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On Training Targets and Activation Functions for Deep
Representation Learning in Text-Dependent
Speaker Verification
Achintya Kumar Sarkar 1, * and Zheng-Hua Tan 2, *

1 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City/Chittoor 517646, India

2 Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
* Correspondence: (A.K.S.); (Z.-H.T.)

Abstract: Deep representation learning has gained significant momentum in advancing text-dependent
speaker verification (TD-SV) systems. When designing deep neural networks (DNN) for extracting
bottleneck (BN) features, the key considerations include training targets, activation functions, and loss
functions. In this paper, we systematically study the impact of these choices on the performance of
TD-SV. For training targets, we consider speaker identity, time-contrastive learning (TCL), and auto-
regressive prediction coding, with the first being supervised and the last two being self-supervised.
Furthermore, we study a range of loss functions when speaker identity is used as the training target.
With regard to activation functions, we study the widely used sigmoid function, rectified linear
unit (ReLU), and Gaussian error linear unit (GELU). We experimentally show that GELU is able
to reduce the error rates of TD-SV significantly compared to sigmoid, irrespective of the training
target. Among the three training targets, TCL performs the best. Among the various loss functions,
cross-entropy, joint-softmax, and focal loss functions outperform the others. Finally, the score-level
fusion of different systems is also able to reduce the error rates. To evaluate the representation
learning methods, experiments are conducted on the RedDots 2016 challenge database consisting of
short utterances for TD-SV systems based on classic Gaussian mixture model-universal background
model (GMM-UBM) and i-vector methods.

Citation: Sarkar, A.K.; Tan, Z.-H. On

Keywords: training targets; activation functions; loss functions; bottleneck features; text-dependent
Training Targets and Activation speaker verification
Functions for Deep Representation
Learning in Text-Dependent Speaker
Verification. Acoustics 2023, 3,
693–713. 1. Introduction
acoustics5030042 Speaker verification (SV) is an authentication technique to verify a person using their
Academic Editor: Jian Kang speech sample. It is a binary classification system. Due to its non-invasive nature, SV
has attracted great interest in many authentication services such as voice mail, home
Received: 9 May 2023 automation, computer login, online resource access, IoT, etc. Depending on the constraint
Revised: 7 July 2023
of lexicon or phonetic content in the speech sample, SV systems can be broadly categorized
Accepted: 11 July 2023
as text-independent (TI) or text-dependent (TD). In TD-SV, speakers utter the same pass-
Published: 17 July 2023
phrase during both the enrollment and test phases to maintain the matched phonetic
content. On the other hand, the speakers are free to speak any text during the training
and test phases in TI-SV, i.e., there is no constraint to speak the same pass-phrase during
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
both training and testing. Therefore, TD-SV is able to yield much lower error rates than
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. TI-SV, especially when using short utterances. Additionally, the response time of TD-SV,
This article is an open access article due to the need for short utterances only, is much shorter compared to TI-SV, which makes
distributed under the terms and it attractive for real-time applications.
conditions of the Creative Commons A variety of methods were proposed in the literature to improve the performance
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// of TD-SV. These methods are grouped into feature domain [1], model domain [2,3], and score domain [4]. In the feature domain, one type of feature includes engineered short-time
4.0/). cepstral features, such as Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) [5], power normalized

Acoustics 2023, 3, 693–713.

Acoustics 2023, 3 694

cepstral coefficients [6], and perceptual linear prediction [7]. Another contains learned
bottleneck (BN) features, which are derived from deep neural networks (DNN) where
a DNN is trained to discriminate or predict a chosen target. Afterward, the frame-level
output of a particular hidden layer is projected onto a low dimensional space to obtain
BN features [8]. The low dimensional space is usually found using principal component
analysis (PCA). In [9], audio segments of variable lengths are represented by fixed-length
vectors using the concept of the sequence-to-sequence autoencoder. A fusion embedding
network is proposed in [10] to combine the advantage of TI-SV and TD-SV in joint learning.
A multi-task learning network, which is based on a phoneme-aware and channel-wise
attentive learning strategy, is proposed for TD-SV to disentangle the speaker and text
information [11]. A memory layer and multi-head attention mechanism-based DNN is
proposed to improve the efficiency of TD-SV systems in [12]. A synthesis-based data
augmentation method is introduced in [13] to increase the speakers’ and text-controlled
speech data for TD-SV. In this work, we focus on the feature domain, in particular, deep
features at frame level.
In training DNNs for feature extraction, various training targets are used, and exam-
ples are speakers [8], phones [1], pass-phrases [8], senones [14], time-contrastive learning
targets [1], and auto-regressive prediction coding (APC) targets [15]. Most of the BN feature
extraction methods require label information such as speaker identities, pass-phrases, and
phones. The generation of label information can be time-consuming and expensive. As
an alternative, self-supervised and semi-supervised learning is very appealing, which can
leverage a large amount of unlabeled data available in the real world. Recently, APC [16]
and time-contrastive learning (TCL) [1] BN features were introduced for speech representa-
tion learning for SV. In APC-BN, a DNN is trained with the objective to predict the future
feature vector using the current and past frames. Then, the last hidden layer is used for
BN feature extraction. Given that the objective of APC is to predict the content of the next
frame, it is unknown whether the last hidden layer is the optimal choice. On the other hand,
TCL uniformly divides the speech signal into a number of predefined segments, and then,
the frames within a particular segment are assigned one same class label. Afterward, a
DNN is trained to discriminate these classes for BN feature extraction. TCL aims to capture
the temporal/phonetic information in the speech signal in a self-supervised manner and
is shown to be very useful for TD-SV. As both the recently proposed APC and TCL BN
features are extracted in a self-supervised manner, it is of interest and relevance to compare
their performance and behavior in the same framework.
In addition to the selection of training targets, the other essential choices in DNN
design include activation functions and loss functions, which are both key elements for
DNN training. A loss function measures the error between the network output and the
desired target, and in error back-propagation training, the derivative of the loss function is
used to guide the training through the gradient descent approach. Various loss functions
were introduced in the literature for improved representation learning for such tasks as
speech recognition, speaker verification, and image classification, and the examples are
joint softmax-center loss [17], modified-softmax [18], arcFace [19], focal [20], orthogonal
softmax layer (OSL) [21], triplet-loss [22], the simple framework for contrastive learning
(SimCLR) [23], and cross-entropy.
Activation functions, on the other hand, control the output of DNN hidden neurons,
as well as the gradient contribution during the error back-propagation process for network
parameter optimization. Among others, sigmoid [24,25] and ReLU [26] are most widely
used in the state-of-the-art systems such as speaker recognition [27–30] and language
recognition [31,32], speech recognition [33,34], prosodic representation [35], and image
processing [19,22,23].
Although widely used, the sigmoid function suffers from a major problem, namely,
gradient vanishing. This is because the function squishes the input space into a range
between 0 and 1, and hence, a large change in input may have a small change in the
output, leading to a very small derivative. The multiplication through hidden layers in
Acoustics 2023, 3 695

back-propagation decreases the gradient exponentially. In the end, initial layers are not
updated properly, and thus, the model is not trained effectively and lacks in generalization
ability [36,37]. To avoid the vanishing gradient problem, the ReLU activation function is
widely used as well. As it preserves the large dynamic range of input in the output (from 0
to maximum), as compared to the sigmoid function, it provides a better generalization per-
formance and is simple. As per [38], the sigmoid function is ineffective for training DNNs
due to the gradient vanishing problem, and ReLU lacks in probabilistic interpretation and,
thus, requires stochastic regularization for better training of DNN. To combine stochastic
regularization with a deterministic activation function, the GELU activation function is
introduced in [38]. It is shown in [38] that GELU outperforms ReLU, the exponential
linear unit (ELU) in different tasks including speech recognition, language processing,
and computer vision. For extracting speaker embeddings, GELU is found being used in
Transformers and multi-layer perceptron-based speaker verification networks (MLP-SVNet)
systems [39,40].
The methods for BN feature extraction in TD-SV usually consider sigmoid activa-
tion function, and if discriminative loss function is needed, cross-entropy is used for
discriminating, e.g., speakers, pass-phrases, senons, and TCL segments. The focus is on
defining training targets, while loss functions and activation functions are significantly
under-explored. Therefore, we aim at filling in this gap in this work, namely, to study the
effect of different loss and activation functions, in connection with training targets, for BN
feature extraction in TD-SV.
The contributions of this work are five-fold. First, we systematically study the impact
of training targets, activation functions, and loss functions for the extraction of BN features
on the performance of TD-SV in one joint framework, i.e., the evaluation of different
training targets and activation and loss functions is based on the same DNN structure
for BN feature extraction and the same TD-SV back-end and task. Second, we investigate
ReLU and GELU activation functions for BN feature extraction for TD-SV and compare
them with the commonly used sigmoid function in this context. Third, we study the impact
of a set of loss functions on TD-SV performance. Fourth, we compare the performance
of speaker-discriminant (Spkr) BN, TCL-BN, and APC-BN features, with the first being
supervised and the last two being self-supervised. Finally, we analyze the performance of
BN features extracted from different hidden layers and the performance of the score-level
fusion of TD-SV systems based on different features.
We show that (1) both ReLU and GELU are able to reduce TD-SV error rates signif-
icantly compared with the commonly used sigmoid function in most cases, and GELU
generally performs the best; (2) cross-entropy, joint-softmax, and focal loss functions out-
perform the others; (3) TCL is the best-performing training target; and (4) the fusion of
different systems in the score domain further reduces the error rate. For the TD-SV system,
we consider two well-known state-of-the-art techniques: the Gaussian mixture model-
universal background model (GMM-UBM) [41] and i-vector [2] with scoring based on
supervised probabilistic linear discriminate analysis (PLDA) training [42,43].
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents three training targets and
their corresponding BN features. Sections 3 and 4 introduce loss functions and activation
functions, respectively. Section 5 presents the GMM-UBM and i-vector methods used for
speaker modeling. The experimental setup is described in Section 6. Section 7 provides
results and discussions. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 8.

2. BN Features and Their Training Targets

We consider both supervised and self-supervised learning methods. The former
method uses manually generated labels, while the latter derives the training target from the
data itself without using human labels. More specifically, for supervised learning, speaker
identities are used as the training targets, and for self-supervised learning, TCL and APC
training targets are used. After training, the DNN, frame-level output from a particular
hidden layer is projected onto a low dimensional space as per [8] to obtain BN features.
Acoustics 2023, 3 696

The low dimensional feature is suitable for the GMM- and i-vector-based classifiers and
aligns with the dimension of the cepstral feature for a fair comparison. Figure 1 shows a
block diagram of extracting BN features from the second hidden layer of a DNN.

x f1 (x) γ1 f2 (γ1 ) γ2 fn (..) Discriminating


Ly1 Ly2 Lyn

Deep feature
f1 (.), ... = activation
f unction
BN feature

Figure 1. A DNN system, trained to discriminate or predict targets, for generating BN features using
the second hidden layer.

The proposed approach differs from the D-vector approach [44], where each speech
utterance/segmented utterance is represented by a single vector, which is calculated by
averaging the frame level output from all hidden layers of the DNN. In our method,
each frame level output from a particular (single) hidden layer is projected onto low
dimensional space via PCA, i.e., each frame yields an output that is used as a feature for
speaker recognition.

2.1. Spkr-BN
This is a supervised feature extraction method where a feed-forward DNN is trained
using speaker identity labels as the training target to discriminate the speakers at the output
layer [8,27,28]. The generated BN feature is called Spkr-BN. The other studies, e.g., in [1],
also consider a multitask objective function to discriminate both speakers and pass-phrases
at the output layer of DNN for BN feature extraction. However, the performance of the
obtained BN is close to Spkr-BN. Utterance-level embeddings (into fixed-dimensional
space) based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) can be found in [45], which differs
from frame-level speech representations studied in the context of the present work.

2.2. TCL-BN [1]

This is a self-supervised learning method with certain similarities to contrasting
learning methods, e.g., contrastive predictive coding [46] and HuBERT [47] methods. In
the TCL-BN method, each speech signal is uniformly segmented into a fixed number of
segments, and then, the data points within a particular segment are assigned one same class
label as the training target; the first segment of a signal belongs to class one, the second
segment to class two, and so on. These generated targets are then used for the training of a
DNN with cross-entropy loss functions, and the derived feature is called uTCL-BN. The
objective is to capture temporal information (e.g., discrimination of phonetic contents or
words) in the speech signal in an unsupervised manner (without using automatic speech
recognition or any manual label information).
For the c number of classes in uTCL, each speech signal is uniformly partitioned into c
segments. The frames within the nth segments are assigned class label n as:

( x1 , ..., x M ), . . . , ( xiM+1 , ..., xiM+ M ), . . . , ( x(c−1) M+1 , ..., xcM ) (1)

| {z } | {z } | {z }
class 1 ... class c

where x denotes the frame-based feature vector.

In another case, speech signals are first randomly shuffled and then concatenated
into a single long-duration stream. The stream is split into chunks of M frames, each with
Acoustics 2023, 3 697

M = 6. At a time, n chunks are taken and assigned the class labels 1, 2, . . . , n, respectively,
which is repeated until all chunks are taken, and then, a DNN is trained to discriminate
classes for extracting BN features called sTCL-BN. In this study, we consider the value of
n = 10 as per [1].

2.3. APC-BN [15]

In this self-supervised learning method, a DNN encoder is trained to output a sequence
(o1 , o2 , . . . , o N ) as a prediction of a given target sequence (t1 , t2 , . . . t N ) that is generated
by right-shifting the input sequence ( x1 , x2 , . . . , x N ) of tn time steps. Then, the objective
function is defined as the `1 loss between them
N −tn
∑ | t i − o i |, ti = xi +tn . (2)
i =1

which is to be minimized.
The output from a particular hidden layer of the DNN for a given utterance at frame
level is extracted to obtain the high dimensional deep APC feature for text-independent
speaker verification and identification [15]. In [16], the deep APC feature vectors are further
projected onto a low dimensional space to obtain the APC-BN feature for TD-SV.

3. Loss Functions
In this section, we describe a set of loss functions that were successfully applied
to various application domains and are used in this work for training DNNs to extract
bottleneck features. In particular, we focus on loss functions for classification. Note that, in
the case of APC-BN, the `1 loss is used for prediction/regression, as already presented in
the section above.

3.1. Cross-Entropy
In this method, a feed-forward DNN is trained to discriminate the classes at the output
layer with cross-entropy (CE) as the loss function

LCE = −
N ∑ yi log p(xi , θ ) (3)
i =1

where LCE , θ, yi , xi , and p(.) denote the CE loss, parameters of the DNN, the class label of the
ith input feature vector, and the a posteriori output at the DNN output layer, respectively.

3.2. Joint-Softmax-Center [17]

This loss function is introduced in [17] to develop robust discriminative deep fea-
tures considering two loss functions together in training DNNs for face recognition. To
investigate the effectiveness of this loss function for TD-SV, we train a feed-forward DNN
with joint supervision of softmax Ls and center loss Lc functions for extracting BN features
such as:

L jsc = Ls + λLc (4)

N Wy zi +byi N
e i λ
= − ∑ log 0 + ∑ k z i − c yi k2 (5)
W z +b 2
i =1 ∑nj=1 e j i j i =1

where zi ∈ Rd denotes the ith d dimensional deep feature belonging to the yi class. Wj ∈ Rd
and b ∈ Rn denote the jth column of the weight matrix W ∈ Rd×n in the last layer of DNN
and the bias, respectively. N and n denote the number of samples in a mini-batch and
the number of classes, respectively. cyi ∈ Rd denotes the centroid of the yi class in deep
feature space. cyi is updated over each mini-batch, and Lc characterizes the intra-class
Acoustics 2023, 3 698

variation. (.)0 denotes the transpose operation. We consider d = 128 (the embedding
feature dimension, i.e., the dimension of the last DNN layer) and the balancing factor λ for
two losses to be 0.003 (as per [17]).

3.3. Modified Softmax [18]

It is observed in [18] that the learned feature with softmax exhibits an angular distri-
bution, and hence, the combination of different euclidean distance-based loss functions
(triplet loss [22] and contrastive loss [48])) may not be well suited with softmax. Therefore,
the softmax function with the angular margin is introduced in [18] for face recognition, and
the learned feature with this loss function will be angularly distributed. In our work, a
feed-forward DNN is trained to discriminate between the speakers at the output layer with
a modified softmax-based cross-entropy function Lms such as:

1 N
ekzi k cos(θyi ,i)
Lms = −
N ∑ log kzi k cos(θ j,i )
i =1 ∑j e

where θ j,i (0 ≤ θ j,i ≤ π ) denotes the angle between the d dimensional deep feature (or
embedding) zi (of the ith sample belonging to the yi th class) and weight vector Wj (the
jth column of weight matrix W ∈ Rd×n ). n denotes the number of classes. θyi defines the
angle between the learned feature zi and the weight vector Wyi (the yi th column of W). We
consider the embedding feature dimension (i.e., the dimension of the last layer of DNN)
d = 128. For more details, see [18].

3.4. ArcFace [19]

This loss function is introduced in [19] to improve the discrimination capability of a
face recognition model by adding an angular penalty margin on the embedding features in
the hyper-plane. The discrimination is obtained by increasing and decreasing the inter- and
intra-class dispersion, respectively. It is shown in [19] that ArcFace yields better accuracy in
face recognition than the existing 10 benchmark methods such as triplet-loss, softmax-loss,
and center-loss. The ArcFace loss function is defined as

1 N
es(cos(θyi +m)
L arc = − ∑ log (7)
N i =1 es(cos(θyi +m)) + ∑nj=1,j6=yi es cos θ j

where θ j defines the angle between the weight vector Wj (the jth column vector of weight
matrix W ∈ Rd×n ) and the deep feature vector zi ∈ Rd (of the ith sample belonging to the
yi th class). θyi defines the angle between the feature zi (of class yi ) and weight vector Wyi .
d denotes the dimension of the embedded deep feature of the ith sample of class yi . N
and n denote the batch size and the number of classes, respectively. m adds the angular
margin penalty between the zi and Wyi to increase the compactness and discrepancy for
the intra-class and inter-class, respectively. s is a scaling factor. The angle θ j , feature zi , and
weight vector Wj are related as

Wjt zi = kWjt kkzi k cos θ j . (8)

In our experiments, the dimension of the DNN output layer, i.e., the value of d, is set
to 128. For more details, see [19].

3.5. Focal [20]

This loss function is proposed in [20], especially for object detection in imbalance class
scenarios, which basically downgrades the importance of the easily classified examples
to avoid being overwhelmingly dominated by the easy negative examples in the model
training. This system is analogous to the BN-spkr with cross-entropy loss. The only
Acoustics 2023, 3 699

difference is that it incorporates a modulating factor (1 − pt )γ with the cross-entropy-based

loss function. It can be expressed as

L f ocal = −(1 − pt )γ log( pt ) (9)

where γ ∈ [0, 5]. For γ = 0, Equation (9) becomes the equivalent to cross-entropy-based
loss function, and a high value of γ increases the effect of the modulating factor. pt denotes
the posterior probability of the target class estimated by the model. More details can be
found in [20]. For the well-classified case of sample t, pt → 1 and the modulating factor
becomes 0, and thus, the loss is down-weighted for the well-classified example. The value
of γ is considered 2, as in [20]. In our experiments, the number of speech samples and their
duration vary across speakers, so it represents an imbalanced class scenario.

3.6. OSL [21]

To reduce the over-fitting problem of DNN trained with a small training set, the
inclusion of an orthogonal softmax layer in classification is proposed in [21] for scene
classification. It maximizes the classification margin by increasing the angle among the
weight vectors of different classes. In this method, an orthogonal softmax layer is defined
at the output layer of DNN as

r = so f tmax ((ω ∗ W )ψ) (10)

where ∗ represents the element-wise product and ω indicates the predefined fixed block
diagonal mask matrix. OSL makes orthogonal the weight vectors in the classification layer
during both the training and test processes, which leads to a tighter generalization error
bound. ψ and r stand for the input and output vectors of the layer, respectively.

3.7. Triplet-Loss [22]

This loss function is proposed in [22] for embedding a face image into a low dimen-
sional space with the purpose of discriminating the positive examples from the negative
ones based on a distance margin. This method achieves very high accuracy in face recogni-
tion. To use the loss function for BN feature extraction in TD-SV, a feed-forward DNN is
trained to discriminate speakers with a loss function that minimizes the distance between
the anchor and the positive class and maximizes the distance between the anchor and the
negative class. It can be expressed as

Ltriplet = max max [d(z a , z p )] − min[d(z a , zn )] + margin, 0 (11)

where z a , z p , and zn represent the anchor, positive, and negative embeddings, respectively.
For the distance measurement d(., .) in Equation (11), the input feature vectors of training
speakers are embedded into the 128 dimensional vector space at the last layer of DNN. The
triplet score is calculated on the embedded space, i.e., at the last layer of DNN. We consider
online triplet loss, i.e., an example within the same class as the anchor is considered to be
positive and an example from different classes than that of the anchor is considered to be
negative within the data samples of a particular mini-batch. Afterward, the frame level
output from a particular hidden layer of DNN for a given utterance is projected onto a low
dimensional space to obtain the BN feature.

3.8. SimCLR [23]

The SimCLR is proposed in [23] for the useful visual representation in image classifica-
tion. It yields the best results in top-1 accuracy compared to other methods in the ImageNet
dataset. The SimCLR function LCLR (i, j) for a pair of examples within the positive class
(same class) is defined as
Acoustics 2023, 3 700

exp(sim(zi , z j )/τ )
LCLR (i, j) = − log
k =1 1[ k 6 = i ] exp(sim(zi , z j )/τ )
= − sim(zi , z j )/τ (12)
+ log ∑ 1[ k 6 = i ] exp(sim(zi , z j )/τ )
k =1

zit z j
where sim(zi , z j ) = kzi kkz j k
, and 1[k6=i] indicates 1 iff i 6= k. τ is called the temperature
parameter. zi denotes the d dimensional embedded deep feature for input sample xi . We
consider d = 128, i.e., the dimension of the DNN output/embedding layer. The final
loss is computed over all positive pairs available, i.e., both (i, j) and ( j, i ) in the particular
mini-batch data. For more details, see [23].

4. Activation Functions
In this section, we describe the different activation functions that are broadly used in
many fields, including speech processing.

4.1. Sigmoid [24]

This is a non-linear activation function, defined as

f sgm (v) = (13)
1 + e−v
d f sgm (v)
= f sgm (v)(1 − f sgm (v)) (14)
= → 0, if v → ± large-value (15)
(1 + e − v )2

where v is the input to the activation function. As in Equation (13), the sigmoid function
squishes its input to a value between 0 to 1, and hence, the large change in the input
yields a small change in output (with the maximum value of 1), as shown in Figure 2.
Therefore, the parameter optimization of a DNN through error back-propagation faces the
known gradient vanishing problem. Specifically, the multiplication of the gradient with
a small value (as Equation (15) shows) across different layers in deep networks during
the back-propagation process yields an exponential decaying of the gradient. As a result,
the weights and biases of the initial layers are not updated sufficiently during the training
process. Nevertheless, this function is widely used in speaker and language recognition.

Sigmoid ReLU GELU



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Figure 2. The sigmoid, ReLU, and GELU activation functions.

4.2. ReLU [26]

ReLU is a piece-wise linear activation function defined as
v, if v ≥ 0
f ReLU (v) = max (0, v) = (16)
0, if v < 0
Acoustics 2023, 3 701

ReLU preserves the dynamic range of the input in the output when the input is greater
than zero, as shown in Equation (16) and Figure 2. Therefore, it does not suffer from
the gradient vanishing problem as the sigmoid function does. Additionally, it provides
better and faster convergence [38] compared to the sigmoid function, which makes it very
popular in state-of-the-art DNN systems with a variety of applications [49]. However, it is
not statistically motivated.

4.3. Leaky ReLU [50]

The Leaky ReLU activation function introduces a slope α into ReLU and is defined as,
v, if v > 0
f LeakyReLU (v) = (17)
αv, if v ≤ 0

Leaky ReLU is similar to ReLU, except for the negative slopes when input ≤ 0, and it
is helpful in a situation when a large number of neurons are dead (i.e., no gradient flows)
in the network.

4.4. GELU [38]

As discussed above, the sigmoid function suffers from the gradient vanishing problem
and the ReLU function is statistically less motivated. To tackle the problem of the lack in
the probabilistic interpretation of ReLU, stochastic regularization, e.g., dropout, is often
introduced to improve the training of DNNs. In an attempt to merge the probabilistic
regularization with an activation function, GELU is proposed. It is a standard Gaussian
cumulative distribution function that introduces the non-linearity onto the output of a
DNN neuron based on their values, instead of using the input sign as in ReLU. GELU is
defined as

f GELU (v) = vp(V ≤ v) (18)

= vφ(v) (19)
= 0.5v 1 + er f √ (20)

where v and φ(v) are the input to the activation function and cumulative distribution function
N (0, 1), respectively. Figure 2 illustrates the sigmoid, ReLU, and GELU activation functions.

5. Classifiers
In this section, we describe the different modeling techniques that are commonly used
in speaker verification.

5.1. GMM-UBM
In this method [41], a GMM-UBM is trained using data from many non-target speakers.
Then, the target speaker models are obtained from the GMM-UBM, λubm , with maximum a
posteriori (MAP) adaptation in the enrollment phase. During the test, the feature vector of
the test utterance X = { x1 , x2 , . . . , x N } is scored against the claimant λtar and GMM-UBM
models. Afterward, the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) value is calculated for decision-making:

LLR( X ) =
N ∑ {log p( xi |λtar ) − log p( xi |λubm )} (21)
i =1

Figure 3 illustrates a text-dependent speaker verification system using the GMM-UBM

technique. No labeled data are required for training GMM-UBM.
Acoustics 2023, 3 702

Speaker enrollment phase:

Training data
Feature MAP adaptation Model for speaker r
for speaker r
extraction r ǫ[1, . . . , R]
r ǫ[1, . . . , R]

Test phase:

Feature Accept/
Test data Scoring Decision
extraction Reject

Model for speaker 1

Model for speaker R

Figure 3. Text-dependent speaker verification using GMM-UBM.

5.2. i-Vector with PLDA

In this method [2], a speech signal is represented using a low-dimensional vector called
i-vector, which is obtained by projecting the signal into a low dimensional subspace (called
the total variability (T) space) of a speaker-independent GMM-UBM super-vector, where
the speaker and channel information is assumed to be dense. For a given speech signal of a
speaker, the speaker and channel-dependent GMM super-vector S can be expressed as

S = M + Tω (22)

where M denotes the speaker-independent GMM super-vector, and ω is called an i-vector.

During the enrollment phase, each speaker is represented by an average i-vector computed
over his/her training utterance-wise (or speech session-wise) i-vectors. In the test phase,
the i-vector of a test utterance ωt is scored against the claimant-specific i-vector ωe (obtained
during enrolment) with PLDA [4]. Figure 4 illustrates TD-SV using the i-vector technique.

Speaker enrollment phase:

Training data
Feature GMM−UBM, i−vector for speaker r
for speaker r
extraction T−space r ǫ[1, . . . , R]
r ǫ[1, . . . , R]

Test phase:

Feature GMM−UBM, i−vector Pre−processing Accept/

Test data Decision
extraction T−space PLDA & score Reject

i−vector for speaker 1

i−vector for speaker R

Figure 4. Text-dependent speaker verification using i-vector.

6. Experimental Setup
For evaluation, male speakers of the m-part-01 task in the RedDots challenge 2016
database are used as per protocol [51] and the database (is composed of 35 target males,
14 unseen male imposters, 6 target females, and 7 unseen female speakers). The task
consists of 320 target models (from 35 target male speakers) for training using the recording
of three voice samples for a particular pass-phrase. Each utterance is very short in duration,
an average of 2–3 s. Three types of non-target trials are available for the performance of the
TD-SV system:
• Target-wrong (TW): When a genuine speaker speaks a wrong phrase, i.e., a different
pass-phrase/sentence in testing compared to their enrollment phrase.
• Imposter-correct (IC): When an imposter speaks a sentence/pass-phrase in testing
where the pass-phrase is the same as that of the target enrollment sessions.
Acoustics 2023, 3 703

• Imposter-wrong (IW): When an imposter speaks a sentence/pass-phrase to access the

system where the pass-phrase is different from that of the target enrollment sessions.
The evaluation data set is further divided into a development set (devset) and a test
set (called the evaluation-set interchangeably) as per [52–54]. The development set consists
of a disjoint set of nine speakers (who are excluded from the system evaluation) and the rest
for evaluation. Finally, it yields 72 and 248 target models for development and evaluation,
respectively. It is important to note that the trials in the devset are derived by cross-claiming
of one speaker against the others (within the nine speakers). However, the evaluation set
consists of some imposter trials that are from speakers outside the enrollment speakers, i.e.,
unknown, and this makes the evaluation set more challenging than the devset and useful
for real-world scenarios where the system can encounter unknown imposters. Table 1
shows the number of different trials available in the development and evaluation sets. For
more details about the database, see [51].

Table 1. Number of trials available for the development and evaluation sets.

Data # of # of Trials in Non-Target Type

Set True Target Imposter Imposter
Trials -Wrong -Correct -Wrong
Development 1123 10,107 8013 72,125
Evaluation 2119 19,071 62,008 557,882

For the spectral feature, 57 dimensional MFCC feature vectors (19 static and their
first and second derivatives) are extracted from speech samples with RASTA filtering [55]
using a 25 ms hamming window and a 10 ms frame shift. After extracting the features,
rVAD [56], an open-source unsupervised voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm (https:
//, accessed on 16 March 2022) is applied to discard the
low energized frames. Finally, the selected frames are normalized to zero mean and unit
variance at the utterance level.
In the GMM-UBM system, the GMM-UBM of 512 mixtures (having diagonal co-
variance matrices) is trained using 6300 speech files from the TIMIT database [57] with
over 438 males and 192 females. Three iterations of MAP adaptation are considered during
the training of the speaker-dependent model with the value of relevance factor 10. For
training DNNs for BN feature extraction and training total variability and PLDA for i-vector
systems, 72,764 utterances over 27 pass-phrases (of 157 male and 143 female speakers) from
the RSR2015 database [58] are used.
For BN feature extraction, DNNs with six hidden layers are trained with the following
configuration: a batch size of 1024, learning rate of 0.001, 30 training epochs, 1024 neurons
per hidden layer, and the contextual input of 11 frames (i.e., 5 left frames, 1 current frame,
and 5 right frames). The number of target speakers in BN-spkr is 300. BN features are
extracted by projecting the frame level output for a particular hidden layer (before applying
the activation function) of DNNs onto 57 dimensional space using PCA to align with the
dimension of the MFCC feature for a fair comparison.
TensorFlow [59] is used for training the DNNs for all BN features, except for APC-BN.
The examples from the same class within a mini-batch are considered as positive, and
the examples from classes other than a particular positive class are treated as negative for
similarity measures for those loss functions (triplet-loss and SimCLR) that require positive
and negative examples. The process is repeated for all samples within the mini-batch. The
values of s, m, and τ are considered, respectively, 64, 0.5, and 0.5 in both Archface and
SimCLR. L2 regularization is considered during the training of DNNs with a penalty value
of 0.0001. In Leaky ReLU, the value of the slope parameter is considered to be 0.1.
For extracting APC-BN features, the DNN encoder is trained as per [15], which consists
of 3 hidden layers in the gated recurrent unit (GRU) with the following configuration: a
Acoustics 2023, 3 704

batch size of 32, a learning rate of 0.001, and tn = 5, as in Equation (2) (which gives the best
performance in [15]).
In PLDA, speaker and channel factors are kept full, and the same pass-phrase ut-
terances from a particular speaker are considered as an individual speaker. It gives
8100 classes (4239 males and 3861 females). The i-vector system is implemented using the
Kaldi toolkit [60]. PCA is trained by the data set used for training the GMM-UBM.
System performance is measured in terms of equal error rate (EER) and minimum
detection cost function (minDCF), as per the 2008 SRE [61]. Note that our discussions
on experimental results will be primarily centered around EER to be concise as EER and
minDCE results mostly agree with each other. The detection cost function is defined as

DCF = C Miss × PMiss|Target × PTarget + CFA × PFA| NonTarget × (1 − PTarget ) (23)

where C Miss = 10, CFA = 1, and PTarget = 0.01.

7. Results and Discussions

This section presents experimental results using the methods presented above and
analyzes the results.

7.1. Performance of Spkr-BN Features

In Table 2, we present the TD-SV performance of Spkr-BN features using different
activation functions, different loss functions, and different DNN hidden layers on the
development and evaluation sets using the GMM-UBM technique for SV. For simplicity, the
average EER and MinDCF values across TW, IC, and IW non-target trials are included. The
TD-SV performance of each BN feature is represented by its performance on the evaluation
set, for which the particular hidden layer performing the best (giving the lowest average
EER) on the development set is chosen. The same hidden layer (i.e., the best-performing
layer for GMM-UBM) is used for evaluating the i-vector technique.
First, we compare the performance of different activation functions. From Table 2, it is
noticed that GELU-based BN features give, in most cases, the lowest average EER values
compared with sigmoid and ReLU. More specifically, the widely used sigmoid function in
general performs significantly worse, and the performance difference between GELU and
RELU is small. This demonstrates the superiority of GELU as the activation function for
DNN-based BN feature extraction in TD-SV. As the ReLU function is broadly used and the
leaky ReLU function is a slightly modified version of ReLU, we extensively studied ReLU
first and then conducted extended experiments on leaky ReLU.
Then, we compare the different loss functions. It is seen that CE, joint-softmax-center,
and focal show the overall lowest average EER values, and they are largely on par. They are
followed by ArchFace and OSL loss functions. Triplet and SimCLR loss functions perform
the worst in these experiments, and when these two loss functions are applied, the impact
of choosing different activation functions is negligible. This could be due to the fact that
they require special care in selecting or even generating negative and positive examples
(considering SimCLR is a self-supervised learning approach) [23,62].
Now, we look at the TD-SV performance of BN features using different hidden layers
on devset, as shown in Table 2. We can see that for ReLU and GELU, the early hidden
layer-based BN features, in general, perform better. Interestingly, it is observed that when
the BN features are extracted with hidden layers close to the output of the DNN, the
sigmoid-based features yield lower error rates than those using ReLU and GELU. This
could be explained by the fact that the sigmoid function suffers from the vanishing gradient
problem, and thus, the training focuses more on the later layers than the initial layers.
Acoustics 2023, 3 705

Table 2. TD-SV performance (average EER/MinDCF) of Spkr-BN features using different loss
functions and hidden layers on the development and evaluation sets using the GMM-UBM technique.
The performance on the evaluation set is based on the particular hidden layer that performs the best
on the development set.

(a) Cross-Entropy
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 3.23/1.10 2.93/1.04 2.90/1.10 2.84/1.03 2.61/1.01 2.57/1.07 2.06/0.87
ReLU 1.94/0.65 2.10/0.70 2.22/0.76 2.67/0.90 3.67/1.33 5.53/1.84 1.28/0.51
GELU 1.86/0.67 1.91/0.67 2.23/0.84 2.87/1.01 3.97/1.35 5.71/1.92 1.26/0.49
(b) Joint-softmax-center
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 3.07/1.02 2.71/0.96 2.65/0.97 2.43/1.03 2.96/1.08 2.34/1.02 1.99/0.85
ReLU 1.99/0.62 2.22/0.68 2.37/0.81 2.34/0.84 3.29/1.12 5.36/1.63 1.35/0.49
GELU 1.77/0.66 2.05/0.71 2.04/0.80 2.56/0.90 3.37/1.22 5.05/1.75 1.25/0.51
(c) Modified Softmax
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 3.37/1.07 3.02/1.12 3.32/1.22 2.85/1.07 3.04/1.10 3.06/1.12 2.15/0.81
ReLU 2.08/0.77 1.86/0.71 2.28/0.74 2.94/1.04 3.90/1.35 6.64/2.38 1.40/0.59
GELU 1.96/0.79 1.77/0.78 2.13/0.82 2.66/1.02 3.33/1.28 4.70/1.65 1.54/0.62
(d) ArchFace
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 3.29/1.15 2.92/1.09 2.55/1.01 2.66/1.03 2.83/1.15 3.04/1.14 2.17/0.82
ReLU 1.96/0.69 2.28/0.74 2.40/0.88 3.45/1.16 4.95/1.68 6.98/2.56 1.45/0.52
GELU 1.83/0.66 2.23/0.74 2.20/0.76 2.59/1.01 4.19/1.54 6.64/2.17 1.37/0.54
(e) Focal
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 2.82/1.12 3.09/1.12 3.14/1.13 2.67/1.08 2.61/1.03 2.76/1.02 2.04/0.82
ReLU 1.86/0.67 1.89/0.69 2.30/0.86 2.77/0.89 3.91/1.32 4.82/1.61 1.37/0.51
GELU 1.80/0.66 1.87/0.66 2.46/0.83 2.58/0.90 4.23/1.38 5.37/1.83 1.29/0.51
(f) Focal
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 2.75/1.03 3.16/1.04 2.92/1.05 3.24/1.01 2.64/0.99 2.91/1.04 2.24/0.86
ReLU 2.05/0.69 2.13/0.76 3.09/1.01 3.78/1.32 5.69/2.05 8.06/2.52 1.33/0.53
GELU 1.93/0.71 2.71/0.79 2.72/0.90 3.82/1.27 5.25/1.81 7.41/2.24 1.43/0.50
(g) Triplet (Cosine)
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 2.69/1.07 2.83/1.01 2.57/1.00 2.83/1.08 2.85/1.11 2.71/1.04 2.34/0.85
ReLU 3.26/1.11 3.17/1.19 3.45/1.24 3.64/1.30 4.37/1.60 4.95/1.82 2.31/0.90
GELU 3.07/1.11 2.82/1.05 3.29/1.21 3.08/1.36 5.10/1.87 9.24/2.89 2.38/0.89
Acoustics 2023, 3 706

Table 2. Cont.

(h) Triplet (Euclidean)

Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 3.05/1.11 2.89/1.06 3.17/1.11 2.79/1.07 3.11/1.17 2.83/1.08 2.17/0.79
ReLU 2.91/1.13 3.20/1.11 3.03/1.17 3.62/1.36 4.50/1.66 5.18/2.04 2.21/0.83
GELU 2.79/1.08 3.14/1.20 3.64/1.28 4.42/1.55 6.49/2.05 14.11/3.61 2.21/0.84
(i) SimCLR
Activation Development-set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-set
function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
Sigmoid 3.30/1.13 2.93/1.07 3.53/1.17 2.85/1.01 3.20/1.11 3.00/1.06 2.22/0.86
ReLU 3.09/1.07 2.87/1.06 2.72/1.18 3.40/1.35 3.89/1.53 4.96/1.85 2.51/1.03
GELU 3.11/1.11 3.46/1.12 3.23/1.26 3.72/1.29 5.28/1.71 7.95/2.56 2.09/0.80

7.2. Performance of TCL-BN Features

In Table 3, we compare the performance of TCL-BN features with the cross-entropy
loss function but with different activation functions and different hidden layers using the
GMM-UBM technique for SV. It can be seen that the uTCL-BN method outperforms sTCL-
BN, which is in line with [1]. It is shown in [1] that uTCL (using the sigmoid activation
function) is very competitive and superior to the compared methods. In this work, we
can observe that uTCL using the GELU activation function further reduces the error rate
compared to the sigmoid and ReLU activation functions.

Table 3. TD-SV performance (average EER/MinDCF) of uTCL-BN features using different activation
functions and different hidden layers on the development and evaluation sets using the GMM-UBM
technique. The loss function is cross entropy.

Feature Activation Development-Set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-Set

Function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
uTCL-BN Sigmoid 1.98/0.79 2.01/0.78 2.55/0.86 4.03/1.64 7.55/3.24 27.39/7.59 1.38/0.55 (Ly1)
ReLU 1.72/0.59 1.53/0.61 1.58/0.59 1.46/0.63 1.92/0.72 1.99/0.76 1.40/0.59 (Ly4)
GELU 1.80/0.61 1.50/0.58 1.54/0.60 1.59/0.65 2.20/0.74 2.46/0.86 1.08/0.45 (Ly2)
sTCL-BN Sigmoid 3.35/1.10 2.84/1.06 3.11/1.10 2.72/1.03 3.05/1.06 2.94/1.04 2.23/0.82 (Ly2)
ReLU 3.08/1.08 2.79/1.10 3.17/1.20 4.01/1.48 5.94/2.23 33.90/9.67 2.44/0.84 (Ly2)
GELU 2.70/1.10 3.07/1.10 3.47/1.22 3.41/1.26 3.85/1.24 3.56/1.31 2.25/0.83 (Ly1)

Furthermore, uTCL-BN with GELU (with EER of 1.08%) also outperforms, by a large
margin, the best-performing Spkr-BN feature, which is based on cross-entropy (with EER
of 1.26%) or the joint-softmax-center (with EER of 1.25%) with GELU as well.
To further investigate the reason why GELU-based BN features yield much lower
EER in TD-SV than sigmoid, we scatter-plot Spkr-BN and uTCL-BN features for different
activation functions using T-SNE [63] with the same parameters, as shown in Figure 5.
The figure depicts that GELU-based features demonstrate more discriminative patterns
than sigmoid-based ones and MFCCs, which is also reflected by the EER values of the
corresponding features (as shown in Tables 2–4).
As SV is fundamentally a classification problem, the more discriminative feature is
expected to yield a better separability between classes in the score domain. Therefore,
we plot in Figure 6 the LLR score distributions of target-true (genuine) and impostor-
correct (impostor) trials of the Spkr-BN-based GMM-UBM systems on the evaluation set
(see Table 2) with sigmoid and GELU activation functions for the layers Ly6 and Ly1,
respectively (which yields the lowest error rate on the development set for the respective
activation functions on the same system), to demonstrate the impact of different activation
Acoustics 2023, 3 707

functions. The figure shows that the GELU-based system yields mostly higher scores for
the target-true and lower scores for imposter-correct trials compared to the sigmoid-based
system. This further indicates that GELU is a better choice.

Table 4. TD-SV performance (average EER/MinDCF) of APC-BN features using different activation
functions and different hidden layers on the development and evaluation sets using the GMM-UBM
technique. The loss function is `1. Ly{1,3} denotes the concatenation of outputs from hidden layers 1
and 3.

Feature Activation Development-Set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-Set

Function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly{1,2} Ly{1,3} Ly{2,3} Ly{1,2,3} Ly2 Ly{1,3}
MFCC - - - - - - - - 2.23/0.84
Sigmoid 2.79/0.95 1.99/0.73 2.46/0.88 2.29/0.76 1.99/0.74 2.08/0.86 1.99/0.66 1.21/0.53 1.26/0.53
APC-BN ReLU 2.46/0.98 2.10/0.74 2.34/0.88 2.20/0.74 1.99/0.74 2.21/0.78 2.00/0.69 1.30/0.58 1.27/0.51
GELU 2.38/0.93 1.89/0.72 2.63/0.98 1.97/0.71 1.83/0.64 2.08/0.77 2.05/0.75 1.22/0.54 1.18/0.48

❆✝✞✟✠✡☛ ☞✌✍✎✏✍✑ ▼✒✞✞

✁ ✁

✄✁ ✄✁

✆✁ ✆✁
✁ ✁
✲✆✁ ✲✆✁

✲✄✁ ✲✄✁

✲✁ ✲✁
✲ ✁ ✲✂✁ ✲✄✁ ✲☎✁ ✲✆✁ ✁ ✆✁ ☎✁ ✄✁ ✂✁ ✁ ✲ ✁ ✲✂✁ ✲✄✁ ✲☎✁ ✲✆✁ ✁ ✆✁ ☎✁ ✄✁ ✂✁ ✁
Figure 5. Scatter plots of MFCCs and BN features extracted for the target speakers whose utterances
are available in the evaluation set, using T-SNE [63] with the same parameters. All features are
extracted from the same utterances for a fair comparison.
Acoustics 2023, 3 708

Spkr-BN-CE-Ly6- Sigmoid -Target-true-score

Counts [norm.]
0.1 Spkr-BN-CE-Ly6- Sigmoid -Imposter-correct-score


-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Centroid of bins
Spkr-BN-CE-Ly1- GELU -Target-true-score
Spkr-BN-CE-Ly1- GELU -Imposter-correct-score
Counts [norm.]



-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Centroid of bins

Figure 6. Distribution of the target-true and imposter-correct scores of the GMM-UBM TD-SV system
in the evaluation set for Spkr-BN with sigmoid and GELU activation functions. All systems use the
same trials for a fair comparison.

7.3. Performance of APC-BN Features

In Table 4, we present the TD-SV performance of APC-BN features using different
activation functions and different hidden layers on the development and evaluation sets
using the GMM-UBM technique. From Table 4, it can be observed that GELU in general
outperforms sigmoid and ReLU, and they all are significantly superior to MFCC.
In addition, the concatenation of APC-BN features extracted from different hidden
layers further slightly reduces the average EER and minDCF values. This indicates that
different layers of an APC network capture different speaker-related information, and
hence, it is beneficial to combine them. Note that we also performed the experiments by
concatenating features extracted from different hidden layers for uTCL-BN or Spkr-BN,
but none of the combinations yielded any gain and, thus, were not shown in the paper.

7.4. Overall Comparison and Score Fusion

Table 5 further compares the TD-SV performance of BN features extracted using the
Leaky ReLU activation function with those winning configurations (low average error
rates) in Tables 2a, 3, and 4. It can be observed that Leaky ReLU is very competitive
with GeLU. However, GeLU provides lower error rates in most cases, and hence, GeLU
remains the best among the studied functions for BN feature extraction in TD-SV based
on uTCL and APC-BN. In Table 6, we first summarize and compare the results across
three different types of BN features: Spkr-BN in Table 2, uTCL-BN in Table 3, and APC-BN
in Table 4 by picking up the best-performing configuration from each category. We can
see (1) all BN features outperform MFCCs significantly; (2) uTCL-BN performs the best,
followed by APC-BN, which both use self-supervised training targets; and (3) GELU is
the best-performing activation function across all three training targets. Table 6 further
presents the detailed performance for each of the three non-target type trials. An interesting
observation from the table is that both APC-BN and uTCL-BN show a large reduction in
EER for the target-wrong and imposter-wrong trials compared to Spkr-BN, while Spkr-BN
performs better for imposter-correct trials. It indicates that APC-BN and uTCL-BN are
better at modeling the temporal or phonetic information available in the speech signal
in a self-supervised manner, which benefits TD-SV. It should be noted that there are a
variety of supervised and self-supervised training targets available in the literature, and
we select a few typical examples only in this work with no intention to make exhaustive
comparisons in this spectrum. Furthermore, the simple score fusion (averaging scores
with equal importance) of the three systems selected from each category brings further
performance improvement over their standalone counterparts. This indicates that these
features carry information complementary to each other.
Acoustics 2023, 3 709

Table 5. TD-SV performance (average EER/MinDCF) of spkr-BN, uTCL-BN, and APC-BN features
using the Leaky ReLU activation function compared to those winning configurations (low average
error rates) in Tables 2a, 3, and 4 for the respective systems.

Feature Activation Development-Set (Hidden Layer) Evaluation-Set

Function Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly4 Ly5 Ly6
MFCC - - - - - - - 2.23/0.84
Spkr-BN ReLU 1.94/0.65 2.10/0.70 2.22/0.76 2.67/0.90 3.67/1.33 5.53/1.84 1.28/0.51 (Ly1)
2.17/0.69 1.92/0.68 2.074/0.73 2.49/0.89 3.05/1.13 4.27/1.57 1.37/0.55 (Ly2)
GELU 1.86/0.67 1.91/0.67 2.23/0.84 2.87/1.01 3.97/1.35 5.71/1.92 1.26/0.49 (Ly1)
uTCL-BN ReLU 1.72/0.59 1.53/0.61 1.58/0.59 1.46/0.63 1.92/0.72 1.99/0.76 1.40/0.59 (Ly4)
1.74/0.65 1.54/0.52 1.53/0.60 1.81/0.65 2.08/0.76 2.25/0.86 1.25/0.51 (Ly3)
GELU 1.80/0.61 1.50/0.58 1.54/0.60 1.59/0.65 2.20/0.74 2.46/0.86 1.08/0.45 (Ly2)
Ly1 Ly2 Ly3 Ly{1,2} Ly{1,3} Ly{2,3}
ReLU 2.46/0.98 2.10/0.74 2.34/0.88 2.20/0.74 1.99/0.74 2.21/0.78 1.27/0.51 (Ly{1,3})
APC-BN 2.58/0.95 1.84/0.74 2.52/0.90 2.22/0.82 1.85/0.66 1.89/0.72 1.18/0.50 (Ly2)
GELU 2.38/0.93 1.89/0.72 2.63/0.98 1.97/0.71 1.83/0.64 2.08/0.77 1.18/0.48 (Ly{1,3})

Table 6. TD-SV performance for the different types of non-target trials for different combinations of
activation functions and loss functions on the evaluation set using the GMM-UBM technique.

Feature Loss Activation Function Non-Target Types [%EER/MinDCF × 100] Avg. EER/
Target- Imposter- Imposter-
Function /Hidden Layer MinDCF
Wrong Correct Wrong
MFCC - 3.44/1.23 2.50/1.08 0.75/0.22 2.23/0.84
Spkr-BN CE GELU /Ly1 1.41/0.53 1.91/0.87 0.47/0.09 1.26/0.49
uTCL-BN CE GELU /Ly2 0.84/0.33 2.07/0.97 0.33/0.07 1.08/0.45
APC-BN `1 GELU /Ly{1,3} 1.03/0.34 2.12/1.03 0.38/0.08 1.18/0.48
Score fusion Spkr + uTCL +
APC-Ly{1,3} [BN] - GELU 0.71/0.28 1.70/0.83 0.33/0.06 0.91/0.39

7.5. TD-SV Performance of BN Features with the i-Vector Technique

Table 7 compares the performance of TD-SV with the evaluation set using the i-vector
technique for those features seen in Table 6. From Table 7, it is observed that the i-vector
technique exhibits similar patterns in TD-SV performance to those of the GMM-UBM
systems shown in Table 6. Moreover, the score fusion drastically reduces the EER/MinDCF
values with respect to their standalone counterparts. In the feature domain, simple fusion
may not work [64] due to the redundancy among the features and the requirement of
additional data to train the PCA for dimensionality reduction. Therefore, we will keep it
for a future work.

Table 7. TD-SV performance using the i-vector technique for a number of features, presented in
Table 6 on the evaluation set.

Feature Loss Non-Target Types [%EER/MinDCF× 100] Avg. EER/
Imposter- Imposter-
Function /Hidden Layer Target-Wrong MinDCF
Correct Wrong
MFCC - - 5.56/2.34 3.68/1.66 0.80/0.38 3.35/1.46
Spkr-BN CE GELU /Ly1 3.16/1.18 3.63/1.57 0.78/0.25 2.52/1.00
uTCL-BN CE GELU /Ly2 2.35/0.89 3.70/1.63 0.60/0.18 2.22/0.90
APC-BN `1 GELU /Ly{1,3} 2.12/0.69 4.20/1.89 0.61/0.16 2.31/0.91
Acoustics 2023, 3 710

Table 7. Cont.

Feature Loss Non-Target Types [%EER/MinDCF× 100] Avg. EER/
Imposter- Imposter-
Function /Hidden Layer Target-Wrong MinDCF
Correct Wrong
Fusion score
Spkr + uTCL +
APC (Ly{1,3}) [BN] GELU 1.42/0.43 2.64/1.18 0.42/0.09 1.49/0.57

8. Conclusions
In this paper, we systematically studied a set of deep bottleneck (BN) feature extraction
methods that are based on either supervised or self-supervised training targets for text-
dependent speaker verification (TD-SV). We investigated their performance in combination
with different activation functions and different loss functions in a joint framework. We
further analyzed the performance when using different hidden layers for deep feature
extraction. We have obtained a set of interesting results. First, all BN features outper-
form spectral features significantly. Secondly, the two self-supervised learning methods,
utterance-wise time-contrastive learning (uTCL) and auto-regressive prediction coding
(APC), both demonstrate promising and better results compared with one supervised learn-
ing approach that discriminates speaker identities. Among the three activation functions,
Gaussian error linear unit (GELU) consistently and significantly outperforms sigmoid.
Among a number of loss functions, cross-entropy, joint-softmax, and focal outperform
the others. In the end, we show that the score-level fusion of different BN features gives
further improvement. The future work will consider better fusion strategies [64] and deep
neural architectures for BN feature extraction and classification to further improve the
system performance.

Author Contributions: Data selection and preparation, conceptualization, methodology, software,

writing the original draft manuscript, designing and running experiments, analyzing and dis-
cussing the results, A.K.S.; supervision, conceptualization, methodology, reviewing and editing
the manuscript, analyzing and discussing the results, Z.-H.T. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: A part of this work is supported by NLTM BHASHINI project funding 11(1)/2022-
HCC(TDIL) from MeitY, Govt. of India.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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