Financial Management-2016: Questions of
Financial Management-2016: Questions of
Financial Management-2016: Questions of
3 hours
a l l o r v e d :
Maximum marks: 75
Attempt All questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
Use of simple calculator is allowed.
1. La "Wealth
(a) "Weal maximisation is a better criterion than profit maxi-
Do you agree? Explain. 6
S. L
has a machine having an additional life of 5 years which costs
and has a book value of T4,00,000. A new machine costing 20,00,000
ti0hle Though its capacity is the same as that of the old machine, it will
s a v a i l a b l e .
(ti) Interal Rate of Return
and why?
Which project should be accepted Page 7
Ans. (c) See Q. 11, Chapter [Page 103
4) See Q. 34, Unit II. for IRR and NPV
of capital budgeting
Q.2. (a) When is it possibleof investment proposals?
to result in different ranking structure: 9
BLimited company
has the following capital
Equity Share Capital 10,00,000
6% Preference Share Capital
8% Debentures share is 20. It is expected that the
The market
of the company's price
of 2 per share. It will grow at 7% forever.
will pay current dividend to compute the following:
at 50%. You are required
The tax may be presumed P-1
()A weighteri average cost of capital based on
existing capital structure. Credit Policy Increase in Collection Period
Increase in Sales
(17) The weightod average cost of capital it the conpany raises an additional
new A 5 days
0,00.0N) debt by issuing 10% delvnturrs. This would esult in B 60 000
increasing the 30 days
enprtai dividend to ?i and leave the C ,000
gnwth rate unchanged but the price of 0 days 1.80.000
share will tall to Ri5 per shar.
90 days
2.00 000
Ans. (a) Se Q. 12. Chapter
2 IV'age 23 The selling priceper unit is ?5. Average cost per unit is 4 and
(b) Sce Q. 22. Unit !l1: 1. variable cost
Page 128 per unit is 2.75 per unit. The required rate of return on additional
Or is 20 per cent. Assume 360 days in a year and also assume that there are no
() Explain the behaviour of cost of debt, cost of equity and overall cost bad debts. Which of the above policies would you recommend for adoption? 9
capital under the traditional approach to capital structure. Ans. (a) See Q. 0, Chapter 5.
TThe following details of RS Ltd. for the year ended 31.3.2014 are furnished: (b) See Q. 24, Unit V, I'age 202
P'repare income st.atement of the connpany. 9 Or
Operating leverage :1 Financial leverage 2:1 () Discuss brietly various factors that determine the cash needs of a firm. 6
lnterest charges pr annunn 20 lakhs; Cororate tas rate () SS Ltd. has appointed you as its finance manager. The company wants
Variable oost as penentage of sales o0% 50
to implement a project for which 30 lakh is required to be raised from the
Ans. (c) Sce Q. 26, Chapter 3.
P'age 40 market as a
means financing the project. The following financing plans and
() Sce Q. 9, Unit l : 2. IPage 135 options are at hand: (number in thousands)
Q.3. (a) Explain Gordon's Model of dividend decision. What
Is the value of the firm aftected
are its assumptions? Particular PlanA Plan B Plar C
by its dividend policy as per this model? Option 1: Equity shares
T h e XYZ Ltd., currently has outstanding ,00,000 shares selling at <i00 Option 2: Equity shares
each. The firm is considering to declare a dividend of R5 12% Preference shares
per share at the end of
the current fiscal year. The firm's
opportunity cost of capital is 10%. What will 10%Non-convertble debentures
be the price of the share at the end of the Assuming corporate tax to be 35 per cent and the face value of ali the shares
year if (i) a dividend is not declared, and debentures to be 100 each, calculate the indifference points and earmings
(ti) a dividend is declared?
per share (EPS) for each of the financing plans. Which plan should be accepted
dssuming that the firm pays the dividend, has net profits of 10,00,000,
and makes new investments of *20,00,000 by the company?
during the period. How nany new Ans. (c) See Q. 5, Chapter 5. age 5
shares must be issued? Also show that the total market value of the shares at
() Sce Q. 19, Unit lil: 2 age 145
the end of the accounting
year will remain the
not distributed. Use MM model to
same whether dividends are either
answer these 9 Q. 5. Differentiate between business risk and financing risk of a firm.
Ans. (a) Sce Q. 8, Chapter 4. Page 49 How they measured by leverage?
of a component from
() See Q. 27, Unit IN. Page 180 (b) A manufacturing company purchases 24,000 pieces
Or a sub-contractor at 500 per piece and uses them in assembly department, at
it up is *2500. The
is credit policy? Explain a
steady rate. The cost of placing an order and1"ofollowing
cWhat the role of credit poliey terms in a credit
estimated stock-holding cost is of the value ot
approvimately stockk average
ATDetermine the market value of equity shares of the company from the held. The company is placing orders which at present vary between an order
orders p.a.) to one order per annum. Which
foffowing information: placed every two months (i.e., six
Earmings of the company 5,00,000:; Dividend paid
policy would you recomnmend?
3.00.000 Ans. () See Q. S, Chapter 1. Page 4
Number oft shares outstanding 1.00.000: Price-Earning ratio (b) See Q. 33, Unit V.
P'age 210
Rate of Return on Investment 15% Or
value of money.
Are you satisfied with the current dividend policy of the firm? If not, what (c) Explain the concept of present
short notes on the following: 10
should be the optimum dividend payout ratio? Use Walter's Model. () Write
(ii) ABC Analysis of Inventory control.
Ans. (c) See Q. 17, Chapter 5. Page (i) Home-made leverage;
a g e 168
Ans. () Present value of money. Sr Q lo. Chapter 1 Page
) See Q. 10, Unit IV. S t O lo. Chapter 3. age 34
Q. 4. (a) Discuss the assumptions underlying basic ()) Home-made leverage.
EOQ Model. (i)ABC Analysis Inventory contol. See Q 24, Chapter 5.
|Page 62
(b) A trader whose current sales are 15 lakh per annum and average
2017 (NOV-DEC) Q. 3. There are two companies L Ltd.' and 'U Ld.' which are identical in
all respects excepts in terms of their capital structure. Following information is
Fundamentals of Financial Management
Name of the Paper CBCS
Name of the Course : B.Com. (Prog.) U Ltd.
Maximu1 nmarks: 75 LLtd.
Tme: 3 ours EBIT (7) 1,00.000 1,00.000
Attempt Al the Questions. 12% Debentures (7) Ni
Questions carry equal marks.
All Equity Capitalisation Rate 20% 16%
the objective of shareholders Calculate the values of two firms and illustrate using MM approach how an
Q. 1. What do you understand by
is it considered superior to objective of profit investor holding 10%o shares of L Ltd. will be benefited by swiing over his
wealth maximization? Why
15 investment from L Ltd. to U Ltd. 15
Ans. See Q. 15, Chapter 1 [Page 8 Sol. See Q. 39, Unit Il: 2. [Page 161
Or Or
(a)Explain the concept of systematic and unsystematic risk. 8 The capital structure of XYZ Ltd. is as under:
Tb) The cost of a new mobile phone is 10,000. If the interest rate is 5%, how 9% Debentures (?100) 2.75.U
much would you have to set aside now to provide this sum in five years? 7
Ans. (a) See Q. 7, Chapter 1. [Page 4
11% Preference shares (100) 2.25,00
Equity shares (face value 10 per share) 5,00.000
(b) See Q. 6(ii), Unit I. Page 66
Additional information:
Q.2. (a) What are the main techniques of capital budgeting?
() Debentures are redeemable at par after 10 years and have 20°
The Management of a company has two alternative proposals under floatation cost. The market price per debenture is 105.
consideration. Project A requires a capital outlay of 712,00,000 and Project B
requires R18,00,000. Both are estimated to generate cash flows for five years: (ii) Preference shares are redeemable at par after 10 years and have 30%
floatation cost. The market price per preference share is *06.
Project A 74,00,000 per year and Project B 75,80,000 per year. The cost of capital
e of 24.
is 10%. Determine which of the two projects should be selected on the basis of:
(iin) Equity share has 4 floatation cost and market price per -
The next year expected dividend is 2 per share with annual growth
(i) net present value method, and (ii) profitability index method. of 5%. The firm has a practice of paying all earnings in the form of
In case of conflict which criteria should be followed and why? 8
Page 14 dividends.
Ans. (a) See Q.5, Chapter 2.
(iv) Corporate income tax rate is 35%.
(b) See Q. 30, Unit lI. [Page 99
Calculate weighted average cost of capital using (a) book value weights
(b) market value weight.
ABCLtd. has a machine which has been in operation for 3 years. Its remaining
Sol. See Q. 19, Unit Il:1. [Page 125
useful life is 8 years with no salvage value. Its current market value is
The company is considering a proposal to purchase a new model of machine to
2,00,000. Q.4. (a) Explain Gordon's dividend model. What are its shortcomings? 7
replace the existing machine. The relevant information is given below: (6) The earning per share of a company is R20. The face value of the share
is 100. The rate return for the company
of is 25
0 and capitalization rate of
Existing Machine New Machine
class is 12.5%. If Walter's model is used:
Cost of machine 3,30,000 10,00,000 ( What should be the optimum payout ratio
Estimated life 11 years 8 years
Salvage value 40,000 ( What should be the market price per share at optimum payout ratio?
Annual output 30,000 units 75,000 units (ii) If company has a D/P ratio of 259%, what would be the price perPage
Selling price per unit 15 15 Ans. (a) See Q S, Chapter 4.
Annual operating hours 3,000 3,000 () See Q.3, Unit IV. Page 163
Material cost per unt 4 4 Or
Labour cost per hour 740 70
(a) What is a stable dividend policy? Why should it be foliowed?
Indirect cash cost peT annum 50,000 65,000
(b) A company has a total investment of t5,00,00
in assets and 50,000
The company follows the straight-line method of depreciation. The shares of t10 each. It earns a rate of 15e on its investment
outstanding ordinary
corporatetax rateis 30o. ABC Ltd. does not make any investment if it yields less and has a policy of retaining 50e of the earnings. If the appropriate discount
than 12. Advise ABC Ltd. whether the
existing machine should be replace firm is 10%, determine the price ot îts share using Gordon's modelLs
rate of the
not. Ignore capital gain tax. 15
IPage 8o
Ans. (2) Sr Q. 1.Chapter 4. Page4
Sol. See Q. 19, Unit II. () See Q. 17, U'nit N Page 173
information is given to you:
Q.5(a) The following Name of the Paper Fundamentals of Financial
Period covered
360 days Name of the Course: B.Com. (Prog.) CBCS Management
30 days
Average period allowed by suppliers
debtors 45 days
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Average credit period allowed to
Raw material consumed 76,00,000 Attempt All the Questions
AllQuestions carry equal marks.
material 750,000
Average stock of r a w Q1.(a) "The profit maximization is not an operationally feasible criterion."
Annual work in progress inventory 5,00,000
30,000 Do you agree? Give reasons.
Average work in progress inventory (b) Mr. Vijay is borrowing 10 lakhs from a bank for renovation of his house.
Annual finished goods inventory 78,00,000
40,000 Bank is giving him two options. Option one is to return this
Average finished goods stock held money in six equal
annual instalments at rate of 7% p.a. Option two is to return this money in equai
Total cost of sales 78,40,000
Compute half yearlyinstalments over a of six years at annual rate of
6.3% p.a. Which option should he select and why?
( Net operating cycle period
(i) The number of operating cycles in a year Ans. (a) See Q. 13, Chapter 1.
(ii The amount of working capital. 8 (6) See. 11, Unit I.
[Page 65
(b)What do you mean by 'economic order quantity'? What are its limitations? Or
(a) How is cash flow different from accounting proft? Which one is better
Sel. (a) SeeQ6, Unit V. [Page 188 for capital budgeting decisions? Why?
) See Q.25, Chapter 5. [Page 63 (b) Mr. Anil is due to receive 8,000 each year for eight consecutive years.
(a) The following are the details regarding the operation of a firm during
However thereceipts would start third year from now. Find the present vaiue of
the sum received, if the required rate of return is 12%.
a period of 12 months: Ans. (2) See Q. 4, Chapter 2. Page 13
Sales 712 Lakhs (b) See Q.7, Unit I. [Page 67
Selling price per unit 10 Q.2 (a) Explain the Discount Cash Flow Techniques to evaluate Capital
Variabie cost per unit 7 Budgeting Proposals.
Total Cost per unit 79 (b) Vikas Ltd. is considering the purchase of a new machine. Two alternative
Credit period allowed to customers one month machine X&YY have been suggested, each having initial cost of 10,00000 and
s considering a proposal for a more liberal extension of credit requiring 50,000 as additional working capital at he end of int yea. Net cash
flows are expected to be as follows:
increasing the average collection period from one month its
will result to
wo months. The relaxation is expected to increase the sales by from 25 Cash Inflows
existing level. Advise the firm regarding adoption of new credit policy assuming Year Machine X Mackine Y
fim's required rate of return on investment is 251. 10 3.00,000
b)Differentiate between permanent workingcapital and temporar 3.0000 000C
00 000
wgrking capital.
SoLaSeeQ 19, Unit Page 199 600.00 00
) See Q 10, Chapter 5 0000
Paze The company has target return on capital of 1 0 and on the basis you are
required to compare the profitability of machines and state which altermative
you consider to be financially preferable.
Ans. (2 See Q5.Chapter
Sharda Ltd is considering two mutualiy euiusive maxhines Both rquired
an initial outiay of 2,00,200 each and have a ife af ive vezrn Te company's
789,725-790,000 = 7(275)
Based on ay-back period, the possible rates for interpolation are 19%
20% for Machine B.
At 19, rV of Cash Flows = 18,000 x 3.410(PVAF19%,)- R60,000 EBIT Existing Plan () Proposed Plan R)
= R61,380 - R60,000 = 1,380
Less: Interest on Debentures 9.00.000 9.00.000
At 20%. PV of Cash Flows = R18,000 x 3.326(PVAF20°%,6)- ~60,000
EBT (3,20.000) 480.000)
Overall Capitalisation Rate (K) 5,80,000 4,20,000
= 759,868 - 760,000 = 7(132) (EBT) 10%
Positive NPV Value of the Firm, V= EBIT
IRR Lower Discount Rate + 90,00,000 90,00,000
NPV Negative NPV
19 + 1380-(-132) *1 =19 +
1,512 19.91% remains unattected but the
760 lakhs, value of the firm
(i) Decision. Machine A should be preferred. The firm should rely Q.4. "Market value weights arecapitalisation rate increases from 11.6% to 14o.
Also, explain the relevance of Stable dividend policy. Manufacturing expenses (including depreciation 5 per
per unit)
unit) 35
Ans. Given: Po =
12, D, 1 and k, 0.10
= =
Selling administration and financial expenses 15
I=Investment for purchase, storage, maintenance of materials with a risk of obsolescence
m= ...where E = Net Income
pilferage etc. The main objective of inventory control is to maintain a trade-off
P n Existing No. of Shares between stock-out and over-stocking. The management may employ various
When Dividend is declared:
methods of inventory control to have a balance.
2,00,00,000-2,00,00,000+R1(1,20,00,000) Disadvantages of holding excess inventory
12.2 Risk of inventory becoming obsolete. The value and quality of your product
9,83,607 (approx.) decreases the longer you keep it on stock. Entities have to make it a priority to
sell their inventory while they're new to the market. If you are selling perishable
When Dividend is not declared: nearer it to its
goods, you would have to sell them at a much lower price the if it gets
m = 2,00,00,000- = 0
expiration date. You would potentially lose money on
the item must be sold
below cost in order to clear it out, for example, milk or similar items.
of any
Issue equity shares is not
earnings are sufficient.
required because available retained Risk of item not selling. If entities are keeping excess inventory on hand, it's
what will not sell,
iii) possible that you have not judged accurately what will and of items on hand
Particulars Declared () Not Declared () and in doing so, you could end up with enormous quantity
that people do not wish to buy. Now again, you might have to sell your
Net Income 2,00,00,000 2,00,00,000
of your
Less: Dividend Paid (1,20,00,000x 71) goods at a steepdiscount, or sell below cost to move the inventory out
1.20,00,000 warehouse.
Retained Eamings 80,00,000
Excess inventory means extra space needed for storage
Investment needed
(2.00.00,000) (2.00,00,000) Higher storage extra costs, and since you have
Shorlage of Funds and maintenance. Extra space also means
(A) 1,20,00,000 end up losing to rivalry
Price of Share to include those extra costs in your price, you might
(B) 12.2 13.2 is too high. Even if you have your own
No. of Shares Issued with other sellers because your price
(A/B) 9.83,607 extra costs of maintenance, and you also
Existing Shares warehouse, you would still be having
1.20,00,000 1,20,00,000 for new items.
Total No. of shares risk not having enough space
(C) 1,20,00,00 stock is always at a risk of being
Price of Shares
1,29,83,607 Risk of natural disasters. Any type of
D) 12.2 13.2 floods, earthquake or other natural disasters.
Market Value of Shars destroyed or damaged by
(CMD) 15,84,00,000 (approx.) 15,84,00,000(pprol would incur smaller losses.
Having less of it, however,
2021 (NOV-DEC)
The more inventory you keep
and the longer v Name of the Paper Fundamentals of Financial Management
Higher insurance premiums. on it.
Name of the Course : B.Com: (Prog.) CBCSs
insurance you pay
keep it, the more
inventory Semester V
Disadvantages Shortages
of of
of shortages of inventory, entities might not b
Time: 3 iours Maximum Marks: 75
Delay in response. in case in the markot
customer wants
as per their requirement
able to deliver what their the entities. Customers might Attempt any four the Questions. Al Questions carry equal marks.
within due course or pre-decided
time frame by night
Use of simple calculator is allowed.
lose interest for such products. will not be able to
of shortage of inventory, you Maximization should be the objective of Financial Management,"
Risk of shortages. In case will be able to deliver a particular
that you
customers at any point, Do you agree? Give reasons.
guarantee your
customers. You might be losing your regular customers ro Mr. Xfinanced his house by taking a loan of 71,00,000 @10% p.a.and has paid
item, even to your regular
within stipulated time.
by not delivering products 15,00,000 as down payment. The loan is to be repaid in 10 equal instalments
Goodwill loss. In case of shortage of inventory, you
might be losing your regular starting at the end_of the first year. Calculate the amount of equal annuai
turn damages your goodwill
in the market. The
which in
and daily customers,
and also recommend similar products instalment and total interest paid uponrepayment of loan.
existing unsatisfied customers might buy
Pages 7-8
Ans. First Part: See Q.12, 13 and 14, Chapter 1.
by competitors or other manufacturers to manufacture, excess labour cost
Second Part:
Idle labour. If there are not sufficient goods Loan amount 756 lakhs
Opening Balance of First year
= =
Working Note:
PV= Annuity x PVAF(10%, 10years)
Annuity = PV/PVAFa03,10)
Annuity = R56,00,000/6.145
A n n u i t y = 79,11,310
Year 2 6
Net Cash Flow ()| 1,60,000 1,80,000 1,00,000 1,10,000 1,20,000 1,90,000
Assume that the standard payback period is 4 years. Should the project be
accepted as per each of the above measures? In case of conflict in decision which FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT-2021 (NOV-DEC) P-21
method should be preferred and why? In case of conflict, NPV method should be
Calculation of NPV maximisation of the shareholders. preferred as it leads to wealth
Year Cashflow() PVF (10%) Present value( C.F Q. 3. How do book value
measurement of cost of capital?
weights differ from market value weights in
(6.00,000) (6.00,000)
1,45,440 The following is the capital structure of
160.000 0.909 1,60,000 PQR Ltd.:
1,80,000 0.826 1,48,680 3,40.000 Particulars Amount ()
1,00,000 0.751 100 4,40,000 Equity Share Capital (Face Value ?10 per share) 20,00.000
10% Preference Share Capital (Face Value 100
A 1,10,000 0.683 130 5,50,000 per share) 4,00,000
1,20,000 0.621 74,520 6,70,000 12% Debentures (Face Value R100 per debenture) 16,00,000
6 1,90,000 0.564 1,07,160 8,60,000 Total 40,00,000
All these securities are traded in the
NPV 26,030 capital market. Recent prices are:
Debentures {108 per debenture, Preference share 125 per share,
shares R50 per share. The company expects to pay a dividend of 75
Balance investment
(a) Payback Period = Completed years+ per share
Cash inflows at the end of the year which is expected to grow at 8% p.a. The company pay»
income tax 35%. Calculate the company's cost of capital using book value
6,00,000-5,50,000 4+0.4167 4.4167 years weights and market value weights.
(b) Net Present Value - 26,030 (from table) Ans. See Q.6, Chapter 3. Page 29
11% +0.5175 11.52% (approx) Cost of debt, ka Interest (1-Tax)
Market Price of Debentures . Interest 100 12% ?12
= -
11% 8720-(-8130)
x(12%-11%) =11%+ 11% +0.5175 20,00,000 50
10 01
10% Preference Share Capital 4,00,000
11.52% (approx) (TA,00,0007125
Decision. In case of Payback period, as the standard
Reject the project.
payback period is 4 years, 100
16,00,000 722% 04 0 0289
In cae of NPV, as NPV is 12% debentures
positive, so, Accept the project.
In case of IRR, as IRR> 10%, so, should 16,00,O00» t108
the accept project. 100
DELHI UNIVERSITYSERIES What should be the dividend payout ratio so as to keep the share price at ?48
P-22ShivDas Market Value
based on byusing Walter Model? Also, determine the optimum dividend payout ratio
Calculation of WACC
Book Value Cost of Capital
Weights Weighted cost and'the market price of share at the optimum dividend payout ratio. What will
the maximum and minimum share price be under this model?
(W (K x W)
(K) (%)
Ans. Stable Dividend Policy. See Q. 1, Chapter 4 Page 44
18% 0.817795 0.1472031
0.04089 0.0032712
Equity Share Capital
10% Preference Share Capital
5,.00,000 8%
DK(E-D) ...where| DD
P =
Price per share
= Dividend per share
7.22% Po K e t u r n on investment = 22.5%
12% debentures
17,28,000 0.1606772 K = Capitalisation rate = 15%
Total 0u,UU0 6
0.1606772 100 16.06772%=
x =
Earning per ? share 1,50,000
Cost of Capital)
WACC (Weighted Average Net Operating Income
'Net Income and 45.
A4. Explain
and compare the
and firm valuation using
numerical example. Part I: Calculation ofDividend payout Ratio when market price of the share is
approaches to capital
calculate Operating Leverage,
Financial D+0,225 (6- D)
From the following 48
Combined Leverage: 0.15
Leverage and )
9,00,000 4 8 (0.15) = D +1.5 (6- D)
Sales 2,40,000
EBIT 1,25,000
EBT 35% 7.2 D+9-1.5D
Tax Rate
60%of sales 0.5D =1.8
ariable Cost [Page 38 D (Dividend per share) 3.60
Ans. NI and NOI Approach. See Q. 23, Chapter 3. .
Problem Now, E x
D/P Ratio =
ParticularS 9,00,000 6 x D/P Ratio 3.6
(5,40,000) 60%
Less: Variabie cost (60%)
3,60,000 DP Ratio =
Dividend Payout Ratio should be zero.
Less: Fixed cost (Balancing figure)
(1,20,000) PartI1:Since K, Optimum
EBIT (Given) =0+
Less: Interest (Balancing figure) (1,15,000) D Market price of share, Po
EBT (Given)
Less: Tax @ 35%
43,750 Pa 15x =760
81,250 at Optimum Payout Ratio is
EAT (Earning After Tax) Hence, Market price of share kept
of 760 will occur when all earnings
Part 1 : Minimum share price
Now, Operating levera ge
EBIT 3,60,000=1.5
2,40,0001.5 and no dividend has been
22.5% Maximum
Return on Equity
Cost of Equity
Q.6. What do you mean by operating cyele?
zeoe/ ovso vsi -ôis euu9j gofsi6xSLL9ZX02"(s6d ovz) na gwes doa seepANs.