Ho - Basic Concepts of Qa & QC
Ho - Basic Concepts of Qa & QC
Ho - Basic Concepts of Qa & QC
Basic Concepts of Quality Quality Assurance:
According to WHO, quality assurance is a wide-
Assurance and Quality ranging concept covering all matters that
individually or collectively influence the quality of
Control a product. With regard to pharmaceuticals,
Asst. Prof. Edison C. Santiago, RPh, RChT, MSc cand quality assurance can be divided into major
areas: development, quality control, production,
distribution, and inspections.
ISO 9000 defines as "part of quality
management focused on providing confidence
that quality requirements will be fulfilled"
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Conformance to compendial standards as the sole There are some critical steps to be followed in this:
basis for judging the quality of a final dosage form QA before start-up:
can be grossly misleading. As the final dosage - Environmental and microbiologic control and
forms are produced in millions of units, the no. Of sanitation
units assayed at the end is not likely to be - Manufacturing Working Formula Procedures
representative of more than a small fraction of the
- Raw Materials
actual production.
- Manufacturing Euipment
The FDA-CGMP regulations emphasize
environmental factors to minimize cross- QA at start-up:
contamination of products and errors, however, - Raw Material Processing
they do little to minimize within-batch and batch-to- - Compounding
batch variation. Therefore, it is important function - Packaging Materials Control
of the IPQA program to ensure that the final - Labels Control
produts have uniform purity and quality. - Finished Product Control
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Monitoring of personnel
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SOP has instructions on how to write a formal This procedure has schematic diagrams for your
understanding of how different types of
operating procedure for your systems which your documents are prepared and stored in a typical
people can follow everyday. documentation.
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This SOP describes how to generate new This SOP describes the principles to be followed
quality documents or change control of existing in GMP documents, entry of data and
documents, review of quality documents,
satellite file management, role of document information, signature requirements and
author, approver, document control officer and correction technique of incorrectly entered data
satellite file administrator. or information.
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5. Quality Documentation- Tracking, Control and 6. Preparation, Maintenance and Change Control
Distribution of Master Documents
In this SOP you will find mainly the role of This SOP particularly focused on the
document control officer during the initiation, management of master file documents like
creation, circulation and approval of new quality specifications, control methods, raw materials,
related documents. finished goods and packaging specification and
test reports, formulation, stability files etc
It also describes the procedure of modification required to generate during the product
and review of existing document using a registration in the market.
documentation database.
This SOP gives instruction on their creation,
Management of existing and superseded change control, numbering system, approval
documents is also a art of this procedure. requirements and maintenance in a simple
master file database.
You will see all the forms referred during the
instruction are attached at the end of the You will see all the forms referred during the
procedure. instruction are attached at the end of the
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It is a regulatory requirement to capture all sorts of This SOP describes the identification of all
deviations evolves in your systems in order to documentation relevant to a production process
maintain the continuous improvement to your
processes and systems. in the form of “Batch Documentation Checklists”
and to ensure their collection by completion of
This SOP describes how to categorize the deviations the checklists by Authorized Persons.
between production, audit, quality improvements,
technical deviations, customer complaints and
environmental, health and safety deviations. This procedure is based on an example of tablet
packaging process described in the
It describes the management responsibilities of ‘Manufacturing’ category.
initiating deviation, capture data, analysis,
investigation, determination of assignable causes,
generation of management report and initiatives to
be taken on corrective and preventative actions.
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9. Evaluation of Batch Documentation and 10. Raw Materials- Laboratory Testing and
Release of Sale Documentation
This procedure describes the process of This SOP describes the procedure for sampling,
collection, evaluation and record of batch location, pre-testing, testing and documentation
related document generated during the of all raw materials and components subject to
production of a batch before an authorized test, out of specification results, microbiological
person can release the batch for sale. tests and release procedure for passed raw
materials and components.
This procedure is based on an example of tablet
packaging process described in the
‘Manufacturing’ category.
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11. Finished Goods- Laboratory Testing and Relationship Between QA, QC and
Documentation GMP
This SOP describes the procedure for sampling,
location, pre-testing, testing and documentation Quality Assurance
Quality Control
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1. Prospective Validation
Types of Validation
Prospective validation is carried out during the development
stage by means of a risk analysis of the production process,
which is broken down into individual steps: these are then
Prospective Concurrent evaluated on the basis of past experience to determine
whether they might lead to critical situations.
Validation Validation Where possible critical situations are identified, the risk is
evaluated, the potential causes are investigated and
assessed for probability and extent, the trial plans are drawn
up, and the priorities set. The trials are then performed and
Validation evaluated, and an overall assessment is made. If, at the end,
the results are acceptable, the process is satisfactory.
Unsatisfactory processes must be modified and improved
until a validation exercise proves them to be satisfactory.
This form of validation is essential in order to limit the risk of
Retrospective Repeated errors occurring on the production scale, e.g. in the
preparation of injectable products.
Validation Validation
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Concurrent validation is carried out during Retrospective validation involves the examination of
normal production. This method is effective only past experience of production on the assumption
that composition, procedures, and equipment
if the development stage has resulted in a remain unchanged; such experience and the results
proper understanding of the fundamentals of of in-process and final control tests are then
the process. evaluated. Recorded difficulties and failures in
Concurrent validation together with a trend production are analysed to determine the limits of
process parameters. A trend analysis may be
analysis including stability should be carried out conducted to determine the extent to which the
to an appropriate extent throughout the life of process parameters are within the permissible
the product. range.
Retrospective validation is obviously not a quality
assurance measure in itself, and should never be
applied to new processes or products.
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Ensure that procedures and specifications are Ensure that appropriate manufacturing in-
appropriate and followed. process controls are implemented.
Ensure that the procedures and specifications of Ensure in-process controls are performed during
firms under contract are also appropriate and manufacturing operations and results are
followed, i.e., maintain control and take satisfactory
responsibility for third-party services providers
(contract manufacturers, contract laboratories,
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Perform laboratory testing of components, Review and approve/reject any document that
containers, in-process materials, packaging materials gives work instructions and set requirements
and drug product using validated methods against such as procedures, protocols, test methods,
scientifically-derived, fit-for-purpose specifications and specifications—including changes to these
Approve or reject drug products manufactured, documents
processed, packed, or held under contract by
Review and approve/reject reprocessing and
another company, i.e., final product release is not
delegated to a contractor rework procedures
Perform retests or reexamine approved components, Review and approve/reject production batch
drug product containers and closures after long records and make the final decision to release a
storage or exposure to adverse conditions. product lot into commerce.
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Ensure investigation is conducted and root Report on product, process and system risks
cause is eliminated for production and control Report on outcome of regulatory inspections
record errors, discrepancies, and failure to meet and ensure responses are complete and
specification, including quality attributes managed to verifiable closure
Review complaints to determine if it relates to a
failure to meet specification, if so investigate
and report to FDA if it is serious and
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Have a complete and compliant procedure that Ensure there is no conflict of interest between
describes responsibilities regulatory responsibilities and actual daily
Follow the procedure activities
Be independent reviewer and approver with
respect to manufacturing and process/ product
development units
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The records, such as Master Formula and Batch To ensure that products have the intended
production records, should be prepared and characteristics of identity, strength, quality, and
maintained in accordance with established purity, production and the related in-process
procedures. quality control procedures should be rigidly
followed as required by the master formula
record or batch production record.
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