CSTP 1 Sem 4 Olles

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by to learn about individual formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. sources to learn about adjustments to instruction make ongoing adjustments
assessments. students and guide and meet individual and accommodations in
selection of instructional identi ied learning needs. instruction.
strategies to meet diverse
Using knowledge of
learning needs.
students to engage
Students actively utilize a Students take ownership of
them in learning
Some students may Students engage in Student engage in learning variety of instructional their learning by choosing
engage in learning using single lessons or through the use of strategies and from a wide range of
instructional strategies sequence of lessons that adjustments in instruction technologies in learning methods to further their
focused on the class as a include some to meet their needs. that ensure equitable learning that are
whole. adjustments based on access to the curriculum. responsive to their
assessments. learning needs.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I use the data provided by I do a getting to know you I use data from my own Updated: OCT 2023
the school (mostly sheet at the beginning of assignments/formative Students now regularly use
through Aeries) to see each school-year to see and summative/ from my technologies for test-
who will be in my classes. what the students ‚getting-to-know-sheet‘/ preparation. technology is
Besides I check what situation is in terms of from Aeries as well as available to all students
other classes these what activities/sports from other teachers to and students can study at
students are taking and they do, what hobbies adjust my instructions if their current level of
what their current grades they have, what their necessary. knowledge. Students
are. hopes/fears for the school themselves are responsible
year is. Besides I ask them for uploading the material
what made them chose 03/04/2024 onto the platform (I check
German as a subject. I have integrated a wider for errors before the
SEP/15/22 variety of technologies upload). Students can now
into my teaching to add visuals to either the
support student online vocab list OR to
understading -mostly for their written vocab list
cultural topics where I am (which is still mandatory to
now using edpuzzle have). Furthermore,
regularly. students can access my
Artefact: Edpuzzle audio recordings to
Assignment on Carneval improve listening-skills.
celebration in Germany. EVIDENCE: handwritten
With this I can adapt and and online vocabulary lists
personally design a with visuals. Students ind
learning experience. their own effective learning
Connection to: ISTE 2.5a strategies and construct
knowledge through a
variety of resources.
ISTE 1.3
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, about students’ prior family contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural understanding of and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests backgrounds, life students’ prior inform instruction. regarding students’
represented among experiences, and interest knowledge, cultural cultural backgrounds,
Connecting learning students. to support student backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
to students’ prior learning. experiences, and interests experiences, and interests.
knowledge, to connect to student
backgrounds, life learning.
experiences, and Students participate in Students can articulate the
interests Some students connect single lessons or Students make Students are actively relevance and impact of
learning activities to their sequences of lessons connections between engaged in curriculum, lessons on their lives and
own lives. related to their interests curriculum, and their which relates their prior society.
and experiences. prior knowledge, knowledge, experiences,
backgrounds, life and interests within and
experiences, and interests. across learning activities.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I communicate students’ I try to be lexible if OCT 2023
backgrounds /prior students show interest in Students, especially of
knowledge and interests a certain topic (mostly a German 3 and AP, can
with other teachers. cultural topic/music etc.). make connections
Besides, i meet with Flexible means that I will between political and
parents and discuss their prepare something societal challenges and
child's’ interests. -Many speci ic about that topic. events by comparing
parents tell me their different views through
childs prior knowledge/ selected media-formats
interest in the language such as ‚Tagesschau‘ (a
(German/Germany/ German independent daily
German speaking news format with national
countries) without me and international news).
having to ask them. Evidence: 2 Evidences
(Global Issues question +
Updated: 03/21/24 Speci ic questions on
Now that I hve been Nov9th, a historic date for
teaching for a couple years Germany for three major
I have a better reasons).
understanding of my ISTE 1.3d (KNOWLEDGE
students prior knowledge. CONSTRUCTOR)
The fact that I have
roughly the same students
in my classes over at least
three years means I know
what to expect and build
on. This way I can
genuinely remind
students of past content
and they can connect it
Artefact: Group Work
where students become
teachers and teach past
content to the class.
ISTE 1.3 -Students
construct knowledge and
change their role from
tech consumers to using it
as a tool for intellectual
pursuits. Connection to
ISTE 1.3
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identi ied to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support speci ic to students’ and is responsive during contexts throughout
understanding. family and community. instruction to engage subject matter
students in relating to instruction.
Connecting subject
subject matter.
matter to meaningful,
real-life contexts
Some students relate Students make use of real- Students utilize real-life Students actively engage Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. life connections provided connections regularly to in making and using real- integrate subject matter
in single lessons or develop understandings life connections to subject into their own thinking
sequence of lessons to of subject matter. matter to extend their and make relevant
support understanding of understanding. applications of subject
subject matter. matter during learning

This is inevitable in a OCT 2023 03/12/2024

language. -I try to Students directly compare Students make
introduce and practice their everyday school life/ connections to real life as
language always in leisure activities to we apply language in
context. This means that I students abroad. Students various real-life situations
create or present a explore and analyze such as ordering food at a
meaningful real-life similarities and restaurant or engaging in
situation in which the differences. I facilitate a group chat on their
language/words/speci ic instruction through phones. Students can for
grammar is used. supportive visualization example use their phones
and structural language and document that they
support/material. engaged in such a real-life
Evidence: Students conversation in the target
compare their school-day language.
with a school-day typical Artefact: Model shown to
for a German school. students of possible real-
life chat
Connection to ISTE 1.2b
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Re ines the lexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
Using a variety of
lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse learning needs.
strategies, resources,
learning needs.
and technologies to
meet students’
Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in Students actively engage Students take
diverse learning
in instructional strategies, single lessons or sequence instruction using in instruction and make responsibilities for using a
using resources and of lessons related to their strategies, resources, and use of a variety of wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. interests and experiences. technologies matched to targeted strategies, resources, and
their learning needs. resources, and technologies that
technologies to meet their successfully advance their
individual students needs. learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Except for AP I use a OCT 2023: 02/9/2024
textbook and a Workbook. I have added more This applies mostly to
Those already contain a strategies, resources and higher classes such as
variety of instructional technology to my German3 and AP:
strategies. (eg. listening, instruction to make my Students read authentic
videos, group work etc.) teacher accessible to a articles or literature in the
Additionally I use broader range of different target language ->
chromebooks for research learner types. Students, depending on
projects, recordings and Evidence: Edpuzzle for level of dif iculty get to
students recording their exploring German chose wether they use a
voice. Furthermore I have environments and for single word dictionary
students create Quizlets understanding chunks of (general rule) OR a
Evidence etc.) language through visual translator such as
and auditory input seeing GoogleTranslator. I make
the environment of the sure students know the
target language. (link on bene its and
pdf evidence) disadvantages of such
ISTE: 2.7b technologies.
Artefact: Example of
students learning new
vocab by looking them up
when necessary but then
they have to categorize
them. In this example:
Technology vs. Economy

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and re lection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
Promoting critical critically. content. re lecting on multiple problems.
thinking though perspectives.
inquiry, problem
solving, and Some students respond to Students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and answer
re lection questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks questions and problems and construct questions a wide-range of complex
and comprehension. designed to promote posed by the teacher and of their own to support questions and problems,
comprehension and begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. re lect, and communicate
critical thinking in single problems of their own understandings based on
lessons or a sequence of related to the content. in depth analysis of
lessons. content learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
This mostly comes up in I am now using literature
cultural comparison in class to teach culture,
questions when we talk history in context.
about cultural /everyday Students keep their own
practices that seem totally journals and re lect on
normal to students until chapters. Students use
we learn about how these various supportive
are practiced in other material to explore topics
countries. This way the in more depth.
students compare and
question their own
cultural practices. A
famous topic for this is
recycling in Germany
Evidence versus the US. Students
can re lect on their
behavior right after they
learned about it.

This year I have had
students create their own
questions arising from
cultural comparisons.
Students then usually use
pro/con discussions to
answer their questions.

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide
student understanding. observation of student individual student needs assistance to students in
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or mastering the concepts
Monitoring student checks for understanding. challenge. lexibly and effectively.
learning and
adjusting instruction Students monitor their
while teaching. Some students receive Students receive Students successfully Students are able to progress in learning and
individual assistance assistance individually or participate and stay articulate their level of provide information to
during instruction. in small groups during engaged in learning understanding and use teacher that informs
instruction. activities. teacher guidance to meet adjustments in
their needs during instruction.

I adjust my lessons often 03/21/2024

as it is impossible to This semester I had to
predict how quickly adjust instruction content
students are going to and strategy-wise as this
grasp new content. years freshmen class has
Practice is extremely different learning needs
important when learning than the ones before.
a language and this is There have been basic
what I often have to add skills I had to revisit with
to my already planned them such as how to
lesson. Moving on without organize my homework/
the necessary practice is work-load and to clarify
Evidence creating a confusion and very basic language
eventually frustration for concepts.
many students.

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