Basic Tech JSS2
Basic Tech JSS2
Basic Tech JSS2
22. The name of a figure with all sides and interior angles equal
________ (a) equilateral (b) isosceles(c) scalene (d) right angle
23 .An angle is formed when _____ straight lines meet A. one B. two C. Three D.
24. Any acute angle is ___ (A) less than 90° (B) more than 45°(C) more than
90° less than 180° (D) less than 90° less than 180°
25. Angles are measured in________ A. degrees B. meters C. centimetre D.
IV. Make sure your construction lines are thin and sharp
V. Take your measurements carefully and keep your construction work as neat
as possible
1. Construct a
a) square of length 50mm
b) rectangle whose length is 60mm and breadth 40mm
4. a) Construct a line AB=5cm and construct a parallel line exactly 3cm away
from it