This document discusses antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as "superbugs", and their implications for dental practitioners. It focuses on three commonly encountered superbugs: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producers (ESBLs). The overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the development and spread of these organisms. Dental practitioners should rationalize their antibiotic prescribing and ensure strict adherence to infection control procedures when treating patients, as patients may be colonized or infected with these drug-resistant bacteria.
This document discusses antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as "superbugs", and their implications for dental practitioners. It focuses on three commonly encountered superbugs: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producers (ESBLs). The overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the development and spread of these organisms. Dental practitioners should rationalize their antibiotic prescribing and ensure strict adherence to infection control procedures when treating patients, as patients may be colonized or infected with these drug-resistant bacteria.
This document discusses antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as "superbugs", and their implications for dental practitioners. It focuses on three commonly encountered superbugs: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producers (ESBLs). The overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the development and spread of these organisms. Dental practitioners should rationalize their antibiotic prescribing and ensure strict adherence to infection control procedures when treating patients, as patients may be colonized or infected with these drug-resistant bacteria.
This document discusses antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as "superbugs", and their implications for dental practitioners. It focuses on three commonly encountered superbugs: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producers (ESBLs). The overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the development and spread of these organisms. Dental practitioners should rationalize their antibiotic prescribing and ensure strict adherence to infection control procedures when treating patients, as patients may be colonized or infected with these drug-resistant bacteria.
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l98 DentaIUpdate May 2006
MichaeI P Dawson Superbugs and the Dentist: An Update Abstract: This paper presents an overview of three of the most commonly encountered 'superbugs', with a comment on the implications of each for the dental practitioner. The origins of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms lie in the acquisition of resistance genes and selection pressures, with their spread facilitated by inappropriate prescribing and inadequate infection control. Dentists should attempt to rationalize their antibiotic prescribing and ensure that they and other dental staff adhere to standard infection control procedures. CIinicaI ReIevance: Many dental practitioners will treat a wide range of patients in a variety of healthcare settings ranging from general practices to hospital in-patients. |t is increasingly likely that they will either knowingly or unknowingly come into contact with people colonized or infected with drug-resistant micro-organisms. This article explains the background to some commonly occurring antibiotic- resistant bacteria. Dent Update 2006, 33: 198-208 |t is estimated that 80% of human antibiotic prescribing is carried out in the community by general practitioners. l The remaining 20% takes place in hospitals, where almost 50% of all patients will receive antibiotic therapy. Though dental prescriptions account for a relatively small proportion of antibiotic use in primary care (7%), it is still considerable in absolute terms (eg 3.5 million prescriptions in l996). l |n the fields of veterinary medicine and agriculture, there is also extensive use of antimicrobials, for therapy/prophylaxis and growth promotion, respectively. whether this rate of prescription is |ustifiable or not is debatable, but the exposure of patient-borne bacteria to antibiotics on this scale is unarguably a ma|or selection pressure for the modern phenomenon of drug-resistant micro- organisms. These so-called 'superbugs' have received significant media attention and have been brought into the public eye by a number of newsworthy events - outbreaks, serious illness and fatalities caused by nosocomial acquisition of infection. An antibiotic-resistant organism may exhibit resistance to one or two drugs, or sometimes almost every agent that is normally effective against it. whatever the degree of resistance, it has been well recorded that infections caused by these bacteria are associated with higher morbidity, mortality and hospital care costs than their drug-susceptible counterparts. 2 when resistant bacteria are introduced into the healthcare environment the additional problem of spread becomes apparent. |n their efforts to provide care, healthcare workers will often inadvertently facilitate the transmission of bacteria from infected/colonized patients to those as yet unaffected. This may be via hands, clothing, medical equipment or by unknowingly coming into contact with contaminated environmental surfaces. 3 As we emerge into the 'post- antibiotic era', dental practitioners should be aware of the main nosocomial pathogens MichaeI P Dawson, 8DS, MPDS, Specialist Pegistrar in Oral Microbiology and Andrew 1 Smith, 8DS, PhD, PDS, MPCPath, AC|ST, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Microbiology, |nfection Pesearch Group, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, UK. and the challenges they pose for other medical staff. whether they are employed in general dental practice, community or hospital settings, dental staff may make contact with patients who are colonized or infected with antibiotic-resistant organisms and have an equally important part to play in infection control. |n the course of this article, three of the main drug-resistant micro- organisms will be looked at, providing basic information on the bacteria, their causes, risk factors and relevance to the dental practitioner: Methicillin-Pesistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MPSA) vancomycin-Pesistant Lnterococci (vPL) Lxtended Spectrum -Lactamase Producers (LS8Ls) MRSA What is MRSA! MPSA is a variant of the bacterium 3TAPHYLOCOCCUSAUREUS, a gram positive coccus that is a human commensal organism and commonly inhabits skin and mucous membrane surfaces. 3TAPHYLOCCOCUS AUREUS is readily spread from one person Andrew 1 Smith May 2006 DentaIUpdate l99 DraIMicrobioIogy of resistance to flucloxacillin. Plucloxacillin is now the empiric antibiotic of choice for staphylococcal infections in most institutions. Like 'normal' 3AUREUS, MPSA can affect patients of all ages 4 and can cause a spectrum of diseases
from relatively mild soft tissue infections to fatal syndromes such as septic shock and necrotizing pneumonia. However, in some studies, mortality rates for MPSA have been found to be higher than for methicillin-sensitive 3AUREUS (MSSA). 5 MPSA is common in hospitals, presenting ma|or problems for infection control teams worldwide and incidences continue to rise. |t is resistant to almost all -Lactams and often other antibiotic groups too. Therapeutic options are therefore limited and inappropriate drug regimes will only contribute to the mortality rate and increased time/cost of stay in hospital. How has MRSA arisen! The semisynthetic penicillins (eg oxacillin, nafcillin and methicillin) were developed owing to problems of acquired penicillin resistance in staphylococcal species in the l950s and l960s (about 99% of 'normal' 3AUREUS are now resistant to penicillin by the production of penicillinase enzyme.) |n turn, resistance to methicillin (and the other -lactams) has evolved in 3AUREUS with the acquisition of the MEC! gene. The gene is believed to have originated from a distantly related species, with recent studies suggesting it has been passed between different 3AUREUS lineages. 6 -EC! causes the bacteria to produce a new protein, Penicillin 8inding Protein 2a (P8P2a). P8Pl and P8P2 are responsible for the staphylococcus' sensitivity to penicillin, but the altered form of P8P2a allows no such susceptibility (see Pigure l). Predisposing factors for MRSA acquistion/ infection (7abIe 1) Lxposure to healthcare institutions, such as hospitals, is in itself a predisposing factor for developing MPSA. Once in hospitals, the spread of MPSA is difficult to control and its survival is facilitated by the increasing use of antibiotics. |n l999, vicca summarized some of the main causes of MPSA acquisition in hospitals, 'inadequate ward staff, staff training, overcrowding of patients, lack of isolation facilities, frequent relocation of patients and staff and poor attention to infection control procedures increase the risk of MPSA and other nosocomial infections.' 8 pidemioIogy of MRSA Though there are considerable differences in the MPSA rates reported across Lurope, the last l0 years has seen an increase in MPSA infection, especially in the UK where, for example, it causes 40% of all 3AUREUS bacteraemias. 9 The two most common types of MPSA clones in the UK are L(pidemic)- MPSA l5 and L-MPSA l6. (Clones in microbiological terms refers to 'a group of bacteria or cells that have multiplied asexually from a selected mutant, thereby possessing identical genetic endowment.') LMPSA l5 and l6 have been coined 'super- clones' as they have demonstrated great potential for national and international spread. Compared with other MPSA variants, LMPSA l5 and l6 are more capable of survival, colonization and spreading themselves within the hospital environment. 8oth are typically resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. MPSA is mostly a hospital Figure 1. Structural effects of the MEC! gene. Lxposure to healthcare institutions (eg hospitals) Prolonged hospitalization Lxposure to antimicrobial agents Severe underlying medical illness Lnteral tube feeding |nsulin-receiving diabetics H|v patients Use of |v drugs, in the medical setting or recreationally Decubitis ulcers or pressure sores Post-operative surgical wounds Lxposure to |ntensive Care Unit (|CU) Haemodialysis Skin conditions (eg Lczema) |ndwelling catheters (|v or urinary) Pesiding on a ward with MPSA colonized patients (8ased on information from references 6,7 ) 7abIe 1. Pisk factors for MPSA colonization/ infection. to another and 20-40% of the population carry it in their nose asymptomatically, intermittently shedding the bacteria. MPSA is similar in many respects to 'normal' 3 AUREUS but is resistant to the -lactam, methicillin. Used in the early l960s to treat staphylococcal infections, methicillin is now obsolete. |t has been superceded by flucloxacillin, which is a less toxic drug with fewer adverse effects. Though not in clinical use, methicillin may be used in the laboratory testing of bacteria, and resistance to it can be taken as a reflection DraIMicrobioIogy 200 DentaIUpdate May 2006 pathogen in debilitated patients and so the |CU ward represents a greater risk than many others. |nfected and colonized patients are recognized as being the main reservoir but colonized staff can also transmit the bacteria to patients and can cause wider spread, l0 therefore, in some units, attempts are made to decolonize both groups. Despite its origins as a nosocomial pathogen, there are increasing reports of Community- Acquired MPSA (CA-MPSA), ll,l2,l3 with nursing homes
also being affected. Occasionally, the CA-MPSA arises from healthcare settings l4 and, occasionally, from household contacts. l5 |nterestingly, CA-MPSA appears to have evolved along different lines from hospital-acquired MPSA, since many isolates have different genetic components, toxins and resistance patterns from their hospital-acquired counterparts. l6 Peports of CA-MPSA invasive skin infection have shown that there is potential for wide and rapid spread within community groups who have close personal contact. l7,l8 |n the US, some of the patient groups identified in reports on CA-MPSA are: |ntravenous drug users, Children in day care, Athletes, Military personnel, and Prison inmates. l7,l8
|n healthcare institutions, the traditional measures for controlling an outbreak of MPSA focus on the following: Peducing transmission of the organism (hand hygiene), Screening for carriage, Decolonization, and General infection control measures (eg use of barrier precautions, patient isolation and environmental decontamination). 6ANCOMYCIN)NTERMEDIATES. aureus6)3!AND 6ANCOMYCIN2ESISTANTS. aureus623! The current antibiotics of choice for the treatment of MPSA are the glycopeptides, eg vancomycin. The recent increase in MPSA incidence has in turn led to greater reliance on vancomycin as empiric therapy. Not only is this drug expensive and potentially toxic but, in recent times, there have been reports of 3AUREUS strains with reduced susceptibility l9 or complete resistance 20 to vancomycin. These are termed v|SA and vPSA, respectively. This is obviously of great public health concern and represents the continuing evolution and adaption of micro-organisms to our standard antibiotic treatments. 7he dentaI significance of MRSA Pecent studies have suggested that 3TAPHYLOCOCCUSAUREUS is more commonly isolated from the mouth than was previously thought. Like methicillin- sensitive 3AUREUS, MPSA may colonize oral tissues and its prevalence may also have been underestimated. One study, over a three-year period, found 5% of oral specimens containing 3AUREUS were methicillin-resistant, 2l while other groups have reported MPSA carriage rates of l0% on the dentures of denture-wearing patients 22 and l9% from the mouths of an elderly institutionalized group. 23 Of all the oral specimen types collected in the three-year study, the tongue was found to be the most common area from which MPSA was isolated (28%). The clinical conditions most frequently associated with patients carrying MPSA were erythema, swelling, pain or a burning sensation of the oral mucosa. |t was also noted that patients with oral MPSA were more likely to be found in primary care settings such as general dental practice, rather than secondary care environments which were more associated with methicillin-sensitive 3AUREUS when present in the nasopharynx or colonizing dentures, MPSA has proved difficult to eradicate from these sites. 24,25 |t has been recognized as forming a reservoir with potential for causing local or systemic infection, while presenting a continuing risk for cross- infection. There have been two cases of MPSA transmission recorded in general dental practice, with the dentist reported as the source. 26 |n local terms, 3AUREUS (including MPSA) can cause or contribute to the oral infections shown in Table 2. There is a risk of cross-infection to and from dental staff in any setting, and so adherence to local infection control policies, in particular the standard (universal) infection control procedures, is imperative. There is no |ustification for 'special' precautions for MPSA colonized/ infected patients in the dental surgery - standard precautions are sufficient to restrict cross-infection. VR What is VR! vancomycin-Pesistant Lnterococci (vPL) are gram-positive cocci that are facultatively anaerobic and can survive in environments not tolerated by other, less hardy bacteria. There are l8 species in the enterococcus genus, of which %NTEROCOCCUS FAECALIS and %NTEROCOCCUSFAECIUM are the most commonly encountered in human infections. They are part of the normal flora of the human gastrointestinal and urinary tract and are acquired from other people or contaminated food/water. Oral carriage rates as high as 60- 75% have been detected for enterococci, 28
with a recent study suggesting that patients undergoing endodontic therapy were more likely to carry the bacterium than those with no experience of endodontic treatment. 29 Cross-infection occurs mainly via the faecal-oral route, with diarrhoea presenting a greater problem for infection control in hospitals/nursing homes. Lnterococci are a potential cause of serious disease, especially in the acute healthcare Denture stomatitis Oral mucosal lesions Angular cheilitis Lndodontic infections Osteomyelitis Parotitis Oral mucositis |nfection of |aw cysts (8ased on information from reference 27 ) 7abIe 2. Oral diseases caused by 3 AUREUS(including MPSA). DraIMicrobioIogy 202 DentaIUpdate May 2006 setting. They may cause nosocomial bacteraemia, surgical wound infection and urinary tract infection. Lnterococci are not highly virulent organisms and vPL infections are most often seen in immunocompromised patients or those with an underlying medical illness. vPL causes serious and sometimes fatal disease in some patient groups, eg liver transplant and leukaemic patients. |n addition, compared with antibiotic-susceptible enterococci, the risk of mortality associated with serious vPL infection, such as bacteraemia, is several times higher. 30 The first reports of vPL were from Lurope in l988, with the US following shortly afterwards. vPL has been on the increase for over a decade, with Luropean resistance rates stabilizing at l.6-5.3% in 200l. 3l |n the US, there was a continued rise, with the proportion of resistant enterococci about l5.8% at the same time. %NTEROCOCCUS FAECIUM, which is less pathogenic than %FAECALISaccounts for more than 90% of US vPL. Though many cases of vPL infection may resolve without drug therapy, it has been reported that enterococci account for l0-20% of all cases of endocarditis, the treatment for which can be difficult and lengthy. A 4-6 week course of a -lactam and aminoglycoside (eg gentamicin) antibiotic combination is the recommended treatment regime, under international guidelines. 32,33 Despite satisfactory prescribing practices and monitoring, toxicity can occur. 34 Over time, however, the standard drug therapies are becoming insufficient to treat vPL infection and, for many cases, there is NO antimicrobial option available for treatment of the infection. 35 Mechanisms of resistance in enterococci Antibiotic resistance in enterococci arises owing to alterations in bacterial cell wall synthesis, rendering the strain impervious to the glycopeptides (which include vancomycin). 36 Probably the main factor responsible for resistance developing was the large-scale use of vancomycin in US hospitals during the late l980s. This increase in prescribing was largely an attempt to combat MPSA and pseudomembranous colitis caused by #LOSTRIDIUMDIFFICILE vancomycin resistance is mostly due to either the vanA or the van8 gene, 36 and it is thought that these genetic elements were acquired by enterococci once they had developed in other species. vPL are intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics, but can also acquire resistance via the exchange of genes between bacteria. Predisposing factors for VR coIonization/ infection (7abIe 3) when undergoing antibiotic treatment with many antibiotics, the protective effect of the normal gut flora is lost, leaving the host open to resistant bacteria, especially nosocomial enterococci. |t has been shown that antibiotics, such as the cephalosporins which reach high concentrations in the gut but are inactive against enterococci, favour colonization with vPL and may therefore predispose to subsequent infection. pidemioIogy of VR Most enterococcal infections occur in hospitals, with vanA clonal strains implicated in UK and US hospital outbreaks. However, colonization frequently occurs in the community, 38 and household contact, including food preparation, may lead to community transmission. 39 |n the hospital environment, contaminated medical devices and hands of healthcare workers are likely to be the cause of transmission between patients. |t is thought that the resistant bacteria causing Luropean outbreaks were spread via the food chain, with the Figure 2. Horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in enterococci: Cell A contains the plasmid encoding for resistance to antibiotic(s), while Cell 8 is initially susceptible to the same drug. |n Cell A, the plasmid is duplicated and, by the formation of a pilus, the two bacteria are temporarily |oined. This allows the transfer of the copied plasmid (and therefore resistance) to Cell 8. 8oth cells are now resistant to the drug. May 2006 DentaIUpdate 203 DraIMicrobioIogy original animals being fed quantities of glycopeptide antibiotics. 40 The horizontal transfer of antiobiotic resistance genes in enterococci is mediated by DNA transposons. Transposons are relatively small transposable genetic elements that can move from one chromosomal position to another. Pigure 2 illustrates the transfer of transposons via bacterial plasmids. |n hospitals, spread of vPL involves both person-to-person transmission
and the selective pressure exerted by antibiotic exposure. Unidentified patient/staff sources of vPL continue to play a ma|or role in the spread within a hospital, with more people colonized
than displaying symptoms of overt infection and intestinal colonization taking place over extended periods of time. |n healthcare institutions, enterococci may be spread via environmental surfaces (where they can persist for several weeks on
medical equipment if hygiene standards are inadequate. 4l,42 ) 7he dentaI significance of VR Lnterococci have been associated with the failure of endodontic treatment. The bacteria (especially l. loecol|s} have been isolated in 23-70% of positive cultures obtained from the obturated canals of teeth still giving rise to apical periodontitis symptoms. 43 They have also been found in the periapical lesions of refractory endodontic treatment cases, 44
but it is unclear whether vPL have a ma|or impact on the outcome of endodontic infections. There have also been reports of enterococcal infective endocarditis occurring in patients receiving long-term haemodialysis, after having received an episode of dental treatment. 45 |t was noted that, in this group of hospitalized patients, the oral cavity was colonized with enterococci to a higher degree than healthy patient controls, 45 possibly reflecting their extensive antibiotic treatment history. xtended Spectrum - Iactamase Producers What are extended spectrum -Iactamase producers! Lxtended Spectrum -lactamase (LS8L)-producing micro-organisms are Prolonged hospitalization Diabetes mellitus Lxposure to |ntensive Care Unit Organ transplant Malignancy |ntra-abdominal surgery Hepatobiliary disease Penal failure Haematologic malignancy Lnteral tube feeding |nfection/colonization with oxacillin resistant 5. outeus/C. J|ll|c|le within the preceding l2 months Lxposure to 3rd generation cephalosporins, eg ceftriaxone, cefotaxime Lxposure to other antibiotics, particularly clindamycin, cephalosporins, aztreonam, ciprofloxacin, aminoglycosides and metronidazole. (8ased on information from reference 37 ) 7abIe 3. Pisk factors for vPL colonization/infection. Figure 3. Action of LS8L enzymes on -lactam structure. Lxtended Spectrum 8eta- Lactamases cleave the 8eta-Lactam ring DraIMicrobioIogy 204 DentaIUpdate May 2006 enteric gram-negative bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria that reside most commonly in the intestine). They are also known as enterobacteriaceae and may produce LS8L enzymes. LS8L-producing organisms first became evident in Lurope in the mid- 80s
and the enzymes they produce are mostly seen in the +LEBSIELLA (especially + PNEUMONIAE) and %SCHERICHIACOLI species. 46 |n addition to breaking down the -lactam ring of the lst and 2nd generation cephalosporins and early penicillin antibiotics, the LS8Ls have evolved to break down the latest generation of extended spectrum - lactam antibiotics, such as ceftriaxone (3rd generation cephalosporin) Pigure 3. As a result, infections with - lactamase producers are more difficult to treat than those due to drug-sensitive organisms, with increased morbidity and mortality rates. The most effective remaining agent in these infections is the carbapenem group of antibiotics, 47 eg meropenem. Despite its effectiveness, it should be noted that, with the increased use of carbapenems for LS8L- related infections, there is scope for the carbapenem resistance developing in other organisms. |t is therefore advisable for emphasis to be placed on strict infection control measures and on a wider scale attempting to curb prescription of 3rd generation cephalosporins. |t has been shown that these measures can significantly reduce the rate of LS8L occurrences. 48 Why have SL-producers evoIved! The -lactam group of antimicrobials have been repeatedly modified by biochemists in response to evolving resistance mechanisms by organisms producing -lactamases of different types. The genes responsible for producing LS8L enzymes are contained on bacterial plasmids, mobile portions of DNA that are often seen in enterobacteriaceae such as %COLI and +PNEUMONIAE The plasmids are genetic elements, easily transmissible between different bacteria, on which antibiotic-resistance genes often arise through genetic mutations. These mutations can be induced by the extensive use of 3rd generation cephalosporins, with the antibiotic pressures selecting out resistant organisms and allowing them to flourish. Unfortunately, many of the plasmids also contain genetic information that codes for resistance to other, unrelated antimicrobial agents. 49 Predisposing factors for SL-producers (7abIe 4) As with other MDP micro- organisms, the likelihood of outbreaks in healthcare institutions can be minimized by strict infection control procedures. Additionally, limiting the prescription of 3rd generation cephalosporins will reduce the chance of developing LS8L-producing bacteria. pidemioIogy of SL-producers LS8L-producing organisms have been responsible for outbreaks in both hospitals
and in nursing homes. The spread within hospitals has been noted within departments and between departments. The problem of drug resistance in gram negative organisms has risen rapidly 5l
and is a widespread problem. Since 2003, new highly resistant strains of %COLI have disseminated throughout hospitals and the community in Lngland and parts of Northern |reland. Although the first of these was recorded as recently as 200l, one region has reported over 300 cases of urinary tract infection, with the new strains in only l8 months. 7he dentaI significance of SL-producers The enterobacteriaceae may be present in the oral cavity transiently or persistently. Transient acquisition is frequently seen in healthy individuals and the host will normally clear the organism within a short period of time. 52
However, persistent carriage of coliforms (including LS8L-producers) can be an indicator of underlying medical illness 53 or immunodeficiency. Por this reason, they may be seen in patients who have resided in, or are being treated in, long-stay healthcare institutions/hospices. They are likely to persist in the medically compromised patient, indicating a decline in health. The carriage of coliforms in the mouth is also associated with increasing age, hospitalization and xerostomia-inducing conditions. 54 There is insufficient evidence to determine whether colonization/infection of the oral cavity with LS8L-producers affects treatment outcome. However, the presence of multiple antibiotic-resistant organisms will restrict treatment options should the need arise. |nfection control procedures are now paramount in controlling the appearance and spread of LS8Ls, therefore dental staff need to adhere to local standard infection control guidelines. ConcIusion |t is apparent that dental practitioners have an active role to play in limiting the prevalence of drug-resistant micro-organisms. Over-prescribing in dentistry affects human populations in Prolonged hospitalization Gut colonization often precedes infection Long-term care in |ntensive Care Units Severe illness ventilator dependence Neonates |ncreasing age Lxposure to long-term antibiotics Low birth weight Surgical instrumentation |v or urinary catheterization Gastrostomy/|e|unostomy tube Nasogastric tube Lmergency abdominal surgery (Por oral infection) Xerostomia, and conditions causing it Pesidence in nursing homes or institutions with widespread use of 3rd generation cephalosporins (8ased on information from reference 50 ) 7abIe 4. Pisk factors for LS8L-producer colonization/infection. May 2006 DentaIUpdate 207 DraIMicrobioIogy the same manner as it does in general medical practice, hospitals or veterinary practice. Prescriptions for dental infections impact on the rest of the body's microflora. Practitioners should be encouraged to develop and adhere to local prescribing protocols, where these are designed to rationalize drug treatment, restricting prescriptions to cases where there is a definite clinical indication for antibiotic therapy. The importance of effective infection control within the dental surgery should not be underestimated. Many studies, albeit in the acute healthcare setting, have highlighted the potential for environmental cross-contamination. The increasing incidence of antibiotic- resistant micro-organisms in the community demonstrates the need for continuing vigilance. |t is essential that, in the face of the continuing evolution of antimicrobial- resistant bacteria, both the healthcare profession and pharmaceutical companies work to meet the challenge. |t is only with continuing research and development that new agents will be discovered, and only with continuing education of healthcare staff and the maintenance of adequate infection control procedures that the existing problems of bacterial spread and resistance can be resolved. References l. SMAC Peport - The path of least resistance. Standing Medical Advisory Committee - Subgroup on Antimicrobial Pesistance. London: Department of Health, l998. 2. Abramson MA, Sexton D1. Nosocomial methicillin-resistant and methicillin- susceptible 3TAPHYLOCOCCUSAUREUS primary bacteremia: at what costsI )NFECT#ONTROL(OSP%PIDEMIOL l999, 20: 408-4ll. 3. 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