Stocks and Stockholders
Stocks and Stockholders
Stocks and Stockholders
ultra vires acts, shall be valid even if the - Attendance through remote
meeting is improperly held or called, communication – A stockholder
subject to the following: or member may participate at
meetings through remote
i. All communication or in absentia
stockholders/members and such participation shall be
are present/or duly deemed present for purposes of
represented at the quorum when so provided in the
meeting; and BL (Sec. 49 and 57). The vote
through remote communication
ii. Not one of the or in absentia must be received
stockholders/members before the corporation finishes
expressly states at the start the tally of votes.
of the meeting that his/her (Sec. 57)
purpose for attending the
meeting is to object to the ➢ Voting Trust (Sec. 58)
transaction of any business
on the ground that the - One or more stockholder/s of a
meeting is not lawfully called stock corporation may create a
or convened (Last par. Sec. voting trust for the purpose of
50) conferring upon a trustee or
trustees the right to vote and
other rights pertaining to the
Stockholders and members may vote in shares for a period not exceeding
person or by proxy in all meetings of five (5) years at any one time.
stockholders or members (Sec. 57)
- The trustee can also be voted as
➢ Proxy Form – in writing, in any form director because the trustee will
authorized by the BL, signed by the acquire legal title that must also
stockholder or member, and received be recorded in the stock and
by the corporate secretary within a transfer book. The trustee does
reasonable time before the not become the trustee of the
scheduled meeting. (Sec. 57). Each corporate assets.
notice of meetings shall include a
proxy form (Sec. - If the voting trust is a requirement
50) for a loan agreement, period may
exceed five (5) years but shall
- Period of validity – unless automatically expire upon full
otherwise provided in the proxy payment of the loan.
form, it shall be valid only for the
meeting for which it is intended. - Voting trust certificates shall be
executed and delivered by the
▪ No proxy shall be valid and trustee/s to the transferors and
effective for a longer period such certificates shall be
than 5 years at any one time. transferrable in the same manner
as stock certificates.
(Sec. 57)
BS in Accountancy 2-F︳Atty. Jessa G. Bernardo, OP ︳Law 2