Fin Heat Transfer
Fin Heat Transfer
Fin Heat Transfer
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Article history: This paper presents a heat transfer fin optimization for a LaNi5 hydrogen storage container.
Received 30 December 2008 In this simplified approach, a one-dimension fin model is proposed in order to avoid
Received in revised form geometrical restrictions and constrains associated to a particular technological solution.
6 February 2009 Therefore, the presented model can be utilized as a general framework for the develop-
Accepted 9 February 2009 ment of containers with inner fins.
Available online 20 March 2009 The hydrogen absorption reaction was simulated using a developed finite difference
method. On this base, the heat transfer fin design was optimized for different absorption
Keywords: times and container diameters applying the gradient method. Numerical outcomes were
Hydrogen storage then confirmed by comparison with experimental measurements, showing good agree-
LaNi5 hydride container ment between the theoretical model and the experimental result.
Absorption simulation ª 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Heat transfer fin reserved.
Design optimization
* Corresponding author. Centro Atómico Bariloche (C.N.E.A.), Av. Bustillo 9500, C.P. 8400, S. C. de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina.
Tel.: þ54 2944 445286; fax: þ54 2944 445299.
E-mail address: (M. Melnichuk).
0360-3199/$ – see front matter ª 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3418 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 3417–3424
j j1 dx Table 2 – Properties of the hydride used in the
xH;i ¼ xH;i þ Dt (12)
dt i;Abs simulations [7].
In Tables 1 and 2 are summarized the physical properties and Property LaNi5
parameters used for the calculations: 1
DHAbs [J mol )] 30,478
DS [J mol1 K1] 108
2.3. Optimization method EAbs [J mol1] 21,170
kAbs [seg1] 59.187
A simple gradient method was used as numerical procedure gAbs 0.13
CMH [wt%] 1.28
for optimization. The cost function defined, represented by
the amount of hydrogen absorbed in the calculus domain, is:
mMH;i CMH xH;i The vector of heuristic values’ was defined so that the
Q¼ Qi ¼ (13) ~ Max was within the
MwH maximum recalculated cost function Q
i¼1 i¼1
~ ~ ~
uncertainty interval, i.e. Q Max sQ 1 ^Q m [8]. Then the aluminum
where fraction vector for the next optimization step was defined
from the element of vector F~ corresponding to Q ~ Max : F~Max ¼ Fjþ1
mMH;i ¼ rMH ð1 3MH ÞVi ð1 Fi Þ (14)
Teflon inside a glove bag, under high purity argon. After changing
every fin profile, we made at least four charge–discharge
Heat flow
cycles before start measuring.
MH + Fins
Absorption capacity measurements were performed for
each fin profile at constant pressure and temperature
Root (Pg ¼ 12.6 0.1 bar, T ¼ 50 1 C) for different absorption
times. They were quantified by desorption in a volumetric
Sieverts type apparatus.
30 Measurement of the hydride in the container with no fins
r could not be performed in the device described in Section 3.2
because the effective thermal conductivity of the hydride was
similar to the thermal conductivity of the isolating material of
Fig. 2 – Sectional view of the experimental device. the device, invalidating the assumed model conditions. For
this reason we utilized a different reactor for these measure-
ments, consisting of a stainless steel cylinder, with
a minimal distance between hydride and the closest fins. B ¼ 12.7 mm and h ¼ 168 mm, and 2 mm wall thickness, with
Therefore, the maximum number of fins ought to be deter- the same operative conditions as the other experiments.
mined on the basis of available fabrication technology. The porosity value for the simulation was estimated by
With the purpose of neglecting the effect of the distance volume and weight measurements after activating the alloy:
from the hydride bulk to the conductive material, we consid- 3MH ¼ 0.54. This value was consistent with the experimental
ered as a design criterion that the hydride particles inside the measurements of volume and hydride mass within 10%.
device should be at most within 2.3 mm to the closest
aluminum fin [7].
In order to fabricate the profiles properly and at the same 4. Results
time to achieve the distance criterion, we made the profiles
from 0.5 mm thickness aluminum foils, cut by laser Fig. 4 shows the aluminum fraction profiles obtained from the
(minimum width: 0.2 0.05 mm) and placed them staggered optimizations for 3 and 5 min, at a given diameter of 60 mm.
inside the experimental device (Fig. 3). By placing the fins Both results show a larger aluminum fraction near the
staggered, the maximum distances between the fins were external perimeter, r ¼ 30 mm, which is a logical result as
3.24 mm and 3.10 mm for the 3 M and 5 M fin profiles, the perimeter absorbs the heat driven by the temperature
respectively, and 3.24 mm for the HC profile, satisfying the gradients. Maximum aluminum fraction was approximately
distance criterion. 0.15 for the 3 M profile, and 0.1 for the 5 M profile.
Comparing the obtained results, the 3 M profile has
a greater amount of aluminum than the 5 M profile, which
3.4. Assembly and measurement procedure
allows a faster absorption at the beginning, but leads to
a smaller final capacity. This is illustrated in Fig. 5, where it
Cast alloy was sieved, obtaining particles sizes from 125 mm to
450 mm. The device was filled with the alloy and it was
0.14 5M
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
radial position (mm)
Fig. 3 – Picture of the experimental device with the Fig. 4 – Simulation: aluminum fraction for 3 M and 5 M
staggered aluminum foils of 5 M fin profile. profiles (C [ 1.28 wt%).
3422 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 3417–3424
0.7 0.35
0.6 0.30
n (moles)
step 1
step 4
0.10 step 8
0.2 step 12
3M step 20
0.1 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
5M sim.
0.5 5M exp.
0.4 0.5
n (moles)
0.3 0.4
0.2 ø = 30 mm
ø = 60 mm
0.1 ø = 120 mm
ø = 240 mm 0.1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.0
radial position (mm) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t (min)
Fig. 6 – Simulation: aluminum fraction for different radial
positions optimized at 3 min (C [ 1.28 wt%). Fig. 8 – Experiment and simulation for 5 M (C [ 1.00 wt%).
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 3417–3424 3423
0.7 3M sim.
3M exp.
HC sim.
0.5 HC exp.
n (moles)
Fig. 11 – Simulation: charge evolution of NF.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t (min) HC profile occurred mainly at a high hydrogen charge, as it can
be seen in Fig. 12. The reaction of 3 M and 5 M profiles showed
Fig. 9 – Experiment and simulation for 3 M and HC
the same behavior.
(C [ 1.00 wt%).
5. Discussion
The model undervalues the absorbed amount of hydrogen
at the beginning of the process and overvalues this amount at As we have seen, the simulation predictions showed very
the end. This fact is attributed to the model simplifications good agreement with experimental results. Differences
taken for the calculus of the equilibrium pressure, as we will between simulations and experiments were justified mainly
discuss in the following section. Nonetheless, these results due to limitations of the thermodynamic equilibrium pressure
show an excellent agreement between the simulations and model (Eq. (11)) that considers only the plateau region. In the
the experimental data. following a detailed discussion on this and other subjects is
In the case of the container with no fins, the simulation and presented:
the experimental outcomes are shown in Fig. 10. A clear
discrepancy between experiments and simulations can be Eq. (10) represents the hydrogen absorption rate as a function
observed, because of the model limitations. Given the thermal of temperature, pressure and charge, i.e.: dx=dtfhðTÞf ðPÞgðxÞ,
conditions of this case, the state of charge tends to be close to where f(P) ¼ ln(Pg/Pe). Considering the LaNi5 isotherm as a plot
zero for most of the cells during the 10 min absorption reac- of ln(P) vs. x, Eq. (11) fits Pe with a straight line, which is a good
tion, as it can be seen in Fig. 11. In this situation, the model approximation for the absorption plateau. However, at the
does not predict accurately the behavior of the metal hydride. edges of the plateau, that is to say when the hydride was
On the other hand, the evolution of charge with time for the charged (b phase) or discharged (a phase), the simulated Pe
was, respectively, lower and higher than real Pe. The differ-
ence observed in Fig. 10 (NF) can be explained in terms of the
0.7 predominant low state of charge: this state of charge leads to
NF sim
higher simulated Pe, which is inversely proportional to
0.6 NF exp absorption kinetics. Then the model indicates a slower
n (moles)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t (min)
Fig. 10 – Experiment and simulation for NF (C [ 1.00 wt%). Fig. 12 – Simulation: charge evolution of HC.
3424 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 3417–3424
charging rate than experiment when x z 0. The low absorp- Fin profiles have better performance than HC profile for the
tion corresponding to the first minute shown in Figs. 8 and 9 initial and final hydrogen absorption stages due to the shorter
confirm this behavior. path for the heat from the hydride bulk to the container walls.
Fig. 11 shows that absorption reaction was partially The performance of HC profile can be compared with the
complete after 10 min, so kinetics still had an important performance of the metal foam, since it has no preferential
influence. It can be expected that after a longer period of time, direction for the heat flow.
the simulation would give a result closer to the experiment. In this work we present results of optimized aluminum fin
At the other edge of the plateau, as the reaction was getting profiles for an idealized case. We consider that these results
complete (x z 1), the model predicted a greater absorption can be a useful reference for a hydride container design. Even
than the experiment, as it can be seen in Figs. 8 and 9 at 3 min though, for a prototype design a more detailed two-dimension
and 5 min. simulation is advisable.
At the beginning of the absorption process, there was
a transient state of Pg caused by the connection of the gas
supply, at a regulated pressure, and the experimental device
in vacuum. We could also observe a decrease in the thermal
The authors want to thank the collaboration of Eng. Julián
bath temperature of about 1 C during the fist minutes of
Puszkiel, Lic. Roberto Ausas, and technical personnel of the
absorption, because we used a relatively small water
Centro Atómico Bariloche, so as financial support of CONICET,
volume as thermal ballast. Although these effects had
C.N.E.A., U. N. Cuyo (Proyect 06/C260) and A.N.P.C.yT. (Proyect
a slight influence, we remark them as experimental condi-
P.I.C.T.-R 188 B.I.D. 1728 C/AR).
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