5579 Et Etm
5579 Et Etm
5579 Et Etm
Subject Chemistry
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
3. The Photoelectron Experiment
4. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
5. Photoelectron Spectrum of Ar
5.1 Effect of spin-orbit coupling
5.2 Relative heights of the peaks
5.3 Koopmans’ theorem
6. Summary
1. Learning Outcomes
In this module,
• we shall learn about a spectroscopic technique that allows us to take a peek into energy
levels and confirm different aspects of energy level ordering and Hund’s rules.
• we learn how to interpret photoelectron spectra (PES)
2. Introduction
Photoelectron spectroscopy is an extension of the photoelectric effect – Einstein’s famous
experiment, which allowed him to observe the emission of electrons when certain elements were
bombarded with high energy radiation. This experiment confirmed the particulate nature of
radiation, the existence of photons. He also found that different alkali metals have different work
functions, the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell. The
principle of photoelectron spectroscopy is based on the same.
When photons of this energy hit an atom, they transfer their energy to its electrons. The energized
electrons overcome their attraction to the nucleus and escape. If the energy of the photon is higher
than the minimum energy required to escape, the remaining energy is converted to kinetic energy
of the electrons.
Hence, the energy of the photon, hν, is split into the ionization energy of the atom and kinetic
hν = IE + KE (1)
A + hν → A+ + e- (2)
Conservation of energy requires that the energies on both sides should be the same, i.e.
The last term, the energy of the electron, is entirely kinetic, so equation (3) can be rearranged to
KE = hν - [E(A+)-E(A)] (4)
The final term in brackets is the difference in energy between the ionized atom and the neutral
atom, and this is frequently called the binding (or ionization) energy of the electron in the atom.
We finally have
KE = hν – BE, (5)
A photoelectron spectrum, such as the one shown in Figure 1, displays the kinetic energy
distribution of the emitted photoelectrons. It is a plot of the number of emitted photoelectrons as a
function of their kinetic energy. This can be measured using an electron energy analyzer.
The He-I radiation has sufficient energy (21.2 eV) to cause emission of only the valence
electrons. There is another helium emission He-II at 40.8 eV, and photoelectron spectroscopy
studied using helium lamps with this emission falls in the domain of ultraviolet photoelectron
spectroscopy (UPS). For analyzing the core electrons, another technique, X-ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy (XPS) is used.
Each element has a characteristic binding energy associated with each of its core atomic orbitals.
Hence, each element gives rise to a characteristic photoelectron spectrum, which can be used to
identify it. Moreover, there is a quantitative aspect, too. The intensity of the peaks is related to the
concentration of the element in the sample. Thus, XPS is an important technique, providing both
qualitative and quantitative information about the composition of a sample. For this reason, it is
also known by the alternative acronym, ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis).
The emitted photoelectrons will therefore have kinetic energies in the range of ca. 0 - 1250 eV, 0
- 1480 eV or 0 – 5410 eV and the Cu Kα radiation can probe the deepest electrons.
Ionization of an electron results in a positively charged ion, Ar+•, having one electron less than the
neutral atom. The easiest electron to remove is the 3p electron, resulting in the electron
configuration 1s22s22p63s23p5. The binding energy of this electron is ~24 eV. The next easily
ionizable electron is the 3s electron with a binding energy of 31.5 eV. These are the only two
peaks observable in the He-I photoelectron spectrum.
The peaks observed in the ESCA are at ~250 eV (2p) and 326 eV (2s).
Closer look at the 2p peak at ~250 eV shows that it is actually a doublet with peaks at 248.4 and
250.6 eV. This is due to spin-orbit coupling because of which the 2p5 configuration gives rise to
two states 22P3/2 and 22P1/2, of which the former is higher in energy because the 2p orbital is more
than half-filled. The same splitting should also be observed for the 3p peak, but the two states
32P3/2 and 32P1/2 are close in binding energy (15.8 and 15.9 eV), and the compound peak merges
to one.
Ionization from the 2s and 3s orbitals results in 22S1/2 and 32S1/2 states of Ar+• , respectively. Thus,
the photoelectron spectrum of argon is completely explained.
The first is that the area under a peak is proportional to the number of electrons in the orbital from
which the electron is ejected. Thus, the ratio of areas under the peak arising from ionization from
3s and 3p orbitals is 1:3 (Fig. 2). Moreover, since the degeneracy of every J value is 2J+1, the
areas under the 2P1/2 and 2P3/2 peaks should be in the ratio 1:2., and this can be clearly seen for the
22P1/2 and 22P3/2 peals near 250 eV (Fig. 2). Assuming similar shapes, instead of the area, we may
take the ratios of heights of peaks to determine the relative degeneracies.
The relative positions of the two peaks also confirm Hund’s third rule, according to which the
22P3/2 level should be higher in energy (which translates to lower binding energy) than 22P1/2,
since the 2p orbital is more than half-filled.
The third aspect of photoelectron spectroscopy is Koopmans’ theorem which bridges the gap
between experiment and theory. The energy of an electron and the ionized atom is taken as zero
when they are at infinite distance from each other and there is no interaction between the two. As
they are brought together, the mutual attraction lowers the potential energy. Thus, the energy of a
bound electron in an orbital is always negative. In order to remove this electron against the
attraction of the positively charged ion, an energy equal to the orbital energy has to be supplied so
that the two move apart and the total energy becomes zero.
The orbital energies can be obtained from quantum mechanical calculations, and we may write
that the ionization (or binding) energy of an electron is the negative of the orbital energy:
Strictly speaking, Koopmans’ theorem is only an approximation. As we have seen, there are two
energies associated with a 2p or 3p orbital because of spin-orbit coupling, but there is only one
orbital energy. Furthermore, removal of an electron from an atom changes the entire electron
distribution and Koopmans’ theorem does not account for this relaxation of the electronic
structure upon ionization.
Example 1 Identify the element in the photoelectron spectrum shown below. Briefly
explain your reasoning.
The highest binding energy is for 1s2 electrons and the peak at 126 MJ mol-1 may be
identified with these electrons.
The next two peaks at 9.07 MJ mol-1 and 5.31 MJ mol-1 respectively are associated with
2s2 and 2p6 electrons. The 1:3 ratio of the two peaks confirms this, as also the equal
heights of the peaks at 126 MJ mol-1 and 9.07 MJ mol-1. The same height of the peak at
0.74 MJ mol-1 indicates that there are two electrons in the 3s orbital too. The electron
configuration is therefore 1s22s22p63s2 and the atomic number is hence 12 and the
element is magnesium.
6. Summary
• It is further divided into UPS and XPS, depending on the source. The former
can be used for ionization of the valence electrons alone, while the latter can ionize both
valence and core electrons.
• Since the ionization of the core electrons and the resultant photoelectron
spectra are characteristic of an atom, XPS can be used to identify elements.
• The position of a peak in PES gives the ionization energy of the electron, since
the energy of the ionizing radiation is split into the ionization energy and the kinetic
energy of the electron, and the latter is measured.