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First published, January 2005
Prepared by:
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reports in a series of publications termed the GEO Report
series. The GEO Reports can be downloaded from the
website of the Civil Engineering and Development Department
( on the Internet. Printed copies are
also available for some GEO Reports. For printed copies, a
charge is made to cover the cost of printing.
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Department. Information on how to purchase these documents
is given on the last page of this report.
R.K.S. Chan
Head, Geotechnical Engineering Office
January 2005
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upgrading loose fill slopes. A few private projects have also
been reviewed. The advantages and limitations of the methods
are given in this report.
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W K Pun
Chief Geotechnical Engineer/Special Projects
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other than recompaction that had been used in improving the
stability of loose fill slopes. This study identified 12 alternative
methods that had been used in Hong Kong. The engineering
principles, construction methods, practical limitations and
effectiveness of the various methods are discussed in the report.
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Title Page 1
2.1 General 8
2.2 Surface Protection and Root Reinforcement 9
2.2.1 General 9
2.2.2 Method 1 - Rigid Surface Cover (Plate 1) 10
2.2.3 Method 2 - Root Reinforcement (Plate 2) 11
2.3 Variations to Recompaction 11
2.3.1 General 11
2.3.2 Method 3 - Removal of Loose Fill (Plate 3) 12
2.3.3 Method 4 - Bored Pile Wall at Crest of Slope 12
(Plate 4)
2.3.4 Method 5 - Replacement with Rock Fill 13
or Cement Stabilised Soil (Plate 5)
2.3.5 Method 6 - Placement of Soil or Rock Fill onto 14
Existing Slope (Plate 6)
2.4 Alternative Upgrading Methods 14
2.4.1 General 14
2.4.2 Method 7 - Soil Nails (Plate 7) 15
2.4.3 Method 8 - Minipiles (Plate 8) 15
2.4.4 Method 9 - Soil Cement/Lime Columns 16
2.4.5 Method 10 - Grouting (Plate 9) 17
2.4.6 Method 11 - Dynamic Compaction (Plate 10) 17
2.4.7 Method 12 - Displacement Piles (Plate 11) 18
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Loose fill slopes in Hong Kong are usually upgraded by recompacting the top 3 m
(vertical thickness) of fill to at least 95% relative degree of compaction, and with the
provision of surface and subsurface drainage measures (GCO, 1984).
The recompaction method has some practical limitations. Services often need to be
diverted and vegetation, particularly trees, removed to make way for construction.
Inadequate access and working space for transportation and storage of filling materials and
manoeuvring of plant render it unsuitable for congested sites such as those located next to a
busy road or surrounded by buildings. During construction, due care has to be exercised on
temporary drainage and stability of the temporary cut, particularly when the works have to be
carried out through the wet season.
The industry has asked for alternative methods to deal with circumstances where the
conventional recompaction method is deemed undesirable.
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This Technical Note presents the results of a review of the methods other than
recompaction for treating loose fill slopes in Hong Kong. The review covers the methods
that have been used, tried or considered largely within the Geotechnical Engineering Office
(GEO). A few cases of private slopes were also covered.
2.1 General
A list of methods other than recompaction that were employed in treating loose fill
slopes under the LPM Programme was compiled by examining the Slope Information System
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and Landslip Preventive Measures (LPM) Information System. Information on alternative
loose fill slope treatment works undertaken by the private sector and other government
departments was gathered from other GEO divisions. There were 12 alternative methods
employed for fill slope improvement over the past 20 years or so, and 35 slopes have been
selected for review under the present study. The list of slopes selected and documents
reviewed, including Stage 3 Study Reports, Maintenance Manuals, GEO reports and in-house
files are given in Table 1. The study has been undertaken with the assistance of Binnie
Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited (BBVL), who took up 20 of the slopes, covering 7
methods (viz. root reinforcement, removal of loose fill, bored pile wall at crest of slope,
replacement with rock fill or cement stabilised soil, placement of soil or rock fill onto existing
slope, soil nails and grouting), for detailed reviews. The review included an assessment of
the performance of the slopes by site inspections (BBVL, 2002).
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Based on their general design philosophy, the methods can be broadly grouped into
three categories, viz. surface protection and root reinforcement, variations to recompaction,
and alternative upgrading methods, as summarised below:
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No. Description (Plate No. in bracket)
Surface protection & 1 Rigid Surface Cover (1)
root reinforcement 2 Root Reinforcement* (2)
(Figure 1)
Variations to 3 Removal of Loose Fill* (3)
recompaction 4 Bored Pile Wall at Crest of Slope* (4)
(Figure 2) 5 Replacement with Rock Fill or Cement Stabilised Soil* (5)
6 Placement of Soil or Rock Fill onto Existing Slope* (6)
Alternative 7 Soil Nails* (7)
upgrading 8 Minipiles (8)
methods 9 Soil Cement/Lime Columns
(Figure 3) 10 Grouting* (9)
11 Dynamic Compaction (10)
12 Displacement Piles (11)
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Note: * denotes methods reviewed by BBVL (2002).
The list of slopes given in Table 1 under the first two categories are not exhaustive.
They are just some examples to illustrate the methods. The list of slopes for the category
“alternative upgrading methods” included all the sites that could be identified.
Most of the fill slopes examined in the present study were located immediately below a
road. Many have buildings and other amenity facilities close to the slope toe. The slopes
were generally formed between 1940’s and 1970’s, except the ones at Government House
which were probably formed around 1850’s. With heights generally ranging from about
10 m to 20 m (maximum 35 m and 40 m respectively in two cases), the slopes inclined
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between 28 degrees and 35 degrees. They were mostly vegetated before upgrading.
GEO landslip records were reviewed and there was no failure incident associated with
the 36 slopes since the completion of the improvement works. Plates 1 to 12 show the
conditions of some slopes (one case for each treatment method) upon completion of works,
during construction and/or at the time of inspection in the course of the current study.
Salient points of each method are described in the following sections under the
respective categories.
2.2.1 General
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This method involves the application of a rigid surface cover on the existing slope
surface and the provision of surface and/or subsurface drainage measures (Figure 1). Steep
or protruding parts of the existing slope profile are often trimmed to improve local stability, as
well as to provide a uniform profile for the construction of the surface cover and the surface
drainage measures. Tree rings are usually provided for preserving existing mature trees.
The method neither increases the density of fill nor alters its properties. It aims to prevent
surface infiltration that could lead to saturation and possible liquefaction of the loose fill.
Two slopes treated with this method under the LPM Programme were reviewed (slopes
referenced 11NW-B/F55 at So Uk Estate and 11SW-D/F147 below Mt Nicholson Quarters).
Slope 11SW-B/F55 is a 9 m high slope comprising about 9.5 m thick fill. The slope crest
area was paved and results of groundwater monitoring throughout the wet season in 1995
showed that groundwater level was below the slope toe level. It was considered that, by
properly protecting the slope face against infiltration and installing horizontal drains, a low
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groundwater level could be maintained whence the potential for liquefaction failure could be
kept low. The calculated minimum factor of safety of the slope was 1.37 and upgrading
works against shear failure were considered not necessary by the designer. The LPM works
comprised construction of 150 mm thick reinforced sprayed concrete and a row of 10 to 14 m
long horizontal drains. The sprayed concrete was covered by a layer of granite blocks to
enhance the visual appearance of the slope. It was also highlighted in the slope maintenance
manual that the installed horizontal drains were classified as special measures requiring
regular monitoring in accordance with Geoguide 5.
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buildings and limited space for temporary stockpiling of fill material. An option of rigid
surface cover with slope crest cut-off drain was proposed. Soil nails bonded to in-situ
ground were installed at locations where it was necessary to upgrade the stability of the slope
against sliding failure. The LPM works option was endorsed by the Geotechnical Control
Conference in 1989.
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2.2.3 Method 2 - Root Reinforcement (Plate 2)
The benefits of trees to the environment and stability of slopes have long been realised
(GCO, 1984). The studies that were carried out around mid-1980’s on two slopes located at
So Uk Estate (slope 11NW-B/FR42) and Leighton Hill (slope 11SW-B/FR42) respectively
have been reviewed.
Tree surveys, and measurements of the distribution, diameters and tensile strengths of
the roots were conducted during the studies in the 1980’s. Tree roots were found to gather
abundantly within the top 2 m, and it was estimated that the presence of tree roots could
increase the shear strength parameter c’ by 1.4 to 2.2 kPa, resulting in an increase in factor of
safety of the slope against shallow, superficial slips by 10% to 50%.
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The beneficial effects of tree roots were only regarded as temporary measures and
substantial upgrading works were subsequently carried out in both slopes in the late 1990’s.
The works at slope 11NW-B/FR42 comprised toe wall construction and placement of soil fill
on top of the existing slope profile (i.e. Method 6). The works at slope 11SW-B/FR42
involved recompaction of the top 3 m of loose fill and installation of soil nails bonded into
in-situ ground. No signs of distress or failures have occurred at the slopes throughout the
years up to the time when the slopes were upgraded.
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The limitations of this method are:
2.3.1 General
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This method eliminates landslide risk by complete removal of fill. It can be adopted
when the fill layer is thin (typically not exceeding 4 m) and its extent is known with a
reasonable degree of certainty. A crest retaining wall may need to be built in order to
preserve the crest area from being removed by the cutting. The retaining wall can take
various forms, e.g. a free standing L-shape structure or a wall supported on bored piles,
depending on site conditions such as the working space available and the depth and quality of
the founding material.
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The limitations of this method are:
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2.3.3 Method 4 - Bored Pile Wall at Crest of Slope (Plate 4)
Where facilities of significant consequence in the event of slope failure locate only at
the crest of a fill slope but not below it, an option is to construct a retaining structure, e.g. a
bored pile wall, to retain the high consequence facility at the crest. This method has been
applied typically to the situation where fill was used to bridge a small valley on a natural
hillside during the construction of roads in the early days. The filling often gave rise to an
inadequately compacted fill slope with a relatively thin layer of fill supporting a section of
road. Retaining structure may be constructed along the crest of the fill slope to ensure the
integrity of the road above it in the event of failure of the slope.
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All the three cases examined in this study were located above natural hillside
continuing below for a considerable distance. Any debris arising from the failure of the fill
slopes would run onto the natural terrain with insignificant consequences. The retaining
structure comprised bored piles with a reinforced capping beam at its top, which was in turn
tied back by soil nails anchored in decomposed rock or bedrock. Drainage piles consisting
of no-fines concrete were installed between the bored piles to drain off any groundwater from
the back of the wall. No substantial treatment was carried out to the fill slope except for the
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necessary drainage, surface protection and landscaping works. There were reports of ground
settlements during the construction of bored piles, probably due to the actions of ground
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vibrations and compressed air involved in the percussive drilling and the loads imposed by the
construction plant and equipment. This method effectively addressed the need to protect the
crest facilities in each respective case.
BBVL (2002) reviewed two of the cases (slopes referenced. 11SW-D/F31 and
15NE-B/F35) and observed minor surface erosion in one case (slope referenced 15NE-B/F35
at Shek O Road).
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The limitations of this method are:
2.3.4 Method 5 - Replacement with Rock Fill or Cement Stabilised Soil (Plate 5)
This method is essentially recompaction except that higher strength materials, e.g. rock
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fill or cement stabilised soil, are used as the backfilling material instead of soil. When
rockfill is used, the final surface is often protected either with a rigid concrete cover or a thin
layer of compacted soil fill with an erosion control mat.
The use of rock fill facilitates compaction and handling on site as the amount of testing
and sampling is significantly reduced and rock fill is less prone to erosion and washout than
soil during construction. As rock fill or cement stabilised soil can stand in a steeper gradient,
there is less demand for land both at the crest and the toe, as well as for the toe retaining wall.
Six cases involving this were reviewed. BBVL (2002) reviewed two of the cases and
reported that there was no sign of distress observed during the site inspections. The method
was assessed to be effective.
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• Requires total removal of vegetation.
• Requires use of heavy construction plant and large working
and site access for stockpiling of excavated soil and movement
of plant.
• Requires measures to ensure stability of temporary cutting at
the crest and of the nearby ground, and to protect any
structures and services in the area.
2.3.5 Method 6 - Placement of Soil or Rock Fill onto Existing Slope (Plate 6)
This method involves placing of 3 m thick compacted soil fill, rock fill or cement
stabilised soil onto the existing slope profile. If there is not enough land available at the toe,
a retaining wall will need to be constructed along the toe to retain the newly placed fill.
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Four cases were reviewed in this study. BBVL (2002) carried out detailed review on
two of the cases and reported that the method had effectively addressed the concerns for
upgrading the loose fill slopes.
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• Requires total removal of vegetation.
• Results in a larger fill slope than before, which is generally
The methods under this category upgrade loose fill slopes either by reinforcing the
slope (Methods 7 and 8) or by modifying the properties of the fill (Methods 9 to 12).
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Methods 7 (soil nails) and 8 (minipiles) can also be used to improve substandard
retaining walls that are often located at the crests or toes of such slopes. As percussive
drilling and grouting are usually involved in the installation of soil nails and minipiles,
considerations are often given to minimising ground disturbance due to drilling and avoiding
excessive grout leakage/intrusion particularly in the fill. The piling/drilling methods and
sequences need to be well scrutinized and controlled, and the soil nails and minipiles should
be compatible with adjacent structures and services. The orientation of the soil nails may
need to be adjusted in order to stay within site boundaries. The design philosophy of
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1979 and 1980.
In this method, soil nails are installed through existing fill into the underlying stratum,
e.g. CDG. The soil nails are typically connected to a rigid surface structure, e.g. reinforced
shotcrete surface cover, for transmitting soil pressure from the loose fill slope to the soil nails.
It is essentially an “anchored” retaining structure. The design objectives are to enhance the
resistance against shear failure, to minimise surface water infiltration, and to retain the soil in
the event of liquefaction.
The main concerns on the use of soil nails to stabilise loose fill are liquefaction
potential and potential instability of the loose fill in between the soil nail heads due to
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inadequate arching effect within the loose fill material. Some practitioners worry that
contraction of loose fill may occur at very little strain and hence there may not be sufficient
resistance mobilised in the soil nails to prevent liquefaction failure at such a small strain. To
address these concerns, a lot of studies on the behaviour of loose fill have been carried out by
the HKIE Geotechnical Division Sub-committee on the use of soil nails in loose fill and by
researchers in universities. Based on the findings of the studies, a design approach has been
formulated by HKIE (2002) that includes the use of steady state shear strength of the fill for
design and provision of a structural frame on the slope surface.
The design of eleven slopes were reviewed by the authors, and BBVL (2002)
conducted detailed performance reviews on six of the slopes, which were upgraded in
1994-2001. There was no observed sign of distress, and the overall performance of the
method was considered good (BBVL, 2002).
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The advantages of this method are:
The review identified one case (slope referenced 11SW-B/F42 at Leighton Hill) that
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was completed around the mid 1980’s. The works involved construction of 3 rows of 6 m
long 220 mm diameter minipiles. The minipiles were designed as laterally loaded piles to
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resist against sliding failure and were installed into the underlying competent stratum.
Additional measures, including surface protection and sub-surface drains, were provided to
minimize water ingress into the slope, hence liquefaction potential.
The slope fell within the boundary of a residential development and further upgrading
works were completed in early 2000. The works included recompacting the top 3 m of loose
fill and installing soil nails to further enhance the stability of the fill slope against sliding
failure. There were no reported signs of distress at the slope from mid-1980’s to early 2000.
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ground settlements and vibrations.
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2.4.4 Method 9 - Soil Cement/Lime Columns
This method consists of mixing the loose fill in-situ with lime or cement grout to form
columns or panels of strengthened soil, thereby improving slope stability against shear failure
and liquefaction.
Colmix, a patented augering and mixing method, was considered in 1999 for
upgrading a slope located below Wan Chai Gap Park (slope referenced 11SW-D/F116). The
method was eventually not adopted because the presence of gravel, cobbles, brick and
concrete fragments in the fill could pose problems for the augering and mixing processes, and
would require the use of heavy plant and equipment and/or ground treatment processes such
as pre-grouting. Temporary working platform may therefore need to be constructed on the
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slope possibly by use of granular fill or heavy steel sections. All these would increase the
cost significantly. Moreover, large working space and access would be required. The need
for use of heavy plant for penetrating obstructions, that are commonly found in fill, also limits
the applicability of the method in Hong Kong.
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Soil strengthening is achieved by injecting cement or cement bentonite grout into the
soil matrix. The grouting process also reduces the liquefaction potential of the loose fill
because voids are filled up by the cement grout.
BBVL (2002) reviewed two cases using this method, both of which were for treating
the loose fill behind retaining walls with the total height of the wall and the retained slope
ranging between about 5 m and 8 m. The final slope surfaces in the two cases were
vegetated and shotcreted respectively. The tube-a-manchette (TAM) method was used to
inject the grout into the ground through pre-installed grout holes at about 500 mm spacing.
In the case along Alnwick Road (slope referenced 11NW-B/FR12), raking drains were
installed through the retaining wall after the grouting as subsurface drainage.
Post-construction verification was carried out by digging trial pits, sampling and carrying out
GCO probe tests, and relevant laboratory tests, to ensure that the design specification and
improvement had been achieved. There was no sign of distress observed during site
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inspections and the effectiveness of the method was greatly dependent on the properties of the
existing fill.
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depends largely on the permeability of the soil mass and grout
setting time, which are difficult to predict (BBVL, 2002).
• There are potential adverse effects of cement grout on
vegetation growth.
• The use of conventional cement-based pressure grout may
cause significant ground distress under low overburden
stresses, i.e. at shallow depths.
Densification of the top few metres of fill can be achieved by dropping a heavy weight
(a few tonnes) from a few metres height onto the slope surface (Rodin, 1981).
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Documents relevant to four application cases in the early 1980’s were reviewed. In
these cases, the actual mass and shape of the weight, drop height, number of blows, working
sequence and spacing of compaction passes were adjusted and verified on site. Compaction
was carried out in the downhill direction from the crest to toe on alternate strips of about
1.25 m width, followed by compaction on the intervening strips. A crane was either placed
at the slope crest or at the slope toe for lifting and dropping of the weight, which was also tied
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to an anchorage point at the crest. When the weight was released, it fell along the radius of
the tie wire and struck normal to the slope surface.
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Verification testing was carried out by means of GCO probe and in-situ density tests as
well as by measuring settlements of the fill. The settlements recorded in the trials ranged
between about 500 mm and 900 mm. Seismic surveys were also carried out, and the wave
velocities measured before and after the compaction showed significant differences indicating
a decrease in porosity.
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• Requires total removal of vegetation.
• Causes significant ground vibrations and settlement during
construction and appropriate measures, e.g. isolation trenches,
are needed to prevent causing damages to adjacent structures.
• Requires detailed design and site verification of construction
scheme, including compaction effort and layout, which
lengthens the construction period.
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In this method, displacement piles, e.g. hollow steel casings with a detachable pile
shoe or precast concrete piles, are driven into the ground. During driving, the piles displace
the soil sideways and compress it and densify it by the associated vibrations. After driving,
the pile shoes of the hollow casings are removed. The casings are then backfilled with
suitable granular material. The backfill is compacted with a drop hammer and the casing is
This method was tried out at a fill slope at Tsz Wan Shan (slope referenced
11NE-A/F55) in 1979, with the pile spacing at about 1.5 m staggered, the depth of pile at
about 3 m and an uphill working sequence. About 90% relative degree of compaction was
achieved between 1 m and 3 m depths, and 95% at locations close to the piles. There was no
significant soil densification within the top one metre, probably due to heaving of the ground.
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No sign of distress was observed during the recent site inspection in early 2002.
A similar scheme had been designed for upgrading a fill slope above Bridges Street,
Sheung Wan (slope referenced 11SW-A/CR90). The scheme involved the driving of precast
concrete piles at 2 m spacing by use of a relatively lightweight hammer. The concept was to
densify the fill in-situ and confine the extent of failure, if occurred, to within the 2 m
compartments, while preserving the trees as far as possible. The scheme was however not
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The advantages of this method are:
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• Requires large number of closely spaced piles to achieve
adequate compaction throughout the slope.
• Requires subsequent compaction of heaved soil between piles,
which lengthens the total construction period.
This Technical Note consolidates the experience gained todate in treating loose fill
slopes by methods other than recompaction. Various methods have been identified here
including those that have only been used on trial bases and those that were considered as
options but actually not constructed. Site conditions vary from site to site and each case
warrants its own assessment. This will hopefully form a convenient reference benefiting
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future exercises of choosing appropriate design schemes.
Binnie Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited (2002). Review of Upgrading of Loose Fill
Slopes in Hong Kong Using Methods other than Recompaction. (prepared under
Agreement No. CE 23/2001)
Geotechnical Control Office (1984). Geotechnical Manual for Slopes. (Second Edition)
Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 295 p.
stabilize Loose Fill Slopes under the LPM Programme. (An internal document issued
by Design Division of GEO and also circulated to geotechnical consultants)
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2002). Soil Nails in Loose Fill - A Preliminary Study.
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Geotechnical Division.
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Rodin, S. (1981). In-situ Compaction of Loose Fill Slopes. Hong Kong Engineer. Hong
Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong, Volume 9, No. 6, pp 47-50.
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Table Page
No. No.
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Table 1 - Summary of Methods other than Recompaction for Upgrading Loose Fill Slopes (Sheet 1 of 5)
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- block - block
11SW-D/F147 Mt. Nicholson 13 m~16 m 35o 32o - Residence - Residence 1992 S3R 27/90 -
Quarters (Mount (Evergreen
Nicholson Villa)
Gap Flats)
2 Root 11NW-B/FR42* So Uk Estate 9m 30o 30o Buildings Buildings N/A ADR 4/85
- 22 -
S3R 4/97 MM 28/99
o o o o
11SW-B/FR42* Leighton Hill 12 m~25 m 22 ~40 22 ~40 Road and Buildings N/A GCO Report 6/85
buildings GEO - GCI 2/E1/11SW-B/FR42
GEO - GCI 3/4/3030/98
Variations to Recompaction
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3 Removal of 11SE-A/F49* C Kwei Wah Shan 4 m-10 m 35o-40o 30o -Natural slope -Parking lot 1999 S3R 66/98 MM 76/99
Loose Fill College, North and road -Temporary
Point structure
11SW-D/FR144* Between Lingnan 21.3 m 48o 42o -Bowen Road - School 1997 S3R 10/95 MM 38/98
College And building
Bowen Road, Hong about 25 m
Kong away
10NE-B/F15* Cheung Ching 40 m 35o 34o -Access road - Children 1997 S3R 12/95 MM 28/98
Estate, Tsing Yi playground
(Behind Ching Too
11SE-A/FR38* Belilios Public ( Refer to Option 7 - Slope No. 11SE-A/FR38 )
School, Tin Hau
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Temple Road
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Table 1 - Summary of Methods other than Recompaction for Upgrading Loose Fill Slopes (Sheet 2 of 5)
4 Bored Pile 11SW-D/F31* Peak Road 12 m 35o- 45o 35o- 45o - Peak Road - Natural slope 1997 S3R 58/96 MM 204/98
Wall at Crest o o o o
of Slope 11SW-C/F57 Peak Road 12 m 35 -45 35 -45 - Peak Road - Natural 1998 S3R 27/97 MM 009/99
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15NE-B/F35* Shek O Road 20 m 28o-43o 28o-43o - Shek O Road - Natural slope 2000 S3R 135/97 MM 68/2000
o o o o
5 Replacement 15NE-B/F36* Shek O Road 13 m 35 -40 35 -40 - Shek O Road - Natural slope 1999 S3R 84/97 MM 120/99
with Rock Fill o o o o
or Cement 11SE-D/FR175 Fei Tsui Road 40 m 30 -65 30 -38 - Service Fei Tsui Road 1997 S3R 40/96 MM 39/97
Stabilised Soil reservoir
11NW-B/F82 Beacon Hill Road 15 m 42 o 42 o Road Buildings 1998 Files No:
- 23 -
GEO - GCME 3/5/DH301/77/K
BD - BD DH301/77/K
11NW-D/FR40 Chung Hau Street 30 m 32o 35o Road Slopes and 2002 S3R 35/2001 -
11SE-D/F43 Shek O Road 15 m 35o 33o Road Natural slope 1999 S3R 66/97 MM 122/99
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11NW-D/FR196* Maryknoll Convent 5.5 m 35o 35o Road Open space 2002 File No.
(Section 1-1) School GCME 3/5/DH89/72/K
6 Placement of 7SW-D/F29* Below Lion Rock 26 m 32o to 38o 33o Road - Natural slope 1999 S3R 75/97 MM 37/99
Soil or Rock Tunnel Road
Fill onto
Existing Slope
7SW-D/FR33* Below Lion Rock 32 m 32o to 38o 30o to 33o Road - Natural slope 1999 S3R 75/97 MM 37/99
Tunnel Road
11SE-D/FR175 Fei Tsui Road ( Refer to Method 9 - Slope No. 11SE-D/FR175)
A loose fill slope Near Caritas Approx. 33o 33o and Road Building - A reinforced earth scheme
Medical Centre 20 m 60o considered, but not constructed;
information supplied by CGE/A,
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ref. GCA4/21/2 dated 24/7/2001.
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Table 1 - Summary of Methods other than Recompaction for Upgrading Loose Fill Slopes (Sheet 3 of 5)
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Road =20o~30o =20o footpath
- Lower - Lower
part part
=70o =45o
15NE-A/F41* Stanley Gap Road, 13.5 m 36o~40o 36o~40o - Stanley Gap - Residence 1995 S3R 194/97
No. 6 Stanley Road
Village Road
- 24 -
11SW-B/FR117* Bowen Road, 14 m 35o 29o - Service - Road 1997 S3R 30/95 MM 182/98
Tennis Court reservoir
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Psychiatric Centre area
- Upper berm,
11SW-B/FR44 Government 14 m to 30o to 55o 30o to 55o - Government - Road 1998 S3R 2/96 MM 14/98
House, Upper And 20 m house
Lower Albert Road
11SW-B/F45 Government 14 m to 30o to 55o 30o to 55o - Government - Road 1998 S3R 2/96 MM 14/98
House, Upper And 20 m house
Lower Albert Road
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Table 1 - Summary of Methods other than Recompaction for Upgrading Loose Fill Slopes (Sheet 4 of 5)
7 Soil Nails 11SE-A/FR38* Belilios Public 18.5 m 60o 40o Road Play ground 1999 S3R 71/98 MM 81/99
cont’d School, Tin Hau (school)
Temple Road
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11SW-A/FR83* Hill Road 18.5 m 50o to 75o 30o to 55o Residential School 1993 S3R 5/92 -
o o
11SW-B/FR42* Leighton Hill, 25m 35 35 Road School 1986 S3R 8/84 -
Causeway Bay
11NW-B/FR12* Moonbeam 10 m 35 o 35 o Road Building File No.
(Section B-B) Terrace, No. 2 GCME 3/5/DH37/98/K
Alnwick Road
- 25 -
8 Minipiles 11SW-B/FR42* Leighton Hill 12~25 m - 22o~40o Road Buildings 1986 File No.
GCI 2/E1/11SW-B/FR 42 and 43
9 Soil Cement/ 11SW-D/F116 Below Wan Chai 23 m 29o - Road Natural Slope works not File No.:
Lime Columns Gap Park carried out GCD 2/A1/11SW-D/F116
10 Grouting 11NW-B/FR12 Moonbeam Approx. 35o 35o Buildings Road 2001 Files No.:
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(Section A-A) Terrace, No 2, 10 m GCME 3/5/DH37/98/K
Alnwick Road (including BD DH37/98K
the toe
11NW-D/FR196 Maryknoll Convent Approx. 35o 35o Building Road 2001 DH Order No. DH2/K/98C
(Section 2-2) School, Waterloo 5.5 m
Road (including
the toe
11 Dynamic 7SW-C/F7 South of Kerry CDI 22 m - 30 o Road Factory 1997 GCO Reports 3/80 and 4/80
Compaction (Renamed Godown Centre
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Table 1 - Summary of Methods other than Recompaction for Upgrading Loose Fill Slopes (Sheet 5 of 5)
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11NW-D/F7 Homantin 19 m 30o 30o Vacant Vacant - GIU Report No. G56-52442
(Removed) platform platform
12 Displacement 11SW-A/CR90 Bridges Street, 8m 35o 35o Road School Works not S3R 132/98 N/A
Piles Sheung Wan implemented
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due to access
11NE-A/F55 Tsz Wan Shan Approx. 31o~33o 31o~33o Housing Park - GEO Report 3/80
10 m Platform
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Figure Page
No. No.
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Plate Page
No. No.
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(Slope Referenced 11SW-D/F31, Peak Road)
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8 Method 8: Minipiles 40
(Slope Referenced 11SW-B/FR42, Leighton Hill)
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Upon Completion in 1998
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In 2002
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Condition as in 1985 During the Tree Roots Study
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In 2002, with the Reprofiling and the Toe Wall Upgrading Works Completed
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Upon Completion in 1997
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In 2002
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Upon Completion in 1997
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In 2002
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Upon Completion in 1999
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In 2002
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Upon Completion in 1999
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In 2002
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Upon Completion in 1996
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In 2002
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Condition as in 1998, Not the Minipiled Portion as below but Nearby
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Condition as in 2002; Works were Completed in 2001
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Works in Progress in 1979
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Works in Progress in 1979
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Table of Contents
In 2002, the Slope is Covered by Mature Trees with a Service Reservoir Constructed Some
Distance Downhill by Excavating into the Natural Grounds
Table of Contents
A selected list of major GEO publications is given in the next 部份土力工程處的主要刊物目錄刊載於下頁。而詳盡及最新的
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“Publications”. Abstracts for the documents can also be found at 刊物內容的工程技術指引,亦可在這個網址找到。
the same website. Technical Guidance Notes are published on
the CEDD Website from time to time to provide updates to GEO
publications prior to their next revision.
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Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Geotechnical Manual for Slopes, 2nd Edition (1984), 300 p. (English Version), (Reprinted, 2000).
Highway Slope Manual (2000), 114 p.
Geoguide 1 Guide to Retaining Wall Design, 2nd Edition (1993), 258 p. (Reprinted, 2000).
Geoguide 2 Guide to Site Investigation (1987), 359 p. (Reprinted, 2000).
Geoguide 3 Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions (1988), 186 p. (Reprinted, 2000).
Geoguide 4 Guide to Cavern Engineering (1992), 148 p. (Reprinted, 1998).
Geoguide 5 Guide to Slope Maintenance, 3rd Edition (2003), 132 p. (English Version).
Table of Contents
岩土指南第五冊 斜坡維修指南,第三版(2003),120頁(中文版)。
Geoguide 6 Guide to Reinforced Fill Structure and Slope Design (2002), 236 p.
Geospec 1 Model Specification for Prestressed Ground Anchors, 2nd Edition (1989), 164 p. (Reprinted,
Geospec 2 Model Specification for Reinforced Fill Structures (1989), 135 p. (Reprinted, 1997).
Geospec 3 Model Specification for Soil Testing (2001), 340 p.
Table of Contents
GCO Publication Review of Design Methods for Excavations (1990), 187 p. (Reprinted, 2002).
No. 1/90
GEO Publication Review of Granular and Geotextile Filters (1993), 141 p.
No. 1/93
GEO Publication Pile Design and Construction (1996), 348 p. (Reprinted, 2003).
No. 1/96
GEO Publication Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment and Bio-engineering for Man-made Slopes and
No. 1/2000 Retaining Walls (2000), 146 p.
The Quaternary Geology of Hong Kong, by J.A. Fyfe, R. Shaw, S.D.G. Campbell, K.W. Lai & P.A. Kirk (2000),
210 p. plus 6 maps.
Table of Contents
The Pre-Quaternary Geology of Hong Kong, by R.J. Sewell, S.D.G. Campbell, C.J.N. Fletcher, K.W. Lai & P.A.
Kirk (2000), 181 p. plus 4 maps.