The Philosophy of Alfred Rosenberg James B Whisker
The Philosophy of Alfred Rosenberg James B Whisker
The Philosophy of Alfred Rosenberg James B Whisker
The Cathars................................................ 71
Meister Eckhart......................................... 83
Bibliography................................................ 243
races had ever produced civilization and that the yellow had
declined to a point that it was unlikely that it could do so again.
» * * » «
Rosenberg had a marked preference for rural life which
we have already explored to some degree. He saw cities as
corrupted, full of sin and vice. They lure young men off the
farms with the glow of neon lights and the promises of
forbidden liaisons. They offer a real diversion from the
repetitive routine of rural life. In their own way they are the
habitat of the Anti-Christ. They seduce the unsuspecting youth
and subdue the fragile folk soul. They more men away from
contemplation of the folk soul. They are the centers of trade
and the creations of Jewish investment capital.
Rosenberg’s future Germany would reemphasize the
values and the virtue production of rural living. Farm life would
be reconstituted and the farmer given a place of prominence in
the scheme of things. His contributions to the state would be
recognized and he would remain medieval and what is called
"alienation” in marxism would disappear. The politics of cultural
despair would be vanquished by a healthy dose of farm living.
Where there was insufficient farm land, an aggressive
German foreign policy would provide additional living space.
Here the German rural worker would preserve the precious
spark of the eternal, the human soul. The doctrine of living
space had been invented as a reasonable way to provide an
arena wherein the noble Aryan soul might flourish. The
alternative was the negation of the soul in the arena of the
devil, the city.
Rosenberg admired the caste structures of India and
other Asian nations and found a parallel in the German
aristocratic rule of many areas of Eastern Central Europe,
notably of the Teutons in Czechlands and Poland. There
remained an aristocracy, which, while permanently stationed
above the peasants of a different race below, were not wholly
Introduction 9
sen’s help (as "God’s high ally") evil will be vanquished for
Note that Mani has posited an eternal world, a world of
%e-existing stuff, a world eternal in the same way that God is
eternal. He only made it over, as world artificer, not as creator.
Phis fit well with Rosenberg’s claim that the Nordic type-former
has denied creation ex nihilo. This world serves to enable man
xnd God to render evil forever harmless and prevent a
reoccurrence of intermingling of good and evil.
Man has a pre-existing function of the soul that
corresponds to Meister Eckhart’s "spark" of the soul. It was with
God, but God sent it into the world to aid him in his struggle
with evil. After death, that is, after it has cojoined with others
and with God in doing battle with evil, it returns to a
contemplation of the Godhead. While here and present man
must sort the iniquity from his sou). This is his individual task.
Only if he succeeds can his soul become worthy of God. The
soul cannot fly back to the Godhead unless it has purged the
darkness from itself.
Primal man knew both light and darkness. Darkness
attacked his soul and promoted greed and envy of the pure
light. Man attempted to combat the darkness, but it was too
strong and he was defeated. According to the strength of his
will and his connection to light, more or less darkness attracted
him. One attribute of the power of darkness was its hold on
man to prefer material to spiritual existence. To the degree that
man prefers matter, he will be attracted to material possessions.
To the degree he resisted darkness he is attracted to the light
and rejects wealth in material things in diference to spiritual
As the Father of Greatness struggled against the powers
of darkness the Darkness personified fabricated Adam and Eve.
Through procreation they and their descendants dissipate light.
The sin of Eve, implicating Adam also, set in motion a
36 Alfred Rosenberg
the times. The origin of evil lay in the nature of matter itself.
Its multiplicity is radically opposed to the simplicity and
spirituality of the True God. Matter is an evil which can never
be redeemed; it is essentially and eternally evil. The soul is
divine, for it is immaterial and simple, and both emanates from
the Divine and reflects the perfection of the Divinity. Man’s
body is but a prison in which the soul is entrapped. Redemption
is nothing more than the liberation of soul from body and is
found only in death.
The Demiurge, or lesser creator, created the visible
world out of particles which belonged to the powers of
darkness. These powers are opposed to the True God and the
whole realm of the spirit. They are forever entrapped in the
world of matter. They entice man to use his sexual powers to
continually procreate so that bits of the spirit are continually
entrapped in the bodies of men. Otherwise, human bodies
would be lifeless, hollow shells, and there would be no one for
the powers of darkness to control.
This absolute dichotomy between matter and spirit is
called Cosmic Dualism [or anti-cosmic dualism]. It underlies all
of the major works of gnosticism, but is especially evident in
Manichaeanism. Sin is concomitant with life itself in the
material world. Only the spark of life, the human spirit, is fit for
godly action or thoughts, and for redemption. Necessarily this
dualism concluded that whatever is merely finite (hence limited
in this time as well as space) is evil. Whatever is eternal is
good,, and the spirit of man is a spark of the eternal fire of God.
Manichaeanism had a rigid ethic. Mankind was
forbidden to kill animals or otherwise to shed blood. Sex was
condemned for reasons noted above. One was to reject Satan,
the world, “all material things, and all happiness based on
enjoyment of material goods. The elect or perfects travelled
without money or possessions, begging for their daily food. They
ignored secular laws which were in any way antithetical to their
The Manichaean Heresy 63
Testament on the grounds that it was filled with the lies and
deceit of the Jews. He, too, condemned earthly pleasures, sex
included. Yet he accepted in the traditional Nicaean doctrines
of the Trinity, the Incarnation, baptism for the remission of sins,
the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Final Judgment, and the
resurrection of the material and glorified body. His fusion,
while intriguing, historically has only its role as a link among
heterodox factions in the time chain to commend it.
The Paulicians
The Bogomili
uolen from God, but the soul would not remain in place. The
loul continually exited through the anus. Eventually, the devil
*■25 able to dam it up and even this tiny spark of soul was
sufficient to animate the body. The devil made the body from
water and earth.
In a second version of this story the water flowed out of
Adam’s toe and formed a stream, which appeared to Adam as
a snake. The snake tried to wam Adam of the deceit of Satanel,
*nd was thus cursed by him. Eventually, God and his prodigal
xm reached an accord: each would rule a part of man. God
was to govern what had been stolen from Him, the spirit of
can. The devil would govern that part he had made, the body.
To prevent the end of Satanel’s control over man
through his control of the material body, the devil must make
certain that the human race propagates. He thus uses sex as the
primary instrument of control. Without sex and procreation
there would be no future subjects for Satanel’s control. The true
believer had to reject sex, procreation, marriage and the family.
Only in this way could Satanel continue to gain subjects for his
rule of the material world. Satanel could win a victory over his
Creator only if fie had subjects in this world. When all spirit
was reunited with God, Satanel would lose his dominion.
The more informed and educated portion of the Bogomil
cult taught that messages were hidden in the Gospels, Acts of
the Apostles, and Epistles of Paul. One had to have key to
unlock the secrets. For reasons that are not clear, but perhaps
out of fear of the Jews, the vital messages in these writings were
presented in riddles, allegories and metaphors. The correct
interpretation of the materials was vital to salvation. Many
philosophers throughout history have maintained that, in times
of persecution, writers have concealed their true messages. Only
by understanding this to be true can we read materials prepared
in difficult times.
The Bogomili rejected the cross because it was a symbol
68 Alfred Rosenberg
■*’orld. God had created six heavens. Satanel had made the
remaining one. Satanel had tricked other devils (then angels)
into rebelling against God. Realizing that they had been tricked,
the other fallen angels set about to create a race of beings
which would help mankind. This they did by fathering a race of
pants by the daughters of men ["there were giants in the earth
in those days" Genesis 6:4],
Moses had led the Jews astray, the Phundagiagitae
irgued, by worshipping only Satanel, and in offering men the
law which was written by Satanel, not by God. Other men
rebelled, urged on by the giants who had been instructed by
their fathers. In retaliation, Satanel caused the Universal
Deluge which killed all but Noah who had remained loyal to
him. In this cult, very few of the Old Testament figures were
worthy of other than eternal damnation.
Satanel had stolen the spark from God which became
the spirit of man. This was represented metaphorically as the
light of the sun set against the eternal darkness of night in
Satanel’s realm. The spirit of man cried out for redemption so
God sent his son Jesus Christ to the rescue. After having saved
men, or that portion to whom he came and who received him,
Jesus returned to heaven. On the ascent he bound Satanel, and
removed from him the last vestige of his godliness, after which
the devil became Satan, the "el" having been appropriately
dropped. The "el", as we have seen, indicated "of God." The
teaching of Jesus was designed exclusively to liberate men from
Satanel and his servants on earth, the Jews, followers of the
teachings of Moses and Noah.
Angebert, Jean-Michel. The Occult and the Third Reich. New York, 1974.
Borst, A. Die Katharer. Stuttgart, 1953.
Broeckx, E. Le Catharisme. Hoogstraten, 1916.
Brooke, Christopher. "Heresy and Religious Sentiment, 1000-1250’ in C.
Brooke (ed.) Medieval Church and Society. New York, 1972.
point that the rejection of all things Catholic took place. The
catechumen was reminded that here, before God, he swore
eternal allegiance to his religion. Doubtless, he was required to
renounce the Sacraments, since these were tied to the material
world, and several canons of faith.
The Cathars drank no wine, and they objected to Holy
Communion on the ground that nothing material could be made
holy or purified in the sight of God. This is standard in anti-
cosmic, gnostic dualism. Confession was an open affair, and not
made to the priest. The cross was most objectionable, on the
traditional heterodox theological ground that it was the symbol
of Christ’s passion, even though they generally believed that
Christ had no body and only appeared to suffer. The fact that
the Jews sought to crucify and condemn Jesus was sufficient
reason to hate the cross, even if Christ was not actually
Some Cathars appeared to be Adoptionists. This faction
believed that a man like any of us, but a Gentile [i.e., a non
Jew) had been born, out of the flesh of Mary. He was fathered
probably by Joseph and was not born of a virgin. Jesus was not
born of one eternally exempted from sin. This to say that the
Adoptionists rejected the doctrine of the Immaculate
Conception. At the time of the baptism by John, when God
spoke the words "This is my beloved son in whom I am well
pleased [Matthew 3:17]," Jesus was transfixed or possessed by
God. The "adoption" remained through the crucifixion, and
possibly God removed himself from the man either at the
Garden of Gethsemane or on the cross ("My God! My God!
Why hast thou forsaken me?" [Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34]). Most
among those accepting Adoptionism believed that the man, not
the man-God, was crucified.
Probably the mainstream Cathars believed that God had
not, and could not, become flesh, because flesh is material and
thus corrupt. He only appeared to men to have’ a body, as a
The Cathars 75
was both an evil and a false god, a form of Satan (or Satan
incarnate). Abraham and Moses were inspired by the Devil.
The various characters who destroyed, or who had a hand in
destroying, the original inhabitants of Canaan to obtain the
'land of milk and honey" were condemned.
The Cathars transvaluated some familiar figures of the
New Testament. John the Baptist was evil because he baptized
in water (i.e., a material thing) instead of baptizing in the spirit.
They were ambivalent on Saul (Saint Paul), with a few
accepting him and his epistles and others rejecting his theology.
Some Cathars accepted only Saint Luke whom they believed to
bs a Gentile.
Cathar beliefs prospered in a Europe that was tired of
the corruptions of the established church. Rome, seat of the
papacy, was the worst offender in Christendom. Popes had
taxed the clergy throughout Europe to finance a massive
building program. More offensively, popes had lavished huge
sums of money on their personal entertainment. The papacy
used money to influence politics throughout the continent. It
Snanced crusades against non-believers (notably Islam) and
heterodox Christians. To acquire funds sufficient for its
purposes, the papacy instituted a series of devices to squeeze
even more money from the hungry peasants. Jubilee years
encouraged pilgrims to visit Rome. Travelling circuses carried
real or faked artifacts of Christendom, charging the faithful an
admission fee to view these "holy" items. Some roving preachers
peddled indulgences which remitted punishment due for sins.
The Cathar movement grew in northern Italy, southern
France and into Germany. Its sects were strongest in Languedoc
and northern Italy. The Church sent in its most experienced
preachers to counter the attractions of Manichaeanism. In the
mid-twelfth century, Peter the Venerable and Saint Bernard
were its most successful representatives. The Church had only
78 Alfred Rosenberg
John F. Benton (cd.). Self and Society in Medieval France. New York, 1970.
Guiraud, J. Histoirc de I’inquisilion au moyen Age. Paris, 1935-38.
82 Alfred Rosenberg
the soul. Eckhart had argued that no church was genuine that
prevented the soul from unfolding or which prevented man
from knowing his soul. As Rosenberg saw it, the real reason
that corrupt Pope John XXII had charged Eckhart with heresy,
was that Eckhart had taught the Nordic principle of self-
determination of the soul. Eckhart knew the pure German soul
well through the process of self-examination. God can be "bom"
only in a totally free soul. The proud Nordic soul faced God as
an equal because it was of and from God. As Rosenberg wrote,
Tn place of the Jewish-Roman Weltanschauung Eckhart
envisions the Nordic-Western soul-religion, as the center of
Germanic man, of the Nordic race." [Myth, p.252].
Traditional organized religion, Rosenberg reasoned, was
of no use to Eckhart. The soul was sufficient in and of itself. As
the equal of God. because it was a spark of the Godhead it
determined the self-sufficient man. Eckhart separated the soul
from any and all extraneous things. Perhaps other races lacked
the "proud Nordic soul. For these inferior souls Roman
Christianity, with its emphasis on humility and self-sacrifice, was
the appropriate religion. Rosenberg concluded that what
Eelchart had written for all souls applied only to the Nordic
race. Nordic man with his pure soul was nothing less than the
quintessence of the German character. He had the attributes of
honor and inner strength.
It is true that ideas of humility, mercy, kindness, charity
and other good works were of little interest to Eckhart. Love
was not traditional charity; it was strength of soul in union with
God. He respected the ability of the pure soul to demolish all
obstacles in pursuit of the Godhead.
Grace, so vital in Luther’s thought, did not rank high for
Eckhart. For Rosenberg this was one more proof that Eckhart
had denied the Jewish roots of Roman Christianity. Grace was
alien to Germanic thinking. It was tied to the inferior concepts
of subservience and slavery. It came from Saints Paul and
Meister Eckhart 91
■fe- The man of honor might die for honor or principle, but
•ch is an iron law of necessity. If one is to live honorably he
«st be totally willing to die honorably. There is no alternative.
One who has philosophically prepared his soul is ready
» ascend to heaven, both figuratively and literally. The inner
trsk of reaching for the kingdom of heaven can be undertaken
•cly when the soul is free. The search for that freedom of
character and of soul is a highly individualistic quest. One’s
•acial history can help and it can impel one to begin the search,
hut it cannot make the search for the person. The person who
realizes the nature of his journey has already progressed along
<£5 mandated route. Thus, man concludes that the externals of
worship are generally an impediment to the quest. Externals are
i substitute for the true internal truth. Nordic theology' placed
fctle emphasis on the ceremonies or rituals of mass religion;
ms lead, they drew man toward himself. An individual who does
oot know himself can only lose his very tenuous grip on self if
be is immersed in mass pageants.
Eckhart distinguished between the good mystical
approach to God and the bad. Rosenberg saw this as ,
buttressing his own distinction between the true, typeforming
myth and the untrue myth. Under direction less able than
Eckhart’s, mysticism became radical heresy. Rosenberg argued
that under direction less able than his the myth-bound state
became a lie. The well-springs of Nazi teachings on the soul
and on Nordic religion, for Rosenberg, were to be found in
Meister Eckhart.
Eckhart pointed the way toward salvation. He rejected
what Rosenberg called the Roman-Jewish concept of love, for
the only love that impels the noble soul is that which unites us
with God. Love can never unite us with men; only honor can
do that. Love at its best draws us toward God and forms the
substance that unites our will with his. This love is purifying in
that the unity with God is necessarily purifying. God’s love is
94 Alfred Rosenberg
**n being. That is, man does not disappear into the Godhead,
the Godhead does not subsume man. Only in a relative and
personal sense does he lose the sense of being himself.
The soul of man operates on five levels in Eckhart
extend of on the three levels of Thomas and of Aristotle. Man
exists as a body with such powers as sensation and digestion.
Second, he experiences the things of the "lower intellect"
("common sense" level), knowing desire and passion. Third, he
has the reflective and contemplative powers of the higher
intellect. These are Thomas’ modes or levels of human
existence. Fourth, man knows the pure ideas (Plato) as God
conceives of them. Fifth, through the spark of the soul, man
knows the Godhead as it is.
The notion of the spark of soul can be interpreted to
imply that man’s soul is uncreated and, at least that portion of
it,is eternal. The creation that God is involved with extends only
to the external, physical world and not to the highest level of
the soul. It is possible to read in Eckhart more the World-
Artificer or Greek Logos than the God of the Hebrews who
created the world ex nihilo. The expression that God created
the world in the same "eternal now" in which the Trinity
evolved from the Godhead can be construed to imply the
eternity of the stuff from which the world was shaped. Just as
the Persons of the Trinity emanated from the Godhead without
reference to now, before or after, so the world may have
emanated without reference to the extension in time. The world
itself however measures time as a sequence of events with
reference to before and after, so the world may have emanated
without reference to extension in time. The world itself however
measures time as a sequence of events with reference to before
and after.
A clearly original thought on the nature of God
underlies the non-, even anti-, thomistic ideas Eckhart
advanced. While paying lip service to Thomas’ definition of
98 Alfred Rosenberg
cannot unite with God through external acts. That would ssem
to suggest a physical or essential unity of man and God, ideas
*hich Eckhart had already rejected. The internalized experience
may have its outward manifestations, but external works, acts
and deeds are useless if the will of man is not attuned to the
Divine Will. Thus, Eckhart paid only lip service to festivals,
parades, public meetings and demonstrations and other external
actions. He did not attack them; he merely ignored them and
suggested, de facto, that they were far more a source of
distraction than of salvation.
A second reason for Eckhart’s mysticism is found in
relation to his doctrine of knowledge. In his epistemology he
sought to establish an essential unity between subject and
object. Only by intuition can a subject truly come to know an
object of its desire. Intuition is that vital faculty wherewith all
finite things can unite with and sink into the substance of the
deity. This unique intuition of creature and God binds the two
in an inseparable union that cannot be transcended in any way.
This mystical unity of creature with God is akin to thomistic
metaphysical knowledge.
In Eckhart there is a highly personal relationship of wills
which moves man toward religious knowledge and brings on a
religious experience that is much like a deep aesthetic
experience. This experience defies description. No creed or
canon of theology can adequately establish a union of wills
between God and that which is His creation. Man wills to make
himself like unto God. The true substance of religion is thus
felt, not written in codes of canon law.
Because the unique relation each man establishes with
God is wholly his own it cannot be subjected to parameters
established by religious authorities such as pope or a council of
a church or the college of cardinals. Creed is unimportant.
Creeds exist, as they would later for William of Ockham, as
matters of this world only. We find no differences among creeds
100 Alfred Rosenberg
forming skills, had it not been the product of alien and bastard
cultures, it would have demanded that its leaders practice the
virtues it offered for mass consumption. Its leaders did not
themselves practice the love of Jesus. That proves that the
whole idea of love was, from beginning to end, a hoax.
[Dunkelmanner, pp.13-18].
Only in Oriental worlds do we find the great dichotomy
between a religion with a supreme value designed for mass
consumption only and one with a different highest value
designed only for the leadership. The Christian religion in its
Roman Catholic variety was a "canaan monstrosity" of Hither
Asiatic origin, not of Nordic origin. This explains why Roman
Catholicism lacks type-forming strength in the Germanic sense.
In a true religion the type-forming men would be the
most eloquent spokesmen for the supreme value of the race and
its national religion. Type-formers show by their heroic acts
what the values truly mean. They would practice values so that
other might imitate their lives. They do not seek to force other
men to follow; they could not bring themselves to lead by
coercion. The only force involved would be the force of
principle and the compulsion of example. If the type-formers
cannot command their followers by their own individual
courage then they are not a true type-formers. They fail only
when the people are not racially attuned to their leadership and
their highest values.
Rosenberg illustrated his point by telling the story of the
pagan German king Radbod. He received the missionaries of
Pippin, Duke of the Franks. He had heretofore persecuted all
Christian apostles sent to him. Upon questioning this especially
devout group and threatening them with all manner of tortures,
he found them resolute in their beliefs. They were willing to
accept martyrdom if that was required of them, but they would
not reject their faith. Seeing men of such great devotion, type
formers who truly believed in their faith and who were willing
The Roman Catholic Church 115
Then, man would turn toward the free self which could
look for and discover his racially motivated ideas of God and
theology. Protestantism as well as Catholicism would have to
fear these changes in theology, for each had grounded itself in
the myth of creation as taught by Judaism.
Men would reject the doctrines of Jewish Christianity not
because they are physically or psychologically compelled to do
so, but, to the contrary, because the physical and psychological
threats that had impelled them toward an alien myth will have
been removed. Rosenberg taught that the state’s role was more
that of acting as an agent to prevent spiritual perversion by
interposing its power between the Jewish-inspired churches and
men than by forcing men to believe in something. The state
would guarantee that men would be free to accept that which
was racially determined by five millennia of history. They would
come to know themselves as Aryans.
Aryan religion was not directed at blacks or Asians, Jews
or Mediterraneans, Alpines or Celts. It was to be designed only
at those whose racial history preconditioned them to accept it:
those of Aryan-Nordic ancestry.
The Nordic Christian Church
from the great Nordic soul. It predated even written history that
the world and some function of the soul are eternal with God.
So it had been written in the Aryan philosophies of India and
Persia and in the writings of men of the Christian era like Mani
and Justin Martyr, It was to be found in the Nordic legends of
Germany and Scandinavia.
Aryan religion is made up, according to Rosenberg’s
design, of the awareness of being Aryan. It is a form of true
racial pride. It cannot be other than racial for the Nordic
peoples are children of the light. They stand in stark contrast to
the other races which are primarily, if not exclusively, the
children of darkness and materiality. No other link is expressive
and no other point of contact is necessaty for what is the
Nordic equivalent of salvation.
To the degree that houses of worship are necessary they
would be more like colleges designed to educate Nordic man on
how to liberate his racial self. They might serve a second
function as places wherein man could be freed from the
limitations of time and space while uniting with the Godhead.
However, man can do this anywhere, not just in a designated
house of worship. The new religion would clearly be a German
national religion. It would not make universal appeals to non
Germans, nor would it see the brotherhood of man as a reality.
It would be very much a part of an entire movement,
encompassing all aspects of German life. Non-Germans would
not understand it for it would be based wholly in the German
racial-blood-volk experience. If one did not share in these
elements he would be lost in trying to establish a connection
with the Nordic Ko/fc-church.
The Protestant Reformation had suggested, without
wholly pursuing, this idea. It was not as simple as removing the
Lutheran churches from the control of Rome, nor was it wholly
tied with the idea of the creation of an established church. The
Reformation carried with it the rejection of ties with all things
The Nordic Christian Church 155
were the ascetic and the martyrs. Others who had sought type-
forming powers followed in a precise order. The martyrs set
aside all other strivings and appetites and attempted to imitate
Christ whom they had chosen as their model. They attempted
lo imitate his power to the point o( excluding all other desires
and appetites. Some may even have surpassed Christ in
personal sacrifice, and thus have become type-forming
By and large Nietzsche’s Dionysian personality is a
controlled will to power. He sought conquest in the arts,
sciences, humanities, and, above all, philosophy. He specifically
did not look to the control of others as type-forming or
profitable for the development of the personality. His creative
genius "suffers life" but masters self. In his paradigm of great
men Nietzsche notes that all had mastered self in a way men
rarely do, and that is what made them great. Among the great
men he named Julius Caesar, Plato, Socrates, Wagner and
Goethe. Caesar, for example, is more admired for his mastery
of self, control over his own destiny and his creativity than for
his soldiering and military skills.
Early in his intellectual development Nietzsche had
become interested in the hegelian materialism of the leftist
Young Hegelian movement generally, and David Friedreich
Strauss (1808-1874) particularly. Their attack on conventional
morality and Christian ethics was of great interest to him
because he had already decided to transcend Christian morality
and transvaluate its ethic. Strauss published his Das Leben Jesu
kritisch bearbeitet (Life of Jesus Critically Examined), in 1835-36
in two volumes. He concluded that the four Gospels were
recollection of the memory of exceptionally great personalities.
They were not the work of divine inspiration. What they did
offer was an unusually good insight into the life of the Jewish
people of the Hellenistic period and their climate of opinion
that was full of messianic expectations. They summarized and
170 Alfred Rosenberg
gateway through which the whole nation may pass. The nation
would move from mere chronology to true racial history. The
great man would be the catalyst that causes the various
disparate personalities and ideologies of the nation to come
together, united with a single determination to do the work of
a single will.
Third, the national will would be stated as a political
program. It could be reduced to an ideology, but one which has
not a single corresponding form since the Apollonian Greek
world of polis. Everything would be contained within the idea;
nothing would be permitted that mitigated against it and
nothing would escape its all-encompassing coverage. The
ideology would articulate a rationale for the existence of all
things. Any idea would have to be judged against its standards.
One could think of an ideological poem, work of art, symphony
or sport. The program would gain the support of all people in
a mystical (or mythical) way, one that would defy rational
explanation, precisely because it would come, not from intellect,
but from the iron will of the nation as seen through and
interpreted by the supreme leader. It would not rationalize its
effect; it would overcome and envelop.
Rosenberg’s Myth of the Twentieth Century does not
name a savior, the prophet of the ideology, but it strongly
suggests that Germany was then awaiting such a figure. It looks
longingly toward the time of his coming, and that time many of
Rosenberg’s writings (especially the earlier ones) suggest is at
hand. The new leader is to conquer mystically, magnetically,
hypnotically, mythically or he will be "the anti-Christ", that is,
the wrong person.
History to Rosenberg has always been dominated by the
great type-formers. This is equally true for the history of all
nations. From the perspective of each race the type-former has
been value-positive, that it, he has made his race what it is.
Perhaps one can view this as saying that the type-forming
Rosenberg and Nietzsche 175
bred over many generations past and fed into us just like the
blonde color of hair or the blue of our eyes. If enough
miscegenation occurs our biological and psychological-
ideological traits may be destroyed through a natural process of
attrition. But so long as the racial Nordic characteristics remain
within us as the strong dominant element the true German
cannot deny his heritage. Against this background the Nordic
type-former finds a ready audience. Neither he nor his audience
could explain why alien ideals are repugnant or why the native
ideals are attractive, but each of the type-formers finds that
fertility of the ground has been predetermined ages ago. A race
is what it is. It has a racial destiny which it seeks to fulfill.
Recurrent type-formers, appearing throughout the ages of the
race have sustained and revitalized this heritage. Their secular
salvation is guaranteed when the type-formers have cast the
race in a certain mold. They can add to, but not work against,
the essence of the race to whom their messages are directed.
The true national awakening is the highest intellectual
achievement of a the hero. It is the greatest service he can
perform for his race. Ordinarily, acts of honor and heroism on
the battlefield are man’s highest acts. These acts must take a
distant second position to the service the type-forming hero
performs. The hero becomes the special missionary of the race.
The type-former constantly reminds members of his race that,
in the Nordic peoples, heroism and honor are supreme values.
These values have become the highest values of the race
because the type-former practices and encourages the
acceptance of these virtues. Members of his race accept them
because the hero accepts them.
Rosenberg’s philosophy is incomplete without the
concept of the superman who is the type-former of his race.
Rosenberg’s theology awaited the type-former. That hero would
purge the idea of creation ex nihilo from Christianity and
replace it with the reconstruction of Eckhart’s five levels of the
Rosenberg and Nietzsche 181
soul, the fifth of which clearly taught that there was an immoral,
siemal "spark of the soul" which flies to the Godhead as equal
to equal in terms of being uncreated existence. That idea would
fpring from the depths of the soul of the entire Nordic race, but
it would require proper statement and perspective and this
Aould be the work of the type-forming personality. Rosenberg’s
concept of the type-forming personality does not create a new
pattern of existence ex nihilo as it does for Nietzsche.
The type forming personalities in the philosophies of
Rosenberg and Nietzsche are identical. Both are types of beings
which establish a new pattern of existence. In this way the type-
former gains secular immortality. Each and every type-former
would be permitted to use society in any way he deemed
necessary. Each would transvaluate values in such a way as to
deny the traditional Jewish-Christian values based on love.
The whole Christian idea of love is unworthy of
consideration in both type-forming Supermen. Germany of the
Weimar has strayed away from the assertive values of the race
and accepted an artificial value system that mandates love of
inferior. This is the legacy of the "Canaan Monstrosity.'' It is
the logical result of the acceptance of the idea of creation ex
nihilo. Until these ideas are purged from the German state evil
and corruption will remain. The value system is the
consequence of the alien, Hither-Asiatic idea of creation.
Neither Nietzsche nor Rosenberg could accept the idea of
creation ex nihilo. Nietzsche’s classical rejection is based on the
acceptance of the myth of the eternal return. He led the way,
showing Rosenberg that pride in race. Nietzsche taught
Rosenberg that the myth of the type-forming superman was
incompatible with the Jewish idea of creation ex nihilo.
Rosenberg denied Nietzsche’s eternal return myth, but accepted
his idea of attacking the Jewish-Christian idea of creation.
182 Alfred Rosenberg
•ound with the sacred spear and revived the knight. The spear
Jid the Grail were placed in the sanctuary.
The Grail legend is interpreted in two ways. Generally,
is viewed as a story of Christian love and the redemption of
mankind. The second is the mythical interpretation. The Grail
> said to contain a coded message known only to a few, and
□derstood by a tiny number. It is this interpretation which is
.ccepted by Ravenscroft in The Cup of Destiny (1981) and
-Vngebert in The Occult and the Third Reich (1974).
Lucifer was a Prince of Heaven before the sin of pride
prompted God to cast him to HelL On the descent to the
Underworld his crown fell to earth, and from it fell a huge
emerald. This was used by men of antiquity to fashion a
kinking cup to be used in occult rituals. Here we find the most
ancient relic accepted by both Christians and gnostics. The cup
*as ringed with unusual special signs, symbols, runes and the
ike, all depicting the ascent of man through various stages to
a final state of blessedness. The Grail had become the sacred
vessel of Initiate Knowledge. It contained on its exterior the
<reat trove of primordial knowledge and tradition which linked
the past to the future. That primordial knowledge can bring
an back into the natural and only true condition for him, the
primordial state of consciousness.
Nietzsche broke with Wagner over his operas Parsifal
and Lohengrin because in these musical dramas Wagner broke
urith his previous statements on Fate and redemption. Wagner
no longer sought salvation through the practice of the
traditional Nordic virtues of courage and honor. He had
submitted to Christianity, and to the Roman Catholic version of
Christianity. Rosenberg, who was born after Wagner had
composed all his operas, was less outraged than Nietzsche, but
stiU preferred the Ring of the Nibelungen to Wagner’s later
190 Alfred Rosenberg
Houston Chamberlain
The life habits and provisions for the necessities of life is the
most rudimentary in black culture of all peoples. Their
indolence forces them into subsistence living. It invites the
white races to make them slaves. There can be no serious stud*
of such a primitive group simply because there is nothing
worthy of a white man’s effort to investigate. The black races
have no history of their own. They enter history only when the
white race comes in contact with them.
Black religions are pure superstition. They touch only the
most basic appetites. Thus, among black races we find 3
temperamental predisposition to choose fertility rites over more
complex religious practices. They seek a natural, physical god
in the elements. A tree, a rock or lightning attract their
attention. Black races could never comprehend an abstract
notion of God as a spiritual being. Being unable to conceive of
a spiritual God, they could never come to an understanding of
morality or values.
The only predominating feature of black races that
interests Gobineau is their propensity for a vivid imagination.
They have the ability to day-dream and to conceive of unusual,
albeit bizarre, things. This is a trait that is unique in an
otherwise uninteresting race. Imagination is.pseful in producing
certain types of art, although it often leads to a depiction of the
He dismissed blacks, saying they had produced nothing
of value and had no history, The corrupting influence of their
inferior souls brought utter desolation to those peoples that had
significant admixtures of black blood. Gobineau did question,
as a good Catholic, whether blacks even had souls. He classified
the red-men of American and the various brown and Polynesian
peoples as being products of mixtures of the other races with
the black. Because black blood predominated none of these
peoples had histories or had produced cultures.
Scientific Racism 197
On first reading one might conclude that Gobineau had
become so involved with the Oriental culture that he concluded
h was superior to the white. This is not true. In the final
analysis, he did come to a preference of European culture. In
Gobineau’s view the yellow race is vastly superior to the black.
There is a nearly infinite gap between the yellow and black
races. There is a gap between white and black, although the
<pread between the two races is not as great as it is between
the yellow and black races. The gap between yellow and white
is very small. The yellow race can produce a meaningful culture,
although, to a large degree, it has stagnated in recent centuries.
As an unreconstructed aristocratic conservative,
Gobineau extolled the virtues of a caste society. He admired
the governmental principle of Confucius: everyone fixed in his
place, bound in duty to those above with emperor bound in
duty to the heavens above. Had the Europeans had such a
system the revolutions that toppled the aristocrats from their
lofty positions would have been prevented. The Chinese seemed
to have solved the riddle of government and society.
The ancient Aryans of India had established the same
caste-based order. India had declined as a result of the
absorption of Aryan leadership into inferior, dark races. Once
the light-skinned Aryans had ruled. They had brought law,
order, prosperity and honor. They had made the dark-skinned
races their servants. The caste system, Gobineau argued, had
benefitted all. When miscegenation destroyed racial integrity,
the Aryans faltered. Chaos followed. The Aryan characteristics
were lost and the racial soul no longer spoke.
Gobineau assumed progress in the technologically
advanced areas. This was self-evident. Progress, however, was
impossible in the social sciences. Governments should be run by
an hereditary elite, the aristocrats. Racial inferiors were
unsuited for the tasks and responsibilities of governing.
198 Alfred Rosenberg
Scientific Racism
culture. The lure of these vices brought young men off the
farms and charmed them into living where the Jews could
control them more easily. Unscrupulous Jews offered fame and
wealth and luxury to young women who then ended up in red
light districts. These wicked ways could be circumvented if
Germany turned its people back to farming, [see Schriften aus
den Jahren, pp. 120ff; Unmoral in Talmud', Die Spur, pp.280ff].
In an obscure essay, The World-centered Jew Lacks a
Soul, Rosenberg argued that a few Jews should be left in the
state after the Nazi counter-revolution. They would provide an
excellent example of what the German is not. By continuing to
know the Jew, the state could continue to retain its immunity
to his "disease".
Rosenberg offered an analogy to the human body
fighting off an alien organism. A few of the disease-carrying
organisms are left purposefully so that the body’s immune
system will continue to produce anti-toxins to protect itself.
Germany fell prey to the Jews because it knew him not. it gave
all men the benefit of doubt, thinking that all men were
honorable. When Nordic man discovered the Jew lacked these
Aryan characteristics he was unable to resist. By that time, the
Jew had gained a secure foothold which he would not
The carnage and bloodshed of World War One gave rise
to a new weapon in the German national struggle against alien
ideas and foreign races, the Mythus. As used in Houston
Chamberlain’s Die Grundlagen des XIX Jahrunderts (1899) the
term implied a mysterious (i.e., mythical) hyper-national, willful
infusion of spirit (Geist) into the Volk. The Mythus could bind
the Volk to the nation. Its national values (including religion)
and those mysterious forces of nature carry special messages for
the German people.
The fermenting of blood of the German heroes killed in
so many battles of the war, a war without honor in victory,
Scientific Racism 205
proved that the honorable, brave men did not die in vain. It was
their putrefying lifeblood that awakened or created a new
feeling, supreme level of Kultur. So powerful was the effect of
this blood-serum that the nation could be immunized in a single
step against the evils and debasing powers of alien races. This
was the myth of the present century. It required immediate
action by the Volk or its magic powers would be lost forever.
Race and Anti-Race
Each Race has its soul and each soul belongs to a race .... Each race
in the long run cultivates only one supreme ideal. Will this be transmuted or
even dethroned by overwhelming infiltration of alien blood and alien ideas?
Certainly the consequences of this internal change will be marked externally
by chaos and periods of catastrophe. For this supreme value of race demands
a definite grouping of other life values which are conditioned by it. To tolerate
at the same time and at the same place two or more Weltanschauungen each
one related to a different supreme value which these people arc presumed to
share, means an ominous interim solution which carries the germ of a new
catastrophe. Should this invading system succeed ... it would mean the death
of the cultural soul which would disappear from this earth. The life of a race
208 Alfred Rosenberg
of people is not to be understood as a logically developed philosophy, nor the
result of a process which conformed to natural laws, but the unfolding of a
mystical synthesis, an activity of the soul, which cannot be explicated by reasoc
nor conceived as a causal process .... The real Tight today is not so much foe
externally shifting power ... but rather for a rebuilt soul structured to the
Nordic peoples, a reinstatement of their right to dominate their ideas and
values from which comes the preservation of the racial substance. [Afyt/i of
The Twentieth Century, pp. 116-17, 119].
class the bolsheviks were able to get all the people to forget
about establishing a racial state. Marxism called for civil war.
Anti-nationalist civil war would destroy all the Gentile
accomplishments of western civilization. [Die Spur, pp.315-18].
Marxist ideology was necessarily internationalist. Jewish
internationalism was diametrically opposed to German
nationalism. In foreign policy the Jews sought to unite all the
working people of the world into a single political entity. By
uniting all people, the Jews could control them more easily. The
Jews could manipulate them for their own purposes. On the
domestic level the Jews would work against recurrent
nationalism. They would subordinate all national interests to
Jewish international interests. Rosenberg argued that the reason
the Jews fought against nationalistic sentiments was that they
had no feelings for state or. nation, beyond the Zionist
homeland and race. They migrate to nations where they have
the best opportunities to advance their racial interests.
The battle in Germany in the 1920s and into the first
half of the 1930s had been between Jews and Germans,
between nationalists and internationalists, and between the race
and the anti-race. Bolshevism had succeeded in Bavaria, and it
had almost expanded into all of Germany. The red flag flew
over many parts of Berlin for most of 15 years. Evenings in
most German cities were marked by clashes between the
communists and the National Socialists. The National Socialist
line was consistent: Germany will either be ruled by National
Socialism or bolshevism. To the end, Rosenberg warned the
West that the real enemy of western civilization was Jewish
Unaesthetic Art
others may have felt, early in their careers, that realism was
desirable, but, later, they returned to Nordic racial types who
were familiar in their own experiences. Fulfillment of Volk
needs and spirit took precedence over realism.
Rosenberg claimed to be the first to have discovered the
first, most important and indispensable precondition for i
proper aesthetics: race and the needs of the nation-state. Since
a true aesthetic philosophy had not been written one must
assume that artists who had created their great works
embodying racial types must have done so unconsciously, that
is, without the benefit of the directive force of true
philosophical aesthetics. They had come, because of the deep
call of racial ethics, to know that true aesthetics requires a
distinct racial relationship if it is to be accepted by the potential
audience. No great artist could present to a Nordic audience a
work of art that adequately depicted the majesty of God, his
strength and glory, while using a Jewish model. Ideals of beauty,
harmony, symmetry, duty and honor required that the model to
be used was capable of such virtues. That meant that the
audience demanded that the accomplished artist had to use a
Nordic ideal.
Rosenberg discusses this in depth. The God that
Michelangelo used to awaken Adam appeared as a Nordic type
(German: Typos'). That master even used the same head, albeit
with a few changes, for the Hebrew patriarch Moses. Dutch as
well as German and Italian-Nordic painters saw that it was
possible io project the grandeur of God and the Old Testament
only if they employed the Nordic model. Rosenberg had great
admiration for Jan van Eyck, noting his type-forming strength
in using Nordic types for all his paintings. Again and again, van
Eyck reiterated the common representation of Nordic racial
beauty. Other artists imitated, often with greater artistic ability,
van Eyck’s types. His work showed the clearest racial forms.'
Art and Politics 231
In contrast, Rosenberg noted; no artist and no German
or Northern European audience could ever comprehend the
positive values should these have been cast in the Jewish racial
mold. One could not visualize a god worthy of worship in
Nordic nations with a Jewish face or body. Such a rejection of
an externalized Jewish Qbd why we must reject the
internalization of the Hebrew Jehovah. Ilie type-forming work
of artists of Nordic descent prepared the way for the work of
Nordic type-forming prophets of an Aryan Christianity.
There are three highly desirable subjects for
Nordic racial art: important Nordic-Christian figures, God and
great German-Nordic heroes. Not every art work need be tied
to a religious theme. [Myth, p.319]. Some of the religious works,
such as those discussed above by Michelangelo and van Eyck
are quite suitable and might be used to engender devotion to
a Nordic Christ. Many paintings and many sculptured works
depicting such heroic figures as Frederick the Great and Karl
I (or Charlemagne) already existed throughout Germany. The
state would also commission other works. As Minister of culture
Rosenberg used state funds to encourage artists to sculpt and
paint such works.
There might be a place for "pop art" because of its
consequent propaganda value. In -fascist Italy the state
sponsored annual contests and gave political themes for aspiring
artists to fulfill. Some of the themes the state chose were: the
impact of one of II Duce’s speeches on an audience; Mussolini
himself; and fascist rallies. Rosenberg never discussed such
mundane art forms, concentrating on high art.
Rosenberg was more interested in using art to awaken
long forgotten feelings of Volk spirit than in any other use of
art. Art was to demonstrate in a very practical way what
German racial types looked like and what its racial ideals were.
By charging the nation with such PbZk-oriented energies
Rosenberg hoped to make the nation more interested in
232 Alfred Rosenberg
A Typology of Artists
form the religion and ethics of the state. His art does precisely
what political art of the value positive type is supposed to do:
inspire actions in others.
Wagner did not represent an artistic dead end. His work
remained incomplete in Rosenberg’s opinion. His was one of
the few criticisms of Wagner published in the National Socialist
period. Rosenberg pointed out what a new kind of "poetic
license" had been given to Wagner. When great scenes demand
immediate action, frequently the participants must stand rigidly
while some long aria is sung. While the audience will naturally
direct its attention at the singer, nevertheless there is a lull in
there action at precisely the wrong moment. It is most
unnatural for one who is about to strike a blow at his enemy to
stand, singing about it for several minutes. Admittedly, there
are many examples of that sort of thing. A new type-forming
personality might find ways to combine several arts in such a
way as to be able to allow the motion to continue unabated
while expressing the moment in joyous and heroic song.
Rosenberg does not say how this can be done, merely that it is
a worthy goal.
Rosenberg uncovered yet another facet of Wagner. His
critique of the great composer concludes that Wagner knew the
Nordic soul better than any other artist. Wagner knew that the
German soul is not contemplative and that it does not become
lost in an individualistic, atomistic psychology. It wills to know
cosmic and universal spiritual laws and it is architecturally
constituted. Wagner embodied each of three major factors
which constitute Nordic collective aesthetic life: the Nordic
ideal of beauty; the inner strength of the heroic Nordic will,
and; the Nordic supreme value of honor along with the
associated values of truthfulness, duty and obligation and
courage. Additionally, Wagner offers caricatures of the racially
degenerated, bastardized races who represent Germany’s
Art and Politics 237
National Socialism staged Wagnerian festivals
periodically, usually at least once a year at the great opera
house that the master himself had designed at Bayreuth. These
productions were elaborate to say the least for they required a
highly elaborate revolving stage. Even with such a stage as
Wagner had designed the settings were still quite static and
artificial. Wagner had recognized these limitations. The cinema
was still in the future when Bayreuth was designed. The moving
picture provided an outlet for greater creativity than even
Bayreuth provided. It is surprising that, given the interest Hitler
and Rosenberg had in Wagnerian opera, no large scale motion
picture of the Ring Cycle was made during the Third Reich.
Such a production might have provided remedies for many of
the problems Rosenberg discussed.
Die Protokollen der Weisen von Zion. This is the most important
and best and most widely known work on the Jewish conspiracy.
Rosenberg edited this, the first German edition and provided
an introductory essay.
Bdrse und Marxismus oder der Herr und der Knecht. In this work
Rosenberg explored the relationship between plutocracy and
Die Internationale Hochfinanz als Herrin der Arbeiterbewegung in
alien Landern. This was an attack on Jewish controlled finance,
the principal ideas of which were originally stated in Die Spur
des Juden....
Blut und Ehre, ein Kampf fur deutsche Wiedergeburg, Reden und
Aufsatze von 1919-1933. This was another collection of
Rosenberg’s speeches and contained little that had been not
been offered in other works.
Gestaltung der Idee, Blut und Ehre II. Band, Reden und Aufsatze
von 1933-35. This was yet another collection of speeches which
extolled the National Socialist philosophy.
Kampf um die Macht, Blut und Ehre HI. Band, Aufsatze von
1921-1932. This was a collection of essays, largely from the
newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter.
Tradition unde Gegenwart: Blut under Ehre, TV. This was yet
another collection of Rosenberg’s speeches concerning National
Socialist philosophy and the war effort.
English Sources
George Mosse (ed.). Nazi Culture. (New York, 1966). This book
has several items, including an essay on women and "The Earth
Centered Jew'Has No Soul."
Robert Pois (ed). Race and Race History and Other Essays by
Alfred Rosenberg. (New York, 1974). The editor has translated
163 pages from the Myth of the Twentieth Century and other
Secondary Sources
Fest, Joachim. The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi
Leadership. New York, 1970.