Ejemplo Formato DYNA

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Article formatting example

Ejemplo del formato de un artículo
Juan David Velásquez-Henao a & Mónica del Pilar Rada-Tobón b
Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. jdvelasq@unal.edu.co
Centro Editorial de la Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. mprada@unal.edu.co

Received: September 6th, 2012. Received in revised form: November 1th, 2013. Accepted: November 25th, 2013.

This is an example of an article formatted for our journal. Note that this text is typed in Times New Roman, size 9, justified, with the word
Abstract in bold, Type title and in a separate line. Abstract length does not exceed 150 words. Also, note that keywords are separated by

Keywords: manuscript formatting; camera-ready manuscript.

Este es un ejemplo de un artículo formateado para nuestra revista. Note que este texto es digitado en Times New Roman, tamaño 9, justificado,
con la palabra Resumen en negrilla, Tipo título y en una línea separada. La longitud del resumen no excede 150 palabras. También, note que
las palabras clave están separadas por un punto y coma.

Palabras clave: formato del manuscrito; manuscrito listo para impresión.

1 Formating close to the first reference to them, preferably at the beginning or end
of each column. No use abbreviations in column headings. For table
1.1 Paper size, margins, columns and paragraphs and figure captions, and the text in tables, use Times New Roman
font with size of 8 points. Use only horizontal lines. Avoid text in
Manuscript must be prepared in letter size paper with margins of boldface. Figures with colors are not allowed.
2.2 cm in the upper and lower sides, of 1.69 cm in inner and outer
sides and 0.7 cm Binding. The text is typeset in two columns with Table 1.
0.40 cm of spacing between columns. All texts in the manuscript are Example of a table.
typeset using Time New Roman fonts. Model Fitting Forecasting
Use Time New Roman font with size of 10 points for normal text MAD (RMSE) MAD (RMSE)
SARIMA 36.11 (52.30) 51.88 (60.20)
paragraphs. The first line of each paragraph is indented 0.5 cm.
Proposed model 35.93 (50.89) 47.68 (60.06)
Source: Adapted from Dvorak and Ferraz-Mello, 2004.
1.2 Headings
3 Equations
The maximum allowed deep of headings in the manuscript is
three. Headings are numerated using Arabic numbers. Primary All equations must be numbered consecutively. Use the built-in
headings use bold face, and size 10. Secondary headings use bold equation editor provided by Microsoft Word. Use the standard
face, italics and size 10. Tertiary headings use normal text and size convention for typesetting mathematics: letters in italics for scalar
10, for example: variables and constants, bold lowercase letters for vectors and bold
uppercase letters for matrixes. For example, all variables in eq. (1) are
1.2.1 Example of a tertiary heading scalars.
2 Tables and Figures
f ( x )= (1)
All tables and figures occupy the entire width of the column. Use σ √❑
figures and tables of two columns of width only when absolutely
necessary. Tables have the title above and figures have the title
below. All tables and figures are numerated consecutively using
Arabic numbers. We present an example of correct formatting of
tables and figures in the Table 1 and Fig. 1. Locate tables and figures

© The authors; licensee Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

DYNA 81 (184), pp. 1-2. April, 2014. Medellín. ISSN 0012-7353 Printed, ISSN 2346-2183 Online
Velásquez-Henao & Rada-Tobón / DYNA 81 (184), pp. 1-2. April, 2014.

For Electronic book:

[7] Pumarino A. la propiedad intelectual en ambientes digitales educativos
[en línea], Revisión sistemática, Santiago, hile, DoucUC, 2004 [consulta,
1/8 de octubre de 2005]. Available at:
For Chapter in electronic book
[8] Anderson S. Multimedia en internet [en línea], California, Agencia de
Evaluación de Tecnologías multimedia, 1998 [date of reference May 16
th of 1998], cap. 6, Formación y acreditación de modelos multimedia.
Available at: http://www.usu.edu./sanderso/multinet.pdf
For Theses and dissertations:
[9] Kawasaki, N. Parametric study of thermal and chemical nonequilibrium
nozzle flow, MSc. Thesis, Department of Electronic Engineering, Osaka
University, Osaka, Japan, 1993.
[10] Williams, J. O. Narrow-band analyzer, PhD dissertation, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1993.
For Journals:
[11] Ghiassi, M., Saidane, H. and Zimbra, D. K. A dynamic artificial neural
network for forecasting time series events. International Journal of
Forecasting, 21 (2), pp. 341-362, 2005.
Figure 1. Plot of a nonlinear surface.
Source: Anderson, 1998. For Electronic Journal without DOI:
[12] Sánchez, A. and Delgado, L., Estado oclusal y rendimiento masticatorio.
Acta Odontológica Venezolana [Online]. 44(2), 2006. [date of reference
4 Referencing bibliography, tables and figures July 25th of 2007]. Available at:
In text, bibliographical references use [1,2] instead of [1][2]; [1- to_masticatorio.asp
3] instead of [1][2][3] or [1,2,3] or [1], [2], [3]. For references to For Electronic Journal with DOI:
figures use Fig. 1 instead of Figure 1; Fig. 1, 2, 5 instead of Figure 1, [13] Gonçalves, M., Fox, E., & Watson, L. Towards a digital library theory: a
Figure 2 and Figure 5, or Figures 1, 2 and 5. Use Fig. 1-5 instead of formal digital library ontology, International Journal on Digital
Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Libraries, 8 (2), pp. 91-114, 2008. http://doi:10.1007/s00799-008-0033-
For equations use eq. (1) instead of equation 1; use (eq. 1) instead 1
of (equation 1); use eq. (1)-(5) instead of eq. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). For Report:
[14] García–Guadarrama J., Informe de Ingeniería Ambiental, México,
5 Citation standard División de Estudios de Posgrados de la Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM,
México, 2007, 89 P.
Use the following citation standard in references.
For books:
[1] Masters, T. Neural Network Recipes in C++. New York: Academic [1] Velásquez-Henao, J. D. and Branch-Bedoya, J. W. Examples in the
Press, 1993. classroom: pattern classification using the R language, DYNA, 79 (173),
[2] Dvorak, R. and Ferraz-Mello, S., Eds., A Comparison of the dynamical pp. 81-88, 2012.
evolution of planetary systems, Austria, Springer, 2004.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-4466-6#sthash.TMeZ8aSQ.dpuf [2] Velásquez-Henao, J. D., Rueda-Mejía, V. M. and Franco-Cardona, J. D.
Electricity demand forecasting using a SARIMA- multiplicative single
For Chapter in a printed book: neuron hybrid model, DYNA, 80 (180), pp. 4-8, 2013.
[3] Moyor M.A. Evaluación del lenguaje de ingeniería, en Verdugo –
Alonso J. Evaluación curricular: una guía para la intervención del
ingeniero, 2a ed., Madrid, Salvat, 1994. pp. 324-344. J.D. Velásquez-Henao, received the Bs. Eng in Civil Engineering in 1994,
[4] Hoyles, C. and Noss, R., What can digital technologies take from and the MS degree in Systems Engineering in 1997, and the PhD degree in Energy
bring to research in mathematics education? in Bishop, A.J. et al. Second Systems in 2009, all of them from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
International Handbook of Mathematics Education, 2 nd edition, Medellin, Colombia. From 1994 to 1999, he worked for electricity utilities and
Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 2003, pp. 323-349. consulting companies within the power sector and since 2000 for the
http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-010-0273-8_11 Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Currently, he is a Full Professor in the
Computing and Decision Sciences Department, Facultad de Minas,
For conference articles: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His research interests include: simulation,
[5] [1] Jeng, J.-T., Chuang, C.-C. and Chuang, C.-T., Support vector modeling and forecasting in energy markets; nonlinear time-series analysis
regression based LTS-CPBUM neural networks, Proceedings of SICE and forecasting using statistical and computational intelligence techniques;
Annual Conference (SICE), 2011. pp. 215-220. and optimization using metaheuristics.
[6] Kobus, M., Guerrero, C.D., Labrador, M.A. and Pérez, R.A., CSTEP: ORCID: xxx
Transferring Computer Science Community College Students to Four-
year Universities. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, (ASEE M. del P. Rada-Tobón, received the Bs. Eng in Mining and Metallurgy
2009), Austin, TX., 2009. http://soa.asee.org/paper/conference/paper- Engineering in 1996, the Sp degree in Environmental Management in 1998,
view.cfm?id=12459. and MS degree in Environment and Development in 2006, she worked in

Velásquez-Henao & Rada-Tobón / DYNA 81 (184), pp. 1-2. April, 2014.

programs and projects of the mining area, with emphasis on environmental

management and since 1998 for the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the
publication of scientific journals. She is currently coordinator of the Editorial
Centre, Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
ORCID: xxx

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