Duty Buddies CMPA 411 Finals 1
Duty Buddies CMPA 411 Finals 1
Duty Buddies CMPA 411 Finals 1
plague, CoViD)
D. Epidemics vary in the rapidity of the spread.
CD Day 1 by Dr. Ferriol
a. Waterborne diseases such as
Transcribed by: Suataron, Selwyn C.
cholera, and hepatitis may cause
explosive outbreaks while diseases
I. Concepts of Infectious Diseases that spread by person-to-person
A. Localized Infections contact evolve more slowly.
a. These may be superficial or
deep-seated. Affects only certain III. Timeframe of Disease Process
parts of the body. A. Incubation period
B. Focalized Infections a. The organism comes to the host. It
a. More specific than localized tries to grow in the host before it
infections. starts showing up signs and
b. An infection in the face (Localized symptoms. This is the basis for
Infection), specifically in the nose having quarantine. The person
(Focalized Infection). should be quarantined based on the
C. Bacteremia incubation period of the suspected
a. The circulation of bacteria in the disease.
bloodstream (localized or focalized B. Prodromal period
like pimples). a. Initial signs and symptoms start
D. Septicemia showing up in this period. Mild and
a. A generalized bacteremia where generalized symptoms appear.
bacteria circulate and multiply in the C. Invasive stage
blood, form toxic products, and a. The maximum impact of the disease.
cause a swinging type of fever (may The hallmark signs and specific
reveal increased segmenters on symptoms of the disease can now
CBC and typically results in fever). be observed.
E. Viremia D. Decline stage
a. The circulation of the virus in the a. Subsiding or weaning off of signs
bloodstream. and symptoms.
F. Pyemia E. Convalescence (aka Resolution)
a. a condition in which pyogenic a. The patient no longer exhibits any
bacteria (bacteria that causes pus) signs and symptoms where the
produces septicemia with multiple return of normal functioning is
abscesses in the internal organs achieved.
such as the spleen, liver, and
kidneys. IV. Isolation Vs. Quarantine
A. Isolation
II. Classification of Diseases According to the a. separation of persons with CD from
Spread of Infection other persons (a patient with
A. Endemic Diseases communicable diseases is admitted
a. The ones that are constantly present in the Isolation Ward, separated from
in a particular area. Malaria is other patients with
endemic in most parts of Palawan. non-communicable diseases in the
B. Epidemic Diseases wards) to prevent either direct or
a. The ones that spread rapidly, indirect transmission of the disease
involving many persons in an area at B. Quarantine
the same time. Influenza causes a. limitation of the freedom of
annual winter epidemics in cold movement equivalent to the longest
countries. incubation period of that disease
C. Pandemic Diseases (14-day quarantine is required for
a. The ones that have spread from those who are exposed to COVID
country to country. It is an epidemic since the incubation period of
that spreads through many areas of COVID is 14 days).
the world involving very large
numbers of persons within a short V. Chain of Infection
A. Etiologic/Infectious Agent a. Protection against antigens or
a. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites diseases by a system of antibody
B. Reservoir (source) production.
a. human beings, animals, inanimate b. 1st Line of Defense - Skin and
objects, plants, and general Secretions
environments such as air, water, and c. 2nd Line of Defense - Cardinal Signs
soil. of Inflammation and Blood Elements
C. Portal of Exit such as WBC, platelets, etc.
a. Sputum, emesis, stool, blood d. 3rd Line of Defense - Immune
D. Modes of Transmission System
a. Contact, vehicle, airborne, e. Antibody - Produced by lymphocytes
vector-borne in response to antigen
b. Breaking the chain is a must to stop f. Antigen - Triggering agent of the
the spread of the disease, especially immune system
the mode of transmission. g. Vaccines contain antigen that is
E. Portal of Entry introduced to our body so that our
a. mucous membrane, non-intact skin, immune system makes its own
GI tract, GU tract, respiratory tract antibodies
F. Susceptible Host D. Immunoglobulins
a. Immunosuppressed children, elderly, a. IgG - The most prevalent antibody
chronically ill, and those with trauma 80% and is produced later in the
or surgery. immune response. The only Ig that
can cross the placenta (a mother
VI. Infection that had measles may pass the
A. A condition caused by the entry and immunization to her child that would
multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms last for 9 months: the reason why we
within the host body. give MMR vaccine on the 9th month
B. Factors Affecting Risk of Infection of the baby is to help the baby
a. Age (infants, elderly) produce its own antibodies)
b. Heredity (some diseases run in the b. IgA - Found in colostrum, tears,
family) saliva, and sweat. Secretory
c. Level of Stress immunoglobulin.
d. Nutritional Status (inadequate diet is c. IgM - Principal antibody of blood.
more prone) Quickly produced in response to an
e. Current Medical Therapy antigen. Responds to artificial
f. Pre-Existing Disease immunization (the one that’s being
g. Immunization Status (some vaccines tested like in the COVID antigen
only prevent you from acquiring the test)
disease, and some only lessen the d. IgE - Allergic reaction
severity of the disease) e. IgD - Unknown specific function.
Antigen receptor. Found in the
VII. Immunity surface of B cells.
A. The quality of being insusceptible to or
unaffected by a particular disease.
B. Types of Immunity IgG Galing sa Ina
a. Innate - within the Host Immune
System (mother to infant, frequent IgA Ang baho ng secretions (saliva, sweat,
tears, colostrum)
exposure lets you build your own
immune system) IgM Madugo/Makikita sa blood
b. Acquired - inoculation and disease
(vaccines, having the disease will let IgE Ehem, Hatching: Allergies
you make certain antibodies)
IgD Di pa alam
c. Both innate and acquired immunity
have active and passive types of Remember GAMED - G na G kung lumaban
immunity f. Positive IgM means that the person
C. Immune system currently has the infection.
g. Positive IgG means that the person IX. Active Immunity
has had the infection. A. Antibodies are produced by the body in
response to infection.
(+) IgM Meron ngayon
B. When we have a disease, our body makes
(+) IgG Galing sa sakit / Gumaling na antibodies simultaneously: the same reason
why there are certain diseases that can only
E. Immunization infect us once in our lifetime (eg. measles).
a. A process by which resistance to an C. Antigen is introduced, long duration.
infectious disease is induced or a. Natural Active - Disease
augmented. b. Artificial Active - Vaccines (eg.
b. Active and Passive immunization tetanus toxoid, DPT, CoViD
Vaccine)(multiple doses give
VIII. Expanded Program on Immunization protection after some time but
A. BCG provides longer immunity)
a. The baby should not have a fever D. Artificial Active
post-vaccine. a. Antigens (Vaccines or Toxoid) - are
b. Don’t pat dry the injection site. administered to stimulate antibody
c. It should form a weal. production. Reinforced by booster
d. If the infant developed a wound or dose to increase immunity.
swollen lymph nodes at the site of b. Killed Vaccines - Pertussis vaccine,
injection, this indicates that the infant typhoid vaccine
has been exposed to tuberculosis c. Live Vaccines - Attenuated,
prior to the vaccination. weakened (eg. OPV, sabin,
B. DPT measles)
a. The baby may develop pain at the d. Toxoid - Inactivated bacterial toxin
site. (eg. tetanus, diphtheria)
b. Cold compress and give E. DPT Nrs Mngmt
paracetamol round the clock (q4h for a. Assess if the baby develops
the first 24 hours). convulsion after the first dose of
C. Measles DPT - the baby may have had a
a. May be given as early as 6 months if reaction to the pertussis vaccine. If
there’s an epidemic. so, the succeeding doses of DPT will
b. Inform the mother that the baby be changed to DPAT: an acellular
could develop rashes and fever 5 type of pertussis.
days after. b. DPT booster may be given at 6
c. Advise the mother not to let the baby years of age. Failure to have booster
eat egg whites to distinguish if the shots of DPT after the age of 6, the
rashes are from the vaccine or not. booster shots to be given should
then be diphtheria and tetanus:
pertussis is no longer prevalent in
children older than 6.
X. Passive Immunity
A. Antibodies are produced by another source.
B. Antibodies are introduced, short duration
a. Natural Passive - Mother
b. Artificial Passive - Globulins (gives
protection right away but only gives
short immunity)
C. Artificial passive immunity
a. Is an immune serum (antibody) from
animals or humans.
b. It provides immediate protection (eg.
diphtheria antitoxin, tetanus
c. Skin testing is a must.
XI. Conditions Before an Infection Develops contagious agent near that signage),
A. A sufficient number of microorganisms eyeshields, and eye goggles.
B. Virulence of microorganisms
C. Resistance of the host XIV. Fundamentals of Standard Precautions
D. Immunity of the host A. Handwashing
E. Cycle of infection must be completed h. Gowns, Mask, Goggles, Face
Shields, Gloves
XII. Epidemiology
A. Sporadic (outbreak)
a. Occurs occasionally and irregularly
with no specific patterns
B. Epidemic
a. Occurs in a greater number than
what is expected in a specific area
over a specific time
C. Pandemic
a. Epidemic that affects several
countries or continents
D. Endemic
a. Present in a population or
community at times
b. TT (0.5 mL IM)
D. Category of Bites
0.1mL ID deltoid
e. Diagnostic tests
i. esophagoscopy
ii. barium swallow (barium does
not contain iodine - don’t ask
a. Protrusion of the stomach into the
allergy to seafood)
hiatus of the diaphragm
f. Management for Hiatal Hernia
b. Etiology:
i. Goal - prevent reflux
i. Congenital
ii. Stay upright 1-2 hours after
ii. Acquired - may be caused by
increased intra-abdominal
iii. Do not lie down after eating
pressure (obese,
iv. No bedtime snacks
pregnant,activities lifting
v. Elevate hob inches for sleep
heavy objects,straining)
to prevent nightmare reflux
c. Types:
vi. Avoid food/drinks that
i. sliding hernia
decreases the lower
ii. rolling hernia
esophageal sphincter
(paraesophageal hernia)
vii. Avoid drugs that decreases
iii. mixed type
lower esophageal sphincter -
d. Most prominent clinical
Fosamax, Valium
viii. Avoid activities that increase
i. pyrosis (heart burn)
intra abdominal pressure
C. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
ix. Avoid constrictive clothings e. Fat metabolism happens in the liver.
x. Antacids to neutralize acidity f. Lipogenesis
(after meals) g. Lipolysis
xi. H2 receptor blockers like h. Gluconeogenesis - converting fats
ranitidine to decrease HCI into glucose
acid production
xii. *PPI - proton pump inhibitors
esomeprazole to decrease
HCI acid production
xiii. Surgery - Herniorrhaphy
(elective). Hernirrhaphy only
becomes emergency when
the herniated organ results to
D. Liver cirrhosis i. Carbohydrate metabolism also takes
a. Fibrosis or scarring of the liver place in the liver
b. Irreversible and progressive j. Glycogenesis
c. Etiology: k. Glycogenolysis
i. Alcohol (Laennec's)
ii. Infection (Post-Necrotic
iii. Hepatotoxic Drugs
(Post-Necrotic Cirrhosis)
iv. Hepatoma
v. Idiopathic (Biliary Cirrhosis)
d. Signs and Symptoms may come out
from 2 Problems
i. Liver dysfunction
l. Protein metabolism
ii. Portal hypertension
m. Produces albumin - the major
E. Liver functions
protein in the blood which exerts
a. Bile production for emulsification of
oncotic pressure
n. Oncotic pressure is the pressure that
b. Bile is composed of Water, Bilirubin,
keeps the water in the blood vessel.
Cholesterol, and Bile salts.
o. Proteins are metabolized by the liver
c. Bile produced by the liver is stored in
and is converted into amino acids.
the gallbladder through the hepatic
Amino acids are then converted into
bile duct and the cystic duct where it
ammonia, Ammonia are then
is concentrated.
converted into urea. Urea can now
d. Bilirubin is taken up by the Liver to
be excreted by the kidneys.
produce Bile
R: the pt will be positioning with upper portion A client with cirrhosis may have alterations in
of the body elevated (Prevent reflux) which of the following laboratory values?
D. Lie down for one hour after eating R: if there is injury to the liver then this enzyme
will be elevated
R-Not appropriate in gerd
A nurse would assess a patient who has
undergone a total gastrectomy for early D. Erythropoietin
symptoms of dumping syndrome, which
include A client with acute pancreatitis asks the nurse
when will he be able to eat again, the most
A .Diaphoresis and lightheadedness appropriate response is
R- the body is compensating bcz of the A. “If you do not have infection in the
decreasing blood volume pancreas anymore”
B. Facial flushing and paresthesia B. “When the doctor orders for it”
A. Cause vasoconstriction of the splenic artery The client had a total gastrectomy. The nurse
should teach the client about long-term
B. Ensure airway patency treatment for which of these conditions?
D Its prevalence in fair-skinned individuals A clinic nurse is providing health teaching for a
patient newly diagnosed with gastroesophageal
The most fatal complication of reflux disease (GERD). Which of the following
Choledocholithiasis is ascending cholangitis needs further teaching with the patient?
which may complicate to develop what type of
A client with liver cirrhosis has severe ascites D Avoidance of bending, stooping, or slumping
and experience difficulty of breathing, which of posture
the following is the priority nursing
c. Provide for enteral nutrition 8. The nurse would expect which of these
assessment findings in a client with gastric
d. Stop bleeding ulcers?
Rationale: Purpose of Sengstaken-Blakemore is a. Pain occurring at night
stop the bleeding
b. Pain relieved by eating
5. A client with cholecystitis is being assessed
for Murphy's sign, the nurse is correct when c. Gnawing epigastric pain
she/he noticed
d. All of the above
Rationale: In gastric ulcer there is no pain at a. Simple sugar in the diet
night because you don't eat at night -gastric
ulcer the pain is relieved by vomiting when the b. Moderate fat intake
patient vomits that will relieve the pain
c. Liquid must be taken in between meals
9.The client had Billroth 1 procedure, the nurse
knows that this procedure involve d. Upright position after meals
a. Removal of the stomach and Rationale: Upright position will increase the
anastomosing the stump to the gastric emptying time the patient should be
duodenum lying down after meals to slow down emptying
b. Removal of the stomach and 14. A client with possible appendicitis is being
duodenum and anastomosing the assessed, which of the following is a sign of
stump to the jejunum complications
13. After pyloroplasty, which of the following c. "I should lie down after
interventions promote rapid gastric emptying? eating.”
d. "I should drink fluids with my 22.When caring for a client with ascites the
meals." nurse should understand that the portal vein:
18. A client with a peptic ulcer disease would be a. Brings blood away from the liver
given the following medications, except
b. Enters the superior vena cava from the
a. Antacid cranium
b. Check for the presence of Homan's sign Rationale: liver biopsy they may be susceptible
to bleed -if there's liver cirrhosis the liver
c. Instruct the client to lean forward cannot produce enough clotting factor
d. Measure the abdominal girth 26. The patient has been treated for a peptic
ulcer. He enters the hospital reporting that he
Rationale: how do we asses asterixis- ask has vomited a very large amount of blood. The
client to extend the arm nurse should expect which sign to be present?
a. hemorrhage
b. atelectasis
c. .wound dehiscence
d. infection
a. Grey-Turner's sign
b. Cullen's sign
c. .Battle's sign
d. Kernig's sign
a. Giving diuretics
c. Evening c. Tachycardia
c. Pruritus
d. Constipation
a. Addison’s disease
b. Cushing syndrome
c. Diabetes insipidus
d. Hypothyroidism
A. ECG ST elevatiom D. "can you rate the pain on the scale of 1-10, with
10 being the worst?"
B. CK MB elevation
Ans: C
C. Elevated CRP
Notes: MI pain- constant - not affected by breathing
D. Troponin elevation or movement of the chest
MI- ischemia and necrosis of cardiac cells >30 mins B. Nausea and vomiting
C. Hypertension and headache
AP- imbalance bet 02 supply and cardiac workload
D. Flat nech veins
Most indicative enzyme-CKMB isoenzyme
Ans: A
Most reliable/sensitive/important blood-troponin
Note:AR < 300/min
d. Acute myocardial infarction 10. You are caring for a man with pericarditis his
systolic pressure begins to fall a heart sounds
Ans: B cannot be here nurse would
Ans A Ans:A
Notes:Digoxin- cardiac glycoside 12. A client with copd is asking the nurse the best
method to prevent infection in the lungs, the nurse
Metoprolol-beta blocker responds
C. Abtibiotic a. pCO2 = 50
b. p02 = 70
D. O2 therapy c. 02 sat = 80%
d. pH 7.30
Rationale: Respiratory failure is a clinical condition
Notes: Bronchodilator dilate normal vessels that happens when the respiratory system fails to
maintain its main function, which is gas exchange,
16. Bronchiectasis is complication of chronic in which PaO2 is lower than 60 mmHg and/or
bronchitis, which of the following is priority nursing PaCO2 higher than 50 mmHg
diagnosis for this problem?
20. Which of the following conditions
A. Risk for infection related to present of mucus in predispose the client to pulmonary embolism?
the dilated airway
a. Clients who are undergoing physical
B. Ineffective airway clearance related to presence
rehabilitation after stroke
of pulmonary secretion
b. Clients who eat cholesterol and fats
c. A client with a unilateral hip spica cast
d. Post op patient for discharge d. Increased appetite
Rationale: If you wear a plaster cast or brace for Rationale: Fluid buildup in the feet and legs, known
several days or weeks, the blood flow through your as pedal edema, is a common early sign of heart
veins is slower than if you can move normally. This failure.
increases the risk of a blood clot forming in a leg or
pelvic vein. Blood clots may end up blocking veins, 25. Which of the following would be an
preventing blood from flowing through them appropriate expected outcome for an adult
properly. client with well controlled asthma?
21. While assessing the chest tube drainage a. Chest x-ray demonstrates minimal
system of a client, the nurse observes a slight hyperinflation
rise and fall in the water level in the water seal. b. Temperature remains lower than 100°F
Does the nurse take the following actions? (37.8°C)
c. Arterial blood gas analysis demonstrates a
a. Notify the physician immediately decrease in Pa02
b. Have the client cough d. Breath sounds are clear
c. Continue to monitor the system
d. Reposition the chest tube Rationale: the characteristic breath sound is
Rationale: Such finding is normal and second bottle
is normal functioning
6 types of the body that’s responsible for the ● Infection – infection → inflammation →
oxygenation of the body: (kulang) vasodilation → Septic shock
● Allergies → inflammation → vasodilation →
● Hematologic system – RBC carries Anaphylactic shock
oxygen. ● Spinal cord injury → inflammation →
- Anemia - decreased O2 carrying vasodilation and loss of sympathetic
capacity of the blood. response → Neurogenic shock
All of them will lead to “HYPOXIA” – decrease O2 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES (PVD)
in the tissue.
Peripheral vascular diseases – small and
medium sized arteries and veins; usually affect the
upper and lower extremities.
3 components of cardiovascular sys:
3 classifications of PVD: (All are common in lower
● Blood extremities except for Reynaud’s disease).
- blood vol = 5 to 6L
- decrease blood vol → tissue ● Arterial insufficiency (Peripheral Arterial
perfusion → hypovolemic shock. Disease = PAD)
- shock = inadequate tissue perfusion
2 classification of PAD:
● Heart Arteriosclerosis Raynaud’s disease
- dec pumping ability of the heart → obliterans (ASO) (also known as
dec tissue perfusion → cardiogenic Blue-White-Red
shock. Disease)
- causes: Etio:
coronary causes, non-coronary Etio: unknown but associated w/
causes, and obstructive shock. arteriolar vasospasm
- Vasospasm → tip of
- obstructive shock = compression
fingers/hands → bluish
of the heart / cardiac tamponade / RF: discoloration
tension pneumothorax Age (60 and above), male,
smoking, obesity, - Severe vasospasm →
● Blood vessels sedentary lifestyle, DM and white coloration on tip of
- arteries – carries o2 blood HPN the fingers
- veins – carries deoxy blood
- Arteries and veins are lined by exposure to cold temp.,
smooth muscles. women, smoking, HPN,
- smooth muscle relax = blood vessels stress
- smooth muscle contract = blood - reversible → increase in
vessels constrict blood flow → more red
than usual
- Vascular tone = dilation and
constriction of veins and arteries.
- inflammation and thrombus
formation affecting the small and
● Venous insufficiency medium sized arteries and veins.
- Irreversible
2 classifications of Venous Insufficiency: - affects lower extremities
Varicose veins Deep vein
thrombosis (also Etiology:
known as Venous
- Idiopathic (unknown)
Risk factors:
- affects the superficial - stasis stagnation – dec
veins of the lower blood flow → blood
extremities become hypercoagulable
- smoking, young men
→ endothelial injury
- dilatation and tortuous Most important health teaching:
formation of the veins in
- can develop to pulmonary
the LE
embolism - Smoking cessation
- the pt will have dyspnea, Symptoms:
incompetent valves
tachypnea, chest pain
Health teaching: - leg pain and claudication, dark skin, and
What to do first? Position
avoid the RF and wear
compression stockings
pt in semi fowlers, edema
administer o2, and refer to
the physician
prolonged standing,
prolong sitting, crossing of ARTERIAL AND VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY
legs, obesity, pregnancy
- medical management:
- immobilization
Sclerotherapy – a chemic
- Virchow’s triad = triad of
is inserted to harden the
veins; vein stripping and
possibility of thrombus Arterial Insufficiency Venous Insufficiency
2 types of DVT: Leg pain: Leg pain:
a. Thrombophlebitis –
inflammation and thrombus
- not enough function of the - Venous congestion –
arteries in the lower cause of pain in venous
- pain, redness, heat
extremities. insufficiency
b. Phlebothrombosis –
no inflammation. - not enough oxygenated - another possible cause is
- asymptomatic until blood going into the lower “Phlebitis” (inflammation of
sudden onset of leg pain. extremities. the pain)
Independent nursing Independent nursing What is the most definitive diagnostic test in
intervention: intervention: pericarditis?
- position the leg in reverse - elevate the leg
Trendelenburg - 2D echocardiography
- Fever
- Roth’s spots
- Osler’s nodes
- Murmur changes
- Janeway lesions
- Anemia
- Nail changes
- Ecchymosis/Embolization
Nursing management:
- Manage fever
- Assess for changes in murmur → auscultate
every shift
- Monitor vs
- Provide rest - to support cardiac function
- Avoid stress
Medical Surgical 1 DAY 6 (CA1) b. Refer to the physician
c. Place the lower extremities on 2 pillows
(JOHN HARVEY P. PEREZ) d. Get the Ecart
Rationale: The purpose of high fowler is pooling of Rationale: The activity intolerance because for
blood down slight limitations on activity of daily living
9. After rendering nursing interventions to a 13. Which cardiac enzyme would the nurse
client with congestive heart failure. Which expect to elevate first in a client diagnosed with
assessment indicates ineffectiveness of the a myocardial infarction?
nursing plan?
a. Creatine phosphokinase (CPK).
a. The client's peripheral pitting edema has b. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).
gone from 3+ to 1+. c. Myoglobin
b. The client's BP is 110/80 from 150/100. d. CK MB isoenzyme
c. The client is able to walk around the room
without dyspnea. Rationale: Myoglobin is the elevate first within 2
d. The client is using accessory muscles for hours CkMB isoenzyme 4-6 hrs and most
breathing. indicative and specific enzyme CPK and LDH is
6-12 hrs
Rationale: The accessory muscle is expiratory
muscle we don’t use them under normal 14. A client diagnosed with unstable angina
circumstances we use it if the patient having experienced chest pain while preparing to go
difficulty in breathing home. Which action should the nurse
implement first?
10. The nurse is assessing the client diagnosed
with congestive heart failure. Which laboratory a. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin.
data would indicate that the client is in severe b. Obtain a STAT electrocardiogram.
congestive heart failure? c. Have the client sit down immediately.
d. Assess the client's vital signs.
a. Pulmonary edema on Chest X ray and
cardiomegaly Rationale: Unstable angina needs nitroglycerine
b. An elevated creatine kinase (CKMB). stat
c. Cardiac catheterization
d. Decreased albumin in the blood 15.Two hours after Percutaneous Transluminal
Coronary angioplasty, which of the following
11. The patient diagnosed with congestive heart assessment data is most important?
failure is maintained on Furosemide (Lasix) 40
mg once a day, Digoxin 0.125 mg half tablet a. The client is not complaining of pain.
daily and Captopril 25 mg OD. The client b. The pressure dressing to the right femoral
experiences leg cramps at night. Which nursing area is intact.
interventions should be implemented? c. The client is complaining of numbness in
the right foot.
a. Check the client for peripheral edema and d. The client's right pedal pulse is 3+ and
make sure the client takes a diuretic early in bounding.
the day.
b. Monitor the client's potassium level and Rationale: PTCA is repairing the coronary artery, it
assess the client's intake of bananas and will open the artery and putting stent to keep it
orange juice. patent (C it is important assessment data because
c. Determine if the client has gained weight the nerves is compressed and it has hematoma
and instruct the client to keep the legs somewhere resulting to compression)
d. Instruct the client to ambulate frequently 16.The nurse is caring for a client post-acute MI
and perform calf muscle stretching who develops an audible S3. Which of the
exercises daily. following should be done by the nurse first?
a. "Chest pain is caused by decreased oxygen Rationale: to decrease the breathing effort of
to the heart muscle. individuals experiencing dyspnea or shortness of
b. "There is ischemia to the myocardium as a breath
result of hypoxemia"
c. "The heart muscle is unable to pump 22. The client with infective endocarditis is
effectively to perfuse 1 the body. admitted to the medical department. Which of
d. "Chest pain occurs when the lungs cannot the following order should be implemented
adequately oxygenate the blood" first?
Rationale: A is best answer and easy for the patient a. Administer intravenous antibiotic.
to understand b. Obtain blood cultures.
c. Schedule an echocardiogram.
B is also correct but avoid using medical d. Encourage bed rest with bathroom
terminology the patient will be confused privileges.
Rationale: The most prominent clinical 25. Which of the following is a priority
manifestation is increased chest pain with independent nursing intervention is the most
inspiration because a blood clot that gets stuck in a important to a patient with bacterial
lung (pulmonary) artery can block blood flow to lung endocarditis with mitral regurgitation?
a. Manage fever with antipyretic drug
20.The client is diagnosed with acute b. Assess for changes in murmur
pericarditis. Which sign/symptom warrants c. Assess for microthrombi
immediate attention by the nurse? d. Assess for signs of ecchymoses
e. All of the above
a. Muffled third heart sounds
b. Flat jugular veins. Rationale:
c. Bounding peripheral pulses.
d. Altered consciousness B is the best INDEPENDENT nsg intervention and
the condition of patient will be severe
Rationale: Because the inability of the heart to
pump and decrease blood flow going to the brain A is dependent nsg intervention it is drug therapy
21.The client is admitted due to pericarditis and C is also dependent it will use 2d echo machine
in pain. It is most important for the nurse to do
which of the following in the emergency room. D is also independent nsg intervention but it is not
connected to the condition
a. Place the client in orthopneic position
26. The 66-year-old male client has his blood d. Pigmented skin.
pressure (BP) of 168/98. Which action should
the nurse implement first? Rationale: Chronic venous insufficiency causes
skin pigmentation of the leg ranging from small
a. Tell the client that this is normal for his age. patches of mild dyschromia to extensive areas of
b. Instruct the client to see his doctor as soon severe skin pigmentation. It is thought that the
as possible. pigmentation is mainly due to hemosiderin or
c. Discuss the importance of eating a low-salt, melanin deposition.
low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.
d. Tell the client to monitor BP monthly A, B and C is related to arterial insufficiency
Volumes ******
1. provide rest periods ● b - dilators
2. promote safety ● steroids
3. prevent infection - vaccination ● mechanical ventilator
4. treat infection
5. support lung function 11. Slow down progression of the disease
Diagnostic tests
1. Position - orthopneic
2. B- dilator - inhalation
3. 02 administration - low flow
4. provide rest
5. promote safety
6. prevent infection
7. treat infection
8. manage dyspnea
9. manage cough
10. support lung function