Experiment 4,5,6 Fluid Mechanics Lab

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Experiment 4
To determine the coefficient of discharge with outflow under
constant head (Orifice and Jet Apparatus)
To determine the discharge rate
 F1-10 hydraulic Bench.
 F1-17 Orifice and Jet Apparatus.
 Measuring cylinders of 1000 ml.
 Orifice plate of diameter 6mm
 Position the experimental "F1-17 Orifice and Jet Apparatus" device on the side channel of
the hydraulic bench.
 Attach a 6mm orifice plate to the water tank's opening after that. Make sure the orifice
plate is secured to the tank before starting the experiment.
 An overflow reservoir is fastened there. Because of this, the tank's water level is kept at a
constant head, and any additional pumping water is sent to the overflow reservoir.
 Turn on the centrifugal pump to start pouring water in the tank. Open the hole when the
water level is higher than the orifice.
 You can control the water level over the aperture by adjusting the screw or knob on the
overflow reservoir.
 Next, obtain a measuring cylinder and a stopwatch. Water that is discharged for 15
seconds fills the cylinder. It is important to record how much water is in the measuring
 Repeat the experiment one or two more times on the same head to get the average values.
 On each head, the same procedure should be repeated. The head can be lowered by an
additional 10 points.
 Using all of the data from the table, create a graph. then calculate the discharge rate Cd
value using the graph's slope.
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Types of Orifice on the basis of diameter:

 Large orifice: If the opening's cross section is larger it is a large orifice. A large orifice is
typically defined as having a fluid head or height from the centre that is five to six times
greater than the orifice's depth.
 Small orifice: If the cross section of the opening is smaller, it is a small orifice. A small
orifice is typically defined as one where the fluid's height or head is five to six times
smaller than the aperture's depth.
Observations and Calculations

Sr. No. Head (m) Volume (m3) Qv (m3 /s ) H


1. 0.27 0.358 0.04475 0.519615

2. 0.3 0.38 0.046798 0.547722
3. 0.35 0.43 0.053086 0.59607










0.044 0.046 0.053
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Using a graphical technique, the small orifice discharge coefficient is determined. This chart
shows the discrepancy between the real and theoretical volumetric flow rates at the vena contract,
which can be explained by two factors: The first is that the actual velocity is lower than the
predicted velocity due to energy losses. The real area of the orifice at the vena contract is less,
which is the second explanation.
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Experiment 5
To investigate the reaction forces produced by the change of
momentum of fluid flow (Impact of Jet Apparatus)

To determine the force produced by the fluid stream to maintain the balance of the weight acting
on the plate.
 F1-10 Hydraulic Bench.
 F1-16 impact jet apparatus.
 Loads/weights and Stopwatch
 First, place the jet equipment within the hydraulic bench.
 Check the position of the jet apparatus with a level to see if it is entirely horizontal or
angled. If it isn't, tilt it until it is.
 Now turn on the hydraulic bench tool and check to see if the needle is on the datum line.
 Put some weight on the weight plate before opening the valve. As you approach the flow
rate required to raise the plate to the datum line, gently open the valve now.
 Once we are on the datum line, note the volumetric flow rate of the fluid jet.
 Calculate the volume of liquid collected in the tub at a certain set time in litres.
 Then multiply it by the cross-sectional area of the nozzle.Now raise the weight on the
plate and adjust the valve to reach the datum line.
 Determine the volumetric flow rate of the fluid jet at the same predetermined time.
 Use a variety of deflectors with different degrees, then fill the observation table with the
experiment's findings five to seven times.
 Determine the slope of the graph between the weight W and the speed v2 square. This
graphical approach was used to determine the experimental slope.
 Use the following formula to fine-tune the theoretical slope
s = A (cos + 1)
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 .Now compare the two slopes to find the result.

The fluid jet device is just a vertical pipe enclosed in a glass plastic casing. The inlet pipe for the
hydraulic bench is attached to the pipe's lower end, and a nozzle is attached to the pipe's upper
A deflector is fastened to the weight plate that will be affected by the fluid jet directly above the
 Jet Fluid
A jet of fluid is a continuously ejected high-velocity stream of fluid from a tiny aperture.
Different nozzles can be connected to pipes to create a fluid jet. In reality, the fluid stream lines
mix inside the nozzle, lowering the pressure. More pressure than fluid is present in the nozzle in
the connecting pipe. As a result, the fluid in the nozzle is ejected from it at a fast rate of speed
 Deflectors:
A part utilized to distribute or deflect the fluid jet in all directions is the deflector. Depending on
how the cup is angled, it comes in a variety of forms and shapes. The range of the angle is 90° to
180°. 180° deflector has a parabolic shape, while 90° is flat.

Observations and Calculations:

Nozzle Diameter (m) 0.008
Area Of Nozzle (m2) 0.0050256
Deflector Type (Degree) 60 °
Volume Collect – V (m3) 0.002
Sr. No. Time (s) Mass (g) Velocity y Qv Qm F y (N) W (N)

1. 17.45 100 0.0228 0.00011 0.11461 0.00012 0.00012

2. 14.6 200 0.0275 0.00013 0.13698 0.00017 0.00017
3. 10.36 300 0.0384 0.00019 0.19305 0.00035 0.00035
4. 8.96 400 0.0444 0.00022 0.22321 0.00047 0.00047
5. 6.29 500 0.0632 0.00031 0.31796 0.00095 0.00095
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Velocity (m/s)
0 0.00012 0.00017 0.00035 0.00047 0.00095

The conclusions gained from the results mentioned above are that using 120° deflectors has an
impact on maximum force because the factor cos becomes 1. At 60 degrees, this component
changed. We employ a deflector with a 120° angle, which is halfway between them. The results
from the theoretical method using the formula and the experimental approach utilising the grap
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Experiment 6
To observe laminar, transitional and turbulent pipe
flow (Reynolds Apparatus)

 To observe, that whether the flow in the pipes is turbulent, laminar or translational.

 To differentiate between laminar, turbulent and translational flows on the basis of

Reynolds number

 F1-10 Hydraulic Bench

 F1-20 Reynolds apparatus
 Thermometer
 Stopwatch
 Set up the Reynolds apparatus and connect it to the F1-10 Hydraulic bench first.
 Adjust the Reynolds apparatus' Bell mouth's location. To even out the flow, enter the
water tank and fill it with marbles.
 Attach the tool with a die injector, then pour die into the cup.
 Now turn on the hydraulic bench and fill the tank with water until it reaches the overflow
 Now, open the valve and observe the die as it passes through the fluid. first carry out the
laminar flow experiment.
 To calculate the fluid flow rate, measure the volume in the measuring cylinder for 20
 To calculate the velocity, multiply it by the cross sectional area.
 Calculate the Reynolds number and choose the type of flow to finish.
 To identify the kind of flow, repeat the experiment in the same manner for both turbulent
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and translational flow.

 Next, draw a graph showing how the fluid's velocity and Reynolds number relate to one

Types of fluid flows

 Laminar Fluid Flow
 Turbulent Fluid flow
 Translational Fluid Flow

Reynolds Number:
Fluid motion is influenced by a number of factors, including the Reynolds Number (R). The
behaviour of fluid motion may be changed by these factors. The surrounding temperature,
pressure, surface roughness, surface form, etc. are a few of them. You can also use the diameter of
the pipe the fluid is going through and the internal properties of the fluid, such as density,
viscosity, and velocity, to determine the kind of fluid motion. One such quantity, named for the
researcher who carried out the fluid motion experiment, is the Reynolds Number.
The kind of fluid motion is identified by a dimensionless integer known as the Reynolds Number.
In general, we can say, "The fluid's ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces is known as the
Reynolds number.
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Observation & Calculation


Time (s) 10
Sr. No
Volume Collected (m ) Volumetric Flow Rate (Q v ) m Re Type of
Velocity (
Diameter (m) 0.01 s) flow
1, 0.45 Area(m ) 0.0045 0.000078525 57.3065 572.15

2. 0.25 0.025 318.3699 3178.6 Transitional

3. 0.69 0.069 878.7010 6772.9 Turbulent

Reynolds number








0 0.0045 0.025 0.069
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We successfully set up the Reynolds apparatus during the experiment and witnessed laminar,
turbulent, and translational fluid flows. It was fascinating to see how different velocities and
viscosities affect the flow properties. We quantitatively categorised the flow by calculating
Reynolds numbers for each scenario. This practical experience gave us a deeper understanding of
fluid dynamics and its applications while illuminating the subtleties of fluid behaviour.

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