Minibend TM
Minibend TM
Minibend TM
Handle the most difficult routing
Product information 4
Selection matrix 6
minibend™ 8
minibend™ L 14
mini141™ 18
microbend™ 22
Item numbers 30
FAQ 38
Product information
minibend is a truly flexible coaxial cable assembly which is designed for use in low profile, internal, point-to-point interconnections
between RF modules within communications systems. minibend replaces .086 inch custom semi-rigid cables with standard flexible
cables, eliminating the need for predefined custom lengths and bend configurations. minibend provides you with a preassembled
and tested high performance, cost-effective alternative in a variety of standard lengths and connector configurations.
minibend R is designed for use in complex, congested environments where higher cable retention force is required. minibend R's
pull strength is more than 70 % greater than a standard minibend. When installed and bent at the minimum bend radius, minibend R
will tolerate multiple 90° rotations at the cable/connector junction. The «R» ruggedisation can be added to any minibend connec-
tor style. All materials used in minibend R assemblies meet or exceed NASA TML and CVCM requirements for use in spacecraft
minibend™ L
minibend L is an enhanced, low loss version of the minibend flexible coaxial cable assembly with increased phase stability and
power handling capacity. It is designed for use in low profile, internal, point-to-point interconnections between RF modules within
communications systems. minibend L replaces .086 inch custom semi-rigid cables with standard flexible cables providing 30 %
lower attenuation and eliminating the need for predefined custom lengths and bend configurations. minibend L provides you with a
preassembled and tested high performance, cost-effective alternative in a variety of standard lengths.
minibend LR is designed for use in complex, congested environments where higher cable retention force is required. minibend LR's
pull strength is more than 70 % greater than standard minibend L. When installed and bent at the minimum bend radius, minibend
LR will tolerate multiple 90° rotations at the cable/connector junction. The «R» ruggedisation can be added to any minibend con-
nector style. All materials used in minibend LR assemblies meet or exceed NASA TML and CVCM requirements for use in spacec-
raft applications.
mini141 is designed for use in complex, congested environments where higher cable retention force is required. When installed
and bent at the minimum bend radius, mini141 will tolerate 90° rotations at the cable/connector junction. All materials used in
mini141 assemblies meet or exceed NASA TML and CVCM requirements for use in spacecraft applications and are available
only in a ruggedised version.
microbend assemblies provide you with a standard preassembled and tested high performance, cost-effective truly flexible alter-
native to .047 inch custom semi-rigid cable assemblies, eliminating the need for predefined custom lengths and bend configura-
tions. microbend features include 35 % lower loss than .047 inch semi-rigid cable, a minimum bend radius of 1.52 mm
(0.060 inch) and triple shielding for high isolation. microbend assemblies are available with a wide range of connector inter-
faces. All microbend assemblies and are available only in a ruggedised version.
2.4/1.85 mm plug
SMPM - T female
SMPM - T female
SMPM female
SMPM female
2.9 mm plug
2.9 mm plug
SMP female
SMP female
SSMA plug
SSMA plug
ATNC plug
ATNC plug
SMA plug
SMA plug
N plug
N plug
minibend • •
minibend A • •
minibend E • •
minibend K • •
minibend KS • •
minibend KV • •
minibend QG • •
minibend S • •
minibend 2S • •
minibend V • •
minibend VG • •
minibend WR • •
minibend L • •
minibend LS • •
minibend L2S • •
minibend LA • •
mini141 • •
mini141 K • •
mini141 N • •
mini141 T • •
mini141 W • •
microbend R • •
microbend AR • •
microbend KR • •
microbend KMR • •
microbend KMTR • •
microbend KV • •
microbend MR • •
microbend 2MR • •
microbend MTR • •
microbend 2MTR • •
microbend MVR • •
microbend SR • •
microbend 2SR • •
microbend V • •
This matrix contains the standard minibend cable assembly variants that are available as stock items. Any unique combination of
connector interfaces for a specific customer application is possible. Please contact HUBER+SUHNER Astrolab for further informa-
tion to construct a product solution specific to your unique application.
microbend R • • 28 g peak
microbend AR • •
Random vibration
microbend KR • •
• MIL-STD-202, Method 214,
microbend KMR • •
46.3 g rms
microbend KMTR • •
• MIL-STD-883, Method 2026,
microbend KV • •
16.4 g rms
microbend MR • •
microbend 2MR • • Acceleration
microbend MTR • • • MIL-STD-883, Method 2001, 3000 g
microbend 2MTR • • peak
microbend MVR • •
microbend SR • • Moisture resistance
microbend 2SR • • • MIL-STD-202, Method 106
microbend V • •
• MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Test
Condition B
astro-STEEL-flex ® l cable types 32081 and 32081S are lightweight flexible replacements for semi-rigid cable. They contain three
shields for superior RF shielding, with a solid PTFE dielectric for exceptional crush resistance without the need for heavy armour.
The flat wire braid outer conductor provides low loss plus excellent Insertion loss stability with flexure. The stainless steel outer
braid provides improved mechanical pull strength when compared to cables with a copper wire outer braid.
Operating Min. bending radius for
Cable for frequency Velocity Impedance Capacity Weight +/-180°
GHz % Ohm pF/ft lbs/100 ft. g /m inch mm
32081/ 32081S MIL-DTL-17/152 65 70.3 50 30 1.0 14.9 0.2 5.08
Technical data
Cable design
1 2 3 4 5 6
Electrical performance
Graph 1: Cable attenuation Graph 2: Max. power handling (25 °C at sea level)
Attenuation (dB/100 ft.)
minibend™ A
minibend A has all the benefits of the original minibend but with precision stain-
less steel SSMA connectors on each end. minibend A is available in a standard
26.5 GHz max. frequency or an optional 40 GHz max. configuration. mini-
bend A flexible coaxial cable assemblies are cost-effective replacements for
.086 inch semi-rigid cables in point-to-point interconnections between RF mo-
dules. minibend A eliminates the need for custom pre-defined lengths and bend
minibend™ E
minibend E is a fully captivated (contact, dielectric and body), ruggedised
version of the original minibend that is suitable for use in spacecraft applica-
tions, severe environments and high density packages. The minibend E contact
will not shift more than .005 inch when subjected to 10 lbs. push force (cabled)
or 5 lbs. push force uncabled. All materials used in minibend E assemblies meet
or exceed NASA TML and CVCM requirements for use in spacecraft applica-
minibend™ KS
minibend KS is the 40 GHz version of the original minibend with a 2.9 mm plug
connector on one end and an SMP female connector that is DSCC and MIL-
STD-348 compliant on the other. minibend KS replaces custom length, prede-
fined bend configuration .086 inch semi-rigid cables with standard, COTS,
flexible coax cables for use as internal, point-to-point interconnections between
RF modules.
minibend™ KV
minibend KV is a 40 GHz version of the originial minibend with a 2.9 mm plug
connector on one end and a 2.4 mm/1.85 mm compatible plug connector on
the other. minibend KV replaces custom lengths, predefined bend configuration
.086 semi-rigid cable assemblies for use as internal, point-to-point interconnec-
tions between RF modules and in high bandwith switching systems.
minibend™ S
minibend S is a special version of the original minibend that provides all the
benefits of the original minibend but with a precision DSCC and MIL-STD-348
compliant SMP female connector on one end and an SMA plug connector on
the other. minibend S replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration
cable for use as internal, point-to-point interconnections between RF modules
within communications and switching systems.
minibend™ 2S
minibend 2S is the SMP version of the original minibend that provides all the
benefits of the original minibend but with precision DSCC and MIL-STD-348
compliant SMP female connections on each end. minibend flexible coaxial
cable assemblies are designed for use in low profile, internal point-to-point
interconnections between RF modules. minibend 2S is a cost-effective replace-
ment for .086 inch semi-rigid cable and eliminates the need for predefined
custom lengths and bend configurations.
minibend™ VG
minibend VG is an enhanced version of the minibend V with a 1.85 mm plug
connector that contains a gold plated BeCu contact for applications that re-
quire repeated mates/demates of the interface. The minibend VG will tolerate
up to 500 mates/demates without applicable degradation. minibend VG is
designed for use in high bandwidth and high-speed (40 GB/sec) applications.
minibend™ WR
minibend WR is the «all weather» version of the minibend family environments
with high humidity and moisture. minibend WR meets the moisture resistance
requirements of MIL-STD-202, Method 106. It is designed for use in low pro-
file, internal or external, point-to-point interconnections between RF modules
within communications systems. minibend WR provides you with a preassem-
bled and tested high performance, cost-effective alternative in a variety of
standard lengths.
Technical data
Cable design
1 2 3 4 5 6
Electrical performance
Graph 1: Cable attenuation Graph 2: Max. power handling (25°C at sea level)
Attenuation (dB/100 ft.)
minibend™ LS
minibend LS has all of the benefits of the original minibend but with a micropo-
rous dielectric for lower loss and improved phase stability. The assembly con-
tains a DSCC and MIL-STD-348 compliant SMP female connector on one end
and an SMA plug connector on the other. minibend LS replaces custom length
and predefined .086 inch semi-rigid cables with flexible coax cable assem-
blies for use as internal, point-to-point interconnections between RF modules.
minibend™ LA
minibend LA is the SSMA plug version of the original minibend with a micropo-
rous dielectric for lower loss and improved phase stability. minibend LA re-
places custom length and predefined bend configuration .086 inch semi-rigid
cables with truly flexible coax cable assemblies for use as internal point-to-
point interconnections between RF modules.
Technical data
Cable design
1 2 3 4 5 6
Electrical performance
Graph 1: Cable attenuation Graph 2: Max. power handling (25°C at sea level)
Attenuation (dB/100 ft.)
mini141™ K
mini141 K is the 40 GHz. version of the mini141. mini141 K replaces custom
length, predefined bend configuration .141 semi-rigid cable with truly flexible,
low loss microporous dielectric, phase stable coax cable for use as intercon-
nections between RF modules in microwave systems.
mini141™ N
mini141 N offers all of the features and benefits of the mini141 but with N plug
connections. mini141 N replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration
.141 inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible, low loss, phase stable microporous
dielectric coax cable in standard lengths.
mini141™ W
mini141 W is the «all weather» version of the mini141 for environments with high
humidity and moisture. mini141 W meets moisture-resistance requirements of
MIL-STD-202, Method 106. mini141 W replaces custom length predefined
bend configuration .141 inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible coax cable for
use in external or internal point-to-point interconnections between modules in
microwave systems.
Technical data
Cable design
1 2 3 4 5 6
Electrical performance
Graph 1: Cable attenuation Graph 2: Max. power handling (25°C at sea level)
Attenuation (dB/100 ft.)
microbend™ AR
microbend AR is the SSMA plug version of the of the microbend. microbend AR
replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration .047 inch semi-rigid
cable with truly flexible coax cable in standard lengths.
microbend™ KR
microbend KR offers all the benefits of the microbend cable assembly but with
a solderless 2.9 mm plug connector on each end for performance up to 40
GHz. microbend KR replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration
.047 inch semi-rigid cable with standard length, truly flexible coax cable for
use as internal interconnections between RF modules in communications and
high bandwidth switching systems.
microbend™ KMTR
microbend KMTR offers all the benefits of the microbend in a 40 GHz, high
bandwidth cable assembly that features an SMPM-T female connector compli-
ant with MIL-STD-348 on one end and a 2.9 mm plug connector on the other.
microbend KMTR replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration .047
inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible, standard length coax cable for use as
internal interconnections between modules in microwave and optical fiber
switching. It is also used extensively in space applications.
microbend™ KV
microbend KV offers all the benefits of the microbend in a 40 GHz, high band-
width cable assembly with an 2.9 mm plug connector on one end and a
1.85 mm plug connector containing a gold plated BeCu contact for those
applications that require repeated mates/demates of the interface, on the
other. microbend KV replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration
047 inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible, standard length coax cable for use
as internal interconnections between modules in microwave and optical fiber
switching systems.
microbend™ 2MR
microbend 2MR offers all the benefits of the microbend but with SMPM female
connectors on each end that are fully compliant with MIL-STD-348. microbend
2MR replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration .047 inch semi-
rigid cable with truly flexible coax cable in standard lengths.
microbend™ MTR
microbend MTR offers all the benefits of the microbend in a 26.5 GHz, high
bandwidth cable assembly that features an SMPM-T female connector compli-
ant with MIL-STD-348 on one end and a SMA plug connector on the other.
microbend MTR replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration .047
inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible, standard length coax cable for use as
internal interconnections between modules in microwave and optical fiber
switching. It is also used extensively in space applications.
microbend™ MVR
microbend MVR offers all the benefits of the microbend in a 65 GHz, high
bandwidth cable assembly that features an SMPM female connector compli-
ant with MIL-STD-348 on one end and a 1.85 mm plug connector containing a
gold plated BeCu contact for those applications that require repeated mates/
demates of the interface on the other. microbend MVR replaces custom length,
predefined bend configuration .047 inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible,
standard length coax cable for use as internal interconnections between mo-
dules in microwave and optical fiber switching systems.
microbend™ 2SR
microbend 2SR offers all of the benefits of the standard microbend but with
DSCC and MIL-STD-348 compliant SMP female connectors on each end.
microbend 2SR replaces custom length, predefined bend configuration
.047 inch semi-rigid cable with truly flexible, standard length, cost-effective
coax cable for use as internal interconnections between RF modules in commu-
nications systems.
microbend™ V
microbend V is the millimeter wave version of the microbend and was designed
for use in high-speed (40Gb/sec.) switching applications such as in fiber optic
communications. microbend V has precision 1.85 mm plug connectors on each
end that contain a gold plated BeCu contact for applications that require re-
peated mates/demates of the interface. microbend V replaces custom length,
predefined bend configuration .047 inch semi-rigid cables with truly flexible,
cost-effective, standard lengths.
• MIL-DTL-17 • MIL-STD-810
• MIL-PRF-39012 • MIL-STD-1547
• MIL-PRF-55427 • MIL-STD-883
• MIL-STD-202 • MIL-PRF-31031
Length mm/in minibend Item no. minibend R Item no. minibend A Item no.
63.5 /2.5 minibend-2.5 80337902 minibend R-2.5 80337536 minibend A-2.5 80336959
76.2/3 minibend-3 80337926 minibend R-3 80337569 minibend A-3 80336961
88.9/3.5 minibend-3.5 80337929 minibend R-3.5 80337570 minibend A-3.5 80336963
101.6/4 minibend-4 80337942 minibend R-4 80337585 minibend A-4 80336965
114.3/4.5 minibend-4.5 80337947 minibend R-4.5 80337587 minibend A-4.5 80366167
127 /5 minibend-5 80337959 minibend R-5 80337606 minibend A-5 80336969
139.7/5.5 minibend-5.5 80337960 minibend R-5.5 80337607 minibend A-5.5 80370925
152.4/6 minibend-6 80337969 minibend R-6 80337616 minibend A-6 80336971
165.1/6.5 minibend-6.5 80337972 minibend R-6.5 80337617 minibend A-6.5 80370926
177.8/7 minibend-7 80337981 minibend R-7 80337625 minibend A-7 80336973
203.2/8 minibend-8 80337990 minibend R-8 80337631 minibend A-8 80336974
228.6/9 minibend-9 80337999 minibend R-9 80337637 minibend A-9 80365469
254/10 minibend-10 80337853 minibend R-10 80337509 minibend A-10 80336954
279.4/11 minibend-11 80337859 minibend R-11 80337512 minibend A-11 80336955
304.8/12 minibend-12 80337864 minibend R-12 80337515 minibend A-12 80336956
330.2/13 minibend-13 80337873 minibend R-13 80337520 minibend A-13 80365470
355.6/14 minibend-14 80337877 minibend R-14 80337522 minibend A-14 80336957
381/15 minibend-15 80337881 minibend R-15 80337525 minibend A-15 80370927
406.4/16 minibend-16 80337886 minibend R-16 80337526 minibend A-16 80336958
Length mm/in minibend E Item no. minibend K Item no. minibend KR Item no.
63.5 /2.5 minibend E-2.5 80369350 minibend K-2.5 80337108 minibend KR-2.5 80337144
76.2/3 minibend E-3 80337037 minibend K-3 80337117 minibend KR-3 80337149
88.9/3.5 minibend E-3.5 80337040 minibend K-3.5 80337119 minibend KR-3.5 80366984
101.6/4 minibend E-4 80337046 minibend K-4 80337121 minibend KR-4 80337152
114.3/4.5 minibend E-4.5 80337047 minibend K-4.5 80337122 minibend KR-4.5 80362898
127 /5 minibend E-5 80337051 minibend K-5 80362456 minibend KR-5 80337154
139.7/5.5 minibend E-5.5 80337052 minibend K-5.5 80337128 minibend KR-5.5 80370656
152.4/6 minibend E-6 80337056 minibend K-6 80337129 minibend KR-6 80337156
165.1/6.5 minibend E-6.5 80337057 minibend K-6.5 80365648 minibend KR-6.5 80370930
177.8/7 minibend E-7 80337061 minibend K-7 80337130 minibend KR-7 80337157
203.2/8 minibend E-8 80337063 minibend K-8 80337132 minibend KR-8 80337160
228.6/9 minibend E-9 80370929 minibend K-9 80337134 minibend KR-9 80337161
254/10 minibend E-10 80337020 minibend K-10 80337097 minibend KR-10 80337138
279.4/11 minibend E-11 80337023 minibend K-11 80337098 minibend KR-11 80363429
304.8/12 minibend E-12 80337025 minibend K-12 80337099 minibend KR-12 80337139
330.2/13 minibend E-13 80366191 minibend K-13 80337100 minibend KR-13 80369274
355.6/14 minibend E-14 80337028 minibend K-14 80337101 minibend KR-14 80337140
381/15 minibend E-15 80337030 minibend K-15 80337102 minibend KR-15 80365529
406.4/16 minibend E-16 80363369 minibend K-16 80337103 minibend KR-16 80337141
Length mm/in minibend KS Item no. minibend KV Item no. minibend QG Item no.
63.5 /2.5 minibend KS-2.5 80365556 minibend KV-2.5 80337175 minibend QG-2.5 80370934
76.2/3 minibend KS-3 80367753 minibend KV-3 80337177 minibend QG-3 80361835
88.9/3.5 minibend KS-3.5 80374003 minibend KV-3.5 80360466 minibend QG-3.5 80370203
101.6/4 minibend KS-4 80368776 minibend KV-4 80337180 minibend QG-4 80337502
114.3/4.5 minibend KS-4.5 80374004 minibend KV-4.5 80337181 minibend QG-4.5 80367704
127 /5 minibend KS-5 80337165 minibend KV-5 80337182 minibend QG-5 80365999
139.7/5.5 minibend KS-5.5 80374005 minibend KV-5.5 80337183 minibend QG-5.5 80370935
152.4/6 minibend KS-6 80337166 minibend KV-6 80337184 minibend QG-6 80362867
165.1/6.5 minibend KS-6.5 80374006 minibend KV-6.5 80370931 minibend QG-6.5 80366000
177.8/7 minibend KS-7 80374007 minibend KV-7 80337185 minibend QG-7 80371525
203.2/8 minibend KS-8 80362863 minibend KV-8 80337187 minibend QG-8 80337503
228.6/9 minibend KS-9 80365458 minibend KV-9 80337188 minibend QG-9 80371780
254/10 minibend KS-10 80362038 minibend KV-10 80337169 minibend QG-10 80363167
279.4/11 minibend KS-11 80374008 minibend KV-11 80370094 minibend QG-11 80367645
304.8/12 minibend KS-12 80337162 minibend KV-12 80337170 minibend QG-12 80362486
330.2/13 minibend KS-13 80374009 minibend KV-13 80370932 minibend QG-13 80370936
355.6/14 minibend KS-14 80374010 minibend KV-14 80337171 minibend QG-14 80370937
381/15 minibend KS-15 80367162 minibend KV-15 80370933 minibend QG-15 80370938
406.4/16 minibend KS-16 80363850 minibend KV-16 80337172 minibend QG-16 80370939
Length mm/in minibend S Item no.. minibend SR Item no. minibend 2S Item no.
63.5 /2.5 minibend S-2.5 80337655 minibend SR-2.5 80337687 minibend 2S-2.5 80336924
76.2/3 minibend S-3 80337657 minibend SR-3 80337692 minibend 2S-3 80336925
88.9/3.5 minibend S-3.5 80370940 minibend SR-3.5 80337693 minibend 2S-3.5 80336926
101.6/4 minibend S-4 80337658 minibend SR-4 80337698 minibend 2S-4 80336927
114.3/4.5 minibend S-4.5 80337660 minibend SR-4.5 80337699 minibend 2S-4.5 80370941
127 /5 minibend S-5 80337661 minibend SR-5 80337704 minibend 2S-5 80336928
139.7/5.5 minibend S-5.5 80337662 minibend SR-5.5 80365201 minibend 2S-5.5 80336929
152.4/6 minibend S-6 80337663 minibend SR-6 80337707 minibend 2S-6 80336931
165.1/6.5 minibend S-6.5 80367381 minibend SR-6.5 80370944 minibend 2S-6.5 80336932
177.8/7 minibend S-7 80337665 minibend SR-7 80337710 minibend 2S-7 80336934
203.2/8 minibend S-8 80337666 minibend SR-8 80337712 minibend 2S-8 80336937
228.6/9 minibend S-9 80337670 minibend SR-9 80362779 minibend 2S-9 80336938
254/10 minibend S-10 80337641 minibend SR-10 80337678 minibend 2S-10 80336918
279.4/11 minibend S-11 80337642 minibend SR-11 80337680 minibend 2S-11 80336919
304.8/12 minibend S-12 80337644 minibend SR-12 80337681 minibend 2S-12 80336920
330.2/13 minibend S-13 80365405 minibend SR-13 80370945 minibend 2S-13 80370942
355.6/14 minibend S-14 80337646 minibend SR-14 80337682 minibend 2S-14 80370943
381/15 minibend S-15 80337647 minibend SR-15 80370946 minibend 2S-15 80365859
406.4/16 minibend S-16 80337649 minibend SR-16 80337683 minibend 2S-16 80336921
Length mm/in minibend 2SR Item no. minibend V Item no. minibend VG Item no.
63.5 /2.5 minibend 2SR-2.5 80362615 minibend V-2.5 80337735 minibend VG-2.5 80337770
76.2/3 minibend 2SR-3 80369626 minibend V-3 80337738 minibend VG-3 80337772
88.9/3.5 minibend 2SR-3.5 80364002 minibend V-3.5 80337740 minibend VG-3.5 80368514
101.6/4 minibend 2SR-4 80369628 minibend V-4 80337743 minibend VG-4 80337773
114.3/4.5 minibend 2SR-4.5 80365267 minibend V-4.5 80337745 minibend VG-4.5 80366661
127 /5 minibend 2SR-5 80336948 minibend V-5 80337748 minibend VG-5 80337774
139.7/5.5 minibend 2SR-5.5 80370947 minibend V-5.5 80337750 minibend VG-5.5 80367949
152.4/6 minibend 2SR-6 80336949 minibend V-6 80337753 minibend VG-6 80337775
165.1/6.5 minibend 2SR-6.5 80370948 minibend V-6.5 80363214 minibend VG-6.5 80365363
177.8/7 minibend 2SR-7 80369627 minibend V-7 80337756 minibend VG-7 80337776
203.2/8 minibend 2SR-8 80365390 minibend V-8 80337760 minibend VG-8 80337779
228.6/9 minibend 2SR-9 80336951 minibend V-9 80337763 minibend VG-9 80370953
254/10 minibend 2SR-10 80363144 minibend V-10 80337721 minibend VG-10 80337765
279.4/11 minibend 2SR-11 80370949 minibend V-11 80337722 minibend VG-11 80367646
304.8/12 minibend 2SR-12 80360902 minibend V-12 80337723 minibend VG-12 80337766
330.2/13 minibend 2SR-13 80370950 minibend V-13 80370952 minibend VG-13 80370954
355.6/14 minibend 2SR-14 80370951 minibend V-14 80337727 minibend VG-14 80366546
381/15 minibend 2SR-15 80365860 minibend V-15 80363018 minibend VG-15 80370955
406.4/16 minibend 2SR-16 80363112 minibend V-16 80337729 minibend VG-16 80337768
Length mm/in minibend L Item no. minibend LR Item no. minibend LS Item no.
63.5 /2.5 minibend L-2.5 80360176 minibend LR-2.5 80337368 minibend LS-2.5 80337463
76.2/3 minibend L-3 80337272 minibend LR-3 80337390 minibend LS-3 80337464
88.9/3.5 minibend L-3.5 80337273 minibend LR-3.5 80337392 minibend LS-3.5 80337465
101.6/4 minibend L-4 80337285 minibend LR-4 80337409 minibend LS-4 80337466
114.3/4.5 minibend L-4.5 80337286 minibend LR-4.5 80337412 minibend LS-4.5 80337467
127 /5 minibend L-5 80337292 minibend LR-5 80337423 minibend LS-5 80337468
139.7/5.5 minibend L-5.5 80337293 minibend LR-5.5 80337427 minibend LS-5.5 80337469
152.4/6 minibend L-6 80337298 minibend LR-6 80337433 minibend LS-6 80337470
165.1/6.5 minibend L-6.5 80337299 minibend LR-6.5 80337435 minibend LS-6.5 80337471
177.8/7 minibend L-7 80337304 minibend LR-7 80337443 minibend LS-7 80337475
203.2/8 minibend L-8 80337313 minibend LR-8 80337449 minibend LS-8 80337477
228.6/9 minibend L-9 80337318 minibend LR-9 80337451 minibend LS-9 80360501
254/10 minibend L-10 80337198 minibend LR-10 80337344 minibend LS-10 80337455
279.4/11 minibend L-11 80337201 minibend LR-11 80337348 minibend LS-11 80337456
304.8/12 minibend L-12 80337202 minibend LR-12 80337351 minibend LS-12 80337457
330.2/13 minibend L-13 80337207 minibend LR-13 80337355 minibend LS-13 80337458
355.6/14 minibend L-14 80337209 minibend LR-14 80337356 minibend LS-14 80337459
381/15 minibend L-15 80337212 minibend LR-15 80337357 minibend LS-15 80337460
406.4/16 minibend L-16 80337213 minibend LR-16 80337358 minibend LS-16 80337461
Length mm/in mini141 Item no. mini141 K Item no. mini141 N Item no.
127/5 mini141-5 80336857 mini141 K-5 80336731 mini141 N-5 80336745
152.4/6 mini141-6 80336872 mini141 K-6 80336732 mini141 N-6 80336747
177.8/7 mini141-7 80336884 mini141 K-7 80336733 mini141 N-7 80365109
203.2/8 mini141-8 80336896 mini141 K-8 80336734 mini141 N-8 80336748
228.6/9 mini141-9 80336905 mini141 K-9 80336735 mini141 N-9 80366643
254/10 mini141-10 80336790 mini141 K-10 80336714 mini141 N-10 80363841
279.4/11 mini141-11 80336793 mini141 K-11 80362851 mini141 N-11 80362163
304.8/12 mini141-12 80336797 mini141 K-12 80336716 mini141 N-12 80336736
330.2/13 mini141-13 80336802 mini141 K-13 80336717 mini141 N-13 80366110
355.6/14 mini141-14 80336804 mini141 K-14 80336718 mini141 N-14 80336737
381/15 mini141-15 80336807 mini141 K-15 80362909 mini141 N-15 80361505
406.4/16 mini141-16 80336810 mini141 K-16 80336719 mini141 N-16 80336738
Length mm/in microbend R Item no. microbend AR Item no. microbend KR Item no.
63.5 /2.5 microbend R-2.5 80336652 microbend AR-2.5 80370830 microbend KR-2.5 80336568
76.2/3 microbend R-3 80336654 microbend AR-3 80370831 microbend KR-3 80336570
88.9/3.5 microbend R-3.5 80336655 microbend AR-3.5 80370832 microbend KR-3.5 80336571
101.6/4 microbend R-4 80336658 microbend AR-4 80336531 microbend KR-4 80336573
114.3/4.5 microbend R-4.5 80336659 microbend AR-4.5 80370833 microbend KR-4.5 80360390
127 /5 microbend R-5 80336662 microbend AR-5 80363838 microbend KR-5 80336574
139.7/5.5 microbend R-5.5 80336664 microbend AR-5.5 80370834 microbend KR-5.5 80336575
152.4/6 microbend R-6 80336665 microbend AR-6 80336532 microbend KR-6 80336576
165.1/6.5 microbend R-6.5 80363961 microbend AR-6.5 80370835 microbend KR-6.5 80367544
177.8/7 microbend R-7 80336667 microbend AR-7 80370836 microbend KR-7 80336578
203.2/8 microbend R-8 80336668 microbend AR-8 80336533 microbend KR-8 80336579
228.6/9 microbend R-9 80336669 microbend AR-9 80370837 microbend KR-9 80336580
254/10 microbend R-10 80336646 microbend AR-10 80336529 microbend KR-10 80336562
279.4/11 microbend R-11 80336648 microbend AR-11 80370838 microbend KR-11 80336563
304.8/12 microbend R-12 80336649 microbend AR-12 80362731 microbend KR-12 80336564
Length mm/in microbend KMR Item no. microbend KMTR Item no. microbend KV Item no.
63.5 /2.5 microbend KMR-2.5 80336550 microbend KMTR-2.5 80370885 microbend KV-2.5 80336581
76.2/3 microbend KMR-3 80336552 microbend KMTR-3 80370886 microbend KV-3 80370869
88.9/3.5 microbend KMR-3.5 80336553 microbend KMTR-3.5 80370887 microbend KV-3.5 80370870
101.6/4 microbend KMR-4 80336554 microbend KMTR-4 80370312 microbend KV-4 80363709
114.3/4.5 microbend KMR-4.5 80336555 microbend KMTR-4.5 80370888 microbend KV-4.5 80370871
127 /5 microbend KMR-5 80336556 microbend KMTR-5 80371852 microbend KV-5 80370872
139.7/5.5 microbend KMR-5.5 80336557 microbend KMTR-5.5 80370889 microbend KV-5.5 80370873
152.4/6 microbend KMR-6 80336558 microbend KMTR-6 80362186 microbend KV-6 80336582
165.1/6.5 microbend KMR-6.5 80362862 microbend KMTR-6.5 80370890 microbend KV-6.5 80370874
177.8/7 microbend KMR-7 80336559 microbend KMTR-7 80370891 microbend KV-7 80370875
203.2/8 microbend KMR-8 80336560 microbend KMTR-8 80365259 microbend KV-8 80370876
228.6/9 microbend KMR-9 80336561 microbend KMTR-9 80370892 microbend KV-9 80370877
254/10 microbend KMR-10 80336545 microbend KMTR-10 80369837 microbend KV-10 80370878
279.4/11 microbend KMR-11 80336546 microbend KMTR-11 80370893 microbend KV-11 80370879
304.8/12 microbend KMR-12 80336547 microbend KMTR-12 80362144 microbend KV-12 80369706
Length mm/in microbend MR Item no. microbend 2MR Item no. microbend MTR Item no.
63.5 /2.5 microbend MR-2.5 80336593 microbend 2MR-2.5 80336485 microbend MTR-2.5 80370846
76.2/3 microbend MR-3 80336595 microbend 2MR-3 80336490 microbend MTR-3 80371995
88.9/3.5 microbend MR-3.5 80336596 microbend 2MR-3.5 80362597 microbend MTR-3.5 80370847
101.6/4 microbend MR-4 80336598 microbend 2MR-4 80336496 microbend MTR-4 80366736
114.3/4.5 microbend MR-4.5 80370842 microbend 2MR-4.5 80370033 microbend MTR-4.5 80370848
127 /5 microbend MR-5 80336599 microbend 2MR-5 80336500 microbend MTR-5 80366725
139.7/5.5 microbend MR-5.5 80336600 microbend 2MR-5.5 80370844 microbend MTR-5.5 80370849
152.4/6 microbend MR-6 80336603 microbend 2MR-6 80336501 microbend MTR-6 80361103
165.1/6.5 microbend MR-6.5 80370843 microbend 2MR-6.5 80370845 microbend MTR-6.5 80370850
177.8/7 microbend MR-7 80365284 microbend 2MR-7 80362973 microbend MTR-7 80366726
203.2/8 microbend MR-8 80336605 microbend 2MR-8 80336507 microbend MTR-8 80396610
228.6/9 microbend MR-9 80365285 microbend 2MR-9 80336509 microbend MTR-9 80362047
254/10 microbend MR-10 80360212 microbend 2MR-10 80336477 microbend MTR-10 80366737
279.4/11 microbend MR-11 80336588 microbend 2MR-11 80336478 microbend MTR-11 80370851
304.8/12 microbend MR-12 80336590 microbend 2MR-12 80336480 microbend MTR-12 80362145
Length mm/in microbend 2MTR Item no. microbend MVR Item no.
63.5 /2.5 microbend 2MTR-2.5 80370855 microbend MVR-2.5 80336620
76.2/3 microbend 2MTR-3 80366641 microbend MVR-3 80336623
88.9/3.5 microbend 2MTR-3.5 80367802 microbend MVR-3.5 80336626
101.6/4 microbend 2MTR-4 80370856 microbend MVR-4 80336633
114.3/4.5 microbend 2MTR-4.5 80366674 microbend MVR-4.5 80370862
127 /5 microbend 2MTR-5 80367803 microbend MVR-5 80336638
139.7/5.5 microbend 2MTR-5.5 80370857 microbend MVR-5.5 80370863
152.4/6 microbend 2MTR-6 80365945 microbend MVR-6 80336640
165.1/6.5 microbend 2MTR-6.5 80370858 microbend MVR-6.5 80370864
177.8/7 microbend 2MTR-7 80367804 microbend MVR-7 80336641
203.2/8 microbend 2MTR-8 80360654 microbend MVR-8 80336643
228.6/9 microbend 2MTR-9 80367805 microbend MVR-9 80336645
254/10 microbend 2MTR-10 80367172 microbend MVR-10 80336613
279.4/11 microbend 2MTR-11 80370859 microbend MVR-11 80370865
304.8/12 microbend 2MTR-12 80362560 microbend MVR-12 80336614
Length mm/in microbend SR Item no. microbend 2SR Item no.. microbend V Item no.
63.5 /2.5 microbend SR-2.5 80336674 microbend 2SR-2.5 80336515 microbend V-2.5 80336690
76.2/3 microbend SR-3 80366686 microbend 2SR-3 80336518 microbend V-3 80336692
88.9/3.5 microbend SR-3.5 80336676 microbend 2SR-3.5 80365453 microbend V-3.5 80336693
101.6/4 microbend SR-4 80336677 microbend 2SR-4 80336521 microbend V-4 80336695
114.3/4.5 microbend SR-4.5 80363639 microbend 2SR-4.5 80366525 microbend V-4.5 80336696
127 /5 microbend SR-5 80336679 microbend 2SR-5 80336522 microbend V-5 80366545
139.7/5.5 microbend SR-5.5 80363701 microbend 2SR-5.5 80336523 microbend V-5.5 80365644
152.4/6 microbend SR-6 80336681 microbend 2SR-6 80336524 microbend V-6 80336700
165.1/6.5 microbend SR-6.5 80366676 microbend 2SR-6.5 80365939 microbend V-6.5 80370906
177.8/7 microbend SR-7 80336684 microbend 2SR-7 80365452 microbend V-7 80370907
203.2/8 microbend SR-8 80336685 microbend 2SR-8 80336525 microbend V-8 80366953
228.6/9 microbend SR-9 80336686 microbend 2SR-9 80365455 microbend V-9 80365792
254/10 microbend SR-10 80370899 microbend 2SR-10 80363819 microbend V-10 80336689
279.4/11 microbend SR-11 80370900 microbend 2SR-11 80365454 microbend V-11 80370908
304.8/12 microbend SR-12 80336671 microbend 2SR-12 80362685 microbend V-12 80362488
Can any other connector besides an SMA plug be used in a Can minbend be phased matched?
minibend™, microbend or mini141 assembly?
The ± 6.35 mm (0.25 inch) length tolerance of minibend and
Yes! We now offer a 65.0 GHz 1.85 mm plug, 40.0 GHz microbend yields a ± 21.6° phase match at 2.0 GHz. mini-
2.9 mm plug, 50 GHz 2.4 mm plug, 26.5 GHz BMA plug, bend, microbend and mini141 cannot be trimmed after assem-
40.0 GHz SMP pin and socket, 26.0 GHz SSMA plug and bly. We could select a test on special order but sorting would
jack and a variety of SMA jack minibend connectors! be limited to standard length assemblies. The cost of this ser-
vice would depend on the degree of phase matching and the
You can, however, order a minibend assembly with the SMA, frequency. Typically, phase matching ± 5° @ 2.0 GHz. would
SSMA, 1.85 mm, SMP, BMA, 2.9 mm (SMK), or other mini- be 2 x and phase matching ± 7.5° @ 18.0 GHz. would be 4 x
bend connector on one end and another connector style on the cost of a standard minibend assembly. Contact our sales
the other. department for your specific requirements.
With microbend, Astrolab offers SMPM-T, SMPM, SMA plug, mini141 and minibend L will have different phases to minibend
SMP, 2.9 mm (SMK), SSMA, SMA jack (flange), 1.85 mm/ or microbend, ± 20° phase matched at 2 GHz.
2.4 mm connectors.
What enviromental limits have minibend, microbend and
With mini141, Astrolab offers SMA plug, SMA jack, SSMA mini141 been tested to?
plug, ATNC plug, N plug and BMA float mount, 2.9 mm (SMK)
and weatherised assemblies. (Note: Ask about minibend WR and mini141 W which are
enviromentally sealed, the ruggedised minbend R and mini-
What is the shortest standard length minibend assembly? bend L which have an extended temperature range, and mini-
bend E for space applications.)
We can supply 44.5 mm (1.75 inch) minibend and mircrobend
assemblies. With mini141, our shortest standard length is Temperature range:
127 mm (5 inch). Non-standard lengths can be supplied per
customer request. – 45 °C to + 85 °C
only standard minibend (SMA connectors, not ruggedised)
Can you make minibend, microbend and mini141 assemblies
longer than 406.4 mm (16 inch) ? – 55 °C to + 125 °C
all other minibends, minibend L, mini141, microbend
minibend and mini141 were designed to replace standard
.085 and .141 semi-rigid cable assemblies which are generally
shorter than 406.4 mm (16 inch) in length. Lengths longer than
406.4 mm are supplied as minibend R assemblies. Most custo-
mers who request lengths longer than 406.4 mm (16 inch) want
to use minibend as a test cable. minibend and mini141 were
not designed to be used as a test cable assembly. Instead,
please ask about our test & measurement cable assembly
microbend assemblies were designed to replace .047 inch
semi-rigid assemblies which are generally shorter than 304.8
mm (12 inch).
(Power handling based on ambient temperature at 25 °C and Absolutely not! minibend, mini141 and microbend are truly
altitude at sea level) flexible cable assemblies with three shields (flat wire braid
outer conductor, Kapton/aluminium inner layer and stainless
steel round wire outer braid) and an extruded FEP outer jacket.
No solder is used anywhere on the outer conductor.
Graph 1: Power handling (minibend)
How tight a bend can minibend handle?
minibend L
minibend minibend W
minibend K
Frequency (GHz)
How far back from the SMA connector can I bend the cable?
Graph 2: Power handling (mini141)
14.99 mm (0.590 inch) from the face of the SMA nut.
13.72 mm (0.540 inch), if 3.80 mm (0.15 inch) bend radius)
mini141 K If they are located too close to the connector, the cable could
be overstressed by a bend radius that is too small. To avoid this,
Frequency (GHz) locate the marker sleeve at least 10.16 mm (0.40 inch) from the
back end of the connector.
microbend R
microbend KR/KMR
Frequency (GHz)
±180° over a 8.38 mm (0.33 inch) radius. 11.43 mm (0.450 inch) from the face of the SMA nut.
Yes, but do not violate the minimum bend radius of the mircro-
bend. Marker sleeves and Brady Labels™ are not as flexible as
the microbend.
If they are located too close to the connector, the cable could
be overstressed by a bend radius that is too small. To avoid this,
locate the marker sleeve at least 3.30 mm (0.13 inch) from the
How far back from the SMA connector can I bend the cable? back end of the connector.
Yes, but do not violate the minimum bend radius of the mini141.
marker sleeves and Brady Labels are not as flexible as the
If they are located too close to the connector, the cable could
be overstressed by a bend radius that is too small. To avoid this,
locate the marker sleeve at least 17.78 mm (0.70 inch) from the
back end of the connector.
2. Connectors
Can minibend be used in a space enviroment?
For assemblies other than the ones mentioned in this product
minibend has an established history of use in several space- catalogue, please contact your sales representive.
craft applications. All materials used in the manufacture of
minibend meet or exceed NASA outgassing requirements for We will be pleased to identify a customised solution for your
< 0.10 % CVCM and < 1.0 % TML. The minibend cable has particular needs.
been certified to withstand 4 megarads minimum of ionising
radiation without degradation. mini141, minibend L and micro-
bend have been used on space platforms.
The figures below show how long the minibend cable assem-
bly must be from reference plane to reference plane if it is to
replace a traditional right angle connector assembly.
Huber+Suhner Astrolab
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HUBER+SUHNER is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/TS 16949, EN/AS 9100 and IRIS.
Fact and figures herein are for information only and do not represent any warranty of any kind.