63-1110E He That Is in You
63-1110E He That Is in You
63-1110E He That Is in You
See, I never want to do that. No bright lights, no flare and flash of the world; let me take the way with the Lord's despised few. Let me stay with the Word. So, but you see, if God is in it and telling the Truth, this is the last time of history. This is the last of the world's history. It's closing. There'll be time no more, someday. God is confirming everything both spiritually and scientifically. And while the harvest is ripe and the laborers are few, let's dig right into it, by chance there might be a sinner setting by. There might be someone that tonight might change the whole course. Now, everybody listen Remember, there will not be one more come in when them names are redeemed. All that ever would be redeemed, And then, when the last name comes out, that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life, that was slain before the foundation of the world; when that last name has been redeemed, His work is finished. He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed. That makes our heart bleed. But if it went on a thousand years later, there would not be one redeemed. And no one can be redeemed unless they were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Who are they? I don't know. Nobody else knows just God alone. I'm trusting that every one of us, our names are on that Book. If mine was on there, I'm sure to be there. not sorry for sin and repentance. See - "Making a decision." And a cold, dry-eyed decision is nothing -not a thing. You've got to be sorry for sin and turn from it. There will be no national repentance; the nation is gone; just you individuals, and soon that'll be over if it isn't already. Sin will get worse and worse until one day the skies will catch on fire; she'll fall to the earth and the earth will burn with fervent heat. But the redeemed won't be here then; they'll be gone. 49 Mark 11:12: And seeing a fig tree far off having leaves, he came, if happily he might find any thing thereon: and when he come to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee from henceforth for ever. And his disciples heard it. And in the morning as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. (Within twenty-four hours, the miracle had taken place, after He said to it, "No man eat." Nothing, looked like it, happened then; but by the next day, it was dried up.)
And Peter calling to remembrance said unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou did curse is withered. Jesus answering him said unto them, Have faith in God for verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. I've went to the mountain. I've went to the seaside. I've went everywhere and prayed and prayed and prayed, and it just wouldn't let up. And I've thought of everything, if I done anything. But it still, it wouldn't let up; I was just in bondage like. And it's very strange that this would be lifted just at the time this message come forth (See?), of this morning. Now, was it God holding back for this? I don't know. See, I... These things is all in my mind. You can imagine what's in a man's heart when you put up with that. See? To think of what is taking place, and know to tell the people, knowing that some will get the wrong slant, and some will go this a-way, and that way, and you know how it is; some will believe, and some won't, and... But that's what you have to put up with. How can you say it without hurting? How can you say it, that it'll take effect? How can you say it to show the people that you're not--not picking on them, that you love them? How can you be strict and firm, and yet be loving and... Oh, how you going to present it? And then woe unto me if I don't present it. See? And there you are. See? It... No wonder it keeps you nervous and tore up. What I'm trying to say, "Don't never lose your confidence." Don't let Satan tell you evil about me, 'cause there's much. But you keep that confidence; 'cause if you don't, it won't happen. Don't look to me as a man; I'm a man; I'm full of mistakes. But look to what I'm saying about Him. It's Him; He's the One. 153 If we only could receive this truth. Now, just a moment. If we only could realize what this Scripture means, "He that is in you is greater than he that's in the world." We can't understand that, yet we say we believe it. And we know it's true, but we really don't understand it. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." What is in you that's greater? It's Christ, the anointed; God that was in Christ is in you. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." Then if He is in you, it's not you any more living; it's Him living in you. See? It's not your thinking and what you would think about this; it's what He said about this. See? Then if He is in you, He absolutely would not deny what He said. He couldn't do it. But He would keep what He has said, and He's trying to find that person that He can vindicate Himself through. The dead could not stand in His Presence at His Word. Greater is He. It's God
the Creator. The winds and the waves had to obey Him. Demons become paralyzed. All nature obeyed Him, because He was the Creator of nature. Oh, when we think that, it takes the bite out. Then we understand these things. 185 Now, what if tonight that you could say with all your heart, that the spirit of Shakespeare lived in you? You know what you'd do? You'd do the works of Shakespeare. You' would create poems, and plays, and so forth, because Shakespeare was that type of an artist (a great writer, a poem writer). But He that is in you is Christ. And if Christ is in you, the works of Christ you'll do, if Christ lives in you. If you was in Christ, or if--if Christ lived in you... Then Christ is the Word. And the Word come to His prophets. And if Christ lived in you, the works of Christ would be done through you, the Life of Christ would be lived through you. The works He did, the life He lived, and everything, it would live in you. "Let it be," and it was. And that same Christ lives in you and lives in us. Then His works we'll do, because Christ is the Word. And a promise of the Word brings healing to you. Greater was David--what was in David, God in David. He is in us; that's the Christ. He was the Conqueror of every enemy for us. When He was here on earth, He conquered sin, He conquered sickness, He conquered death, He conquered hell, He conquered the grave; and now He lives in us as a Conqueror. He conquered sickness, hell, death, grave, and come to us to set us free from all of those things. And greater is He that's in you than he that can put these bluffs over on you. Yes. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." The First Pull was perfection. The Second Pull, being the five, was grace. talk so much. 235 If I go out here and start doing things wrong, that's not right, sinning, and drinking, and--or smoking, or--or doing things that's not right, you come, call me down, 'cause that ain't becoming. I--I want then to leave the world. I don't... I want to leave before that happens. See?--I don't want to do that. But as long as I'm trying to live what's right and do what's right (See?), and try to live like a Christian ought to, and then let God take His Word and hearing me stand by It... Though It cost me so many friends and popularity of the world, and things like that, and hated by many, and denomination's kicked out, yet I want to be true to this Word. It's God's Word. And I love God. So it's God's Word. And I--I tell you that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He is in us now. Now, what would He do if He was standing here, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? He'd say, "I can only do what the Father shows Me to do." Is that right? Well, that's the way He did it yesterday. Now, is He the same? What about the sickness? Your price is already paid. Every one of you is already healed of your sickness. Is that right? For that... Every one of you is forgiven, but you have to accept it. Every one of you is healed, but you 3
have to accept it. Now, to prove that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if He was standing here, He could not heal you at all with your unbelief. You'd have to believe it, just the same as you have to believe it right now. It'd have to be the same (See?), 'cause many mighty works He could not do in His day because of their unbelief. Is that right? Many mighty works He can't do today because of the unbelief. 240 Now, who was it could foretell that? God. Who was it that said this? God. Who was it that did that? God. Who is it that said where the bear, deer, and caribou, all these other things, and the seven--oh, all these things that's happened? Who was it said that? He, Christ, that's in us, prophesying Himself through us, revealing Himself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Who stopped the winds? Who created the squirrels? The same One that created a ram for Abraham, when he called Him "Jehovah-jireh." Them compound redemptive Names still apply to Him. He's still Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord can provide for Himself a Sacrifice." 241 Now, each one of you, I--I want your deepest of sincerity now. If you will actually believe with all your heart, there won't be a feeble person in the midst of us by the time that clock turns five more minutes. There won't be a person here but what'll be on their feet well, if you'll just believe it. Can you believe? Now, let's just see now if He will come to us and reveal Hisself, while we bow our heads. Lord Jesus, now You help me now. And I'll obey You, Lord, all I know how. Forgive my sins and trespasses...?... I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. 244 Now, let's take this side here, someone in here. Believe; have faith; don't doubt. Somebody that doesn't know me, if possible, I can't say where the vision's going. I just have to watch for it. And if It does do that, then you know it, whether it's true or not. You just believe and don't doubt. And if He'll do it, will you believe (See?), after all this that's been done today? See? Just accept your healing. See? Say, "Lord, I am now touching Jesus Christ. I'm believing." Now, may the God of heaven grant it. "Greater is He that's in you, Christ, than he that's in the world." Now, in the meeting where we touch Him, He reflects Hisself back, as the woman touched God through Christ and reflected back her need. 246 I see now over in a corner here, it looks like it's a man; he's very seriously. No, it isn't; it's a woman praying for a man, and the man is not here. But it's a woman. I see that that woman... It--it's her--her father, and he's dying with cancer, very seriously. The man's not here. He is in another place; it isn't this country even; it's... He's in Georgia. Keep praying. You believe with all your heart now? Just keep praying for me. The woman's name that's praying is Mrs. Jordan. She's not from Georgia; she's from North Carolina. If that's right, lady, stand up on your feet, all the truth. Was you praying for such? All right. [The woman speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] You believe that He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world? You believe that He that...
247 Look, here's something else, you've had a great training in your early days, or something another, because looks like you're mixed up or in some kind of a creed. Isn't your father a minister or somebody like that, some of your people, or something? Your husband, that's who it is. I can see someone standing by you preaching the Gospel, and you was in a church; he was connected with you. All right, there you are. Now, the lady I don't know, but God knows the woman. Now, have you got something in your pocketbook, a little handkerchief or something there? All right, then you pla--when you set down, put your hands on that handkerchief and don't doubt, and He that's in you is greater than he that's killing your daddy. Believe with all your heart, so shall it be as you believe. 249 Now, I want to ask you something. I don't know that woman. As far as I know, that's the first time, I guess, I ever saw her. But she's setting there in a desperate condition, praying. And the very God that could turn and tell the woman about her blood issue, is the same God that's here; showing that He that's in you has conquered the world. You believe? If you just have faith, don't doubt... 250 Talking of cancer, I see that black shadow again. It's over a woman setting right here. She has cancer of the throat, and she's in a bad shape. And she has been prayed for, and trying to accept her healing. Mrs. Burton, if you will believe... I don't know the woman, but if you'll believe with all your heart... Really, the thing... Let me explain this to you. What you're trying to do, you've lost your voice from it, and you're trying to pray for your voice to come back. Is that right? Wave your hand like this. Now, the woman's a stranger to me. I don't know her. See? See, that's right. There--there she is. See? Greater is He that's in you, the faith that can touch Him, than he that's in your throat. You believe with all your heart? 251 Sister Larsen, I do know you. She's my landlord. But Sister Larsen, you've been to a doctor or something--something another. You're up for an operation. That's right. Isn't that right? Greater is He that's in you, Sister Larsen, than he that's in the world. Jesus said, "I was a stranger, and you took Me in. Insomuch as you have done unto least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me." O heavenly Father, be merciful. What do you think? You're up for an operation too. You're a stranger to me. Is that right? You're not from here. You know me, but I don't know you. But God knows you. You believe that? You're up for an operation. You don't live here. You're near Bedford, Springville, something like. That's where it's at, Springville. Mrs. Burton... not... I beg your pardon; I didn't mean it. Mrs. Parker, that's your name, isn't it? Greater is He that's in you than he that's trying to kill you. Is that right? Do you believe with all your heart? Then you won't need your operation, if you do. 253 What do you think of all this, sister? I don't know you. You're a stranger to me. You believe me to be His prophet? Oh, you do. Thank you. God will honor that. You're Mrs. White. You come from Fort Worth, Texas. You got a muscular disease, a nervous condition. You've very bad; there's no hopes for you as far as medical science is concerned. Your husband, he has a spiritual 5
need that he's praying over. You got a son there; he has trouble with his back and heart trouble. You got a little boy in his lap; that little boy has some kind of a speech that you're praying over. If that's right, raise up your hand. "Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world." Do you believe that? With all your heart? With all of it? 254 Now, let's bow our head. Now, He's went through the building. He's proved to you that He's God. "Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world." It's the Lord God. Now, He that's in you, let Him have preeminences. Let Him have the over-saying of--of what you... You say in your heart right now, if you can with all your heart, and believe it, "The disease that was in my body is gone. (See?) I am no more afflicted. I have no more disease. He that's in me is greater than he that's in my body. He that's in my heart is greater than he that's in my flesh. Therefore, He that's in my heart created the heavens and earth. My flesh has been contaminated by Satan, and I am a temple for the Holy Spirit to live in. Therefore, Satan, I command you to leave my body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of me." See? You believe it? Now, let us all pray in our own way now, each one, while I pray for you. 255 Almighty God, the Creator of heavens and earth, the Author of Life, the Revealer of the secrets of the heart, You said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, It even is a Discerner of the thoughts of the mind." That's the reason when the Word was made flesh, It knowed what they were thinking about as He perceived their thoughts; He was the Word, and the Word knowed the secrets of their hearts. And that Word is still the same Word. And tonight we see It revealing Itself in us after two thousand years, because He wrote It on the paper and is here confirming it, showing it, that it's right. Here lays handkerchiefs, laying here. Sick people are everywhere. I pray that the great Holy Spirit that's present, that shows these things, that tells these things, and never fails till what It's right; not one time can It fail, because It's God. Let Him anoint these handkerchiefs with His Presence, and heal every sick person that they're laid upon. And the God, Who can be alive after two thousand years and can form Himself into sinners' hearts that's been redeemed by grace and faith, and can speak His Own Words through mortal lips, and watch it happen just exactly what He promised... 258 O Lord God, I ask Thee to be merciful to us. And may every man and woman that's setting present, that has any kind of a sickness or affliction; as Moses throwed hisself in the breach for the people, tonight I lay my heart out before You, Lord. With all the faith that I have, that's in You, that You have given me, I give to them. As Peter said at the gate called Beautiful, "Such as I have, give I thee: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." And the man was lame and--and weak for a few moments, but while they held him, his anklebones received strength. And he entered into the house of God, leaping and praising and blessing God. Thou art the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And His apostles said, "Such as I have, give I thee," was faith. And I say, "Such as I have, give I to
this audience: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, renounce your sickness, 'cause greater is He that's in you than the Devil that's trying to take your life. You are children of God. You are the redeemed. I command that Satan leave this people." May the God Who rolled back that storm the other day, the God Who made the winds and the waves to cease, may He see to it that every disease is taken from these people and the power of Christ is made manifest in their life at this hour. May every sinner repent. May every person that's not close to You, get right at this hour. And may it be so in the Name of Jesus Christ. 261 I, as your Pastor, your brother, with what faith I have, I've asked God to place it on you. I believe that I receive what I have asked.