Share Chapter - 03 Literature-WPS Office
Share Chapter - 03 Literature-WPS Office
Share Chapter - 03 Literature-WPS Office
According to Krebsbach (2005), author proposed that banks adopt green lending principles in
the Indian concept of Green Banking. Sujatha.S and Ragupathi.M (2015) Green banking and
environmental sustainability by Indian commercial banks, Green banking initiatives of Indian
economic banks studied the benefits of going green through green banking.such a way that
their customer base is not impacted. Author came to the conclusion that environmental
management in the banking sector is similar to risk management in that it reduces credit risk,
improves asset quality, and increases enterprise value. In their research article on “Green
Banking in India,” Sahoo, Pravakar, and Nayak, Bibhu Prasad (2008) highlighted that the
banking sector is one of the major stake holders in the industrial sector; it can face credit risk
and liability risk. Furthermore, environmental impact may have a long-term impact on the
quality of assets as well as the rate of return of banks. Goyal and Joshi (2011) highlighted social
and ethical issues such as social banking, ethical banking, green banking, and rural banking.
Which facilitates the achievement of long-term banking and finance development.They came to
the conclusion that banks can act as a socially and ethically oriented organization by granting
loans only to organizations that have environmental concerns. Vikas Nath et al., (2014) noted
the RBI's green rating standards, the World Bank's environmental and social norms, the
initiatives taken by public and private sector banks in India to adopt Green Banking practices,
and to enlist the various strategies for Green Banking adoption. Meena (2013) identified four
benefits of green banking- reducing deforestation, creating environmental awareness among
employees and customers, providing loans at a lower rate, changing business activities in a
manner that is environmentally friendly.
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