Figures in INR
Name of work: Modification work in FZP yard as per approval from DRM/FZR for Execution
of OHE work
S.No. Brief Description Amount
1 SCHEDULE'A' DSR-2021 24068225.64
2 Schedule'B" NRUSSOR-2021 1134621.71
Tender Cost 25202847.35
Say.Rs. In lacs 252.03
SN Part Cost Escalation Amount
1 417482.32
CH-7 (Turnout
and Renewals)
CH-8( Deep
Screening and
AT par as per IREPS on dated 292519.00
3 CH-12
(Activities at
Const. site)
4 CH-13 35321.52
5 CH-16 (Small 34960.00
track machine) 34960.00
CH-17(Handling 172838.37
of Materials) 172838.37
15 TOTAL 1134621.71 Total 1134621.71
17 6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse cum 6882.00 160 1101120
Total of Ch-6 1101120.00
Items covered under Chapter-13 of DSR-2021.
13.1 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 0
18 13.1.1 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) sqm sqm 294.85 550 162167.5
Total of Ch-13 162167.50
Items covered under Chapter-15 of DSR-2021.
19 15.1 Demolishing lime concrete manually/ by cum 701.95 125.00 87743.75
mechanical means and disposal of material
within 50 metres lead as per direction of
15.2 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by
mechanical means including disposal of
material within 50 metres lead as per
direction of Engineer - in - charge.
20 15.2.1 Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c cum 2,007.10 250.00 501775.00
equivalent design mix)
15.7 Demolishing brick work manually/ by .
mechanical means including stacking of
serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50 metres
lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
21 15.7.3 In lime mortar cum cum 701.95 120.00 84234.00
22 15.7.4 In cement mortar cum 1,698.45 110.00 186829.50
Total of Ch-15 860582.25
Items covered under Chapter-16 of DSR-2021.
16.3 Supplying and stacking at site.
23 16.3.2 63 mm to 45 mm size stone aggregate. cum 1,624.50 850.00 1380825.00
24 16.4 Laying, spreading and compacting stone cum 865.80 850.00 735930.00
aggregate of specified sizes to WBM
specifications in uniform thickness, hand
picking, rolling with 3 wheeled
road/vibratory roller 8-10 tonne capacity in
stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming requisite type of
screening / binding material to fill up
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering
and compacting to the required density.
Total of Ch-16 2116755.00
Items covered under Chapter-19 of DSR-2021.
19.6 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 0
class (light duty) R.C.C.
pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture
of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2
(1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing
of joints etc. complete
25 19.6.4 300 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 902.05 80 72164
Total of Ch-19 72164.00
Total of Ch-2 1354420.00
Total of Ch-4 8549428.00
Total of Ch-5 12991395.85
Total of Ch-6 1101120.00
Total of Ch-13 162167.50
Total of Ch-15 860582.25
Total of Ch-16 2116755.00
Total of Ch-19 72164.00
Grand Total DSR Value 27208032.60
(NRRUSSOR-2021 For P.way)
Name of work: Modification work in FZP yard as per approval from DRM/FZR for Execution of OHE work
S.N. Item No. Description of Item
Ch:7 Turnouts and Renewals Unit Rate Qty Amount
071000 Dismantling Works
Under Traffic Block:
Dismantling of existing BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing
switches with all types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails,
switches, crossings, sleepers & fastenings, leveling of ballast to
correct profile & stacking all the released materials, sleepers,
fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating &
stacking at specified locations in a neat and countable manner, within
the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if
any complete, as directed -
1. This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced
071020 either with new turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when
existing turnout is no more required at that location.
2. Rail cutting will be paid extra under relevant item.
3. Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed, as
required, shall be paid separately under relevant item.
2 071021 1 in 8½ Turnout (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block). Set 27,732.77 3 83198.31
Dismantling the existing BG Buffer-stop laid with rails & wooden/ST
sleepers including leading the dismantled Buffer stop materials to
nominated places within station yard limits and stacking as material-wise
and classification-wise duly releasing all fittings carefully without
3 071030 causing any damage with all contractor's labour, tools, with all lead Set 5090.52 3 15271.56
and lifts, crossing of tracks if any, etc., complete as directed by the
9 123042 For sleeper density of 1540 sleepers per km TRM 291.92 250.00 72980.00
TOTAL 181500.50
Ch:13 Maintenance Activities
131000 Through Packing Works
Through packing of track, as per procedure prescribed in latest
edition of Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual
For PSC sleeper Track
For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 Sleepers/Km or
10 131011 TRM 119.75 280 33530.00
Marking, inscribing, painting, writing, bordering etc. on new / old iron
surface at various locations of Points & Crossings with details of turnin /
turn-out reference station mark on rail web for one set, duly
preparing surface with contractor's wire brush and applying two coats
of yellow synthetic enamel paint of approved quality as background
and stenciling the details to suitable size, as described for every curve
137070 reference station mark / switch / crossing details with black enamel
paint of approved quality complete, as directed :
Note: Stenciling of letters is only permitted. No hand written letters are
1 417482.32
2 292519.00
3 181500.50
4 35321.52
5 34960.00
6 172838.37
TOTAL 1134621.71