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Figures in INR
Name of work: Modification work in FZP yard as per approval from DRM/FZR for Execution
of OHE work
S.No. Brief Description Amount
1 SCHEDULE'A' DSR-2021 24068225.64
2 Schedule'B" NRUSSOR-2021 1134621.71
Tender Cost 25202847.35
Say.Rs. In lacs 252.03


Schedule-B for NR
Name of work: Modification work in FZP yard as per approval from DRM/FZR for Execution of OHE work

SN Part Cost Escalation Amount
1 417482.32
CH-7 (Turnout
and Renewals)
CH-8( Deep
Screening and
AT par as per IREPS on dated 292519.00
3 CH-12
(Activities at
Const. site)
4 CH-13 35321.52
5 CH-16 (Small 34960.00
track machine) 34960.00
CH-17(Handling 172838.37
of Materials) 172838.37
15 TOTAL 1134621.71 Total 1134621.71


Name of work :- Modification work in FZP yard as per approval from DRM/FZR for Execution of OHE work

SN DSR-2021 Cost (DSR-2021) Escalation Amount

1 SH-2 (Eatrh work) 1354420.00 1198119.93

2 S.H.-4 ( Concrete work) 8549428.00 7562824.01
3 SH-5 (RCC work) 12991395.85 11492188.77
4 S.H.-6 ( Masonary work) 1101120.00 974050.75
5 S.H.-13 ( Finishing) 162167.50 DSR- 2021 rates -Escalation @(- 11.54%) as 143453.37
SH-15(Dismantling and 860582.25 per IREPS,dated 29.01.2024 761271.06
6 S.H.-16( Road work) 2116755.00 1872481.47

7 S.H.-19( Drainage) 72164.00 63836.27

27208032.60 Total 24068225.64


Schedule A – Items covered under DSR-2021.
Name of work :- Provision of Goods Platform at Firozpur City Station along with ancillary works in connection
with Railway
Schedule A – Electrification
Items covered work.
under DSR-2021.
S.N. Item No. Description of work Unit Rate Qty. Amount.
Items covered under Chapter-2 of DSR-2021.
2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical
means (Hydraulic excavator) /manual
means in foundation trenches or drains (not
exceeding 1.5 m inwidth or 10 sqm on
plan), including dressing of sides and
ramming ofbottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated soil
anddisposal of surplus excavated soil as
directed, within a lead of 50 m.
1 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. cum 286.85 450.00 129082.50
2 2.25 Filling available excavated earth cum 253.95 450.00 114277.50
(excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides
of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding
20cm in depth, consolidating each
deposited layer by ramming and watering,
lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m.
3 2.25(a) Excavating, supplying and filling of local cum 368.65 2,000.00 737300.00
earth (including royalty) by mechanical
transport upto a lead of 5km also including
ramming and watering of the earth in
layers not exceeding 20 cm in trenches,
plinth, sides of foundation etc. complete.
4 2.27 Supplying and filling in plinth with sand cum 2,161.20 100.00 216120.00
under floors, including watering, ramming,
consolidating and dressing complete.
2.28 Surface dressing of the ground including
removing vegetation and inequalities not
exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of
rubbish, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5

5 2.28.1 All kinds of soil sqm 28.15 5,600.00 157640.00

Total of Ch-2 1354420.00
Items covered under Chapter-4 of DSR-2021.
6 4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) cum 6,326.05 110.00 695865.5
derived fromnatural sources : 8 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size derived from natural sources)
7 4.1.6 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) cum 6,670.25 600.00 4002150
derived from natural sources : 6 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm ominal size derived
from natural sources)
4.3 Centering and shuttering including
strutting, propping etc. and removal of
form work for :
8 4.3.1 Foundations, footings, bases for columns. sqm 307.95 800.00 246360.00
9 4.3.2 Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any sqm 669.55 1,000.00 669550.00
thickness) including attached pilasters,
buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets,
kerbs and steps etc.
4.20 Providing and laying in position ready
mixed or site batched design mix cement
concrete for plain cement concrete work;
using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
derived from natural sources, Portland
pozzolana/Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag
cement, admixtures in recommended
proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate /
retard setting of concrete, to improve
durability and workability without
impairing strength; including pumping of
concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage
for all leads; but excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering and finishing as per
direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the
grades of concrete.Note:
Extra cement up to 10% of the
minimum specified cement content in
design mix shall be payable separately. In
case the cement content in design mix is
more than 110% of the minimum specified
cement content, the contractor shall have
discretion to either re-design the mix or
bear the cost of extra cement.
4.20.1 All works upto plinth level :
10 Concrete of M20 grade with cum 8,387.15 350.00 2935502.50
minimum cement content of 270 kg /cum
Total of Ch-4 8549428.00
Items covered under Chapter-5 of DSR-2021.
5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work
including straightening, cutting, bending,
placing in position and binding all
complete upto plinth level.
11 5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of kg 89.65 16,500.00 1479225
grade Fe-500D or more.
12 5.28 Providing and fixing in position 12mm per cm 567.25 560.00 317660.00
thick bitumen impregnated per cm 567.25 depth per
fiber board conforming to IS: 1838, 100mtr
including cost of primer, sealing depth per
compound Grade-A in expansion joints.
5.33 Providing and laying in position ready
mixed or site batched design mix cement
concrete for reinforced cement concrete
work; using coarse aggregate and fine
aggregate derived from natural sources,
Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland
/Portland Slag cement, admixtures in
recommended proportions as per IS: 9103
to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to
improve durability and workability without
impairing strength; including pumping of
concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage
for all leads; but excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing and
reinforcement as per direction of the
engineer-in-charge; for the following
grades of concrete.
Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the
minimum specified cement content in
design mix shall be payable separately. In
case the cement content in design mix is
more than 1.10 times of the
specified minimum cement content, the
contractor shall have discretion to either re-
design the mix or bear the cost of extra
5.33.1 All works upto plinth level
13 Concrete of M25 grade with minimum cum 8,683.80 1250.00 10854750
cementcontent of 330 kg /cum
14 5.35 Add for using extra cement in the items of quintal 688.45 413 284329.85
design mix over and above the specified
cement content therein.
15 5.9 Centering and shuttering including
strutting, propping etc. and removal of
form for
16 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, sqm 307.95 180.00 55431
etc. for mass concrete
Total of Ch-5 12991395.85
Items covered under Chapter-6 of DSR-2021.
6.1 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. 0
(non modular) bricks of class designation
7.5 in foundation and plinth in:

17 6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse cum 6882.00 160 1101120
Total of Ch-6 1101120.00
Items covered under Chapter-13 of DSR-2021.
13.1 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 0
18 13.1.1 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) sqm sqm 294.85 550 162167.5
Total of Ch-13 162167.50
Items covered under Chapter-15 of DSR-2021.
19 15.1 Demolishing lime concrete manually/ by cum 701.95 125.00 87743.75
mechanical means and disposal of material
within 50 metres lead as per direction of
15.2 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by
mechanical means including disposal of
material within 50 metres lead as per
direction of Engineer - in - charge.

20 15.2.1 Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c cum 2,007.10 250.00 501775.00
equivalent design mix)
15.7 Demolishing brick work manually/ by .
mechanical means including stacking of
serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50 metres
lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
21 15.7.3 In lime mortar cum cum 701.95 120.00 84234.00
22 15.7.4 In cement mortar cum 1,698.45 110.00 186829.50
Total of Ch-15 860582.25
Items covered under Chapter-16 of DSR-2021.
16.3 Supplying and stacking at site.
23 16.3.2 63 mm to 45 mm size stone aggregate. cum 1,624.50 850.00 1380825.00
24 16.4 Laying, spreading and compacting stone cum 865.80 850.00 735930.00
aggregate of specified sizes to WBM
specifications in uniform thickness, hand
picking, rolling with 3 wheeled
road/vibratory roller 8-10 tonne capacity in
stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming requisite type of
screening / binding material to fill up
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering
and compacting to the required density.
Total of Ch-16 2116755.00
Items covered under Chapter-19 of DSR-2021.
19.6 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 0
class (light duty) R.C.C.
pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture
of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2
(1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing
of joints etc. complete
25 19.6.4 300 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 902.05 80 72164
Total of Ch-19 72164.00
Total of Ch-2 1354420.00
Total of Ch-4 8549428.00
Total of Ch-5 12991395.85
Total of Ch-6 1101120.00
Total of Ch-13 162167.50
Total of Ch-15 860582.25
Total of Ch-16 2116755.00
Total of Ch-19 72164.00
Grand Total DSR Value 27208032.60
(NRRUSSOR-2021 For P.way)
Name of work: Modification work in FZP yard as per approval from DRM/FZR for Execution of OHE work
S.N. Item No. Description of Item
Ch:7 Turnouts and Renewals Unit Rate Qty Amount
071000 Dismantling Works
Under Traffic Block:
Dismantling of existing BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing
switches with all types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails,
switches, crossings, sleepers & fastenings, leveling of ballast to
correct profile & stacking all the released materials, sleepers,
fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating &
stacking at specified locations in a neat and countable manner, within
the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if
any complete, as directed -
1. This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced
071020 either with new turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when
existing turnout is no more required at that location.
2. Rail cutting will be paid extra under relevant item.
3. Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed, as
required, shall be paid separately under relevant item.

1 071011 1 in 8½ (Under Traffic Block) Set 34891.81 7 244242.67

Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block:Dismantling of existing
BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing switches with all types
of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails, switches, crossings,
sleepers & fastenings, leveling of ballast to correct profile & stacking
all the released materials, sleepers, fastenings, rails, switches &
crossings including segregating & stacking at specified locations in a
neat and countable manner, within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of
infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed - Note: 1.
This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced
either with new turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when
existing turnout is no more required at that location. 2. Rail cutting will
be paid extra under relevant item.3. Laying of new turnout or plain
track on prepared ballast bed, as required, shall be paid separately
under relevant item

2 071021 1 in 8½ Turnout (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block). Set 27,732.77 3 83198.31
Dismantling the existing BG Buffer-stop laid with rails & wooden/ST
sleepers including leading the dismantled Buffer stop materials to
nominated places within station yard limits and stacking as material-wise
and classification-wise duly releasing all fittings carefully without
3 071030 causing any damage with all contractor's labour, tools, with all lead Set 5090.52 3 15271.56
and lifts, crossing of tracks if any, etc., complete as directed by the

Laying and linking all types of turnouts, diamond crossings and

Derailing switches with 52Kg / 60Kg rail section on PSC sleepers on
ballast bed, prepared after dismantling & removal of existing
turnout/normal line during TTR/yard remodeling under traffic block, as
per standard drawing, duly leading sleepers, rails, switches, crossings,
fastenings including rail cutting, drilling, fixing of all components,
fittings with housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling,
preparing ballast bed, filling and spreading of ballast as required,
linking of turnout with track, attending track parameters including
lifting, providing one round of packing to make track fit for 20 kmph
speed including lubrication of fittings/fastening, complete as directed
by Engineer in-charge.
Note: Payment for dismantling & removal of existing turnout/normal
line, transportation/stacking of released material and preparing of
ballast bed is not included in this item and shall be paid under
relevant item.
072050 0.00
4 072052 1 in 12 Turnouts Set 62,511.60 1 62511.60
5 072056 Derailing Switch Set 12,258.18 1 12258.18
TOTAL 417482.32
Ch:8 Deep Screening and Ballast
82000 Spreading of Ballast
Recoupment of ballast in running line with railway's stone ballast from existing
stacks available along alignment either on top of cutting or on cess or at toe of
bank by head leads or by any other means and spreading to make up deficiency
in the required profile with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. Note: Payment shall be made based on ballast stack
6 082011 For average lead up to 50m and lift up to 5m Cum 107.39 100 10739.00
085000 Supply of Ballast
Manufacturing, supply and stacking of machine crushed Track Ballast
conforming to RDSO Specification (IRS-GE-1) with latest correction
slips at Railway depot or nominated location.
Note: Distance of nearest quarry mentioned in each sub-item is only
085010 for the purpose of selecting the items for preparation of
estimates/tender schedule, based on the minimum distance between
nearest quarry and centre of supply points and will not affect the
selection of quarry during physical supply in any way till prescribed
specification is met fully
7 085019 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 200 km and up to 250 km Cum 2,817.80 100 281780.00
TOTAL 292519.00
Chapter-12 (Activities at construction sites)
121000 Dismantling Works
Dismantling of existing LWR/SWR track of any structure removing rails,
sleepers fish plates, cutting of rails, segregation and stacking of released
Rails, Sleepers and fitting at nominated location in countable manner
8 121010 within a free lead of 500m, levelling of ballast to correct profile for laying TRM 197.31 550.00 108520.50
new track over it, all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

123000 Laying & Linking Works

Linking of BG track (except at LC, Bridges and SEJs) with any type of rail
section and sleeper of specified density, on ballast bed spread and
compacted with suitable roller, over prepared formation including leading
free rails/welded panels available along the alignment on to formation,
leading and spreading all fittings and fastenings, spreading of sleepers at
specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers and fixing rails
to sleepers with all types of fittings and fastenings to correct gauge &
alignment, lubrication of fittings and fastenings with contractor's grease
as per IRPWM standards with contractors labour, tools, consumables,
123040 with all lead, lifts etc. complete and raising, levelling and initial packing of
track to make it fit for 30 kmph and meet other prerequisites prescribed in
Indian Railway Track Machine Manual for deployment of Tamping
1. Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately.
2. Spreading of ballast and compaction shall be paid separately under
relevant item.

9 123042 For sleeper density of 1540 sleepers per km TRM 291.92 250.00 72980.00
TOTAL 181500.50
Ch:13 Maintenance Activities
131000 Through Packing Works
Through packing of track, as per procedure prescribed in latest
edition of Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual
For PSC sleeper Track
For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 Sleepers/Km or
10 131011 TRM 119.75 280 33530.00
Marking, inscribing, painting, writing, bordering etc. on new / old iron
surface at various locations of Points & Crossings with details of turnin /
turn-out reference station mark on rail web for one set, duly
preparing surface with contractor's wire brush and applying two coats
of yellow synthetic enamel paint of approved quality as background
and stenciling the details to suitable size, as described for every curve
137070 reference station mark / switch / crossing details with black enamel
paint of approved quality complete, as directed :
Note: Stenciling of letters is only permitted. No hand written letters are

11 137072 1 in 12Turnout Set 1,364.34 1 1364.34

12 137074 Derailing Switch Set 427.18 1 427.18
TOTAL 35321.52
Chapter-16 (Small Track Machines)
Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections
including wear resistant, head hardened rails up to 110 UTS, with
contractors tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift
etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter
will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/1 (Rev. 01 of 2012) with
161010 latest status of RDSO; Rail Cutting Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as per
RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020)

13 161012 52 Kg - 90 UTS - Outside Track Each 181.81 50.00 9090.50

14 161015 52 Kg - 90 UTS- On Running Line Each 219.83 50.00 10991.50

Drilling holes of 16 mm to 32 mm dia. with Rail Drilling machine

including chamfering with appropriate chamfering tools in all types of
rail section with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable
161040 with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Rail Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/3,
dated 24.04.1991

15 161041 Outside Track Each 65.23 100.00 6523.00

16 161042 On Running Line Each 83.55 100.00 8355.00
TOTAL 34960.00
Ch:17 Handling of Materials
172000 Sleepers
Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special sleepers up to 2.75 metre
length in Depot / Station / Mid-section between stations in neat manner
for Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or
contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane or any other means
including crossing of one track and lead up to 250 metre & lift up to 5
metre with contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables

Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of

the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied.

17 172063 From Truck/trailer MT 90.56 12.06 1092.15

Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC special sleepers beyond 2.75 metre length
in Depot / Station / Mid-section between stations in neat manner for
Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's /
Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane or any other means including crossing
of one track and lead up to 50 metre & lift up to 5 metre with contractor's
labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc.
Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of
the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied.

18 172073 From Truck/trailer MT 91.55 43.107 3946.45

Loading of tongue rail, stock rail, switch assembly and crossings of any
section and length, SEJ, Glued joint etc. with / without P.Way fittings and
fastenings, in Wagon / Truck / trailer including lead up to 250 metre and
lift up to 5 metre.
171024 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not MT
19 121.72 6.00 730.32
required or in Truck/trailer.
Unloading of Switches Crossings SEJ Rails Glued Joints of any
rail section and length with or without P.Way fitings & fastenings in neat
173010 manner for Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or
contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with lead up to 250metre & lift up to
20 173013 From Truck/trailer MT 118.18 6.00 709.08
Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued
Joints by road vehicles for different leads.
172050 Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of
loading and unloading.Loading and unloading shall be paid extra under
21 172051 Lead up to 5 Km MT 60.35 62.00 3741.70
22 172052 Lead beyond 5 Km and up to 10 km MT 104.1 62.00 6455.44
23 172053 Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km MT 162.94 62.00 10102.28
24 172054 Lead beyond 20 Km and up to 30 km MT 233.65 62.00 14486.30
25 172055 Lead beyond 30 Km and up to 50 km MT 330.65 62.00 20500.30
26 172056 Lead beyond 50 Km and up to 100 Km MT 539.33 62.00 33438.46
27 172057 Lead beyond 100 Km and up to 150 Km MT 854.52 62.00 52980.24
28 172058 Extra for everv Km per MT beyond 150 Km over item no 172057 MT Km 3.24 4635.00 15017.40
Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other
172040 miscellaneous material except Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs
and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads.
29 172041 Lead up to 5 Km MT 192.81 3.00 578.43
30 172042 Lead beyond 5 Km and up to 10 km MT 236.57 3.00 709.71
31 172043 Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km MT 295.40 3.00 886.20
32 172044 Lead beyond 20 Km and up to 30 km MT 366.11 3.00 1098.33
33 172045 Lead beyond 30 Km and up to 50 km MT 463.10 3.00 1389.30
34 172046 Lead beyond 50 Km and up to 100 Km MT 671.79 3.00 2015.37
35 172047 Lead beyond 100 Km and up to 150 Km MT 986.97 3.00 2960.91
Total= 172838.369


1 417482.32
2 292519.00
3 181500.50
4 35321.52
5 34960.00
6 172838.37
TOTAL 1134621.71

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