Teaching As A Profession

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Unit 5

Teaching as a Profession
By: Tricia Mae M. Ombajen
When we are on our Elementary
days, have you ever been ask about
what profession would you want to
be when you grown up?

Yes or No
If your answer is the same on
your elementary days . may we
ask, what was it and why you
choose that profession?
If your answer is different when you were
elementary. What was your first chosen
profession you wanted to be when you
were in elementary and why you choose
teaching now?
A big
Thank You!
For Sharing you story.
Would you believe that there will be no other
professionals if there are no Teachers?

There are no doctors if no one There are no police officers if

teaches them how to treat. no one teaches them how to
protect and whom to capture.

There are no engineers if no There is no business owner if

one teaches them how to no one teaches him/her how to
build and what to build. become entrepreneur and
what business to build.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Identify the different duties and responsibilities of
Teaching Profession;
2. Explain teaching as a mission and as a vocation; and
3. Discuss the meaning of teacher as a professional.
“ Choose a job you love, and
you will never have to work a
day in your life.”
Teaching is also a mission.
Teaching is not just a vocation but a special

“Unlike other professions where you make ’machines’ work,

this profession allows one to deal with the most complex
phenomena on earth. Ranging from most studious to most
mischievous students, the teachers need to maintain a
balanced attitude and approach in transforming them to
mature individuals” (Kishore, 2000, paragraph 4).
This act was passed into law in 1966.
To safeguard the rights of teachers.
To consider the exigency and the level of difficulty in the practice of the

It is the vision of the MAGNA CARTA for PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS to provide
programs for the promotion and improvement of the social well being and economic
status of public school teachers, including their living and working conditions,
terms of employment and career prospects.
In 2018, Manila Teachers Representative, Virgilio Lacson, proposed a Bill 8384
the Expanded Magna Carta for public Teachers, to amend some of the provisions of
RA 4670.

Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy

Improve the social and economic status living and working status.
To ensure teaching be comparable to other professions.
Attract and retain qualified teachers.
Sec. 2. Title-Definition TEACHERS

All persons engaged in classroom teaching (full time or part time).

Guidance counsellors, school librarians, industrial of vocational
Performing supervisory/administrative functions (principal, head teachers,
Not include school nurse, school physicians, school dentist and other
Sec. 3. Recruitment and Qualification

Kindergarten and Elementary - BEEd, BECEd.

Secondary - BSEd, BPEd, AB Grad + 18 Prof. Ed. Units, Secondary technical or
vocational courses, BS Grad.(Relevant specialization) + 18 Prof. Ed. Units.
Tertiary - MA degrees
Sec. 4. Probationary Period

Regular Appointment:
Civil Service Eligibility
Training and Professional Prep in any school (Govt. recognized).

Provisional Appointment:
dirth of teachers
Minimum educational qualification

Note: 1 year probation from date of provisional appointment.

Sec. 5. Security of Tenure

Security of tenure is guaranteed.

Provisional status to Permanent Appointment.

Sec. 6. Consent for Transfer

With Teacher’s consent.

Less than 3 months from National of Local Election.
Moving expenses.
Sec. 7. Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers

Copy of professional conduct for Public School Teachers.

Copy at School Principal’s Office.

Sec. 8. Safeguard in Disciplinary Procedure

Every teacher shall enjoy equitable safeguards at each stage of any disciplinary
procedure: she/he should have:
The right to informed, in writing, of charges.
Right to full access of evedince of the case.
Right to defend, be defended and ample time to prepare defense.
Right to appeal to clearly designated authorities. No publicity shall be
given during pendency of case.
Sec. 9. Administrative Charges

In case there are administrative charges against a teacher, the charges

should be heard and investigated first by the principal. If it is proven
true, it will be heard by a higher body.

Sec. 10. No Discrimination

Anyone is allowed to enter the teaching profession.

Those individuals who really are desirous to be teachers and are
academically, physically, emotionally qualified must not be descriminated
in any manner.
Sec. 11. Married Teachers

Married couples have to right to be assigned in the same locality.

Proper authorities should take all steps for this to materialized.

Sec. 12. Academic Freedom

Conduct researches that would enhance the teachers’ teaching and classroom
The Education Act of 1982 (BP 232)
Education Act of 1982 (BP 232)

I. An act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an integrated

system of education.

Sec.2. Coverage - This act shall apply to and govern both formal and non-formal
system in public and private schools in all levels of the entire educational
II. The Educational Community Chapter 2 Rights

Sec. 11. Special Rights and/or Privileges of Teaching or Academic Staff

Further to the rights mentioned in the preceding section, every member of the
teaching or academic staff shall enjoy the following rights and/or privileges:
1. The right to be free from compulsory assignments not related to their duties
as defined on their appointmets or employment contracts, unless compensated
therefore, conformably to existing law.
2. The right to intellectual property consistent with applicable laws.
3. Teacher shall be deemed persons in authority when in the discharge of lawful
duties and responsibilities, and shall, therefore, be accorded due respect
and protection.
4. Teachers shall be accorded the opportunity to choose alternative career
lines either in school administration, in classroom teaching, or others, for
purposes of career advancement.
II. The Education Community

Chapter 3 Duties and Obligations

Sec. 16. Teachers‘ Obligations

Every Teacher shall:

1. Perform his/her duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in
accordance with the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school.
2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified
learning objectives in pursuance of national development goals within the
limits of available school resources.
3. Render regular reports on performance of each students and to the latter and
the latter’s parents and guardians with specific suggestions for
4. Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and
advancement and maintain professionalism in his behavior at all times.

5. Refrain from making deductions in students’ scholastic ratings for acts that
are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.

6. Participate as an agent of constructive social, economic, moral,

intellectual, cultural, and plitical change in his school and the community
within the context of national policies.

All certificated employees shall assume the duties and responsibilities

assigned by the superintendent or designee. Teachers’ professional
responsibilities involve considerably more then merely classroom
instruction. They include, but are not limited to, study and research to
keep abreast of new knowledge and instructional techniques; assessment of
students’ work; record-keeping; lesson planning and preparation; conferences
with students; parents and administrators; in-service meetings; and
supervision of students outside the classroom.
Teachers must be in their classrooms or assigned areas as instructed by the
building principal. All duty time is necessary for educational planning,
preparation, and conferences with students, parents, and faculty members.
All teachers must maintain a standard of dress, personal appearance, general
decorum, moral standards and behavior that reflects their professional
status in the community.
Teachers will be responsible to the principal for carrying out policies of
the Board as they relate to the functions of the school, to the classroom,
and to the immediate contact with students and parents. Teachers will be
expected to furnish such after school time as is needed for assisting
students, conferring with parents and doing other necessary out of school
Teacher will:
1. Direct curricular and extra curricular learning experiences of students.
2. Care for and protect school property.
3. Supervise students on school grounds.
4. Participate in planning and evaluation of school programs.
5. Participate in faculty activities.
6. Participate in in-service training.
7. Support auxiliary school activity.
8. Carry out such board policies and administrative regulation as they relate
to the teaching activities.
9. Be punctual.

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