MSC Dissertation Proposal - Key Expected - 201920
MSC Dissertation Proposal - Key Expected - 201920
MSC Dissertation Proposal - Key Expected - 201920
Students are expected to submit a research proposal which should be upto 3000 words and include
the following
Title: State the working title of your proposed dissertation in no more than 7 words. The title
needs to capture the essence of the whole work. It is not the same as your aim, research question
or hypothesis.
Problem Specification: The purpose of this section is to provide an account of the problem(s)
which has given rise to the research. It should give a clear account of the problem giving rise to
the research. You will include appropriate background information and an explanation of why the
selected topic is of interest to you. It should set out the problem and the reasons for the proposed
study. The aim and objectives of the study should be clearly stated
Initial Literature Review: Provide a brief critical review and discussion of the relevant literature.
This should demonstrate that you have a clear idea of the arguments and the range of opinion
found in your research field. You should, in conclusion to this section, also indicate where your
study will stand in relation to this field and then specify your research question or hypothesis. It is
important to note that you are not being asked to provide a list of relevant books, rather you
should identify the most important half dozen or so texts (books, journal articles, and other
research), and briefly describe what they have to say, how they are related to one another, and
why they are useful (see Analysing/Reviewing an Article). You can then indicate where other, less
important material is to be found. The research questions/hypothesis should have been seen to
have emerged from this brief review of literature. It is expected that you will use high quality
references sources, to support arguments. Generally, the literature review here should include a
dozen or so references, with a good proportion from refereed academic journals.
Outline Methodology: Briefly discuss and justify the proposed methodology for your study. Issues
such as the theoretical framework, research philosophy, research approach, methods of data
collection, sampling techniques, method of data analysis, and reliability & validity issues should
be considered. A brief discussion of ethics consideration should also be included. In addition, you
are expected to clearly indicate the proposed structure of your dissertation.
1. Ethics Release form: In addition to the above it is expected that you will submit your
ethics forms with relevant information (i.e. invitation letters, consent forms,
questionnaires etc).
2. Programme: Indicate also the timeline of the project showing all the key milestones.
School of the Built Environment & Engineering
The Dissertation Proposal Assessment Criteria [PASS/FAIL]
Student Name/ID