2017 Article 9356
2017 Article 9356
2017 Article 9356
DOI 10.1007/s11065-017-9356-2
Received: 6 February 2017 / Accepted: 27 July 2017 / Published online: 22 August 2017
# The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
Abstract Several brain imaging markers have been studied in CI 1.33–3.84). Hemorrhagic stroke related to higher odds for
the development of post-stroke depression (PSD) and post- PSA in the acute phase (OR 2.58, 95% CI 1.18–5.65), where-
stroke apathy (PSA), but inconsistent associations have been as ischemic stroke related to higher odds for PSA in the post-
reported. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to acute phase (OR 0.20, 95% CI 0.06–0.69). Frequency of PSD
provide a comprehensive and up-to-date evaluation of imag- and PSA is modestly associated with stroke type and location
ing markers associated with PSD and PSA. Databases and is dependent on stroke phase. These findings have to be
(Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Cochrane taken into consideration for stroke rehabilitation programs, as
Database of Systematic Reviews) were searched from incep- this could prevent stroke patients from developing PSD and
tion to July 21, 2016. Observational studies describing imag- PSA, resulting in better clinical outcome.
ing markers of PSD and PSA were included. Pooled odds
ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated Keywords Stroke . Depression . Apathy . Imaging .
to examine the association between PSD or PSA and stroke Systematic review . Meta-analysis
lesion laterality, type, and location, also stratified by study
phase (acute, post-acute, chronic). Other imaging markers
were reviewed qualitatively. The search retrieved 4502 stud- Introduction
ies, of which 149 studies were included in the review and 86
studies in the meta-analyses. PSD in the post-acute stroke Post-stroke depression (PSD) and post-stroke apathy (PSA) are
phase was significantly associated with frontal (OR 1.72, frequent neuropsychiatric symptoms after stroke, with estimat-
95% CI 1.34–2.19) and basal ganglia lesions (OR 2.25, 95% ed prevalence rates between 30 and 40%, respectively, in the
first few months after stroke (Hackett et al. 2014). Depression
can be defined as a feeling of low mood, loss of interest, and
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s11065-017-9356-2) contains supplementary material, lack of pleasure that persists for a time period of at least 2 weeks
which is available to authorized users. (Hackett et al. 2005). Apathy is generally defined as a disorder
of diminished motivation, characterized by loss of interest, di-
* Pauline Aalten minished emotional response, and loss of initiative (Marin
p.aalten@maastrichtuniversity.nl 1990), and can occur independently (Levy et al. 1998), or in
combination with symptoms of depression (Marin et al. 1993).
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, School for Mental According to a previous meta-analysis, approximately 40%
Health and Neuroscience (MHeNS), Alzheimer Center Limburg,
Maastricht University, Dr. Tanslaan 12, PO Box 616 (DRT 12), 6200
of patients with PSA also suffer from PSD (van Dalen et al.
MD Maastricht, The Netherlands 2013). Because depression and apathy share several features,
Hospital Alvaro Cunqueiro, Department of Psychiatry, Complexo
mainly loss of interest, patients with apathy after stroke are
Universitario de Vigo, Vigo, Spain frequently misdiagnosed as having PSD (Hama et al. 2011).
Department of Neurology, Cardiovascular Research Institute
However, despite the considerable overlap in symptoms be-
Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University Medical Center, tween PSD and PSA, there is evidence indicating that the two
Maastricht, The Netherlands syndromes seem to develop from different anatomical and
Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219 203
stroke, (7) statistical methods used and results needed for the To identify possible sources of heterogeneity, random-
meta-analysis, (8) main conclusion and limitations. effect meta-regression models were conducted including the
following covariates: study phase, mean age, PSD/PSA prev-
Statistical Analyses and Study Quality alence, percentage of females, imaging method (CT/MRI vs.
MRI), patient source, and first-ever stroke (yes/no).
Statistical analyses were performed using STATA 13.1 The study quality was assessed by a single investigator
(StataCorp, TX, USA). Statistical significance was defined (E.D.) with the Newcastle-Ottowa Scale (NOS) for case-
by p < .05 in two-sided tests. Pooled odds ratios (ORs) with control and cohort studies, and a modified NOS was applied
corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for cross-sectional studies (Wells et al. 2000). A maximum
to examine the association between PSD or PSA and stroke score of 9 can be obtained and studies with a score < 5 were
lesion laterality, type, and location, also stratified by study not included in the meta-analyses (see supplementary Online
phase (acute, post-acute, chronic), using a DerSimonian- Resource 3). Visual inspection of asymmetry in funnel plots,
Laird random-effects model to account for within- and in which the relation between sample size and effect size is
between-study variance (DerSimonian and Laird 1986). A full assessed, was used to test for possible publication bias.
description of the observations used in the meta-analyses is Egger’s regression tests were performed to test for significant
presented in supplementary Online Resource 2. Studies were asymmetry of funnel plots as a test for small-study effects
stratified according to phase in which they measured depres- (Egger et al. 1997).
sion or apathy after stroke: acute (< 15 days from stroke on-
set), post-acute (15 days–6 months), and chronic phase
(> 6 months). This stratification was based on the meta- Results
analysis by Caeiro et al. (2013a) and was chosen because
the acute stroke phase corresponds with the period of hospi- Of 4502 identified articles, 167 articles were selected for full-
talization and acute care (Buisman et al. 2015) and in this text screening (see Fig. 1). Nine articles could not be retrieved
period the risk of complications and recurrent stroke is highest from authors after several contact requests. Based on full-text
(Prasad et al. 2011). After this period of acute care, patients evaluation of the remaining articles, 135 articles met inclusion
usually start with rehabilitation and most recovery will take criteria. Reasons for exclusion were: conference abstract
place in the first 6 months (Aziz 2010). Therefore, we defined (Akiashvili et al. 2013), research protocol (Toso et al. 2004),
this period as the post-acute period, and > 6 months as the review article (Beckson and Cummings 1991; Robinson and
chronic stroke phase. Starkstein 1989), small sample size (Beblo et al. 1999; Grasso
et al. 1994; Lassalle-Lagadec et al. 2012, 2013; Matsuoka (Hamilton 1960), Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating
et al. 2015; Mayberg et al. 1988; Paradiso et al. 2013; Scale (Montgomery and Asberg 1979), or the Geriatric
Ramasubbu et al. 1999), other outcome than depression or Depression Scale (Yesavage et al. 1983) to evaluate the pres-
apathy (Astrom 1996; Downhill and Robinson 1994; Vataja ence of PSD, and different cut-offs were applied.
et al. 2005), study population other than stroke or no separate Based on 107 (81%) studies that reported on PSD preva-
results available for stroke subpopulation (Bella et al. 2010; lence within the first year, a median prevalence of 30.4% was
Grool et al. 2013; O’Brien et al. 2006; Ojagbemi et al. 2013; found (IQR 20.1–40.0). Of all PSA studies, nine (39%) stud-
Sachdev et al. 2007; Tanislav et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2014), and ies included first-ever stroke patients. Four (17%) cohorts
no evaluation of imaging markers (Eriksen et al. 2016). were studied prospectively. Most studies used the Apathy
Fourteen additional studies found in reference lists and fulfill- Scale (Starkstein et al. 1992) or Apathy Evaluation Scale
ing eligibility criteria were included, resulting in a total of 149 (Marin et al. 1991) to evaluate the presence of PSA, and dif-
studies. ferent cut-offs were applied. Based on 20 (87%) studies that
reported on PSA prevalence within the first year, a median
Characteristics of Included Studies prevalence of 37.3% was found (IQR 22.1–42.5).
Laterality 60a 1.07 0.93–1.23 49.6 < .001 0.14 .743
Type 14b 0.94 0.65–1.36 33.3 .102 −0.06 .943
Frontal lesions 30c 1.54 1.27–1.88 43.4 .004 0.92 .132
Subcortical lesions 10d 1.06 0.81–1.38 0.0 .601 1.00 .186
Basal ganglia lesions 12e 1.78 1.20–2.66 65.3 .001 0.24 .884
Laterality 9 1.16 0.62–2.18 63.5 .005 1.69 .262
Type 4 0.82 0.19–3.53 75.2 .007 −3.92 .273
Frontal lesions 5 0.84 0.44–1.59 0.0 .635 2.71 .055
Subcortical lesions 2 1.03 0.38–2.80 0.0 .686 Not enough data
Basal ganglia lesions 4 1.32 0.79–2.21 0.0 .891 −0.42 .536
Nine (39%) studies presented data on PSA and lesion Lesion Location
laterality. In the pooled analyses, the overall odds of PSA
were a bit higher after left-sided stroke (Table 1). A sub- In Table 2, an overview is provided of lesion locations that
group analysis stratified by study phase showed higher were significantly associated with PSD. As frontal/anterior,
odds after left-sided stroke in the post-acute phase, al- subcortical, and basal ganglia lesions were frequently associ-
though this effect was not statistically significant (OR ated with PSD, meta-analyses were performed on these loca-
1.90, 95% CI 0.88–4.09, I2 = 0.0%, see Fig. 4a). No tions. Thirty (23%) studies reported outcomes on frontal le-
significant association was found in the acute stroke phase sion location associated with PSD. Overall, a 54% higher odds
(OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.42–2.16, I2 = 72.0%, see Fig. 4a) of PSD after frontal stroke was found (Table 1). Subgroup
and no studies reported on the association in the chronic analysis suggested this association was limited to PSD in the
phase. post-acute stroke phase (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.34–2.19,
I2 = 47.2%), as no significant association was found in the
Lesion Type acute stroke phase (OR 1.21, 95% CI 0.90–1.63,
I2 = 21.1%), see Fig. 6.
Fourteen (11%) studies reported outcomes on lesion type as- Ten (8%) studies reported outcomes on subcortical lesion
sociated with PSD. Overall, no significant association be- location associated with PSD. Pooled odds for PSD were not
tween PSD and lesion type was observed (Table 1). A sub- significantly higher after subcortical lesions (Table 1). A sub-
group analysis by study phase showed no significant associa- group analysis by study phase showed no significant associa-
tion between lesion type and PSD in the acute (OR 0.95, 95% tions between subcortical lesions and PSD in the acute (OR
CI 0.59–1.53, I2 = 14.0%), post-acute (OR 0.94, 95% CI 1.04, 95% CI 0.64–1.70), post-acute (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.65–
0.47–1.87, I2 = 59.9%), or chronic stroke phase (OR 0.76, 1.32), or chronic stroke phase (OR 1.88, 95% CI 0.92–3.84),
95% CI 0.22–2.65, I2 = 0.0%, see Fig. 5). see Fig. 7a), but the latter association consisted only of two
Four (17%) studies reported outcomes on lesion type asso- studies. No significant heterogeneity was observed (each
ciated with PSA. Overall, the odds of PSA after hemorrhagic phase, I2 = 0.0%). Twelve (9%) studies reported outcomes
stroke was not higher than after ischemic stroke (Table 1). A on basal ganglia lesion location associated with PSD.
subgroup analysis by study phase showed higher odds after Overall, basal ganglia lesions were significantly associated
hemorrhagic stroke in the acute phase (OR 2.58, 95% CI with PSD (Table 1). A subgroup analysis by study phase
1.18–5.65, I2 = 0.0%, see Fig. 4b), whereas higher odds after showed that basal ganglia lesions were significantly associat-
ischemic stroke were found in the post-acute phase (OR 0.20, ed with PSD in the post-acute phase (OR 2.25, 95% CI 1.33–
95% CI 0.06–0.69, I2 = 0.0%, see Fig. 4b). Only two studies 3.84, I2 = 71.2%), but not in the acute stroke phase (OR 1.26,
were included per phase. 95% CI 0.74–2.14, I2 = 41.4%), see Fig. 7b).
Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219 207
Fig. 3 Forest plot of the relationship between post-stroke depression and lesion laterality. Subanalyses on post-acute stroke phase (upper panels) and
chronic stroke phase (lower panels) are presented. CI confidence interval, OR odds ratio
Five (22%) studies provided data on the association be- provided data on the association between PSA and basal gan-
tween PSA and frontal lesions. Overall, no significant associ- glia lesions. Overall, no significant association between PSA
ation between PSA and frontal lesions was found (Table 1). and basal ganglia lesions was found (Table 1). Stratification
Subgroup analyses showed different albeit no significant re- by study phase showed similar results, with no significant
sults per phase, with stronger associations with frontal lesions heterogeneity (acute phase: OR 1.45, 95% CI 0.42–4.95,
in the acute phase (OR 1.68, 95% CI 0.52–5.45, I2 = 0.0%), post-acute phase: OR 1.29, 95% CI 0.73–2.29), see Fig. 8c.
and an inverse relation in the post-acute phase (OR 0.63, 95%
CI 0.29–1.34, I2 = 0.0%), see Fig. 8a. No significant associa- Other Imaging Markers
tion between PSA and subcortical lesions was found (Table 1),
but this was only evaluated in two (9%) studies (OR 1.03, Several studies examined imaging markers other than lesion
95% CI 0.38–2.80, I2 = 0.0%), see Fig. 8b. Four (17%) studies location and type in association with PSD. These markers
208 Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219
could not be evaluated in a meta-analysis. Therefore, the most integrity in the frontal lobes was associated with mood defi-
important imaging markers are described qualitatively (see cits. This indicates that WM damage in certain brain regions is
Table 3). PSD was associated with total (Chatterjee et al. associated with the development of PSD. A resting-state func-
2010; Pavlovic et al. 2016), deep (Pavlovic et al. 2016), fron- tional MRI (fMRI) study showed that altered functional con-
tal (Chatterjee et al. 2010; Mok et al. 2010), and nectivity in regions involved in affect was associated with
periventricular WMH (Pavlovic et al. 2016). Also, cerebral higher levels of depression (Zhang et al. 2014). Atrophy also
microbleeds are associated with PSD (Choi-Kwon et al. seems to be an important predictor of PSD, as significant asso-
2012; Tang et al. 2014a; Tang et al. 2011a, b, 2014b), and ciations were found with frontal lobe atrophy (Tang et al.
several studies showed that PSD is more prevalent in patients 2013b), subcortical atrophy (Astrom et al. 1993; Starkstein
with a large lesion volume (Hama et al. 2007b; Ku et al. 2013; et al. 1988), and left inferior frontal gyrus atrophy (Fu et al.
MacHale et al. 1998; Morris et al. 1992; Nys et al. 2005; 2010). Interestingly, none of these studies reported on hippo-
Schwartz et al. 1993; Sharpe et al. 1990, 1994; Shimoda and campal atrophy. Recently, Chen et al. (2016) looked at medial
Robinson 1999; Zhang et al. 2012) or large number of lesions temporal lobe atrophy, but found no association with PSD in the
(Bendsen et al. 1997; Chatterjee et al. 2010; Jiang et al. 2014; acute or post-acute stroke phase. According to proton magnetic
Pavlovic et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2014b; Zhang et al. 2012). resonance spectroscopy (1H–MRS) studies, biochemical chang-
More recently, advanced diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) es in metabolite levels in frontal lobe (Glodzik-Sobanska et al.
techniques have been used to investigate the association be- 2006; Wang et al. 2012; Xu et al. 2008), hippocampus (Huang
tween microstructural abnormalities in white matter (WM) et al. 2010), and left thalamus (Huang et al. 2010) seem to
and PSD. Yasuno et al. (2014) showed that a reduction in accompany the development of PSD.
fractional anisotropy (FA) in the bilateral anterior limbs of Compared with PSD studies, only few studies evaluated
the internal capsule was associated with an increased risk of imaging markers related to PSA (see Table 3). PSA was sig-
PSD and Williamson et al. (2010) showed that decreased WM nificantly associated with degree of right-hemisphere
Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219 209
(Brodaty et al. 2005), right fronto-subcortical circuit (Brodaty supplementary Online Resource 6). However, some plots, es-
et al. 2005), and periventricular WMH (Tang et al. 2013a). In pecially for the PSA studies, only consisted of few studies.
addition, large lesion volume (Hama et al. 2007b), and large Meta-regression analyses were performed to assess poten-
number of lesions (Tang et al. 2013a) were associated with tial sources of heterogeneity between PSD studies reporting
PSA. A recent study by Mihalov et al. (2016) showed that on lesion laterality (n = 60). None of the included variables
frontal cortical atrophy was a strong predictor of PSA, and appeared to be a significant cause of heterogeneity. In addi-
this relation increased with higher age. In two DTI studies tion, meta-regression analyses were performed on PSD studies
reductions in FA in several brain areas were associated with reporting on frontal (n = 30) and basal ganglia lesions (n = 12).
an increased level of apathy (Yang et al. 2015c). In addition, Only study phase appeared to be a significant cause of hetero-
PSA was associated with reductions in regional cerebral blood geneity in both analyses (frontal: p = 0.041, residual
flow in the bilateral basal ganglia (Onoda et al. 2011), right I2 = 58.9%, Adj. R2 = 25.7%; basal ganglia: p = 0.044, resid-
dorsolateral frontal cortex, and left frontotemporal cortex ual I2 = 55.4%, Adj. R2 = 50.7%). To assess potential sources
(Okada et al. 1997) measured with single-photon emission of heterogeneity among PSA studies reporting on lesion
computed tomography. An H1-MRS study suggested that low- laterality (n = 9), meta-regression analyses were performed
er N-acetylaspartate/creatine ratio in the right frontal lobe was showing that only imaging method appeared to be an impor-
related to PSA (Glodzik-Sobanska et al. 2005). tant cause of heterogeneity (p = 0.052, residual I2 = 31.2%,
Adj. R2 = 64.6%).
Meta-Regression Analyses
Table 2 Lesion locations significantly associated with post-stroke depression and post-stroke apathy
Anterior Astrom et al. (1993); Herrmann et al. Dam et al. (1989); House et al. (1990); House et al. (1990)
(1993); Shimoda and Robinson Kim and Choi-Kwon (2000); Morris
(1999) et al. (1992); Shimoda and Robinson
Frontal lobe Metoki et al. (2016); Robinson et al. Aben et al. (2006); Effat et al. (2011); –
(1984); Shi et al. (2014) Hama et al. (2007b); Morris et al.
(1996b); Murakami et al. (2013);
Singh et al. (2000); Stojanovic and
Stojanovic (2015); Tang et al. (2010);
Wichowicz et al. (2015); Zhang et al.
Temporal lobe Metoki et al. (2016); Terroni et al. Zhang et al. (2012) –
Posterior (occipital, parietal lobe) Metoki et al. (2016); Paradiso and Schwartz et al. (1993) Shimoda and Robinson
Robinson (1999); Starkstein et al. (1999)
Subcortical Shi et al. (2014) Schwartz et al. (1993); Tang et al. Chatterjee et al. (2010)
(2005); Zhang et al. (2012)
Basal ganglia Herrmann et al. (1993); Yang et al. Herrmann et al. (1995); Morris et al. –
(2015b); Metoki et al. (2016) (1996b); Nishiyama et al. (2010);
Murakami et al. (2013); Wichowicz
et al. (2015)
Insular cortex Yang et al. (2015b) – –
Brainstem – Murakami et al. (2013) –
Left hemisphere Robinson et al. (1984); Robinson et al. Barker-Collo (2007); Jiang et al. (2014); Parikh et al. (1988);
(1985); Astrom et al. (1993); Morris Morris et al. (1996b); Rajashekaran Provinciali et al. (2008);
et al. (1996a); Paradiso and Robinson et al. (2013); Wichowicz et al. (2015) Rashid et al. (2013);
(1999); Shimoda and Robinson Stern and Bachman
(1999); Saxena and Suman (2015); (1991)
Wongwandee et al. (2012)
Right hemisphere Yang et al. (2015b) Andersen et al. (1995); Stern and Bachman (1991);
Castellanos-Pinedo et al. (2011); Dam Verdelho et al. (2004)
et al. (1989); MacHale et al. (1998);
Oladiji et al. (2009); Schwartz et al.
(1993); Singh et al. (2000)
Infratentorial – Iranmanesh and Vakilian (2009) –
ACA – Desmond et al. (2003); Jiang et al. Provinciali et al. (2008)
(2014); Tang et al. (2005)
PCA – Desmond et al. (2003) –
Basal ganglia Onoda et al. (2011) Hama et al. (2007b); Mihalov et al. Rochat et al. (2013)
(2016); Murakami et al. (2013); Santa
et al. (2008)
Thalamus – – Rochat et al. (2013)
Pons / brainstem – Murakami et al. (2013); Tang et al. –
Right hemisphere – Castellanos-Pinedo et al. (2011) –
Left hemisphere Kang and Kim (2008) – –
Frontal lobe Kang and Kim (2008) – –
CC / CG Kang and Kim (2008) – –
IC (posterior limb) Starkstein et al. (1993) – –
ACA anterior circulation area, CC corpus callosum, CG cingulate gyrus, IC internal capsule, PCA posterior circulation area, PSA post-stroke apathy, PSD
post-stroke depression
patients with frontal or basal ganglia lesions. No significant interest to mention that left-sided stroke occurred more often
association was found between PSD and lesion laterality in the in the PSD group in the acute phase. This result became in-
post-acute and chronic stroke phase. Nevertheless, it is of significant after the inclusion of four recent large studies
Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219 211
(Chen et al. 2016; Metoki et al. 2016; Wei et al. 2016; Zhang and PSD found a significant association between right hemi-
et al. 2016), which differed from the other studies in that they spheric lesions and risk of PSD in the post-acute stroke phase
reported a relatively low PSD prevalence (median 18.6%, IQR (1–6 months). In contrast to Wei et al. (2015), we defined the
17.4–30.2). Frequency of PSD was equal for ischemic and post-acute period as 15 days to 6 months, which could explain
hemorrhagic stroke in all stroke phases, but PSA was more the difference in results. In agreement with Caeiro et al.
frequent after hemorrhagic stroke in the acute phase, whereas (2013a) the prevalence of PSA was not associated with lesion
it was more frequent after ischemic stroke in the post-acute laterality. Both meta-analyses did not study associations with
phase. Since only four PSA studies were available, this find- markers other than lesion laterality and lesion type, while the
ing should be interpreted with caution. Also, PSA did not review of van Dalen et al. (2013) evaluated associations be-
depend on lesion laterality or location, but again the amount tween PSA and lesion location only qualitatively and conclud-
of available PSA studies was small in general. ed that no clear association could be found.
Our meta-analysis updates and extends previous studies. The present findings suggest that lesion location is an im-
The meta-analysis by Wei et al. (2015) on lesion laterality portant risk factor for PSD in the post-acute stroke phase.
212 Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219
However, in the past few years the hypothesis of PSD and microbleeds, and atrophy, were frequently associated with
PSA being associated with damage to specific lesion locations PSD. With respect to PSA, associations with degree of
has been shifted to the idea that damage to a neuronal network WMH, lesion volume, and number of lesions were found in
involved in affect is underlying the development of PSD and some extent. Co-occurring vascular lesions may make a stroke
PSA (Tang et al. 2011c; Terroni et al. 2011; Vataja et al. 2001), patient more vulnerable for developing PSD and PSA.
with different sub-circuits involved in PSD (Yang et al. Therefore, future studies should focus on a broader
2015b) and PSA (Yang et al. 2015a), see Table 4. DTI is a range of imaging markers, including lesion volume, at-
promising tool to identify more accurately how these brain rophy, WMH, and cerebral microbleeds, and also how
networks are affected after stroke. The qualitative overview lesion-related markers may interact with co-occuring in-
of imaging markers associated with PSD and PSA showed direct vascular markers. Besides, advanced imaging
that not only direct stroke-related features such as lesion loca- techniques (e.g. DTI, fMRI) are needed to evaluate
tion, lesion volume, and number of lesions, but also other how microstructural abnormalities and changes in func-
neurovascular, non-directly stroke-related but often co- tional connectivity contribute to the development of
occurring features, such as degree of WMH, cerebral PSD and PSA.
Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219 213
Our study has the following strengths. A large amount of compromised in comparison with meta-analyses includ-
publications on PSD were identified, resulting in a rich pooled ing a larger amount of studies. In addition, moderate to
cohort of studies that were not included in earlier meta- high (unexplained) heterogeneity between studies in
analyses (Chen et al. 2013, 2016; Gozzi et al. 2014; Jiang some meta-analyses indicated large differences in meth-
et al. 2014; Metoki et al. 2016; Saxena and Suman 2015; odology between studies. Particularly the use of differ-
Terroni et al. 2015; Wei et al. 2016; Wichowicz et al. 2015; ent scales and cut-offs to define the presence of depres-
Zhang et al. 2016). Furthermore, beside information on lesion sion and apathy and different imaging methods (CT vs.
laterality, also data on other imaging markers was retrieved for MRI) are of influence on the comparability of findings.
quantitative and qualitative analysis. Therefore, the present Also differences in eligibility criteria (e.g. exclusion of
review provides an up-to-date and extended overview of find- patients with aphasia, differences in age range) can cre-
ings on the association between imaging markers and risk of ate heterogeneity among studies. Meta-regression analy-
PSD and PSA. ses were performed to identify potential sources of het-
One limitation of the present study was the small erogeneity, and only study phase for PSD studies and
amount of studies on PSA, which made it difficult to imaging method for PSA studies could be identified.
perform sub-analyses. Therefore, future studies are need- However, in addition to the included variables, also oth-
ed on imaging markers of PSA, covering a broad range er potential variables (e.g. years of education, cognitive
of imaging markers. Nevertheless, as heterogeneity was status), that could not be included in the analyses due to
small between PSA studies, we believe that the results the large variability in the methods and availability of
are still of importance, but should be interpreted with data between studies, might explain some of the
caution as the generalizability and validity is between-study difference in effect estimates. Therefore,
214 Neuropsychol Rev (2017) 27:202–219
Table 3 Imaging markers associated with post-stroke depression and post-stroke apathy
Degree of WMH – Deep WMH: Kim et al. (2011); Overall, BG, frontal WMC: Chatterjee et al.
Tang et al. (2010) (2010)
Left frontal WMH: Mok et al. Overall, deep, periventricular WMH: Pavlovic
(2010) et al. (2016)
Cerebral microbleeds Choi-Kwon et al. (2012) Tang et al. (2011a, b, 2014a, b) –
Large lesion volume Shimoda and Robinson (1999); Ku et al. (2013); Nys Hama et al. (2007b); MacHale Sharpe et al. (1990, 1994); Shimoda and
et al. (2005) et al. (1998); Morris et al. Robinson (1999)
(1992); Schwartz et al. (1993);
Shimoda and Robinson (1999);
Zhang et al. (2012)
Large number of lesions – Bendsen et al. (1997); Jiang et al. Chatterjee et al. (2010); Lacunar lesions:
(2014); Tang et al. (2014b); Pavlovic et al. (2016)
Zhang et al. (2012)
Metabolism Huang et al. (2010); Xu et al. (2008) Glodzik-Sobanska et al. (2006); –
Wang et al. (2012); Xu et al.
Atrophy – Left IFG: Fu et al. (2010) FL: Subcortical: Astrom et al. (1993); Starkstein
Tang et al. (2013b) et al. (1988)
Regional cerebral blood flow – Left hemisphere: Wichowicz et al. –
Functional connectivity / fractional an- Altered FC in left orbital part of IFG: Zhang et al. (2014) Frontal WM integrity: Williamson –
isotropy et al. (2010); Increased ratio FA
values in bilateral anterior limbs
of IC: Yasuno et al. (2014)
Degree of WMH – RH WMH, right fronto-subcortical –
circuit WMH: Brodaty et al.
(2005); Periventricular WMH:
Tang et al. (2013a)
Large lesion volume – Hama et al. (2007b) –
Large number of lesions – Tang et al. (2013a) –
Metabolism Glodzik-Sobanska et al. (2005) – –
Regional cerebral blood flow Bilateral BG: Onoda et al. (2011) – Right dlF and lFT: Okada et al. (1997)
Fractional anisotropy – Reduced FA in Genu of CC, left –
anterior corona radiata,
splenium of CC, and WM in the
right IFG: Yang et al. (2015c).
Reduced median FA, reduction
in WM integrity in anterior
cingulum, fornix and uncinate
fasciculus: Hollocks et al.
Atrophy – Frontal cortical atrophy: Mihalov –
et al. (2016)
ATR atrophy, BG basal ganglia, CC corpus collosum, CMB cerebral microbleeds, dlF dorsolateral frontal, FA fractional anisotropy, FC functional
connectivity, FL frontal lobe, IFG inferior frontal gyrus, lFT left frontotemporal, RH right hemisphere, WM white matter, WMC white matter changes,
WMH white matter hyperintensities, PSA post-stroke apathy, PSD post-stroke depression
Table 4 Circuits associated with post-stroke depression and post- we performed random-effects meta-analyses, which take
stroke apathy the heterogeneity between studies into account.
Studies Phase Circuits - network
Terroni et al. (2011) Acute Disruption of limbic-cortical-striatal-
pallidal-thalamic circuit,
Medial PFC dysfunction The present study suggests that lesion location rather than
Yang et al. (2015b) Acute Frontal lobe, insula, limbic lesion laterality or type may be an important risk factor for
system, parietal lobe, basal
ganglia, temporal lobe PSD in the post-acute stroke phase. In contrast, lesion type
Vataja et al. (2001) Post-acute Higher number and lesion
volume in (left) rather than lesion laterality or location might be an important
prefronto-subcortical circuit
Tang et al. (2011c) Post-acute Lesions in frontal subcortical circuits factor in determining who is at risk to develop PSA in the
PSA acute and post-acute phase, though additional studies are
Yang et al. (2015a) Acute Limbic system, basal ganglia,
insula, frontal, temporal, needed to confirm this, as the sample size was small.
parietal, occipital lobe
Therefore, large multicenter cohort studies using advanced
PFC prefrontal cortex, PSA post-stroke apathy, PSD post-stroke imaging techniques and focusing on both PSD and PSA from
depression the acute to the chronic stroke phase are strongly needed.
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and clinical depression. European Psychiatry, 12(8), 399–404. doi:
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Financial Disclosure Funding was received from Maastricht
University, Health Foundation Limburg, and the Adriana van Rinsum
Buisman, L. R., Tan, S. S., Nederkoorn, P. J., Koudstaal, P. J., &
Ponsen Stichting.
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Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http:// Caeiro, L., Ferro, J. M., & Figueira, M. L. (2012). Apathy in acute stroke
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appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link Caeiro, L., Ferro, J. M., & Costa, J. (2013a). Apathy secondary to stroke:
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