Botany - Section A: Target Test
Botany - Section A: Target Test
Botany - Section A: Target Test
Botany - Section A 6. Identify the option where all the columns are
not correctly matched:
1. When both male and female flowers are PGR Nature Actions
present on the same plant, then plant is said to Apical dominance,
be: Flowering in
1. Bisexual Indole
1. Auxin pineapples,
2. Monoecious compounds
Parthenocarpy in
3. Unisexual tomatoes
4. Dioecious
Cell division,
2. A couple has a daughter. What is the Adenine
2. Cytokinin Adventitious shoot
probaility that their next child will be a derivative
formation, Delay in
daughter? leaf senescene
(1) 0 %
3. Gibberellin Terpene Increase in length
(2) 25 %
(3) 50 % Closure of stomata
(4) 100 % in water stress,
4 Carotenoid
ABA inducing seed
. derivative
3. Which one of the following alcoholic drinks dormancy, inducing
is produced without distillation? flowering in mango
(1) Wine
(2) Whisky
(3) Rum
(4) Brandy
7. Which of the following taxonomic categories
4. A species whose distribution is restricted to a contains organisms least similar to one
small geographical area because of the another?
presence of a competitively superior species is 1. Class
found to expand its distributional range 2. Genus
dramatically when the competing species is 3. Family
experimentally removed. This is called: 4. Species
1. Competitive Exclusion
2. Competitive Release 8. The growth of a root elongating at a constant
3. Competitive Supremacy rate will be represented by:
4. Competitive Inclusion
1. A only
2. B only
3. Both A and B
4. Neither A nor B
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9. High value of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen 16. Cycas is classified as a gymnosperms due to
Demand) indicates that its
1. Water is pure 1. motile sperms
2. water is highly polluted 2. fruit formation
3. water is less polluted 3. naked ovule
4. Consumption of organic matter in the water 4. pycnoxylic wood
is higher by the microbes
17. Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
10. The hilum is a scar on the was given by
1. seed, where funicle was attached 1. Robertson
2. fruit, where it was attached to the pedicel 2. Robert Hooke
3. fruit, where style was present 3. Singer and Nicholson
4. seed, where micropyle was present 4. Gorter and Grendel
12. Which one of the following is an example 19. In lac operon, repressor is inactivated by
of polygenic inheritance ? (1)interaction with enzyme
(1) Flower colour in Mirabilis jalapa (2)interaction with protein
(2) Production of male honey bee (3)interaction with carbohydrate
(3) Pod shape in garden pea (4)interaction with nucleic acid
(4) Skin colour in humans
20. In monocot root the pith present is
13. One turn of the helix in a B-form DNA is 1. small or inconspicuous
approximately: 2. large and well developed
(1) 20 nm 3. small and well developed
(2) 0.34 nm 4. large and inconspicuous
(3) 3.4 nm
(4) 2 nm 21. In grasses certain adaxial epidermal cells
along the vein modify themselves into large,
14. Sacred forests are those that empty, colourless cells called ________.
1. have rich growth of plants used for worship
by the people in the region (1) Bark
2. are protected by tribal communities due to (2) Bulliform cells
religious sanctity accorded to them (3) Bundle sheath cells
3. have not been discovered by humans (4) Spongy mesophyll cells
4. none of the above
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23. Sapindales is which taxon? 29. Which of the following is not correct with
a. Order respect to parasites?
b. Class 1. Harm the host
c. Genus 2. Reduce survival, growth of the host.
d. Species 3. Doesn't affect population density of host as
no effect on reproduction ability of the host
24. Red tides in the sea are because of 4. Render host more vulnerable to predation by
making it physically weak.
(1) Red dinoflagellates
(2) Geladium 30. Which of the following is not the problem
(3) Red Chrysophytes regarding in situ approach that has been
(4) Red algae addressed by eminent conservationists?
28. If meiosis in zygote results in haploid 33. Kinetin term was used for ……
spores, then ploidy of adult cells should be- 1.Cytokinins, Darwin
a. Haploid 2.Cytokinin, Skoog And Miller
b. Diploid 3.ABA, Darwin
c. Dikaryon 4.ABA, F. Skoog
d. None of the above
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34. Which of the following is a mustard family? 38. Which of the following is not the property
of a molecule that can act as genetic material?
(1) Brassicaceae 1. Able to replicate
(2) Solanaceae 2. Able to mutate
(3) Liliaceae 3. Chemically and structurally stable
(4) Fabaceae 4. Should express as dominant characters.
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42. Interspecies as well as intergeneric plants 47. Which of the following combinations is
hybrids are produced by which of the tissue required for chemiosmosis?
culture methods?
(1) Gynogenic culture Proton pump, electron gradient, NADP
(2) Meristem culture 1.
(3) Androgenic culture Membrane, proton pump, proton gradient,
(4) Somatic hybridization 2.
ATP synthase.
Membrane, proton pump, proton gradient,
43. Choose the incorrect option with respect to 3.
NADP synthase
1. Possesses abundant reserve food material Proton pump, electron gradient, ATP
2. Generally differentiate a single megaspore synthase
mother cell
3. It represents microsporangium
4. It is enclosed within integuments 48. Read the following statements and select the
correct option.
44. Glycolysis is a sequence of ________ reactions
involving ___________ intermediate compounds: Castor and maize plant can prevent both
1. 10, 5 autogamy and geitonogamy.
2. 10, 9 Orchid fruit contains thousands of tiny
3. 10, 10 seeds.
4. 9, 10
1. Only statement A is incorrect
45. What is true regarding aleurone layer in a 2. Only statement B is incorrect
monocot seed? 3. Both statements A and B are correct
I. It is composed of proteinaceous material. 4. Both statements A and B are incorrect
II. It is the outermost cell layer of the
endosperm. 49. Given below are two statements:
1. Only I 2. Only II It was inferred from the
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II experiments performed on
Assertion (A): green & purple sulphur bacteria
that the O2 evolved by green
46. Select the incorrectly matched pair from the plants comes from H2O.
following options: Purple and green sulphur
bacteria release sulphur or
Fragmentation - breakdown of detritus into Reason (R):
1. sulphate as oxidation product
smaller particles by detrivores during photosynthesis.
Leaching - water soluble inorganic nutrients
2. go down into the soil horizon and get Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
precipitated as unavailable salts 1.
correct explanation of (A).
Catabolism - bacterial and fungal enzymes Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
3. degrade simple inorganic substances into 2.
correct explanation of (A).
3. (A) is true but (R) is false.
Humification - accumulation of a dark
4. Both (A) and (R) are false.
coloured amorphous substance that is highly
resistant to microbial action and undergoes
decomposition at an extremely slow rate
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50. Metaphase is the best phase to study 55. Dense irregular connective tissue
morphology of chromosomes. How many
chromatids you can observe in a somatic cell of (1) Present in the skin
human at metaphase? (2) Present beneath the skin
1. 23 (3) Present above the skin
2. 46 (4) Absent in skin
3. 92
4. 23 pairs
56. Which of the following cannot be the
Zoology - Section A parasites of intestine?
51. The similarities between the eyes of an (1) Tapeworm
octopus and of a mammal are a result of: (2) Pinworm
1. Convergent evolution (3) Virus
2. Divergent evolution (4) Threadworm
3. Saltation
4. Retrograde evolution
52. The receptors for the drug shown below are 57. Which of the following is the part of the
located in : thoracic chamber
1. ribs and vertebral column
2. diaphragm
3. sternum
4. All of these
53. Some of the characteristics of Bt cotton are (1) Fully Developed Foetus
(1) long fibre and resistance to aphids (2) Placenta
(2) medium yields, long fibres and resistance to (3) More than one option
beetle pests (4) Local hormones
(3) high yield and production of toxic protein
crystals which kill dipteran pests
(4) high yield and resistance to bollworms
60. Purkinje fibers are:
54. Which of the following is a 1. Intrinsic neural fibers in the ventricles
homopolysaccharide? 2. Muscle fibers that interconnect the SA node
(1) Heparin and AV node
(2) Inulin 3. Muscle fibers that are distributed in the
(3) Pectin ventricular musculature
(4) Hyaluronic acid 4. Neural fibers that spread the impulse
throughout the ventricular muscle mass
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61. In Filariasis; 67. The release of urine does not take place by
1. The lymphatic vessels of the upper limbs
are affected (1) Contraction of smooth muscles of the
2. The blood vessels of the upper limbs are bladder
affected (2) Simultaneous relaxation of urethral
3. The lymphatic vessels of lower limbs are sphincter
affected (3) Relaxation of smooth muscels of the bladder
4. The blood vessels of lower limbs are (4) Both B and C
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71. Which of the following is not associated 75. Which of the following hormone induce
with midbrain? ovulation and maintains corpus luteum?
1. FSH
(1) Located between thalamus of the forebrain 2. LH
and pons of the hindbrain 3. Both A and B
(2) A canal called the cerebral aqueduct passes 4. Estrogen
through the midbrain
(3) The ventral portion of the midbrain made 76. Which one is a true statement regarding
up of mainly of four round swellings (lobes) DNA polymerase used in PCR?
called Corpora Quadrigemina 1. It is used to ligate introduces DNA in
(4) Midbrain and hindbrain form the brain recipient cells
stem 2. It serves as a selectable marker
3. It is isolated from a virus
4. It remains active at high temperatures
72. A piece of nucleic acid used to find a gene, 77. Glycogenolysis involves:
by forming a hybrid with it, is called a 1. conversion of sugar into glycogen
1. Probe 2. oxidation of sugar
2. Vector 3. conversion of glycogen into sugar
3. Restriction sequence 4. conversion of glycogen into fat
4. Retrovirus
78. Which of the following is true about
73. Which statement about the glomerular sponges except
filtration rate (GFR) is false? 1.Sponges are hermaphrodite
2.Fertilisation is internal
1. The GFR averages approximately 180 L per
3.Development is direct
4.Primitive multicellular animals
2. The GFR will increase during fight-or-flight
situations due to the vasodilation of afferent
79. Which of the following is incorrect for the
given diagram?
3. A decrease in GFR results in a decrease in the
total urine output.
4. Renal autoregulation maintains the GFR at a
relatively constant rate despite fluctuations in
the mean arterial blood pressure.
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80. Which of the following statements are true 85. The type of synovial joint shown below
regarding [between lower end of humerus and ulna] is a:
association areas of brain?
A. These are the largest areas of forebrain.
B. These are involved in the regulation of
behaviour, expression of emotional reactions
and motivation.
C. These are responsible for complex functions
intersensory association, memory and
communication. 1. Ball and socket joint
D. It is a part of cerebral cortex. 2. Pivot joint
1. A & B 3. Saddle joint
2. A, B & C 4. Hinge joint
3. A, C & D
4. A & C
Zoology - Section B
81. The hormones from the heart, kidney, and 86. Which one of the following is not a
gastrointestinal tract respectively are: matching pair of an animal and a certain
1. ANF, Rennin, Trypsin phenomenon it exhibits?
2. ADH, Renin, GIP 1. Obelia : Metagenesis
3. ANF, Erythropoietin, CCK 2. Pila : Torsion
4. GIP, CCK, Renin 3. Octopus : The animal moves rapidly by jet
propulsion mechanism
82. Seaweeds existed probably around: 4. Nereis : Monoecious
1. 500 mya
2. 350 mya 87. Choose the correct option, pairing the
3. 320 mya principal cell
4. 300 mya with the tissue
(1) Mast cell − Adipose tissue
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89. Which one of the following is incorrect 93. What type of natural selection is shown in
with respect to pulmonary volumes? the given figure?
1. VC = ERV + IC
2. FRC = RV + EC
3. TLC = IC + FRC
4. IC = TV + IRV
Choose the correct answer from the options In the light of the above statements, choose the
given below: most appropriate answer from the options
given below:
(a) (b) (c) (d) 1. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
1. (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) correct.
2. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) 2. Both Statement I and Statement II are
3. (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) correct.
4. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) 3. Both Statement I and Statement II are
4. Statement I is correct but Statement II is
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Chemistry - Section
105. A and B in the following reactions are
101. Which of the electronic configuration of an KCN
atom has the lowest ionization enthalpy? 1. A=RR CH2 CN, B=NaOH
1. 1s2,2s22p5
2. 1s2,2s22p3
3. 1s2,2s22p6 ,3s1
4. 1s2,2s22p6 2. A= , B=CH3
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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
The rate equation for this reaction is rate = the emf of Voltaic cell
k[Cl2][H2S] Which of these mechanisms is/are +2 +3
Ni ∣ ∣ Ni (1M) ∣ ∣
∣∣ Au (1M) Au is : −
consistent with this rate equation?
A. Cl2 + H2S → H+ + Cl- +Cl+ + HS- (slow) (1) 1.25 V
+ - + -
cl + HS → H +Cl + S (fast) (2) -1.75 V
(3) 1.75 V
B. H2S ⇔ H+ + HS- (fast equilibrium)
(4) 4 V
Cl2 + HS- → 2Cl- + H+ + S (slow)
1. A only 114.
2. B only
3. Both A and B
4. Neither A nor B
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will be present
(4) All of the above (ii) XeF 4
(iii) I
(1) r s p q
(2) s r q p
(3) r s q p
(4) p q r s
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123. Which of the following statements is most 128. R3 SiCl on complete hydrolysis forms:
likely to be incorrect ? 1. R3 SiOH
(1) Ti (NO3 )4 is a colourless compound 2. R3 Si— O— SiR3
(2) [Cu (NCCH3 )4 ] BF4 is a colourless 3. R3 Si = O
+ −
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Chemistry - Section
132. Under the isothermal condition, a gas at
300 K expands from 0.1 L to 0.25 L
against a constant external pressure of 2 bar.
The work done by the gas is: B
[Given that 1 L bar = 100 J] 136. 2.56 g of sulphur in 100 g of CS2 has
1. 30 J depression in a freezing point of 0. 01 °C and
2. -30 J Kf = 0.1 K / molal. The atomicity of sulphur in
3. 5 kJ
the solution will be:
4. 25 J
1. 2
2. 4
133. The excited state of an H atom emits a
3. 6
photon of wavelength λ and returns to the
4. 8
ground state. The principal quantum number of
the excited state is given by:
137. Iodide ion on oxidation in the basic
1. √λR(λR − 1) medium by KMnO 4
2. √ will give:
( λR−1 )
1. I2
3. √λR(λR + 1)
2. IO4
( λR−1 ) −
4. √ 3. I3
4. IO3
134. CH3–CH2–CHO + dil NaOH gives X
What is product X in the above reaction? 138. Consider the following reactions:
1. CH3 − CH2 COOH (A) Cl2 reacts with an aqueous N a2 SO3
2. CH3 − CH2 − CH2 COOH
(B) Cl2 is passed through suspension of iodine
(C) Cl2 reacts with dry SO2
3. (D) Cl2 is passed through an aqueous SO2
Select the reactions in which HCl is produced
(1) A, B, C, D
(2) A, B, D
(3) B, D
(4) all of these
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140. The element that combines with oxygen to 146. A saturated solution of non-radioactive
give an amphoteric oxide is sugar was taken and a little radioactive sugar
1. N was added to it. A small amount of it gets
2. P dissolved in solution and an equal amount of
3. Al sugar was precipitated. This proves
4. Na 1. The equilibrium has not been established in
the solution
141. For a reaction 1 A → 2B, rate of 2. Radioactive sugar can displace non-
radioactive sugar from its solution.
disappearance of 'A' is related to the rate of
3. Equilibrium is dynamic in nature
appearance of 'B' by the expression:
d[A] d[B]
4. None of the above
(1) − = 4
dt dt
d[A] 1
d[B] 147. A compound having the highest boiling
(2) − =
dt 2 dt point among the following is -
d[A] 1 d[B]
(3) − dt = 4 dt 1. Iso-octane 2. n-Octane
d[A] d[B] 3. 2,2,3,3-Tetramethyl butane 4. n-Butane
(4) − dt = dt
142. Primary amine and secondary amine are 148. An alkene among the following that reacts
distinguished by: fastest with H2 under catalytic conditions is -
1. Br2 / KOH
2. HClO
3. HNO2 1. 2.
4. NH3
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Physics - Section A
154. In the Bohr's model of a hydrogen atom,
the centripetal force is furnished by the
151. A circular disc A of radius r is made from Coulomb attraction between the proton and the
an iron plate of thickness t and another circular electron. If α0 is the radius of the ground state
disc B of radius 2r and thickness 4 . The orbit, m is the mass and e is the charge on the
2. IA = IB √ε a m0 0
3. IA < IB 3.
√4πε a m 0 0
4. e
3. Infinity
4. Zero
2. 836 m/s 2
2. 1+ n
3. 643 m/s
1930 3. 1 + n
4. m/s 2
√3 1
4. n + 2
(1) C2N–1m–2
(2) Nm2C–2
(3) Nm2C2
(4) Unitless
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159. Read the assertion and reason carefully to 163. Three resistors are connected to form the
mark the correct option out of the options given sides of a triangle ABC, the resistance of the
below: sides AB, BC and CA are 40 ohms, 60 ohms and
(1) If both assertion and reason are true and the 100 ohms respectively. The effective resistance
reason is the correct explanation of the between the points A and B in ohms will be
assertion. (1) 32
(2) If both assertion and reason are true but (2) 64
reason is not the correct explanation of the (3) 50
assertion. (4) 200
(3) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(4) If the assertion and reason both are false. 164. Two insulated charged conducting spheres
(5) If assertion is false but reason is true. of radii 20 cm and 15 cm respectively and
Assertion : Rocket in flight is not an illustration having an equal charge of 10 C are connected
of projectile. by a copper wire and then they are separated.
Reason : Rocket takes flight due to combustion Then -
of fuel and does not move under the gravity (1) Both the spheres will have the same charge
effect alone. of 10 C
(2) Surface charge density on the 20 cm sphere
160. Read the assertion and reason carefully to will be greater than that on the 15 cm sphere
mark the correct option out of the options given (3) Surface charge density on the 15 cm sphere
below: will be greater than that on the 20 cm sphere
(1) If both assertion and reason are true and the (4) Surface charge density on the two spheres
reason is the correct explanation of the will be equal
(2) If both assertion and reason are true but 165. The earth (mass = 6 × 1024 kg ) revolves
reason is not the correct explanation of the round the sun with angular velocity
assertion. ‐7
2 × 10 rad/s in a circular orbit of radius
(3) If assertion is true but reason is false. 8
(4) If the assertion and reason both are false. 1. 5 × 10 km . The force exerted by the sun on
(5) If assertion is false but reason is true. the earth in Newtons, is
Assertion : Displacement of a body is vector 1. 18 × 1025
sum of the area under velocity-time graph. 2. Zero
Reason : Displacement is a vector quantity. 3. 27 × 1039
4. 36 × 10
161. If the body is moving in a circle of radius r
with a constant speed v, its angular velocity is:166. If the radius of the 13Al27 nucleus is taken
1. v2/r to RAl then the radius of 53Te125 nucleus is
2. vr
3. v/r
4. r/v 1. (53/13)1/3 RAl
2. 5/3 RAl
162. Rocket engines lift a rocket from the earth 3. 3/5 RAl
surface because hot gases with high velocity: 4. (13/53)1/3 RAl
(1) push against the earth.
(2) push against the air.
(3) react against the rocket and push it up.
(4) heat up the air which lifts the rocket.
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167. What is the flux through a cube of side 'a' if 172. Which of the following is not true for this
a point charge q is at one of its corners? t
progressive wave y = 4 sin 2π( 0.02 − 100 )
1. ε
where y and x are in cm and t in sec
2. 8ε (1) Its amplitude is 4 cm
168. A car of mass m is moving on a level 173. When the kinetic energy of an electron is
circular track of radius R. If μs represent the increased, the wavelength of the associated
static friction between the road and tyres of the wave will
car, then the maximum speed of the car in (1) Increase
circular motion is given by: (2) Decrease
(3) Wavelength does not depend on the kinetic
1. √μs mRg 2. √Rg/μs
3. √mRg/μs 4. √μsRg (4) None of the above
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177. An ideal monoatomic gas expands in such 180. The charge on a drop of water is 3 × 10−8
a manner that its pressure and volume can be C. If its surface potential is 500 V, its radius
related by equation P V 5/3 = cons tan t. must be equal to:
During this process, the gas is 1. 81 cm
(1) Heated 2. 54 cm
(2) Cooled 3. 27 cm
(3) Neither heated nor cooled 4. 108 cm
(4) First heated and then cooled
181. In a vernier calliper, N divisions of vernier
178. If an electron and a positron annihilate, scale coincides with (N-1) divisions of the main
then the energy released is: scale (in which length of one division is 1 mm).
1. 3. 2 × 10−13
J The least count of the instrument should be:
2. 1. 6 × 10
1. N mm
3. 4. 8 × 10−13
2. (N − 1) mm
4. 6. 4 × 10−13 J 3. 10N
4. mm
179. Graph of specific heat at constant volume ( N−1 )
1. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
1. X = A ⋅ B
2. X = A ⋅ B
3. X = A + B
¯¯¯ ¯
¯¯¯ ¯
4. X = A ⋅ B
183. A current of 3 A flows through the 2 Ω
resistor shown in the circuit. The power
dissipated in the 5 Ω resistor is:
1. 4 W 2. 2 W
3. 1 W 4. 5 W
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184. A beam of electrons passes un-deflected 188. A liquid drop at temperature T, isolated
through mutually perpendicular electric and from its surroundings, breaks into a number of
magnetic fields. Where do the electrons move if droplets. The temperature of the droplets will
the electric field is switched off and the same be–
magnetic field is maintained? 1. equal to T
1. in an elliptical orbit. 2. greater than T
2. in a circular orbit. 3. less than T
3. along a parabolic path. either (1), (2) or (3) depending on the surface
4. along a straight line. tension of the liquid.
185. A plane mirror approaches a stationary 189. Time period of a freely suspended magnet
person with acceleration of 10 ms–2. The does not depend upon
acceleration of his image as seen by the person, 1. length of the magnet
will be: 2. pole strength of the magnet
1. 10 m/s2 3. horizontal component of earth's magentic
2. 20 m/s2 4. length of the suspension thread
3. 5 m/s2
4. can't be determined 190. An alternating voltage V = V0 sin ωt is
connected to a capacitor of capacity C0 through
an AC ammeter of zero resistance. The reading
Physics - Section B
of ammeter is
V0 √ 2
186. The pressure of water in a water pipe ωC
when tap is opened and closed are respectively 2.
3 × 10 Nm
5 –2 and 3.5 × 105 Nm–2. With open
V ωC
4. none of these
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192. Assertion: A convex mirror is used as a 196. In the circuit diagram shown below, the
rearview mirror. reading of the a.c. voltmeter is
Reason: Convex mirror always forms a virtual,
erect, and diminished image for real objects.
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the
reason is the correct explanation of the
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but the
reason is not the correct explanation of the
(3) Assertion is a true statement but Reason is 1. 200 V
false. 2. 100 V
(4) Both Assertion and Reason are false 3. 50√2 V
statements. 4. zero
193. A particle performing S.H.M. is at rest at 197. A wire of length 6 m is rotated about the
points P and Q which are at a distance a and b axis passing through point C and parallel to the
from point O. It has velocity v when it is magnetic field lines with angular velocity 4
halfway between P and Q. The time period of radian/second. If B = 0.5T, the potential
oscillation is: difference across the ends of the wire is
1. [
b − a
1. 2 V
2. 6 V
π(b − a)
3. 12 V
b − a
4. Zero
3. (
4. Data is insufficient to answer. 198. Two coherent sources are 0.3 mm apart.
They are 1 m away from the screen. The second
194. Choose the incorrect statement: dark fringe is at a distance of 0.3 cm from the
center. The distance of the fourth bright from
1. All SHM's have a fixed time period.
the centre is
All motions having the same time period are 1. 0.16 cm
SHM. 2. 1.6 cm
In SHM, the total energy is proportional to 3. 0.8 cm
the square of the amplitude. 4. 8 cm
Phase constant of SHM depends on
initial conditions. 199. A shell fired from a cannon explodes in
mid-air. It's total
(1) Linear momentum is not conserved
195. S.I. unit of intensity of magnetization is: (2) Linear momentum is conserved
1. Ampere-metre 2. Ampere-metre2 (3) Kinetic energy is conserved
(4) Potential energy is conserved
3. Ampere/metre 4. Ampere/metre2
Page: 23
Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
1 2Q
1. 4πε0 r2
1 Q
2. 4πε0 r2
1 Q√ 2
3. 4πε0 r2
1 Q√ 3
4. 4πε0 2
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