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Table of Element Valences

Number Element Valence

1 Hydrogen (-1), +1
2 Helium 0
3 Lithium 1
4 Beryllium 2
5 Boron -3, +3
6 Carbon (+2), +4
7 Nitrogen -3, -2, -1, (+1), +2, +3, +4, +5
8 Oxygen -2
9 Fluorine -1, (+1)
10 Neon 0
11 Sodium 1
12 Magnesium 2
13 Aluminum 3
14 Silicon -4, (+2), +4
15 Phosphorus -3, +1, +3, +5
16 Sulfur -2, +2, +4, +6
17 Chlorine -1, +1, (+2), +3, (+4), +5, +7
18 Argon 0
19 Potassium 1
20 Calcium 2
21 Scandium 3
22 Titanium +2, +3, +4
23 Vanadium +2, +3, +4, +5
24 Chromium +2, +3, +6
25 Manganese +2, (+3), +4, (+6), +7
26 Iron +2, +3, (+4), (+6)
27 Cobalt +2, +3, (+4)
28 Nickel (+1), +2, (+3), (+4)
29 Copper +1, +2, (+3)
30 Zinc 2
31 Gallium (+2). +3
32 Germanium -4, +2, +4
33 Arsenic -3, (+2), +3, +5
34 Selenium -2, (+2), +4, +6
35 Bromine -1, +1, (+3), (+4), +5
36 Krypton 0
37 Rubidium 1
38 Strontium 2
39 Yttrium 3
40 Zirconium (+2), (+3), +4
41 Niobium (+2), +3, (+4), +5
42 Molybdenum (+2), +3, (+4), (+5), +6
43 Technetium 6
44 Ruthenium (+2), +3, +4, (+6), (+7), +8
45 Rhodium (+2), (+3), +4, (+6)
46 Palladium +2, +4, (+6)
47 Silver +1, (+2), (+3)
48 Cadmium (+1), +2
49 Indium (+1), (+2), +3
50 Tin +2, +4
51 Antimony -3, +3, (+4), +5
52 Tellurium -2, (+2), +4, +6
53 Iodine -1, +1, (+3), (+4), +5, +7
54 Xenon 0
55 Cesium 1
56 Barium 2
57 Lanthanum 3
58 Cerium +3, +4
59 Praseodymium 3
60 Neodymium +3, +4
61 Promethium 3
62 Samarium (+2), +3
63 Europium (+2), +3
64 Gadolinium 3
65 Terbium +3, +4
66 Dysprosium 3
67 Holmium 3
68 Erbium 3
69 Thulium (+2), +3
70 Ytterbium (+2), +3
71 Lutetium 3
72 Hafnium 4
73 Tantalum (+3), (+4), +5
74 Tungsten (+2), (+3), (+4), (+5), +6
(-1), (+1), +2, (+3), +4, (+5), +6,
75 Rhenium
76 Osmium (+2), +3, +4, +6, +8
77 Iridium (+1), (+2), +3, +4, +6
78 Platinum (+1), +2, (+3), +4, +6
79 Gold +1, (+2), +3
80 Mercury +1, +2
81 Thallium +1, (+2), +3
82 Lead +2, +4
83 Bismuth (-3), (+2), +3, (+4), (+5)
84 Polonium (-2), +2, +4, (+6)
85 Astatine ?
86 Radon 0
87 Francium ?
88 Radium 2
89 Actinium 3
90 Thorium 4
91 Protactinium 5
92 Uranium (+2), +3, +4, (+5), +6
Table of Element Valences

Number Element Symbol Valence

1 Hydrogen H (-1), +1
5 Boron B -3, +3
6 Carbon C (+2), +4
7 Nitrogen N -3, -2, -1, (+1), +2, +3, +4, +5
8 Oxygen O -2
9 Fluorine F -1, (+1)
11 Sodium Na 1
12 Magnesium Mg 2
13 Aluminum Al 3
14 Silicon Si -4, (+2), +4
15 Phosphorus P -3, +1, +3, +5
16 Sulfur S -2, +2, +4, +6
17 Chlorine Cl -1, +1, (+2), +3, (+4), +5, +7
19 Potassium K 1
20 Calcium Ca 2
22 Titanium Ti +2, +3, +4
23 Vanadium V +2, +3, +4, +5
24 Chromium Cr +2, +3, +6
25 Manganese Mn +2, (+3), +4, (+6), +7
26 Iron Fe +2, +3, (+4), (+6)
27 Cobalt Co +2, +3, (+4)
28 Nickel Ni (+1), +2, (+3), (+4)
29 Copper Cu +1, +2, (+3)
30 Zinc Zn 2
33 Arsenic As -3, (+2), +3, +5
42 Molybdenum Mo (+2), +3, (+4), (+5), +6
47 Silver Ag +1, (+2), (+3)
48 Cadmium Cd (+1), +2
50 Tin Sn +2, +4
51 Antimony Sb -3, +3, (+4), +5
53 Iodine I -1, +1, (+3), (+4), +5, +7
74 Tungsten W (+2), (+3), (+4), (+5), +6
78 Platinum Pt (+1), +2, (+3), +4, +6
79 Gold Au +1, (+2), +3
80 Mercury Hg +1, +2
82 Lead Pb +2, +4

Compound Name of the anion Formula of anion Valency of anion

HCI Chloride Cl - 1
H2SO4 Sulphate SO42- 2
HNO3 Nitrate NO3 1
H2CO3 Carbonate CO32- 2
H3PO4 Phosphate PO43- 3
H2O Oxide O2- 2
H2S Sulphide S2- 2
NaOH hydroxide OH -

Compound Name of cation Formula of cation Valency of cation

NaCl Sodium Na+ 1
KCI Potassium K+ 1
NH4CI Ammonium NH 1
Mg Cl2 Magesium Mg2+ 2
CaCl2 Calcium Ca 2+
Al Cl3 Aluminium A13+ 3
s: 1 orbital, 2 electrons.
p: 3 orbitals, 6 electrons.
d: 5 orbitals, 10 electrons.
f: 7 orbitals, 14 electrons.
Rules for Assigning Electron Orbitals
Occupation of Orbitals

Electrons fill orbitals in a way to minimize the energy of the atom. Therefore, the
electrons in an atom fill the principal energy levels in order of increasing energy
(the electrons are getting farther from the nucleus). The order of levels filled
looks like this:

d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, and 7p

One way to remember this pattern, probably the easiest, is to refer to the
periodic table and remember where each orbital block falls to logically deduce
this pattern. Another way is to make a table like the one below and use vertical
lines to determine which subshells correspond with each other.

s: 1 orbital, 2 electrons.
p: 3 orbitals, 6 electrons.
d: 5 orbitals, 10 electrons.
f: 7 orbitals, 14 electrons.

The number of valence electrons

The number of valence electrons of an element can be determined by the

periodic table group (vertical column) in which the element is categorized. With
the exception of groups 3–12 (the transition metals), the units digit of the group
number identifies how many valence electrons are associated with a neutral
atom of an element listed under that particular column.
Compound Name of the anion Formula of anion
HCI Chloride Cl -
H2SO4 Sulphate SO42-
HNO3 Nitrate NO3
H2CO3 Carbonate CO32-
H3PO4 Phosphate PO43-
H 2O Oxide O 2-
H 2S Sulphide S 2-
NaOH hydroxide OH -

Compound Name of cation Formula of cation

NaCl Sodium Na+
KCI Potassium K+
NH4CI Ammonium NH
Mg Cl2 Magesium Mg2+
CaCl2 Calcium Ca2+
Al Cl3 Aluminium A13+
Valency of anion

Valency of cation
Table of Element Valences

Number Element Symbol Valence

1 Hydrogen H (-1), +1
5 Boron B -3, +3
6 Carbon C (+2), +4
7 Nitrogen N -3, -2, -1, (+1), +2, +3, +4, +5
8 Oxygen O -2
9 Fluorine F -1, (+1)
11 Sodium Na 1
12 Magnesium Mg 2
13 Aluminum Al 3
14 Silicon Si -4, (+2), +4
15 Phosphorus P -3, +1, +3, +5
16 Sulfur S -2, +2, +4, +6
17 Chlorine Cl -1, +1, (+2), +3, (+4), +5, +7
19 Potassium K 1
20 Calcium Ca 2
22 Titanium Ti +2, +3, +4
23 Vanadium V +2, +3, +4, +5
24 Chromium Cr +2, +3, +6
25 Manganese Mn +2, (+3), +4, (+6), +7
26 Iron Fe +2, +3, (+4), (+6)
27 Cobalt Co +2, +3, (+4)
28 Nickel Ni (+1), +2, (+3), (+4)
29 Copper Cu +1, +2, (+3)
30 Zinc Zn 2
33 Arsenic As -3, (+2), +3, +5
42 Molybdenum Mo (+2), +3, (+4), (+5), +6
47 Silver Ag +1, (+2), (+3)
48 Cadmium Cd (+1), +2
50 Tin Sn +2, +4
51 Antimony Sb -3, +3, (+4), +5
53 Iodine I -1, +1, (+3), (+4), +5, +7
74 Tungsten W (+2), (+3), (+4), (+5), +6
78 Platinum Pt (+1), +2, (+3), +4, +6
79 Gold Au +1, (+2), +3
80 Mercury Hg +1, +2
82 Lead Pb +2, +4

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