Handouts - Group 4 - Ail 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Gubat, Sorsogon
A.Y. 2023-2024, 2nd Semester

Subject/Course: Educ 7: Assessment in Learning 1

Professor: Professor Ernalyn Dig-Diaz Bonita
Topic: Introduction to Assessment in Learning

Planning a Written

Assessment in Learning Hand Outs

Group 1

Miracle Hila
Maria Maica Ann Bolanos
Jenny Rose Avila
Maricon Estinor
Alex Estolonio
I. Objectives
In this lesson, you are expected to:
a. explains the importance of test objectives targeted for assessment.
b. set appropriate instructional objectives for a written test and
c. prepares a table of specification for a written test.
II. Motivational Activity
The discussants/ Reporters are about to state phrases on the topics that is related to future
discussions in front of the class where each students are free to choose from the given choices "
agree and " disagree, preferably based on their understanding.

III. Lesson Proper

Significant Culminating Performance Task and Success Indicators

Why do you need to define the test objectives or learning outcomes targeted for assessment?
In designing a well-planned written test, first and foremost, you should be able to identify the
intended learning outcomes in a course, where a written test is an appropriate method to use.
These learning outcomes are knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that every student should
develop throughout the course. These learning goals provide the rationale for the curriculum and
instruction. Setting objectives for assessment is the process of establishing direction to guide both
the teacher in teaching and the student in learning.
What are the objectives for testing?
In developing a written test, the cognitive behaviors of learning outcomes are usually targeted. For
the cognitive domain, it is important to identify the levels of behavior expected from the students.
What is a table of specifications?
A table of specifications (TOS), sometimes called a test blueprint, is a tool used by teachers to
design a test. It is a table that maps out the objectives, contents, or topics covered by the test; the
levels of cognitive behavior to be measured; the distribution of items, number, placement, and
weights of test items; and the test format.
The test TOS is important because it does the following:
- ensures that the instructional objectives and what the test captures match
- ensures that the test developer will not overlook details that are considered essential to a good
- makes developing a test easier and more efficient
- ensures that the test will sample all important content areas and processes
- is useful in planning and organizing
- offers an opportunity for teachers and students to clarify achievement and expectations.


 3 types of objectives
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Psychomotor
 creating TOS is to determine the contents of the test. Only topics or contents that
have been discussed in class and are relevance should be included in the test.
 The weight assigned per topic in the test is based on the relevance and the time
spent to cover each topic during instructions.
 The percentage of time for a topic a test is determined by dividing the spent time for
the topic during instruction by the total amount of time spent for all topics covered in
 This is to determine the number of items to be included in the test, the amount of
time needed to answer the items are considered.
 To determine the number of items to be included in the test, the weight per topic is
considered. Thus, using the examples above, for 60 item final test, Theories and
Social Learning Theories will have 5 items, Trait Theories -10 items, and
Psychoanalytic Theories -15 items.


 maps out the content or topic, test objectives, numbers of hours spent, and format,
number, and placement of items.
 easy to develop and used.
 Cannot ensure that all levels of cognitive behaviors that should have been
developed by the course are covered in the test.
No. of Format and No. of
Topic Test Objectives Hours Placement of Percent
Spent Items of Items

Theories Recognize 0.5 Multiple Choice 5

and important concepts Item #s 1-5 (10.0%)
Concepts in personality

Psycho- Identify the 1.5 Multiple Choice 15

analytic different theories of Item #s 6-20 (30.0%)
Theories personality under


TOTAL 5 50

Two-Way Table of Specification

 Two-Way TOS reflects not only the content, time spent, and number of items but also the levels
of cognitive behavior targeted per test content based on the theory behind cognitive testing.
 For example, the common framework for testing at present in DepEd Classroom Assessment
Policy is the Revised Blooms Taxonomy (DepEd, 2015).
 One advantage of this format is that it allows one to see the levels of cognitive skills and
dimensions of knowledge that are emphasized by the test.
 It also shows the framework of assessment used in the development of the test. However, this
format is more complex than the one-way format.

Level of Cognitive Behavior, Item

Time No. & Format, No. and Placement of
Content Spen Percent Items
t of Items

Theories 0.5 5 F I.3

and hours (10.0%) #1-
Concepts 3

C I.2

Psycho- 1.5 15 F I.2

analytic hours (30.0%) #6-
Theories 7
C I.2 I.2
#8- #10-
9 11

P I.2 I.2
#12- #14-
13 15

M I.3 II.1 II.1

#16- #41 #42


Scoring 1 point 2 points per 3 points

per item item per item

OVERALL 5 50 20 20 10
TOTAL (100.0%)

Another presentation is shown below.

No. & Level of Cognitive Behavior, Item

Time Format, No. and Placement of Items
Content Percent
of Items R U AP AN E C

Theories 0.5 5 I.3 I.2

and hours (10.0%) #1- #4-
Concepts 3 5
(F) (C)

Psycho- 1.5 15 I.2 I.2 I.2 I.2 II.1 II.1

analytic hours (30.0%) #6- #8- #10- #14- #41 #42
Theories 7 9 11 15
(F) (C) (C) (P)
I.2 I.3
#12- #16-
13 18
(P) (M)


Scoring 1 point 3 points 5 points

per item per item per item

OVERAL 50 20 20 10
L TOTAL (100.0%)

*Legend: KD = Knowledge Dimension (Factual, Conceptual, Procedural, Metacognitive)

I - Multiple Choice II - Open-Ended

Three-way Table of Specification

 This type of TOS reflects the features of one-way and two-way TOS.
 One advantage of this format is that it challenges the test writer to classify objectives based on
the theory behind the assessment.
 It also shows the variability of thinking skills targeted by the test. However, it takes a much
longer to develop this type of TOS.

Level of Cognitive Behavior and Knowledge

Learning Time No. of Dimension*, Item Format, No. and
Content Placement of Items
Objectives Spent Items

Theories Recognize 0.5 5 I.3 I.2

and important hours (10.0%) #1-3 #4-5
Concepts concepts in (F) (C)

Psycho- 1.5 15 I.2 I.2 I.2 #10- I.2 #14- II.1 II.1
analytic Identify the hours (30.0%) #6-7 #8-9 11 (C) 15 (P) #41 #42
Theories different (F) (C) I.2 #12- I.3 #16-
theories of 13 (P) 18 (M)
c model


Scoring 1 point 3 points per 5 points

per item item per item

OVERALL 50 20 20 10

*Legend: KD = Knowledge Dimension (Factual, Conceptual, Procedural, Metacognitive)

I - Multiple Choice II - Open-Ended

IV. Assessment
A. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer to every item given.
1. The instructional objective focuses on the development of learners’ knowledge. Can this objective
be assessed during using multiple-choice format?
a. No, this objective requires an essay format.
b. No, this objective is better assessed using matching type test.
c. Yes, as multiple-choice is appropriate is assessing knowledge.
d. Yes, as multiple-choice is the most valid format in assessing learning.

2. You prepared an objective test format for your quarterly test in mathematics. Which of the
following could NOT have been your test objective?
a. Interpret a line graph.
b. Construct a line graph.
c. Compare the information presented in a line graph.
d. Draw conclusions from the data presented in a line graph.

3. Teacher Myrna prepared a TOS as her guide in developing a test. Why is this necessary?
a. To guide the planning of instruction.
b. To satisfy the requirements in developing a test.
c. To have a test blueprint as accreditation usually requires this plan.
d. To ensure that the test is designed to covered it intends to measure.

4. Miss Zamora prepared a TOS that shows both the objectives and different levels of cognitive
behavior. What format could she have used?
a. One-way format
b. Two-way format
c. Three-way format
d. Four-way format

5. The school principal wants the teachers to develop a TOS that uses the two-way format than a
one-way format. What do you think this is the principals preferred format?
a. So that the different levels of cognitive behavior to be tested are known.
b. So that the formats of the test are known by just looking at the TOS.
c. So that the test writer would know the distribution of test items.
D. So that objectives for instruction are also reflected in the TOS.

B. Directions: Modified true or false. Write XXO if the underlined word or statement is true and OXX
if false then correct the underline word to make the statement true.
1. In developing a written test, the dialectical behaviors of learning outcomes are usually targeted.
2. Two-way TOS allows one to see the levels of cognitive skills and dimensions of knowledge that
are emphasized by the test.
3. To determine the number of items for the whole test is the primary step in developing a TOS.
4. One way TOS is easy to develop and use because it just works around the objectives without
considering the different levels of cognitive behavior.
5. One of the general steps in developing a TOS is determine the objectives of the test which is the
next step is to determine the contents of the test and only relevant to the topics should be included
in the test.

C. Matching Type. Match column A with the correct answer on column B.

1. Remember
2. Understand
3. Apply

4. Analyze
5. Evaluate
6. Create

a. Use information or a skill in a new situation.

b. Retrieve, recall, or recognize relevant knowledge from long-term memory.

c. Put elements together to form a new coherent or functional whole; recognize elements into a new
pattern or structure.

d. Demonstrate comprehension through one or more forms of explanation.

f. Make judgements based on criteria and standards.

g. Break materials into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another
and/or to an overall structure or purpose.
A. Test Yourself
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer to every item given.
1. The instructional objective focuses on the development of learners’ knowledge. Can this objective
be assessed during using multiple-choice format?
a. No, this objective requires an essay format.
b. No, this objective is better assessed using matching type test.
c. Yes, as multiple-choice is appropriate is assessing knowledge.
d. Yes, as multiple-choice is the most valid format in assessing learning.

2. You prepared an objective test format for your quarterly test in mathematics. Which of the
following could NOT have been your test objective?
a. Interpret a line graph.
b. Construct a line graph.
c. Compare the information presented in a line graph.
d. Draw conclusions from the data presented in a line graph.

3. Teacher Myrna prepared a TOS as her guide in developing a test. Why is this necessary?
a. To guide the planning of instruction.
b. To satisfy the requirements in developing a test.
c. To have a test blueprint as accreditation usually requires this plan.
d. To ensure that the test is designed to covered it intends to measure.

4. Miss Zamora prepared a TOS that shows both the objectives and different levels of cognitive
behavior. What format could she have used?
a. One-way format
b. Two-way format
c. Three-way format
d. Four-way format

5. The school principal wants the teachers to develop a TOS that uses the two-way format than a
one-way format. What do you think this is the principals preferred format?
a. So that the different levels of cognitive behavior to be tested are known.
b. So that the formats of the test are known by just looking at the TOS.
c. So that the test writer would know the distribution of test items.
d. So that objectives for instruction are also reflected in the TOS.

B. Directions: Modified true or false. Write XXO if the underlined word or statement is true and OXX
if false then correct the underline word to make the statement true.
1. In developing a written test, the dialectical behaviors of learning outcomes are usually targeted.
2. Two-way TOS allows one to see the levels of cognitive skills and dimensions of knowledge that
are emphasized by the test.
3. To determine the number of items for the whole test is the primary step in developing a TOS.
4. One way TOS is easy to develop and use because it just works around the objectives without
considering the different levels of cognitive behavior.
5. One of the general steps in developing a TOS is determine the objectives of the test which is the
next step is to determine the contents of the test and only relevant to the topics should be included
in the test.

C. Matching Type. Match column A with the correct answer on column B.


1. Remember
2. Understand
3. Apply
4. Analyze
5. Evaluate
6. Create

a. Use information or a skill in a new situation.

b. Retrieve, recall, or recognize relevant knowledge from long-term memory.

c. Put elements together to form a new coherent or functional whole; recognize elements into a new
pattern or structure.

d. Demonstrate comprehension through one or more forms of explanation.

f. Make judgements based on criteria and standards.

g. Break materials into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another
and/or to an overall structure or purpose.

V. Key to Correction
Test A
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. D
Test B
1. OXX- cognitive
2. True
3. OXX- fourth step
4. True
5. OXX- coverage

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. G
5. F
6. C

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