Демченко Сніжана ПМ
Демченко Сніжана ПМ
Демченко Сніжана ПМ
Moving on, read the following titles/headlines for articles, reviews or
news reports and say what you think the type and topic of each piece
of writing would be.
Read the following instructions and the model below, then put the
paragraphs in the correct order.
8 Look at the following writing task instructions, then answer the
questions below.
a) The travel company you work for has asked you to write an article
for a brochure degcribing a new package holiday at a popular seaside
resort. You should provide information on accommodation,
transport, entertainment and so on.
b) You have been asked to write an article for an international
magazine about equal Job opportunitieg for men and women in your
country. You should describe the existing situation and say what
changeg have taken place in recent years.
c) Write an article for a leaflet for travellers planning to go abroad,
advising them on problems they may run into: Make suggestions and
give advice about what they can do to deal with such problems.
• What is the purpose of each article?
• Who are the intended readers for each?
• What style should each article be written in? (e.g. formal/informal)
• What title would you give each article?
• What information would you include?
• In what order would you present this information, and under which
subheadings (if any)?
• Should you use descriptive, narrative and/ or discursive
techniques? If so, which?
Домашнє Choose ONE of the situations above, and write a complete paragraph
завдання: plan with notes. Then, write the article in about 300 words.