Reliability Analysis Lateral Cyclic Loading
Reliability Analysis Lateral Cyclic Loading
Reliability Analysis Lateral Cyclic Loading
, 5, 1521–1535, 2020
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Abstract. The design of foundations for offshore wind turbines (OWTs) requires the assessment of long-term
performance of the soil–structure interaction (SSI), which is subjected to many cyclic loadings. In terms of ser-
viceability limit state (SLS), it has to be ensured that the load on the foundation does not exceed the operational
tolerance prescribed by the wind turbine manufacturer throughout its lifetime. This work aims at developing
a probabilistic approach along with a reliability framework with emphasis on verifying the SLS criterion in
terms of maximum allowable rotation during an extreme cyclic loading event. This reliability framework allows
the quantification of uncertainties in soil properties and the constitutive soil model for cyclic loadings and ex-
treme environmental conditions and verifies that the foundation design meets a specific target reliability level. A
3D finite-element (FE) model is used to predict the long-term response of the SSI, accounting for the accumu-
lation of permanent cyclic strain experienced by the soil. The proposed framework was employed for the design
of a large-diameter monopile supporting a 10 MW offshore wind turbine.
1 Introduction that the soil’s bearing capacity withstands the lateral loading
of the pile within the allowable deformations (i.e. pile deflec-
tion and pile rotation at the mud-line).
Offshore wind turbines are slender and flexible structures Subsequently, the pre-design is checked for the cyclic
which have to withstand diverse sources of irregular cyclic load. The verification of the pre-design for the cyclic load de-
loads (e.g. winds, waves and typhoons). The foundation, sign step regards three limit states: ULS, SLS and FLS. The
which has the function of transferring the external loads to cyclic stresses transferred to the soil can reduce the lateral re-
the soil, must resist this repeated structural movement by sistance by means of liquefaction (ULS); can change the soil
minimizing the deformations. stiffness which can cause resonance problems (FLS); and can
The geotechnical design of the foundation for an offshore progressively accumulate deformation into the soil, leading
wind turbine (OWT) has to follow two main design steps to an inclination of the structure (SLS). If one of these limit
named static load design (or pre-design) and cyclic load de- states is not fulfilled, cyclic loads are driving the design and
sign. A design step is mainly governed by limit states: i.e. the the foundation dimensions should be updated.
ultimate limit state (ULS), the serviceability limit state (SLS) Performing the checks for the cyclic load design step is
and the fatigue limit state (FLS). The design of an offshore very challenging due to the following: (i) a high number of
structure mostly starts with the static load design step in cycles is usually involved; (ii) soil subjected to cyclic stresses
which a loop between the geotechnical and structural engi- may develop non-linearity of the soil response, pore water
neers is required to converge to a set of optimal design di- pressure, changing in stiffness, and damping and accumula-
mensions (pile diameter, pile length and can thickness). This tion of soil deformation (Pisanò, 2019); (iii) the load char-
phase is governed by the ULS in which it must be ensured
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Academy of Wind Energy e.V.
1522 G. Zorzi et al.: Reliability analysis of offshore wind turbine foundations under lateral cyclic loading
acteristics such as frequency, amplitude and orientation are – Some reasons are due to aesthetics.
continually varying during the lifetime; (iv) characteristic
In SLS designs, extreme and relevant accidental loads, such
of the soil such as type of material, porosity and drainage
as typhoons and earthquakes, should be accounted for as they
condition can lead to different soil responses; (v) the rele-
can be design-driving loads. A very strict tilting requirement,
vant codes (BSH, 2015; DNV-GL, 2017) do not recommend
i.e. 0.25◦ , in conjunction with these accidental conditions can
specific cyclic load methods for predicting the cyclic load
increase the foundation dimensions and significantly raise
behaviour of structures, which leads to the development of
the cost of the foundation.
various empirical formulations (Cuéllar et al., 2012; Hettler,
An advanced numerical method called the soil cluster
1981; LeBlanc et al., 2009) or numerically based models
degradation (SCD) method was developed (Zorzi et al.,
(Zorzi et al., 2018; Niemunis et al., 2005; Jostad et al., 2014;
2018). This method explicitly predicts the cyclic response
Achmus et al., 2007). Despite the different techniques used in
of the soil–structure interaction (SSI) in terms of the foun-
these models, they all predict the soil behaviour “explicitly”,
dation rotation. The main objective of this study is to use the
based on the number of cycles instead of a time domain anal-
SCD method within a probabilistic approach. The probabilis-
ysis (Wichtmann, 2016). Time domain analysis for a large
tic approach along with the reliability framework was used to
number of cycles is not convenient due to the accumulation
quantify the main uncertainties (aleatoric and epistemic), ex-
of numerical errors (Niemunis et al., 2005).
plore which uncertainty the response is most sensitive to and
In common practice due to the non-trivial task faced by the
de-sign the long-term behaviour of the foundation for a spe-
engineers, simplifications and hence introduction of uncer-
cific target reliability level. In this paper, first the developed
tainties and model errors are often seen. The application of
reliability-based design (RBD) framework is outlined in de-
probabilistically based methods for designing offshore foun-
tail. Then, an application of the proposed RBD framework is
dations is not a new topic (Velarde et al., 2019, 2020; Car-
presented for a large-diameter monopile supporting a 10 MW
swell et al., 2014), and it is mainly related to the static de-
offshore wind turbine.
sign stage. Very limited research has been developed regard-
ing the probabilistic design related to the cyclic load design
stage. 2 Development of the RBD framework
This current work focuses on the cyclic loading design
stage and the verification of the serviceability limit state. 2.1 Limit state function for SLS
During the design phase, the wind turbine manufacturers pro-
vide a tilting restriction for operational reasons. The recom- The rotation experienced by the foundation structure sub-
mended practice DNV-GL-RP-C212 (DNV-GL, 2017) pro- jected to cyclic loading is considered partially irreversible
vides the order of magnitude for the maximum allowed tilt- (irreversible serviceability limit states) because the soil de-
ing of 0.25◦ throughout the planned lifetime. This strict ver- velops an accumulation of irreversible deformation due to
ticality requirement may have originated from different de- the cyclic loading action. For this reason, it is noted that the
sign criteria, which, however, are mainly rooted within the accidental and environmental load cases for the SLS design
onshore wind turbine sector and are given below (extracted are the extreme loads that give the highest rotation. As for
from Bhattacharya, 2019). a deterministic analysis, the first step in the reliability-based
analysis is to define the structural failure condition(s). The
– Blade–tower collision. Owing to an initial deflection of term failure signifies the infringement of the serviceability
the blades, a possible tilting of the tower may reduce the limit state criterion, which is here set to a tilting of more than
blade–tower clearances. 0.25◦ . The limit state function g(X) can then be written as
– Reduced energy production. Change in the attack angle g(X) = θmax − θcalc (X), (1)
(wind blades) may reduce the total energy production.
where θmax = 0.25◦ is the maximum allowed rotation and
– Yaw motors and yaw breaks. Reduce motor capacity for θcalc (X) is the predicted rotation (i.e. the model response)
yawing into the wind. based on a set of input stochastic variables X.
– Nacelle bearing. A tilted nacelle may experience differ-
ent loadings in the bearing, causing a reduction of their 2.2 Estimation of the probability of failure
fatigue life or restriction of their movements.
The design has to be evaluated in terms of the probability
– Fluid levels and cooling fluid movement can vary. of failure. The probability of failure is defined as the prob-
ability of the calculated value of rotation θcalc (X) exceeding
– P − δ effect. The mass of the rotor–nacelle assembly is the maximum allowed rotation θmax as it does when the limit
not aligned with the vertical axis, and this creates an state function g(X) becomes negative, i.e.
additional overturning moment in the tower, foundation,
grouted connection and soil surrounding the foundation. Pf = P [g(X) ≤ 0] = P [θmax ≤ θcalc (X)] . (2)
Once the probability of failure is calculated, the reliability tests are performed with different combinations of cyclic am-
index β is estimated by taking the negative inverse standard plitude and average load for N number of cycles. These di-
normal distribution of the probability of failure: agrams provide a 3D relation between the stress level and
number of cycles for an investigated variable: accumulation
β = 8−1 (Pf ) , (3) of strain, pore pressure, soil stiffness or damping. The cyclic
contour diagrams have been applied successfully for many
where 8( ) is the standard normal distribution function. The years for the design of several offshore foundations (Jostad
probability of failure in this work is estimated using the et al., 2014; Andersen, 2015); however careful engineering
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. For each realization, the MC judgement is required for the construction and interpretation.
simulation randomly picks a sequence of random input vari- The loading input for the model must be a design storm
ables, calculates the model response θcalc (X) and checks if event simplified in a series of regular parcels. This load-
g(X) is negative (Fenton and Griffiths, 2008). Thus, for a to- ing assumption is also recommended by DNV-GL-RP-C212
tal of n realizations the probability of failure can be com- (DNV-GL, 2017) and the BSH standard (BSH, 2015). The
puted as method is implemented in the commercial code PLAXIS 3D
nf (PLAXIS, 2017).
Pf = , (4) Three stochastic input variables (X = [X1 X2 X3 ]) are nec-
essary for the SCD model:
with nf being the number of realizations for which the limit
state function is negative (rotation higher than 0.25◦ ). – X1 is soil stiffness that is derived from the cone pene-
IEC 61400-1 (IEC, 2009) sets as a requirement with regard tration test (CPT),
to the safety of wind turbine structures an annual probability
– X2 is the cyclic contour diagram that is derived from the
of failure equal to 5×10−4 (ULS target reliability level). This
cyclic laboratory tests, and
reliability level is lower than the reliability level indicated in
the Eurocodes EN1990 for building structures where an an- – X3 denotes extreme environmental loads that are de-
nual reliability index equal to 4.7 is recommended. Usually, rived from metocean data and a fully coupled aero-
in the Eurocodes, for the geotechnical failure mode consid- hydro-servo-elastic model.
ered in this paper the irreversible SLS is used. In EN1990
Annex B, an annual target reliability index for irreversible These inputs have to be quantified in terms of their point
SLS equal to 2.9 is indicated, corresponding to an annual statistics (e.g. the mean, standard deviation and probability
probability of failure of 2 × 10−3 . distribution type) representing the uncertainties. When us-
IEC61400-1 does not specify the target reliability levels ing the MC simulation, 100/pf realizations are needed to
for the SLS condition. Therefore, it can be argued that the estimate an accurate probability of failure, which makes it
target for SLS in this paper should be in the range of 5 × challenging to apply it in combination with the FE simula-
10−4 –2 × 10−3 . In this work, the same reliability target for tions. Since the SCD model is based on 3D FE simulations,
ULS of 5 × 10−4 is also considered for the irreversible SLS it is computationally intensive and hence expensive to com-
as a conservative choice. plete a large number of realizations. One FE simulation takes
approximately 30–40 min. For this reason, a response sur-
2.3 Derivation of the model response θcalc
face (RS) is trained in such a way that it yields the same
model response θcalc as the SCD model for the studied range
The calculation of the model response θcalc is based on the of the input variables X. The response surface is a function
soil cluster degradation (SCD) model. The SCD method ex- (usually first- or second-order polynomial form) which ap-
plicitly predicts the long-term response of an offshore foun- proximates the physical or FE models but allows the relia-
dation accounting for the cyclic accumulation of permanent bility assessment of the investigated problem with resealable
strain in the soil. The SCD model is based on 3D finite- computational effort.
element (FE) simulations, in which the effect of the cyclic The design of experiment (DoE) procedure is used to ex-
accumulation of permanent strain in the soil is considered plore the most significant combinations of the input vari-
through the modification of a fictional elastic shear mod- ables X. Based on the developed FE simulation plan, the ob-
ulus in a cluster-wise division of the soil domain. A simi- tained outputs θcalc are used to fit the response function.
lar approach of reducing the stiffness in order to predict the Figure 1 summarizes the methodology for the reliability
soil deformation can be found in Achmus et al. (2007). The analysis design for lateral cyclic loading. The framework
degradation of the fictional stiffness is implemented using a starts with the uncertainty quantification from the available
linear-elastic Mohr–Coulomb model. Reduction of the soil data (CPT, cyclic laboratory tests of the soil, and metocean
stiffness is based on the cyclic contour diagram framework and aero-hydro-servo-elastic model) and the derivation of the
(Andersen, 2015). The cyclic contour diagrams are derived stochastic input variables (soil stiffness, cyclic contour dia-
from a laboratory campaign using cyclic test equipment. The gram and storm event). The chosen stochastic variables are
the inputs of the SCD model. Based on the stochastic input 3 Case study: reliability design for a monopile
variables, a response surface is then trained to yield the same supporting a 10 MW wind turbine
output (in terms of structural tilting) of the 3D FE simula-
tions. The response surface is then used to calculate the prob- In this section, firstly, the monopile pre-design (static load
ability of failure passing through the formulation of the limit design step) is carried out in which the subsoil conditions of
state equation and the MC simulation. If the calculated prob- the case study and the ULS design of the monopile geometry
ability of failure does not meet the target probability, then supporting a 10 MW wind turbine are explained. The pre-
the foundation geometry has to be changed, and the method- design of the monopile is developed using the hardening soil
ology is repeated to check whether the new design is safe. model in finite-element model to predict the static response
of the monopile.
Figure 3. (a) Horizontal displacement contour plot at 3.5 MN horizontal load; (b) monopile rotation.
3.2 Input uncertainties for the SCD model from the CPT test (Fig. 2). The layering of the soil domain is
assumed to be deterministic as explained in Sect. 3.1.
The application of the SCD model requires three inputs – The design tip resistance is established by means of the
soil stiffness (for the Mohr–Coulomb soil model), cyclic con- best-fit line in the data. A linear model is fitted to the data
tour diagrams and a design storm event. The laboratory test- for each layer (Fig. 4, green line). The maximum likelihood
ing and field measurements are used to estimate the inputs estimation (MLE) is used for estimating the parameters of
for the model. In this estimation process, different sources the linear model along with the fitting error (assumed to be
of uncertainty of unknown magnitude are introduced (Wu normally distributed and un-biased). From the MLE method,
et al., 1989). These parameters then have to be modelled as the standard deviations and correlations of the estimated pa-
stochastic variables with a certain statistical distribution. rameters (Sørensen, 2011) are obtained. The linear model is
expressed by means of Eq. (5) as below:
3.2.1 Soil stiffness
qc = Xa z + Xb + ε, (5)
The uncertainties of the soil stiffness used in the SCD model
are analysed. The soil model employed in the SCD method is where Xa and Xb are stochastic variables modelling param-
the Mohr–Coulomb model, with a stress-dependent stiffness eter uncertainty related to the parameters a and b, respec-
(i.e. the stiffness increases with depth). For cyclic loading tively; ε is the fitting error; and z is the depth (m). Table 2
problems, the unloading–reloading Young’s modulus Eur is shows a summary of the fitting parameters.
used. This soil modulus is obtained from the tip resistance
Es = Xα [Xa z + Xb + ε] . (7)
Figure 6. (a) Variability of the soil modulus Es over depth; (b) histogram of the soil stiffness at zref = 0 m; (c) histogram of the soil stiffness
at zref = −10 m.
unloading–reloading at a reference depth zref and Einc is the – for the first layer at zref = 0 (Fig. 6b): µEurref =
increment of the Young’s modulus. Using this equation for 32.25 MPa and σEurref = 7.06 MPa;
a given input value of Eur ref and the increment E , E can
inc ur
be derived at a specific depth below the surface and com- – for the second layer at zref = −10 m (Fig. 6c): µEurref =
pared to Es , as specified in the design soil profile. For all re- 196.90 MPa and σEurref = 43.14 MPa.
alizations of different soil stiffness values (Fig. 6 red lines),
ref and the increment E
Eur inc are calculated:
Other soil properties, such as specific weight, friction angle
and relative density are considered to be deterministic. A full
Table 3. Design sea state for maximum wind speed. Table 4. Gumbel parameters of the distribution for the load inputs.
tests. In the case of the SCD model, this error arises due to
the simplification of the model for a much more complex
behaviour of the soil–structure interaction under cyclic load-
ing. The model error εmodel is estimated as a random variable
and multiplied to predict the structural tilting (Eq. 14). The
model error is assumed to be normally distributed with a uni-
tary mean and a coefficient of variation of 10 %. Ideally, this
model uncertainty should be quantified comparing the results
from the SCD model with several different test results. How-
ever, such a large number of tests is not feasible.
4 Conclusion Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no con-
flict of interest.
During the lifetime of wind turbines, storms, typhoons or
seismic action are likely to cause permanent deformation of
the structure owing to the accumulation of plastic strain in the Special issue statement. This article is part of the special issue
soil surrounding the foundation. The serviceability limit state “Wind Energy Science Conference 2019”. It is a result of the Wind
criteria require that the long-term structural tilting does not Energy Science Conference 2019, Cork, Ireland, 17–20 June 2019.
exceed the operational tolerance prescribed by the wind tur-
bine manufacturer (usually less than 1◦ ) with a specific target
reliability level. In this study, the SLS design for long-term Acknowledgements. This research is part of the Innovation
structural tilting is addressed within a reliability framework. and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Struc-
tures – Training for Assessment of Risk (INFRASTAR) project.
This framework is developed based on the 3D FE models for
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
the prediction of the SSI under cyclic loading. For the case Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the
study of a large monopile installed on a typical North Sea Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 676139. The labora-
environment, a reliability index of 4.03 was obtained. Sen- tory tests are provided by Chair of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
sitivity analysis also shows that uncertainties related to the Engineering of the Technical University of Berlin. The authors are
soil stiffness and the environmental loads significantly affect grateful for the kind permission to use those test results.
the reliability of the structure. For regions where assessment
against accidental loads due to typhoons is necessary, uncer-
tainty of the extreme environmental loads can increase by up Financial support. This research has been supported by the In-
to 80 %. Such load scenarios can significantly reduce the reli- novation and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of
ability index and therefore become the governing limit state. Structures – Training for Assessment of Risk (INFRASTAR) (grant
A discussion has to be started in the offshore community no. 676139).
regarding the very strict tilting requirement (i.e. 0.25◦ ). This
very small operational restriction can lead to foundations of
Review statement. This paper was edited by Athanasios Kolios
excessively large dimensions, which are unfeasible from an
and reviewed by Federico Pisano and one anonymous referee.
economic point of view. On the other hand, a less strict verti-
cality requirement (which could be a function of the dimen-
sion and type of the installed wind turbine), for example an
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