Dude Rabbit Patter
Dude Rabbit Patter
Dude Rabbit Patter
By Svetlana Pertseva
Finished size
Approx. 65 cm (25.6 inches) tall
without ears/95 cm (37.4 inches) Tip: You can use any fluffy yarn (chenille, velour, wool, etc). The
tall with ears included using the thicker the yarn, the bigger your toy will be. Make sure the yarn you
materials stated in the pattern. use is soft. If you use the yarn that is too stiff, you will not be able to
shape the muzzle nicely.
Note: If you use finer yarn, for example, “Nubuk” by Kartopu (22%
Happy acrylic, 78% polyamide, 550m/100g), your toy will turn out 45 cm
crocheting! (17.7 inches). In this case you will need approximately 1 skein of pink
color yarn, a quarter of skein of white color yarn and small amount of
red or bright pink color yarn.
Tip (make it right) Tip (make it right) If there is a record in the brackets
If there are no special notes, the toy When making toys the right side in the pattern, multiplied by some
is crocheted under both parts of the looks like this: number, for example (3 sc, 1 inc) x
loop. In some rows, there are 3, it means you need to repeat this
special notes: ‘into the front loop action 3 times, that is 3 sc, 1 inc, 3
only’ or ‘into the back loop only’. In sc, 1 inc, 3 sc, 1 inc.
that case, you need to follow these
instructions. Tip (gauge)
TIP (yarn)
If you use different yarn, the toy will be bigger or smaller and you will need more or less yarn and wire than stated in
the pattern (i.e. thicker yarn will produce a larger toy and you may require more yarn).
Crochet a swatch using your yarn and matching crochet
hook to make sure that you have chosen the right yarn
with bright pink color yarn
and hook for the toy 65 cm (25.6 inches) tall without
It is not necessary to keep the marker straight. Work in
ears/95 cm (37.4 inches) tall with ears included.
rows (turn your work after each row).
Instruction for the swatch:
Ch 11 and work from 4th st from the hook:
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a magic ring
Row 1: 3 tr, 3 dc, 1 sc, 1 double inc in last st, turn to
Rnd 2: 6 inc = 12 sts
work down the other side of the foundation chain: 1 sc,
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 6 = 18 sts
3 dc, 3 tr = 17 sts
Rnd 4: (2 sc, 1 inc) x 6 = 24 sts
Rnd 5: (3 sc, 1 inc) x 6 = 30 sts
Rnd 6: (4 sc, 1 inc) x 6 = 36 sts
Compare your swatch with the one in the next picture.
They should me of the same size (the diameter of my
swatch is 4.5 cm/1.8 inches). If not, take bigger or
smaller hook than you used before (depending on the
result) and work another swatch. If it does not help –
choose different yarn and make other swatch.
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Row 3: ch 1, 17 sc = 17 sts
Do not turn.
Row 2: ch 1, 17 sc = 17 sts
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with bright pink color yarn to keep the round marker straight with the shift
Remember to keep the round marker straight with the stitches while working the piece.
each color). For example, markers 1 – red, markers 2 Rnd 19: (6 sc, 1 inc) х 3, 36 sc, (1 inc, 6 sc) х 3= 84 sts
– blue, etc. All additional markers are marked with Rnd 20: (1 inc, 9 sc) х 2, 1 inc, 42 sc, 1 inc, (9 sc, 1 inc)
underlined text. х 2= 90 sts
Rnd 21: 1 sc, 1 inc, 18 sc, 1 inc, 48 sc, 1 inc, 18 sc, 1 inc,
The amount
1 sc = 94 sts
Point for of sts to the
Rnd 22: 1 sc, 1 inc, 19 sc, 1 inc, marker 21, 50 sc,
needle Round # left or to the
marker 2, 1 inc, 19 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 98 sts
sculpting right of the
Rnd 23: marker 5, 1 sc, 1 inc, 94 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 100 sts
Rnd 24: 1 sc, 1 inc, 48 sc, marker neck #2, 48 sc, 1 inc,
1, 11 38 29
1 sc = 102 sts
2, 21 22 24 Rnd 25: 1 sc, 1 inc, 98 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 104 sts
3, 31 18 9 Rnd 26: 1 sc, 1 inc, 100 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 106 sts
4, 41 42 20 Rnd 27: 1 sc, 1 inc, 102 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 108 sts
5 23 0 Rnd 28: 1 sc, 1 inc, 104 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 110 sts
the middle of Rnd 29: 1 sc, 1 inc, 106 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 112 sts
6 53
the round Rnd 30: 1 sc, 1 inc, 54 sc, marker neck#1, 54 sc, 1 inc, 1
the middle of sc = 114 sts
neck#1 30
the round Rnd 31: 1 sc, 1 inc, 110 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc = 116 sts
the middle of Rnds 32-37: 1 sc in each st around = 116 sts
neck #2 24
the round Rnd 38: 25 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, marker 11, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec,
Tip: If you think your yarn won’t allow you to tighten 36 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, marker 1, 3 sc, 1 dec, 25 sc = 110
the magic ring for Rnd 1, feel free to chain 2 sts and sts
work 6 sc in the 2nd st from the hook. Rnd 39: 24 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec,
28 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 24 sc =
Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring = 6 sts 102 sts
Rnd 2: 6 inc = 12 sts Rnd 40: 23 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec,
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 18 sts 24 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 23 sc =
Rnd 4: (2 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 24 sts 94 sts
Rnd 5: (3 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 30 sts Rnd 41: 22 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec,
Rnd 6: (4 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 36 sts 20 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 22 sc =
Rnds 7-12: 1 sc in each st around = 36 sts 86 sts
Rnd 13: (11 sc, 1 inc) х 3= 39 sts Rnd 42: 20 sc, marker 41, (1 dec, 2 sc) х 3, 1 dec, 18 sc,
Rnd 14: 1 sc in each st around = 39 sts 1 dec, (2 sc, 1 dec) х 3, marker 4, 20 sc = 78 sts
Rnd 15: (12 sc, 1 inc) х 3= 42 sts Rnd 43: 1 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 12 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec,
Rnd 16: (2 sc, 1 inc) х 14= 56 sts 28 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 12 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc = 70
Rnd 17: (3 sc, 1 inc) х 14= 70 sts sts
Rnd 18: 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 inc, marker 31, (5 sc, 1 inc) х 2, 32 Rnd 44: 1 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 2 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec, 32 sc, 1 dec,
sc, (1 inc, 5 sc) х 2, marker 3, 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 inc = 78 sts 7 sc, 2 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc = 62 sts
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Rnd 45: 1 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 2 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 28 sc, 1 dec,
6 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc = 54 sts
Rnd 46: 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec, 20 sc, 1 dec,
7 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc = 46 sts
Rnd 47: 2 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc, (1 inc, 2 sc) х 3, 1 inc, 5
sc, 1 dec, 7 sc, 2 dec = 44 sts
Rnd 48: 2 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, (1 inc, 2 sc) х 3, 1 inc, 6
sc, 1 dec, 5 sc, 2 dec = 42 sts
Stuff the head firmly but do not overstuff. Keep in
mind that you will have to needle sculpt it later. Look
Rnd 49: 2 dec, 4 sc, 2 dec, 17 sc through the sts of the
at the sculpting section before stuffing the head so that
head and the sts of the mouth (the sts of the mouth’s
you can see the amount of sculpting required and don’t
Row 3), 2 dec, 4 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc = 34 sts
Rnd 50: 2 dec, 4 sc, 17 sc along the sts that you Rnd 52: (1 dec, 1 sc) х 6= 12 sts
worked to join the head and the mouth, 4 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc Rnd 53: 3 dec, marker 6, 3 dec = 6 sts
= 30 sts
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Finger (make 8 – 4 for each hand)
with pink color yarn
It is not necessary to keep the marker straight.
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Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 18 sts Rnd 1: 7 sc along the toe #1, 6 sc along the toe #2, 15
Rnd 4: (2 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 24 sts sc along the toe #3, 9 sc along the toe #2, 8 sc along the
Rnd 5: (3 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 30 sts toe #1 = 45 sts
Rnds 6-10: 1 sc in each st around = 30 sts
Rnd 11: (3 sc, 1 dec) х 6= 24 sts
Rnd 12: (2 sc, 1 dec) х 6= 18 sts
Rnd 13: (4 sc, 1 dec) х 3= 15 sts
Fasten off. Stuff.
Little toe #1 (make 2 – 1 for each foot)
with pink color yarn
Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring = 6 sts
Rnd 2: 6 inc = 12 sts
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 18 sts
Rnd 4: (2 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 24 sts
Rnds 5-8: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Rnd 9: (2 sc, 1 dec) х 6= 18 sts
Rnd 10: (4 sc, 1 dec) х 3= 15 sts
Stuff. Do not fasten off. Instead continue crocheting to
join the toes to form the foot.
Note: Make sure you start assembling the foot Rnds 3-5: 1 sc in each st around = 52 sts
starting from a little toe! Rnd 6: 1 dec, 22 sc, 1 dec, (4 sc, 1 dec) х 4, 2 sc = 46 sts
Rnd 7: 1 sc in each st around = 46 sts
Rnd 8: 1 dec, 14 sc, 1 dec, (4 sc, 1 dec) х 3, 10 sc = 41
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Rnd 1: 8 sc along the toe #1, 9 sc along the toe #2, 15 Rnd 29: (1 dec, 1 sc) х 6= 12 sts
sc along the toe #3, 6 sc along the toe #2, 7 sc along the Rnd 30: 6 dec = 6 sts
toe #1 = 45 sts Fasten off, leaving a tail. Close up the opening and
weave in loose ends.
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Stuff the legs firmly but do not overstuff. The legs
should bounce back when you bend them. It is not
necessary to keep the marker straight for this part. It is
only necessary to keep the marker straight from this
point if you want the color changes to be in a straight
line, and not spiralling around the leg. However, I
recommend that you do not keep the marker straight
because random color change adds much to the
Rabbit’s image.
Left leg
with white color yarn
Put the foot as follows. The heel faces you. The toes
face away from you. Count 2 rounds from the last
round from the heel forward. Secure the yarn.
Work 28 sc directly onto the foot to form a circle.
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Put the foot as follows. The heel faces you. The toes
face away from you. Count 2 rounds from the last
round from the heel forward. Secure the yarn.
Work 28 sc directly onto the foot to form a circle.
Marker will run up the center of the back. Stuff firmly
but do not overstuff as you go. Remember to keep the
round marker straight with the shift stitches while
working the piece.
Work as many shift sts as you need to reach the center Change to pink color yarn.
of the back of the body and move the round marker. I Rnd 24: 10 sc, 1 dec, 20 sc, 1 dec, 10 sc = 42 sts
worked 10 sc. Rnd 25: 10 sc, 1 dec, 18 sc, 1 dec, 10 sc = 40 sts
Rnd 26: 1 sc in each st around = 40 sts
Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 27: 9 sc, 1 dec, 18 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc = 38 sts
Rnd 28: 1 sc in each st around = 38 sts
Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 29: 9 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc = 36 sts
Change to white color yarn.
Rnds 2-6: 1 sc in each st around = 80 sts Rnds 30-31: 1 sc in each st around = 36 sts
Change to white color yarn. Rnd 32: 8 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 8 sc = 34 sts
Change to white color yarn. Rnd 35: 8 sc, 1 dec, 14 sc, 1 dec, 8 sc = 32 sts
Rnd 12: 10 sc, (1 dec, 7 sc) х 2, 1 dec, 20 sc, (1 dec, 7 Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 13: 10 sc, (1 dec, 6 sc) х 2, 1 dec, 18 sc, (1 dec, 6 Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 14: 9 sc, (1 dec, 5 sc) х 2, 1 dec, 18 sc, (1 dec, 5 sc) Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 15: 15 sc, 1 dec, 28 sc, 1 dec, 15 sc = 60 sts Rnd 44: 1 sc in each st around = 32 sts
Rnd 16: 14 sc, 1 dec, 28 sc, 1 dec, 14 sc = 58 sts Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 17: 14 sc, 1 dec, 26 sc, 1 dec, 14 sc = 56 sts Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 18: 13 sc, 1 dec, 26 sc, 1 dec, 13 sc = 54 sts Change to pink color yarn.
Change to pink color yarn. Rnd 51: 7 sc, 1 dec, 14 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc = 30 sts
Rnd 19: 13 sc, 1 dec, 24 sc, 1 dec, 13 sc = 52 sts Rnds 52-53: 1 sc in each st around = 30 sts
Rnd 20: 12 sc, 1 dec, 24 sc, 1 dec, 12 sc = 50 sts Rnds 54-55: 1 sc in each st around = 30 sts
Rnd 21: 12 sc, 1 dec, 22 sc, 1 dec, 12 sc = 48 sts Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 22: 11 sc, 1 dec, 22 sc, 1 dec, 11 sc = 46 sts Rnd 56: 1 sc in each st around = 30 sts
Join arms with their inner sides facing the body with
the thumb facing forward.
Rnd 57: 4 sc, 5 sc through the sts of the body and the
1st arm, 12 sc, 5 sc through the sts of the body and the
2nd arm, 4 sc = 30 sts
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Rnds 38-40: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnds 79-80: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to white color yarn. Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 41: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnd 81: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to pink color yarn. Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
Rnd 42: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 43: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to pink color yarn.
Rnds 44-49: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to white color yarn.
Rnds 50-51: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to pink color yarn.
Rnds 52-53: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 54: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 55: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Tail
Change to white color yarn. with white color yarn
Rnd 56: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts It is not necessary to keep the marker straight for this
Change to pink color yarn. piece. It is only necessary to keep the marker straight if
Rnd 57: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts you want the color changes to be in a straight line, and
Change to white color yarn. not spiraling around the tail.
Rnd 58: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
Tip: If you think your yarn won’t allow you to tighten
Change to pink color yarn.
the magic ring for Rnd 1, feel free to chain 2 sts and
Rnds 59-63: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts
work 6 sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Change to white color yarn.
Rnds 64-65: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring = 6 sts
Change to pink color yarn. Rnd 2: 6 inc = 12 sts
Rnds 66-68: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 18 sts
Change to white color yarn. Rnd 4: (2 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 24 sts
Rnds 69-70: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnd 5: (3 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 30 sts
Change to pink color yarn. Change to pink color yarn.
Rnd 71: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnd 6: (4 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 36 sts
Change to white color yarn. Change to white color yarn.
Rnd 72: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnd 7: (5 sc, 1 inc) х 6= 42 sts
Change to pink color yarn. Change to pink color yarn.
Rnds 73-78: 1 sc in each st around = 24 sts Rnds 8-9: 1 sc in each st around = 42 sts
Change to white color yarn. Change to white color yarn.
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Step 4:
Step 2:
Insert needle at point 41, exit at point 31, re-insert 1
Insert needle at point 3, exit at point 4, re-insert 1
stitch away, exit at point 41, re-insert 1 stitch away and
stitch away and exit at point 3, re-insert at 1 stitch away
exit at point 31.
and exit at point 4. Tighten and secure. Do not fasten
Step 5:
Insert needle at point 21, taking thread over the top of
Step 3:
the cheek, exit at point 11, re-insert at point 11 1 stitch
With thread going under the muzzle, take needle to
away, exit at point 21, re-insert at point 21 1 stitch away
point 41 and insert. Exit again 1 stitch away, tighten and
and exit at point 11. Tighten firmly, as for step 1, secure,
secure. Do not fasten off.
fasten off.
Step 6:
Sculpt the muzzle to divide it into two.
Thread long needle with strong thread as before.
Secure thread at 5. Bring needle and thread down over
the outside of the muzzle and insert at 6, then exit
again at 5. Tighten firmly, then repeat. Tighten and
secure. Fasten off.
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Sew the teeth onto the head. I did it 8 rounds up from
the needle sculpting 4-41.
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Sew the tail onto the back part of the body. I did it
between Rnds 8 and 14.
Sew the eyes onto the head. The color change of the
eyes should level with the top edge of the cheeks.
Sew the nose onto the head slightly pressing the eyes.
The nose should be as close to the eyes as possible and
form a single eye-nose piece.
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Find the right position for the head using sewing pins
and neck markers (I did it between Rnds 24 and 30).
Sew the head onto the body adding stuffing before
making the final stitches. The neck should be stuffed
very firmly.
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Try the ears onto the head to find the right position and
secure with sewing pins. Sew the ears onto the head
around the perimeter.
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Contacts: I’d love to see the results of your hard work! Please share photos of your finished
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Copyright notes: ©2016 LittleOwlsHut. Finished products created with this pattern
may be used for commercial sale, provided you comply with the following:
• The items must be 100% handmade by you - the purchaser of the pattern (no production-line
allowed). Every person who uses my patterns to make items for sale must have their own copy
of the pattern.
• Any items for sale must state in the item description that they are based on ‘LittleOwlsHut’
pattern, include the name of the designer and also include a link to my website
• Any items you sell based on my patterns must feature only your own photographs of the item
you have made to sell. You do not have permission to use my photographs to help sell your
Warning: Because your finished project may have small parts, please be extremely cautious if
you decide to give it to a child. Also, if you decide to sell your finished project, remember to include
warning for people purchasing it.
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