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English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 1

MODIFIERS English 2nd Paper

Board Question
modify the noun) substance is found in the water
HSC Examination-2023 (Dhaka Board) of the tube well. There are (d)___ (use quantifier
1. Read the following text and use modifiers as to pre-modify the noun) villages in (e)___ (use
directed in the blank spaces : possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. Most
Cricket is an (a)__ (pre-modify the noun) game. of our (f)___ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify
It is not a game of (b)___ (use possessive to pre- the noun) people drink tube well water. As a
modify the noun) country. A (c)___ (use a noun result, many of them are suffering from arsenic
adjective to pre-modify the noun) match is problem. This problem is (g)___ (pre-modify the
played between two teams. (d)___ (use a verb) found in North Bengal. We should take
distributive pronoun to per-modify the noun proper measures (h)__ (post-modify the verb
team consists of eleven players. A cricket field with an infinitive phrase). Government is trying
must be (e)___ (post modify the noun). It to mark the tube wells having arsenic (i) ___ (use
requires two wooden bats, a ball & two sets of a participle to post-modify the verb) red colour.
stamps. (f)___ (use a numeral adjective to pre- People should be refrained from drinking water
modify the noun) umpires conduct the game. of (j)__ (use demonstrative to pre-modify the
Sometimes, a third umpire is required (g)___ noun) tube wells. Otherwise, they will suffer
(use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) an from arsenicosis.
acute confusion. (h)__ (use a participle to pre- Answer: (a) harmful/dangerous/poisonous; (b)
modify the noun) the opoortunity, the batter hits very; (c) This; (d) many/some; (e) our; (f)
the ball away at a good distance and runs to the village; (g) widely/usually/nowadays/ generally;
opposite wicket. If (i) ___ (use an indefinite (h) to purify the drinking water/ to get rid of this
pronoun to pre-modify the noun) batter in out, problem/ to be safe/ to remain safe; (i) painting
next batter comes in his place. Both teams try with; (j) those/these.
(j)___ (use an adverbial phrase to post modify)
to out all batters of the opposite. e½vbyev`: Av‡m©wbK GKwU ÿwZKviK c`v_©| GwU
gvby‡li ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ wec¾bK| bjK‚‡ci
Answer: (a) international/elite; (b) our; (c)
cvwb‡Z GB c`v_©wU cvIqv hvq| Avgv‡`i †`‡k A‡bK
cricket; (d) Each; (e) well-maintained; (f) Two;
(g) to resolve; (h) Having; (i) a; (j) hard enough.
MÖvg Av‡Q| Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi †ewkifvM gvbyl bjK‚‡ci
cvwb cvb K‡ib| dj¯^iƒc, Zv‡`i A‡b‡K Av‡m©wbK
e½vbyev`: wµ‡KU GKwU AvšÍR©vwZK †Ljv| GUv mgm¨vq fzM‡Qb| GB mgm¨vwU DËie‡½ e¨vcKfv‡e
Avgv‡`i †`‡ki †Ljv bq| wµ‡KU g¨vP †Ljv nq `yB cvIqv hvq| cvbxq Rj weï× Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i
`‡ji g‡a¨| cÖwZwU `j GMv‡iv Rb †L‡jvqvo wb‡q h_vhZ e¨e¯’v †bIqv DwPZ| Av‡m©wbKhy³ is jvMv‡bv
MwVZ| wµ‡KU gvV fv‡jvfv‡e iÿYv‡eÿY Ki‡Z n‡e| bjK‚c¸wj jvj i‡O wPwýZ Kivi †Póv Ki‡Q miKvi|
Gi Rb¨ `ywU Kv‡Vi e¨vU, GKwU ej Ges `yB †mU gvbyl‡K †mB bjK‚‡ci cvwb cvb Kiv †_‡K weiZ
÷¨v‡¤úi cÖ‡qvRb| `yBwU Av¤úvqvi †Ljv cwiPvjbv _vK‡Z n‡e| Ab¨_vq Zviv Av‡m©wb‡Kvwm‡m fzM‡e|
K‡ib| KL‡bv KL‡bv Zxeª weåvwšÍ mgvav‡bi Rb¨ Z…Zxq
Av¤úvqv‡ii cÖ‡qvRb nq| my‡hvM †c‡q, e¨vUvi A‡bK
`~i‡Z¡ ej AvNvZ K‡i Ges wecixZ DB‡K‡U P‡j hvq| HSC Examination-2017 (Dhaka Board)
GKRb e¨vUvi AvDU n‡j Zvi RvqMvq c‡ii e¨vUvi 3. Read the following text and use modifiers as
Av‡m| `yB `jB we‡ivax `‡ji me e¨vUvi‡K AvDU Kivi directed in the blank spaces :
Rb¨ h‡_ó †Póv K‡i| Deforestation means cutting down of trees (a)__
(post-modify the verb). To meef up needs of
HSC Examination-2019 (Dhaka Board) food and housing, trees are being cut in large
scale and thus it causes (b)___ (pre-modify the
2. Read the following text and use modifiers as noun) imbalance. Besides, there are some
directed in the blank spaces : dishonest people who cut trees in our forest
Arsenic is a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun) (c)___ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify
substance. It is (b)___ (use an intensifier to pre- the verb). The (d)___ (use a noun adjective to
modify the adjective) dangerous for human pre-modify the noun) level is rising and many
health. (c)___ (use a demonstrative to pre- parts of the world are going to be engulfed by
2  HSC English 2 Paper
the sea in near future. New areas of the world verb with an infinitive) Gladstone and John
are (e)___ (use a participle to pre-modify the Bright’s debates on Irish rule. He wrote letters
verb) turned into desert as a result of to Kolkata (i) ___ (post-modify the verb with a
deforestation. So, we must stop (f)___ (use a present participle) English society. At this, his
participle to post-modify the verb) down trees family thought that they might lose their son
unnecessarily. (g)___ (use a participle to pre- (j)___ (post-modify the verb). So, he was called
modify the noun) trees indiscriminately will be back to Kolkata.
hazardous for our future existence. If we destroy
Answer: (a) renowned; (b) noble; (c) early; (d)
trees (h)__ (use an adverbial phrase to post-
first; (e) to attend; (f) professional; (g) enough
modify the verb) one day the community will
to find; (h) to listen to; (i) admiring; (j) forever.
turn into a great desert. The (i) ___ (use a
participle to pre-modify the noun) temperature e½vbyev`: iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i GKRb
will cause greenhouse effect. Necessary cÖL¨vZ Kwe wQ‡jb| Zuvi Rb¥ KjKvZvi †Rvovmuv‡Kv‡Z
measures should be taken (j)___ (use an GK m¤£všÍ cwiev‡i| wZwb cÖ_g w`‡K ¯‥z‡j wM‡qwQ‡jb|
infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).
wZwb AvU eQi eq‡m Zuvi cÖ_g c`¨ wj‡LwQ‡jb| m‡Zi
Answer: (a) indiscriminately/at random/ eQi eq‡m wZwb jÛ‡b †mLv‡b ¯‥z‡j cov‡kvbv Ki‡Z
recklessly; (b) ecological; (c) to earn money hvb| †ckv`vi †KvP wgt ¯‥‡Ui ZË¡veav‡b Zv‡K GKwU
illegally; (d) sea; (e) being; (f) cutting; (g) jwRs nvD‡m ivLv n‡qwQj| wgt ¯‥‡Ui GKwU Bs‡iR
Cutting/Destroying; (h) in a merciless way/ at cwievi Lyu‡R cvIqvi Rb¨ wZwb h‡_ó fvM¨evb wQ‡jb|
random; (i) increasing/ growing; (j) to stop
AvBwik wewa/ wbqg m¤ú‡K© Mø¨vW‡÷vb Ges Rb eªvB‡Ui
deforestation/ to maintain the ecological balance.
weZK©¸wj †kvbvi Rb¨ wZwb nvDm Ad cvj©v‡g›UI
e½vbyev`: eb DRvo Kivi A_© MvQ wbwe©Pv‡i KvUv| Lv`¨ wM‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb KjKvZvq Bs‡iR mgvR‡K cÖkswmZ
I Avevm‡bi cÖv_wgK Pvwn`v †gUv‡Z MvQ¸wj eo wPwV wj‡LwQ‡jb| G‡Z Zvi cwievi †f‡ewQj †h Zviv
AvKv‡i KvUv n‡”Q Ges Gi d‡j ev¯‘ms¯’vb fvimvg¨nxb m¤¢eZ Zv‡`i cy·K wPiZ‡i nvwi‡q †dj‡e| myZivs
nq| GQvovI wKQz Amvay †jvK Av‡Qb hviv Avgv‡`i e‡b Zuv‡K Avevi KjKvZvq †W‡K Avbv n‡qwQj|
†eAvBbxfv‡e A_© DcvR©‡bi Rb¨ MvQ Kv‡Ub| mgy‡`ªi
¯Íi evo‡Q Ges we‡k¦i A‡bK¸wj Ask A`~i fwel¨‡Z HSC Examination-2023 (Chittagong Board)
mgy`ª Øviv MÖvm n‡Z P‡j‡Q| eb DRv‡ii d‡j we‡k¦i
bZzb AÂj giæf‚wg‡Z cwiYZ n‡”Q| myZivs Avgv‡`i 5. Read the following text and use modifiers as
directed in the blank spaces as directed :
Ah_v MvQ KvUv eÜ Ki‡Z n‡e| wbwe©Pv‡i MvQ KvUv
We know that (a)__ (use quantifier to pre-
Avgv‡`i fwel¨‡Zi Aw¯Í‡Z¡i Rb¨ wec¾bK n‡e| hw` modify the noun) species are important for
Avgiv wbgg©fv‡e MvQ¸wj aŸsm Kwi Z‡e GKw`b maintaining (b)___ (pre-modify the noun)
m¤úª`vqwU GKwU gnv giæf‚wg‡Z cwiYZ n‡e| balance. If one is lost, the whole natural
µgea©gvb ZvcgvÎv wMÖbnvDm cÖfve •Zwi Ki‡e| eb environment changes (c)___ (post-modify the
DRvi e‡Ü cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e| verb). In order to protect the environment from
being spoilt, we should protect (d)___ (use
possessive to pre-modify the noun) wild life.
HSC Examination-2016 (Dhaka Board) (e)___ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun
phrase) good news is that many countries are
4. Read the following text and use modifiers as taking action (f)___ (use infinitive phrase to
directed in the blank spaces : post modify the verb). George Lay cock, (g)___
Rabindranath Tagore was a (a)__ (pre-modify (use appositive to post modify the noun) writes,
the noun) poet of Bengali literature. He was “Mankind must develop a concern for wild
born in a (b)___ (pre-modify the noun) family at creatures and determine that (h)__ (use
Jorasanko, Kolkata. He went to school (c)___ demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) wild
(post-modify the verb). He wrote his (d)___ species will not perish (i) ___ (use prepositional
(pre-modify the noun) verse at the age of eight. phrase as post modifier). We have to save wild
At the age of seventeen, he went to London animals (j)___ (use relative clause as post-
(e)___ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) modifier).
school there. He was put up in a lodging house
under the care of a (f)___ (pre-modify the noun) Answer: (a) several; (b) ecological; (c)
coach, Mr. Scott. He was lucky (g)___ (post- dramatically; (d) their; (e) The; (f) to preserve
modify the adjective with an infinitive) an the biodiversity; (g) a renowned
English family of Mr. Scott. He also visited the environmentalist; (h) the; (i) from the earth; (j)
House of Parliament (h)__ (post-modify the that are in danger of extinction.
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 3
e½vbyev`: Avgiv Rvwb †h cwi‡ekMZ fvimvg¨ eRvq HSC Examination-2017 (Chattogram Board)
ivLvi Rb¨ †ek K‡qKwU cÖRvwZ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| GKwU nvwi‡q
†M‡j cy‡iv cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek bvUKxqfv‡e cwiewZ©Z 7. Read the following text and use modifiers as
nq| cwi‡ek bó nIqv †_‡K iÿv Ki‡Z n‡j directed in the blank spaces :
eb¨cÖvYx‡K iÿv Ki‡Z n‡e| fv‡jv Lei n‡jv A‡bK The people of Bangladesh have expressed their
shock (a)__ (post-modify the verb) at the reaction
†`k Rxe‣ewPΨ iÿvi Rb¨ c`‡ÿc wb‡”Q| RR© †j
of the Pakistan Parliament. Pakistan strongly
KK, GKRb weL¨vZ cwi‡ekwe` wj‡L‡Qb, protested the execution of two (b)___ (pre-
ÒgvbeRvwZ‡K Aek¨B eb¨ cÖvYx‡`i Rb¨ D‡ØM •Zwi modify the noun) collaborators who committed
Ki‡Z n‡e Ges msKí Ki‡Z n‡e †h GB eb¨ crimes against humanity on their own people in
cÖRvwZ¸‡jv c„w_ex †_‡K aŸsm n‡e bv| wejywßi SzuwK‡Z 1971. There is a demand for apology from (c)___
_vKv eb¨ cÖvYx‡`i euvPv‡Z n‡e| (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun)
government for the crimes of its army during the
Liveration War of Bangladesh. Recently
HSC Examination-2019 (Chattogram Board) Pakistan’s National Assembly may be within its
rights (d)___ (use an infinitive phrase to post
6. Read the following text and use modifiers as modify the verb) for the execution of two
directed in the blank spaces : collaborators. But it is quite clear to us that
We can’t think of our existence without Pakistan always tries to erase its past history. To
language. It plays a (a)__ (use an intensifier) erase (e)___ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify
important role in our life. We use language from the noun) history is not easy because history
the time we wake up (b)___ (post-modify the continues to follow all of up. Pakistan, (f)___
verb) till we go to bed at night We use language (post-modify the noun with an appositive),
not only in our (c)___ (pre-modify the noun) cannot come out of its military influences. As a
hours but also in our dreams. We use language result, the country has become (g)___ (use an
(d)___ (use an infinitive) what we feel and to intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) barbarous.
So Pakistan is going down (h)__ (use an adverb
say what we like or dislike. We also use
to post-modify the verb). The founder of Pakistan
language (e)___ (post-modify the verb with an
Mr. Jinnah was physically (i) ___ (use an
infinitive) information. Language is (f)___ (pre-
intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) weak and
modify the adjective) present in our life. It is an
so, the state always tried to show its physical
(g)___ (pre-modify the noun) part of our life. As
strength since (j)___ (use a possessive to pre-
an (h)__ (pre-modify the noun) nation, we also modify the noun) birth.
have a language. But we had to struggle (i) ___
(post-modify the verb) to establish the right of Answer: (a) strongly/instantly/immediately; (b)
our language. Many (j)___ (pre-modify the notorious; (c) Pakistan; (d) to blame/to condemn
noun) sons sacrificed their lifes for language. the Bangladesh government; (e) that; (f) the
mostly military ruled country; (g) very; (h)
Answer: (a) very; (b) in the morning; (c) gradually/day by day; (i) very; (j) its.
waking; (d) to express; (e) to exchange/get; (f)
ever/always; (g) inseparable/integral; (h) e½vbyev`: evsjv‡`‡ki gvbyl cvwK¯Ívb msm‡`i cÖwZwµqv
independent; (i) hard; (j) heroic/brave/worthy. †`‡L `„pfv‡e Zv‡`i †kvK cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| GKvˇi
cvwK¯Ív‡bi RbM‡Yi weiæ‡× gvbeZvwe‡ivax Aciva
e½vbyev`: Avgiv fvlv Qvov Avgv‡`i Aw¯ÍZ¡ m¤ú‡K©
msNwUZ `yÕRb KzL¨vZ mn‡hvMx‡K duvwm †`Iqvi Zxeª
fve‡Z cvwi bv| GwU Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b Lye ¸iæZ¡c~Y© cÖwZev` Rvwb‡qwQj| evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡×i mgq
f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i| Avgiv mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K IVvi mgq cvwK¯Ív‡bi †mbvevwnbxi Aciv‡ai Rb¨ cvwK¯Ívb miKv‡ii
†_‡K iv‡Z Nygv‡Z hvIqv ch©šÍ Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kv‡Q ÿgv PvIqvi `vwe i‡q‡Q| m¤úªwZ cvwK¯Ív‡bi RvZxq
Kwi| Avgiv †Kej Avgv‡`i †R‡M _vKvi mgq¸‡jv‡Z msm` `ywU mn‡hvMxi g„Zz¨`Ð Kvh©Ki Kivi Rb¨ mwVK `vex
bq Avgv‡`i ¯^‡cœI fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv hv Abyfe e‡j cÖKvk K‡i| Z‡e GUv Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q †ek ¯úó †h
Kwi Zv cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ Ges Avgiv hv cQ›` Kwi ev cvwK¯Ívb me©`v Zvi AZxZ BwZnvm gy‡S †djvi †Póv K‡i|
AcQ›` Kwi Zv ejvi Rb¨ Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kwi| BwZnvm gy‡Q †djv mnR bq KviY BwZnvm Avgv‡`i
Avgiv Z_¨ wewbgq Ki‡ZI fvlv e¨envi Kwi| fvlv mKj‡K AbymiY K‡i P‡j‡Q| †ewkifvM mvgwiK kvwmZ
Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b me©`v we`¨gvb| GwU Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi †`k cvwK¯Ívb Zvi mvgwiK cÖfve †_‡K †ewi‡q Avm‡Z
GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask| GKwU ¯^vaxb RvwZ wnmv‡e, cv‡i bv| dj¯^iƒc, †`kwU AZ¨šÍ ee©i n‡q D‡V‡Q| ZvB
Avgv‡`iI GKwU fvlv i‡q‡Q| Z‡e Avgv‡`i fvlvi cvwK¯Ívb ax‡i ax‡i AebwZi w`‡K hv‡”Q| cvwK¯Ív‡bi
AwaKvi cÖwZôvq Avgv‡`i K‡Vvi msMÖvg Ki‡Z n‡qwQj| cÖwZôvZv Rbve wRbœvn kvixwiKfv‡e AZ¨šÍ `ye©j wQ‡jb
A‡bK exi mšÍvb fvlvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i Rxeb DrmM© Ges ZvB R‡b¥i ci †_‡KB ivóª me©`v Zvi kvixwiK kw³
K‡iwQ‡jb| cÖ`k©b Kivi †Póv K‡iwQj|
4  HSC English 2 Paper
intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) kind that he
HSC Examination-2016 (Chattogram Board)
risked his life. People (h)__ (post-modify the
noun) by the canal praised him (i) ___ (post-
8. Read the following text and use modifiers as
modify the verb with an adverb). This type of
directed in the blank spaces :
person is a model (j)___ (post-modify the noun).
Once there lived a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun) fox
in a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b)___ Answer: (a) young; (b) drowning; (c) deep; (d)
(post-modify the verb) through the jungle he fell Wasting; (e) police; (f) own; (g) so; (h)
into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c)___ (pre- standing/sitting; (i) enormously/ greatly/
modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox cheerfully/ a lot; (j) for the society/ of
was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all dedication and sacrifice.
the foxes (d)___ (post-modify the verb with an e½vbyev`: Av‡kcv‡ki †jvKRb ïay †`LwQj †Q‡jwU
infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, Mfxi Lv‡j Wz‡e hv‡”Q| ZLb UªvwdK Kb‡÷ej Av‡mb|
the fox without a tail said “My dear friends, listen to
mgq bó bv K‡i wZwb Lv‡j Suvc †`b| cywjk Kb‡÷ej
me, please, I have discovered a (e)___ (pre-modify
the noun) idea. It is that our tails are (f)___ (pre- wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi K_v fv‡ebwb| wZwb GZUvB `qvjy wQ‡jb
modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and †h wZwb wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi SzuwK wb‡qwQ‡jb| Lv‡ji av‡i
dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t `uvwo‡q _vKv †jvKRb Zvi f‚qmx cÖksmv K‡ib| GB
we?” All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g)___ ai‡bi e¨w³ DrmM© Ges Z¨v‡Mi cÖwZK…wZ|
(post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h)__
(post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. HSC Examination-2019 (Rajshahi Board)
But an old and (i) ___ (pre-modify the noun) fox
said to him, “My friend, your plan is nice but evil. 10. Read the following text and use modifiers as
Actually, you want to cut off our tails because you directed in the blank spaces :
Taking food is essential. We take food (a)__
have (j)___ (pre-modify the noun with a
(use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the
determiner) tail of your own.”
verb). We cannot survive on earth if we do not
Answer: (a) clever; (b) alone/aimlessly; (c) take food. In fact, (b)___ (use a quantifier to
very; (d) to come; (e) new; (f) quite; (g) pre-modify the noun phrase) living beings need
attentively; (h) to cut off; (i) wise; (j) no. to take food. But it is a matter of great regret
that (c)___ (use possessive to pre-modify the
e½vbyev`: GK`v GKwU R½‡j GKwU PvjvK wkqvj noun) food is being adulterated. (d)___ (use a
_vKZ| GKw`b, †m R½‡ji ga¨ w`‡q GKv Pjvi mgq noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun)
†m GKwU duv‡` c‡o Zvi †jRwU nvwi‡qwQj| †m Lye adulteration is increasing (e)___ (use an
Amš‘ó Ges `ytwLZ n‡qwQj| wkqvj wKš‘ Lye PvjvK intensifier to pre-modify the adverb) alarming
wQj| †m GKwU cwiKíbv AuvUj| †m mg¯Í wkqvj‡K that we cannot stop it. (f)___ (use a determiner
to pre-modify the noun phrase) dishonest
GKwU mfvq Avm‡Z Avgš¿Y Rvwb‡qwQj| mg¯Í wkqvj businessmen use (g)___ (pre-modify the noun)
G‡m †cu․Q‡j, †kqvjwU †jR QvovB e‡jwQj ÒAvgvi wcÖq chemicals in food and fruits to make illegal and
eÜziv, Avgvi K_v †kv‡bv, `qv K‡i Avwg GKwU bZzb quick money. But they do not think about (h)__
wPšÍv Avwe®‥vi K‡iwQ| Avgv‡`i †jR¸wj †ek A‡K‡Rv| (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun)
Zviv †`L‡Z KziæwPc~Y© Ges †bvsiv| myZivs Avgv‡`i health. (i) ___ (use present participle)
mKj‡K Avgv‡`i †jR¸wj †K‡U †`Iqv DwPZ, ZvB bv? adulterated food, people get sick. They are often
attacked with different fatal diseases. So, (j)___
Òmg¯Í wkqvj g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i PvjvK †kqvjwUi K_v
(use a gerund) food safety is a must today.
ï‡bwQj| Zv‡`i †ewkifvMB Zv‡`i †jR KvU‡Z ivwR
n‡qwQj| Z‡e GKRb e„× I Ávbx wkqvj Zv‡K ej‡jb, Answer: (a) to satisfy our hunger/ to maintain
our health; (b) all; (c) our; (d) Food; (e) so/very;
ÒeÜz, †Zvgvi cwiKíbvwU my›`i Z‡e Lvivc| Avm‡j
(f) Some; (g) poisonous/ harmful/ toxic; (h) our;
Zzwg Avgv‡`i †jR¸wj †K‡U †dj‡Z PvI KviY †Zvgvi (i) Eating/ Taking/ Having/ Consuming; (j)
wb‡Ri †Kv‡bv †jR †bB|Ó ensuring/ maintaining.
HSC Examination-2023 (Rajshahi Board) e½vbyev`: Lvevi MÖnY Acwinvh©| Avgiv Avgv‡`i ÿzav
†gUv‡bvi Rb¨ Lvevi MÖnY Kwi| Avgiv Lvevi MÖnY bv
9. Read the following text and use modifiers as Ki‡j Avgiv c„w_ex‡Z euvP‡Z cvwi bv| Avm‡j mg¯Í
directed in the blank spaces : Rx‡ei Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| Z‡e GwU AZ¨šÍ
People around were just watching as the (a)__ Av‡ÿ‡ci welq †h Avgv‡`i LveviwU †fRvj n‡”Q| Lv‡`¨
(pre-modify the noun) boy started (b)___ (post-
modify the verb) into the (c)___ (pre-modify the
†fRvj GZUv D‡ØMRbKfv‡e e„w× cv‡”Q †h Avgiv GwU
noun) canal. Then the traffic constable came. _vgv‡Z cvwi bv| wKš‘ Amvay e¨emvqx A‣ea Ges `ªæZ A_©
(d)___ (pre-modify the noun with a present DcvR©‡bi Rb¨ Lvevi Ges d‡ji †ÿ‡Î welv³ ivmvqwbK
participle) no time, he jumped into the canal. e¨envi K‡ib| Z‡e Zviv Avgv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ wb‡q fv‡eb bv|
The (e)___ (pre-modify the noun with an †fRvj Lvevi †L‡q gvbyl Amy¯’ n‡q c‡o| G¸‡jvi
adjective) constable did not think of his (f)___ gva¨‡g cÖvqkB Zviv wewfbœ gvivZ¥K †iv‡M AvµvšÍ nq|
(pre-modify the noun) life. He was (g)___ (use an myZivs, AvR Kv`¨ myiÿv wbwðZ Kiv Avek¨K|
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 5
verb). Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug
HSC Examination-2017 (Rajshahi Board)
was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug
11. Read the following text and use modifiers as down for the water to flow out. But she found
directed in the blank spaces : (f)___ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the
Ayesh Begum has three sons and two daughters. noun) jug too heavy. The crow thought (g)___
Her husband was a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun) (use a phrase to post-modify the verb) what to
farmer who used (b)___ (post-modify the verb do. (h)__ (use a participle to pre modify the
by using infinitive) on other people’s land. With verb), she saw some pebbles nearby. She (i) ___
great effort they married (c)___ (use a pronoun) (pre-modify the verb) had a good idea. She
daughters off by the time they reached teenage. started picking up the pebbles one by one,
Their sons also started (d)___ (use present dropping each into the jug. As more and more
participle to modify the verb) with their father pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept
as (e)___ (pre-modify the noun) labourers when rising. Soon it was high (j)___ (post-modify the
they were old enough to help. By the time they adjective) for the crow to drink. The crow
were seventeen, they left for towns (f)___ (use quenched its thirst and flew away .
infinitive to post-modify the verb) money. At Answer: (a) summer; (b) thirsty; (c) very; (d)
first they used to send money to their parents quickly; (e) to drink water; (f) that; (g) for a
(g)___ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) while; (h) Looking around; (i) finally/ them; (j)
but after getting married they barely had enough enough.
to support their (h)__ (pre-modify the noun)
families. Out of desperation, Ayesha Begum e½vbyev`: GUv wQj cÖPÛ Mi‡gi w`b| cvwbi mÜv‡b GK
started (i) ___ (post-modify the verb) in the Z…òvZ© KvK D‡o †eov‡jv gv‡Vi Dci w`‡q| A‡bKÿY
villages to feed her old, (j)___ (pre-modify the †m †Kv‡bv cvwb †cj bv| †m Lye `ye©j †eva K‡iwQj,
noun) husband and herself. cÖvq Avkv †Q‡o w`‡qwQj| nVvr †m Zvi bx‡P GKwU
Answer: (a) landless/ poor; (b) to work; (c) cvwbi RM †`L‡Z †cj| wfZ‡i cvwb Av‡Q wKbv Zv
their; (d) working; (e) day; (f) to earn; (g) †`L‡Z †m `ªæZ D‡o †Mj| nu¨v, GUv R‡Mi wfZ‡i wKQz
occasionally; (h) own; (i) begging; (j) invalid. cvwb †`L‡Z †cj| KvK cvwb LvIqvi †Póv Kij|
e½vbyev`: Av‡qkv †eM‡gi wZb †Q‡j I `yB †g‡q| Zvi `yt‡Li welq, †m †`L‡Z †cj †h RMwUi Nvo Lye miæ
¯^vgx f‚wgnxb K…lK wQ‡jb †h Ab¨ gvby‡li Rwg‡Z KvR wQj| Zvic‡i †m cvwb cÖevwnZ nIqvi Rb¨ RMwU‡K
Ki‡Zb| A‡bK †Póvi gva¨‡g Zviv Zv‡`i Kb¨v¸‡jv‡K bx‡P bvgv‡bvi †Póv K‡iwQj| wKš‘ †m †`Lj RMwU Lye
13 EaŸ© n‡j we‡q w`‡q †`q| Zv‡`i †Q‡jivI evevi fvwi wQj| KvK wKQzÿY †f‡ewQj wK Kiv hvq| Pvicv‡k
w`bgRyi wnmv‡e KvR ïiæ K‡iwQj hLb Zv‡`i mvnvh¨ ZvwK‡q †`L‡jv, KvQvKvwQ wKQz bywocv_i i‡q‡Q| †m
Kivi g‡Zv eqm n‡qwQj| m‡Z‡iv eQi eq‡m Zviv A_© Ae‡k‡l GKwU fv‡j aviYv †cj| †m G‡K G‡K bywo
DcvR©‡bi Rb¨ kn‡i P‡j †Mj| cÖ_‡g Zviv gv‡S g‡a¨ evQ‡Z ïiæ Kij, cÖ‡Z¨KwU bywo cv_i R‡M †djj| hZ
Zv‡`i wcZv-gvZvi Kv‡Q A_© †cÖiY KiZ Z‡e weev‡ni †ewk bywo cv_i fivU KiwQj, R‡ji ¯Íi ZZB evowQj|
c‡i Zv‡`i wbR cwievi‡K mnvqZv Kivi g‡Zv ch©vß A_© kxNªB GwU Kv‡Ki cvb Kivi h‡_ó n‡qwQj| KvK Zvi
wQj| nZvkvi Kvi‡Y Av‡qkv †eMg Zvi e„×, APj ¯^vgx Z…òv wbeviY K‡i D‡o †Mj|
Ges wb‡R‡K LvIqv‡bvi Rb¨ MÖv‡g wfÿv ïiæ K‡ib|
HSC Examination-2023 (Cumilla Board)
HSC Examination-2016 (Rajshahi Board)
13. Read the following text and use modifiers as
12. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces :
directed in the blank spaces : Amerigo, (a)__ (use noun in apposition) lives
It was a hot (a)__ (use a noun adjective to pre- alone. His parents now live separate and none of
modify the noun) day. A (b)___ (pre modify the them wants (b)___ (use infinitive to post modify
noun) crow flew all over the fields looking for to verb) his responsibility. (c)___ (use
water. For a long time, she could not find any possessive to pre-modify the noun) mother told
water. She felt (c)___ (use an intensifier to pre- him to go away because she is married to
modify the adjective) weak, almost giving up another man. (d)___ (use determiner to pre-
hope. Suddenly. she saw a water jug below her. modify the noun) streets are now his home. He
She flew (d)___ (post-modify the verb) to see if wanted (e)___ (use adjective to pre-modify the
there was any water inside. Yes, she could see noun) money from his father to buy a (f)___
some water inside the jug. The crow tried (e)___ (use noun adjective to pre-modify the noun)
(use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the ticket. But his father did not answer. He earns
6  HSC English 2 Paper
his living by working hard. (g)___ (use e½vbyev`: msev`cÎ AvaywbK mf¨Zvq Lye ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
adverbial to pre-modify the verb) he finds work. f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i| GwU †`k-we‡`‡ki msev` Ges
Some of (h)__ use demonstrative to pre-modify gZvgZ cÖKvk K‡i| GB cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK we‡k¦ †Kej
the noun) works are very risky for him. Once he
sold ice-cream (i) ___ (use prepositional phrase
cuyw_MZ ÁvbB h‡_ó bq| GKwU msev`cÎ GKRb
to post modify the verb) But he got (j)___ (use e¨w³‡K Zvi mvaviY Ávb mg„× Ki‡Z mnvqZv K‡i|
quantifier to pre-modify the noun) money in GKv‡WwgK (cvV¨ eB) eB‡qi cvkvcvwk wbqwgZ Le‡ii
return them the owner of the ice-cream shop. KvMR cov DwPZ| msev`cÎ GKRb‡K we‡k¦i Z_¨
Answer: (a) a street child; (b) to take; (c) His; Rvb‡Z mnvqZv K‡i| Le‡ii KvMR wbqwgZ covi
(d) The; (e) some; (f) bus; (g) sometimes; (h) gva¨‡g GKRb m‡PZb n‡Z cv‡i| wewfbœ ai‡bi
the; (i) in the street; (j) no. msev`cÎ i‡q‡Q| weÁZvi mv‡_ msev`cÎ wbe©vPb Kiv
e½vbyev`: Avwgwi‡Mv, GK c_wkï GKv _v‡K| Zvi evev DwPZ| GKwU wbi‡cÿ msev`cÎ wbe©vPb Kiv DwPZ
gv GLb Avjv`v _v‡Kb Ges Zv‡`i †KDB Zvi `vwqZ¡ KviY A‡bK msev`cÎ AvswkKfv‡e msev` Dc¯’vcb
wb‡Z Pvb bv| Zvi gv Zv‡K P‡j †h‡Z e‡j‡Q KviY †m K‡i| KvMR hvB †nvK bv †Kb, GwU Aek¨B GKRb
Ab¨ GKR‡bi mv‡_ weevwnZ| iv¯ÍvB GLb Zvi evwo| gvbyl‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i|
ev‡mi wUwKU †Kbvi Rb¨ †m Zvi evevi Kv‡Q wKQz UvKv
†P‡qwQj| wKš‘ Zvi evev †Kv‡bv DËi †`bwb| †m
cwikÖg K‡i RxweKv wbe©vn K‡i| gv‡S gv‡S †m KvR HSC Examination-2017 (Cumilla Board)
cvq| wKQz KvR Zvi Rb¨ LyeB SzuwKc~Y©| GKevi iv¯Ívq
AvBmwµg wewµ KiZ| wKš‘ AvBmwµg †`vKv‡bi 15. Read the following text and use modifiers as
gvwj‡Ki KvQ †_‡K wewbg‡q †Kv‡bv UvKv cvqwb †m| directed in the blank spaces :
A balanced diet is a good mixture of (a)__ (pre-
modify the noun) foods. It is essential for us
HSC Examination-2019 (Cumilla Board) (b)___ (post-modify the adjective with an
infinitive) a healty life. There are many benefits
14. Read the following text and use modifiers as
of eating a (c)___ (pre-modify the noun) diet
directed in the blank spaces :
Newspaper plays a very (a)__ (pre-modify the because it prevents (d)___ (use determiner to
noun) role in modern civilization. It publishes pre modify the noun) diseases. As a result, we
news and views of home and abroad. Only do not get sick (e)___ (post-modify the verb
(b)___ (pre-modify the noun) knowledge is not with an adverb). We should select (f)___ (pre-
enough in this competitive world. A newspaper modify the noun with possessive) diet according
helps a man (c)___ (post-modify the verb with to our needs. We should not eat the (g)___ (use
infinitive) has general knowledge. Besides adjective to pre-modify the noun) foods for the
academic books, one should read newspapers whole week. We can keep fit (h)__ (use a
(d)___ (post-modify the verb). Newspaper helps participle a balanced diet. But it is not easy (i)
one (e)___ (post-modify the verb with an ___ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive
infinitive) the facts of the world. (f)___ (pre- a balanced diet. Here (j)___ (use a determiner)
modify the the verb with a participle phrase) nutritionist can help us.
regularly, one can be aware of everything. There
are (g)___ (pre-modify the noun) kinds of Answer: (a) various/ good/ several; (b) to lead/
newspapers. One should select the newspaper to maintain; (c) balanced; (d) some/ many; (e)
(h)__ (post-modify the verb). One should easily/ frequently; (f) our; (g) same/ similar; (h)
choose the (i) ___ (pre-modify the noun) eating/ taking; (i) to select/ choose/ make; (j) a.
newspaper because many newspapers present
e½vbyev`: mylg Lv`¨vf¨vm n‡jv wewfbœ Lvev‡ii GKwU
news partially. Whatever the paper is, it (j)___
(pre modify the verb) helps a man. fv‡jv wgkÖY| my¯’ Rxebhvcb Kiv Avgv‡`i Rb¨
¸iæZ¡c~Y©| mylg Lv`¨vf¨v‡mi A‡bK myweav i‡q‡Q KviY
Answer: (a) important/ significant/ vital/ useful;
GwU wKQz †ivM cÖwZ‡iva K‡i| dj¯^iƒc, Avgiv mn‡R
(b) bookish/academic; (c) to enrich to increase;
(d) regularly daily/ everyday; (e) to know to be Amy¯’ nB bv| Avgv‡`i cÖ‡qvRb Abyhvqx Avgv‡`i Lvevi
informed of; (f) reading newspaper; (g) wbe©vPb Kiv DwPZ| cy‡iv mßv‡n Avgv‡`i GKB Lvevi
many/various/different; (h) wisely/ LvIqv DwPZ bq| mylg Lv`¨vf¨v‡mi gva¨‡g Avgiv my¯’
carefully/prudently; (i) impartial/unbiased; (j) _vK‡Z cvwi| Z‡e mylg Lv`¨ wbe©vPb Kiv mnR bq|
certainely/ undoubtedly. G‡ÿ‡Î GKRb cywówe` Avgv‡`i mnvqZv Ki‡Z cv‡ib|
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 7
modify the adjective) present in our life. It is an
HSC Examination-2016 (Cumilla Board)
(g)___ (pre-modify the noun) part of our life. As
16. Read the following text and use modifiers as an (h)__ (pre-modify the noun) nation we also
directed in the blank spaces : have a language. But we had to struggle (i) ___
I had a peculiar experience (a)__ (post-modify (use adverb to post modify the verb) to establish
the verb) while travelling to St. Martin’s Island. the right to our language. Many (j)___ (modify
I visited the island along with my family. Zahid, the noun with an adjective) sons of our country
(b)___ (post-modify the noun with an sacrificed their lives for our mother-tongue.
appositive), was our guide. On our way to the Answer: (a) very; (b) in the morning; (c)
island, we watched (c)___ (demonstrative to conscious/active; (d) to express; (e) to share to
pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d)___ (pre- gather; (f) always; (g) integral/inevitable; (h)
modify the noun) birds were flying (e)___ (post- independent; (i) a lot/hard/enormously; (j)
modify the verb) with the ship. They became brave/ courageous.
(f)___ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the
adjective) dear and friendly to us. We
e½vbyev`: fvlv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b Lye ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv
entertained them with chips and biscuits. (g)___ cvjb K‡i| Avgiv Nyg †_‡K IVv †_‡K ïiæ K‡i iv‡Z
them (use a present participle to pre-modify the Nygv‡Z hvIqv ch©šÍ Awe‡”Q`¨fv‡e fvlv e¨envi Kwi|
verb), we became (h)__ (use an intensifier to Avgiv †Kej Avgv‡`i RvMÖZ mg‡qB bq, Avgv‡`i
pre-modify the adjective) excited. We decided ¯^‡cœI fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv hv Abyfe Kwi Zv
(i) ___ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ Ges hv cQ›` ev AcQ›` Kwi Zv ejvi
the verb) in the idyllic island for a couple of Rb¨ fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv Z_¨ Av`vb-cÖ`vb Kivi
days. We can never forget (j)___ (use a
Rb¨ fvlv e¨envi Kwi| fvlv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b me©`v
demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective
Dcw¯’Z _v‡K| GUv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨
phrase) lovely sea birds.
Ask| ¯^vaxb RvwZ wn‡m‡e Avgv‡`iI GKUv fvlv
Answer: (a) unexpectedly; (b) a local boy; (c) Av‡Q| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i fvlvi AwaKvi cÖwZôvi Rb¨
those; (d) beautiful; (e) elegantly; (f) very; (g) A‡bK msMÖvg Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki A‡bK exi
Entertaining; (h) very; (i) to say; (j) those.
mšÍvb Avgv‡`i gvZ…fvlvi Rb¨ cÖvY w`‡q‡Qb|
e½vbyev`: †m›U gvwU©b Øx‡c åg‡Yi mgq Avgvi
AcÖZ¨vwkZfv‡e GKwU AwfÁZv n‡qwQj| Avwg Avgvi HSC Examination-2019 (Jessor Board)
cwievimn GB ØxcwU cwi`k©b K‡iwQ| ¯’vbxq †Q‡j Rvwn`
18. Read the following text and use modifiers as
wQ‡jb Avgv‡`i MvBW| Øx‡c hvIqvi c‡Z Avgiv †mB directed in the blank spaces :
mvgyw`ªK cvwL (k•LwPj) †`‡LwQjvg| my›`i cvwL¸wj Air and water the most (a)___ (pre-modify the
Rvnv‡Ri mv‡_ gvwR©Zfv‡e DowQj| Zviv Avgv‡`i Lye noun with an adjective) elements of the
wcÖq Ges eÜzZ¡c~Y© n‡q I‡VwQj| Avgiv Zv‡`i wPcm Ges environment. But we are polluting them (b)___
we¯‥zU wb‡q we‡bv`b w`‡qwQ| Zv‡`i we‡bv`b w`‡q Avgiv (post-modify the verb with and adverb). Mills
Lye D‡ËwRZ n‡qwQjvg| Avgiv wm×všÍ wb‡qwQjvg Av‡iv and factories use fuel (c)___ (post-modify the
verb with an infinitive) their products. The
K‡qKw`b g‡bvig Øx‡c _vKe| Avgiv †mme my›`i
burning of this fuel creates smoke (d) ___ (post-
mgy‡`ªi cvwL KL‡bvB fzj‡Z cvwi bv| modify the verb with an adverbial). Motor
vehicles also pollute the air, (e) ___ (use an
HSC Examination-2023 (Jessore Board) appositive). Water is polluted by (f) ___ (pre-
modify the noun with a quantifier) kinds of
17. Read the following text and use modifiers as waste and filth. We also contaminate water
directed in the blank spaces : (g)___ (post-modify the verb with a present
Language plays a (a)__ (pre-modify the participle phrase) into it. Farmers use (h) ___
adjective with an intensifier) important role in (pre-modify the noun with an adjective)
our life. We use language form the time we fertilizers and insecticides and pollute water. (i)
wake up (b)___ (post-modify the verb) till we ___ (pre-modify the noun with a past participle)
go to bed at night. We use language not only in water is (j)___ (pre-modify the adjective with an
our (c)___ (pre-modify the noun) hours, but also intensifier) harmful to health.
in our dreams. We use language (d)___ (post- Answer: (a) vital/important/significant; (b)
modify he verb with an infinitive) what we feel seriously/indiscriminately/unwisely; (c) to
and to say what we like or dislike. We also use produce; (d) profusely; (e) the most vital
language (e)___ (post modify the verb with an element of environment; (f) many/various; (g)
infinitive) information. Language is (f)___ (pre- throwing wastes; (h) chemical/harmful; (i)
Polluted/ contaminated; (j) very.
8  HSC English 2 Paper
e½vbyev`: evZvm Ges cvwb cwi‡e‡ki me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© English (d)___ (post-modify the verb with an
Dcv`vb| Z‡e Avgiv Zv‡`i gvivZ¥Kfv‡e `~wlZ KiwQ| adverb), you can communicate with (e)___ (use
wgj Ges KviLvbv¸wj Zv‡`i cY¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the
world. It is surely an important element of your
R¦vjvbx e¨envi K‡i| GB R¦vjvbx R¦vjv‡bv †avqvi m„wó
(f)___ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the
K‡i| †gvUi Mvwo¸wjI evZvm‡K `~wlZ K‡i, GwU noun skill. Without the knowledge of English
cwi‡e‡ki me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb| cvwb wewfbœ with proper understanding, you cannot complete
ai‡bi eR¨© Ges AveR©bv Øviv `~wlZ nq| Avgiv cvwb‡Z (g)___ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun)
AveR©bv †djvi gva¨‡g cvwb‡K `~wlZ Kwi| K…lKiv higher studies because most of the books are
ivmvqwbK mvi Ges KxUbvkK I `~wlZ cvwb e¨envi written English in the process of higher
K‡i| `~wlZ cvwb ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ ÿwZKviK| education. Poor knowledge of English will also
hamper your (h)___ (use a noun adjective)
HSC Examination-2017 (Jessor Board) development. In short if you do not have a good
command of English, you will suffer (i) ___
19. Read the following text and use modifiers as (post-modify the verb with prepositional
directed in the blank spaces : phrase/adverbial) of your life. So, don’t waste
A village doctor is a very (a)___ (pre-modify your time and try to learn English (j)___ (post-
the noun) person in the rural areas of modify the verb with an adverb) from today.
Bangladesh. He is (b)___ (pre-modify the verb) Answer: (a) our; (b) international; (c) global; (d)
known as a quack. A village doctor is not a well; (e) the; (f) language/communication; (g)
(c)___ (pre-modify the noun) doctor. He your; (h) career; (i) in very stage; (j) properly.
usually sits in a small dispensary (d)___ (post-
modify the verb). He treats the patients (e)___ e½vbyev`: Avgv‡`i †`‡ki †ewkifvM gvbylB Bs‡iwR ¸iæZ¡
(use a participle phrase to post-modify the Rv‡bb bv| Avm‡j, GwU GKwU AvšÍR©vwZK fvlv Ges
verb). A village doctor is not a (f)___ (pre- Avgiv GKwU •ewk^K MÖv‡g evm KiwQ| myZivs, Zzwg hw`
modify the noun) man. His chamber is (g)___ Bs‡iwR fv‡jvfv‡e Rvb Z‡e Zzwg we‡k^i Ab¨vb¨ As‡ki
(pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot
supply costly medicine to (h) ___ (pre-modify mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cvi‡e| GwU Aek¨B †Zvgvi fvlv
the noun) patients. In our country, the number `ÿZvi GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb| mwVK †evaMg¨Zvi mv‡_
of qualified doctor is (i)___ (use an intensifier Bs‡iwRi Ávb bv _vK‡j Zzwg †Zvgvi D”PZi cov‡kvbv
to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv, KviY †ewkifvM D”Pwkÿvi eB
doctor is a great friend to the (j)___ (pre-modify
Bs‡iwR‡Z †jLv nq| Bs‡iwRi Aí Ávb †Zvgvi Kg©Rxe‡b
the noun) villagers.
Answer: (a) familiar/common; (b) also/usually/ evav m„wó Ki‡e| ms‡ÿ‡c, hw` †Zvgvi Bs‡iwRi Dci
commonly; (c) registered/qualified/skilled; (d) fv‡jv `Lj bv _v‡K Z‡e Zzwg †Zvgvi Rxe‡bi Kó‡fvM
regularly/everyday; (e) giving them cheap/ Ki‡e| myZivs, Zzwg mgq bó K‡iv bv Ges AvR †_‡K
inexpensive; (f) solvent/rich/wealthy/well off; mwVKfv‡e Bs‡iwR †kvi †Póv Ki|
(g) not/poorly; (h) the/poor; (i) very; (j) poor.
e½vbyev`: GKRb MÖvg¨ Wv³vi evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvgv‡j Lye HSC Examination-2023 (Barishal Board)
cwiwPZ e¨w³| wZwb nvZz‡o Wv³vi wn‡m‡eI cwiwPZ|
MÖv‡gi GKRb wPwKrmK wbewÜZ wPwKrmK bb| wZwb 21. Read the following text and use modifiers as
directed in the blank spaces :
wbqwgZ GKwU †QvÆ wWm‡cbmvwi‡Z e‡m _v‡Kb| wZwb
Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the Shelley of
†ivMx‡`i ¯^íg~‡j¨ wPwKrmv K‡ib| MÖv‡gi Wv³vi
Bangla literature. He was a (a)___ (pre-modify
¯^”Qj/abx/m¤ú`kvjx e¨w³ bb| Zvi NiwU my-mw¾Z the noun) poet. He wrote (b)___ (post-modify
bq| wZwb †ivMx‡`i Rb¨ e¨qeûj Ilya mieivn Ki‡Z the verb) in almost all branches of Bangla
cv‡ib bv| Avgv‡`i †`‡k †hvM¨ wPwKrm‡Ki msL¨v Lye literature. Nazrul, (c)___ post modify the noun
Kg| myZivs, GKwU MÖvg¨ wPwKrmK `vwi`ª MÖvgevmx‡`i with appositive), won the attention of everybody
GKRb Pig eÜz| in his early childhood. He wrote ceaselessly
until the death of (d)___ (use possessive to pre-
HSC Examination-2016 (Jessor Board)
modify the noun) poetic flair. He composed
20. Read the following text and use modifiers as (e)___ (pre-modify the noun) songs (f)___ (post
directed in the blank spaces : modify the noun with an adjective clause) His
Most of the people in (a)___ (use possessive to literary works have enriched (g)___ (pre-modify
pre-modify the noun) country do not know the the noun with noun adjective phrase) in our war
importance of English. In fact, it is an (b)___ of liberation. He (i)___ (pre-modify the verb)
(use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) sang the song of quality a his poetry. He is
language and we are living in a (c)___ (pre- (j)___ (pre-modify noun with determiner)pride,
modify the noun) village. so, if you know no doubt.
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 9
Answer: (a) revolutionary/rebel; (b)
HSC Examination-2017 (Barishal Board)
relentlessly/tirelessly; (c) an orphan child/the
national poet of Bangladesh; (d) his; (e) many; 23. Read the following text and use modifiers as
(f) which are loved; (g) Bengali/Bangla; (h) to directed in the blank spaces:
encourage people; (i) always; (j) our. Raja, (a)__(post-modify the noun with an
appositive), is known to his classmates as a
e½vbyev`: KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg‡K evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i †kjx
good student. He has (b)___ (use a quantifier to
ejv nq| wZwb wQ‡jb wecøex Kwe| evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖvq pre-modify the noun) good qualities. he knows
me kvLv‡ZB wZwb wbijmfv‡e wj‡Qb| GwZg wkï that the (c)___ (use an adjective to pre-modify
bRiæj •kk‡eB mevi gb Rq K‡iwQ‡jb| g„Zz¨i AvM the noun) duty of a student is to study and he
ch©šÍ wZwb Zvui Kvwe¨‡K ¯^fve wb‡q Aweivg wj‡L never neglects (d)___ (use a demonstrative to
pre modify the noun) duty. He prepares (e)___
†M‡Qb| wZwb A‡bK Mvb iPbv K‡i‡Qb hv mevi wcÖq|
(use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons
Zvui mvwnZ¨Kg© evsjv mvwnZ¨‡K mg„× K‡i‡Q| Zvui regularly. He maintains discipline. He knows
KweZv I Mvb gyw³hy‡× gvbyl‡K DrmvwnZ Ki‡Z weivU the value of time. He gets up (f)___ (post-
f~wgKv †i‡LwQj| wZwb Zvi KweZvq me©`v ¸‡Yi Mvb modify the verb with an adverb) so the he can
†Mq‡Qb| wZwb Avgv‡`i Me©, m‡›`n †bB| get enough time to study. He goes to school
(g)___ (post-modify the verb with an adverb).
He never wastes a (h)__ (use determines to pre-
HSC Examination-2019 (Jessor Board) modify the noun) moment in vain. Raja is (i)
___ (pre-modify the adjective with an
22. Read the following text and use modifiers as intensifier) gentle. He always obeys his parents
directed in the blank spaces : and teacher. He never mixes with (j)___ (pre-
The roads (a)___ (use an adjective phrase to modify the noun) boys. A student like Raja is a
great asset of a nation.
post-modify the noun) are beset with problems.
(b)___ (pre-modify the noun) driving is one of Answer: (a) a school boy; (b) some/many; (c)
them. Most of the drivers are not (c)___(pre- main/principal/first; (d) this; (e) his; (f) early;
modify the participle) trained. They are not well (g) regularly/daily; (h) single; (i) very; (j)
educated. The can (d)___ (use an adverb to pre- bad/naughty.
modify the verb) put their signature in Bengal. e½vbyev`: ¯‥zj cOzqv ivRv Zvi mncvVx‡`i Kv‡Q fv‡jv
They are indifferent to (e)___ (use a noun QvÎ wnmv‡e cwiwPZ| Zvi wKQz fv‡jv ¸Y i‡q‡Q| †m
adjective) (g)___ (post-modify the verb). They
Rv‡b †h GKRb wkÿv_©x g~j `vwqZ¡ cov‡kvbv Kiv Ges
do (h)___ (use an adverb to pre-modify the
†m KLbI GB `vwqZ¡‡K Ae‡njv K‡i bv| †m wbqwgZ
verb) drive consciously. Even they themselves
Zvi cvV cÖ¯‘Z K‡i| †m k„•Ljv eRvq iv‡L| †m mg‡qi
are not conscious of (i)___ (use a possessive)
own lives. They drive (j)___ (use an adverb g~j¨ Rv‡b| †m ZvovZvwo D‡V c‡o hv‡Z cov‡kvbvi
phrase to post-modify the verb) and try to Rb¨ ch©vß mgq cvq| †m wbqwgZ ¯‥z‡j hvq| †m KLbB
overtake others. GK gyûZ©‡K e„_v n‡Z †`q bv| ivRv Lye f`ª| †m
memgq Zvi evev-gv Ges wkÿK‡`i eva¨ nq| †m
Answer: (a) constructed in our country; (b)
KLbI Lvivc †Q‡j‡`i mv‡_ wg‡k bv| ivRvi g‡Zv
Reckless/Careless; (c) well/properly/adequately;
wkÿv_©x GKwU RvwZi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© m¤ú`|
(d) hardly nearly merely; (e) public/human; (f)
more, (g) carelessly/indifferently/recklessly; (h)
HSC Examination-2016 (Barishal Board)
not/nearly/merely; (i) their; (j)in a willful
manner in a whimsical way/at random. 24. Read the following text and use modifiers as
directed in the blank spaces :
e½vbyev`: Avgv‡`i †`‡k wbwg©Z iv¯Ív¸wj mgm¨vq
A village doctor is a (a)__ (use an intensifier to
Aeiæ×| †ec‡ivqv Mvwo Pvjbv Zvi g‡a¨ GKwU| pre-modify the adjective) familiar person in the
†ewkifvM PvjKB fvj cÖwkwÿZ bb| Zviv fvj wkwÿZ rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b)___ (pre-
nq bv| Zviv evsjv‡ZB fv‡jv K‡i ¯^vÿi Ki‡Z cv‡i modify the verb) known as a quack. A village
bv| Zviv RbRxe‡b D`vmxb| Zviv eyS‡Z cv‡i bv †h doctor is not a (c)___ (pre-modify the noun)
doctor. He (d)___ (pre-modify the verb) sits in a
mg‡qi †P‡q Rxeb g~j¨evb| Zviv Ah‡Zœ Mvwo Pvjvq|
small dispensary in the morning and evening.
Zviv m‡PZbfv‡e Mvwo Pvjvq bv| Ggwb Zvi wb‡RivB He treats the patients (e)___ (use a participle to
wb‡Ri Rxeb m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb bq| Zviv B”QvK…Zfv‡e post-modify the verb) small fees. A village
Mvwo Pvjvq Ges Ab¨‡K Qvwo‡q hvIqvi †Póv K‡i| doctor is not a (f)___ (pre-modify the noun)
10  HSC English 2 Paper
man. His chamber is (g)___ (pre-modify the cÖRb¥‡K †ek AuvK‡o a‡i‡Q| Zviv Zv‡`i `ytL fzj‡Z
verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly gv`K MÖnY K‡i| ZiæYiv e¨vcKfv‡e gv`K †meb K‡i|
medicines to the (h)__ (pre-modify the noun)
gv`Kvkw³ gvbe‡`‡ni gvivZ¥K ÿwZ K‡i| Zv‡`i
patients. In our country, the number of qualified
doctors is (i) ___ (use an intensifier to pre- m‡PZb K‡i Avgiv mgvR †_‡K GB Awfkvc `~i Ki‡Z
modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor cvwi| GwU cÖwZ‡iv‡a mswkøó mevB‡K D‡`¨vM wb‡Z n‡e|
is a great friend to the (j)___ (pre-modify the Acivax‡`i k³ nv‡Z `gb Ki‡Z n‡e|
noun) people.
Answer: (a) very; (b) mostly; (c)
HSC Examination-2019 (Sylhet Board)
registered/qualified; (d) regularly; (e) taking; (f)
rich; (g) ill/poorly; (h) poor; (i) very; (j) 26. Read the following text and use modifiers as
directed in the blank spaces :
e½vbyev`: MÖvg¨ Wv³vi MÖvgv‡j Lye cwiwPZ e¨vw³| A library is a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun) of
wZwb †ewkievM nvZz‡i Wv³vi wnmv‡e cwiwPZ| MÖv‡gi knowledge. The students (b)___ (use a
GKRb wPwKrmK wbewÜZ wPwKrmK bb| wZwb wbqwgZ participle) to all classes visit it in their library
mKvj I mÜvq GKwU †QvU wWm‡cbmvwi‡Z e‡m _v‡Kb| periods. Our college library is housed in two
rooms. (c)___ (pre-modify the noun) almirahs
wZwb mvgvb¨ wd †bIqvi gva¨‡g †ivMx‡`i wPwKrmv
are placed in one room. The other room is the
K‡ib| MÖvg¨ Wv³vi abx †jvK bq| Zvi KÿwU my-
(d)___ (use a participle to modify the noun)
mw¾Z bq| wZwb `wi`ª †ivMx‡`i Rb¨ e¨qeûj Ilya
room where magazines, journals and newspaper
mieivn Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| Avgv‡`i †`‡k †hvM¨ are placed. There are about five thousand books
wPwKrm‡Ki msL¨v Lye Kg| myZivs, GKRb MÖvg¨ in our library which are arranged (e)___ (post-
wPwKrmK MÖv‡gi gvby‡li Rb¨ GKwU Pig eÜ| modify the verb). Any types of book can be
traced in on time. The books cater to the needs
HSC Examination-2023 (Sylhet Board) and interests (f)___ (use a prepositional phrase).
There are two separate in the library. One of
25. Read the following text and use modifiers as them contains references books like (g)___ (use
directed in the blank spaces : nouns) etc. The other section contains books
Drug addiction among the young generation has (h)__ (use prepositional phrase). Every students
become a (a)__ (pre modify the noun) concern. has a library (i) ___ (use a noun). The reading
Drug is mainly used as medicine (b)___ (use an room is always crowded (j)___ (post-modify the
infinitive to post modify the verb) diseases and verb in the afternoon) .
an excess of taking drug for no disease is called
drug addiction. It has grasped the young Answer: (a) storehouse; (b) attending; (c)
generation (c)___ (post modify the verb). They Some/Many; (d) reading; (e)
take drugs to forget (d)___ (use possessive to systematically/alphabetically; (f) of the students
pre modify the noun) sadness. (e)___ (pre- and teachers; (g) dictionaries/encyclopedias/
modify the noun) people take drugs (f)___ (use bibliographies etc.; (h) of various types; (i) card;
adverb to post-modify). Drug addiction causes (j) especially/particularly/also.
(g)___ (pre-modify the noun) harm to human
e½vbyev`: GKwU MÖš’vMvi n‡jv Áv‡bi fvÐvi| K¬v‡m Ask
body. (h)__ (use a participle) them aware, we
can remove this curse form our society. All †bIqv mg¯Í wkÿv_©xiv Zv‡`i jvB‡eªwii mgqKv‡j GBwU
concerned should take initiatives (i) ___ (use an †`L‡Z hvb| Avgv‡`i K‡j‡Ri Mš’vMviwU `yB iæg wewkó,
infinitive to post modify the verb) it. The GKUv iæ‡g wKQz Avjgvwi ivLv n‡q‡Q| Ab¨ NiwU n‡jv
criminals should be punished with an (j)___ †mB cvVKÿ †hLv‡b g¨vMvwRb, Rvb©vj Ges msev`cÎ
(use a noun adjective) hand .
ivLv nq| Avgv‡`i jvB‡eªwi‡Z cÖvq cuvP nvRvi eB i‡q‡Q
Answer: (a) major; (b) to cure; (c) heavily; (d) hv c×wZMZfv‡e mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q| †h‡Kv‡bv ai‡Yi eB
their; (e) Young; (f) widely/recklessly; (g) mwVK mg‡q Luy‡R cvIqv hvq| eB ¸wj wkÿv_©x Ges
severe; (h) Making; (i) to prevent; (j) iron.
wkÿK‡`i cÖ‡qvRb Ges PvIqv¸wj c~iY K‡i| jvB‡eªwi
e½vbyev`: ZiæY cÖR‡b¥i g‡a¨ gv`Kvkw³ GKwU eo `yB fv‡M wef³| Gi g‡a¨ GKwU‡Z Awfavb, wek¦‡Kvl,
`ywðšÍvi welq n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q| gv`K`ªe¨ cÖavbZ †ivM MÖš-’ MÖš’vw` BZ¨vw`i g‡Zv D‡jøL‡hvM¨ eB i‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K
wbivg‡qi Ilya wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Ges †Kv‡bv †iv‡Mi wkÿv_©xi GKwU jvB‡eªwi KvW© _v‡K| covi N‡i me©`v
Rb¨ AwZwi³ Ilya MÖnY‡K gv`Kvkw³ e‡j| GwU ZiæY we‡klZ we‡K‡j wfo _v‡K|
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 11
is to study. So, he never neglects (e)___ (use a
HSC Examination-2016 (Sylhet Board) possessive) duty. He ever makes the proper use
27. Read the following text and use modifiers as of (f)___ (use a determiner to pre-modify the
directed in the blank spaces : noun) moment. Sabuj, (g)___ (post modify the
Othello, (a)__ (use an appositive to post-modify noun with an appositive) of our class is an
the noun) had risen to become a general. He had example of a good student. Sabuj is (h)__ (pre-
shown his bravery in many (b)___ (use an modify the adjective) helpful to us. I try (i) ___
adjective to pre-modify the noun) battles against (modify the verb with an infinitive) a boy like
the Turks. Everyone praised him (c)___ (use an Sabuj. I want to be one of the (j)___ (pre-
adverb to post-modify the verb) and the senate modify the noun) stars in the class. .
trusted and honoured him. Brabantio, a rich Answer: (a) ideal; (b) many; (c) regularly; (d)
senator of Venice had a daughter named main; (e) his; (f) every; (g) a student; (h) very;
Desdemona (d)___ (use a relative clause to post- (i) to be; (j) brightest.
modify the noun). Brabantio (e)___ (use an
adverb to pre-modify the verb) invited Othello to e½vbyev`: GKRb Av`k© QvÎ †m, hvi A‡bK fv‡jv ¸Y
his house where he and his daughter listened in i‡q‡Q| †m wbqwgZ cov‡kvbv K‡i| †m Rv‡b †h GKRb
wonder to Othello as he spoke about his Qv‡Îi cÖavb KZ©e¨ nj cov‡kvbv Kiv| ZvB †m KLbB
adventures. He told them a deserts, of caves and Zvi `vwq‡Z¡ Ae‡njv K‡i bv| GgbwK cÖwZwU gyn~‡Z©i
of mountains high (f)___ (use an intensifier to h_vh_ e¨enviI K‡i †m| Avgv‡`i K¬v‡mi QvÎ meyR
post-modify the adjective) to touch the sky. GKRb fv‡jv Qv‡Îi D`vniY| meyR Avgv‡`i Rb¨ Lye
Desdemona had to weep (g)___ (use a present mnvqK| Avwg mey‡Ri g‡Zv †Q‡j nIqvi †Póv Kwi|
participle to post-modify the verb phrase) and she
never become tired of listening to it. She pitied
Avwg K¬v‡mi D¾¡j bÿ·`i GKRb n‡Z PvB|
Othello (h)__ (use an adverb to post-modify the HSC Examination-2019 (Dinajpur Board)
verb) for the misfortunes and hardship of his life.
Her pity (i) ___ (use an infinitive to post-modify 29. Read the following text and use modifiers as
the verb) turned to love. She refused all the directed in the blank spaces :
young men (j)___ (use an infinitive to post- Bangladesh is a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun)
modify the verb) because she love Othello, a country. Though it is a small country, it has a
noble Muslim Moor from North Africa. (b) ___ (pre-modify the noun) population.
People (c)___ (pre-modify the verb with an
Answer: (a) a black moor; (b) adverb) depend on agriculture. They grow
fearful/dangerous; (c) highly; (d) who loved different kinds of crops (d)___ (post-modify the
him; (e) sometimes; (f) enough; (g) listening to verb with an adverbial phrase). We earn (e)___
his stories; (h) much; (i) finally; (j) to marry. (pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective)
e½vbyev`: I‡_jv (GKwU Kv‡jv gyi) GKRb mvaviY n‡q currecies by exporting some of these crops. We
D‡VwQj| wZwb ZzwK©‡`i weiæ‡× A‡bK fq¼i jovB‡q are also rich in (f)___ (pre-modify the noun
with an adjective) resources. Now, we are able
Zuvi mvnwmKZvi cwiPq w`‡qwQ‡jb| cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zuvi
(g)___ (post-modify the adjective with an
Kb¨v wQj, whwb Zv‡K fvjevm‡Zb| eªvfvwmI gv‡S gv‡S infinitive) natural gas from underground. Our
I‡_‡jv‡K Zvi evwo‡Z Avgš¿Y Rvbvq †hLv‡b wZwb Ges industries are also rising (h)__ (post-modify the
Zuvi Kb¨v Zvi `ytmvnwmK Kv‡Ri K_v ej‡Z wM‡q verb with an adverb). We export (i) ___ (pre-
I‡_‡jvi Kv‡Q AevK n‡q ïb‡Zb wZwb Zv‡`i‡K modify the noun with a noun-adjective)
giæf~wg, ¸nv Ges ceZ©mg~n m¤ú‡K© ejZ hv AvKvk products to the developed countries. In this
†Quvqvi gZ h‡_ô wQj| †WmwWgbv‡K Zvi Mí ï‡b regard, we have already earned a (j)___ (pre-
KvbœvKvwU KiwQj Ges GwU ï‡b wZwb KLbB K¬všÍ n‡q modify the noun) reputation.
D‡V wb| wZwb I‡_‡jv‡K Zvi Rxe‡bi `yf©vM¨ I K‡ói Answer: (a) small; (b) vast/huge; (c)
Rb¨ A‡bK AbyMÖn K‡iwQ‡jb| Zvi KiæYv †kl ch©šÍ mainly/largely; (d) round the year; (e) foreign;
†cÖ‡g cwiYZ n‡qwQj| wZwb mg¯Í hyeK‡K we‡q Ki‡Z (f) natural; (g) to raise/to explore/to extract; (h)
A¯^xKvi K‡iwQ‡jb KviY wZwb DËi Avwd«Kvi GKRb rapidly/fast; (i) garment; (j) good/great/large.
AvwfRvZ¨ gymwjg gyi I‡_‡jv‡K fv‡jvev‡mb| e½vbyev`: evsjv‡`k GKwU †QvU †`k| GwU GKwU †QvU
†`k n‡jI Gi wekvj RbmsL¨v i‡q‡Q| gvbyl cÖavbZ
HSC Examination-2023 (Dinajpur Board) K…wli Dci wbf©ikxj| Zviv eQ‡ii wewfbœ mgq wewfbœ
ai‡bi dmj djvq| Gi g‡a¨ K‡qKwU dmj idZvwb
28. Read the following text and use modifiers as
directed in the blank spaces :
K‡i Avgiv •e‡`wkK gy`ª AR©b Kwi| Avgiv cÖvK…wZK
An (a)__ (pre-modify the noun) student is he, m¤ú‡` mg„×| GLb, Avgiv f~Mf©¯’ †_‡K cÖvK…wZK M¨vm
who has (b)___ (use a quantifier to pre-modify D‡Ëvjb Ki‡Z mÿg| Avgv‡`i wkí-KjKviLvbv¸‡jvI
the noun) good qualities. He studies (c)___ `ªæZ evo‡Q| Avgiv DbœZ †`k¸wj‡Z Mv‡g©›Um cY¨
(post-modify the verb). He knows that the idZvwb Kwi| GB †ÿ‡Î, Avgiv BwZg‡a¨ GKwU fv‡jv
(d)___ (pre-modify the noun) duty of a student L¨vwZ AR©b K‡iwQ|
12  HSC English 2 Paper
(possessive to pre-modify the noun) thirst. Thus,
HSC Examination-2017 (Dinajpur Board)
we can survive on earth. But (e)___ (pre-modify
30. Read the following text and use modifiers as the noun) water is life killing. By drinking
directed in the blank spaces : contaminated water, we suffer from diseases
Sabbir is (a)__ (use determiner to pre-modify like diarrhea, typhoid, etc. We may (f)___ (pre-
the noun phrase) ideal student. He prepares modify the verb) face (g)___ (pre-modify the
(b)___ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) noun) death by drinking such type of water. We
lessons in collaboration with his teacher. He are responsible for (h)__ (noun adjective to pre-
does (c)___ (post-modify the verb) in every modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials
examination as he does not waste time. He from mills and factories are thrown here and
knows time once lost is lost forever. So, the there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides in
utilizes every moment. During his free time he their land. During the rainy session, they are
goes to his native village. He teaches (d)___ mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines
(pre-modify the noun) people. He wants (e)___ (i) ___ (Participle to post-modify the noun) on
(use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the ponds and rivers cause water pollution (j)___
verb) illiteracy from his village. (f)___ (use (pre-modify the noun) awareness should be
present participle to pre-modify the verb) raised to stop water pollution.
illiteracy from his village, he wants to bring
Answer: (a) liquid; (b) its; (c) other; (d) our; (e)
about massive development there. He is (g)___
contaminated; (f) easily/suddenly; (g) per-
(use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective)
mature; (h) water; (i) standing; (j) Public.
devoted to God. He says prayer (h)__ (use
quantifier to pre-modify the noun) times a day. e½vbyev`: cvwb GKwU Zij c`v_©| Gi wbR¯^ †KvbI iO
He never tells a lie. He respects his parents very †bB| cvwbi Aci bvg Rxeb| cvwb †L‡q Avgiv Avgv‡`i
much. Other superiors are also respected by Z…òv wbeviY Ki‡Z cvwi| Gfv‡eB Avgiv c„w_ex‡Z †eu‡P
him. His father, (i) ___ (post-modify the noun _vK‡Z cvwi| Z‡e `~wlZ cvwb n‡jv Rxeb nZ¨vKvix|
phrase with an appositive) supports him
`~wlZ cvwb cvb Kivi gva¨‡g Avgiv Wvqwiqv, UvBd‡qW
cordially. His mother, an ideal housewife, (j)___
(pre-modify the verb) supports him very much.
BZ¨vw` †iv‡M fzwM| G RvZxq cvwb cv‡b Avgiv mn‡RB
AKvj g„Zy¨i gy‡LvgywL n‡Z cvwi| Avgiv cvwb `~l‡Yi
Answer: (a) an; (b) his; (c) very well/quite Rb¨ `vqx| Kj Ges KviLvbv¸wji eR©¨ c`v_©¸wj GLv‡b-
well/well; (d) illiterate; (e) to remove/to
†mLv‡b †d‡j †`Iqv nq| K…lKiv Zv‡`i Rwg‡Z mvi
eradicate; (f) Removing/Eradicating; (g)
very/highly; (h) five; (i) an ideal man; (j) also. Ges KxUbvkK e¨envi K‡i| el©vi mgq, cyKzi Ges b`xi
mv‡_ Zv wgwk„Z nq| GQvovI cyKzi I b`xi Dci SzjšÍ
e½vbyev`: mvweŸi GKRb Av`k© QvÎ| †m Zvi wkÿ‡Ki cvqLvbv¸wj cvwbi `~l‡Yi KviY nq| cvwb `~lY e‡Ü
mn‡hvwMZvq Zvi cvV cÖ¯‘Z K‡ib| mgq bó bv nIqvh †m Rbm‡PZbZv evov‡Z n‡e|
cÖwZwU cixÿvq Lye evj K‡i| †m Rv‡b †h mgq GKevi
nvwi‡q †M‡j Zv wPiw`‡bi Rb¨ hvq| myZivs, †m cÖwZwU HSC Examination-2023 (Mymensingh
gyûZ©‡K Kv‡R jvMvq| Aemi mg‡q †m Zvi Rb¥¯’v‡b hvq| Board)
†m wbiÿi‡`i wkÿv †`q| †m Zvi MÖvg †_‡K wbiÿiZv 32. Read the following text and use modifiers as
AcmviY Ki‡Z Pvq| wb‡Ri MÖvg †_‡K wbiÿiZv AcmviY directed in the blank spaces :
The purpose of education is to bring about (a)__
K‡i †m †mLv‡b e¨vcK Dbœqb Ki‡Z Pvq| †m m„wóKZ©vi
(use an adjective to pre-modify the noun)
cÖwZ Lye AbyMZ| †m cuvP Iqv³ bvgvR c‡o †m KLbI changes in (b)___ (use a possessive to pre-
wg_¨v e‡j bv| †m Zvi evev-gv‡K Lye kÖ× K‡i| Ab¨vb¨ modify the noun) behaviour. It also brings
DaŸ©ZbivI Zv‡K kÖ×v K‡i| Zvi evev GKRb Av`k©evb changes in our lives and society (c)___ (use a
gvbyl Zv‡K AvšÍwiKfv‡e mg_©b K‡i| Zvi gv, GKb Av`k© relative clause to post-modify the noun) If it
M„wnYxI Zv‡K Lye mg_©b K‡i| fails to do so, it can’t be called education.
Education is not only receiving certificates and
getting grades. It is (d)___ (use an intensifier to
HSC Examination-2016 (Dinajpur Board) pre-modify the adjective) more than that, we
can apply our (e)___ (use a part participle to
31. Read the following text and use modifiers as
pre-modify the noun) knowledge in our
directed in the blank spaces :
engagement with the world that lies (f)___ (use
Water is a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun)
an adverb to post-modify the verb). We can to
substance. It has no colour of (b)___ (possessive that in (g)___ (use and adjective to pre-modify
to pre-modify) own. The (c)___ (determiner to the noun) ways. One ways One way is civic
pre-modify the noun) name of water is life. By engagement which is (h)__ (use and adverb to
drinking water, we can quench (d)___ pre-modify the verb appreciated) appreciated all
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 13
over the world. Civic engagement means e½vbyev`: †Uwjwfkb eZ©gv‡b we‡k¦i me‡P‡q mvaviY
working to make difference is civic life (i) ___ Ges we¯Í…Z Drm ev we‡bv`‡b cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| wewfbœ
(use a prepositional phrase to post-modify the
P¨v‡b‡ji wewPÎ AvMÖ‡ni wewfbœ Abyôvb cÖPvwiZ nq|
noun life). A person (j)___ (use a past participle
to post modify the noun) civically is concerned cÖvq cÖwZwU ga¨weË GgbwK kÖwgK †kÖwYi cwievi¸wj‡Z
about civic issues like injustice, discrimination AvR GKwU †Uwjwfkb †mU i‡q‡Q| †Uwjwfkb
and other forms of social ills. Abyôvb¸wj ïaygvÎ we‡bv`bg~jK bq, Zviv D”P
Answer: (a) positive/effective; (b) our; (c) in wkÿvg~jKI n‡Z cv‡i| Db¥y³ wek¦we`¨vjq cwiPvwjZ
which we live/where we live; (d) much/far; (e) †Kvm©¸wj wewUwf‡Z †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| wWmKfvwi P¨v‡bj
acquired; (f) around; (g) many/different; (h) Ges b¨vkbvj wRIMÖvwdK P¨v‡b‡ji g‡Zv †ek K‡qKwU
greatly; (i) of a person; (j) behaved. P¨v‡bj AZ¨šÍ Z_¨g~jK Abyôvb¸wj cÖPvi K‡i| Z‡e
e½vbyev`: wkÿvi D‡Ïk¨ nj Avgv‡`i AvPi‡Y BwZevPK wUwf †`Lv A‡b‡Ki †bkvq cwiYZ n‡q‡Q|
cwieZ©b Avbv| GwU Avgv‡`i Rxeb Ges mgvR †hLv‡b
Avgiv evm Kwi †mLv‡b cwieZ©b Av‡b| GUv Ki‡Z e¨_©
HSC Examination
n‡j Zv‡K wkÿv ejv hv‡e bv| wkÿv gv‡b ïay
(Rajshahi, Cumilla, Chattogram, Barishal, Board-2018)
mvwU©wd‡KU cvIqv Ges †MÖW cvIqv bq| GwU Zvi †P‡q Sylhet Board-2017
A‡bK †ewk, Avgiv Avgv‡`i AwR©Z Ávb‡K Pvicv‡k
_vKv we‡k¦ cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z cvwi| Avgiv GUv wewfbœfv‡e 34. Read the following text and use modifiers as
Ki‡Z cvwi| GKwU Dcvq nj bvMwiK cÖe„wË hv mviv directed in the blank spaces :
we‡k¦ e¨vcKfv‡e mgv`„Z| bvMwiK cÖe„wË gv‡b GKRb Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the shelly of Bengali
e¨w³i bvMwiK Rxe‡b cwieZ©b Avb‡Z KvR Kiv| †h literature. He was a (a)__ (pre-modify the noun)
e¨w³ bvMwiKfv‡e AvPiY K‡ib, wZwb Ab¨vq, •elg¨ poet. He wrote (b)___ (post-modify the verb) in
GeO Ab¨vb¨ ai‡Yi mvgvwRK Amy¯’Zvi g‡Zv bvMwiK every branch of Bengali literature. Nazrul
mgm¨v m¤ú‡K© wPwýZ _v‡Kb| (c)___ (use an appositive), won the attention of
everyone in his early childhood. He wrote
HSC Examination ceaselessly until the death of (d)___ (use
(Dhaka, Dinajpur, Jashore, Sylhet Board-2018)
possessive pronoun) poetic flair. He composed
his songs (e)___ (use an infinitive phrase to
33. Read the following text and use modifiers as post-modify the verb). His songs are (f)___ (use
directed in the blank spaces : an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective)
Television has become the most common and melodious. He enriched the Bengali literature
(a)__ (pre-modify the noun) source or
(g)___ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb).
entertainment in the (b)___ (pre-modify the
His literary works have enriched (h)__ (use a
noun) world. A wide range of programs of
(c)___ (pre-modify the adjective) interest is noun adjective) literature. He was (i) ___ (use
telecast on (d)___ (use quantifier to pre-modify an article) secular poet. He sang the song of
the noun) channels. Almost every middle class equality (j)___ (use an adverbial phrase).
and even working class families have a Answer: (a) great/ famous; (b) almost; (c) our
television set today. (e)___ (use a noun- national poet/ the rebel poet; (d) his; (e) to
adjective to pre-modify the noun) programs are
inspire the people/ nation; (f) very; (g) greatly;
(f)___ (pre-modify the adjective) entertaining.
(h) Bengali; (i) a; (j) throughout his life.
They can be (g)___ (pre-modify the adjective)
educative too. Course (h)__ (post-modify the e½vbyev`: KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg‡K evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i †kjx
noun) by the Open University are shown on ejv nq| wZwb wQ‡jb gnvb Kwe| wZwb evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i
BTV. (i) ___ (Pre-modify the noun) channels
like the Discovery Channel and the National cÖwZwU kvLvq cÖvq wj‡LwQ‡jb| Avgv‡`i RvZxq Kwe
Geographic Channel telecast highly informative bRiæj •kkeKv‡j mevi `„wó AvKl©Y K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb
programs. However, watching TV has become Zuvi Kvwe¨K wePÿYZvi ga¨ w`‡q g„Zz¨i AvM ch©šÍ
(j)___ (use an article) addiction for many. wbiew”Qbœfv‡e wj‡LwP‡jb| gvbyl‡K AbycÖvwYZK Kivi
Answer: (a) widespread/ popular; (b) present/ Rb¨ wZwb Zuvi Mvb iPbv K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi Mvb¸wj Kze
modern; (c) varied; (d) many/ numerous/ my‡ijv| wZwb evsjv mvwnZ¨‡K e¨vcK mg„× K‡iwQ‡jb|
different; (e) Television; (f) not only/ Zuvi mvwnZ¨Kg© evsjv mvwnZ¨‡K mg„× K‡i‡Q| wZwb
very/greatly; (g) highly/ equally; (h) run; (i)
wQ‡jb ag©wbi‡cÿ Kwe| wZwb mvivRxeb mv‡g¨i Mvb
Several/ Different; (j) an.


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