a high BN to cope with this
acidity. If the correct lubricant is used, the sulfur content of a marine fuel is technically not
important, but the increasing environmental implications are now of great concern to the
Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 sets out the sulfur content of any fuel oil used on board ships that
originally were not to exceed 4.5% m/m max. After 2010, both Annex Vl and the EU directive
2005/33/EC restricted the SOX emissions of ships sailing in the Baltic Sea Emission Control Area
(ECA) to 6 g/kWh, which corresponds to a fuel oil sulfur content of maximum 1.5% m/m. In
addition, the EU directive extended the 1.5% m/m sulfur limit to ferries operating to and from any
EU port. The North Sea and English Channel have now become an ECA where the 1.5% m/m sulfur
limit applied. The EU directive further set a limit of 0.1% m/m max on the sulfur content of marine
fuels used by ships at berth (and by inland waterways), effective from 1 January 2010, which also
became a ECA area requirement from 2015.
On 1 January 2020, new reduced limits on sulfur in fuel oil brought about a 70% cut in total sulfur
oxide emissions from shipping, ushering in a new era of cleaner air in ports and coastal areas by
using less polluting fuels. The upper limit of the sulfur content of ships' fuel oil was reduced to
0.5% (from 3.5% previously) - under the so-called "IMO 2020" regulation prescribed in the
MARPOL Convention. This significantly reduces the amount of sulfur oxide emanating from ships.
The knock-on effect is that from 2015 the current generation of marine engines will not achieve
these low levels of emission without additional 'after engine' technology such as selective catalytic
reduction (SCR) and/or exhaust gas scrubber system.
3. High water content: This may separate when heated; however, water could also form a stable
emulsion, which is difficult to separate without the addition of emulsion-breaking chemicals. If
the water contamination is salt water, not uncommon in the marine environment, serious
problems associated with sodium-vanadium corrosion and turbocharger fouling may be
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experienced. Water contamination also introduces the risk of bacteria into the fuel. Bacterial
growth can occur at the oil/water interface, which, if allowed to proliferate, can cause blockage of
filters and the fuel system. The problem of bacterial or microbial attack is greater in fuel that is
unheated, especially diesel oil, since the temperatures involved when heating high-viscosity fuels
will pasteurize the fuel and thus kill off bacteria. Since prevention is better than cure, draining the
water from the oil is by far the best course of action.
4. High vanadium: This may cause high-temperature corrosion. The use of an ash-modifying chemical
additive to maintain the vanadium oxides in a molten state will prevent adhesion to high-
temperature components. However, vanadium is bound chemically within the fuel and
consequently cannot be removed. The vanadium deposits are very hard and can cause extensive
damage to turbochargers.
5. Instability and incompatibility: Instability refers to tendency of the fuel to produce a sludge by
itself. Incompatibility is the tendency of the fuel to produce a sludge when blended with other
fuels. These sludges form when the asphaltene content of the fuel can no longer stay in solution
and so precipitates out, sometimes at a prodigious rate. The deposited sludge blocks tank suctions,
filters and pipes and quickly chokes purifiers. In engines, the blockage of injector nozzles, late
burning and coking can result in damage to pistons, rings and liners. Therefore, fuels from different
sources should not be mixed on board.
6. High aluminum content: This contamination is a result of carry-over of 'catalytic fines' from the
refining process of the initial oil. These 'fines' are an aluminum compound ranging in size from 5
mm to 50 mm and are extremely abrasive. Very low levels of aluminum indicate the presence of
catalytic fines in the fuel, which, if used, will lead to high levels of abrasive wear in the fuel system,
piston, rings and liner in an extremely short period of time; 30 ppm of aluminum is generally
considered as the maximum allowable level in fuel oil bunkers before purification. As a result of
the small size of these compounds they are difficult to remove completely by centrifuge. The
purification plant, in correct operation, will reduce the aluminum content to about 10 ppm before
it is used in the engine. It has been found that if the aluminum content is above 30 ppm, difficulties
will be experienced in attaining a safe level of 10 ppm after purification. Due to the problem of
'cat fines', the 2010 version of the ISO 8217 specification for fuel oil was introduced.
Russell, P. A., Morton, T. D., Jackson, L., & Prince, A. S. (2018). Reeds Vol 12 Motor Engineering Knowledge
for Marine Engineers. Bloomsbury Publishing.
IMO2020 fuel oil sulphur limit—Cleaner air, healthier planet. (2021). Retrieved January 25, 2024, from
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