Slot Tech Magazine
Slot Tech Magazine
Slot Tech Magazine
Page 3-Editorial
Page 4-Component Identification and Testing-Part 1
Page 14-Quick & Simple Repairs #103
Page 18-GTECH’s Sphinx 3D – You’ll Hardly
Believe your Eyes!
Page 22-Subscriptions
Dear Friends of Slot Tech Magazine,
I have one diagnostic skill that has helped me fix more broken crap
equipment than anything else. I (mostly) know what all the parts are Randy Fromm
and I (mostly) know how to test them all using simple, inexpensive
equipment (OK, maybe that’s two skills). It’s a technique I developed
out of desperation in High School when all of my friends were work- Randy Fromm's
ing at gas stations, pumping gas and cleaning windshields (yes, we Slot Tech Magazine
actually did that, once upon a time) I had managed to score a job as a
busboy and dishwasher at a local restaurant. That lasted about a
week before I realized that it was not a good career path for me. I Editor
had SKILLS! After all, I had actually built a set of “electronic bongos” Randy Fromm
once! Technical Writers
James Borg, Jason Czito,
This was the era of the 8-track car stereo (Google it). There was a Vic Fortenbach, Diana
local storefront outlet that sold bootleg 8-track tapes. It was really Gruber, Henry Kollar, Chuck
common back then. He also offered a repair service (head cleaning Lentine, Craig Nelson,
and alignment, mostly) and was looking for a technician to handle Kevin Noble, Pat Porath
the more difficult repairs. I convinced him I could do the job and do it
for cheap. I could ride my 250CC, Italian motorcycle (a Benelli!) over Slot Tech Magazine is published
to the store, drop off repaired units and pick up a new batch of bad monthly by
Slot Tech Magazine
ones. I had almost no idea what I was doing. I hadn’t actually re-
1944 Falmouth Dr.
paired anything, I had just built bongos and transmitters and stuff. El Cajon, CA 92020-2827
tel.619.838.7111 fax.619.593.6132
What saved my ass was two things: These were stereos so there e-mail
were always two, identical channels. This enabled me to compare Visit the website at
the good side to the bad side (component testing) when the symptom
was loss of one channel (the most common failure by far). We do this Domestic (North America)
in the casino business as well. We rarely have just one of anything. 1 year - $80.00
Often, we have dozens or even hundreds of identical units we can 2 years - $140.00
use for comparison purposes or even “swaptronics.” The other thing International
1 year - $160.00
that saved my butt from the sweatshop of the kitchen was my famil-
2 years - $300.00
iarity with the individual (discrete) components. I know what they
are and I know how to test them to see if they’re good or bad. The Subscribe online at
“understanding” part of electronics and electronic circuitry came
much later in my career but I was able to fix a lot of stuff before that
Copyright 2014 under the Universal
kicked in.
Copyright Convention. All rights re-
This month presents part one of “Component Identification and
Testing.” It’s sort of a compilation of some of the material we’ve
covered previously along with some new material. I admit to having
an ulterior motive in putting this together as “Component Identifica-
tion and Testing” is one of the presentations I’ll be giving at Tech- TechFest 29
Fest 29, coming up May 13-15 at Mystic Lake Casino (registration is
now open for this often sold-out event. See the website at slot-
Mystic Lake Casino for registration form and schedule of events.) and I May 13-15, 2014
needed a nice handout for the session! Enrollment is now
open at
Publisher-Slot Tech Magazine
Slot Tech Feature Article
Component Identification
and Testing
econd only to solder ent types of failures?
ing skills, the most
important skill I have Knowing how components
developed in my years as fail is also the key to read-
an electronic technician is ing schematic diagrams.
the ability to test individual Armed with just a few key
(discrete) components. This measurements from a digi-
skill has allowed me to fix tal multimeter, it is possible
everything from 8-track to pinpoint problems like
cassette players (when I open or shorted compo-
was still in high school) to nents because we KNOW
advanced radar systems on what to expect when the
US Navy vessels that may part fails. This type of logi-
(or may not) have carried cal troubleshooting can
nuclear missiles. bring you quickly to the
cause of your problem
Passive Components/ without agony or hair-
Active Components pulling. With that in mind,
let’s take a look at how
The discrete components parts fail (and how to test
fall into one of two them).
categories:active and pas-
sive. As their names imply, NOTE: All of the following
one group might be tests are performed under
thought of as having com- static, “power-off” condi-
ponents with “Type A” per- tions. This makes the tests
sonalities while the other is safe, with no possibility of
filled with couch potatoes. electrical shock or damage
We see failures with both to the equipment or compo-
types of components but nent under test.
the failure mode often
differs between them. The Resistors
key to fast and accurate
troubleshooting lies in As far as troubleshooting is
knowing how the compo- concerned, resistors are
nents are likely to fail. By used in two different kinds
this I am referring to the of circuits: Power circuits
nature of the failed compo- and signal circuits. In a
nent itself. Is it shorted? Is power circuit, resistors are
the part open? Can you used to drop a voltage or to
count on this component limit current. In both of
always to fail in the same these cases, all of the cur-
manner or can the bad part rent required to power a
assume a number of differ- circuit will have to pass
Page 4 Slot Tech Magazine February 2014
February 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 5
through the resistor first. their own. Typically, some- test have often proven
This type of resistor often thing else fails and takes themselves to be defective.
will be in the 1 watt to 10 the resistor out with it by
watt range. It may be made creating excessive current You’ll encounter a small
from metal-oxide (such as draw across the resistor handful of different types of
tin oxide-SnO) or it may be and “popping” it. capacitors with all sorts of
a ceramic, wire-wound weird shapes and colors.
resistor, made from Resistor Test Fortunately, there is only
Nichrome (a nickel-chro-
mium alloy) with a ceramic There is a dedicated
body that can withstand resistance tester in the
the heat given off by the digital multimeter. It’s
resistance wire during marked with the omega
operation. symbol. We’ve covered the
resistor “color code”
In a signal circuit, the resis- previously so we won’t
tor will generally be one- repeat it here. Suffice it to
quarter watt or one-half say that if the resistor
watt. These resistors are measures a higher
not handling any signifi- resistance than it’s
cant amounts of current supposed to be (or is open
and, as such, are unlikely completely)it’s bad. Typical aluminum electrolytic
to fail. capacitor
Regardless of the type of
circuit it’s in, when a resis- Capacitor failure is not
tor fails, it will ALWAYS quite so cut and dried as
OPEN or increase in value. resistor failures. Capacitors
Whether it’s a carbon-film cannot be adequately
resistor, a metal-oxide (AKA tested with the DMM for
metal film) resistor or a anything but a short circuit
ceramic, wire-wound resis- (they should not test
tor, when it fails (either on “shorted”). Although many
its own or by virtue of some technicians claim that
other component failure) a capacitors can be tested by
resistor will open-circuit. A using the resistance (ohms)
resistor will never short- setting of the meter and Above:This is what’s inside! It’s
mostly aluminum foil and paper.
circuit or “partially” short- watching the resistance
circuit. change as the capacitor Below:Surface-Mount Electrolytic
charges, I have found this Capacitors
In general, higher wattage test to be extremely mis-
resistors are much more leading. Capacitors that
likely to fail than ¼ or ½ appear to pass the “charge”
watt resistors as they must
dissipate more heat.
ting any bill acceptor errors have called our WMS field
or one reason or to that section. Here’s what tech (maybe should have)
another, it seems was done: a washer was put but why not check it out
once in a while on in place, underneath the myself? Since there weren’t
our WMS Bluebird games bolt that holds the bill any dollar amounts dis-
the UBA doesn’t work prop- acceptor assembly in (see played, the problem may be
erly because the stacker picture). Once the washer a controller error. When
box has to be seated in the is in place and the bolt locating and taking a look
assembly just perfectly. On tightened, at the progressive controller
the exterior of the game, the whole
the bill acceptor bezel will bill acceptor
be lit up but when a bill or assembly
ticket is inserted, the unit stays in
will only continuously run place and
until an error appears on there are
the screen and not accept less bill
money (as a note, we also acceptor
have had a few minor is- errors. The
sues with IGT and Aruze steel washer
games and UBAs too.) A needs to be
tech will reseat the stacker the correct
box until it sits perfectly in size so when
the assembly and a “normal the bolt is
bill acceptor” cycle is heard. tight (not
It is then tested with a super tight
blank ticket to make sure it or it will
doesn’t come up with an strip the
error again. I was working threads) it
on a UBA in a WMS game will work as
when a co-worker came intended.
along (For privacy reasons,
I’m not allowed to name my
co-workers). I was telling
- Pat Porath
ou have to see it to 3D engine. This engine another so they seem to
believe it. GTECH, then combines the images jump out at them.
with its gaming prod- for the left and right eyes in
uct brand, SPIELO, is wow- real time. An optical filter The 3D technology is incor-
ing customers and players in front of the display pro- porated into the very play
alike with the launch of the vides a brilliant 3D image mechanics, and the tech-
Sphinx 3D™ slot game, an including accurate depth nology is leveraged in ways
Egyptian adventure featur- impression. As the 3D that enhance the gaming
ing glasses-free True 3D™. image is continuously ad- experience. For example, in
This eye-popping slot im- justed according to the the Ancient Wheel Bonus,
merses the player in an- player’s position, the player
cient Egypt where pyra- enjoys freedom of move-
mids, sphinxes, and scar- ment in all directions.
abs seem to jump off the
screen or stretch into infin- GTECH recognizes that 3D
ity in high resolution 3D. does not suit everyone.
Therefore, the level of spa-
The Technology tial depth is configurable
with a touch-screen slider,
This 3D experience uses a which allows players to
True 3D™ display which adjust to a level that suits
was designed exclusively for them, from full 3D effects to
GTECH for the gaming flat 2D.
industry by SeeFront. The
effect is achieved by a The Game
unique autostereoscopic
technology with integrated When used as an
eye-tracking. Images are input to game events,
processed and displayed so eye-tracking opens
that the ideal 3D picture up a new world of
self-adjusts to match the possibilities: players
player’s precise line of can explore the on-
sight. screen vistas, change
viewing angles with-
Here’s how it works: the out disrupting the
integrated eye-tracking 3D experience, and
system detects the player’s be amazed by wilds
position and relays it to the that stack atop one
TechFest also includes instructions on LCD For more information, please visit
monitor repair, power supply repair and the website at or
more, presented by Randy Fromm, publisher contact us at techfest@slot-
of Slot Tech Magazine and your host for the or call 619.838.7111 to
event. speak to Randy Fromm directly.
Free Digital Multimeter Included!
Free CCFL Tester Included!
Free Textbooks and Handouts Included!
S lot Tech Magazine is strictly technical. As such, the magazine's contents are not time
critical. The repair information and technical data contained in past issues is just as valid
today as it was the day it was published.
Additionally, current and future articles more-or-less assume that readers are already familiar
with what has been covered in past issues. This editorial policy assures that Slot Tech
Magazine's contributing writers are not limited to "writing down" to the level of a novice
technician but are free to continue to produce the most comprehensive technical articles in
the gaming industry.
Randy Fromm's
Slot Tech Magazine is
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“I can help you bring down the
cost of casino electronics repairs”
Randy Fromm
“OK. You asked and I listened. My new tech class eliminates obsolete CRT
monitor repair and the associated monitor repair lab. In just four or five days,
your slot techs can learn to repair Power Supplies, LCD Monitors, Ticket
Printers, Bill Validators and more. It’s easy and it’s fun.“- Randy Fromm
tel.619.838.7111 fax.619.593.6132
Page 24 Slot Tech Magazine February 2014