Bản Sao Của 212IS2111 - Group2 - Finalproject 2

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Lecturer: PhD. Nguyen The Dai Nghia

Class: 212IS2111
Group: 2

Student's name Student ID

Nguyễn Trương Lợi Phương K214110867

Đinh Thanh Xuân K214110873

Đoàn Nhật Minh K214110863

Trần Nguyễn Thiên Vũ K214111980

School year: 2021 - 2022

CHAPTER 1: BUILDING A BUSINESS PLAN .............................................................................................5
1.1. The reasons why we came up with this idea. .....................................................................................5
1.2 General description ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1. D'Kreme: ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.2. Products and services provided: ..............................................................................................6
1.2.3. Customers: .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.4. Development stages: ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3. D’Kreme Coffee Brand ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1. Logo and Slogan ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2. Vision ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.3. Mission ....................................................................................................................................7
1.4. Details of business ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.5. Market Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.5.1. Customer title ..........................................................................................................................8
1.5.2. Orientation on product usage trends ....................................................................................... 9
1.6. Competitive environment and competitive advantage ......................................................................9
1.6.1. Long term competitors ............................................................................................................ 9
1.6.2. Direct opponent .....................................................................................................................11
1.6.3. Competitive advantage .........................................................................................................12
1.7. Financial Plan ...................................................................................................................................13
1.7.1. Startup cost ............................................................................................................................13
1.7.2. Business funding sources ...................................................................................................... 14
1.7.3. Sales Revenue Stream ...........................................................................................................14
1.8 Organizational Chart ......................................................................................................................... 15
1.9. Technology solutions ....................................................................................................................... 16
1.9.1. Distribution Channel ............................................................................................................. 16
1.9.2. D’Kreme business model ..................................................................................................... 16
1.10. Payment and delivery ....................................................................................................................17
1.10.1. Payment ...............................................................................................................................17
1.10.2. Delivery ...............................................................................................................................17
1.11. Marketing Strategy ........................................................................................................................18
1.11.1. 4P Marketing Strategy Analysis ......................................................................................... 18
1.11.2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ..................................................................... 20
1.11.3. Marketing Tools ..................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER 2: BUILDING WEBSITE ............................................................................................................21
2.1 Brief about the website .................................................................................................................... 21
2.1.1 Brief introduction, main ideas of the website ........................................................................ 21
2.1.2 Requirements set out with the website ..................................................................................21
2.2 Basic structure of the website .......................................................................................................... 22
2.3 Detail about the website ...................................................................................................................23
2.3.1 Home page ............................................................................................................................ 23
2.3.2 Products page ......................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.3 Blog page ............................................................................................................................... 30
2.3.4 Introduction page ................................................................................................................... 30
2.3.5 Payment page ......................................................................................................................... 31
2.3.6 Products detail page ............................................................................................................... 32
2.3.7 Admin page ............................................................................................................................ 32
CHAPTER 3: SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................33
3.1 Project evaluation .............................................................................................................................33
3.1.1 Strengths .................................................................................................................................33
3.1.2 Weaknesses ............................................................................................................................ 33
3.1.3 Opportunities .........................................................................................................................33
3.1.4 Threats ....................................................................................................................................34
3.2 Direction of development ..................................................................................................................34

3.2.1. Expand product line and scale of development .................................................................... 34
3.2.2. Market research to understand customers: ............................................................................35
3.2.3. Community activities for sustainable success: ......................................................................35
APPENDIX: GROUP MEMBER EVALUATION FORM ............................................................................36

Table 1.1: Long term competitors ...........................................................................................................11
Table 1.2: Direct opponent ..................................................................................................................... 12
Table 1.3: Startup cost ............................................................................................................................ 14

Image 1.1: Logo D’Kreme Coffee Shop ....................................................................................................6
Image 1.2: D’Kreme coffee shop organizational chart .......................................................................... 15
Image 1.3: COD ......................................................................................................................................17
Image 1.4: ATM ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Image 1.5: Momo .................................................................................................................................... 17
Image 2.1. Sitemap structure .................................................................................................................. 22
Image 2.2: Overview of the website ........................................................................................................ 23
Image 2.3: Home page ............................................................................................................................ 24
Image 2.4: Coffee Menu ..........................................................................................................................25
Image 2.5: Tea Menu .............................................................................................................................. 26
Image 2.6: Chocolate Menu ....................................................................................................................26
Image 2.7: Milk Tea Menu ......................................................................................................................26
Image 2.8: Juice Menu ............................................................................................................................27
Image 2.9: Smoothie Menu ..................................................................................................................... 28
Image 2.10: Cake Menu .......................................................................................................................... 29
Image 2.11: Blog page ............................................................................................................................ 30
Image 2.12: Introduction page ................................................................................................................30
Image 2.13: Bill 1 ....................................................................................................................................31
Image 2.14: Bill 2 ....................................................................................................................................31
Image 2.15: Bill 3 ....................................................................................................................................32
Image 2.16: Product detail page .............................................................................................................32
Image 2.17: Admin page ......................................................................................................................... 33

1.1. The reasons why we came up with this idea.
Realizing the coffee shop is an attractive business model in the market, the
initial investment is not too large and allows the implementer to bring in many
new innovative ideas, with similar interests and levels of understanding.
Responding to this business model, I decided to try my hand at the model center
but with its own style.
“Coffee Shop” has long become a unique feature of Vietnamese people. Along
with the steady development and regretful pace of life, but also the full day, the
habit of going to cafes and restaurants today is not reserved for office workers,
civil servants, or people with high incomes and high incomes. a lot of free time,
but it has also become a hobby of young people such as students when they
want to relax, make friends or simply want to change the atmosphere and
choose a suitable place. its economic events.
According to observations, the idea of a coffee model that meets the needs of
many different customers while still retaining the personality of the builder,
both contributes to society and enriches the coffee culture of Vietnam today.
While using books as decoration to create accents, while serving the interests of
enjoying and learning about coffees of guests coming to the shop, this will be a
place where friends can gather, exchange, and be a space. beautiful place for
people to take pictures or relax… Customers will be immersed in a modern
European cafe space and a new culture of enjoying drinks compared to the
image of traditional coffee shops.
The store's main audience is a group of customers aged 16-35.
The shop model is not too big, just enough to invest in both material, energy,
and time.
Going into the market analysis, I noticed that the current lifestyle is getting
busier and busier, while the young people's demand for delicious drinks is
increasing day by day. With D'Kreme in particular, one of my limitations is the
area factor, so the number of customers I can serve on the spot is limited. So,
the idea of implementing a business model of adding takeout and delivery
drinks was born. This type of business is already popular in many developed
countries in the world, but it is still quite new to the market as well as the needs
of Vietnamese consumers in general and Saigon people in particular. This will
be a very good idea to build and develop the D'Kreme brand on a large scale.

1.2 General description

1.2.1. D'Kreme:
- Location: 669 National Highway 1A, Quarter 3, Thu Duc City
- Time to go into operation: May 21, 2022
- Open time: 7.00 am - 11.00 pm
- Bar model: beverage shop serving drinks on the spot and take away.

1.2.2. Products and services provided:

- Coffee, soft drinks (smoothies, juices, ...), fast food.
- Takeaway and delivery service.
- Ancillary products: souvenirs, books, ...
- Free WiFi in store.
- Membership card with many offers.

1.2.3. Customers:
Customers aged 16-35 focus on groups of students, students, young people,
working people, and foreign guests.

1.2.4. Development stages:

- Phase 1:
1 unique location: 669 National Highway 1A, Quarter 3, Thu Duc City
Implement and build coffee shop business activities according to the plan.
- Phase 2:
Grow the business model into a chain of stores across multiple locations.

1.3. D’Kreme Coffee Brand

1.3.1. Logo and Slogan

Image 1.1: Logo D’Kreme Coffee Shop

Our logo can also be interpreted as the most delicious and popular drink. It
takes the main color tone of dark brown - like the color of coffee beans and it is
mixed with orange brown to show the unique drinks that we bring to our
customers besides coffee, so that customers can easily associate the brand and
product. The nameplate of the cafe is used on a brown background to help
highlight and emphasize the name of the cafe. The whole theme is brown to
show off the unique color of the coffee beans and that's also what our
quintessence brings to everyone. Not only coffee, we believe that we can also
create other equally attractive drinks such as juices, teas, smoothies and cakes.
"Have a nice day with us" is our store's main slogan. We want to be the one
who will give our customers a positive energy for the day with delicious coffee
or some kind of nutritious water as well as a little sweetness of the cakes. These
sweet things we want to dedicate to our customers so that they can feel the
enthusiasm of our coffee shop.

1.3.2. Vision
Providing our customers with high-quality coffee and drinks with excellent
service at great prices, to get more customers. In addition, various types of
drinks, and different flavors are also focused to bring customers the most
delicious taste. Not only that, but we also focus on investing heavily in facilities,
the purpose of which is to give customers a space to work, study or chat with
friends that is extremely comfortable and relaxing after a day long tired.

1.3.3. Mission
Bringing different coffees and drinks to help customers better understand the
coffee shop business as well as the beverage market and develop a personal
brand image of the coffee shop in the Vietnamese market.

1.4. Details of business

D’Kreme Products and Services
“D’Kreme”, the name and the logo says it all. The main point that D'Kreme will
focus on is coffee and beverages, which can be coffee and beverages that can be
drunk and enjoyed.

D'Kreme is selling different types of coffee and will have different types of
coffee on the menu starting with the most basic, Espresso, Coffee, which
customers can choose to drink. Other coffee drinks such as Latte, Americano,
and milk tea will also be available at D'Kreme. Drinks from peach tea, milk tea,
and matcha (green tea) latte to fruit drinks, chocolate as well as some smoothies
and black tea will also be served on the drink menu by D'Kreme. Some of the
dishes served at D'Kreme are cakes such as apple pie, brownie, and strawberry
cheesecake which are also popular here.

Not only D'Kreme serve ready-to-drink coffee but also sells takeaway and
delivery drinks and cakes. In our store, we also have ancillary products:
souvenirs, books, ...for customers who want to come and read according to each
person's preferences. We also have free WiFi in store for people who need to
connect to the Internet for work. D’Kreme also has membership cards for
customers with many offers such as discounts for every month, every special
day, and on customers' birthdays

1.5. Market Analysis

We all know, that the demand for shopping and consumption is the driving
force for development. Conversely, social development also stimulates
consumer demand among the masses. According to sources from the General
Statistics Office, Vietnam is one of the countries with high economic growth in
the world (5.89% in 2011 and an estimated 6.3% in 2012) and is always
considered one of the world's fastest-growing economies. a promising
investment environment. In particular, in big cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh
City, Da Nang, and Hai Phong, people's living standards are increasing, and the
demand for consumer shopping is increasing. Which, the group of service
industries has the highest growth, which is a profitable environment for
One of the big cities with the highest growth rate in the country in Ho Chi Minh
City. With a population of nearly 9 million people (January 4, 2019), GDP
growth at nearly 7%/year, and per capita income of 8-9 million/month, Ho Chi
Minh City is the first environment. promising investment, especially for high-
quality service industries.
Besides, along with the opening of the economy, Vietnam's accession to the
WTO, and the introduction of foreign culture is having a great influence on
people's consumption habits. The demand for novel, high-quality services at
reasonable prices and professional style is an increasing trend in society.
Keeping pace with that general trend, the State now has many policies and
guidelines to create favorable conditions for economic development in general
and service industries in particular. develop both in quality and quantity, in
diversity and abundance, to better meet the needs of consumption and people's

1.5.1. Customer title

- To withdraw, determine the target customers of the spender in the near future as
- Age: from 16 to 35 years old
- Income level: over 1 million VND
- More specifically, we classify target customers into 3 groups:
 Group 1 - A group of young people who have a hobby of drinking coffee,
in which the largest number is students. This is and will be the group of
the key to the D’Kreme Coffee Shop. Usually, visitors come alone or in
 Group 2 - Office workers: here, we aim first of all to those who are
working at agencies and companies in the vicinity. This is the group of
customers I am continuing to try to serve better in the future.
 Group 3 - Foreigners: includes foreigners living in the National Highway
1A area and tourists.

1.5.2. Orientation on product usage trends

Although they all have the common characteristic of having a stable income
and having a preference for drinking coffee, the consumption trends of the three
groups of customers mentioned above are different.
- Group 1 According to the survey, the purpose of going to this group's
cafe in descending order is: to meet friends, enjoy drinks, and have a private
space to study and work. The frequency of going to coffee shops often increases
in proportion to income. The requirements of customers in this group are also
quite diverse, of which the most important are the quality of drinks, service
quality and the style of the bar, which requires a change in the bar space, and at
the same time stability. food quality and service quality. In addition, customers
in this group often love new things, are easily influenced and attracted by
Western culture, so they are a potential customer group when the store launches
new products or applies services. new. If this group of customers love the style
of the shop and are satisfied with the service quality, the frequency of returning
to this customer group is very high.
- Group 2 In addition to the usual requirements, this group of customers
is especially interested in service time because the free time in the morning and
afternoon is quite limited. If served well, this will be a long-term stable
customer group and also the target customer group for the takeaway model.
- Group 3 Foreigners are often attracted by the style and architecture the
outside of the bar, however, they are more demanding of the quality of drinks.
The development of products that meet the tastes and quality requirements of
this group of customers is also one of D'Kreme's main mottos.
1.6. Competitive environment and competitive advantage
1.6.1. Long term competitors

Comparison Highlands Coffee The Coffee House D’Kreme

Customers People who comes to The majority of The We want to create a

Target Highlands may have Coffee House's place that anyone can
a very financially primary customer are enjoy from student to
stable background young people, who worker with an
because most of the want economical price
products in a store is

expensive, so upper-
classes customers are
their target customers

Products Mainly Phindi coffee also the common We provide a wide

with a lot of flavour coffee on the nowaday range of coffees from
mixed into, market but they are across the world,
Americano, Latte, more well-known on beginning with the
Cappuccino and beverages such as basics like Espresso,
Macchiato and Macchiato Roasted Americano, and Long
beverages such as Rice Tea, Kumquat Black. Tea: Peach tea,
juice, chocolate, Pearl Tea, Orange milk tea, matcha (green
matcha or tea and Strawberry Lychee tea) latte, fruit and
cakes. Tea or other special chocolate drinks, as well
drinks will be released as various smoothies
quarterly. and cakes and black tea. Cakes:
apple pie, brownie,
cheesecake are some of
the delicacies that we
offer to our guests.

The scope of The Coffee House For the time being, we

business It is apparently the want to open more focus operations and
activities greatest coffee shop and more store in development in Ho Chi
in Vietnam, with Vietnam to compete Minh City and will soon
many stores around with their peer expand nationwide
Vietnam competitors

Advantages D’Kreme has an

The Highlands Attractive design store affordable price that
Coffee is one of the with a lot of new, everyone can enjoy their
oldest coffee shops trendy food and beverage and don’t mind
so they have their beverage about price, including
own customers so student who want to try
they can easily get a Lots of catchy corners
certain number of for young people
They start from the
Highlands is a beginning of this
franchise coffee so fields so that they
they don't need to have lots of
spend a lot of capital experience, they have
but can still spread their own app to order
everywhere. which not many brand

Disadvantages Because it is a large The Coffee House has
chain of stores, the the same style as Due to the new
management of all many coffee shops establishment, the brand
stages needs to go already in Vietnam, so reputation can yet to
smoothly, otherwise if it is to develop long reach all customers
there will be a distances, The Coffee
breakdown involving House needs to define We are a new coffee
many related parts. If its own style to be shop – business and we
not handled properly, special in the market. don't have the monetary
it will lead to loss of ability to rival multi-
brand reputation billion dollars stores

With the high price,

so that not everyone
can afford it

Ways to sales At store At store At store

Through food apps Through food apps Our own Website
(Baemin, (Baemin, Through food apps
Shopeefood,..) and Shopeefood,..) and (Beamin, Shopeefood,..)
their own app their own app

Table 1.1: Long term competitors

Through the above assessment table, a few common characteristics of these cafes can
be drawn as follows:
- These are mostly luxury cafes, with relatively high prices for drinks.
- Target audience usually only focuses on high-income people, foreigners.
- Good quality drinks.
Thus, it can be clearly seen that although the demand for takeaway drinks (with good
quality) is very high, the suppliers in the market currently have not been able to meet
this demand due to high prices. and target narrow customers.

1.6.2. Direct opponent

- According to the survey, in Saigon alone, there are now a large number of
coffee shops and constantly increasing.
- Particularly, Thu Duc area can be considered as one of the areas with a lot of
coffee shops, because this is an area with many offices, schools and students as
well as students.

Coffee shop around us area D’Kreme

Advantages Having a longer operating time and There is an investment in the

a stable number of interactive space of the restaurant and its
customers, especially customers own style.
belonging to the office staff group. Attract customers not only
The style of the shops has been office workers but also
shaped. customers aged 16 to 35.
Several bars accommodate each Drinks are diverse and rich,
other. suitable for many customers.
Prices are mostly average. Well invested in marketing
When developing a takeaway
beverage model, the novelty
and convenience of this
service is a big advantage.

Disadvantages Drinks in some bars are still Hard to find place

monotonous, there is no Small area, serving a small
investment in the diversity of the number of guests on the spot.
Most of the shops nearby have not
really had outstanding style.

Table 1.2: Direct opponent

1.6.3. Competitive advantage

One of the unique selling points of D’Kreme is also doing a workshop
class on coffee such as a latte art workshop or coffee cupping class to share one
or two knowledge that we have to other people who are interested in it.
D’Kreme is aiming to be the one stop coffee shop where customers can
both enjoy and gain more knowledge in their freetime. D’Kreme will be
keeping the authenticity of the original coffee bean flavour and taste with no
additives like those commercialized coffee brands. This allows customers to
truly enjoy the essence of the flavour, aroma and taste of genuine coffee which
would be a pleasant experience for
those who really appreciate coffee.
To attract more return customers, D’Kreme has decided to introduce a
membership plan to those who are interested where they could get discounts for
every purchase and a special discount during their birthday month.

1.7. Financial Plan

1.7.1. Startup cost

Types of cost Cost(VND) Percentage


Renovation cost 85.000.000 31.34%

Bathroom Remodel

Rental deposit 22.500.000 8.29%

Permits and license 3.500.000 1.29%

Interior/Exterior Furniture 38.200.000 14.08%

Trash receptacles
Lighting fixtures

Equipment 50.000.000 18.43%

Mop sink with faucet
Ice maker with water filter
Drop-in sink
Display fridges for drinks
Juicer for fresh
Coffee machine
Napkins and cups

Electronics 7.500.000 2.76%

Cash safe
Cash registers
Computer system

Initial inventory 27.000.000 9.95%


Pre-launching 5.000.000 1.84%


Training program 2.500.000 0.92%

Miscellaneous 30.000.000 11.06%

Commercial interior design and construction
drawings fee
Insurance deposit
Staff Salaries

Total 271 200 100%


Table 1.3: Startup cost

1.7.2. Business funding sources

The total investment needed to fund the start-up costs of D’Kreme is
271 200 000 VND. This includes costs for renovation, rental deposits, permits
and licenses, furniture, facility equipment, electronics, initial inventory, training
program, and other miscellaneous items.

A majority of the funds will be sourced from funds of D’Kreme, which

is 100% of the personal funding.

1.7.3. Sales Revenue Stream

The main product of D’Kreme Coffee Shop is coffee. And the major
revenue stream of D’Kreme will be through the beverage menu, especially in
the list of brewed coffee items. It is expected that the primary items will provide
around 60% of the revenue of the business, with the remaining 40% coming
from other products such as selling cake, and other drinks menus. These
products are important since they form part of the major revenue stream. The
sales will be made in cash and by credit card. Besides, all of the menu items,
including the main courses, will be available for takeout, and delivery. Cash or
credit sales such as e-wallet payment, credit card, transactions, and QR pay can
be used to pay for dine-in and takeaway services.
1.8 Organizational Chart

Image 1.2: D’Kreme coffee shop organizational chart

Roles and Responsibilities

- Finance Manager: will be mainly responsible for the financial issues of

D’Kreme coffee shop such as monthly store revenue, and daily operating
expenses of the store, and operating expenses of departments. other in the
business or track the cash flows of the business. In addition, the Finance
Manager will also analyze the financial capabilities as well as the financial
position of D’Kreme in the market to be able to seize opportunities to expand
the business.
- Development Manager: will be the one to look for new opportunities,
such as new potential customers, and market trends so that he can come up with
key strategies to develop D’Kreme business accordingly, and catch up with
common market trends in Vietnam as well as expanding to international
markets later. Moreover, Development Manager will be responsible for
D’Kreme's development strategies such as developing day-to-day operations
and developing marketing strategies to promote the brand and products.
- Human Resource Manager: will be the person responsible for the
company's human resources department with the tasks of finding talented
people to develop with D’Kreme, developing employee training strategies as
well as building remuneration and salary regimes. Appropriate bonuses for all
employees. In addition, Human Resource Manager will also come up with plans
to build a healthy and friendly working environment, giving employees a
comfortable feeling at work so that they can contribute their best to their work
and development. sustainable development of D’Kreme.

- Marketing Manager: will be the person who is mainly responsible for
D’Kreme's marketing strategies with key strategies to monitor trends, markets,
and customers so that they can capture customer psychology as well as offer
incentives to make customers feel happy. In addition, Marketing Manager also
focuses his marketing campaigns in parallel on environmental issues - one of
the issues that the world cares about to both contribute to environmental
protection and propagate to customers the importance of the environment.
- Operation Manager: will be the one to plan, monitor, and supervise the
daily activities of the cafe as well as the staff to have a foundation to build
strategies to improve the productivity and quality of the staff and system
operation. He is also responsible for planning the expenditure in the daily
operations of the store as well as the expenditure for the maintenance of the
systems and equipment for the job. Moreover, inventory management and
shipping-related issues are also managed to avoid unnecessary risks.

1.9. Technology solutions

1.9.1. Distribution Channel
The distribution channel of D’Kreme would be business to consumer
(B2C). As for B2C, D’Kreme would be focusing on the B2C which we will be
communicating straight to our customers. D’Kreme will be selling the products
via walk-ins, may it be dine-in or takeaways as well as food delivery services
application. Seating areas will be provided in the coffee shop for customers who
chose to dine in to ensure comfortable and enjoyable dining inexperience. As
for food delivery services application, D’Kreme would be making collaboration
with Beamin, Shopee food as a partner business that would help in assisting our
customers via online. However, D’Kreme would only be prioritizing only the
beverages menu to be sold on Beamin, Shopee food. This is because after the
calculation has been made; if we include food items in Beamin, Shopee food
our profits will become lower.

1.9.2. D’Kreme business model

D'Kreme's website will offer online drinks ordering service and will
follow the B2C model. Customers may freely select items based on their
particular tastes using this Website. Choose items based on each of the
following criteria: taste, meaning, price,... With the growth of today's
countrywide shipper system, Vietnamese consumers are progressively
becoming accustomed to various sorts of online ordering. This is also an
excellent chance for D'Kreme's Website to establish a name for itself if the
service is of high quality. D'Kreme's Website has tried to deliver maximum
convenience to clients by catching the trend and accomplishing its objective.
The customer experience is always first and foremost at D'Kreme. As a result,
our Website always features a section dedicated to collecting client comments.
Because we feel that listening to and satisfying consumers is the responsibility
of my entire company's team. Our D'Kreme Website not only provides services
but also publishes articles on items and clients on a regular basis. And we feel
that these articles will assist customers to have a better understanding of our
goods and make more informed selections. Customers will then have a positive
experience with D'Kreme Coffee Shop.

1.10. Payment and delivery

1.10.1. Payment
D’Kreme coffee shop supports these payment methods for our customers:
- Cash payment on delivery
- Pay via ATM card with online payment registration
- Payment via MOMO wallet

Image 1.3: COD

Image 1.4: ATM

Image 1.5: Momo

1.10.2. Delivery
D’Kreme will integrate the website with its shipping partner and contract with
them to ensure delivery standards for beverages. Current plan:
- When there is an order, we will pack the product and deliver it to beamin or
Shopee food (the shipper) partner to send the goods.
Note: Delivery to the place (2km radius, bill from 50,000 VND or more). If the
bill is over 200,000 VND, the delivery will be free.
- The shipper is responsible for delivering the goods within the estimated time.
- Order status will be updated on D'Kreme's website
1.11. Marketing Strategy
1.11.1. 4P Marketing Strategy Analysis

a) Product
According to the survey we conducted, 40% of the respondents said that
the quality of the drink is the most important factor in the decision to choose a
Therefore, investment in product quality is the top principle of D’Kreme
cafe. The restaurant's menu meets the following requirements:
- Good quality drinks, beautiful presentation.
- Ensure food hygiene and safety
- The number of drinks is diverse and rich, suitable to the tastes of many
These requirements were mostly met in the early stages of the
restaurant's operation.
Label and packaging
D’Kreme cafe brand is associated with the shop's products and services.
Up to now, this brand is considered to be suitable for the style of the shop and
at the same time in accordance with the requirements of the brand (easy to
remember, unique). The shop's logo is also printed on all kinds of packaging,
products and publications related to D’Kreme cafe.
+ Free delivery: Combined with the sale of takeaway drinks at the store,
D’Kreme café will deliver drinks to customers' addresses. In the initial
implementation period, this service will only apply to addresses within 2km
around the store and with bills of 50,000 VND or more.
+ Loyalty customer card: create more promotional options for customers,
especially loyal customers who have a lot of visits to the shop.
 Promotion services: 10% off the first week, every month
 Regular points card: buy 8 drinks get 1 free any drink.
+ D'Kreme card: This is a special form of the store's card. I issue a loyalty
card with the value of 200,000vnd, 500,000vnd and 1,000,000vnd each.
Customers can choose to buy this prepaid loyalty card to have money gradually
deducted from the card after each use of products and services at the store, the
price of products is calculated with a discount. 5%, 7% and 10% respectively
for 3 types of cards compared to the regular price on the menu.
+ Organize events, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. (on request).

+ Free wifi service at the store.

b) Price
For consumers, the price has a strong impact on spending, so the price is
often an important criterion in their purchasing and selection. The price of a
drink is believed to be an important factor in the consumer's decision to

In this phase, I use a pricing method with a specific and fairly simple formula:

So that: P: price
Z: cost per unit of product
M: expected profit
With an expected profit of 25% I have come up with prices for the products.
According to the survey, the current price is accepted by customers, on average
from 20,000 to 30,000 VND and does not affect the sales of all kinds of products.

c) Place and service

Current location:
Our current location 669 National Highway 1A, Quarter 3, Thu Duc City
This location is quite suitable for the early stages of the restaurant's
development. When developing the takeaway beverage model, the
current location is also convenient because many office workers and
foreigners often pass by.
Further plan
As expected, with the development of the take-away beverage model,
D’Kreme cafe will develop into a chain of coffee shops with many branches in
Ho Chi Minh city. In terms of choosing locations for the next stores in the
system, I focus on locations with average area, in areas with many offices,
offices, schools or shopping centers.
Service quality
Ensuring service quality is also one of the top priorities in the
development process of D’Kreme cafe. Service quality is one of the factors that
determine customers' choice of a coffee shop. Especially for some specific
customers such as office workers, foreigners, professional service style is
especially important and determines the loyalty of customers. During our
operation, I set the top 3 criteria in serving customers:
- Maintain close relationships with customers through friendly, open
service style and try to meet all customer requirements.

- Create a customer-friendly cafe space, a suitable environment for
meeting, exchanging or working or studying.
- Fast processing of drinks, especially for takeout and office staff.

d) Promotion
- Implementing an advertising campaign with clear information, easily
attracting and reaching target customers. Doing a workshop class on coffee to
share knowledge that we have with other people who are interested in it and is
also a different way of helping customers to enjoy coffee
- Combining and using the main E-marketing channels are fanpage, social
networks, and press.
- Build brand overlay and increase brand awareness, thereby converting
into a sales business.
- Implement promotions and after-sales plans to attract customers.

1.11.2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

In response to today's increasingly fierce competition, it is important to the
company needs to retain its customers. And to retain customers, an
indispensable and effective tool that businesses need to use is CRM.
Differentiation from CRM will be done by:
- Send greeting cards or gifts to customers on special occasions like
Anniversary establishment or some major holiday...
- Create high interaction with customers by receiving feedback emails like
questions or reviews, even complaints from customers and the fastest
response with a sincere attitude, satisfactorily explain to customers.

1.11.3. Marketing Tools

a) Social Media Marketing
Facebook and Instagram will be the main platform for creating content
(photos & videos) increasing brand awareness, marketing campaigns, job
opportunities, engaging with customers, important updates, and more.
b) Influencer Marketing
Connecting with social media influencers for project collaborations,
product advertising, paid promotions, or Ads to boost audience and
brand perception
c) Search Engine Marketing
Improve online visibility on the internet through paid search engine
results such as Google Search.
D’Kreme will pop up at the top of the search result when related
keywords such as “ Coffee” or “Have a nice day with us” are searched .
d) Email Marketing

Company email will be utilized to update customers on Newsletter,
promotions, membership, and subscription services to strengthen brand


2.1 Brief about the website
2.1.1 Brief introduction, main ideas of the website
- URL of the website: https://212is2111group02.myharavan.com/
- Sefl created the website.
- Create, construct, and maintain a website
- Create a simple-to-use, appealing interface to attract clients; the elements
are clearly segmented but incredibly logical and easy to operate.
- Green and white are the dominant colors on the website. Because all
monochromatic light is blended into white light, according to Newton. As a
consequence, combining it with other colors to create D'Kreme's eye-catching,
enticing, and colorful beverages and drinks will be a breeze.
- The website is straightforward, simple to navigate, and inviting to all
ages, from children to the elderly, myopic to normal.... With only one click, you
can easily order your favorite drinks. Furthermore, the website offers a variety
of customer assistance services, including:
+ User-friendly interface
+ Online and offline payment methods
+ The cost of a web design to sell beverages and desserts ranges
from 0 to 40000 VND
+ The website is modified and updated on a regular basis to reflect
current technologies.
+ D'Kreme's interface shop always contains a comprehensive
selection of user-designed templates.

2.1.2 Requirements set out with the website

- Vibrant colors that vividly highlight large and tiny headlines.
- A Image that is realistic, appealing, and lively.
- Simple graphic display.
- Display the entire content (description) of the services.
- Easy operation for customers to connect with.
- Segment the market depending on the type of beverage, the number of
cakes, and the price.
- Lovely drawings.
- Provide contact information (address, phone number, etc.).

2.2 Basic structure of the website

Image 2.1. Sitemap structure

Image 2.2: Overview of the website

2.3 Detail about the website

2.3.1 Home page
This is the first page when customers visit that page
Header: is at the top of the web page and is displayed on all pages of the website.
Inside Header include Name of the coffee shop (link to the homepage): Attached to the
name in the upper left corner of the website. If you click on D’Kreme, it will go to the
website homepage.

Image 2.3: Home page

2.3.2 Products page

The product page includes: price range, products information, combine the most
accurate images of cakes and beverages with different prices neatly arranged for users
to easily choose to buy.

Image 2.4: Coffee Menu

Image 2.5: Tea Menu

Image 2.6: Chocolate Menu

Image 2.7: Milk Tea Menu

Image 2.8: Juice Menu

Image 2.9: Smoothie Menu

Image 2.10: Cake Menu

2.3.3 Blog page

Image 2.11: Blog page

This page is published in the hope of bringing many interesting and useful articles to
consumers, sharing with the community the unique and attractive cake and beverages.
Here we are always updating new articles, new trends, …

2.3.4 Introduction page

Image 2.12: Introduction page

The introduction will make customers who never shop at D’Kreme have a better
overview of the drinks: our message, address, contact information...

2.3.5 Payment page

Image 2.13: Bill 1

Next, customers fill in the necessary information and discount codes (if
available) and click “Proceed to payment method” to the payment method.

Image 2.14: Bill 2

At the last step, choose the most suitable payment method and clic “Complete
the order”.

Image 2.15: Bill 3
Order successfully, D’Kreme will confirm your order and deliver the goods to
you and now continue to purchase.

2.3.6 Products detail page

Image 2.16: Product detail page

Each type of cake will have its own content to bring excitement to customers. Then,
click “Add to shopping cart” and “Pay” to take the next steps.

2.3.7 Admin page

Image 2.17: Admin page

The D'Kreme Coffee Shop operator will be able to gain a better understanding of the
store's position by using this page, which includes numerous features such as General,
Orders, Shipments, Products, Customers, Discounts, Reports, Apps, and so on.

3.1 Project evaluation
3.1.1 Strengths
- Diversified products, fully meet customers' needs.
- Product prices are also lower than competitors in the same area
- User-friendly website, convenient for consumers to order products
- The raw materials that D'Kreme uses to make coffee are all provided by
reputable suppliers such as Trung Nguyen.
- A wide range of products sets us apart from our competitors, product
purity and friendliness are our strengths.

3.1.2 Weaknesses
- Brand awareness is still low as it is newly established.
- The main and basic functions of the website have been built successfully,
but some advanced features require in-depth knowledge for further
- The company does not have many resources to implement large-scale
marketing programs for brand recognition.

3.1.3 Opportunities
- Large market and high annual growth rate.
- Potential customers, the middle class in Vietnam is increasing.
- Coffee is an indispensable drink for the majority of Vietnamese people
- Technology and the Internet are developing significantly.

3.1.4 Threats
- There are many competitors from long-standing brands, highly
- Legal management on the Internet and e-commerce is still loose;
Hackers, viruses, and Internet criminals abound.
- Customers are increasingly cautious and strict in choosing products sold
online and by suppliers.
- Many stores deal with the same beverage item, so the ability to reach
potential customers is more difficult, and the competition is higher.

3.2 Direction of development

In order to conquer the Vietnamese beverage market in the coming years and months
and become a famous Beverage Store known by many people across the country,
D'Kreme develops a long-term strategy to fulfill its commitment. Through the
following three important factors, the company believes that it will develop and use a
hard-to-replace in Vietnam.

3.2.1. Expand product line and scale of development

- About product lines: In the coming years, D’Kreme will launch many
new product lines to meet consumer needs, along with improving existing
product lines further.
- Currently, some of D'Kreme's product lines such as coffee only have 5-6
different flavors. In the future, the brand hopes to increase the number of
flavors to 10 or more. Consumers can have more choices and the chance to find
their favorite flavors in D'Kreme products.
- In the future, the brand also wants to be able to capture the taste and
consumption habits of customers according to each season so that they can
make a classification of seasonal product lines, making it easier for customers
to find products. I want as well as recommend to customers the products closest
to the customer's consumption habits and preferences.
- D'Kreme will also develop additional services to better serve and
personalize customers' needs such as a workshop on how to make coffee at
home, allowing customers to create their own cups. Meaningful coffee for
yourself, family, friends on special occasions.
- About scale of development: D'Kreme defines the brand's vision not only
in Ho Chi Minh City area, but also nationwide. D'Kreme hopes in the future to

expand the chain of beverage stores throughout major cities from North to

3.2.2. Market research to understand customers:

Always putting the customer at the center, D'Kreme is not satisfied with the
experience of customer characteristics and needs to be accumulated over the years of
operation in Vietnam, but continuously conducts new market research. to understand
deeply, and properly understand the Vietnamese drinking habits and preferences to
offer suitable products.

3.2.3. Community activities for sustainable success:

- Currently, food safety is a concern of the community, the brand will
organize a campaign to build a "Community Health Protection Fund" to inspire
thousands of customers to live healthy and green lives. create funds to support
patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes
- In addition, D'Kreme will aim to protect the environment through the
messages conveyed through each product that D'Kreme produces. This helps
customers who both use the store's products to have the best experience while
contributing to a cleaner world.


Group Student ID Full name Assigned task Percentage of Overall Note

member completion performance
1 K214110863 Đoàn Nhật Minh Overview 95%
Details of business
Executive Summary
100% 5
Payment and delivery
Building Website

2 K214110867 Nguyễn Trương Financial Plan 100% 5

Lợi Phương Organizational Chart
Technology solutions 95%
Marketing Strategy
Building Website
3 K214110873 Đinh Thanh Competitive 100% 5
Xuân environment and
competitive advantage 95%
Payment and delivery
Building Website
4 K214111980 Trần Nguyễn Project evaluation 100% 5
Thiên Vũ (SWOT)
Direction of 95%
Building Website


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