Ease of Doing Business
Ease of Doing Business
Ease of Doing Business
11032 – Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018
Efficient turnaround of the delivery of government services and the prevention of graft and
corruption in government.
Reduce red tape
Expedite business and nonbusiness related transactions in government.
All government offices and agencies including local government units (LGUs), government-
owned or controlled corporations and other government instrumentalities, whether located in the
Philippines or abroad, that provide services covering business and nonbusiness related
an official document that communicates, in simple terms, the service standards or pledge of an
agency/service office of the frontline services being provided to its citizens. It describes the step-
by-step procedure for availing a particular service, the person responsible for each step, the
documents needed to be submitted and the fees to be paid, if any.
The Citizen's Charter of each agency has a dual purpose-it shall be the basis for establishing
accountability and for recognizing good performance to grant rewards and incentives.
Acceptance of Applications or Requests.
1. All officers or employees shall accept written applications, requests, and/or documents being
submitted by applicants or requesting parties of the offices or agencies.
2. The receiving officer or employee shall perform a preliminary assessment of the application or
request submitted with its supporting documents to ensure a more expeditious action on the
application or request. The receiving officer or employee shall immediately inform the applicant
or requesting party of any deficiency in the accompanying requirements, which shall be limited to
those enumerated in the Citizen's Charter.
3. The receiving officer or employee shall assign a unique identification number to an application or
request, which shall be the identifying number for all subsequent transactions between the
government and the applicant or requesting party regarding such specific application or request.
4. The receiving officer or employee shall issue an acknowledgement receipt containing the seal of
the agency, the name of the responsible officer or employee, his/her unit and designation, and the
date and time of receipt of such application or request.
well as the remedial measures that maybe taken
by the applicant shall be cited by the concerned
If a government office or agency fails to approve or disapprove an original application or request
for issuance of license, clearance, permit, certification or authorization within the prescribed
processing time, said application or request shall be deemed approved provided that all required
documents have been submitted and all required fees and charges have been paid. The
acknowledgment receipt together with the official receipt for payment of all required fees issued
to the applicant or requesting party shall be enough proof or has the same force and effect of a
license, clearance, permit, certification or authorization under this automatic approval
If a government office or agency fails to act on an application or request for renewal of a license,
clearance, permit, certification or authorization subject for renewal within the prescribed
processing time, said license, clearance, permit, certification or authorization shall automatically
be extended
Any denial of application or request for access to government service shall be fully explained in
writing, stating the name of the person making the denial and the grounds upon which such denial
is based. Any denial of application or request is deemed to have been made with the permission
or clearance from the highest authority having jurisdiction over the government office or agency
b. A one-stop business facilitation service, hereinafter referred to as the business one stop shop,
(BOSS) for the city/municipality's business permitting and licensing system to receive and
process manual and/or electronic submission of application for license, clearance, permit,
certification or authorization shall be established within the cities/municipalities' Negosyo Center
as provided for under Republic Act No. 10644, otherwise known as the "Go Negosyo Act."
There shall be a queuing mechanism in the BOSS to better manage the flow of applications
among the LGUs' departments receiving and processing applications. LGUs shall implement
collocation of the offices of the treasury, business permits and licensing office, zoning office,
including the BFP, and other relevant city/municipality offices/departments, among others,
engaged in starting a business, dealing with construction permits.
c. Cities/Municipalities are mandated to automate their business permitting and licensing system or
set up an electronic BOSS within a period of three (3) years upon the effectivity of this Act for a
more efficient business registration processes. Cities/Municipalities with electronic BOSS shall
develop electronic versions of licenses, clearances, permits, certifications or authorizations with
the same level of authority, which may be printed by businesses in the convenience of their
offices. The DICT shall make available to LGUS the software for the computerization of the
business permit and licensing system. The DICT, DTI, and DILG, shall provide technical
assistance in the planning and implementation of a computerized or software-enabled business
permitting and licensing system.
d. To lessen the transaction requirements, other local clearances such as, but not limited to, sanitary
permits, environmental and agricultural clearances shall be issued together with the business
e. Business permits shall be valid for a period of one (1) year. The city/municipality may have the
option to renew business permits within the first month of the year or on the anniversary date of
the issuance of the business permit.
f. Barangay clearances and permits related to doing business shall be applied, issued, and collected
at the city/municipality in accordance with the prescribed processing time of this Act: Provided,
That the share in the collections shall be remitted to the respective barangays.
Except for the preliminary assessment of the business application and submitted requirements,
there will be a zero-contact policy between business applicants and government employees.
Applicants will be identified by case number and deal with government offices anonymously.
What is the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act?
It addresses Priority # 3 of the 0+10 Socioeconomic Agenda to improve country's competitiveness
and ease of doing business.
It aims to further improve and speed up the delivery of government services by simplifying the
requirements and promote transparency and cut red tape.
For the Citizens:
Transacting with Government should be hassle free. The law requires standardization
processing time for government transactions including GOCCs.
For the Business Sector:
Whether starting a business or running a business, the issuance of business permits must be
simple, speedy and streamlined.
For Public Employees and Officials:
Public service is a trust. Government personnel are expected to deliver timely and efficient
government service and demonstrate integrity at all times
Things to know about the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act?
All government agencies shall comply with prescribed processing time as follows:
No contact in any manner with any requesting party concerning an application or request
except during submission of documents.
Anti-Red Tape Authority shall:
Implement and oversee national policy on anti-red tape and ease of doing business and
implement reforms to improve competitiveness ranking.
Monitor compliance of agencies and issue notices to erring and non-compliant
government employees and officials.
Initiate investigation motu propio, or upon receipt of a complaint, or file cases for
violations. Review proposed major regulations of government agencies, using
submitted regulatory impact assessments.
It shall be a 7-person policy and advisory body, composed of DTI Secretary (Chair), ARTA
Director General (Vice-Chair), DOF, DICT and DILG Secretaries, and 2 representatives from
the private sector, as members.
2 STRIKE policy for government officials and employees found in violation of EODB/
FIRST OFFENSE: Administrative liability with six (6) months suspension. Except for
fixing or collusion with fixers where the Revised Penal Code shall apply
SECOND OFFENSE: Administrative and criminal liability
o Dismissal from the service
o Perpetual disqualification from holding public office
o Forfeiture of retirement benefits
o Imprisonment of one (1) year to six (6) years
o Fine of not less than Php500K but not more than Php2M
Any person who commits any act such as but not limited to bribery, extortion or malicious
solicitation of favor shall be criminally liable and shall be punished under the Revised Penal
Code and other special laws.