конспект английский

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Клас 9.

Тема: Винаходи та винахідники

Мета: - активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми у мовленні учнів;
- удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання та усного мовлення;
- продовжувати формувати уміння висловлювати власну думку з приводу
почутого чи побаченого;
- поглибити знання учнів про відомих винахідників та їх винаходи;
- розвивати мовну здогадку та уміння критично мислити;
- виховувати повагу учнів до культурної спадщини різних народів та прагнення її
Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація у форматі Power Point, відеоролик
“Inventions That Changed The World”: режим доступу
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpgKeD_MKy8, роздатковий матеріал ( HO1),
робочий зошит до підручника А. Несвіт (автор Ю. Т. Чернишова), текст для
читання “Flexible computers” (from the educational site LearnEnglishTeens: режим
доступу http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/), набір шляп для методу «Шість
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.1.Організація учнів до уроку. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
- The topic of our today’s lesson is “Inventions and Inventors”. So you’ll learn a lot of
useful information about achievements of scientists. You’ll also have plenty of
practice in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
1.2. Мовленнєва розминка.
a) Guess a riddle and name an invention
It may bring you closer to those who are far away,
But it will also take you away from those sitting next to you.
Teens are crazy about it, but it makes parents and teachers become angry.
You use it all the time to text, to talk and to send secret messages. (A mobile)
T: You are right. Do not use it at the lesson. Show your knowledge, be active and
б) Відповіді на питання.
 What modern inventions do you have at home?
 What is the most useful thing for your mother?
 Which device can’t you do without?
 What thing can’t your father live without?
 What gadget do you use every day?
 What thing can you easily do without?

 What is the most useless thing in your household?
 What is your favourite device and why?
1.3 Checking on homework
T: You have to complete the text about your favourite application either in the mobile
or in the computer – Instagram.
Учні читають впр. 5, стор.45, впр.7 (translation), стор.45-46 (Робочий зошит)
T: Pupils, advise our teachers to use Instagram. (Учні говорять про переваги
мобільного додатка).
II. Основна частина.
2.1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.
T: Today you’ll get acquainted with some old devices and modern ones. Look at the
photos of these old devices. What do you think you can do with them? What do you
think each one is? (The photos of telegraph, cine camera, adding machine,
gramophone and crystal radio)
2.2. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
a) Pre-listening activities.
T: Read the definition of the modern device and try to guess what gadget it is.
1) A piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programs that are
broadcast, such as music and news. (Radio)
2) A piece of equipment used to take photographs or make films or television
program. (Camera)
3) A type of oven that cooks food very quickly using very short electrical waves
instead of heat. (Microwave oven)
4) The system of communication that you use to have a conversation with someone
in another place. (Mobile)
5) An electronic machine that stores information and uses programs to help you
find, organize or change information. (Computer)
6) A machine for washing clothes. (Washing machine)
7) A large piece of electrical kitchen equipment shaped like a cupboard, used for
keeping food and drink cool. (Fridge)
8) The glass part of an electric light that the light shines from. (Bulb)
9) A vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine. (Airplane)
b) While-listening activities.
- Watch and listen to the video about famous inventions. Write down three inventions
you think are the most important for humanity.
c) Post-listening activities.
- Explain your choice.
2.4. Розвиток навичок читання

T: You know that new technologies are upgraded every time. Can you imagine having
flexible computer screens and mobile phones which change shape to tell you when you
have a new message? It sounds like a crazy idea, but in fact it's already been invented!
(Учні виконують завдання онлайн на сайті LearnEnglishTeens,

1)T: Do the preparation exercise first. Then, read the text about Flexible screen
technology and do the exercises to check your understanding.

 Preparation
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – h next to the number 1 –
1……. the screen a. completely different (to what has gone before)
2……. a laptop b. a card you need to have to get on a plane
3……. hardware c. a difficult but stimulating thing
4……. a boarding card d. a portable computer small enough to use on your knee
5……. a challenge e. easy to bend
6……. manufacturing f. the part of a TV, computer, etc. where the image is shown
7……. flexible g. making a large amount of something using machinery
8……. revolutionary h. the physical parts of a computer system
(Key:1. F 2. D 3. H 4. B 5. C 6. G 7. E 8. A)
 Reading
a) As thin as paper In the future, the mobile phone will be our flexible friend. It will
be able to change shape to tell us when we receive a message. A model called
MorePhone has been created by scientists at the Human Media Lab in Canada. It’s
based on flexible plastic technology developed in Cambridge in the UK by an
organisation called Plastic Logic. Rachel Lichten, who works at Plastic Logic,
describes how the scientists there have developed a process for manufacturing flexible
plastic displays which are as thin as paper. They copy the appearance of writing on
paper and use a type of plastic to create layers of electronic transistor
b) Screens you can jump on The flexible screens can be any size, and are easy to read
in direct sunlight. They can be black and white or colour and are very thin and light –
Lichten says you can even jump on them. They use very little power, so there is no
need for large batteries, and this makes them easy to carry around. Lichten says this
technology could be used for heart monitoring, smart-watches, second screens for
mobile phones – because the image does not disappear, your phone can keep your
boarding card details for a flight for example even when your phone’s battery is dying.
Plastic Logic is also working with a Japanese company who make giant electronic
c)Next generation of electronic gadgets Plastic Logic have spent 13 years
developing this new technology. Their challenge now is to help customers to think of
new ways to use it. Lichten says it is always the same with new technologies. She says
‘bringing new technology to the market is a challenge, especially because it is
revolutionary. However, for the next generation of products, you have to know what
the next generation of products will be.’ Working with mobile phones or laptops that
can roll up like a piece of paper could turn hardware into ‘flexi-ware’.
 Check your understanding: multiple choice
Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. In the next ten years, mobile phones will _____.
a. be very similar to what they are like now
b. be much more expensive than they are now
c. have a different way of telling you when a message arrives
2. The MorePhone is based on technology invented in _____.
a. the UK
b. Canada
c. the USA
3. The flexible plastic displays _____.
a. are made of paper
b. look like writing on paper
c. are thicker than paper
4. The flexible plastic displays are _____.
a. always very small
b. not easy to break
c. quite heavy
5. This new technology _____.
a. could only be used at an airport
b. could have many uses
c. cannot be used with big signs
6. This new technology _____.
a. was developed quite quickly
b. is not really so different
c. could make mobile phones very different
(Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C)
 4 Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. The MorePhone was created by scientists who work in the UK. (True/ False)
2. The flexible screens are not heavy and they are very thin as well. (True/ False)
3. The flexible screens will need quite big batteries. (True/ False)
4. This technology could be used in the field of medicine. (True/ False)
5. This technology could be useful at an airport. (True/ False)
6. People already know all the ways this new technology can be used. (True /False)
(Key: 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False)
 Discussion
T: Do you think flexible screens are a good invention? Why or why not?
(Technology “Microphone”)
T: Is it really interesting and useful to invent anything? Why? Are you ambitious
enough to invent anything useful? What it will be?
(Учні відповідають на питання)
T: Your dreams are interesting and unusual. Why do you think it’s difficult to invent
useful and important things?
2.5 Summarizing
T: You’ve got a lot of information about modern inventions. So, why do we need
them? You’ll work in groups trying colorful hats on.
I`ll take a blue hat to organize summarizing.
Group 1 will take a white hat to speak about different inventions in our life.
 What do you know about inventions?
 What inventions changed our life for better?

Group 2 will take a yellow hat to speak about advantages of technological advance.
 The development of computer technologies has changed our lives; People can
live longer.
 Electric devices make our life easier;
 Television influences our everyday life;
 Mobile phones make our communication more comfortable;

Group 3 will take a black hat to speak about disadvantages of modern technologies.
 Modern technologies damage our environment;
 Our life would be much healthier without cars;
 The development of computer technologies leads to the increasing number of
mental disorders among children and teens.

Group 4 will take a red hat to discuss the influence of the inventions on mankind.
 What emotions would you have if you don’t have an access to many devices
such as a mobile, the Internet? (I would be upset if my mobile wouldn’t work,
because I cannot….)

Group 5 will take a green hat to create an invention.

1) Invent a new thing you like.
2) Draw a picture, a blueprint or a plan.
3) Think about a name for your invention.
4) Think how you can use it. What do people need it for?
5) Advertise your inventions. Make a poster and advertisement for a radio
You have 5 minutes for discussion.
III. Заключна частина.
T (у блакитному капелюсі): People have invented a lot of useful things to make
their life more comfortable. Almost every day a new technique or product appears in
the world. But we always need something more useful, more effective and more
comfortable. Today at the lesson:
-Frankly speaking, it was interesting to know….……..
- As for me, I am in a ( good) mood.…..
- As for me, I have got to know about …….
- I want to say that the most interesting was…..
- To sum it up I liked the information about…..

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