Introduction To Hematology 2

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Wilson R. Delos Reyes Jr. RMT, MLS (ASCPi), MSMT, MD
Vascular Structure and Function
- Vascular permeability and blood flow rate are controlled by a single
layer of endothelial cells that line the vessel wall.
- Vascular lining is nonreactive to platelets and plasma proteins until
- Upon injury, increased vascular permeability occurs, allowing leakage
of plasma proteins and blood cell migration to site of injury.
- Damage causes vasoconstriction to minimize blood loss; allows
interaction among vessels, platelet and plasma proteins.
Vascular Structure and Function
- Composed of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue with
collagen fibers
- Exposure of collagen causes platelet activation; activates the intrinsic
pathway of secondary hemostasis.
Vascular Structure and Function
Vascular endothelium produces and releases:
A. von Willebrand factor (vWF)
B. Tissue Factor
C. Tissue plasminogen
D. Prostacyclin
E. Thrombomodulin (endothelial surface receptor)
Disease and Condition Associated with the
Vascular System
Hereditary Vascular Defects
A. Hemorrhagic telaniectasia
– Thin vessel walls cause mucous membrane bleeding
B. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
– A abnormal collagen production causes hyperelastic skin and
joint abnormalities.
Disease and Condition Associated with the
Vascular System
Acquired Vascular Defects
A. Vitamin C deficiency
– Vitamin C is needed for proper collagen synthesis and vessel
- Deficiency will cause scurvy
B. Drug – induced (steroids) or Age – induced (senile purpura)
C. Inadequate platelet support because of quantitative or qualitative
platelet defect
Introduction to Thrombocytes
- Committed myeloid progenitor cell, in response to growth factor
thrombopoietin, give rise to megakaryocytes.
- Earliest thrombocytes stage where the nucleus divides without
cytoplasmic division; process known as endomitisos.
- Formation of giant cells, with size range of 20 – 50 um
- Round nucleus contains 2-6 nucleoli and fine chromatin
- Scant basophilic cytoplasm contains no granules; irregularly shaped
with cytoplasmic tags (blunt extensions of cytoplasm)
Introduction to Thrombocytes
- Increases size with a range of 20 – 80 um
- Intended or lobulated nucleus contains variable number of nucleoli
with coarsening chromatin.
- Basophilic cytoplasm with granules beginning to appear; cytoplasmic
tags present
- Demarcating membrane system (DMS) begins to form.
- DMS is an invagination of the plasma membrane that becomes the
future site of platelet fragmentation.
Introduction to Thrombocytes
- Increases in size up to 100 um; largest cell in the body.
- It contains a multilobulated nucleus with very coarse chromatin and
variable number of nucleoli.
- Cytoplasm has many small granules that stain purple with Wright’s
- Represents 1% of nucleated bone marrrow cells
- Approximately 2000 – 4000 platelets per megakaryocyte are shed
into marrow sinus and enter circulation as cytoplasmic fragments.
Introduction to Thrombocytes
- 2-4 um in size, appearing as pale blue cells with azurophilic granules
- Mature platelets have no nucleus
Platelet zones:
- Dense tubular system
- Open canalicular system
Peripheral zone
A. Glycocalyx – exterior coat and contains glycoprotein receptor sites.

A. Submembrane area – contains the phospholipid membrane (PF3),

which serves as a surface for interaction of coagulation factors in
secondary hemostasis.
Open Canalicular System

Channels of the surface-connected,

open canalicular system (OCS) of
human platelets serve as the
pathway for transport of
substances into the cells and as
conduits for the discharge of alpha
granule products secreted during the
platelet release reaction.
Sol-gel zone
• contains microtubules, cytoskeleton, actin and myosin.
Organelle zone
- Contain the granules, lysosomes, mitochondria, peroxisomes and
glycogen. It controls platelet function in response to coagulation.
A. Alpha granules – predominate and contain a number of different
proteins, with some of the most prominent being fibrinogen, von
Willebrand factor, beta thromboglobulin, platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF), and PF4 (platelet factor 4)
B. Dense bodies (delta granules) – contain ADP, ATP, serotonin and
C. Lysosomes (third type of granules) – contain hydrolase enzymes
Platelet Characteristics
• Reference range for healthy individual 150 – 450 x 109/L or
approximately 7 – 21 per high power field.
• 2/3 of available platelet are in thecirculation; 1/3 stored in the spleen
• Life span of 8-12 days; shorter in certain disease states
• Wright stain: platelets stain gray-blue with purple granules
• Originate from same progenitor cells as the erythroid and myeloid
Thrombocyte Function
• Platelet function is dependent on platelet secreted proteins, ATP,
ADP, calcium and platelet factors
• Platelet-secreted proteins
- Serotonin
- Thromboxane A2
- Actomyosin
• Platelet Factors
- PF 4
- PF 3
Thrombocyte Function
• Involves adhesion, release of granule contents, aggregation and clot
- Platelet undergo a shape change and adhere to vascular surfaces
- Response to collagen exposure in subendothelium caused by vascular
- Dependent on binding of von Willebrand factor at GPIb receptor site
- Can be activated by thrombin
Thrombocyte Function
- Fibrinogen attaches at the GP llb/llla receptor of adjoining platelets,
forming the initial platelet plug.
- Platelets releases non metabolic ADP (platelet agonist), serotonin,
and PF 4.
- During aggregation, PF 3 is released yo provide the phospholipid
surface needed for binding of clotting factors in secondary
Thrombocyte Function
- platelet secretes granules during adhesion and aggregation
- most secretion occurring late in the platelet activation process
Thrombocyte Function
- Follows clot formation
- Dependent on thrombasthenin and GP llb/llla
- Restores normal blood flow to the vessels
Laboratory Analysis
- Platelet numbers: automated instrumentation, hemocytometer
counts and blood smear estimates.

- Bleeding time
- Platelet aggrgation studies
- vWF:Ag (antigenic) and vWF:Rco (Acrivity) assays

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